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1、精读精读4 第四单元(单选)第四单元(单选)A Drink in The Passage2.Our knowledge of Jesus comes from the last three years of his life, which he spent preaching a doctrine of brotherly love and repentance.我们对于耶稣的认知来源于他人生的最后三年,他利用这段时间宣扬了关于友爱和悔改的教义。preach:vt. 说教;讲道;鼓吹;传道;反复灌输;宣扬 n.说教例例:And he said to them, go into all the

2、world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 他又对他们说,你们往普天下去,传福音给万民听。福音,真理doctrine:n.主义;学说;教义;信条repentance ripentns: n.悔改,后悔悔改,后悔 repentant :adj.悔改的,后悔的悔改的,后悔的 奥秘的信条来自俄国通神学家与作家布拉瓦斯基夫人。 I felt deeply repentant for what I had done which was wrong and trusted in God Almighty to strengthen my heart an

3、d mind.我深悔我以前一切的过错,信仰万能的上帝坚强我的心灵。对应对应考点考点考点考点:关系代:关系代词 as引引导的定的定语从句从句 1.其通常和 such the same连用,代指物在从句中做主语或宾语,如: This is the same pen as I bought yesterday. 这种笔和我昨天买的笔一样(同样的但不是同一个)。而This is the pen that I used yesterday. 这就是昨天我使用的那一支钢笔(指的是同一个)。 The house is sold at such a low price as we expected. 这房子以

4、我们预料的那样低的价格出售了。(as作宾语) 3.He handled the word processor in such a way _ made it impossible to use. A. as B. that C. which D. who* processor: n.处理器,处理程序辨析辨析 : such.as.和 such.that.关注关注关注关注: .such as.1)He is such a clever boy as everyone likes.(定语从句) 他是一个人人都喜欢的男孩子。2)He is such a clever boy that everyone

5、 likes him.(状语从句) 他是如此聪明的一个孩子以至于人人都喜欢他。第一个句子为定语从句,因为句子中缺少成分;而第二句为状语从句,第一个句子为定语从句,因为句子中缺少成分;而第二句为状语从句,从句不缺任何成分从句不缺任何成分such as为代词(pron.),意为这样的人或物,as再从句中作成分,修饰先行词such。如:This book is not such as I expect.这不是我想要的书。(as作宾语)6.People often think that Americans are more informal while Europeans are conservati

6、ve, yet people of all types live on _of the Atlantic. A. both sides B. either sides C. neither side D.each side 人们常常认为美国人是更随性的而欧洲人更为保守,然而所有类型的人都生活在大西洋的两岸。The Atlantic sunsetThe Atlantic sunset 8.He is one of those people who _more than can be done. A. is promising B. are promising C. promise D.promi

7、ses对应对应考点考点考点考点:主:主谓一致一致one of +复数名词,其后的定语从句中的谓语动词用复数。例如: He is one of those students who want to go. 他是想去的学生之一。 先行先行词但当one前面有the only修饰时,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数。例如: He is the only one of those students who wants to go. 他是唯一想去的学生。形式先行词虽仍为those students,但由语义不难理解,句意重心在被the only修饰的one上。9._ that the business tyco

8、on was a right-hand man of the Gestapo.A. As is alleged B. As alleged C. It is alleged D. It alleged * tycoon taiku:n : n. 企业界大亨,巨头;巨富 *right-hand man: n.不可或缺的帮手,得力助手据称,这个商业大亨是据称,这个商业大亨是Gestapo的一位得力助手。的一位得力助手。 allege led : 1. (独断地)宣称;(未提出证据地)断言,硬说; 例:It has been alleged that Jack stole the money. 有人

9、声称钱是杰克偷的。 Some media reports allege ill-treatment of farm workers. 一些媒体报道更是宣称了农民工的不良待遇。 2.(作为抗辩、申诉、理由、借口、托辞、口实或论据等)提出;辩解; In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity. 在答辩中,海伦提出一时的精神错乱为借口。12.He would get into an argument with _ said anything he didnt agree with. A. whomever B. who C. whom D. whoe

10、ver从形式上来看, who(ever) 是人称代词的主格形式,一般在句子中作主语; whom(ever) 是人称代词的宾格形式,一般在句子中作宾语。 但是一般情况下,whomever不能做句子的主语。在书上曾翻到一小规律: whoever = 人称宾格+人称主格 whomever= 人称宾格+人称宾格 验证一下:1. Give it to _ asks for it first. Give it to him. He asks for it first. Give it to whoever asks for it first. (whoever= him+ he)2.We will hire_ you recommend. We will hire them. You recommend them. We will hire whomever you recommend. ( whomever= them + them)



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