优质课堂八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years Section A课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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优质课堂八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years Section A课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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1、自自 主主 预预 习习Section A短语互短语互译译1.1.至于;关于至于;关于_ _ 2.2.说实在的说实在的 _ _ 3. 3. 回想;回忆;带回回想;回忆;带回_ _ 4.4.在危急中;短缺,缺乏在危急中;短缺,缺乏_ _ 5 5yard sale _ yard sale _ 6.check out _6.check out _7 7junior high school _ junior high school _ 8.clear out _8.clear out _9 9no longer _ no longer _ 10.part with _ 10.part with _ as

2、 forto be honestbring backin need庭院拍卖会庭院拍卖会察看;观察察看;观察初级中学初级中学清理;丢弃清理;丢弃不再不再放弃;交出放弃;交出Section A句型在线句型在线1.1.那边的那辆自行车你买了多长时间了?那边的那辆自行车你买了多长时间了?_ _ _ _ _ that bike over _ _ _ _ _ that bike over there? there? 2 2我买了三年了。我买了三年了。Ive had it _ _ _. Ive had it _ _ _. 3 3我还是个小孩的时候就拥有它们了。我还是个小孩的时候就拥有它们了。Ive had

3、them _ I was a child. Ive had them _ I was a child. 4 4随着他们长大,我们的房子似乎变得更小了。随着他们长大,我们的房子似乎变得更小了。_ they get bigger our house _ _ _ _ they get bigger our house _ _ _ smaller. smaller. 5 5我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。We have decided to each sell five things _ _ We have decided to each sell five t

4、hings _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. HowlonghaveyouhadforthreeyearssinceAsseemstogetthatwenolongeruseSection A1 1own v. own v. 拥有;有拥有;有 观察观察 For example, he has owned a train and For example, he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday, and he played railway set since his fourth birthday, and

5、he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. with it almost every week until he was about seven. 比比如,他从四岁开始就已经拥有了一套火车和铁路,他几乎每个如,他从四岁开始就已经拥有了一套火车和铁路,他几乎每个星期都玩它,直到他七岁左右。星期都玩它,直到他七岁左右。互互 动动 探探 究究词汇点睛词汇点睛Section A 探究探究 own own作动词,意为作动词,意为“拥有;有拥有;有”。ownown还有如下词性还有如下词性和含义:和含义:adj. adj. 自己

6、的;自己的;pronpron. . 属于某人之物。属于某人之物。This is my own camera, which I bought with my own This is my own camera, which I bought with my own money. money. 这个照像机是我自己的,是用我自己的钱买的。这个照像机是我自己的,是用我自己的钱买的。I offered him my pen, but he preferred to use his I offered him my pen, but he preferred to use his own. own. 我主

7、动把我的钢笔递给他,可是他更喜欢用他自己的钢笔。我主动把我的钢笔递给他,可是他更喜欢用他自己的钢笔。 Section A活学活用活学活用他拥有一所大房子。他拥有一所大房子。_. ._He owns a big houseSection A2 2certain adj. certain adj. 某种;某事;某人某种;某事;某人 观察观察 My daughter was more understanding, although My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain t

8、oys.she also felt sad to part with certain toys.我女儿比较通情达理,尽管失去某些玩具也会使她感到难我女儿比较通情达理,尽管失去某些玩具也会使她感到难过。过。 探究探究 certain certain作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“某种;某事;某人某种;某事;某人”。 拓展拓展 certain certain作形容词时,还可译为作形容词时,还可译为“确定的;肯定的确定的;肯定的”,此时和,此时和suresure是同义词。是同义词。be/make certainbe/make certain和和be/make surebe/make sure都都表示表

9、示“确信;有把握确信;有把握”。如:。如:I am very certain about that.I am very certain about that.我对那件事确定无疑。我对那件事确定无疑。 Section A活学活用活学活用我确信他能赢得比赛。我确信他能赢得比赛。I _ _I _ _ that he can win the match. that he can win the match. am certain/surelSection A3 3honest adj. honest adj. 诚实的;老实的诚实的;老实的 观察观察 An honest man does not tel

10、l lies. An honest man does not tell lies.诚实的人不说谎。诚实的人不说谎。 探究探究 honest honest作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“诚实的;老实的诚实的;老实的”。开头。开头的的h h不发音,故不发音,故honesthonest仍然是以元音音素开头的词,其前的不定仍然是以元音音素开头的词,其前的不定冠词要用冠词要用anan。 拓展拓展 反义词:反义词:dishonest adj. dishonest adj. 不诚实的;不老实的不诚实的;不老实的 Section A活学活用活学活用1 1单项选择单项选择Linda is _ honest gir

11、l. Linda is _ honest girl. A Aa aB BananC CthetheD D/ /2 2根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子_ _ _(_ _ _(说实在的说实在的), I really ), I really dont know his name. dont know his name. 答案答案 B B TobehonestSection A4 4while n. while n. 一段时间;一会儿一段时间;一会儿 观察观察 As for me, I did not want to give up my As for me, I did not want t

12、o give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now.a while now.至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣。但是,说实在的,我现在至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣。但是,说实在的,我现在已经有一段时间没有踢球了。已经有一段时间没有踢球了。 探究探究 while while作名词,意为作名词,意为“一段时间;一会儿一段时间;一会儿”。 拓展拓展 while while还可以作

13、连词,意为还可以作连词,意为“当当的时候的时候”。如:。如:The telephone rang while I was playing in the garden.The telephone rang while I was playing in the garden.我在花园里玩的时候电话铃响了。我在花园里玩的时候电话铃响了。 Section A活学活用活学活用我想休息一会。我想休息一会。I want to have a rest _ _ _. I want to have a rest _ _ _. forawhileSection A短语归纳短语归纳1 1bring back brin

14、g back 回想;回忆回想;回忆 观察观察 Amy wants to keep her old things because Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.they bring back sweet memories.埃米想保留她的旧东西,因为它们能使她回忆起一些甜蜜埃米想保留她的旧东西,因为它们能使她回忆起一些甜蜜的记忆。的记忆。 探究探究 bring back bring back是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“回想;回忆回想;回忆”。 此外,此外,bring backbr

15、ing back还有还有“带回带回”之意。如:之意。如:Remember to bring back the book next time.Remember to bring back the book next time.记得下次把书带回来。记得下次把书带回来。 Section A活学活用活学活用那首歌总能使我回想起我的校园生活。那首歌总能使我回想起我的校园生活。That song always _ _ memories That song always _ _ memories of my school life. of my school life. bringsbackSection

16、A2 2part with part with 放弃;交出放弃;交出 观察观察 The little girl refused to part with her old The little girl refused to part with her old doll.doll.这个小女孩不肯放弃她的旧布娃娃。这个小女孩不肯放弃她的旧布娃娃。 探究探究 part with part with是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“放弃;交出放弃;交出”,其,其中中partpart是动词,意为是动词,意为“离开;分开离开;分开”。 Section A活学活用活学活用你认为我会放弃我的发言权吗?你认为我

17、会放弃我的发言权吗?Do you think I will _ _ my right Do you think I will _ _ my right to express my opinion? to express my opinion? partwithSection A3 3as for as for 至于;关于至于;关于 观察观察 As for my past, Im not going to tell you As for my past, Im not going to tell you anything.anything.关于我的过去,我不打算告诉你任何事。关于我的过去,我不打

18、算告诉你任何事。 探究探究 as for as for是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“至于;关于至于;关于”。 Section A活学活用活学活用关于我的假期计划,我明天再告诉你。关于我的假期计划,我明天再告诉你。_ _my vacation plan, I will tell you _ _my vacation plan, I will tell you tomorrow. tomorrow. AsforSection A1 1Ive had it for three years.Ive had it for three years. 我买了三年了。我买了三年了。 探究探究 本句中的本句

19、中的for three yearsfor three years是表示时间段的短语,是表示时间段的短语,通常和现在完成时搭配。如:通常和现在完成时搭配。如:I have worked in the factory for two years. I have worked in the factory for two years. 我在那家工厂已经工作了两年了。我在那家工厂已经工作了两年了。 拓展拓展 “forfor时间段时间段”和和“since since 时间段时间段agoago”是同是同义表达。如上句可以转化为义表达。如上句可以转化为“I have worked in the factor

20、y I have worked in the factory since two years ago.since two years ago.” 句型透视句型透视Section A活学活用活学活用同义句转换同义句转换I have had the bike for five years. I have had the bike for five years. I have had the bike _ five years _. I have had the bike _ five years _. sinceagoSection A2 2As they get bigger our house

21、 seems to get As they get bigger our house seems to get smaller.smaller. 当他们长得更大了,我们的房子似乎变得更小了。当他们长得更大了,我们的房子似乎变得更小了。 探究探究 (1) (1)本句中的本句中的asas是连词,意为是连词,意为“当当的时候的时候”,用来引导时间状语从句用来引导时间状语从句they get biggerthey get bigger。如:。如:We get wiser as we grow old. We get wiser as we grow old. 随着我们长大,我们变得更聪明了。随着我们长

22、大,我们变得更聪明了。(2)seem to do (2)seem to do sthsth. .是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“好像做某事;似好像做某事;似乎做某事乎做某事”。如:。如:It seems to rain. It seems to rain. 似乎要下雨了。似乎要下雨了。She seems to be younger than before.She seems to be younger than before. 她似乎比以前更年轻了。她似乎比以前更年轻了。Section A 拓展拓展 有关有关seemseem的句型:的句型:(1)(1)主语主语seemseem形容词形容词(2

23、)(2)主语主语seem likeseem like名词名词(3)It seems that(3)It seems that从句从句 Section A活学活用活学活用1 1单项选择单项选择He seemed _ a bad cold. Let him have a rest He seemed _ a bad cold. Let him have a rest at home.at home.A AhavehaveB BhadhadC Cto have Dto have Dhaving having 答案答案 C C2 2同义句转换同义句转换They seemed to pass the e

24、xam.They seemed to pass the exam.It seemed that _ _ the exam.It seemed that _ _ the exam.theypassedSection A3 3We have decided to each sell five things that we We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. no longer use. 我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。 探究探究 本句中的本句中的that we no

25、longer usethat we no longer use是定语从句,修是定语从句,修饰先行词饰先行词thingsthings,thatthat在定语从句中作宾语。关系代词在定语在定语从句中作宾语。关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,该关系代词可以省略。如:从句中作宾语时,该关系代词可以省略。如:Im going to give away those things I dont use. Im going to give away those things I dont use. 我我打算把我不用的东西捐出去。打算把我不用的东西捐出去。 Section A活学活用活学活用我想借你昨天买的那本书。我想借你昨天买的那本书。I want to borrow _ _ _you I want to borrow _ _ _you bought yesterday. bought yesterday. (2)(2)我想买的那台电脑已经卖了。我想买的那台电脑已经卖了。The computer _ _ _ to buy was The computer _ _ _ to buy was sold out.sold out.thebookthatthat I wanted



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