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1、Word powerlungsheartliverstomachkidneysbrainThe organs of bodyABCDEFWhat are their functions?Control the other organsPass the blood around the body.Use the oxygen we breathe.Store the food we eat.Clean the blood.Remove waste products from the blood and produce urine. Finish the exercise on P47 Part

2、B.2minRead the following passage and complete it using the names of the organs above .Think of the body like a school. At the top of the school is the headmaster, known as the _. This is the organ that controls the rest of the organs, just like the headmaster controls the school. After this comes th

3、e _. brain heart It is like a teacher. This organ pumps the blood around the body so it can run well. This is similar to the knowledge a teacher gives to students. Next is the _, which is the only one that can regrow itself. It helps to clean the blood. This is like knowledge students get from teach

4、ers. Students always grow with newly found knowledge. liver The _are the organs that use the oxygen we breathe. Think of the oxygen as the life you lead at school. The _ is very useful as it stores the food we eat until we can digest it properly. This is similar to the learning process. We store the

5、 information for later revision, so this organ is like a notebook. The _are the organs that lungsstomach kidneysremove waste products from the blood and produce urine. They are like the cleaners, repairmen and security guards who look after our school. Now you can see how similar our school life is

6、to our body and we can look after them both. Good matching!schoolbodyCleaners, repairman and security guardsHeadmasterTeacherNotebookStudentbrainliverkidneyheartstomachHave you come across any words you dont know while reading the passage?regrow, remove,revisionAfter so many years of learning Englis

7、h, have you found some easy ways to enlarge your vocabulary?Use prefixes and suffixeslikeagreedrylegalundisillymentnessprefixessuffixesrootdis-, un-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, 否定前缀:否定前缀: dis-, un- :not , opposite of in-, il-, im-, ir-:not, without加在以加在以 l开头的词前开头的词前加在字母加在字母m,b,p之前之前加在加在adj, n. 之前之前加在以加在以r开

8、头的词前开头的词前加在加在n. adj. v.之前之前-able: 能能., 可以可以.的的-ful: 充满,有充满,有.特征的特征的-less: 没有,无没有,无-al: 有有.属性的,属性的,.类型类型的的-ive: 有有属性的;有某种属性的;有某种倾向的倾向的形容词后缀:形容词后缀:comfortable cheerful hopelessnatural active -or, -er : 指人或物指人或物-ist: 指相信某种理论或经常做某项工作的人指相信某种理论或经常做某项工作的人-ion,-sion,-tion加在动词后面加在动词后面-dom表示国家,职业,状况表示国家,职业,状况

9、 -ness可以加在许多形容词后,构成抽象名词可以加在许多形容词后,构成抽象名词-ment加在动词后面加在动词后面 名词后缀:名词后缀: professor, cookerintention, decision dryness, kindness scientist, chemist movement freedomre-: “回,向后回,向后”;“再,重新再,重新”pre-: “.前的,预先前的,预先”anti- : 反对反对、相反相反或或防止防止前缀前缀:return, recall rewrite, reviewanti-smokingprefix, preschool A prefix

10、 will change the meaning of the word, while a suffix will change the part of speech of the word.Attention!Game: Picking sunflowers(摘太阳花摘太阳花)Rules:There are 6 sunflowers on the screen,and thereare 6 groups in our class. Each group can choose one number ,then you should guess the Chinese meaning of ea

11、ch word using prefixand suffix.Pay attention:1.Please keep quiet while other students answering questions,or you will lose 1 point.2.You will get 1 point for each word for your group.123456Congratulations! You are a lucky dog!Youve got one point for your group!6. unexpectable2. reform1. antifat4. ea

12、table8. 预付预付10. disown9. illogical3. 冷漠的冷漠的7. impolite5. refresh3. 无法解释的无法解释的punishment1. progressiveness2.4. illiterate5. discount10.anti-administration9. immoral6. absorber8. violinist7. 打字员打字员1. inhuman3. statement2. antibody4. drinkable8. 混乱,无序混乱,无序10. review9. 预热预热6. powerful7. ungeliable5. kin

13、gdom5. imbalance3. socialist1. disconnct2. fearless7. 不活跃的,不积极的不活跃的,不积极的10. action9. reasonable4. 抗日抗日6. disquiet8. regain There is no point for you. Its really a bad day! Lets fill in the blanks with what we learned just now.irresponsible illegal harmful uncertain disrespectI am strongly against cl

14、oning humans. I think it is (1)_ for us to do that. People who want to clone human begins show their (2)_ for nature. irresponsibledisrespectThey are hardly aware of the (3)_ effects of cloning humans. It is (4)_ what a cloned human being would be like. It could turn out to be a monster! In my opini

15、on, tight laws should be put in place to make cloning human being (5)_. harmfuluncertainillegal123465165234 carecarecarefulcarefullycarelesscarelesslycarefulnesscarelessness652 self134selfselfishselfishnessunselfishunselfishlyselfless654213comfortcomfortcomfortablecomfortablydiscomfortuncomfortable6

16、5314honest2honestdishonestdishonestlydishonestyhonestyhonestly643215couragecourageencouragediscouragediscouragementencouragementcourageous543216 respectrespectdisrespectrespectablerespectfulrespectfullydisrespectfullungsheartliverstomachkidneysbrainThe organs of bodyABCDEFWhat are their functions?Co

17、ntrol the other organsPass the blood around the body.Use the oxygen we breathe.Store the food we eat.Clean the blood.Remove waste products from the blood and produce urine.3.liver 6.kidneys5.stomach 4.lungs2.heart 1.brain Finish the exercise on P47 Part B.2minWithout , I would be blind as a car with

18、 no driver.Without , I would be cold as no warmth could be sensed.Without , I would fall silent as I could not sing my favorite songs.Without , I would be greedy as I never felt full.Without , I would be evil as I didnt have the power to clean wrongness away.Without , I would be lost in my own world as nothing, good or bad, could ever find a way out!brainheartkidneysliverlungsstomach



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