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1、课时分配课时板块结合范例Period 1Introduction+ Reading &Vocabulary Period 2Grammar 1 + Function + WritingPeriod 3Listening + Pronunciation Period 4Everyday English + Grammar 2 + Cultural CornerModule 3 1. Introduction2. Reading and VocabularyPeriod 1VocabularyIf you are going to the New Year Concert 2005 in Vien

2、na, what do you expect to see and hear in the music hall?guitarguitarsaxophonesaxophonedrumdrumviolinviolinharpsichordharpsichordpoppoprockrockclassicalclassicaljazzjazzsolosolochoirchoirIntroduction ClassificationSomeone who writes musicA group of people singing togetherInstruments used in pop and

3、rock musicInstruments used in classical musicInstruments used in jazzInstruments used in traditional Chinese musiccomposerchoirdrums, guitar, piano, saxophonedrums, violin, piano, saxophonethe same as abovedrums, erhuIntroduction - DiscussionJigsaw discussion: Work in groups. Choose one question and

4、 discuss it. Then report your answers to all.1.Which of the instruments do you like listening to?2.Which famous musicians play them?3.Is the Chinese instrument different from the other instruments? Describe the difference, if there is one.Pre-readingCan you name some famous composer? Then match the

5、pictures with the names.Joseph HaydnWolfgang Amadeus MozartLudwig van BeethovenInformation sharing: How much do you know about them?personal info.experienceachievementswhat to learn from himFirst Reading 1. Title1.Can you predict the title of this passage?2.Read the passage as fast as possible, and

6、then choose the best title. p Three Great Austrian Composersp Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Centuryp Three Great Child Composersnew wordcontextnotecourtdirectorgeniusharpsichordpeasantprinceprincemusicmusiconly lived. and he only lived. and he composed more posed more than.played the harps

7、ichordplayed the harpsichordconductorconductortalenttalentinstrumentinstrumentfarmerfarmerwas born in a village.was born in a village.First Reading 2. Word guessingSecond Reading 1. Part 3 & 4Answers to Part 3:1.Haydn, Mozart2.Beethoven3.Haydn4.Mozart5.Beethoven6.They all met each other.7.Mozart, Be

8、ethoven8.HaydnAnswers to Part 4:1.He made them longer and for a larger orchestra.He made them longer and for a larger orchestra.2.He worked in eastern Austria for 30 years.He worked in eastern Austria for 30 years.3.He composed over 600 pieces of music.He composed over 600 pieces of music.4.He was s

9、ix years old.He was six years old.5.They were friends for ten years.They were friends for ten years.6.His father taught him.His father taught him.7.No, he continued composing when he became No, he continued composing when he became deaf.deaf.personal info.experience achievementswhat to learn from hi

10、mJ. Haydn, Austria, be known as, son of a peasant1.After studying., went to., where. (become director of).2. Having worked., moved to., wherechange .into .loyalty (worked there for 30 years)loving (relationship with Mozart and Beethoven, encourage.to)成绩成绩Second Reading 2. Jigsaw reading and fill in

11、the details.personal info.experience Achieve-mentswhat to learn from himMozartAustria, son of a musician and conductor,musical genius early age: had talent By the time.(14): had. 4: harpsichord teenager: toured.giving5: started composing concerts6: played for .be impressed withcomposed more than 600

12、 pieces of musicquick to learn, enjoy learning, be happypersonal info.experience Achieve-mentswhat to learn from himBeethovenBonn, Germany, son of a singeryoung: showed musical talentfor the rest of his life: became popular in.older: go deafthe last years: became completely deaf, but.great works str

13、ong will; never give up be impressed by it was.who .Activity: InterviewWork in four.Group 1: (one of the composers) Get ready for for talking about your experiences of being one of the 3 composers Group 2: (host of a TV program) Get ready for questions to ask the composers.Group 3: (many fans of the

14、m) Get ready for more person questions.Post Reading Fill in the form below.General idea:phrases: BS: 1. Having workedHaving worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, to London, wherewhere he was very successful. he was very successful.2. 2. By the timeBy the t

15、ime he was 14, Mozart he was 14, Mozart had composedhad composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano, and many pieces for the harpsichord, piano, and violin, violin, as well asas well as for orchestras. for orchestras.1.3. 3. It wasIt was Haydn Haydn whowho encouraged Beethoven to encouraged Beet

16、hoven to move to Vienna.move to Vienna.Few people enjoy listening to classical music, compared with pop and rock. Why is it like that?(选做) DiscussionHWWrite a letter to your friend in Africa, introducing one composer, using words and phrases learnt today.be known as compose musical talentbe known as

17、 compose musical talentbe impressed with (by) be impressed with (by) It was.who.It was.who.Period 2Module 3 MusicGrammar 1 Function WritingGrammar 1 Part 1Recall the sentences from Reading and Vocabulary and then fill in the blanks.v_ it was performed in America, there was an audience of 100,000 peo

18、ple.v_ he was very young, Mozart had a lot of musical talent.v_ he was still a teenager, he was a big star.v_ he grew older, he began to go deaf.WhenWhenWhenWhenWhileWhileAsAsAnswers to Part 1: Answers to Part 1: A. 1 1B. 2 and 3 2 and 3C. 4 4Grammar 1 Part 2First do Part 2 on your own, then check t

19、he answer with your partner.Answers to Part 2:1. b2. d3. c4. aGrammar 1 Part 3Work in four. Make sentences similar to those in Part 2, using when, by the time, while, as.Possible answers:While he was a child, he lived in the countryside.When he was young, he lived with his grandmother.When he lived

20、in Hunan Province, he collected folk songs and music.While he lived in Hunan Province, he planted rice.When he attended Central Conservatory of Music, he heard western music for the first time.(补充) About adverbial clause of time引导Adverbial Clauses of Time的词语 when, while, as, before, after, since, un

21、til, as soon as, every time, each time, the moment, by the time , immediately , the minute , the second.when试比较:When it was performed in America, there was an audience of 100,000 people.When I receive the letter, Ill tell you.分析:分析:分析:分析:whenwhen引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发引导的从句表示主句的动作

22、和从句的动作同时发引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。动作同时发生动作同时发生动作同时发生动作同时发生从句的动作在主句之前发生从句的动作在主句之前发生从句的动作在主句之前发生从句的动作在主句之前发生while观察:vWhile they were doing homework, someone broke into the house.vWhile he was still a teenager, he was a big star.分析:分析:分析:分析:wh

23、ilewhile引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示“ “在在在在过程中过程中过程中过程中” ”,强调,强调,强调,强调某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。从句的动作表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。Rewrite the sentences: While he was walking in the str

24、eet, he met Tim. Walking in the street, he met Tom.While walking in the street, he met Tim.as试观察:1)As they were picking tea, the girls were singing happily.2) She sang as she worked.强调两个动作同时进行强调两个动作同时进行强调两个动作同时进行强调两个动作同时进行两种情况一起发展变化两种情况一起发展变化两种情况一起发展变化两种情况一起发展变化分析:分析:分析:分析:asas引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引导的从句表示引

25、导的从句表示“ “当当当当时;一边时;一边时;一边时;一边一边一边一边一边”,主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。有时可译为主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。有时可译为主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。有时可译为主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随。有时可译为“ “随着随着随着随着” ”。其他: It wont be long before he finishes his writing.After he (had) finished his work, he left there. It is (has been) two years since he came here.He will

26、not go to bed until (till) his mother comes.It is not until his mother comes home that he will go to bed.(强调结构)As soon as she got home, she began to cook. Every time/each time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.There was an applause the moment (as soon as) she appeared on the stage.By the time h

27、e arrived, the train had already gone.Function - BrainstormingCould you come up as many ways to express your likes or dislikes?Activity: Questionaire.QuestionsAnswersWhat is your favorite kind of music?Who is your favorite performer?Which is your favorite piece of music?You may use:You may use:I lov

28、eI loveI really likeI really likeI think is great!I think is great!I think is wonderful!I think is wonderful!I hate I hate I cant standI cant stand is awful! is awful! is dreadful! is dreadful!WritingFirst read the email as fast as possible, then share information youve got from the email with your

29、partners.Then discuss the questions on the book.Put your answers down and make it into a reply to the email. (Use connecting works where necessary.)Peer-checkingExchange your writing with your partners. Check it according to the following:1. Are you clear with the topic? Are you clear with the topic

30、?2. Are all the questions included? Are all the questions included?3.Can you find any mistakes?Can you find any mistakes?4. Can you find any useful phrases, sentences Can you find any useful phrases, sentences 5. or connecting words? or connecting words?HomeworkRewrite your reply to the email and tr

31、y to make it better.Period 3Module 3 Music Listening Pronunciation Revision1.Beethoven is a German c_. He lost his hearing in 1801 and was d_ later, but he c_ composing.2.Mozart was b_ in Austria. He had m_ t_ from a very early a_ and started composing when he was five.3.Bach is k_ a_ “the father of

32、 symphony”.omposeromposerontinuedontinuedornornusicusicalentalentgegenown snown seafeafPre-listeningQuestions:vDoes the word “band” mean one person or more than one?vCan you name some of the famous bands, both at home and abroad?vWhat is your favorite band? Say why?Pre-listening Part 1Look at the ph

33、otograph of the Beatles. Answer the questions in Part 1.vHave you ever heard of the Beatles? If so, what do you know about them?vHow old do you think the photo is? Was it taken recently? How do you know?Some information about the Beatles.The Beatles formed in England in 1959. Their first record went

34、 into the top twenty in 1962. Their third single became their first No. 1 hits. Then they went on to have 16 more No. 1 hits, most of which were written by one of the members called McCartney. The band split up to pursue solo careers with more or less success.Pre-listening Part 2Answers to Part 2:1.

35、They remember it.They remember it.2.The words.The words.3.Difficult.Difficult.4.More than one.More than one.5.They like them.They like them.6.No, they dont.No, they dont.Use of the vocabulary1.The song written by him is very c_, so I like it very much.2.I like the l_ of the song. It tells us about h

36、is life and the words of the song are not c_, so they are easy to understand.3.The b_ formed by 4 young man, who had a big i_ on young people, decides to s_ u_ this coming month as they want to be s_ a_.athyathyyricsyricsomplexomplexandandnfluencenfluenceplitplitp poloolortistrtistPredictionDo you t

37、hink all the words in the word box in Part 2 will exist in the listening passage?How will they exist and connect with each other? Can you use the words to say something about the Beatles?First listening Part 3Listen to the tape and finish Part 3 on your own. Then check the answer with your partner.A

38、nswers:Answers:1. 1. T T2. 2. F F 3. 3. T T4. 4. T T5. 5. T T6. 6. T TAll the Beatles were born in All the Beatles were born in Liverpool in the north of England.Liverpool in the north of England.Second listening Part 4Listen again and make notes about the songs and albums.Answers:1. serious2. balla

39、d3. complex4. last albumThird listening Listen and fill in the blanks. The Beatles were the most _ band in the _ of popular music. The band _ John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Starr played _, the other three played _. Lennon and McCartney wrote _ of the songs. All the Bea

40、tles were _ in Liverpool_.successfulsuccessfulhistoryhistoryconsisted ofconsisted ofdrumsdrumsguitarguitarmostmostbornbornin the north of Englandin the north of England During _, the Beatles _ American rock singers, _ Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. They _ in 1962 with a _ song called Love me Do. In

41、1964, after they had become stars in their own country, the Beatles _ the United States and were _. the early 1960sthe early 1960swere influenced bywere influenced bysuch assuch ashad their first hithad their first hitcatchycatchytouredtoureda huge successa huge success During the _, the Beatles wer

42、e one of the bands which _ rock music _. Some of their songs were _, such as Nowhere Man; there were _ such as Yesterday and _ such as Strawberry Fields Forever.mid-1960smid-1960sgavegavea new directiona new directionquite seriousquite seriousballadsballadsmore complex songsmore complex songs_, thei

43、r music had changed completely. They had stopped writing simple songs _. The _had become more interesting and they had begun to use new _, too. For example, _ India, they started using Indian instruments.By the late 1960sBy the late 1960swith catchy tuneswith catchy tunestunes and the lyricstunes an

44、d the lyricsinstrumentsinstrumentsafter visitingafter visitingSome of their _ changed pop music _. Their last album was Let It Be in 1970. After they _ Let It Be, they split up. _ they stopped working together, they _ more albums than _ band _. After the group had _, all the Beatles performed as _ o

45、r started other bands. John Lennon died in New York in 1980. George Harrison died in 2001.albumsalbumscompletelycompletelyhad finished recordinghad finished recordingBy the timeBy the timehad soldhad soldany otherany otherin historyin historybroken upbroken upsolo artistssolo artistsTaskWork in grou

46、ps. Introduce the Beatles according to the notes youve taken from the listening. Recommend the best one to present it to all.Period 4Module 3 Music Everyday English Grammar 2 Cultural CornerEveryday English 1. DiscussionQ: Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? When do you like listening

47、 to music? How do you often listen to music?VocabularyMP3MP3CD discmanCD discmanwalkmanwalkmanEveryday English 2. Part 1Talk about something about yourself.You may use:1.I like listening to _ (style of music).2.I like listening to music on _(means of listening)3.Ive got (means of listening)4.I cant

48、afford to buy 5.I download/get fromEveryday English 2. Part 2Listen to a conversation between Tom and Anna about the way they listen to music. Predict the answers to the following questions.1.How do they listen to it?2.Are they happy with the way they listen to music?3.What does Anna offer to do for

49、 Tom?Tom has a cassette player and a walkman; Anna has a new minidisk Tom has a cassette player and a walkman; Anna has a new minidisk player and a CD Discman.player and a CD Discman.Anna is; Tom isnt.Anna is; Tom isnt.She offers to lend him her Discman.She offers to lend him her Discman.Everyday En

50、glish Part 3Answers to Part 3.1.Cool!= Thats great, very good.Cool!= Thats great, very good.2.No way!= Its not possible.No way!= Its not possible.3.Really?= Is that true?Really?= Is that true?4.Excellent!= Im really pleased.Excellent!= Im really pleased.Everyday English Part 4Task: Make a conversati

51、on about your favourite music and how you listen to it. Try to use the following: Cool! No way! Really? Excellent!Grammar 2 Part 1Recall the sentences from the listening passage about the Beatles. 1.After they _(become) stars in their own country, the Beatles toured the United States.2.Before they v

52、isited India, they _ (record) had recorded seven albums.had becomehad becomehad recordedhad recordedAnswers to Part 1:Answers to Part 1:A.A.Becoming stars in their own country.Becoming stars in their own country.B.B.Recording seven albums.Recording seven albums.C.C.The past perfect tense.The past pe

53、rfect tense.Grammar 2 Part 2Discuss the questions in Part 2 in four. Then report your answers to all.Answer to Part 2:Answer to Part 2:A.1. (a) means that their music had already changed 1. (a) means that their music had already changed by then. (b) means that it changed then. by then. (b) means tha

54、t it changed then. 2. (a) means that they had already sold more 2. (a) means that they had already sold more albums by then; (albums by then; (b)meansb)means that they sold more that they sold more albums then.albums then.B. Yes. In (a), the event happened before that time; in B. Yes. In (a), the ev

55、ent happened before that time; in (b), the event happened at that time. (b), the event happened at that time. Grammar 2 Part 3Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your partner. Answers to Part 3:1. joined, had playedjoined, had played2.toured, had becometoured, had become3.recorded, had rec

56、ordedrecorded, had recorded4.had recorded, split uphad recorded, split up5.had split up, performedhad split up, performedGrammar 2 Part 4Do it on your own. Then check the answer with your partner. Answers to Part 4:1.arrived, had leftarrived, had left2.arrived, had begunarrived, had begun3.happened,

57、 had lefthappened, had left4.made, had recordedmade, had recordedMore about the past perfect tense试观察:1.After they had become stars in their own country, the Beatles tour the United States.2.We hadnt seen each other since I left my hometown.分析:分析:分析:分析:1. 1.过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生的或完成的动作。过去完成时表示过去某一时

58、间或动作之前已经发生的或完成的动作。过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生的或完成的动作。过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生的或完成的动作。它表示它表示它表示它表示“ “过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去” ”。2. 2.表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那时的动作或状态。表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那时的动作或状态。表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那时的动作或状态。表示在过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那时的动作或状态。Could you bring out time expressions or clauses often used

59、 in past perfect tense sentences?分析:过去完成时常与分析:过去完成时常与分析:过去完成时常与分析:过去完成时常与by, for, before, sinceby, for, before, since等介词短语或由等介词短语或由等介词短语或由等介词短语或由after, before, after, before, since, when, by the timesince, when, by the time等引导的时间状语从句连用。等引导的时间状语从句连用。等引导的时间状语从句连用。等引导的时间状语从句连用。Practice:Practice:By the

60、end of last year, we _.By the end of last year, we _.They _ when we arrived.They _ when we arrived.试比较:1.By the late 1960s, their music had changed completely.2.In the late 1960s, their music changed completely.分析:分析:分析:分析:1. 1.表示动作发生在表示动作发生在表示动作发生在表示动作发生在“ “过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去过去的过去” ”;2. 2.只表示动作发生在过去的某

61、一点时间。只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。只表示动作发生在过去的某一点时间。1.他说他以前见过你。他说他以前见过你。He said that he _ (see) you before.had seen2. 到六点钟为止他们已经工作八小时了。到六点钟为止他们已经工作八小时了。By six oclock they _(work) for eight hours.had workedBy six oclock they _ (work)for eight hours. When I came to GZ , he _(be) there for a long t

62、ime.1. 到了六点钟为止,他们已经工作了八小时了。到了六点钟为止,他们已经工作了八小时了。2. 我到广州时,他在那里很长时间了。我到广州时,他在那里很长时间了。had workedhad been3.到上个月中旬我们在北京住了有五年时间了。到上个月中旬我们在北京住了有五年时间了。By the middle of last month we _(live) in Beijing for five years.had lived例如:例如:1. 她到家之前她的孩子已经睡着了。她到家之前她的孩子已经睡着了。When she got home her children _(sleep).had s

63、lept2. 在他们到达之前电影已经开始了。在他们到达之前电影已经开始了。Before they arrived here the film _ already _ (start).had1. After he _ (finish) his work he went 1. After he _ (finish) his work he went out.out.had finishedhad finished2. The children ran away after they _ 2. The children ran away after they _ (break) the window

64、.(break) the window.had brokenhad broken3. I went to Toms house but he _ (go) out.3. I went to Toms house but he _ (go) out.had gonehad gone4. Annie told me that his father _ ( go ) to 4. Annie told me that his father _ ( go ) to Paris and he _ ( come ) back in a few days.Paris and he _ ( come ) bac

65、k in a few days.had gonehad gonewould comewould come5. My friend _ (buy) the car two years 5. My friend _ (buy) the car two years ago. He _ (buy) it for two years.ago. He _ (buy) it for two years.boughtboughthas hadCultural CornerWho is he?Ye Xiaogang 叶小纲叶小纲First Reading 1. QuestionsAre there any si

66、milarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European composers you have read about in this module?Answer:He started playing music when he was young. He started playing music when he was young. He has composed symphonies. He is famous He has composed symphonies. He is famous internationally.internationall

67、y.Second Reading Fill in the form below.NamesexnationalityjobMain achievementsStyle of musicYe XiaogangYe XiaogangmalemaleChineseChinesecomposercomposerreceived many prizes, home and received many prizes, home and abroadabroadsymphonies, film musicsymphonies, film musicWhat did he do or happened to

68、him in the following years:1955:1978-1983:1985:1986:1996:bornbornstudied at the Central Conservatory studied at the Central Conservatory of Musicof Musica concert of his symphonya concert of his symphonyhis album appearedhis album appearedThe group he is in played with a famous The group he is in pl

69、ayed with a famous Italian musician at the Beijing International Italian musician at the Beijing International Jazz Festival.Jazz Festival.Retelling Work in groups. Try to retell the passage according the notes taken with your partners. Then recommend the best one to present it to all.Discussion Do

70、you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music?HomeworkWrite about one of the musicians you are interested in so far, either in Module 3 or somewhere else.Language DataWords and phrasesAlbum, ballad, catchy, choir, complex, conductor, Album, ballad, catchy, choir, complex, conductor, c

71、ourt, director, genius, harpsichord, impressed, court, director, genius, harpsichord, impressed, influence, lose, lyrics, peasant, saxophone, singer, influence, lose, lyrics, peasant, saxophone, singer, solo artist, split up, symphony, talent, teenager, solo artist, split up, symphony, talent, teena

72、ger, tune, audience, band, classical, composer, drum, tune, audience, band, classical, composer, drum, erhu, guitar, instrument, jazz, musician, musical, erhu, guitar, instrument, jazz, musician, musical, orchestra, piece (o music), pop, piano, rock, orchestra, piece (o music), pop, piano, rock, suc

73、cessful, violinsuccessful, violinWordsWordsUseful expressions:1.和和握手握手2.在远方;在远处在远方;在远处3.和和交流交流4.(保持)警惕(保持)警惕5. 忙着忙着/忙于做忙于做6.和和达成协议;做成交易达成协议;做成交易shake hands with sb., shake ones handshake sb. by the hand in the distance communicate with sb. on guard be busy doing , be busy with sth make a deal with s

74、b.9.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙,; 支持支持10.向某人道别向某人道别/ 问好问好11.举起举起12.一上一下地;上上下下地一上一下地;上上下下地8.暴露暴露/表露表露/(自己的情况);(自己的情况);出卖出卖;捐献;泄露捐献;泄露 give away do sb. a favour say goodbye/ hello to sb. hold up, lift up,put up, raiseup and down=do a favour for sb. in favour of= for7.盯着盯着. 看看 stare at16.究竟;到底究竟;到底17.在相似情况下在相似情况下18.和

75、和.竞争竞争19.朝着朝着.方向方向20.给出给出的理由的理由21.尊敬地尊敬地 on earth, in the world in similar situations in competition with in the direction of give reasons for in respect13.偶然地偶然地14.对对.粗鲁粗鲁/无礼无礼15.打开(电源)打开(电源) switch on, turn on be rude to, be impolite to by accident , by chance21.不止是;不止是; 不仅仅;非常不仅仅;非常22.指着;指向;用指着;指

76、向;用指着指着23.在在 场合中场合中24.意识到意识到25.被牵涉进去被牵涉进去26.说定了说定了27.向某人挥手告别向某人挥手告别28. 给给.指路指路29. 向向祝酒祝酒30.头脑变得空白头脑变得空白31. 威胁性武器威胁性武器32. 在葬礼在葬礼/婚礼上婚礼上33.应某人之邀应某人之邀more thanpoint to point. at.on occasionsbe conscious ofbe/get involved in Its a deal; Thats a deal. wave sb. good-byeshow sb. the waymake / drink a toast

77、 to sb.go blank a threatening weapon at the funeral/ wedding at ones requestTranslation:1.无论他是谁,无论他是谁, 都不应该对老师这么粗鲁。都不应该对老师这么粗鲁。2 我们每次见面都彼此握手。我们每次见面都彼此握手。3 他不只是我们的老师,他不只是我们的老师, 还是我们的好朋友。还是我们的好朋友。Whoever he is , he shouldnt be so rude to the teacher.We shook hands with each other every time we met. He

78、 is more than our teacher. He is our good friend.4 他们用上下点头的方式向那个日本人问好。他们用上下点头的方式向那个日本人问好。5 无论你做什么,无论你做什么, 都要按照被吩咐的去做。都要按照被吩咐的去做。They said hello/ hi to the Japanese by moving their heads up and down.Whatever you do , do as (you are) told to.Translation:1.无论他是谁,无论他是谁, 都不应该对老师这么粗鲁。都不应该对老师这么粗鲁。2 我们每次见面都

79、彼此握手。我们每次见面都彼此握手。3 他不只是我们的老师,他不只是我们的老师, 还是我们的好朋友。还是我们的好朋友。4 他们用上下点头的方式向那个日本人问好。他们用上下点头的方式向那个日本人问好。5 无论你做什么,无论你做什么, 都要按照被吩咐的去做。都要按照被吩咐的去做。Multiple choice:1.Theres no easy solution _ this problem. A about B at C against D to 2._ telephones , _ them Im out. A No matter who ; telling B Whoever; tell C A

80、nyone who ; to tell D Who; tell 3._ the light off, he couldnt go on with his work. A Until B As C With D Because4.This kind of flower is so _ that you can see it everywhere. A ordinary B usual C common D general5. _either your teacher or you mistaken? A Is B Are C Has D Have 6.- Things are getting m

81、ore and more expensive . - Its _ that price will continue to _. A sure ; go up B certain ; go up C sure ; raise D certain ; raise up 7.Please do it _ I have told you to. A like B though C as if D as8.- What were your brother busy _ after school yesterday? - He was busy _ a model plane for a competit

82、ion. A to do; with B in ; to make C with ; making D doing; to make9.To learn English well, _ . A a lot of books have been bought B many classmates are ready to help him C the teacher has given him a lot of good advice D he reads English every morning10.He is _ to succeed. A maybe B likely C probable

83、 D possible11.You shouldnt give _ your child asks. A what B no matter what C whatever D that12. His smile suggested that he _ happy with you. A was B be C should be D is 13. I suggested that he _ there to work. A was B be C is D would be14. We suggest that he _ sent there to work. A isnt B wasnt C b

84、e not D not be15.Teachers do _ teach us school lessons. They educate us to be useful persons.A much B more than C rather than D and16.All the children _ in the school play and they are in high spirits. A are involving B involve C are involved D have involved 17. We usually walk _ the river bank over

85、 there, but today I feel tired and wont walk _ far. A as long as ; so B as far as ; that C as often as ; such D as soon as ; very 18.-how was it that they discovered the entrance to the underground place? - Totally _. A with any means B by accident C in a case D by design Word spelling:1.They were c

86、arrying _(武器武器).2.Bird flu has _ (传播传播)all over the world.3.In England , turkey is _ (传统地传统地) eaten on Christmas Day.4.One must be c_ of his shortcomings.5.Several officials were i_ in the matter.6.They c_ the news to all parts of the world by radio.weaponsspreadtraditionallyonsciousnvolvedommunicat

87、edLanguage points:1.read v.看懂,读懂,理解看懂,读懂,理解, 标明标明(1)The child can read the clock now.( )(2)He reads English , but doesnt speak it.( )(3)How do you read the passage?( )(4)Lets read a riddle. ( ) (5)There is a board , reading “No parking!” ( )看懂看懂读懂读懂理解理解标明标明理解理解,猜出猜出2. no more than 仅仅仅仅more than 不只是,

88、不仅仅,非常不只是,不仅仅,非常I have no more than twenty books.(1)He is more than our teacher . He is our good friend.(2) China Daily is more than a newspaper . It can help us learn English.(3)Hearing the news , he was more than angry.不只是不只是不只是不只是非常非常 3.Indeed , body positions are part of what we call “body langu

89、age”.(1) “call +sb./ sth. + 名词名词 ” “把把.叫做叫做”We call him Mary.We call it “body language ”(1)This is the book _ I bought yesterday.(2)This is _ I bought yesterday(3)This is all _ I bought yesterday.(4)This is _ I bought yesterday .that what that what (2)what = something that , all that (5)Body positio

90、ns are part of the things _ we call “body language”(6)Body positions are part of _ we call “body language”试比较试比较:that( 7)Eventually , we came to the island _ Napoleon found first.(8)Eventually , we came to_ Napoleon found first.thatwhatwhat (9) When you answer questions in a job interview , please r

91、emember the golden rule:Always give the monkey exactly _ he wants. A what B which C when D that(10) A computer can only do _you have instructed it to do. A how B after C what D when (11)After five hours drive, they reached _ they thought was the place theyve been dreaming of. A what B that C which D

92、 where (12)The soldiers soon reached _ was once an old temple _ the villagers used as a school. A which ; where B what ; which C what ; where D where ; which 4. Though it was raining , (yet) we went on working . It was raining , yet we went on working. It was raining , but/ still we went on working.

93、5. One person then holds up his hand , with palm outwards. He came in, (with) a book in his hand.He went to school , (with) a bag on his back He went to sleep, (with) the door closed He came in, book in hand.(1) “(with) + 宾语宾语+ 宾补宾补”, 独立主格结构独立主格结构(2) hold 举行举行,握住握住, 容纳容纳The coming Olympic Games will

94、 be held in Beijing in 2008.The hall can hold 2000 peoplehold up 举起举起,阻止阻止hold back 阻止阻止, 抑制抑制 hold on继续继续, 抓住不放抓住不放, (打电话时打电话时)不挂断不挂断(= seat / accommodate )Nobody can hold him back from going to school.I was held up in the traffic jam.Im coming. Please hold on/hold the line .If you say the word “_”

95、, most people think of words and sentences.Although these are very important , we _ with _ _ just spoken and _ words . Indeed, body positions are part of _ we call “body language” .We see examples of _ body language very often , _ there is also “_ ” body language, _ varies _ culture _ municationcomm

96、unicatemore thanwrittenwhatlearnedyetwhichfromtounconsciousWe use “learned” body language when we are _ to strangers. Like other animals , we are _ _ until we know it is safe to relax. So every culture has developed a _ way to _ strangers, to show them we we are not _. _, Europeans and Americans _ h

97、ands. They do this with the right hand - the _ hand for most people. introducedon guardformalgreetaggressiveintroducedTraditionallyshake strongestIf our right hand is busy _ someone, it cannot be holding a _.So the gesture is saying, “ I trust you . Look , Im not carrying a _ weapon.” If you shake h

98、ands _ someone , you show you trust them. We shake hands when we _ a _. It means ,“We agree and we trust”.greetingthreateningweaponmakedealwith_ in Asian countries do not involve_ the other person, but they always involve the hands. _in China, when we greet someone, we put the right hand _ the left

99、and bow _. Muslims give a “salaam”, _ they touch their heart , mouth and _. Hindus _their hands and bow their heads _ _. In all of these examples , the hands are busy _ the greeting and cannot _ a weapon.Greetings touching overTraditionally, slightlywhereforeheadjoinin respectwithholdEven today , wh

100、en some people have very _ styles of greeting, they still use their hands as a _ of trust. American _often greet each other _ the expression “Give me five!” One person then _ _ his hand , _ _ and five fingers _.The other person raises his hand and slaps _ _ open hand above the head _ a “high five”.N

101、owadays , it is _ _ common greeting.informalgestureyouthswith holds up palm outwards spread the others in quite aBody language is fascinating _ anyone _study. People _ _ much more _their gestures than _ their words. Look at your friends and family and see if you are a _ _. for to give away by by min

102、d readerWord spelling:1._(传统地传统地), the companys main markets have been Britain and the US.2.The _(年轻人年轻人) were throwing stones and bottles at the police.3.She sat on the floor _ (抱抱)her knees.4.Television is an increasingly important means of c_.5.She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked u_. T

103、raditionallyyouthshuggingommunicationnconscious6.The fire s_ very rapidly because of the strong wind.7.Thanks for the i_ to your birthday party.8. Chuck sat quietly for hours (盯着看盯着看)in the distance, thinking of what might have been.9. Prices v with the season.10. We s_ the table cloth out on the gr

104、ound and sat down to eat.preadnvitationstaringarypreadCorrection:1.When the bell rang , I noticed the clock pointed at twelve.2. At the distance, there were some people shouting to us. But I couldnt hear them.3. Please tell me the reason of your keeping him from going to the party.4. You have failed

105、 the exam for three times. Would you like to have another try?at-toAt-In去掉去掉forof-for5. The policeman caught her by her arm, but several minutes later, she broke away from him. 6. It is so quiet the library. You cant talk with others, or you will be punished.7. I will not let you enter the room unle

106、ss you dont tell me what has happened.8. They havent realized that it takes to set up such a school.her-thecant-mustnt去掉去掉dontthat-what 9. This is his request that he will be sent there.10.He requests that I am not invited to the party.11.We shook hand with each other when we met.12.The car went awa

107、y to the direction of Beijing.13.He pointed his gun to the tiger.去掉去掉willam not 改为改为 not be_hands_inat Fill in the blanks with living, alive, live , lively (1)I bought two _ fish. (2)Thanks to the satellite, football games come to us _ on TV.(3)He is the only greatest _ man of his times.(4)He is the

108、 only greatest man _ of his times.(5)He has many ways to make his classes _ and interesting. livelivelivingalivelively3. Say what you do when you(1)Meet a friend .(2)Show someone the way (3)See a friend in the distance(4)Enter a friends houseI shake hands and say “pleased to meet you”I point in the direction they must goI wave my hand I shake hands and say “hello, pleaded to see you .” (5)Say yes(6)Say no(7)Say who? me?(8)Say goodbyeI nod my head up and downI shake my head from side to sideI point to myself and put on a surprised expression.Ishake hands and say , “good bye .”



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