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1、Unit 7 Teaching Activities (教学活动)经过本单元的学习,学生应:1) 掌握组织幼儿常识教学的英语句型、短 语和词汇。2) 能用本小节单词、句型创编常识教学场 景对话。Teaching Aims (教学目标)Unit 7 Teaching Activities (教学活动) Key Sentences (重点句型) Dialogues (对话) Extensive Sentences (拓展句型) Practice (操练) Fun Time (开心一刻)Section One Key Sentences (重点句型) 1. The grass turns green

2、. 草变绿了。2. There are many butterflies. 有很多蝴蝶。3. We neednt wear thick clothes. 我们不需要穿厚衣服。4. How do you usually go to school, my dear boys and girls? (By bus./On foot.) 亲爱的孩子们,你们平时怎么上学?(乘汽车。/步行。)5. I think so. 我也是这样认为的。Dialogue 1Teacher: Spring is coming. Do you like spring?Children: Yes.Teacher: What

3、happens in spring?Child1: Flowers come out.Child2: Swallows fly back.Child3: Grass turns green.Child4: There are many butterflies.Child5: We dont need to wear thick clothes.Teacher: You are so smart. And good observers. Now lets go out to enjoy spring. OK?Children: OK. Go, go, lets go!Section Two Di

4、alogues (对话)Dialogue1译文WordsNotes师:春天来了。你们喜欢春天吗?幼:喜欢。师:春天会发生什么呢?幼1:花儿开了。幼2:燕子飞回来了。幼3:草儿变绿了。幼4:有很多蝴蝶。幼5:我们不需要穿厚衣服。师:你们这么聪明,很会观察。现在让我们出去享受春天,好吗?幼:好的。走,走,走吧!Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue1译文WordsNotes1. The grass turns green. 草儿变绿了。句子里的turn是系动词, 意思是“变得”。e.g. Her face turns red. 她的脸变红了。Section Two D

5、ialogues (对话)Dialogue1译文WordsNotes2. We dont need to wear thick clothes. 我们不需要穿上厚厚 的衣服。Need用作实意动词时,意思是“需要”、“有必要”,既可用 于肯定句,也可用于否定句和疑问句,构成否定句和疑问句时要借 助于助动词do或does。e.g. You need to take good care of the babies. 你需要好好照顾这些小孩。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue1译文WordsNotesDialogue 2Teacher: How do you usua

6、lly go to school, my dear boys and girls?Children: By car/bus/bike/motorbike/electric car/subway/On foot.Teacher: En, I see. If we want to travel somewhere, how can we go?Children: By train/ship/plane/bus/car/taxi.Teacher: Good ideas. If we want to carry some goods, what can we do?Children: We can u

7、se trucks, trains, planes, tractors and so on.Teacher: I think so. Tell me what kind of vehicle firefighters use?Children: Fire engines.Teacher: Great! Now draw the vehicle you like best and tell each other why. OK?Children: Sure.Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue2译文NotesWords师: 亲爱的孩子们,你们平常是怎样上学的?幼:

8、 坐小汽车/公共汽车/自行车/摩托车/电动车/地铁/步行。师: 嗯,我明白了。如果我们想去某个地方旅行,我们可以怎么去呢?幼: 乘火车/轮船/飞机/公共汽车/ 小汽车/出租车。师: 好主意。如果我们想运输一些货物,该怎么办?幼: 我们可以用卡车、火车、飞机、拖拉机等。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue2译文NotesWords幼:我们可以用卡车、火车、飞机、拖拉机等。师:我也是这样认为的。告诉我消防队员使用哪种运载工具。幼:消防车。师:很好。现在画你最喜欢的一种运载工具,并互相讲讲为 什么,好吗?幼:好的。Section Two Dialogues (对话)D

9、ialogue2译文NotesWordsBy car/bus/bike . 坐小汽车/公共汽车/自行车by +运载工具,表示运载方式。e.g. I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校。 He likes travelling by plane. 他喜欢乘飞机旅游。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue2译文NotesWordsDialogue 3Teacher: Im sorry to hear that some guys have caught a cold these days.Children: So are we.Teacher

10、: What should we do after catching a cold?Child 1: Go to see a doctor.Child 2: Drink more water.Child 3: Clean our hands.Child 4: Change toothbrushes.Child 5: Go to sleep early.Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue3译文NotesWordsTeacher: You are right! You should do more exercise and dont be a picky eate

11、r.Children: OK.Teacher: Come on, lets try to be healthy people.Children: We can use trucks, trains, planes, tractors and so on.Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue3译文NotesWords师:我很难过听到这些天有些小朋友感冒了。幼:我们也很难过。老师:感冒之后我们该怎么办呢?幼1:看医生。幼2:多喝水。幼3:小手洗干净。幼4:换牙刷。幼5:早点睡。师:说得对。你们要多运动,不要挑食。幼:好的。师:让我们都努力成为健康的人,加油。Sect

12、ion Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue3译文NotesWords1. Im sorry to hear that some guys have caught a cold these days. 我很难过听到这些天有些小朋友感冒了。 be sorry to do sth.表示对感到难过/不安/抱歉/遗憾。 e.g . Im sorry to hear that. 听到那件事我很难过。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue3译文NotesWords2. So are we. 我们也很难过。So+倒装句。用在肯定句中, 表示前者如何,后者也如何。

13、意思是:We are also sorry to hear that.e.g. She likes swimming. 她喜欢游泳。 So do I. 我也喜欢。 Ken will visit Beijing this weekend. 肯这个周末将参观北京。 So will Lucy. 露西也将参观北京。Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue3译文NotesWordsWords (单词)happen /5hApEn/ vi. 发生;碰巧;偶然遇到swallow /5swClEU/ n. 燕子;一次吞咽的量butterfly /5bQtEflaI/ n.蝴蝶;蝶泳

14、;举止轻浮的人;追求享乐的人observer /Eb5z:vE, Cb-/ n. 观察者;天 观测者;遵守者somewhere /5sQmhweE/ adv. 在某处;到某处vehicle /5vi:ikEl/ n. 运载工具;车辆firefighter /5faIEfaItE/ n. 消防队员Section Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue2Dialogue1Dialogue3Words (单词)engine /5endVIn/ n. 发动机,引擎;消防车toothbrush /5tu:WbrQF/ n. 牙刷people /5pi:pl/ n. 复 人们Section

15、Two Dialogues (对话)Dialogue2Dialogue1Dialogue31. Red means stop. 红灯停。/ Green means go. 绿灯行。 / Yellow means wait. 黄灯等一等。2. What time is it?/ Whats the time? Its 9 oclock. 现在几点钟?九点钟。3. Can you feel the wind? 你能感觉到风吗?4. Observe changes carefully. 仔细观察变化。5. What is water used for? 水的用途是什么?6. What does th

16、is sign mean? /What is the meaning of this sign? 这个标志是什么意思?7. Whats the weather like today? /How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?8. What day is today? 今天星期几?Section Three Extensive Sentences (拓展句型)9. Whats the date today? Its October 1st. 今天几号?十月一号。10. What does a panda like to eat? 熊猫喜欢吃什么?11. The su

17、n is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大。12. Eating eggs is good for health. 吃蛋对健康有益。13. What appliances are there in your home? 你们家里有哪些电器?14. How many seasons are there in a year? 一年有几个季节?15. Discuss the differences between water and ice. 讨论一下水和冰之间的差别。Section Three Extensive Sentences (拓展句型)Section Four

18、Practice (操练)1. Dialogue drills Youll hear four English sentences and give your response to each one within five seconds. After that youll hear the answer for your reference.(你将听到4个英语句子,你有秒钟的 时间说出句子应答,然后你将听到参考应答。) (1) A: Whats the weather like today? B: (2) A: What time is it? B: (3) A: What day is

19、today? B: (4) A: Happy New Year. B:Its sunny.Its 9 oclock.Its Friday.Happy New Year./The same to you._2.Oral translation Youll hear five Chinese sentences and put each of them into English within ten seconds. After that youll hear the translation for your reference.(你将听到5 个中文句子,你有10秒钟的时间将句子翻译成英语,然后你

20、将听到 参考译句。) (1)美丽的花儿开了。 (2) 草和树变绿了。 (3) 消防队员使用哪种运载工具?. (4) 你们平常是怎样上学的? (5) 动物是我们的好朋友。Section Four Practice (操练)Beautiful flowers come out.Grass and trees turn green.What kind of vehicle do firefighters use?How do you usually go to school?Animals are our good friends._3. Role-play Make a dialogue abou

21、t common sense teaching, using the words and sentences of this unit.(用本单元所学单词 和句型,创编一个常识教学的情景对话。)Section Four Practice (操练)Sample dialogueSample dialogueTeacher: Please look at the picture. Whats in it?Children: The sun, the moon and the earth.Teacher: Kids, which is the biggest?Children: The sun.Te

22、acher: Great. Is the moon bigger than the earth?Children: No. The earth is bigger than the moon.Teacher: You are right. Where do we live?Children: On the earth.Teacher: Youve got it. Do you love our earth?Children: Yes. Very much.Section Four Practice (操练)ChantFour SeasonsWarm spring, hot summer,Gol

23、den autumn, silver winter,Spring comes before summer,Autumn comes before winter.Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻)Chant四季歌 温暖的春,炎热的夏, 金黄的秋,银白的冬。 春季之后是夏季, 秋天过完是冬天。Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻)Game【游戏名称】循声找词【游戏目标】通过游戏使幼儿感知音量大小从而认识声音,同时又能很好地巩固所学单词。【游戏材料】若干张英语单词卡片。【游戏方法】教师把单词藏好,让一个幼儿找,其余人通过他离单词远近给予声音大小的提示。例如:请

24、一个幼儿出来练习,用眼罩遮住他的眼睛,教师把写着spring的英语单词卡片藏好后,摘去其眼罩,接着其余小朋友开始读“spring”。如果他离单词较远的时候,大家就小声地读“spring spring spring”,反之近时就大声地读“spring spring spring”,直到他找到为止。游戏结束,再请其他小朋友来练习。Section Five Fun Time (开心一刻)Hows the Weather?Hows the weather? Its sunny.Hows the weather? Its sunny.Hows the weather? Its sunny.Its sun

25、ny today.Hows the weather? Its rainy.Hows the weather? Its rainy.Hows the weather? Its rainy.Its rainy today.SongSection Five Fun Time (开心一刻)Hows the weather? Its snowy.Hows the weather? Its snowy.Hows the weather? Its snowy.Its snowy today.SongSection Five Fun Time (开心一刻)天气如何? 天气如何?天气晴朗。 天气如何?下雨了。 天气如何?天气晴朗。 天气如何?下雨了。 天气如何?天气晴朗。 天气如何?下雨了。 今天天气晴朗。 今天下雨了。 天气如何?下雪了。 天气如何? 下雪了。 天气如何? 下雪了。 今天下雪了。SongSection Five Fun Time (开心一刻)今天下雨了。天气如何?下雪了。天气如何?下雪了。天气如何?下雪了。今天下雪了。SongSection Five Fun Time (开心一刻)



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