八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Go With Transportation Lesson 33 Life on Wheels教学课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 33Go with Transportation!学练优八年级英语上学练优八年级英语上(JJJJ) 教学课件教学课件 Unit 6 UNIT6Lesson 33 Life on WheelsLesson 33 Life on Wheels学习目标学习目标objectivesobjectives1.Key words: wheel, invent, power, machine, transportation2.Key sentences:Everything seems to have wheels, engines or wings.Then steam was able to

2、 power boats and cars.Today we travel a lot by airplane.Now people can even travel to space in spaceships.3. 掌握动词不定式的用法。掌握动词不定式的用法。Lead inLead inThink about itHow many ways can you think of to use wheels?How can you get to the moon?skateboardcartPre-readingPre-readingrocketspaceshipwingpullcartskate

3、boardablepowermachinespaceimagineVocabularyspaceshipenvironmentWhile-readingWhile-readingRead the passage and answer the following questions:1.What do we have on our transportation?2.When did people invent the steam engine?3.What is Jeremys favourite type of transportation?Read the passage and finis

4、h task in class in oral.1. This is my report on transportation. 这是我的关于交通的报告。这是我的关于交通的报告。on用于严肃的或学用于严肃的或学术性的内容,较术性的内容,较为正式为正式This book is on science. 这本书是关于科学方这本书是关于科学方面的。面的。about表示的内容较普表示的内容较普通,不太正式通,不太正式It is a story about Lei Feng. 那是一个关于雷锋的故那是一个关于雷锋的故事。事。Language PointsLanguage Points2. The world

5、 is always moving. 这个世界总是运动的。这个世界总是运动的。be always doing sth “总是或一致做某事总是或一致做某事”,现在进,现在进行时与行时与always连用,表示一个经常重复的动作或状连用,表示一个经常重复的动作或状态。常用来表达说话人的某种感情,如:赞叹、埋态。常用来表达说话人的某种感情,如:赞叹、埋怨、厌烦等。怨、厌烦等。e.g. He is always talking. 他老是说话。他老是说话。 My mother is always saying Im lazy. 我妈妈总是说我很懒。我妈妈总是说我很懒。3. Everything seems

6、 to be getting faster, too. 一切也似乎变得更快了。一切也似乎变得更快了。 主语主语+seem to be +表语表语 Tom seems to be happy. 主语主语+seem +to do sth Lily doesnt seem to like red. 4. Long ago, horses pulled carts 很久以前,马拉手推车很久以前,马拉手推车pull作及物动词,意为作及物动词,意为“拉,拖拉,拖”,反义词为,反义词为pushe.g. He pulled the door open. 他拉开了门。他拉开了门。相关短语:相关短语:pull d

7、own“推翻;摧毁推翻;摧毁” pull out of “拔掉;取出拔掉;取出”e.g. They pulled down many old houses last year. 去年她们拆了很多旧房子。去年她们拆了很多旧房子。5. Then steam was able to power boats and cars. 那时蒸汽能给船舶和汽车提供动力。那时蒸汽能给船舶和汽车提供动力。 be able to表示表示“能;能够能;能够”,后接动词原形,后接动词原形 辨析:辨析:can & be able tobe able to强调具体事件中有强调具体事件中有能力,指能力,指“经过努经过努力而成功

8、地做某事力而成功地做某事”可用于各种时可用于各种时态,不与态,不与can连用连用can只是一般性的能力,只是一般性的能力,指指“有能力做某事有能力做某事”只有现在式和只有现在式和过去式两种形过去式两种形式式6. Can you imagine future transportation?你能想象未来的交通工具吗?你能想象未来的交通工具吗?imagine“想象想象”,常用结构如下:,常用结构如下:(1)imagine后接名词或代词作宾语。后接名词或代词作宾语。Can you imagine life without water?你能想象没有你能想象没有水的生活吗?水的生活吗?(2)imagine

9、后接动名词或名词复合结构作宾语。后接动名词或名词复合结构作宾语。I cant imagine meeting you here.我没想到在这遇我没想到在这遇到你。到你。(3)imagine一般不可接不定式作宾语,但可以接一般不可接不定式作宾语,但可以接“人称代词人称代词+不定式不定式(to do)或形容词或形容词” 构成的复合结构成的复合结构构Just imagine yourself (to be) alone on the island. 想想象一下你独自一人在岛上的情形。象一下你独自一人在岛上的情形。(4)imagine后接疑问词引导的宾语从句或后接疑问词引导的宾语从句或“疑问词疑问词+

10、不定式不定式”结构结构We cant imagine how to use “the flying donuts”.我们想象不出如何使用我们想象不出如何使用“会飞的面包圈会飞的面包圈”。Post-readingPost-readingWork in pairs. Imagine the transportation of the future. Then make up a dialogue.Example:A: What does it look like?B: It looks like a bird. It has swings.A: How will it help people?B:

11、 1. My brother is very tall. He is 1.89 _(米米) tall.2. I have a new pen _ (伙伴伙伴). He is from England.I. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。metrespalPracticePracticePracticePractice3. Be careful! The hot soup may burn your _ (舌头舌头).4. Mr. White is very rich. He has three big _ (公寓公寓) in New York.tongue

12、apartments1. 昨天他看了一上午的电视。昨天他看了一上午的电视。He watched TV _ _ yesterday.2. 我了解了更多关于北京奥运会的情况。我了解了更多关于北京奥运会的情况。I have learnt _ _ the Beijing Olympic Games.II. 根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词。all morningmore about3. 请试着像我这样做。请试着像我这样做。Please _ _ do it like me.4. 他没有任何兄弟姐妹。他没有任何兄弟姐妹。He doesnt have _ brothers

13、_sisters.try toanyor5. 我妹妹希望我下个月会给她写信。我妹妹希望我下个月会给她写信。My sister _ that I will _ _her next month.hopeswrite to1.language, can, in, you, teach, the, me, words, your _?2. to, he, me, a, choose, answer, asked, question, to _.3. at, the, is, my, student, school, class, new, in _.III. 连词成句。连词成句。Can you teach me the words in your languageThe new student is in my class at schoolHe asked me to choose a question to answerHomeworkHomeworkWrite a letter to your friend in English.



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