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1、Period Four Project课前预习 梳理记忆理解课堂讲义 感悟归纳应用当堂达标 综合巩固反馈栏目索引.单词自测单词自测1. n.大众传播媒介,大众传播工具大众传播媒介,大众传播工具2. n.海报海报 vt.张贴张贴 n.(在网上发布的在网上发布的)帖子帖子3. n.目标;靶子目标;靶子 vt.瞄准;以瞄准;以为目标为目标答案n 词语识记 课前预习 media posterpost target答案4. vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决确定,查明;决定;裁决5. n.分析,分析结果分析,分析结果 vt. 分析分析6. vi. 有吸引力;呼吁,恳请有吸引力;呼吁,恳请 n. 吸引力;呼吁;

2、恳求吸引力;呼吁;恳求7. vi.做出反应,回应做出反应,回应8. adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自 adj.个人的,私人的个人的,私人的9. n.反对吸烟反对吸烟 determine analysisanalyse appeal react personallypersonal antismoking答案10. adj.有毒的有毒的 n.毒药毒药11. vt. 敦促,力劝;竭力主张敦促,力劝;竭力主张 n.强烈的欲望,冲动强烈的欲望,冲动12. n.烟草,烟叶烟草,烟叶13. vt. 使震惊,使惊愕使震惊,使惊愕 n. 震惊,惊愕震惊,惊愕 adj. 感到

3、震惊的感到震惊的 adj.令人震惊的令人震惊的 poisonouspoison urge tobacco shockshockedshocking答案.短语自测短语自测1.figure 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出弄清楚,弄懂;计算出2.appeal 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁3.be concerned 涉及涉及4.get something 把把表达清楚表达清楚5.die 死于死于(外部或间接原因外部或间接原因)fromouttowithacross答案.根据课文内容判断正根据课文内容判断正(T)误误(F)1.Antismoking ad campaign is mainly des

4、igned for highschool students.()2.Our main aim is to discourage all the people in the world from smoking.()3.If we can convince young people not to start to smoke,their parents must give up smoking.()4.We use this slogan and picture to make them fully aware of the damage that smoking does to their h

5、ealth.()n 课文预读TFFT答案.根据课文内容选择正确答案根据课文内容选择正确答案1.What should be done first to determine the target audience?A.Do a little research and analysis.B.Create the message for the right people.C.Know what the audience already think.D.Get to know the audience.答案答案A1234答案2.How can a researcher know the way the

6、 audience will react?A.Planning some questions.B.Talking with the audience.C.Gathering information from the research.D.Guessing how the audience will react.答案答案C1234答案3.The advertising way depends on .A.how well you do your researchB.who your target audience areC.which kinds of ads are the bestD.bot

7、h B and C1234D答案4.The correct order to build an ad can be .a.decide the target audienceb.know what the audience have in mindc.gather information from the researchd.do a little researche.decide what approach to useA.a;b;c;e;d B.d;c;b;a;eC.e;b;c;a;d D.d;c;a;e;b1234B答案.阅读课文完成下表,每空一词阅读课文完成下表,每空一词Determi

8、ne your audienceIn order to determine your audience,do a little research and 1. in advance and 2. what the audience already thinks so you can create the right 3. for the right people.What an ad campaign saysAfter deciding your 4. ,decide what you want them to know or think about.Its important to alw

9、ays try to 5._ to the audience in order to get them to 6. in a certain way.You can gather this information from your research.analysisexploremessageaudienceappealreact返回答案Reach your audienceYou have lots of different ways to get your message 7._ when putting together an ad campaign.What 8. to use sh

10、ould depend mainly on your 9. audience and which kinds of ads 10. that group best.acrossapproachtargetreach 语境感悟语境感悟 课堂讲义n 重点单词1(1)(教教材材P18)In order to determine your audience,you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance.为了确定你的受众,你需要预先做一些研究和分析。为了确定你的受众,你需要预先做一些研究和分析。(2)James determi

11、ned to give up smoking.詹姆斯决定戒烟。詹姆斯决定戒烟。(3)I am determined to do morning exercises to keep healthy.为了保持健康,我决定每天做早操。为了保持健康,我决定每天做早操。determine 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)determine vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决确定,查明;决定;裁决determine to do sth.决心做某事决心做某事determine sb.to do sth.使某人决心做某事使某人决心做某事determine on (doing) sth.决定做某事决定做某事(2)determ

12、ined adj.坚定的,坚决的,下定决心的坚定的,坚决的,下定决心的be determined to do sth.下决心做某事下决心做某事(4)She determined on becoming an excellent dancer.她决心成为一名出色的舞者。她决心成为一名出色的舞者。(1)I better than Jack.我决心比杰克做得更好。我决心比杰克做得更好。(2)I to the west to work after graduation.我已决定毕业后到西部工作。我已决定毕业后到西部工作。(3)This immediately.这使他下定决心马上采取行动。这使他下定决心

13、马上采取行动。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案determined him to actam determined/determine to dohave determined on going解析答案(4)He left the place, never back again.A.determined;to comeB.being determined;to comeC.determined;comingD.determining;coming解解析析be determined to do sth.决决定定做做某某事事,此此短短语语在在句句中中作作伴伴随随状状语语,故选故选A。A 语境感悟语境感悟

14、2(1)(教教材材P18)It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.为了让受众作出预期的反应,始终努力地去吸引他们是非常重要的。为了让受众作出预期的反应,始终努力地去吸引他们是非常重要的。(2)I wonder how he would react if I were to read my newspaper out loud on the train.(2015重庆重庆)我想知道如果我在火车上大声地读我的报纸他会如何反应。我想知道

15、如果我在火车上大声地读我的报纸他会如何反应。(3)How did she react to the news?她对这个消息反应如何?她对这个消息反应如何?(4)The government decided to react against the protesters.政府决心对抗那些示威者。政府决心对抗那些示威者。react 归纳拓展归纳拓展 react vi.做出反应;回应;反应做出反应;回应;反应react to 对对做出反应做出反应react on/upon 对对有影响有影响react against 反对反对(1)How did they your suggestion?他们对你的建

16、议有什么反应?他们对你的建议有什么反应?(2)Unkindness often the unkind person.恶有恶报。恶有恶报。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案reacts onreact to解析答案(3)You really shouldnt have to his comment on your work so violently. he meant no harm to you.A.reacted;After allB.responded;At allC.acted;After allD.done;In all解解析析句句意意为为:你你真真不不应应该该对对他他对对你你工工作作的的评评价

17、价作作出出如如此此剧剧烈烈的的反反应应,毕毕竟竟,他他无无意意要要伤伤害害你你。react to对对作作出出反反应应;after all毕毕竟竟,符符合合题题意。意。at all根本;根本;in all总计,总共。总计,总共。A 语境感悟语境感悟 3(1)(教教材材P19)If we can convince young people not to start,they might then urge their parents and other people to give up smoking,too.如如果果我我们们能能说说服服年年轻轻人人不不要要学学抽抽烟烟,他他们们可可能能也也会会

18、力力劝劝他他们们的的父父母母和和其其他人戒烟。他人戒烟。(2)He urged me to make a final decision.他催促我作最后的决定。他催促我作最后的决定。(3)The report urged that people all around the world (should) protect our environment.这份报告呼吁全世界的人保护环境。这份报告呼吁全世界的人保护环境。urge 归纳拓展归纳拓展 urge vt.敦促,力劝;竭力主张;敦促,力劝;竭力主张;n.强烈的欲望,冲动强烈的欲望,冲动urge sb.to do sth./into doing

19、sth.敦促某人做某事敦促某人做某事urge sth.on/upon sb.向某人强调某事向某人强调某事urge against.极力反对极力反对urge that sb.( (should) ) do sth.主张主张;力劝某人做某事力劝某人做某事It is/was urged that.有人主张有人主张have an urge to do sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事(1)用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空I dont want to urge you your own wish.Our coach urged the great importance of teamwork us.(2)T

20、hey the strange food.他们怂恿我吃那种奇怪的食物。他们怂恿我吃那种奇怪的食物。(3)She to him.她力劝我向他道歉。她力劝我向他道歉。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案urged that I (should) apologizeagainstonurged me to eat/into eating解析答案(4)The United Nations the two sides in the conflict to lay down arms immediately and return to peace talks.A.encouraged B.urgedC.invited

21、 D.allowed解解析析句句意意为为:联联合合国国敦敦促促冲冲突突双双方方立立即即放放下下武武器器,恢恢复复和和平平谈谈判判。urge敦促,符合题意。敦促,符合题意。encourage鼓励;鼓励;invite邀请;邀请;allow允许。允许。B 语境感悟语境感悟 4(1)(教教材材P19)We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到,许多吸烟者死于与吸烟有关的疾病。

22、我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到,许多吸烟者死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(2)She knew how much the bad news would shock me.她知道那个坏消息会使我多么震惊。她知道那个坏消息会使我多么震惊。(3)His death was a great shock to us all.他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。(4)To my shock,he lost his passport on his visit to America.使我震惊的是,他去美国旅游时丢了护照。使我震惊的是,他去美国旅游时丢了护照。shock 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)sh

23、ock vi.& vt.(使使)震惊;震惊;(使使)惊愕;惊愕;n.震惊,惊愕;休克;打击震惊,惊愕;休克;打击to ones shock令某人震惊的是令某人震惊的是(2)shocked adj.感到震惊的感到震惊的be shocked at/by sth.对某事感到震惊对某事感到震惊be shocked to do sth.震惊地去做某事震惊地去做某事(3)shocking adj.令人惊讶的令人惊讶的(1)They her rudeness.他们对她的无礼感到震惊。他们对她的无礼感到震惊。(2)He brought her food again but her dead.他再次给她带来食物

24、,却震惊地发现她已死亡。他再次给她带来食物,却震惊地发现她已死亡。(3)Our teacher, at the news of the earthquake,was at a loss for words.A.shock B.shocked C.shocking D.having shocked 即时跟踪即时跟踪 解析答案解解析析句句意意为为:我我们们的的老老师师对对地地震震的的消消息息非非常常震震惊惊,一一下下子子说说不不出出话话来来。过去分词过去分词shocked作原因状语。作原因状语。Bwere shocked by/atwas shocked to find 语境感悟语境感悟 n 重点

25、短语(1)(教教材材P18)It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚你想要告诉观众什么,想让他们做什么。重要的是,你得确切弄清楚你想要告诉观众什么,想让他们做什么。(2)I dont figure out what youre trying to say.我不明白你想说什么。我不明白你想说什么。(3)Have you figured in the cost of the hotel?

26、你把旅店的费用算进去了吗?你把旅店的费用算进去了吗?1figure out 归纳拓展归纳拓展 figure out弄清楚;弄懂;计算出;解决弄清楚;弄懂;计算出;解决figure sth.in将某物包括在内;计算在内将某物包括在内;计算在内(1)The boy cant the maths problem.这个男孩做不出这道数学题。这个男孩做不出这道数学题。(2)Instead of blaming others for our failure, we should what to do next and try our best to succeed in the future.A.figu

27、re out B.carry outC.take out D.put out 即时跟踪即时跟踪 解析答案解解析析句句意意为为:我我们们不不要要因因为为我我们们的的失失败败而而责责备备别别人人,我我们们应应当当弄弄清清楚楚下下一一步步我我们们要要做做什什么么,并并且且尽尽最最大大努努力力去去实实现现将将来来的的成成功功。figure out弄弄清清楚楚,符符合合题题意意。carry out开开展展,实实施施;take out拿拿出出来来;put out扑扑灭灭,熄灭。熄灭。Afigure out 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P18)It is important to always try

28、 to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.为了让受众作出预期的反应,始终努力地去吸引他们是很重要的。为了让受众作出预期的反应,始终努力地去吸引他们是很重要的。(2)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.(2015浙江浙江)相相对对于于直直白白的的事事实实,我我们们对对于于激激发发自自己己感感觉觉或或

29、唤唤起起自自己己情情感感的的事事物物,记记忆忆往往往更加深刻。往更加深刻。(3)She appealed to the High Court against the sentence.她不服判决,并向高等法院提起上诉。她不服判决,并向高等法院提起上诉。2appeal to(4)The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府正呼吁大家节约用水。政府正呼吁大家节约用水。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 appeal to ( (对某人对某人) )有吸引力;上诉;向有吸引力;上诉;向呼吁呼吁( (请求请求) )appeal to sb.for.为为

30、向某人呼吁向某人呼吁( (请求请求) )appeal for sth.呼吁某事;请求给予某物呼吁某事;请求给予某物appeal to/for sb.to do sth.呼吁呼吁/恳请某人做某事恳请某人做某事make an appeal for sb.to do sth.呼吁某人做某事呼吁某人做某事答案(1)The idea of camping me.对露营这种想法我从来就不感兴趣。对露营这种想法我从来就不感兴趣。(2)The police are the public information about the crime.警方呼吁公众提供有关这起犯罪案的信息。警方呼吁公众提供有关这起犯罪案

31、的信息。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 forhas never appealed toappealing to解析答案(3)Aside from the color,the design is also expected to all ages and social groups.A.figure out B.appeal toC.take over D.reach out解解析析句句意意为为:除除了了颜颜色色,这这个个设设计计也也希希望望吸吸引引各各年年龄龄段段的的人人和和社社会会群群体体。appeal to吸吸引引;迎迎合合,符符合合句句意意。figure out算算出出;take over接接管管

32、;reach out伸出。伸出。 B 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P18)There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign.当你构思系列广告时,有多种不同的方法可以把你的信息讲清楚。当你构思系列广告时,有多种不同的方法可以把你的信息讲清楚。(2)The teacher tried to explain the problem,but his explanation did not get across to the class.老

33、师尽力解释这个问题,但是他的解释没有被同学们理解。老师尽力解释这个问题,但是他的解释没有被同学们理解。(3)The news got around as soon as possible.消息很快地传开了。消息很快地传开了。(4)Stop talking!Lets get down to work.不要说话了,开始工作吧。不要说话了,开始工作吧。3get.across(5)We must get over our shortcomings and mistakes in our work.我们必须克服工作上的缺点和错误。我们必须克服工作上的缺点和错误。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 get.across

34、( (把把) )讲清楚;讲清楚;( (使使) )被理解被理解get across to向向讲清楚;让讲清楚;让听懂听懂get around ( (消息消息) )传开传开get down to 开始认真做某事;着手处理开始认真做某事;着手处理get off 下车;离开;动身;起飞;脱下;下班下车;离开;动身;起飞;脱下;下班get over 克服;摆脱某种情绪;从克服;摆脱某种情绪;从恢复;痊愈恢复;痊愈get rid of 摆脱;除掉;处理掉摆脱;除掉;处理掉get through 做完;办完;看完;吃完;通过做完;办完;看完;吃完;通过( (考试考试) );接通电话;接通电话答案(1)As

35、a teacher,it is important to to his students.作为老师,把意思向学生表达清楚是很重要的。作为老师,把意思向学生表达清楚是很重要的。(2)Ive been trying to ring up all day and I couldnt .我整天都在打电话,但总是打不通。我整天都在打电话,但总是打不通。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 get throughget his meaning across解析答案(3)However hard I tried to think about it,what he said didnt really _to me.A.figu

36、re out B.make outC.get across D.turn out解解析析句句意意为为:不不管管多多么么努努力力地地去去想想,我我并并没没真真正正地地理理解解他他所所说说的的话话。get across to sb.使使某某人人理理解解,符符合合句句意意。figure out算算出出;make out理解;理解;turn out结果是。结果是。C 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P19)We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illnesses and disea

37、ses related to smoking.我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到,许多吸烟者死于与吸烟有关的疾病。我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到,许多吸烟者死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(2)Five men died from police gunfire.五名男子被警察击毙。五名男子被警察击毙。(3)Many old customs are dying out.许多旧习俗正在消失。许多旧习俗正在消失。(4)The flowers are dying off because there has been no rain.因为没有雨这些花相继死去了。因为没有雨这些花相继死去了。4die from 归纳拓展

38、归纳拓展 die from多指因外部创伤或间接的原因而死亡多指因外部创伤或间接的原因而死亡die of多指死于疾病、饥寒、年老、悲伤、事故等多指死于疾病、饥寒、年老、悲伤、事故等die out灭绝;逐渐消失灭绝;逐渐消失die away (尤指声音、光、风尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失;停止逐渐消失;停止die down (兴奋、激动等情绪兴奋、激动等情绪)渐弱;渐弱;(火火)渐熄;平息渐熄;平息die off (家族、种族等家族、种族等)相继死亡;相继死亡;(草木草木)枯死枯死答案(1)选词填空选词填空die from,die of,die away,die off,die out,die fo

39、rI am something to eat.Many villagers snake bites every year.The sound of the car in the distance.The deer in the forest are all from disease.That style of music ten years ago.His grandmother sorrow soon after her husbands death. 即时跟踪即时跟踪 died ofdying fordie fromdied awaydying offdied out解析答案(2)Ther

40、e was great excitement in the streets and the shouting didnt _till after midnight.A.die away B.die downC.die off D.die of解解析析die away用用于于指指声声音音的的逐逐渐渐消消失失,符符合合句句意意。die down用用于于指指火火焰焰的的逐逐渐渐熄熄灭灭、风风渐渐弱弱以以及及激激动动情情绪绪的的渐渐渐渐平平息息等等;die off指指一一个个一一个个死死去去,相继而死;相继而死;die of死于死于(强调内因强调内因)。A 语境感悟语境感悟 n 经典句式(1)(教教材

41、材P18)Unlike a single advertisement,an ad campaign is a planned programme of advertisement using various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience.不不同同于于一一则则单单独独的的广广告告,广广告告宣宣传传活活动动是是预预先先策策划划的的系系列列广广告告,利用各种广告形式去影响特定的观众。利用各种广告形式去影响特定的观众。(2)Being a leader,she has to deal with a lot of work.作为领头人,她不得不处理很多

42、工作。作为领头人,她不得不处理很多工作。1现在分词短语作后置定语现在分词短语作后置定语(3)As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not moving,and asked myself what I was going to do.当灯变绿色时,我站了一会儿,没动,并且问自己要做什么。当灯变绿色时,我站了一会儿,没动,并且问自己要做什么。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 教教材材原原句句中中的的using various kinds of ads to reach a certain audience是是一一个个现现在分词短语用作后置定语。在分词短语用

43、作后置定语。(1)单单个个的的现现在在分分词词作作定定语语时时一一般般置置于于被被修修饰饰词词的的前前面面;现现在在分分词词短短语语作作定定语语必须置于被修饰词之后,其用法相当于一个定语从句。必须置于被修饰词之后,其用法相当于一个定语从句。(2)现现在在分分词词还还可可作作状状语语,表表示示时时间间、原原因因、伴伴随随、结结果果等等。现现在在分分词词作作状状语语时时其其逻逻辑辑主主语语往往往往是是句句子子的的主主语语,这这时时该该动动词词与与句句子子的的主主语语之之间间往往往往存存在在主主动关系。动关系。答案(1)The baby recognized his mothers and smil

44、ed.那个婴儿认出了妈妈微笑的脸庞,笑了起来。那个婴儿认出了妈妈微笑的脸庞,笑了起来。(2)Those _ should sign here.那些想申请这份工作的人请在这里签名。那些想申请这份工作的人请在这里签名。(3) ,he decided to write again.没有得到答复,他决定再写信。没有得到答复,他决定再写信。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 Not having received a replysmiling facewanting to apply for the job/who want to apply for the job解析答案(4)Like ancient sailors

45、,birds can find their way the sun and the stars.(2015重庆,重庆,11)A.used B.having usedC.using D.use解解析析考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。句句意意为为:就就像像古古时时候候的的水水手手一一样样,鸟鸟能能利利用用太太阳阳和和星星星星找找到到它它们们的的路路。根根据据语语境境,use与与其其句句中中隐隐含含的的逻逻辑辑主主语语birds之之间间为为主主动动关关系系,故故用用v.ing形形式式的的一一般般式式,在在句句中中作作伴伴随随状状语语,表表示示与与find同时发生。同时发生。C 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)

46、(教教材材P18)It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚你想要告诉观众什么,想让他们做什么。重要的是,你得确切弄清楚你想要告诉观众什么,想让他们做什么。(2)Its necessary for us to use a shortwave radio to pick up the programmes.我们用一台短波收音机收听这些节目是必要的。我们用一台短波收音机收听这些节目是必要的

47、。(3)It was foolish of him to give up the job.他放弃那份工作是愚蠢的。他放弃那份工作是愚蠢的。(4)It is everyones duty to obey the law.遵守法律是每个人的义务。遵守法律是每个人的义务。2It isadj./n.(for sb.)to do sth. 归纳拓展归纳拓展 教教材材原原句句中中的的it是是形形式式主主语语,真真正正的的主主语语为为不不定定式式短短语语“to figure out.”。and 连接两个由连接两个由what引导的从句,作引导的从句,作figure out的宾语。的宾语。it作作形形式式主主语

48、语时时本本身身没没有有具具体体的的意意义义,而而只只是是帮帮助助把把真真正正的的主主语语移移到到句句子子后后部部去去,使使句句子子显显得得平平衡衡一一些些。it作作形形式式主主语语时时,it代代替替不不定定式式短短语语常用于下列句型中:常用于下列句型中:Itbeadj.( (for/of sb.) ) to do sth.It ben.to do sth.It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花了某人做某事花了某人时间。时间。Its up to sb.to do sth.由某人决定做某事由某人决定做某事/做做是某人的职责或义务。是某人的职责或义务。(1) lea

49、rn Chinese.对于一个外国人来说,学习汉语是困难的。对于一个外国人来说,学习汉语是困难的。(2) look after the children.由你负责照看这些孩子。由你负责照看这些孩子。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 答案Its up to you toIt is difficult for a foreigner to解析答案(3) comes as no surprise that San Francisco wins the honor as the fittest city in the US for its steep hills and fresh food.A.It B.That

50、 C.This D.What解解析析考考查查it的的用用法法。句句意意为为:圣圣弗弗朗朗西西斯斯科科因因它它陡陡峭峭的的小小山山和和新新鲜鲜的的食食物物赢赢得得美美国国最最佳佳城城市市的的荣荣誉誉,这这一一点点都都不不意意外外。it作作形形式式主主语语,真真正正主主语语为为that后的从句。后的从句。A 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P18)It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清

51、楚你想要告诉观众什么,想让他们做什么。重要的是,你得确切弄清楚你想要告诉观众什么,想让他们做什么。(2)He got his brother to help him.他让他的兄弟帮助他。他让他的兄弟帮助他。(3)She got her bike running very fast.她把自行车骑得飞快。她把自行车骑得飞快。(4)I must get my hair cut.我得理发了。我得理发了。3get宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语 归纳拓展归纳拓展 教材原句中使役动词教材原句中使役动词get后接不定式作宾语补足语。后接不定式作宾语补足语。get后后也也可可以以接接过过去去分分词词或或现现在在分

52、分词词作作宾宾语语补补足足语语,分分别别表表示示其其与与宾宾语语的被动或主谓关系。的被动或主谓关系。(1)You will never .你永远不会使他明白的。你永远不会使他明白的。(2)Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may _run over by a car.A.have B.get C.become D.turn 即时跟踪即时跟踪 解解析析get run over中中的的run是是过过去去分分词词,get为为连连系系动动词词,相相当当于于be。类类似的用法还有似的用法还有get dressed,get

53、 drunk,get trapped。故选。故选B。Bget him to understand返回解析答案答案 当堂达标.单词拼写单词拼写1.I will visit him some day.2.Many (有毒的有毒的) plants can be made into medicine.3.The salesman me to buy a new car.4.He presented a detailed (分析分析) of the trend in education.5.The book will (吸引吸引) only to a limited public. appealpers

54、onallypoisonousurgedanalysis.选词填空选词填空答案appeal to,fall for,figure out,get across,depend on1.Children their parents for food and clothing.2.I spoke slowly,but my meaning didnt .3.Be smarter not to such a trick again!4.It will take me some more time to the present complex situation.5.The UN called on t

55、he two sides to solve the conflict by talking rather than force. appealing todepend onget acrossfall forfigure out.完成句子完成句子1.Every evening after dinner, ,I will walk my dog.每天晚饭后,如果不累,我会去遛狗。每天晚饭后,如果不累,我会去遛狗。2. in the sun or swim in the sea.躺在太阳底下或在海水中游泳,感觉真好。躺在太阳底下或在海水中游泳,感觉真好。3.This accident more p

56、eople in need.这次事故让他决心帮助更多的人。这次事故让他决心帮助更多的人。4.He tried hard more magazines about movies.他极力劝说我多看看电影方面的杂志。他极力劝说我多看看电影方面的杂志。5. ,he jumped with joy.听到这个好消息,他高兴地跳了起来。听到这个好消息,他高兴地跳了起来。答案 Hearing the good newsif not tiredIt feels good to liedetermined him to helpto urge me to read.单项填空单项填空1.All the people

57、 present felt at the news.A.shocked;shocked B.shocking;shockingC.shocked;shocking D.shocking;shocked解析答案 C解解析析句句意意为为:所所有有在在场场的的人人都都对对这这条条令令人人震震惊惊的的消消息息感感到到震震惊惊。shocked震惊的,修饰人;震惊的,修饰人;shocking令人震惊的,修饰物,故选令人震惊的,修饰物,故选C。 2.Team leaders must ensure that all members their natural desire to avoid the emba

58、rrassment associated with making mistakes.(2013江江苏苏,29)A.get over B.look overC.take over D.come over解析答案A解解析析考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意为为:团团队队领领导导者者必必须须确确保保所所有有成成员员克克服服他他们们内内心心的的渴渴望望想想要要避避免免犯犯错错所所带带来来的的尴尴尬尬。get over克克服服,恢恢复复;look over检查,查看;检查,查看;take over接管,接收;接管,接收;come over过来,顺便来访。过来,顺便来访。 3.When I got

59、 back to the office I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you;will call later.”A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading解析答案D解解析析考考查查动动词词意意义义和和非非谓谓语语动动词词的的用用法法。read在在本本句句中中意意思思为为“让让人人能能看看得得见见”,是是连连系系动动词词,有有主主动动含含义义,因因此此用用read的的ing形形式式作作定定语语最佳,故选最佳,故选D,read的这种连系动词的用法也可理解为的这种连系动词的用法也可理解为read作作“读

60、作读作”讲。讲。 4.Who should be responsible for the accident?The boss,not the workers.They just carried out the order .A.as told B.as are toldC.as telling D.as they told解析答案A解解析析as toldas they were told,此此处处是是as引引导导的的方方式式状状语语从从句句的的省省略略。在在as,while等等引引导导的的状状语语从从句句中中,当当从从句句主主语语与与主主句句主主语语一一致致或或从从句句主主语是语是it,且从句

61、谓语动词含有,且从句谓语动词含有be时,可以将从句的主语和时,可以将从句的主语和be省略。省略。返回 解析答案5.The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, air conditioning unnecessary.(2016天津,天津,4)A.making B.to makeC.made D.being madeA解解析析考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。句句意意为为:凉凉爽爽的的风风通通过过我我们们卧卧室室的的窗窗户户吹吹进进来来,没没有有必必要要吹吹空空调调了了。题题中中swept是是谓谓语语动动词词,所所以以make只只能能用用非非谓谓语语动动词词形形式式;句句子子主主语语the cooling wind与与make是是主主动动关关系系,故故用用现现在在分分词词作作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。



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