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1、Lesson 3 Prestressed Concrete 预应力混凝土1 1.Concrete is strong in compression, but weak in tension: its tensile strength varies from(不不 同同) 8 to 14 percent of its compressive strength. Due to such a low tensile capacity(受受拉拉承承载能能力力), flexural cracks(挠曲曲裂裂缝) develop at early stages of loading. In order t

2、o reduce or prevent such cracks from developing, a concentric(adj.同同中中心心的的,轴心心的的) or eccentric force (偏偏心心力力)is imposed in the longitudinal direction (轴向向)of the structural element.混凝土的抗压性能强而抗拉性能弱:它的抗拉强度仅仅是它抗压强度的8%-14%不等.由于它如此低的抗拉承载力,在荷载作用的初期挠曲裂缝就会出现。为了减小或阻止这种裂缝的开展,在结构杆件纵向施加一个轴心或偏心的压力.23 This force

3、prevents the cracks from developing by eliminating or considerably(adv.显著著地地,大大大大,相相当当(大大,多多)地地) reducing the tensile stresses(拉拉伸伸应力力,抗抗拉拉应力力) at the critical(危危险的的, 临界界的的) midspan(中中跨跨 截截面面,部部分分) and support sections at service load(使使 用用 荷荷 载), thereby raising the bending(弯弯曲曲, 挠曲曲), shear(剪剪力力,剪

4、剪切切), and torsional capacities (扭扭转承承载力力)of the sections. 这个力(预应力)通过消除或大大减少在使用荷载下跨中或支座的控制截面处产生的拉应力,阻止了(该处)裂缝的开展,因此提高了该截面的(抵抗)弯曲、剪切和扭转的承载能力.4 The sections are then able to behave elastically(adv.弹性性地地), and almost the full capacity of the concrete in compression can be efficiently utilized(vt.利利用用) a

5、cross the entire depth of the concrete sections when all loads act on the structure. 然后,这些截面表现为弹性,并且当所有荷载作用在结构上时,可以通过混凝土全截面受压有效地利用混凝土几乎全部的抗压性能。 2.Such an imposed longitudinal force(纵向向力力) is called a prestressing force, i.e.(也也就就是是), a compressive force that prestresses (vt.给预加加应力力)the sections alon

6、g the span of the structural element prior to (adv.在在前前, 居居先先)the application of the transverse(adj.横横向向的的) gravity dead and live loads or transient(adj.短短暂的的, 瞬瞬时的的) horizontal live loads. 这样施加的一个纵向力叫做预应力,也就是说,在横(竖)向重力恒载和活载或短暂的水平活载(风,地震)作用之前, 沿结构杆件跨度方向的截面预加的压缩力.56The type of prestressing force invo

7、lved(adj.,有有关关的的 ), together with its magnitude, are determined mainly on the basis of the type of system to be constructed and the span length and slenderness(细长度度) desired(想想得得到到的的). Since the prestressing force(预 应 力力) is applied longitudinally along or parallel(v平平行行) to the axis of the member,

8、the prestressing principle(n. 原原理理,原原则 ) involved is commonly known as(as v.被被认为是是,被被称称为) linear prestressing.相关的预应力的形式,包括它的大小,主要取决于被修建结构物的形式、杆件跨度和理想的长细比。因为这个预应力被应用到纵向或者平行于杆件的轴向,所以相关的预应力原理普遍称为长线预加应力法(线性预应力法).3.Circular prestressing(环 形形 预 应 力力), used in liquid containment(容容纳,容容积) tanks(箱箱,槽槽 ), pip

9、es(管管), and pressure reactor vessels(反反应堆堆容容器器), essentially (adv.本本质上上)follows(遵遵循循,追追随随, 跟跟随随) the same basic principles(基基 本本 原原 理理) as does linear prestressing. The circumferential(adj.圆周周的的) hoop(箍箍筋筋), or “hugging” (n.拥抱抱)stress on the cylindrical(圆柱柱的的) or spherical(adj.球球的的, 球球形形的的 ) structu

10、re, neutralizes(抵抵消消;压制制,中中和和) the tensile stresses at the outer fibers (外外部部纤维)of the curvilinear(adj.曲曲线的的, 由由曲曲线而而成成的的 ) surface caused by the internal contained(包包含含) pressure. 用于液体容器箱、管道和压力反应堆容器的环向预应力结构,本质上遵循着和长线型预应力结构相同的基本原理。环向(预应力)箍筋,或者圆柱或球形结构的”环向”应力,在曲线表面外部纤维下,抵消由内部包含物质(产生的)压力所引起的拉应力.74. Fro

11、m the preceding (adj.在在前前的的, 前前述述的的)discussion, it is plain(adj. 清清晰晰的的,简单的的, 明明白白的的, 普普通通的的, 朴朴素素的的) that permanent stresses in the prestressed(adj.预应力力的的(混混凝凝土土)) structural member are created before the full dead and live loads are applied in order to eliminate or considerably reduce the net tens

12、ile stresses(净拉拉应力力) caused by these loads. With reinforced concrete, it is assumed that the tensile strength of the concrete is negligible(可以忽略的可以忽略的, 不予重不予重视的的) and disregarded(忽忽视). 从上述讨论可知,在预应力(混凝土)结构的杆件中恒久预应力是在全部恒载和活载加载之前产生的,其目的是为了消除或大大减少由这些荷载产生的净拉应力。对于钢筋混凝土结构来说,假定混凝土的抗拉强度是可以忽略的.89This is becau

13、se the tensile forces resulting from the bending moments (弯矩弯矩)are resisted (vt.抵抗抵抗, 反抗反抗)by the bond created in the reinforcement process. Cracking and deflection are therefore essentially irrecoverable(不可恢复不可恢复的的) in reinforced concrete once the member has reached its limit state(极限状极限状态) at serv

14、ice load(使用荷使用荷载). 这是因为由弯矩产生的拉应力被(钢筋和混凝土)在加固过程中产生的黏结力所抵消。因此,在钢筋混凝土结构中,一旦杆件在使用荷载下达到它的极限状态时,挠度和裂缝是不可恢复的.5.The reinforcement in the reinforced concrete member does not exert any force of its own on the member, contrary to the action(作作用用,动作作)of prestressing steel. The steel required to produce the pres

15、tressing force(预应力力) in the prestressed member(预应力力构构件件) actively preloads(预载,预加加荷荷载) the member, permitting a relatively high controlled recovery(n.恢恢 复复, 痊痊 愈愈) of cracking and deflection(挠度度). Once the flexural tensile strength(抗抗弯弯强强度度,挠曲曲强强度度) of the concrete is exceeded(超超越越,超超过), the prestres

16、sed member starts to act like a reinforced concrete element. 在钢筋混凝土构件中的钢筋没有完全发挥它的全部作用,而预应力钢筋正好相反。在预应力构件中的(要求产生)预应力筋积极的给构件产生预加荷载,允许对开裂和变形有较高的可控制的恢复。一旦混凝土的挠曲抗拉强度被超越,预应力混凝土构件就会像非预应力混凝土构件一样开始工作。106.Prestressed members are shallower (adj.浅浅的的, 浅浅薄薄的的)in depth than their reinforced concrete counterparts(配

17、配对物物,对应物物) for the same span(跨跨径径) and loading conditions. In general, the depth of a prestressed concrete member is usually about 65 to 80 percent of the depth of the equivalent(相相等等的的, 相相当当的的) reinforced concrete member. Hence, the prestressed member requires less concrete, and about 20 to 35 perc

18、ent of the amount of reinforcement. 在相同的跨度和荷载条件下,预应力构件(截面)的高度比相应的非预应力构件的高度小。总的来说,预应力混凝土构件(截面)高度常常是相应的非预应力构件(截面)高度的6580。因此,预应力混凝土构件需要较少的混凝土,并且大概是非预应力构件所用混凝土量的2035。1112Unfortunately, this saving in material weight is balanced by the higher cost of the higher quality materials needed in prestressing. A

19、lso, regardless of(adj.不不 管管, 不不顾 ) the system used, prestressing operations themselves result in an added(更更多多的的, 附附加加的的, 额外外的的) cost: formwork(模模板板) is more complex, since the geometry of prestressed sections is usually composed of(由由.组成成 ) flanged(翼翼缘) sections with thin webs(腹板腹板,梁腹梁腹). 不幸的是,在预应

20、力构件中,所节省材料重量是和其所需高质量材料的花费相平衡(抵消)的。同时,更不用说(工艺)设备的使用,施加预应力自身会产生额外的费用:因为预应力构件的几何截面常常由翼缘和薄的腹板组成,所以模板是非常复杂的7. In spite of these additional costs, if a large enough number of precast units(预 制制 混混 凝凝 土土 构构 件件) are manufactured(vt.制制造造, 加加工工), the difference between at least the initial costs(最最初初成成本本,初初建建

21、费用用,初初投投资) of prestressed and reinforced concrete systems is usually not very large. 尽管这么多附加费,但是如果制造大量的预制混凝土构件,至少在预应力构件和非预应力构件的最初成本是相差不大的。13And the indirect(adj.间接接的的) long-term savings are quite substantial, because less maintenance(维护) is needed, a longer working life is possible due to better qua

22、lity control (n.质量量管管理理, 质量量控控制制)of the concrete, and lighter foundations are achieved due to the smaller cumulative(adj.累累积的的) weight of the superstructure(上部上部结构构).并且,因为需要更少的维护,由于混凝土更高质量的控制,获得更长的生命周期是可能的,以及由于上部结构的轻质积累产生更轻的基础效应,所以长期的间接节省是非常实际的148. Once the beam span of reinforced concrete exceeds 7

23、0 to 90 feet (21.3 to 27.4m), the dead weight of the beam becomes excessive(adj.过多多的的, 过分分的的), resulting in heavier(adj.沉沉 重重 的的,巨巨 大大 的的) members and, consequently(adv.从从而而, 因因此此), greater long-term deflection and cracking.一旦钢筋混凝土梁的跨度超过7090英尺(21.327.4m),梁(上)的恒定重量变的非常大,从而导致更大的构件尺寸,并且因此产生更大的长期挠度和裂缝15

24、Thus, for larger spans, prestressed concrete becomes mandatory(adj.命命令令的的, 强强制制的的) since arches are expensive to construct and do not perform as well due to the severe(adj.严厉的的, 严格格的的, 严重重的的, 严峻峻的的) long term shrinkage(收收缩 ) and creep(徐徐变) they undergo(vt.经历, 遭遭受受). Very large spans such as segmenta

25、l bridges(分分段段拼拼装装式式桥) or cable-stayed bridges(斜斜拉拉桥) can only be constructed through the use of prestressing(预应力力,预加加应力力).因此,对于大跨度结构来说,由于它们经受的严重的长期收缩和徐变,鉴于拱形结构在施工上昂贵的花费和不好完成,强制使用预应力结构。例如只能通过预应力这种技术建造分段拼装式桥或斜拉桥这种大跨度结构。16 9. Prestressed concrete is not a new concept, dating back to (从从.时就就有有, 回回溯溯到到,

26、 远在在.(年年代代) )1872, when P.H. Jackson, an engineer from California, patented(n.专利利权,专利利品品adj. 专利利的的,特特许的的, vt.取取得得.的的专利利权 ) a prestressing system (n.系系统, 体体系系, 制制度度, 体体制制, 秩秩序序, 规律律, 方方法法 )that used a tie rod(拉拉杆杆) to construct beams or arches from individual(adj.个个别的的, 单独独的的 ) blocks. 预应力混凝土不是一个新的概念

27、,追溯到1872年,当P.H. Jackson,一个来自于加洲的工程师,通过使用拉杆来建造单块的梁或拱,从而申请了预应力系统专利。17 After a long lapse of time(时光光的的流流逝逝, 一一段段时间 ) during which little progress was made known because of the unavailability(n.无无 效效,不不 能能 利利 用用) of high-strength steel to overcome prestress losses, R. E. Dill of Alexandria, Nebraska, r

28、ecognized the effect of the shrinkage(收收缩) and creep(徐徐变) (transverse(横横向向的的) material flow) of concrete on the loss of prestress. 随后很长一段时间,由于无法克服高预应力损失引起的高强钢筋的低利用率,从而使得该项技术没有得到很快发展。 R. E. Dill ,亚历山大市,内布拉斯加州,论证了混凝土的收缩和徐变给预应力损失所带来的影响.18 He subsequently(adv.后后来来, 随随后后) developed the idea that successi

29、ve(adj. 连续的的) post-tensioning(后后张拉拉) of unbonded rods(杆, 棒,钢筋) would compensate for (vt.补偿,抵抵偿)the time-dependent loss of stress in the rods due to the decrease in the length of the member because of creep and shrinkage. In the early 1920s, W. H. Hewett of Minneapolis developed the principles of cir

30、cular prestressing.他随后发明了一种方法,对于无黏结筋的连续后张拉将会补偿由于混凝土的收缩和徐变造成的杆件长度随时间变短所带来的预应力损失。在20世纪20年代早期, W. H. Hewett 发展了环形预应力原理。19He hoop-stressed(环 向向 应 力力, 箍箍 应 力力) horizontal reinforcement around walls of concrete tanks through the use of turnbuckles(n.螺螺丝扣扣, 套套筒筒螺螺母母) to prevent cracking due to internal liq

31、uid pressure, thereby(adv.因因此此, 从从而而, 在在那那方方面面, 在在那那附附近近) achieving watertightness(水水密密性性, 不透水性不透水性). 他通过借助套筒螺母锚具使用环向预应力筋水平缠绕混凝土池壁,从而阻止了由于内部液体压力引起池壁的开裂,因此,水池达到了密闭性.2021Thereafter(其其后后,从从那那以以后后), prestressing of tanks and pipes developed at an accelerated pace in the United States, with thousands of

32、tanks for water, liquid, and gas storage built and much mileage(n.英英 里里 数数, 英英 里里 里里 程程) of prestressed pressure pipe laid in the two to three decades that followed.从此以后,桶和管的(环向)预应力(技术)在美国有了一个加速的发展,在随后的二三十年伴随着数以千记的水、液体、气体存储罐的建造和很长英里的预应力压力管道的铺设.10. Linear prestressing continued to develop in Europe a

33、nd in France, in particular through the ingenuity(天天才才的的或或有有想想象象力力的的发明明,独独创性性) of Eugene Freyssinet, who proposed in 1926-28 methods to overcome prestress losses through the use of high-strength and high-ductility steels. In 1940, he introduced(vt.介介绍, 传入入, 引引进, 提提出出) the now well-known(adj.众众所所周周知知

34、的的, 有有名名的的, 清楚明白的清楚明白的) and well-accepted Freyssinet system.在欧洲和法国,长线预加应力法得到了持续的发展,尤其是通过Eugene Freyssinet在1926-28年提出的克服预应力损失的天才办法,这种方法是通过使用高强和高韧性钢筋得到的。在1940年,他发明了现在众所周知的和公认的Freyssinet(预应力)体系 .2211. P. W. Abeles of England introduced and developed the concept of partial prestressing between the 1930s

35、 and 1960s. F. Leonhardt of Germany, V. Mikhailov of Russia, and T. Y. Lin of the United States also contributed a great deal to the art and science of the design of prestressed concrete. 英国的P. W. Abeles 在20世纪30年代到60年代之间发明并且发展了部分预应力(结构)的概念。德国的F. Leonhardt ,俄罗斯的V.Mikhailov和美国的 T. Y. Lin 也对预应力混凝土设计的艺术

36、和科技作出了很大贡献. 。23Lins load-balancing method deserves particular mention in this regard(adv.在在这点点上上), as it considerably(adv. 相相当当(大大, 多多)地地,可可观地地) simplified the design process(设计程程 序序), particularly in continuous structures. These twentieth-century developments have led to the extensive use of prestr

37、essing throughout the world, and in the United States in particular.在这点上,尤其Lin的荷载平衡法值得一提,因为它相当大的简化了设计程序,尤其在连续结构上。这些20世纪的发展导致了预应力在全世界,尤其是在美国的广泛应用。24 12.Today, prestressed concrete is used in buildings, underground structures(地地下下构构造造物物), TV towers, floating(漂漂浮浮的的, 浮浮动的的, 移移动的的, 流流动的的, 不不固固定定的的) stor

38、age and offshore structures(海海上上结构构物物), power stations(n.发电站站), nuclear reactor vessels(核核反反应堆堆容容器器), and numerous(adj.众众多多的的, 许多多的的, 无无数数的的) types of bridge systems including segmental bridge(分段拼装式分段拼装式桥) and cable-stayed bridges(斜拉斜拉桥).今天,预应力混凝土(结构)被用在建筑,地下地下构造物,电视塔,漂浮存储器和海上结构物,发电站,核反应堆容器和桥梁体系的众多形

39、式上,其中包括分段拼装式桥和斜拉桥.25They demonstrate the versatility(n.多多功功能能性性,通通用用性性) of the prestressing concept and its all-encompassing(v.包包围, 环绕, 包包含含或或包包括括某某事事物物) application. The success in the development and construction of all these structures has been due in no small measures to the advances in the technology of materials, particularly prestressing steel, and the accumulated knowledge in estimating the short-and long-term losses in the prestressing forces. 它们展示了预应力概念的通用性和全方位应用性。所有这些结构发展和建设的成功主要是由于材料技术的不断进步,尤其是预应力钢筋,以及对预应力短期和长期损失值估计的知识的积累.26



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