高考英语总复习(考点整合+语法专题+写作导航)Unit 23 Conflict精讲课件 北师大版选修8

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《高考英语总复习(考点整合+语法专题+写作导航)Unit 23 Conflict精讲课件 北师大版选修8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语总复习(考点整合+语法专题+写作导航)Unit 23 Conflict精讲课件 北师大版选修8(75页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 23Conflict模模 块块 8.重点单词1expose vt.暴露; 揭露; 使面临;使接触归纳拓展(1)expose用作动词,意思是“暴露,揭露,显露”。常用的短语是:expose sth./sb.to sth./sb.使暴露于;使面临;使接触(2)exposed用作形容词,意思是“无遮蔽的;不挡风雨的;易受攻击的”。构成的短语是:be exposed to处于可能受伤害的境遇(3)exposure 用作名词,意思是“面临,遭受;揭露”。完成下列句子。(1)The children_(正面临着危险) so we must help them.(2)The floods wash

2、ed away the soil,_(使得下面的岩石露出来了)(3)His back was badly burnt because he _(后背暴露在太阳下) for too long.(4)The newspaper _(揭露了这个秘密组织的活动)答案:答案:(1)are exposed to danger(2)exposing the rocks beneath(3)exposed it to the sun(4)exposed the activities of the secret organization2classify vt.分类;归类;编排vi.属于类归纳拓展 classi

3、fied adj.分类的;机密的classification n分类;类别classify sb./sth. as sth.划分;界定be classified into 被分类为完成下列句子。(1)In modern society, people _ (分类) their economic level.(2)图书馆工作人员花大量时间为书籍分类。People who work in libraries spend a lot of time _ books. (3)Is this article classified _ a novel or a report?答案:答案:(1)are cl

4、assified by(2)classifying(3)as3appoint vt.任命;委派;指定;决定归纳拓展appointed adj.指定的;决定的appointment n任命;任用;约定;预约完成下列句子。(1)他们任命他为经理。They _ him (to be) manager.(2)规定开会的时间是10点30分。The time _ for the meeting was 10:30. (3)他升任经理是众望所归的。His promotion to manager was a popular _. (4)今晚我与他们有个约会。I have an _ with them in

5、the evening. 答案:答案:(1)appointed(2)appointed(3)appointment(4)appointment4remark v& n说(接that从句); 评论; 注意同义词 comment归纳拓展remarkable adj.非凡的,引人注目的remarkably adv.相当地,非常地make a remark on/about批评;发表议论remark on/upon评论;谈论;议论as remarked above如上所述完成下列句子。(1)He was remarking_ the subject when I came into the room.

6、(2)They have achieved _ (remark) success in their work.(3)He had a habit of _(说幽默话)(4)_ (他的话) hurt her feelings.答案:答案:(1)upon/on(2)remarkable(3)making humorous remarks(4)His remarks5intend vt.计划;打算同义词 plan/mean归纳拓展intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事intend.as. 打算使成为intend sth.for sb.为某人准备/预备某事物(通常用被动语态)完成下列

7、句子。(1)当你完成了英国的学习后,你打算做什么?What do you _when you have finished your studies in the UK? (2)这本书是给中学生用的。This book _middle school students.(3)我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。I _to the concert with me.答案:答案:(1)intend to do(2) is intended for(3)intend Tom to go6possess vt.拥有;持有;具有(能力或品质);了解;懂得;受(感情)支配;受(感情)影响归纳拓展possessive

8、 adj.想独占的;不愿与人分享的;所有格的possessor n拥有者;持有人;占有者possession n所有物;财产;拥有in possession of 拥有;掌握in the possession of 由拥有in ones possession 为某人所拥有take possession (of) 接手;开始拥有完成下列句子。(1)凯特是个具有非凡才智的女子。Kate is a woman who _ rare intelligence. (2)我掌握了一些在我看来你会感兴趣的信息。I am _ some information that I think will interes

9、t you.(3)我手中没有这份文件的复印件。I did not have a copy of the document _. 答案:答案: (1)possesses(2)in possession of (3)in my possession(4)took possession of(4)温特赛特镇于1947年接手这座城堡。The town of Winterset _ the castle in 1947.重点短语1hand over 交出,移交归纳拓展了解由hand构成的短语:hand over移交;交出hand back交还hand down传下来,传给hand in交上去(给老师或上

10、级)hand on传给另一人hand out发给人家,散发选用上述短语的正确形式完成下列句子。(1)This custom has been _ since the 18th century.(2)Each student has to_ a composition once a week.(3)The teacher_ the books at the beginning of the lesson.(4)When Mr.Jones got old, he will _ his business to his son.(5)When you finish reading,please _ t

11、he book.(6)Before _ to Jim,Id like to thank you all for your support. 答案:答案: (1)handed down(2)hand in(3)handed out(4)hand over(5)hand back(6)handing over2have a gift for 有天赋归纳拓展have a gift for 相当于have a talent for或be gifted in。完成下列句子。(1)她有学习语言的天赋。She _ learning languages. (2)这个孩子有艺术天赋。_ 答案:答案: (1)ha

12、s a gift for(2)The child has a gift for art.3put forward 提出,建议;向前拨;推荐,举荐归纳拓展了解由put构成的短语的意思。put forward提出;建议;推荐;将提前;把钟/表拨快put away放好;积蓄put an end to 结束put down记下,镇压put off推迟put out扑灭;关(灯)put up挂起;举起;贴(广告等);为某人提供住宿put up with忍受完成下列句子。(1)He _(提出) a new theory at the meeting,which we thought was practic

13、al.(2)He _(拨快) the hands of the clock to avoid being late.(3)They have decided to _(推迟) going to the dentist.答案:答案:(1)put forward(2)put forward(3)put off4talk sth.over (with sb.)与某人详细讨论(商议)某事归纳拓展talk sb.over 使某人改变看法talk back 顶嘴talk nonsense 胡说be the talk of the town 大家都在议论的人或事完成下列句子。(1)当地的政治家与美国人详细讨

14、论了那件事。Local politicians _ the Americans.(2)他去看望他的朋友是为了能详细讨论他的问题。He called on his friend in order that he might _.答案:答案:(1)talked over the matter with(2)talk over his problem5hold out 抱有(希望);坚持;维持;忍耐;伸出归纳拓展了解由hold构成的短语的意思:hold.out伸出;给予hold on稍等hold on to抓住;不放弃hold back阻止;退缩hold.down控制;压制hold up延迟;抬高完

15、成下列句子。(1)How long can we _(抵抗) these attacks?(2)We must _(坚持) till victory.(3)The old furniture may be valuable in the future,so_(不要扔掉)答案:答案:(1)hold out against(2)hold out(3)hold on to it6come about 发生,产生;改变方向归纳拓展come about的第一层意思是“发生;产生”,不能用于被动语态,主语一般是物而不是人。有时it作主语,后跟that引导的从句。常构成句型“How does it come

16、 about that.”。这个短语还有另一层意思是“改变方向;(船只)转向”。与come有关的短语:come across偶然遇见;理解come out算出来;开花;出版come over到来,顺便到访come by弄得;获得(珍稀或难以得到的东西)A完成下列句子。(1)没有人知道这件事是怎么发生的。Nobody knows _.(2)他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的?_ that he knew where we were?(3)船随着风向的改变不时地转变航向。The ship_ from time to time as the wind changed.B选用上述短语的适当形式完成下列句子。

17、(1)Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it_ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.(2)I _ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.(3)How on earth did you _that picture?(4)The book will _ next month.(5)He has_to China for the summer.答案:答案:A.(1)how this event has come about(2)How di

18、d it come about(3)came aboutB(1)came about(2)came across(3)come by(4)come out(5)come over.重点句型1No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep.他们一搬进来,噪音就开始了。他们(邻居)几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。归纳拓展该句为倒装句式,把否定词“no sooner,little,seldom,rarely,never,neither,hardly.”放于句首时,句子采用

19、部分倒装形式,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词置于主语之前,该倒装 形 式 的 主 要 目 的 是 为 了 强 调 。 另 外 no sooner.than/hardly.when/scarcely.when构成的句式含义为“一就”,前面的主句时态为过去完成时,后面的从句为一般过去时。汉译英。(1)我从来没有看过这么感人的电影。_(2)方案一经提出就被采纳了。_(3)他很少回家。_答答案案:(1)Never before have I seen such a moving film.(2)No sooner had the plan been put forward than it was ado

20、pted.(3)Rarely does he go home.2Seldom has drumming caused such conflict. 击鼓发出的声音很少引起这样的冲突。归纳拓展seldom是否定副词,当它置于句首时,主句要部分倒装,即把be动词、情态动词或助动词提到主语之前。有类似用法的否定副词还有:not, never, neither, nor, rarely, hardly, little等。完成或翻译下列句子。(1)我很少有机会读书。_ get a chance to read.(2)最近我很少在街上遇到他。_ him in the street recently.(3)

21、我们很少去思考怎么去帮助那些残疾人。_答案:答案:(1)Seldom do I(2)Seldom have I met(3)Seldom do we think how to help those disabled people.3. the VIPs happened to be a general and a group of about twelve people.这些重要人物碰巧是一位将军和十二人左右的一群人。归纳拓展sb.happen to do sth.某人刚好/碰巧做某事happen to do/be 碰巧做/是happen to be doing 碰巧在做happen to h

22、ave done碰巧已经做了说明:可与It happens that sb.do sth. 句型转换。完成下列句子。(1)我去李老师家拜访时碰巧他外出了。_ when I called at him.(2)他来向我借那本小说时我刚好看完了。_ I had finished reading the novel when he came to borrow it.(3)这位下岗工人去那个公司求职时那儿刚好有个空缺岗位。_ when the laidoff worker wanted to find a job in that company.答案:答案:(1)Mr. Li happened to

23、be out(2)It happened that(3)There happened to be a vacancy纯空格题(连词与引导词)专项训练.单句填空,在空格处填入适当的连词或引导词1The girl had hardly rung the bell _ the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her.2_ our manage objects to Toms joining the club, we shall accept him as a member.3The engineers are

24、so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities,_they have the interest.4Have you finished the book?No, Ive read up to _ the children discover the secret cave.5How about camping this weekend, just for a change?OK,_you want.6The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _ he wanted t

25、o sit next to his wife.7Its no use having ideas only.Dont worry.Peter can show you _to turn an idea into an act.8_they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.9The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister _ she would stay for

26、 an hour.10Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contest last year.11Thats the new machine _ parts are too small to be seen.12Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return in the near future.13After graduating from college,I took

27、some time off to go travelling,_ turned out to be a wise decision.14The newly built caf, the walls of _ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.15I refuse to accept the blame for something _ was someone elses fault.16_ we have stressed many times, “serve

28、 the people” is our first policy.17The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of _ left their village homes for a better life in the city.18The news _ the housing price will fall has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.19Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own n

29、ovel, David Copperfield, was _ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.20I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.Thats_I dont agree .You should have a more active life.1解析:女孩还没来得及按门铃,门就突然打开了。她的朋友一拥而上去欢迎她。根据 “rung the bell” 和 “the door was opened ”的发生先后,可以得出答案befor

30、e。 答案:before2解析:除非我们经理反对Tom加入俱乐部,不然我们都应接受他成为其中一员。答案:Unless3解析:工程师们非常繁忙,即使(even if)有户外体育活动的兴趣也没有时间去做。答案:even if4解析:up to为介词结构,后接宾语从句。而句意是“读到孩子们发现秘密洞穴的地方”,故用where引导该宾语从句。答案:where5解析:“这个周末野营怎么样,来点新鲜的?”“好啊,按你的意思吧!”根据语境分析出后者支持前面的提出的任何观点,故用whatever引导主语从句。答案:whatever6解析:这位老人叫露丝挪到另一把椅子上因为他想跟他妻子挨着坐。空格前后两个句子在

31、逻辑意义上存在原因关系,所以用because引导原因状语从句。答案:because7解析:“光有主意没用。”“不用担心,皮特可以教你怎样把主意变为行动。”how“怎样”,强调方式。who和what是连接代词,一般在不定式短语中作宾语,此句中动词不定式有宾语,不再需要宾语,所以不填。where强调地点,与上句不对应,不填。答案:how8解析:一旦学生们决定了去哪所大学读书,他们就得研究下办理入学的手续。once一旦,符合题意。答案:Once9解析:先行词为centre, she would stay for an hour 不缺宾语或主语, 故要填状语, 表地点用where。答案:where10

32、解析:该空引导定语从句修饰表示人的先行词the students,且在从句中作met的宾语,故选关系代词who。答案:who11解析:那就是那台零部件小得几乎看不见的新机器。空格处引导定语从句并且在从句中作定语使用,所以使用whose。答案:whose12解析:介词 which引导定语从句。介词 which wind power is an ancient source of energy which/that。答案:to which13解析:which引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,which代替前边整个句子内容:“大学毕业后,我休假一段时间去旅游,结果证明这是一个明智的决定。”答案:

33、which14解析:the walls of which( whose walls)表示咖啡屋的墙。答案:which15解析:不定代词something作先行词,用that引导定语从句并在从句中作主语。答案:that16解析:当句子以整个主句作为先行词,又放在主句前的非限定性定语从句只能由 as来引导非限定性定语从句,主句的内容作定语从句谓语动词的宾语。答案:As17解析:这里居住着将近1 000人,他们中的许多人(many of whom)都背井离乡去城市追求更好的生活。由many之前的逗号知,此处是主从句关系。由于先行词是“1,000 people”,表示人,故用whom引导非限制性定语从

34、句。答案:whom18解析:用that引导同位语从句,解释先行词news 的内容即“房价就要下跌。”答案:that19解析:从句不缺成分,因此用that来引导表语从句。狄更斯喜欢他自己的小说大卫科波菲尔的部分原因是小说创作非常贴近他本人的真实生活。答案:that20解析:这就是我不同意的地方。agree 是不及物动词不需要宾语, 所以用where引导表语从句。答案:where.语篇仿真,在空格处填入适当的连词或引导词(1)They think that time is the most important.Nowhere can this sense of time be seen more

35、clearly 1._ in the working place.Working Americans are bound to the clock.It is a commonly held belief 2._one should balance work against a set time, for example an 8hour day or a 40hour week.Anything over these time limits is overtime, 3._the worker should receive more money per hour for work done

36、during overtime.Time during nonworking hours is also considered veryprecious.4._an American decides on a hectic weekend schedule,5._ Saturday and Sunday are filled with activities, or on a relaxed weekend, the time will be regarded as valuable.Some Americans feel 6._they have a love/hate relationshi

37、p with time.They love the comforts 7._progress has brought through work, 8._they hate the bondage to the clock9._ the pressures of a timeoriented society.There is little doubt 10._many Americans feel that they have become servants of the clock.1解析:比较级结构more.than。答案:than 2.解析:引导同位语从句解释先行词belief的内容。答案

38、:that3解析:空格前后是两个单句,并且是顺承关系,故填连词and。答案:and4解析:whether引导让步状语从句,并与or下文搭配。答案:Whether5解析:引导时间状语从句。答案:when6解析:引导宾语从句。答案:that7解析:引导定语从句修饰先行词comforts。答案:that/which8解析:They love与they hate是转折关系,故填but。答案:but9解析:the bondage与the pressures并列作hate的宾语。答案:and10解析:引导同位语从句解释先行词doubt的内容。答案:that(2)The increase in the pr

39、ice of oil has brought the world to its senses.Scientists are searching for a suitable alternative 1._ so farthey are in vain.They are considering 2._ they can make better use of the two other major fuels, coal and natural gas,3._ they have found 4._neither can take the place of oil in their economi

40、cs.In recent years there has been a growing concern for the environment 5._ coal is not a popular fuel with environmentalists.Natural gas, the purest of the three fuels, is also the most limited in supply.The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations,6._need very little fuel to produce enor

41、mousamounts of power 7._ do not pollute the atmosphere.Their dangers, however, are so great and the cost of building them are also high.Not only could one accident in a nuclear power station spread 8._much radioactivity as a thousand Hiroshima atom bombs, 9._the radioactive waste from these stations

42、 is extremely dangerous.Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural sources of energy: the sun, the sea, the wind and hot springs, of 10._the sun seems the most promising source for the future.1解析:根据in vain判断,前后两句是转折关系,故填but。答案:but2解析:引导宾语从句。 答案:how3解析:根据neither can.economics判断,前后两句是转

43、折关系,故填but。答案:but4解析:引导宾语从句。答案:that5解析:空格前后是两个并列关系的句子,故填and。答案:and6解析:引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词stations。答案:which7解析:need与do not pollute是并列谓语。答案:and8解析:as.as原级比较结构。答案:as9解析:Not only.but (also) 结构答案:but10解析:of which the sunthe sun of which,引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词the sun, the sea, the wind and hot springs。答案:which读写任务(6)

44、通过事例论证观点的议论文此类议论文可按下列步骤写作1过渡。常用的过渡句式有:There is an experience about.The feeling of.Take me as an example.As far as I am concerned,I have a similar experience in.I have such a similar experience.2事实论证:举例子。点明某事就可以了,不要详细描写。3分析:引出自己的感悟和看法。4总结:提出个人观点或总结。常用过渡语有:in my opinionfrom my personal point of viewas

45、 far as I am concerned美文欣赏Challenges Make Us Who We AreThe passage tells us that when we are faced with challenges, all we need is commitment and communication.After dealing with many challenges,we will come to realize that it is challenges that shape us.Life is filled with challenges.In my study, I

46、 always meet with new challenges.When I was in Senior One,I used to fail my final math exams.This was a serious problem because math is a very important subject.However, I did not quit.I listened to the teacherattentively in class.I also bought some reference books and did as many exercises as I cou

47、ld.Besides,I turned to my teacher and classmates for help.In the end,after several months hard work,I passed the final exam.Looking back on this,I realize that whatever challenges I am faced with,if I can spare no efforts and never give up,I will get them over.Whats more,those challenges make me who

48、 I am.阅读下列短文,按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Everyone has an experience they would never forget.Some are embarrassing,some are moving,and some teach us a lesson.Here is a story of mine.Last Sunday I went fishing.After setting up my fishing rod(钓鱼竿)with bait(鱼饵),I sat down on the bank of the lake.But two hours la

49、ter,I didnt catch any fish.I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff(收拾东西),preparing to go back home.Just then,I saw an old man sitting near me.To my surprise,his basket was full of fish,so I went over to him,wanting to know why.“Excuse me,but how long have you sat here?” I asked.“About four ho

50、urs,”he answered.“Four hours?” I couldnt believe my ears.“Yes.Its very important to be patient,”the old man said.“Dont consider fishing a tiring sport.Just enjoy it.”Suddenly,I understand what he said.I must learn to be patient.Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently.I felt a fish touch the b

51、ait,but I didnt move and waited for the right moment to reel it in(卷收钓鱼线)At last,I caught it.This made me very happy.In the following six hours,I caught over 10 fish.On my way home,I thought what had happened on the bank.I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience.写作内容:1以约30词概括短文的要点

52、;2然后以约120词写一篇记叙文,描写你认识到耐心的重要性的一次经历,并包括以下要点:(1)叙述你认识到耐心的重要性的一次真实或虚构的经历;(2)你是如何认识到耐心的重要性的;(3)耐心对你的生活、学习有什么影响。写作要求:1可以参照阅读材料的篇章结构组织故事,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2标题自定。_Patienceimpatient will waste all the efforts that we have made.Patience also plays an important part in our study and life.With it we can achieve something great.Now,whenever I am to lose my patience,Ill think of the experience of waiting for a bus.



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