湖南省高考英语 考点12 倒装句

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《湖南省高考英语 考点12 倒装句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省高考英语 考点12 倒装句(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Part2 考点12Part2 语法专题语法专题考点考点12 倒装句倒装句 对倒装句的考查在湖南高考中主要出现在单项填空部分。1.主要考查的知识点:(1)使用全部倒装的情况(2)使用部分倒装的情况复习重点:引起倒装的词或短语2.如何应对倒装的考查 解题时,首先认真分析题干句的句子,若句首含有引起倒装的词或短语,再结合主语的情况判断是否要倒装,同时比较4个选项,从时态、语态等方面进行判断,确定该选用哪一个。 (2009全国卷)The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _, but students became more i

2、nterested in the lessons.A.saved was teachers energy B.was teachers energy savedC.teachers energy was saved D.was saved teachers energy思思路路点点拨拨:分析题干句, not only位于句首时要引起倒装,可知空格处的句子结构为部分倒装结构,在此句中,部分倒装应把be动词提到主语前,故选B。 倒装有两种形式:一是表语、状语置于句首,而主语置于句末,进行完全倒装;二是只将助动词、情态动词等提前到主语的前面,进行部分倒装。熟熟 读读 深深 思思1完全倒装完全倒装构成

3、:将谓语动词直接提到主语前。(1) Here comes the bus. (2) In she came.(3) South of the river lies a small factory.(4) Such are the facts. (5)There stands an ancient tower on the top of the mountain.(6)Present at the party were Mr. Green and many other guests. (7)Gone are the days when we used the “foreign oil”归归 纳纳

4、 总总 结结规规则则1:表方位的副词here, there, out, in, up, down, away, off等放在句首,而主语是名词时,句子则完全倒装,如:(1)。但是,当主语是人称代词时,主谓语序不变,如:(2)。 规规则则2:地点状语位于句首时,为了避免头重脚轻,常将谓语置于主语之前,进行完全倒装,如:(3)。归归 纳纳 总总 结结规规则则3:为了使上下文联系紧密,常将such, the following 放于句首,而句子的谓语动词置于主语之前,进行完全倒装,如:(4)。规规则则4:there be句型中,用完全倒装。此时,结构中的be可用lie/exist / stand /

5、 live / seem 等动词替代,如:(5)。规规则则5:有时为了突出或强调主语,可用“表语系动词主语”的完全倒装结构,如:(6)、(7)。熟熟 读读 深深 思思2. 部分倒装部分倒装 构成:将情态动词、助动词、be提到主语前。 (1) By no means can he catch up in such a short time. (2) He is active in personality, and seldom does he stay indoors. (3) Not only children but also adults are interested in the fil

6、m Harry Potter. (连接并列主语,不可倒装)(4) Hardly had I got to the airport when the plane took off. (5) Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.熟熟 读读 深深 思思(6) Neither did I want to see the film nor did I buy the ticket. I neither wanted to see the film

7、nor bought the ticket.(7) Only in this way can you learn English well. (8) Only that boy can work out the problem.(9) Were I there, they would listen to me. (10) Such a clever boy was Jack that he was able to work out all these difficult problems. (11) No matter how late it is, she often waits for h

8、im. (12) How blue the sky looks!(13) What a clever boy he is!规规则则1:含有否定意义的副词或短语,如:few, little, never, not, not until, nowhere, rarely, seldom, hardly/scarcelywhen, no sooner(than), not only(but also), at no time, by no means等,放在句首时,句子须部分倒装,如:(1)。【特别提醒】若原句中没有助动词,必须根据谓语动词的具体时态来确定相应的助动词do, does 或did,如:

9、(2)。not onlybut also连接两个并列主语时不可倒装。只有在连接两个句子且将not only所连接的句子提到句首时,才可用倒装,but also后面的句子不倒装,如:(3)。归归 纳纳 总总 结结在 “hardly/scarcelywhen从 句 ”和 “no soonerthan从句”结构中,主句用过去完成时,而从句用一般过去时,如:(4)。not until提前时,必须同时将until后面的全部内容提前,如:(5)。neithernor 句型中两个句子都需要部分倒装。如:(6)。规规则则2:so/as/neither/nor 位于句首,连接两种相同的情况时,所连接的并列分句需

10、用部分倒装。规规则则3:“only 副词/介词短语/状语从句” 放在句首时,句子须用部分倒装,如:(7)。归归 纳纳 总总 结结【特别提醒】 only修饰主语时,不倒装,如:(8)。规规则则4:在虚拟语气条件句中,从句谓语有助动词were, had, should时,可将if 省略,而把 were, had, should 移到句首,如:(9)。【特别提醒】若从句是否定句,则必须将not放在主语后。had必须是助动词。规规则则5:在 “sothat” 和 “suchthat”结构中,将“soadj.”和“suchn.”提到句首时,句子须用部分倒装,如:(10)。归归 纳纳 总总 结结【注意】 句子的一部分成分(通常是表语或状语)提前,但主谓语序不变。1. as连接让步状语从句所引起的倒装详见考点10让步状语从句。2. 否定词no matter连接的让步状语从句的句式“No matter how / wh 主语 谓语”,如:(11)。3. how和what引起的感叹句(1) How 形容词/副词主语谓语,如:(12)。(2) What 形容词名词主语谓语,如:(13)。归归 纳纳 总总 结结



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