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1、Translation of Chinese Cosmetics Directions into English 倩碧缤纷炫彩眼影 色彩浓艳,持妆长久,高度亮泽,惊艳迷人。只需轻轻一笔,就能为眼部带来高度缤纷炫彩的色泽,可单用亦可与其他彩妆混合使用。化妆品说明书汉译英的标准By now we can leave translation standard behind, for we have come to the point where aesthetics take(s) over. (王佐良,中国的翻译标准,1991:113)王佐良先生谈语言学习 通过文化来学习语言,语言也会学得更好。

2、语言之有魅力,风格之值得研究,主要是因为后面有一个大的精神世界:但这两者又必须艺术地融合在一起,因此语言表达力同思想洞察力又是互相促进的。 文体,风格的研究是有实际用途的,它可以使我们更深入地观察英语的性能,看到英语的长处,短处,以及我们在学习英语时应该特别注意或警惕的地方。因为英语一方面不难使用,一方面又在不小心或过分小心的使用者面前布满了陷阱。汉语化妆品说明书的语言特点相对固定的格式或体例词汇的术语性多用评介词多用陈述句或简单句多用祈使句短小精简(1)大宝SOD蜜:令您皮肤柔嫩、容颜娇美。(2)雅美姿保湿唇膏:水晶一般晶莹闪亮的清新唇色,双唇如纯水般的滋润。(3)娇兰/GUERLAN爽肤水

3、:柔软滋润,用后肌肤光华、舒适、有弹性。爽肤水质地清新,如丝般柔滑,能清除所有化妆残留。(4)玫瑰靓白祛角质素:深层渗透肌肤,柔滑角质,有效祛除老死角质及老化细胞;疏通毛孔,紧致肌肤,令肌肤细嫩光滑,倍加弹性;延缓衰老,使皮肤由原来干燥或者油腻而欠生机变得润泽柔软,细滑如丝。英语化妆品说明书的语言特点多采用现在时多采用简单句多采用祈使句使用省略句灵活使用复合词、评介性词语以及非谓语结构BORGUHESE ADVANCED AGE-DEFYING WRINKLE DEFENCE SERUM Blended with powerful anti-oxidants to help deliver a

4、ge-defying benefits in a highly energizing anhydrous serum.Use dailly. Smooth on face and neck morning and evening. Avoid eye contact. Follow with Age-Defying Protective Moisture Lotion SPF 15 or Age-Defying Restorative Night Cream. Warning: Cap cannot be removed so bottle will remain aright.Attempt

5、s to remove cap will cause permamant damage to bottle. 1.Unique 3-in-1 formula promotes effective healing,soothes red, irritated skin and forms a protective barrier.(JOHNSONS)2.NIVEA Lip Care Strawberry provides daily protection with a fresh fruity flavor. (NIVEA)3.Use after every bath and diaper ch

6、ange.4.Keep out of reach of children.5.It contains a lightweight formula that makes your hair shiny, while leaving it soft and manageable. (Head&Shoulders)英语化妆品说明书常用句型英语化妆品说明书常用句型Provides superior wearability because of its resisance to sebum, sweat and water.Nourishes and moisturizes your skin with

7、 Pite(r), thus keeping your skin soft and dewy-moist.Smoothens skin so make-up glides on easily and stays longer. 多用不完整句多用不完整句说明书常用词汇silky- smooth 丝绸般柔滑、perfectly 完美的、translucent 晶莹剔透的、supple& soft feel 柔软娇嫩的、natural 天然的、light 明亮的、adaptable 适应性强的、creative 富创造力的、dependable 可靠的、efficient 有效率的、ingeniou

8、s 有独创性的、reliable 可信赖的、dreamy 梦幻的、varied 多变的、lasting 纤长的、effective 有效果的倩碧缤纷炫彩眼影倩碧缤纷炫彩眼影 色彩浓艳,持妆长久,高度亮泽,惊艳迷人。只需轻轻一笔,就能为眼部带来高度缤纷炫彩的色泽,可单用亦可与其他彩妆混合使用。CLINIQUE COLOR SURGE EYE SHADOW SUPER SHIMMER is creamy and offers intense color in one stroke, leaving super shimmer. You can wear it alone or combined.

9、倩碧丝滑恒润唇彩 富含闪亮恒润配方。夺目唇光,晶采绽放。Colour Surge Butter Shine Lipstick is rich in light moisturizing formula, making your lips shiny and glossy. 富含be rich in 椰子水富含多种维生素。Coconut milk is rich in vitamins.蜂王浆富含多种营养物质,是食疗滋补的佳品。 Royal jelly is rich in nutritious substances and is good for ones health. be full of

10、 . efficient (mineral efficient.)contain .荞麦是一种抗寒农作物,富含粗纤维和多种营养。 Buckwheat is a kind of cold-resistant crop containing coarse fiber and is very nourishing. 雅芳色彩双色眼影 色泽持久的双色眼影,采用缓释技术:源源不断缓释智能感温粒子,感应肌肤温度。释放鲜活色泽。喷射研磨技术: 粉质细腻,均匀服帖,质地如丝缎般轻盈舒适。 AVON TRUE COLOR EYESHADOW DUO responds to the warmth of your

11、skin to make colors come alivethanks to (with) the exclusive self-liquifying technology. Made with ultra-fine “milled” powder, it leaves no dusting or ceasing and ganratees smoother application and silkier feel 成人使用,可令您的肌肤如婴儿般娇嫩,温和滋润不油腻。(屈臣氏婴儿滋润霜)The mild formulation is also ideal for adult, leaving

12、 skin soft and non-greasy.天然活炭成分,像磁石般有效吸走油脂及深层污垢(曼秀雷敦男士活性炭沐浴露)Natural Charcoal effectively absorbs and removes excessive sebum and dirt.E.O-SKING.精油添加配方,为肌肤提供源泉般的补水保湿及滋养成分,调理水油比例,令肌肤拥有水润通透的肤感,优雅的薰衣草香让你体验来自普罗旺斯的浪漫情怀。(家乐美薰衣草细致均匀面膜)E.O-SKING. ingredient offers skin natural moisture to restructure skins

13、 balance of water and oil, and restores balanced toned complexion,whilst bringing Provence romance with lavender aroma.Complexion refers to the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially that of the face. 促进肌肤新陈代谢,去除老化角质,有效修护肤色不均,令肌肤美白细腻、宛若凝脂。(佰草集美白嫩肤面膜)This cream improves skin m

14、icro-circulation and metabolism,removes aging cutin,leaving the skin fair,moisturized and refined.宛若凝脂手如柔荑( t, y),肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀,螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。(诗经)“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。(长恨歌)清透爽洁,细致嫩滑,能迅速渗透,补充肌肤必要的水分和养分,有效改善肤色不均,令肌肤全无负担,白皙透亮,如出水芙蓉般水嫩透白。(佰草集美白嫩肤露)This light and refreshing emulsion can be quickly absorbed

15、 by skin,providing essential hydration and nutrition.It can effectively balance skin tone and leave the skin fair and radiant.出水芙蓉“谢诗如芙蓉出水,颜如错彩镂金”鲍照比较谢灵运的诗和颜延之的诗,谓谢诗如“初发芙蓉,自然可爱”,颜诗则是“列律镂锦,雕绩满眼”。诗品:“汤惠休曰:谢诗如芙蓉出水,颜诗如错采镂金。颜终身病之。”旁氏隔离霜SPF10蕴含特效维他命E及物理性防护成份,能在肌肤表面形成一层透气的保护膜,有效隔离脏空气,避免污染物伤害肌肤;隔离彩妆,防止其与肌肤直

16、接接触。配方全年抵御紫外线对肌肤的侵害。润色配方,柔和润色,令肌肤均匀自然,即使不上妆也拥有动人光彩。性质温和,清爽不油腻,使用之后,肌肤呼吸自如,倍感舒适。旁氏隔离霜,适合各类肤质,为健康肌肤提供一年四季的完美呵护。Ponds Block Cream(SPF10)SPF10蕴含特效维他命E及物理性防护成份,能在肌肤表面形成一层透气的保护膜,有效隔离脏空气,避免污染物伤害肌肤;隔离彩妆,防止其与肌肤直接接触。配方全年抵御紫外线对肌肤的侵害。Ponds Block Cream(SPF10)contalns Vitamine and protective ingredients which for

17、m a breathing protective screen on your skin,blocking out air pollutants, UV rays and cosmetics, providing you with protection for healthier skin all year round.润色配方,柔和润色,令肌肤均匀自然,即使不上妆也拥有动人光彩。It contains toning formula which makes your skin radient even without make-ups. 性质温和,清爽不油腻,使用之后,肌肤呼吸自如,倍感舒适。

18、It is mild in nature and non-greasy, enabling your skin breathe freely after use. 该配方具有抑菌作用,能有效控制,去除暗疮及粉剌。内含的天然中草药精华调理肌肤、加速修复。滋润肌肤、并完美遮瑕。(水晶暗疮净30毫升)It has the function ofdiminishing inflammation, and helps to control and conceal imperfection and acne effectively. The exclusive Chinese herb complex a

19、djusts the skin to accelerate repairing and keeps it balanced. Skin is left soft fresh as well as flawless. (Blemish Lotion 30ml)早晚洁肤后,取适量保湿乳液,以指腹由内而外按摩脸部,待全部吸收后即可。当感觉缺水时可随时使用。 Apply a small amount to the face and gently massage with circular movement until full absorption. Use after cleaning in the

20、 morning and evening or whenever necessary. 珍珠美容皂系采用天然珍珠提取液为添加剂,内含18种氨基酸。Pearl Beautifying Soap uses extracted liquid from pearls as its additive which contains 18 aminoacids.混和高度亮泽滋润剂,米糠油。畅滑头发尾,修护发质。令头发更光泽更容易处理。留下美丽亮泽的秀发。适合任何发质。 This high-gloss emollient with rice bran oil smooths ends, conditions and makes your hair easy to comb while imparting extraordinary shine. For all hair types.含有活性抑菌成分、能控制、消除小痘痘和粉剌。接近肤色,能完美遮盖皮肤瑕疵。肌肤保持柔软



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