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1、英语惯用语汉译21 喻义或引申义喻义或引申义 n n1. 1. In a flash the evil intent of the vice-president to usurp power hit the president between the eyes.n n误译:一刹那间,副总统篡权的罪恶意图给总统误译:一刹那间,副总统篡权的罪恶意图给总统当头一棒。当头一棒。n n应译为:一刹那间,总统明白了副总统篡权的罪应译为:一刹那间,总统明白了副总统篡权的罪恶意图。恶意图。n n“ “to hit someone between the eyesto hit someone between t

2、he eyes” ” n n“ “to strike someone (metaphorically speaking)to strike someone (metaphorically speaking)” ” 3Omitted n n2. The changes in the education system are a step in the right direction and will improve the teaching in our school.n n误译误译: : 教育体制改革朝着正确的方向迈进了一步,教育体制改革朝着正确的方向迈进了一步,它将改进我们学校的教学。它将改

3、进我们学校的教学。n n应译为应译为: : 教育体制改革是一个有效的措施,它将改教育体制改革是一个有效的措施,它将改进我们学校的教学。进我们学校的教学。n na step in the right direction a step in the right direction (according to (according to context)context)n nan action which helps to improve a situationan action which helps to improve a situation4n n3. This is a dangerous

4、 and violent city. In some parts of it, the only law is the law of the jungle.n n误译误译: : 这是一个危险的充满暴力的城市。在有些地这是一个危险的充满暴力的城市。在有些地方,唯一的原则就是森林法则。方,唯一的原则就是森林法则。n n应译为应译为: : 这是一个危险的充满暴力的城市。在有些这是一个危险的充满暴力的城市。在有些地方,唯一的原则就是弱肉强食。地方,唯一的原则就是弱肉强食。n nthe law of the jungle the law of the jungle n nprinciple for su

5、rviving in a violent and dangerous principle for surviving in a violent and dangerous situation, no rules at all situation, no rules at all 5n n4. When my ship comes in, Ill take a trip to Casablanca.n n误译:当我的船进港时,我就要到卡萨布兰卡去。误译:当我的船进港时,我就要到卡萨布兰卡去。n n应译为:当我发了财时,我就要到卡萨布兰卡去。应译为:当我发了财时,我就要到卡萨布兰卡去。n n“ “

6、when someonewhen someone s ship comes in s ship comes in ” ” (according to (according to context)context)是个隐喻,指满载贵重货物的船到达港口,是个隐喻,指满载贵重货物的船到达港口,货主从而可获高额利润(往往表达期望)。货主从而可获高额利润(往往表达期望)。6n n5. They slip out one by one and I was left holding the baby.n n误译:他们一个个都跑掉了,剩下我来抱孩子。误译:他们一个个都跑掉了,剩下我来抱孩子。n n应译为:他们一

7、个个都跑掉了,剩下我来干这倒应译为:他们一个个都跑掉了,剩下我来干这倒霉的差事。霉的差事。n n“ “be left holding the babybe left holding the baby” ” n n“ “to find oneself responsible for doing something to find oneself responsible for doing something which someone else has started and left which someone else has started and left unfinishedunfin

8、ished” ”72. 貌合神离貌合神离 n n6. Mr. Nixon said, “we two countries have common interests over and above our differences.”n n误译:尼克松先生说:“我们两国具有远远高于我们分歧的共同利益”。n n应译为:尼克松先生说:“我们两国除了有分歧,也有共同的利益。n nover and above besides 8n n7. You dont seem to come anywhere near to knowing the importance of working on the prog

9、ram, youd better take your fingers out.n n误译:你看来一点也不了解这项计划的重要性,误译:你看来一点也不了解这项计划的重要性,你干脆别再插手了。你干脆别再插手了。n n应译为:你看来一点也不了解这项计划,你最好应译为:你看来一点也不了解这项计划,你最好现在就动手。现在就动手。n ntake onetake one s fingers out s fingers out start one start one s jobs job9n n8. To my joy, my son knows a thing or two about Italian.n n

10、误译:使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语也略知误译:使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语也略知一二。一二。n n应译为:使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语还很应译为:使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语还很精通哩。精通哩。n n“ “know a thing or twoknow a thing or two” ” n n“ “to have practical and useful information gained to have practical and useful information gained from experiencefrom experience” ” 10Omitted n n9.

11、 His speech was given a warm reception by the crowd.n n误译误译: : 他的讲话受到了群众的热烈欢迎。他的讲话受到了群众的热烈欢迎。n n应译为应译为: : 他的讲话受到群众的热烈反对。他的讲话受到群众的热烈反对。n n“ “be given a warm receptionbe given a warm reception” ” (according to (according to context)context)n n“ “be attacked violently in wordsbe attacked violently in w

12、ords” ”n n“ “give somebody a warm timegive somebody a warm time” ” n n“ “make somebody embarrassedmake somebody embarrassed” ”。11n n10. When do you hope to start a family?n n误译: 你希望什么时候成家呢?n n应译为: 你希望什么时候生第一个孩子呢?n n“start a family” n n“give birth to the first child”123. 固定搭配固定搭配 n n11. It is a good

13、athlete that never loses points.n n误译:从不丢分的运动员才是优秀的运动员。误译:从不丢分的运动员才是优秀的运动员。n n应译为:再好的运动员也会丢分。应译为:再好的运动员也会丢分。n n“ “It is a adj.+ n. that+It is a adj.+ n. that+否定句否定句” ” n n“ “even if even if +adj.+adj.,肯定句,肯定句” ” , , n n即即 “ “再再的,也会的,也会”。13n12. You are not going to marry her, and thats final.n n误译:你不

14、打算同她结婚,那就算了。n n应译为:你不许同她结婚,就这样完了。n n“You are not going to +v.” n n“禁止你,不许你”。n nThats final = thats it = period14n n13. The visit can13. The visit can t have left us a deeper t have left us a deeper impression.impression.n n误译:这次访问根本不会给我留下较为深刻的印象。误译:这次访问根本不会给我留下较为深刻的印象。n n应译为:这次访问给我们留下的印象最深刻不过了。应译为:这

15、次访问给我们留下的印象最深刻不过了。n n14. 14. I cant see you quickly enough.n n误译:我不可很快见到你。误译:我不可很快见到你。n n应译为:我巴不得尽快与你见面。应译为:我巴不得尽快与你见面。n nI canI can t like the English teaching enough.t like the English teaching enough.n n“ “我非常喜欢教英语。我非常喜欢教英语。” ”15n15. No criticism will be too severe to be gratefully acknowledged.n

16、 n误译:没有一种批评会是尖锐得使人无法领谢的。n n应译为:批评尽管尖锐,我们仍会衷心感谢。n n“no + tooto” “notoo”句型, Notoo部分译为“尽管”,”to (be)”部分译为“也会,也将”。164. 语境语气语境语气 n n16. They had a good laugh at my expense. How do you like that!n n误译:他们大大地把我取笑了一番。你觉得他们做得对吗?n n应译为:他们大大地把我取笑了一番。你说气不气人!171717. “In the face of all this they actually stood up

17、by and did nothing.” - “You dont say so!”n n误译:误译:“ “面对这一切,他们竟然袖手旁观,什么都不做。面对这一切,他们竟然袖手旁观,什么都不做。 “ “你不要这样说!你不要这样说!” ”n n应译为:应译为:“ “竟有这样的事!竟有这样的事!” ”n n“ “You donYou don t say so!t say so!” ”用来表示在所说某事之后,感到非常惊用来表示在所说某事之后,感到非常惊奇,可译为奇,可译为“ “竟有这样的事!竟有这样的事!”或或“ “我没听错吧!我没听错吧!”18n n18. -“You accepted her off

18、er, didnt you?”n n -“No fear!”n n误译:误译:你接受了她的建议,是吗?你接受了她的建议,是吗?n n不用怕,我当然接受了。不用怕,我当然接受了。n n应译为:你接受了他的建议,是吗?应译为:你接受了他的建议,是吗?n n不会的。不会的。n n“ “No fear!No fear!” ”表示表示“ “不会的不会的” ”,“肯定没有这种可能肯定没有这种可能性。性。” ”19n n19. Ill be blessed if I do it!n n误译:如果我干这种事,我就太有福了!n n应译为:如果我干这事,我就没有好下场!n n这里be blessed是赌咒的话,“

19、Ill be hanged if”20The Endn n20. No, I wont lend you the money, youve had it!n n误译:不,我不会把钱借给你的,你已经借过钱了!n n应译为:不,我不会把钱借给你了,你别指望了!n n“Youve had it!”意为“Its no use hoping.”Borrowed Words by TranslationnTransliteration MINI迷你、AIDS艾滋病、T-ShirtT恤、TAXI的士、TOEFL托福nZero Translation walkman、mp3、DVD、mp4、ipod、CD、P

20、C、DV、KTV、PDA、3GnBlended Translation Soho一族、BP机、AA制、SIM卡、卡拉OK、IC卡、BOBO族nDerivative的哥、贴吧、诈捐门、避雷针、眼镜男、罗生门 5237166234中文表述:五十二亿七千一百六十六万英文表述:five billion, two hundred and thirty-seven million, one hundred and sixty-six thousand, two hundred, and thirty-four16250064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty th

21、ousand sixty-four5 49,94 6,768It covers a total of five hundred forty-nine million nine hundred forty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight square meters.n“兆”n在汉语语境中,“兆”有三种体系n百万(即106 ):十万为亿,十亿为兆n万亿(即1012 ):万万为亿,万亿为兆n万万亿(即1016):万万曰亿,万万亿曰兆nConversion个、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、个、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿、十亿、百亿亿、

22、十亿、百亿. hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion3-2. E-C Translationn三位一逗号,逗号从右往左分别对应的是:thousand, million, billion, trillion, etc. n549,946,768n可以这么添上记号:549,946,768n四位一竖,竖线从右往左分别对应的是:万,亿n五亿四千九百九十四万六千七百六十八4-2. C-E TRANSLATION十二亿五千七百二十一万三千四百七十二十二亿五千七百二十一万三千四百七十二12|5721|3472 1, 2|57,21|3, 472one bi

23、llion two hundred and fifty-seven million two hundred and thirteen thousand four hundred and seventy-two4-3. C-E TRANSLATION十二亿七百二十一万四百七十二十二亿七百二十一万四百七十二12|0721|04721, 2|07,21|0, 472one billion two hundred and seven million two hundred and ten thousand four hundred and seventy-two5-1. Conversion1万= t

24、en thousand = 1000010万= one hundred thousand = 100000100万 = million = 10000001000万= ten million = 100000001亿= one hundred million = 10000000010亿 = billion = 1000000000100亿 = ten billion = 100000000006. Sentence TranslationnThere are hundreds of people in the hall.nThousands and thousands of people come to visit the Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses every daynThey went to the theatre in twos and threes.n大厅里有数以百计的人。n每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马俑博物馆。n他们三三两两地来到了剧院。



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