版七年级英语上册 单元评价检测(七)配套课件 人教新课标版

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《版七年级英语上册 单元评价检测(七)配套课件 人教新课标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《版七年级英语上册 单元评价检测(七)配套课件 人教新课标版(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(七)(七)Unit 7(45分钟分钟 100分分)第第卷(共卷(共45分)分) . 单项选择(单项选择(15分)分)1. _ is the computer? Its $500. A. How B. How muchC. What D. Where【解析】选【解析】选B。对物品的价格提问用。对物品的价格提问用how much。2. The shoes are great. Ill _ them. A. bring B. take C. has D. look【解解析析】选选B。“我我要要买买下下”,可可以以用用英英语语表表达达为为Ill take/have/get。3. Are you a

2、_ ?Yes. I work(工作)(工作)in a shoe store. A. player B. clerk C. runner D. star【解解析析】选选B。由由答答语语“我我在在一一家家鞋鞋店店工工作作”,可可知知问问句句句句意意为为“你你是是一一名名职职员员吗吗?”A项项意意为为“运运动动员员”,B项项意意为为“职员职员”,C项意为项意为“跑步者跑步者”,D项意为项意为“明星明星”。4. _ ?Yes, please. I want a baseball. A. Do you have baseballsB. Do you want a baseballC. Can I hel

3、p youD. Can you help me【解解析析】选选C。服服务务行行业业招招待待顾顾客客时时常常用用“Can I help you? /What can I do for you? /May I help you? ”等礼貌用语。等礼貌用语。5. These _ are $50. A. hat B. tomatosC. T-shirt D. pants【解解析析】选选D。由由修修饰饰词词these可可知知此此处处应应该该用用复复数数名名词词,先先排除排除A、C两项,两项,tomato的复数是加的复数是加-es,故选,故选D。6. The shop _ school things _

4、the students. A. sells; to B. buy; fromC. sells; from D. buys; from【解解析析】选选A。sell. . . to. . . 向向卖卖;buy. . . from从从买买;句意为句意为“这个商店向学生卖学习用品这个商店向学生卖学习用品”。7. This is _ new classroom. We all like it. A. we B. our C. us D. me【解解析析】选选B。考考查查代代词词用用法法。A、C、D三三项项都都是是人人称称代代词词,后面不跟名词,故选物主代词后面不跟名词,故选物主代词our。8. The

5、 skirts are _ sale. You can buy them _ a very good price. A. for; at B. at; on C. on; at D. at; at【解解析析】选选C。be on sale“廉廉价价销销售售”;at a very good price“以合理的价格以合理的价格”。9. The price is very low(低的低的), and anybody can _ it. A. afford B. have C. sell D. buy【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:价价格格很很低低,任任何何人人都都负负担担得得起起。afford“负担

6、得起;买得起负担得起;买得起”。10. He is a collector. He has _ basketballs. A. twenty three B. twenty-threeC. two ten three D. three-twenty【解解析析】选选B。英英语语中中两两位位数数的的表表达达是是先先说说“十十位位”,再再说说“个个位位”,中中间间加加连连字字符符“-”。二二十十三三应应表表达达为为:twenty-three。11. Linda, look! This is your pen. _ . Thank you. A. Ill take it B. Thats OKC. Y

7、oure welcome D. Here you are【解解析析】选选D。A项项意意为为“我我要要买买下下它它”;B项项意意为为“不不客客气气;没没关关系系”;C项项意意为为“不不客客气气;不不用用谢谢”;D项项意意为为“给给你你”。由题意得知选由题意得知选D。12. Are these blue socks $2? _ . A. Yes, it is B. No, it isntC. Yes, these are D. No, they arent【解解析析】选选D。问问句句中中的的主主语语these是是复复数数形形式式,故故在在回回答答时时应用应用they代替。代替。13. We hav

8、e sweaters _ many colors _ only ¥30. A. in; for B. on; on C. for; for D. in; of【解解析析】选选A。“in+颜颜色色”是是介介词词短短语语作作定定语语,意意为为“颜色的颜色的”;for+钱意为钱意为“以以钱钱”。14. Come _ Mr Smiths Store and buy shoes. A. at B. in C. to D. on【解析】选【解析】选C。come to. . . “到到来来”,介词,介词to表示方向。表示方向。15. _ !An MP5 is on the desk. Where? But

9、I cant _ it. A. Look; look B. See; seeC. Look; see D. See; look【解解析析】选选C。look意意为为“看看;瞧瞧”,表表示示动动作作;see意意为为“看见看见”,表示看的结果或内容。,表示看的结果或内容。. 完形填空(完形填空(10分)分) Hello! Im Jane. I 1 a clothes store. The name of 2 is Fenfang Clothes Store. Do you like pants? We have pants 3 a very good priceonly 20 yuan. We ha

10、ve some bags for 4 . They 5 15 yuan. Do you need 6 ? We have skirts 7 yellow and white. 8 are 28 yuan. Oh, we 9 have sweaters for only 30 yuan. Come and see for 10 at Fenfang Clothes Store. 1. A. have B. has C. am D. are【解解析析】选选A。在在一一般般现现在在时时的的句句子子中中,当当主主语语是是第第一一人人称称时,谓语动词用原形。时,谓语动词用原形。2. A. him B.

11、them C. it D. her【解析】选【解析】选C。用。用it代指前面的单数名词代指前面的单数名词a clothes store。3. A. on B. at C. for D. in【解析】选【解析】选B。at a good price“以合理的价格以合理的价格”。4. A. sport B. sports C. a sport D. sports【解析】选【解析】选D。bags for sports“运动包运动包”。5. A. are B. is C. am D. be【解析】选【解析】选A。主语。主语they是复数,是复数,be动词用动词用are。6. A. sweaters B.

12、 shoes C. socks D. skirts【解析】选【解析】选D。由后一句中的。由后一句中的skirts得知此处用得知此处用skirts。7. A. on B. in C. at D. for【解解析析】选选B。“in+颜颜色色”意意为为“颜颜色色的的”,是是固固定定搭搭配。配。8. A. It B. They C. These D. Those【解析】选【解析】选B。前一句中的复数名词应该用。前一句中的复数名词应该用they代替。代替。9. A. too B. to C. and D. also【解解析析】选选D。too和和also都都可可表表示示“也也”,但但前前者者用用于于句句末

13、末,后者用于句中,故选后者用于句中,故选D。10. A. you B. your C. yourself D. youre【解解析析】选选C。for yourself“为为了了你你自自己己”,yourself是是反反身身代代词。词。. 阅读理解(阅读理解(10分)分)Sunshine Clothes Store Hello, boys and girls! 1 Please come to Sunshine Clothes Store. We sell many clothes in all colors. 2 You can buy clothes at good prices. The b

14、lack and white socks are $2. The hats are only $3. The red shirt is $ 8. The white shirt is $9 and the blue shirt is $10. 3 We have red sweaters, blue sweaters and black sweaters. For boys, we have black pants and blue pants for only $11. And thats not all. Cant you believe(相信相信) it? 4 .阅读上面的短文,完成下列

15、任务。阅读上面的短文,完成下列任务。请将下列各句填入文中请将下列各句填入文中14处,使文章通顺、完整。处,使文章通顺、完整。A. Come to Sunshine Clothes Store and see by yourself. B. For girls, you can buy sweaters for only $10. C. Do you want clothes? D. And the prices of the clothes arent high(高的高的). 5. This passage is _ . A. a note B. a letterC. a story(故事)(

16、故事) D. an ad(广告)(广告)答案:答案:15. CDBAD第第卷(共卷(共55分)分). 词汇运用(词汇运用(10分)分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)分)1. The hat is six dollars each, so two hats are t _ dollars. 2. The T-shirt is too(太太)small. I want a b _ one. 3. There are _ (二十)(二十)girls in our class. 4. I dont know _ (任何人)(任何人) in the

17、new city. 5. The _ (价格)(价格)of the vegetables are very high(高的高的). 答案:答案:1. twelve 2. big 3. twenty 4. anybody 5. prices()从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空()从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空(5分)分)from sale short each white6. This ruler is too long. I need a _ one. 7. There are many clothes on _ here. Please come and buy what yo

18、u want. 8. We buy the sweaters _ Hongyun Clothes Store. 9. I like the snow(雪雪) because its _ . 10. _ of us knows Xiao Shenyang well. 答案:答案:6. short 7. sale 8. from 9. white 10. Each. 完成句子(完成句子(10分)分)1. 这些袜子多少钱?这些袜子多少钱? _ _ _ these socks? 2. 这个红色的包仅这个红色的包仅10美元。美元。The red bag _ _ $10. 3. 你想要什么颜色的?你想要什

19、么颜色的? _ _ do you _ ?答案:答案:1. How much are 2. is only 3. What color; want4. 让我看一看这个蓝帽子吧。让我看一看这个蓝帽子吧。Let me _ _ _ _ the blue hat. 5. 我们黄色的裙子卖我们黄色的裙子卖20元。元。We _ yellow skirts _ 20 yuan. 答案:答案:4. have a look at 5. sell/have; for. 句型转换(句型转换(10分)分)1. I can afford the watch. (改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句) _ you _ the

20、watch? 2. He needs a green sweater. (改为否定句)(改为否定句)He _ _ a green sweater. 3. The shoes are only $20. (对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) _ _ are the shoes? 答案:答案:1. Can; afford 2. doesnt need 3. How much4. My mother wants a blue skirt. (对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) _ _ your mother _ ? 5. Whats the price of the socks? (改为同义句)(改

21、为同义句) _ _ _ the socks? 答案:答案:4. What does; want 5. How much are. 补全对话,每空一词(补全对话,每空一词(10分)分)A: Can I 1 you? B: Yes, I want a shirt 2 my son. A: What 3 does he like? B: Blue. A: What about this one? B: Its too 4 . Do you have a long one? A: Yes. 5 you are. B: 6 7 is it? A: Its $20. B: Ill 8 it. 9 you

22、very much. A: Youre 10 . 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 答案:答案:1. help 2. for 3. color 4. short 5. Here6. How 7. much 8. take 9. Thank 10. welcome. 书面表达(书面表达(15分)分) 根根据据图图示示,发发挥挥你你的的想想像像力力,请请你你给给Dale刚刚刚刚开开张张的的服服装装店店写写一一则则广广告告。要要求求:广广告告内内容容包包括括服服装装、颜颜色色、价价格格、优惠活动等。优惠活动等。50词左右。词左右。D

23、ales Clothes Store SALE! _【参考答案】【参考答案】Dales Clothes Store SALE! Hi, boys and girls! Have a look at Dales Clothes Store. Here is a great sale. Do you like socks? We have socks in many colors for only 2 dollars. We also have nice skirts for only 15 dollars. Pants, caps and many other things are also at very good prices. Do you like them? Come and see for yourself!



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