高中英语:Unit Two复习课件牛津版选修8

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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语Module 8Module 8 Unit 2 The universal languageAdvance with English1. Key Phrases相爱相爱相爱相爱, , 爱上爱上爱上爱上沉溺于沉溺于沉溺于沉溺于醉心于醉心于醉心于醉心于对对对对实施控制实施控制实施控制实施控制 食言食言食言食言被处死被处死被处死被处死种族歧视种族歧视种族歧视种族歧视发财,挣钱发财,挣钱发财,挣钱发财,挣钱使中断使中断使中断使中断征召征召征召征召入伍入伍入伍入伍结果是,证明是结果是,证明是结果是,证明是结果是,证明是fall in love withfall in love w

2、ithbe drunk withbe drunk withexercise control overexercise control overbreak ones promisebreak ones promisebe condemned to deathbe condemned to deathbe drafted intobe drafted intomake a fortunemake a fortuneracial discriminationracial discriminationturn outturn outcut shortcut short 解体解体解体解体, ,解体解体解

3、体解体为为为为打算打算打算打算以以以以为背景为背景为背景为背景开始做某事开始做某事开始做某事开始做某事 扎根于扎根于扎根于扎根于之中之中之中之中和和和和交朋友交朋友交朋友交朋友对对对对是基本的是基本的是基本的是基本的测试测试测试测试呈现呈现呈现呈现, ,雇佣雇佣雇佣雇佣, ,从事从事从事从事流行歌曲排行榜流行歌曲排行榜流行歌曲排行榜流行歌曲排行榜把把把把变成变成变成变成 break upbreak upbe intended forbe intended forbe set inbe set instart outstart outbe anchored inbe anchored inmak

4、e friends withmake friends withbe essential tobe essential totry outtry outtake ontake onpop chartpop charttransform intotransform into2. Key Words It It starstarred some of the worlds greatest opera singers. red some of the worlds greatest opera singers. (Page 18, Line 3Page 18, Line 3) 在在在在中担任主演中担

5、任主演中担任主演中担任主演star (in sth)star (in sth) starless starless adj. adj. 无星光的无星光的无星光的无星光的 starrystarry adj. adj. 星光闪耀的星光闪耀的星光闪耀的星光闪耀的 starlightstarlight n. n. 星光星光星光星光Tom Hanks Tom Hanks starred instarred in a lot of very good movies. a lot of very good movies.Many great Chinese musicians, actors and sin

6、gers were Many great Chinese musicians, actors and singers were also also castcast. (Page 18, Lines 4). (Page 18, Lines 4)选派某人扮演某角色选派某人扮演某角色选派某人扮演某角色选派某人扮演某角色对对对对 置之不理置之不理置之不理置之不理使某人沮丧使某人沮丧使某人沮丧使某人沮丧cast sb as sb/ sb be cast as sbcast sb as sb/ sb be cast as sbcast sb/sth asidecast sb/sth asidecast

7、sb downcast sb down Helen Helen was cast aswas cast as the nurse. the nurse. To To cast asidecast aside the salesgirls doubts, he emptied his the salesgirls doubts, he emptied his all his pockets. all his pockets. Turandot Turandot is desperate to learn his name and threatens is desperate to learn h

8、is name and threatens and and terrifiesterrifies Liu because she knows his name. Liu because she knows his name. (Page19, Line 27-28Page19, Line 27-28)terribleterrible adj. adj. 可怕的可怕的可怕的可怕的 terrifyingterrifying adj. adj. 可怕的可怕的可怕的可怕的, ,极大的极大的极大的极大的 terriblyterribly adv. adv. 可怕地可怕地可怕地可怕地 terrorterr

9、or n. n. 恐怖恐怖恐怖恐怖 terrorism terrorism n. n. 恐怖主义恐怖主义恐怖主义恐怖主义 terroristterrorist n. n. 恐怖主义者恐怖主义者恐怖主义者恐怖主义者, ,恐怖分子恐怖分子恐怖分子恐怖分子 I I am terrified ofam terrified of spiders. spiders. Jack Jack was terrified atwas terrified at the thought of parachuting. the thought of parachuting.非常害怕非常害怕非常害怕非常害怕因因因因而吓一

10、跳而吓一跳而吓一跳而吓一跳If they guess wrong, they will be If they guess wrong, they will be condemncondemned to death. ed to death. (P 21, EP 21, E) The judge The judge condemned/ sentenced the thief tocondemned/ sentenced the thief to six six months imprisonment.months imprisonment. The papers were quick to T

11、he papers were quick to condemn him forcondemn him for his mistake. his mistake. The water The water was condemned aswas condemned as unfit to drink. unfit to drink. As an old person, one As an old person, one is often condemned tois often condemned to live alone. live alone.condemn sb to sth = sent

12、ence sb. to sthcondemn sb to sth = sentence sb. to sth. . 宣告某人要受的刑宣告某人要受的刑宣告某人要受的刑宣告某人要受的刑condemn sb/sth (as/for sthcondemn sb/sth (as/for sth) ) 谴责;指责谴责;指责谴责;指责谴责;指责condemn sth (as sthcondemn sth (as sth) ) 宣称某物有缺陷或不宜使用宣称某物有缺陷或不宜使用宣称某物有缺陷或不宜使用宣称某物有缺陷或不宜使用condemn sb to sth/to do sthcondemn sb to sth

13、/to do sth 使某人注定怎么样使某人注定怎么样使某人注定怎么样使某人注定怎么样He first helped to He first helped to composecompose a song in 1844, at an age a song in 1844, at an age when most children are still in kindergarten. (Page 27, when most children are still in kindergarten. (Page 27, Line 14)Line 14)composercomposer n. n. 作

14、曲家作曲家作曲家作曲家 compositioncomposition n. n. 作品;作文作品;作文作品;作文作品;作文composedcomposed adj. adj. 由由由由构成的;镇定的构成的;镇定的构成的;镇定的构成的;镇定的composedlycomposedly adv. adv. 镇定地镇定地镇定地镇定地 The committee The committee was composed mainly ofwas composed mainly of teachers and parents.teachers and parents.be composed ofbe comp

15、osed of = = be made up ofbe made up of = = consist ofconsist of由由.组成组成 From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a bit of a went into a bit of a declinedecline, and was replaced in popularity , and was replaced in po

16、pularity by a new kind of music known as swing. ( Page 30 , line 15)by a new kind of music known as swing. ( Page 30 , line 15)vtvt. /vi. . /vi. 谢绝,拒绝谢绝,拒绝谢绝,拒绝谢绝,拒绝 ;n.n.力量,数量等的削减力量,数量等的削减力量,数量等的削减力量,数量等的削减 拒绝做某事拒绝做某事拒绝做某事拒绝做某事在某方面的衰退和减弱在某方面的衰退和减弱在某方面的衰退和减弱在某方面的衰退和减弱在消退、在减弱在消退、在减弱在消退、在减弱在消退、在减弱decl

17、ine to do sth.decline to do sth.decline in sth.decline in sth.on the declineon the decline注意注意注意注意 区别:区别:区别:区别:decline, refuse decline, refuse 与与与与rejectreject I invited John to join us, but he I invited John to join us, but he declineddeclined. . We were We were refusedrefused permission to enter.

18、permission to enter. He asked her to go out three times, and each time she He asked her to go out three times, and each time she rejectedrejected him. him.decline decline v.v.婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于refuse politelyrefuse politely,主要用,主要用,主要用,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或于拒绝有关社交活动

19、的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或动词不定式,主语只能是人。动词不定式,主语只能是人。动词不定式,主语只能是人。动词不定式,主语只能是人。refuserefuse v. v.是比较普通的用词,表示是比较普通的用词,表示是比较普通的用词,表示是比较普通的用词,表示 拒绝拒绝拒绝拒绝 ,含有非常坚决地、,含有非常坚决地、,含有非常坚决地、,含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意思。不客气地拒绝的意思。不客气地拒绝的意思。不客气地拒绝的意思。reject reject v. v. 以否定、敌对的态度拒绝

20、,主语可以是人或物,后以否定、敌对的态度拒绝,主语可以是人或物,后以否定、敌对的态度拒绝,主语可以是人或物,后以否定、敌对的态度拒绝,主语可以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。接名词,不能接动词不定式。接名词,不能接动词不定式。接名词,不能接动词不定式。 Elvis musical life was cut short when he was Elvis musical life was cut short when he was draftdrafted ed into the army in 1958.( page 31, line 40 )into the army in 1958.

21、( page 31, line 40 ) vtvt 起草,草拟起草,草拟起草,草拟起草,草拟 ;应征;应征;应征;应征 n.n.草稿草稿草稿草稿; ;草案草案草案草案 draft a constitution / contract / billdraft a constitution / contract / bill 起草宪法起草宪法起草宪法起草宪法 / / 合同合同合同合同 / / 法案法案法案法案 Forrest Gump Forrest Gump was drafted towas drafted to fight in the Vietnam War. fight in the Vi

22、etnam War. 阿甘曾应征参加越南战争。阿甘曾应征参加越南战争。阿甘曾应征参加越南战争。阿甘曾应征参加越南战争。 Life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know whatLife is like a box of chocolate, you will never know whatyou are going to get!you are going to get!阅读下列各句,写出阅读下列各句,写出阅读下列各句,写出阅读下列各句,写出take ontake on 的含义。的含义。的含义。的含义。1.She is not in g

23、ood health these days, and cannot 1.She is not in good health these days, and cannot take ontake on more work.more work.2.Great changes have taken place in the city in the past 2.Great changes have taken place in the city in the past few decades, and now it has few decades, and now it has taken onta

24、ken on a completely new a completely new look. look. 3.Were not 3.Were not taking ontaking on any new staff at the moment. any new staff at the moment. 4.The bus stopped to 4.The bus stopped to take ontake on more passengers. more passengers. (承担(承担(承担(承担工作等)工作等)工作等)工作等)(呈现(面貌、特征等)(呈现(面貌、特征等)(呈现(面貌、

25、特征等)(呈现(面貌、特征等)(雇佣)(雇佣)(雇佣)(雇佣)( (接纳接纳接纳接纳/ /装载装载装载装载) )be drunk withbe drunk with be in a great state of excitement be in a great state of excitement because of a particular emotion or situationbecause of a particular emotion or situationHe He was drunk withwas drunk with success. success.We cant W

26、e cant be drunk withbe drunk with optimism.optimism.我们不能盲目乐观。我们不能盲目乐观。我们不能盲目乐观。我们不能盲目乐观。他因成功而飘飘然。他因成功而飘飘然。他因成功而飘飘然。他因成功而飘飘然。沉醉于沉醉于;因;因而飘飘然而飘飘然; 陶醉;忘乎所以陶醉;忘乎所以Turandot Turandot is drunk withis drunk with power.(P18L21) power.(P18L21) She even dares to try and She even dares to try and exerciseexercis

27、e control over her father. control over her father.(P18L21)(P18L21) vt.to use your power, rights or personal vt.to use your power, rights or personal qualities in order to achieve sthqualities in order to achieve sthWhen someone is caught by the police, he may _.(保持沉默权利保持沉默权利保持沉默权利保持沉默权利)exercise hi

28、s right to keep silent vtvt. . 施加(影响);施加(影响);施加(影响);施加(影响); 运用(权利);运用(权利);运用(权利);运用(权利); 行使(权力)行使(权力)行使(权力)行使(权力) He was a man who He was a man who exercisedexercised considerable influence considerable influence over people.over people. 他是个对别人有相当他是个对别人有相当他是个对别人有相当他是个对别人有相当影响影响影响影响的人。的人。的人。的人。 Since

29、 you are a citizen of our country, you should Since you are a citizen of our country, you should exerciseexercise your right to vote. your right to vote. 既然你是我们国家的公民,就应该既然你是我们国家的公民,就应该既然你是我们国家的公民,就应该既然你是我们国家的公民,就应该行使行使行使行使你选举权。你选举权。你选举权。你选举权。 否定词否定词否定词否定词never/ no/ not /nothingnever/ no/ not /nothin

30、g等与比较级连用,往往表等与比较级连用,往往表等与比较级连用,往往表等与比较级连用,往往表达达达达最高级最高级最高级最高级含义。含义。含义。含义。世上没有比那些书更有价值的东西了。世上没有比那些书更有价值的东西了。世上没有比那些书更有价值的东西了。世上没有比那些书更有价值的东西了。 NothingNothing in the world is in the world is moremore valuable than those valuable than those books.books.= He said he had = He said he had nevernever watch

31、ed a watched a moremore exciting game exciting game before.before.=Those books =Those books are the most valuableare the most valuable in the world. in the world. He said the game He said the game was the most excitingwas the most exciting one he one he had ever watched.had ever watched.decorate vtd

32、ecorate vt. . 装饰装饰装饰装饰 / / 修饰修饰修饰修饰decorate with decorate with 用饰品装饰用饰品装饰用饰品装饰用饰品装饰 / / 修饰修饰修饰修饰;furnish withfurnish with 为(房间或房屋)配备(家具)为(房间或房屋)配备(家具)为(房间或房屋)配备(家具)为(房间或房屋)配备(家具) equip with equip with 用(仪器、设备等)装备(工厂、车用(仪器、设备等)装备(工厂、车用(仪器、设备等)装备(工厂、车用(仪器、设备等)装备(工厂、车 间、间、间、间、实验室等)实验室等)实验室等)实验室等) decor

33、ationdecoration (装饰,装饰品)(装饰,装饰品)(装饰,装饰品)(装饰,装饰品) furniturefurniture (家具)(家具)(家具)(家具)equipmentequipment (装备,设备,器材)(装备,设备,器材)(装备,设备,器材)(装备,设备,器材)Her living-room Her living-room is furnished withis furnished with a comfortable new a comfortable new sofa.sofa.The workshop The workshop is equipped withis

34、 equipped with many modern machines. many modern machines. (It is a well / fully equipped workshop.)(It is a well / fully equipped workshop.)They always They always decorate their classroom withdecorate their classroom with balloons and balloons and flowers when Christmas comes.flowers when Christma

35、s comes. desperate adj. “ desperate adj. “(因绝望)而孤注一掷的,拼命的;极需(因绝望)而孤注一掷的,拼命的;极需(因绝望)而孤注一掷的,拼命的;极需(因绝望)而孤注一掷的,拼命的;极需要的,极想,渴望;非常严重的,危急的(通常用于名词前)要的,极想,渴望;非常严重的,危急的(通常用于名词前)要的,极想,渴望;非常严重的,危急的(通常用于名词前)要的,极想,渴望;非常严重的,危急的(通常用于名词前)” ”be desperate to wanting to do sth very muchWhen a mother is away from her b

36、aby girl for a long time, she must _ see her again. Leaving college in a months time, she _ get a job.be desperate tois desperate toanchoranchor vt vt. . 使扎根;使扎根;使扎根;使扎根; 使基于使基于使基于使基于;主持;主持;主持;主持; 使固定;下锚使固定;下锚使固定;下锚使固定;下锚Her novels Her novels are anchored inare anchored in everyday experience. every

37、day experience. 他的小说他的小说他的小说他的小说取材取材取材取材自日常生活经验。自日常生活经验。自日常生活经验。自日常生活经验。She She anchoredanchored the evening news for several years. the evening news for several years. 她她她她主持主持主持主持了几年的晚间新闻。了几年的晚间新闻。了几年的晚间新闻。了几年的晚间新闻。We We anchoredanchored off the coast of Spain. off the coast of Spain. 我们在西班牙沿海我们在西

38、班牙沿海我们在西班牙沿海我们在西班牙沿海抛锚停泊抛锚停泊抛锚停泊抛锚停泊。EXERCISES1.1. Curse of the Golden Flower is _ by Chow Yun- Curse of the Golden Flower is _ by Chow Yun-Fat, Gong Li and Jay Chou. Its also the third movie for Fat, Gong Li and Jay Chou. Its also the third movie for Jay Chou.Jay Chou. A directed B cast C starred D

39、 played A directed B cast C starred D played 2. Nancy sat down for hours in the room,_ by 2. Nancy sat down for hours in the room,_ by jealousy.jealousy. A .satisfied B. delighted C. tortured D excited A .satisfied B. delighted C. tortured D excited 3.3. We should warn the children not to be _ with

40、We should warn the children not to be _ with computer puter games. A drunk B patient C popular D angry A drunk B patient C popular D angry C C A 4.4. The house _ built is a theatre . The house _ built is a theatre . A be B being C is D are A be B being C is D are 5.5. Jimmy did what he could _me wit

41、h my study. Jimmy did what he could _me with my study. A help B .to help C. helping D. to helping A help B .to help C. helping D. to helping 6.6. Im desperate _my parents. Im desperate _my parents. A see B seeing C to see D seen A see B seeing C to see D seenB B C 7.7. She _ to have supper with John

42、, saying that She _ to have supper with John, saying that she wasnt feeling well.she wasnt feeling well. A. rejected B declined C denied D refused A. rejected B declined C denied D refused8.8. You must get a good rest _ much work you have You must get a good rest _ much work you have to do .to do .

43、A .no matter B however C although D whatever A .no matter B however C although D whatever9.9. Tom was against my suggestion while Mike was _ it . Tom was against my suggestion while Mike was _ it . A. in favor of B. in memory of A. in favor of B. in memory of C. in honor of D. in search of C. in hon

44、or of D. in search of B B A 10.10. The papers were quick to condemn him _ his The papers were quick to condemn him _ his mistakes .mistakes . A .for B .of C. in D. at A .for B .of C. in D. at 11.11. Although _by the climb, he continued his journey. Although _by the climb, he continued his journey. A

45、 was exhausted B was exhausting A was exhausted B was exhausting C being exhausted D exhausted C being exhausted D exhausted 12.12. Our hometown is not what she used _ now . Our hometown is not what she used _ now . A to being B to be C to D to have A to being B to be C to D to have A D B 13.13.The

46、computers of this brand will be _The computers of this brand will be _,but but A cheaper ; not as better A cheaper ; not as better B cheaper ; not as good B cheaper ; not as good C more cheap ; not as better C more cheap ; not as better D more cheap ; not as good D more cheap ; not as good 14.14. Th

47、is is a film_ famous actors. This is a film_ famous actors. A feature B to feature C featuring D featured A feature B to feature C featuring D featured 15 .15 .Alice _ go out alone at night .Alice _ go out alone at night . A dare not B not to dare C did not dare D not dare A dare not B not to dare C

48、 did not dare D not dare B C A1. 1. 我从来没有见过比这更好的电影。我从来没有见过比这更好的电影。我从来没有见过比这更好的电影。我从来没有见过比这更好的电影。 ( (比较级形式表最高级比较级形式表最高级比较级形式表最高级比较级形式表最高级) )2. 2. 他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。( (as if /as thoughas if /as though) )3. 3. 那个上个月抢劫中国银行的嫌疑犯已被判了死刑(那个上个月抢劫中国银行的嫌疑犯已被判了死刑

49、(那个上个月抢劫中国银行的嫌疑犯已被判了死刑(那个上个月抢劫中国银行的嫌疑犯已被判了死刑(定从定从定从定从)4. 4. 当她抬头往天上看时,她看到了一个不明飞行物正在天空当她抬头往天上看时,她看到了一个不明飞行物正在天空当她抬头往天上看时,她看到了一个不明飞行物正在天空当她抬头往天上看时,她看到了一个不明飞行物正在天空移动。移动。移动。移动。( (inging短语短语短语短语) )5.5.这是我第一次用英语与外国人交谈。这是我第一次用英语与外国人交谈。这是我第一次用英语与外国人交谈。这是我第一次用英语与外国人交谈。( (the first timethe first time) ) I hav

50、e never I have never seenseen a a betterbetter film than this before.film than this before.He was shaking with fright He was shaking with fright as if heas if he had seen a ghost. had seen a ghost. The suspect The suspect whowho robbed the Bank of China last robbed the Bank of China last month was c

51、ondemned to death.month was condemned to death. When she looked up, she witnessed a UFO When she looked up, she witnessed a UFO movingmoving in the sky.in the sky. This is This is the first timethe first time that I have talked to a foreigner in that I have talked to a foreigner in English.English.SO MUCH FOR THE REVISION



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