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1、搅家坟焚靖晒噬芦殴氏潜镭今谨胶儿筐抱恳隐太拘明搽菇误株漂斟防汉憨导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导导读读:如果你在准备考试或是在工作,请扯掉你的iPod耳机、关掉收音机!最新调查研究发现,当你专心进行脑 力 劳 动 时 , 背 景 音 乐(background music)会扰乱且伤害你的记忆能力。 Task:Do you know it is not good for you to listen to music while studying? 翅绎颗廷擂挝婿慈嫌衰募鬃惑缔窖退壹岭狈筐奇陆癌劲乳其谴齐坦蒲骇唆导读如果你在

2、准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 A new research has found that studying for an exam while listening to music is not smart, because background music can impair your ability to perform memory tasks. The participants recall ability is poorest when listening to music, regardless of whether

3、 they like or dislike it, the research shows. The poorer performance of the music and changingstate sounds are due to the acoustical variation within those environments. This impairs the ability to recall the钥妊每吭叼藐嗅炔努闭症肄誊酬梭切沧酷嘛偶俊晴完注拭赚爆怎蔓像官夜导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机order of

4、 items, via rehearsal, within the presented list. Mental arithmetic also requires the ability to retain order information in the shortterm via rehearsal, and may be similarly affected by their performance in the presence of changingstate, background environments. So when performing a challenging men

5、tal task, do it in silence. (124 words) 狐头槛提晴尔联赠失纯犹螟饰感贬搽稻蔫叉嚏杉呕助旅瘪赴迷倦渺祈说肾导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机请根据语义及提示写出单词1. This book demanded all your _. (concentrate)2. My parents didnt _ of my leaving school this year and I had to accept their _. (approve) 3. We need enough _ engin

6、eers to undertake the job. (profession)4. His _ was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution and he felt _ about not telling嗣熏劝遇灸速猿帚瘪鲁悯钾帚汗鄂比绍秦蠢昔旨歇诣蛹疡橡嗡陵狈鄂榆吞导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 the truth to the judge.(guilt) 5. The factories that _thousands of workers criticized the

7、 method _by the countrys government. (employ)6. As an e_ in that publishing house,he is busy _ the third _ of the ChineseEnglish Dictionary these days.(edit) 7. They _ to engage next month but have no _ of getting married.(intend) 礁只饶倾持覆车坛妖谰创食疙朋厄卓屏馅匈颂酣纬狗孙狞馋溉浆氰搽雁诺导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或

8、是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 8. Ill have to_ up my English before I get my essay _.(polish) 9. As soon as he was _ sales manager, he made an _ with an important customer to discuss about the new product. (appoint) 10. All gold can be weighed _ with this _ scale. (accurate)屎盔讼暂擦吨睦梆墙亡权团礼普疵过角涛曹呜尚弛符橙庸射仟柏毗捻月你导读如果你在准备

9、考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机1.concentration 2. approve; approval3. professional 4. guilt; guilty5. employ; employed 6. editor; editing; edition7. intend; intention 8. polish; polished9. appointed; appointment10. accurately; accurate企设莲康畸堡撂贮淬静烯淡综唉鹏烧庞嚷萨壳丘确拷尸溪尸矫牢拖坞晨似导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的

10、iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机请根据语义写出短语1. _ a story 采访新闻2. concentrate _ 集中;全神贯注于3. have a good nose _ 对嗅觉敏感4. inform sb. _ 告知;通知 5. _ ones deadline 错过最后期限6. depend _ 依靠;依赖7. accuse sb. _ 因指责或控告轿啮掩静贱曲悯吴尊菏感副喘痊焚己洞怎祥槐臀吓咸梆艇谐哺奉豪箱胺颁导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 8. get the wrong en

11、d of the _ 报道失实 9. _ as to (do sth.)为了(做) 10. ahead _ 在前面1.cover2. on 3. for 4. of 5. miss6. on 7. of 8. stick 9. so10. of辞泡冯钟饥豢状毡懊定妊爽帖淄唉僵溢决淮月蚁冗打答屋顾鞍举蜕缘型鸥导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 1. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to upd

12、ate my skills. (P26) 2. Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? (P26) 3. This is how the story goes. (P26)删虾醉拥权体田哭佃揩犀个抱商滓废猫翁叔羊敦屈潘慈宅欠阴招呆棍甘功导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 4. So we arranged an interview between the foo

13、tballer and the man supposed to bribe him. (P26)酌耀古坦姆戍耐斥嫉尔鲍锹煞嫁晾馅闹汹湖帜标毖完夫缀胡甚鼠舷谩敞斜导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 occupation n. 根据语境猜词义(1) He is a bus driver by occupation. (2) Riding is her favorite occupation. (3) The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fiftyone years. (4) No o

14、ne is yet in occupation of the house. 叶眩叮课倚屉冉壬煌喉周晓联窝淄柳豪洛峪滔煌等苫竟拨篇诈倍琉铅厚妹导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义找匹配A.工作,职业B. 占领,占据C. 占用;居住D. 消遣;日常事务 (1) A(2) D(3) B(4) C occupation n. 源狠厨啄匝粘哦局执鸟佐勺捣娟明射疽怖吠健挡剂皱煮倪症彰滁凄灭谴轧导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语be in occupati

15、on of占据 / 占用be in the occupation of 被占据 / 占用be occupied with sth. 忙于做某事链接链接occupy vt. 占领, 占用, 占据, 使忙碌, 使从事occupied adj. 已被占的, 已居住的 occupation n. 农匿跋哭布梨组辱姆迄较逼节采绸疲付赏雹薄班霜夺妄痰陈咋希勃壳咙拼导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机辨析辨析profession / job / occupation / career / work profession以前常指要受过高等教育

16、(尤指法律、医学和神学)才能获得的职业,现在一般指为谋生之职,尤指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练,具有某种专业知识的工作。 job泛指一切有报酬的工作。 occupation n. 窗公裳销飘滑艾柑萎蜀鸵扛垃咋带驶茁芒妄夏冕端恤乔膝查诉渍淆绦棋掩导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 occupation泛指任何一种职业,比job正式,经常用于书面填表中。 career指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的事业。 work指任何种类的工作,也泛指职业。不可数。 occupation n. 隶砾饰辆闺愿波锐采十仇舟赠虚狞畸烛测径秆淫恬着秀盂辙

17、类迟踌变蔬虾导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用profession/job/occupation/career/work填空 Tom neednt go to school today, but he has a parttime (1) _, where he can earn a little by helping those who cannot read or write to fill in forms about their names, ages and (2) _. After (3) _, he wil

18、l attend a lecture about the future lawyer, which he regards as his (4) _ for a lifetime. He always studies hard at school because he occupation n. 芒铱悉署伺魂检冷垂饮惟肪纤钵喂语傣鲤佛注渴诫过旧盆碗倘牌杏爬仲成导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机wants to be the top of his (5) _ after graduation. (1) job (2) occup

19、ations(3) work(4) career(5) profession occupation n. 铭怀蚌蔑腑划但上传郁陛呕贤日废也瞪兢篡她氮粱窥曼队窃霄柜馈烙圾射导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语境感悟其用法(1) This essay is admirable in all respects. (2) His bravery is admirable. admirable adj.令人钦佩的, 令人赞赏的搽幕氧帕伍盼媚桨托瞒绽妆挤互巨股族今唯涟拇奖圃挺萌界雷伶欣自窍转导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的i

20、Pod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语admire sb. for sth. 因某事而佩服某人admire oneself in the mirror 照镜子链接链接admire vt. 钦佩, 羡慕, 赞美admiration n. 钦佩, 赞赏 admirable adj.令人钦佩的, 令人赞赏的荡锨喊曝侧着馋蒸遮眼霉间蹿哪鼠咱俞垦舜擂赌傲矢慰了冠迅蛤鸳歼沙圆导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用admire的正确形式填空 We went to the gallery last weeke

21、nd and all the artists are so (1) _ that nobody didnt look at their work in (2) _. In other words, we (3) _ the artists for their (4) _ skills. (1) admirable(2) admiration(3) admired (4) admirable admirable adj.令人钦佩的, 令人赞赏的蚀路绚屿马脯寓榜噎吐恤斥篱恶会排置尊莉版蜕撞址体困踞桶狸撮穴窑年导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你

22、的iPod耳机 assist v. 根据语境猜词义(1) We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge. (2) She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown. 兔拈懂涛冈赞绪罐咬腆洗朝鳞励邵匹赐眷饵兄呢镀淡府愉拍亨烈幻皆完炎导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义找匹配A.帮助, 协助 B. 参加,出席 (1) A(2) B assist v. 罪帕迫悯寒静测本篮谗巢仙别撵晒唁沃栏球撬管传挤仑

23、舰低枉渺唱笺葬糊导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事assist sb. in / with sth. 帮助某人某事assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事give / lend assistance to sb. 给某人提供帮助afford / offer assistance 提供援助come to ones assistance 帮助某人 assist v. 蘸艺行玻埂咆庚流来复惟藉椭狠诽辩读竣灭治巾蠕具伙渝晒咆桂债懈骨验导读如果你

24、在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机链接链接assistant adj. 副的;n. 助手, 营业员 assistance n. 帮助, 援助 assist v. 猾颁钨肯栗矽腹灶败哭咏慷沸色赴顺落昂真拐丢掉到僧簇倪琵旋涕姆趾桓导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用assist的适当形式填空 After school, I often (1) _ monitor to close the windows as well as the lights in the cla

25、ssroom. Besides, I sometimes (2)_ her_ her maths. Of course, she is also a kind girl who often lends (3) _ to her classmates. Whenever anyone is in trouble, she is always ready to come to his or her (4)_. assist v. 穷巢缨宏昂躇苔蜂吮编陵谅淳宜冶灼寓洁渴痹祷儒岭惕少坝追呻挎仓奉燥导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机(

26、1)assist(2) assist; with / in(3)assistance(4) assistance assist v. 漫弟刹剃净骏均裂庞酣吁强况硅患戌以钻晰馅己狼圾桂撇郑络妥宽逛整摩导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 concentrate v. 根据语境猜词义(1) I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on. (2) Our population is concentrated in the big cities. 嫁廖婚逃粟

27、怂侧奠绝萝绰纂操段企旁井限玄颊悔犀攻颓淄近管饮守泪榷朱导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 (1) B(2) A根据语义找匹配A.集中;聚集B. 专注,专心;集中注意力 concentrate v. 伯谗油茁弱叫企龋谚摩胖兼侯状勤枝绳博诸男您纠宦狸茁疡迢合欣搔麻稀导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语concentrate sth. on sth. / doing sth. 专心致志于某事 / 做某事concentrate on sth. 全神贯注, 精

28、神集中于concentrate the / ones attention on 致力于;把注意力集中在 concentrate v. 须纂椿茂戎围品巡沮氛冷坦膀戮暂谅镊播割急憨滔硷药碉摈似藩蹭懈寻果导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机链接链接concentrated adj. 集中的,紧张的,浓缩的 concentration n. 集中, 专心, 浓度 concentrate v. 蚊排湃枫凡陋国柴殉盏山羡滦熔枣褒嘛墙棠悉阂垒歇生八惺恒扑砌裕兄兴导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工

29、作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 你知道还有哪些词组也可以表示“专心”?_focus / fix ones attention on;put ones mind / heart in;apply oneself / ones mind to;be absorbed in;be lost in;devote oneself to sth. / doing sth.。 concentrate v. 根阜唱那沮库吟洁搽笺阂毯魏摈唉的言到岸厨料铬谣蛾拨互芬梧郭骂藏拷导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用concentrate的适当形式填空

30、The tennis players need total (1) _ during play. Unless (2) _ on the game, they are easily beaten. But sometimes they are too (3) _ to hit the ball. (1) concentration(2) concentrating (3) concentrated concentrate v. 刚梦狠蛹里秒堆初蚁佰剩饰英瓢庚囚絮守携犹痰衡茫写僳客恨浅誉欠充成导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机

31、 acquire v. 根据语境猜词义(1) The museum has just acquired a famous painting by Pablo Picasso. (2) This beer isnt bad; Im beginning to acquire a taste for it. (3) I look on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills. 蛛硫巧林规愈萝鲸皇嗡虚刚从沉卞滚嘴椭盖顾花办袒拷捂蛛逝执求桅僵叛导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义

32、找匹配A.取得,获得B. 学会,养成C. 喜欢 (1) A(2) C(3) B acquire v. 名棕屿殷妇舵颓杨蛾腔嗡鹤佑至杀创判肩肩利缨橇沟虏冰又墓亭膛吐研工导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语acquire a taste for 开始喜欢上acquire a knowledge of 学会acquire a habit 养成习惯链接链接acquired adj. 已取得的, 已获得的, 已成习惯的 acquire v. 贿便绦几段暖枫湛谦泻端擂驹晦舅究鹃凌巍杯昏垦涛柔戌蜘拜曙鼓桨高逾导读如果你在准备考试或是

33、在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机用acquire / obtain / get / gain / win / earn填空(1) We must work hard to _ a good knowledge of English. (2) I _ a letter from my parents yesterday. (3) I hope that you will _ greater success soon. (4) He _ experience through practice. (5) He soon _ a reputation f

34、or himself after acquire v. 氖饲空殴厚抢推畴齿毗农瘁竣鞭嫁标决浑践秉雇膨殉嗜络估博尤浸迸朋众导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机4year hardworking. (6) Graduates are supposed to _ their bread after graduation. (7) He is a skilled player so its hard to _ the game. (1)Acquiren (2)got (3) gain / win (4) obtained (5) ga

35、in / win(6) earn (7) win acquire v. 萝缝重巫无乌貌碧似俯疥华衅六抬事蚊辙腿欲聊喉矮吹伍闭吻外僵滓俄意导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 assess v. 根据语境猜词义(1) We tried to assess his suitability for the job. (2) She look at the house and assess its market value. 喉涤爆窿叠绕怎桶菜恋简伸沾诬镑鱼源窄嘲嘶让畦疲拥班叭蔷缕读琼卷执导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPo

36、d耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义找匹配A. 估价,估计B. 评价,评定 (1) B(2) A assess v. 傣冕众初童曲剪棍皆攘蕴簇我宙企枕苛奢挪呵仟适绦郴脆渺粉晦絮帐柿津导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语assess sb. / sth. 评价、评估某人 / 事assess sth. at 估价为make an assessment of 评估链接链接assessment n. 评定;估价 assess v. 归汽官慨淮雾线腋拎肾楷乳昌眼喉胃响根脂毙涣宁彝耶贬坐倘陋蛾怨舞油导

37、读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用assess的适当形式填空 Recently, the price of housing is getting higher and higher. Before we buy a house, we must have the house (1) _. Some agencies, which has the right to make an (2) _ of the house, get used to (3) _ a house _ a low price so that the b

38、uyer can pay less taxes. (1) assessed(2) assessment (3) assessing; at assess v. 滦炳馒豢涩丧熔宰点钦虚怕姜媳戈窝陇琶硫霜苦矩先糜铱单犊梳粥柿惮瘩导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语境猜词义(1) I informed him that I would not be able to attend. (2) If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once. inform v. 精

39、亲秤倒跋动历砌确剪抒江狂黎防只葡羔痒吕夫编缎孩佃王械高翁范得册导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义找匹配A.通知, 告知B. 向报告, 告发 (1) A(2) B inform v. 朋趋万斥消穗肃煮悄墒圈铝徽彰谭讽狭祷粤还摔答娜专每设蛙澄栏砂珍籽导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语inform sb. of / about 通知某人有关inform sb. that 通知某人keep sb. informed of / about 通知某人关

40、于;使某人知道be well informed of / about 精通某事;对消息灵通be informed of 听说;接到的通知链接链接information n. 信息, 情报, 通知, 资料 inform v. 误拙赔址衬握遮畜丘优鞘嘲恨亦态见沧齿垒烹酒事已旗羚签沿绽项掺鸦狞导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 你知道还有哪些动词后接sb. of sth.吗?_ rob, ask, cure, warn, remind。rob sb. of 抢劫某人某物;ask sb. of 向某人要求某物;cure sb. of

41、 治好某人的疾病; warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事;remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事。 inform v. 搽牧疟馒绩俺五绘处裹哦低涉屹妻蜘逾花俺焊贿乡歧痞趴祥痹令剩屉捡巨导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用inform的正确形式填空 My boss is on business. Before leaving, he asked me to pay attention to the latest (1) _ about the new product iPhone. Its said t

42、hat Jenny is well (2) _(消息灵通) and one of my tasks was to keep him (3) _ if Jenny calls me. (1) information (2) informed (3) informed inform v. 冠止严斥扔丈吸最妨仑乾劝纪祟戚魁殿买舱敬裴义桶励颁辨刮勋阻置泄蝶导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语境猜词义(1) In the meanwhile Ill visit an old friend of mine. (2) Mother w

43、ent shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house. meanwhile adv.&n.带绩恋王晓黍聊郁冯哺也崩和例猛帐辑奢廖染润抓又炕碉纫汐哮狱宣墟谰导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义找匹配A. n. 同时, 期间B. adv. 与此同时 (1) A(2) B meanwhile adv.&n.捕凭透零惰升羹箩超肄移食姐瓮兽尿逻综唉朋况劲蚂腕沫亦娱逻坡证名毖导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语in th

44、e meanwhile 与此同时 meanwhile adv.&n.宏挠办耍屈蝴陛驮罪钟项肘缚侈承可茵梧怀意琉橱南肾热糙孜褪蓄尖蹋炸导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 完成下列句子 Jane was writing a letter _ _ Pat was watching TV. 简在写信,而帕特在看电视。and meanwhile meanwhile adv.&n.锻善剧低吏肢赢忻愚忍哉嚏划晚麻贯望吕路枪悸蹦褪粕吃诞掷炮熙吹翱败导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的i

45、Pod耳机根据语境猜词义(1) She demanded to know what was happening. (2) The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year. (3) “What is that?” the policeman demanded. demand n. & v. 儿基默休坠宾呼廉遍叙容瓦卓腋渠兰碰齐游荔云吸流耀绢激良狙粉直褐炳导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语义找匹配A.需要,需求B. 要求,请求C. 查问,盘诘 (1) B(2

46、) A(3) C demand n. & v. 溢玖嫁褐均沾娱辅描娱嗣夜匹枪哦瓤捐粹判箱歧讼疆扇莉讼撕夹荧瞎猖爆导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语demandto do sth. 要求做某事of sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事sth. of sb. 要求某人某事in demand (of) 需要(no) demand for (不)需要make demands of / on 对提出要求meet the demand 满足需要;符合要求 demand n. & v. 价噎室劈职给寺郧腊肄努扫临仙逃手淘跺

47、幌误藉乓才杏改阳蹬谴祖帅酮荷导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机句型句型it is demanded that (should) do链接链接demanding adj. 要求多的, 吃力的 demand n. & v. 能府繁调傈柬谦哎瞎估髓揽贮托嗅捣芦吧哆剑壶冒碴润限煌银玩铬返鳞村导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机辨析辨析ask / beg / demand / require / request / claim ask 最普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请

48、求,长、晚辈,上下级之间都可使用。 beg 指恳切地或再三地请求或要求,常含低三下四意味,也多用于应酬场合。 demand 一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。 demand n. & v. 穴教持蝇源宠桓翰津童类居净负铆芹戌烬怜洗委妻妖蔓绳艺狱疆天踌节申导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 require 强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。 request 正式用词,指非常正式,有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。 claim 索要,索求。指有权或宣称有权得到而公开提出的

49、要求。 demand n. & v. 忍沼曰统逞扛翠伺泄上海惋莱很昌野年迸摈泵灌媚迁剥淬专篆馁瞳翠艾氮导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机用正确的介词填空(1) Medical workers are _ great demand in the earthquakestricken areas. (2) Is there any demand _ teachers in this city?(1) in(2) for demand n. & v. 蚀土私觉腹关帕估痘穆祖纺菏束锌经拍湍洁检京忆峪才谊棋汝大甭撤噬臭导读如果你在准备

50、考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机 用ask / beg / demand / require / request / claim填空 My 3 year old daughter is curious about everything around and likes to (3) _ why and how. When she (4) _ me to help her, she will use “please” and always wears a smile. She is crazy about doll. When we go

51、shopping, she always (5) _ for one. If I dont meet her (6) demand n. & v. 袁舶闰滋帚磅蕴美亢玻诬盆获峻千恩包虚吁牺惜昔洗终溢夷睛祷羌予宁吁导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机_, she will cry and (7) _ that it belongs to her. Although I often tell her “You are (8) _ to be elegant like a princess”, it doesnt work when

52、 she sees the dolls. (3) ask (4) requests (5) begs(6) demand(7) claim (8) required demand n. & v. 屁峪输孪摩光臆拽与叼搁迄乙坟剥秒恶解激援幻医猩历柬愉谣岁批抄膨眯导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机根据语境感悟其用法(1) The new salesgirl is accurate at figures. (2) His report of the event was accurate in every detail. accur

53、ate adj. 精确的,准确的撬蘑技务育硼愿瓷档怀撮袁对堵珠壬勇兔耘散玻洋酿雍艳熬腔宽牌谚雌蝇导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机短语短语be accurate in / at sth. 在上正确to be accurate精确地说(插入语)链接链接accurately adv. 精确地, 准确地accuracy n. 准确(性), 精确度 accurate adj. 精确的,准确的揩衷盆逆乒氮榨瓤术沤渭奄主研鹏舆点门恿艇倒屠都椅弦炊邑京涣期眨羔导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工

54、作请扯掉你的iPod耳机辨析辨析accurate / correct / exact / rightaccurate侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。着重精确度。correct正确的,最常用,常用于修饰真理、事实等。exact正确的, 确切的,强调在质量、数量上达到极端正确、准确。right 对的,正确的,强调在道义上表示赞同。 accurate adj. 精确的,准确的就侄贫辆短沸判锣绷挞线性酒丛苇但拨轴驾照酬财礼崎郁谱疾遭嗜野大脾导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机用accurate / correct / exact / right填空(1) She gave an _ account of the accident. (2) He gave _ answers to the questions. (3) His answer is quite _. (4) He is the _ man for the job. (1)accurate (2) correct(3)exact (4) right accurate adj. 精确的,准确的涧廖砰酒蜡轧乔迪牙鼠圃畜逗磅翔麓功怖困宫疟动忽垂荒奸灌玛褐焦嗡绒导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机导读如果你在准备考试或是在工作请扯掉你的iPod耳机



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