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1、宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展清华大学电子工程系清华大学电子工程系北京北京 100084 中国中国谢谢 世世 钟钟S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271 1宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展提提 纲纲 宽带网络技术宽带网络技术概论概论 宽带宽带传输媒质传输媒质 高速高速器件的发展器件的发展 波长波长资源的利用和管理资源的利用和管理 集成集成度的提高度的提高 总结总结S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272

2、2宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论 传输媒质:传输媒质:传输媒质:传输媒质: 光纤、同轴线、屏蔽与非屏蔽双绞铜线、光纤、同轴线、屏蔽与非屏蔽双绞铜线、光纤、同轴线、屏蔽与非屏蔽双绞铜线、光纤、同轴线、屏蔽与非屏蔽双绞铜线、 微波、无线接入系统微波、无线接入系统微波、无线接入系统微波、无线接入系统 宽带网络基本技术:宽带网络基本技术:宽带网络基本技术:宽带网络基本技术: 传输技术、交换技术、接入技术传输技术、交换技术、接入技术传输技术、交换技术、接入技术传输技术、交换技术、接入

3、技术 目前主要运营网络:目前主要运营网络:目前主要运营网络:目前主要运营网络: 电信网、有线电视网、计算机网电信网、有线电视网、计算机网电信网、有线电视网、计算机网电信网、有线电视网、计算机网 S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273 3一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论网网 络络 发发 展展 趋趋 势势网络的宽带化、业务的综合化网络的宽带化、业务的综合化 “ “三网合一三网合一”电电电电 信信信信 网:网:网:网:+ + 公用网、连接范围广公用网、连接范围广公用网、连接范围广公用网、连接范围广 - - 需宽带接入网、具有综合业务能力

4、需宽带接入网、具有综合业务能力需宽带接入网、具有综合业务能力需宽带接入网、具有综合业务能力 的宽带交换机制、保证网络互通性的宽带交换机制、保证网络互通性的宽带交换机制、保证网络互通性的宽带交换机制、保证网络互通性 有线电视网:有线电视网:有线电视网:有线电视网:+ + 宽带宽带宽带宽带 - - 树状拓扑结构、提供交换业务树状拓扑结构、提供交换业务树状拓扑结构、提供交换业务树状拓扑结构、提供交换业务 计计计计 算算算算 机机机机 网:网:网:网:+ + 综合业务能力综合业务能力综合业务能力综合业务能力 - - 宽带化、交换方式宽带化、交换方式宽带化、交换方式宽带化、交换方式S.Xie00.11.

5、27S.Xie00.11.274 421 21 世纪的传输:世纪的传输:Tbit 到干线网到干线网 Gbit 到办公室到办公室/ /家庭家庭 Mbit 到个人到个人Originating BandwidthU.S. Interstate Communication TrafficU.S. Interstate Communication Traffic多种业务的增长对多种业务的增长对多种业务的增长对多种业务的增长对光网络发展的驱动光网络发展的驱动光网络发展的驱动光网络发展的驱动 一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie

6、00.11.275 5 2.8 2.8 TerabitTerabit T3 - 45 MbpsT3 - 45 Mbps OC48 - 2.5 Gbps OC48 - 2.5 Gbps Tbps Tbps Time for 2.8 TerabitTime for 2.8 TerabitCommunication Communication RateRate25 25 hourshours15 minutes15 minutes2.8 seconds2.8 secondsOther Traffic SourcesOther Traffic SourcesDOD Information DOD In

7、formation Superiority Requires Superiority Requires Terabit Battlefield Terabit Battlefield CommunicationsCommunications 1 1 ft x 10 bitsft x 10 bitsRadar/SARRadar/SARMulti-spectral sensorsMulti-spectral sensors - Infrared - Infrared - ?wave - ?wave - RF (Tbps) - RF (Tbps)100 100 milesmiles100 100 m

8、ilesmilesSuperNet ApplicationsDARPA6S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276 6一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论一、宽带网络技术概论It took about a century to install the worlds first 700 million phone lines; an additional 700 million lines will be deployed in the next 15-20 years.There are more than 200 million wireless subs

9、cribers in the world today; an additional 700 million more will be added over the next 15-20 years.There are more than 200 million cable TV subscribers in the world today; 300 million more will be added over the next 15-20 years. More than 100 million additional Internet users will come on-line by 2

10、001.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277 7第一年第一年第二年第二年第三年第三年第四年第四年第五年第五年光带宽光带宽9 个月个月 几种关键技术的发展速度几种关键技术的发展速度性能价格比翻番速度性能价格比翻番速度性能价格比翻番速度性能价格比翻番速度近几年:近几年:近几年:近几年:S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278 8 Trend20002000 10 106 6 10 107 7Capacity-Distance (Gb/s km)YearYearECOC99ECOC99104 104 10Gb/s 10Gb/s10000KM10000KM波分复用系统速

11、率波分复用系统速率-距离积的发展距离积的发展S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279 9网络业务量变化的战略趋势网络业务量变化的战略趋势v 根据初步分析根据初步分析, ,今后今后5 5到到1010年中国网上的数年中国网上的数 据业务量将可能会超过话音业务量。据业务量将可能会超过话音业务量。 (7-8 (7-8年最有可能年最有可能, ,干线网可能仅干线网可能仅3 3年年) )v IPIP业务将最终成为主导的联网协议。业务将最终成为主导的联网协议。v 业务总量将有大幅度增加业务总量将有大幅度增加( (几十倍几十倍) )。v 传统电话网将不可避免要过渡到分组交换传统电话网将不可避免要过

12、渡到分组交换 为基础的融合的下一代网,下一代网将最为基础的融合的下一代网,下一代网将最 终支持包括话音在内终支持包括话音在内 的所有业务。的所有业务。S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271010密集波分复用系统的速率密集波分复用系统的速率20002000160160160160 1 1 1 10 0 0 0GbGbGbGb/s/s/s/sS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271111北美长途网敷设趋势北美长途网敷设趋势 - - corningcorning S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271212密集波分复用网络的演进密集波分复用网络的演进S.

13、Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271313全球光通信网络市场全球光通信网络市场摘自:摘自: 美国美国 Photonics Spectra, p.99, May 2000S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271414波分复用技术现状和发展波分复用技术现状和发展u 目前商用系统主要为目前商用系统主要为(16-40) 2.5/10Gb/s。uu 超长距离:超长距离:Corvis的的160 2.5G在芝加哥在芝加哥- -西西雅图雅图3200公里线路上试验公里线路上试验。Qtera的的ULTRA系统系统可将可将10G WDM系统的全光传输距离已提高到系统的全光传输距离已提高到

14、4000km。阿尔卡特的阿尔卡特的48 10Gb/s在实验室已传在实验室已传4000km。 uu 超高密度:超高密度:160 10G(北电北电/Sycamore)系统已系统已开始商用。开始商用。1022x37M ( (朗讯朗讯) )已试验成功已试验成功uu 实验室最高水平:实验室最高水平:7.04T(176 40G)50km( (西西门子门子) );3.28T(82x40G)300km( (朗讯朗讯) );3.2T (160x20G)1500km (NEC)uu 已规划商用容量:已规划商用容量:6.4Tb/s(80x80Gb/s)(北电北电) )S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.

15、271515 全光超长传输试验全光超长传输试验全光超长传输试验全光超长传输试验 为了减少电再生点以及随着光层联网能力的为了减少电再生点以及随着光层联网能力的引入,全光超长传输成为关键。引入,全光超长传输成为关键。 4810Gb/s传输传输4000km试验试验( (阿尔卡特阿尔卡特) ): 光区段长光区段长80km, ,采用了混合的拉曼放大器和采用了混合的拉曼放大器和EDFA,拉曼增益大约为每段拉曼增益大约为每段4dB。试验结果表试验结果表明明传输距离主要受限于偏振模色散,传输距离主要受限于偏振模色散,其中其中 DCF占占1/2,光放大器占,光放大器占1/6,而光纤占,而光纤占1/3。S.Xie

16、00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271616PhotonicPhotonic Devices for Present & Future Devices for Present & Future Lightwave Lightwave Long Haul Systems Long Haul Systems用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件Semiconductor LasersSemiconductor Lasers - Integrated laser-modul

17、ator transmitter - Integrated laser-modulator transmitter - - Multiwavelegth Multiwavelegth transmitterstransmitters - Tunable transmitters - Tunable transmitters - - Soliton Soliton sourcessources - High power pumps for fiber amplifiers - High power pumps for fiber amplifiersSemiconductor Optical A

18、mplifiersSemiconductor Optical Amplifiers - Power Amplifiers in Integrated transmitters - Power Amplifiers in Integrated transmitters - 1.3 - 1.3 m optical Amplifiersm optical Amplifiers - Optical switches and switch arrays - Optical switches and switch arrays - Wavelength converters and other nonli

19、near - Wavelength converters and other nonlinear function devices function devicesPhotodetectors Photodetectors and OEIC receiversand OEIC receivers - High-speed (10Gb/s) and high-sensitivity - High-speed (10Gb/s) and high-sensitivity OEIC receivers OEIC receivers - High-speed(10Gb/s) avalanche phot

20、odiodes - High-speed(10Gb/s) avalanche photodiodes 半导体激光器半导体激光器半导体激光器半导体激光器- - - - 集成的激光器和调制器组件集成的激光器和调制器组件集成的激光器和调制器组件集成的激光器和调制器组件- - - - 多波长光发射器多波长光发射器多波长光发射器多波长光发射器- - - - 可调谐光发射器可调谐光发射器可调谐光发射器可调谐光发射器- - - - 光孤子源光孤子源光孤子源光孤子源- - - - 用于光纤放大器的泵源用于光纤放大器的泵源用于光纤放大器的泵源用于光纤放大器的泵源 半导体光放大器半导体光放大器半导体光放大器半导体

21、光放大器- - - - 集成光发射器中的功率放大器集成光发射器中的功率放大器集成光发射器中的功率放大器集成光发射器中的功率放大器- - - - m m m m 光光光光放大器放大器放大器放大器- - - - 光开关和开关阵列光开关和开关阵列光开关和开关阵列光开关和开关阵列- - - - 波长转换器和其它非线性器件波长转换器和其它非线性器件波长转换器和其它非线性器件波长转换器和其它非线性器件 光检测器光电集成回路接收器光检测器光电集成回路接收器光检测器光电集成回路接收器光检测器光电集成回路接收器- - - - 高速高灵敏度高速高灵敏度高速高灵敏度高速高灵敏度集成回路接收

22、器集成回路接收器集成回路接收器集成回路接收器- - - - 高速高速高速高速(10Gb/s)雪崩光电二极管雪崩光电二极管雪崩光电二极管雪崩光电二极管S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271717PhotonicPhotonic Devices for Present & Future Devices for Present & Future Lightwave Lightwave Long Haul Systems Long Haul Systems用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件用于目前和未来长距离光波系统的光电子器件用于目前和未

23、来长距离光波系统的光电子器件Planar Integrated Planar Integrated Waveguide Waveguide ComponentsComponents - Couplers - Couplers - Filters (fixed and tunable) - Filters (fixed and tunable) - - Wavelength Wavelength multiplexers multiplexers and routersand routers - Modulators and switches - Modulators and switches

24、- Doped- - Doped-waveguide waveguide devicesdevices - Dispersion components - Dispersion componentsFiber-type ComponentsFiber-type Components - Doped- - Doped- fiber devices (amplifiers and fiber devices (amplifiers and lasers)lasers) - Couplers - Couplers - Grating filters - Grating filters - Wavel

25、ength - Wavelength multiplexersmultiplexers - Dispersion - Dispersion compensatorscompensators - Optical switches (mechanical)- Optical switches (mechanical) - Optical isolators and circulators - Optical isolators and circulators 平面集成光波导元件平面集成光波导元件平面集成光波导元件平面集成光波导元件- - - - 耦合器耦合器耦合器耦合器 - - - - 滤波器(固

26、定的和可调谐的)滤波器(固定的和可调谐的)滤波器(固定的和可调谐的)滤波器(固定的和可调谐的)- - - - 波长复用器和路由器波长复用器和路由器波长复用器和路由器波长复用器和路由器- - - - 光调制器和光开关光调制器和光开关光调制器和光开关光调制器和光开关- - - - 掺杂的光波导器件掺杂的光波导器件掺杂的光波导器件掺杂的光波导器件- - - - 色散补偿器件色散补偿器件色散补偿器件色散补偿器件 光纤类元器件光纤类元器件光纤类元器件光纤类元器件- - - - 掺杂光纤器件掺杂光纤器件掺杂光纤器件掺杂光纤器件( ( ( (放大器放大器放大器放大器, , , ,激光器激光器激光器激光器)

27、) ) )- - - - 耦合器耦合器耦合器耦合器- - - - 光纤光栅滤波器光纤光栅滤波器光纤光栅滤波器光纤光栅滤波器- - - - 光波复用与解复用器光波复用与解复用器光波复用与解复用器光波复用与解复用器- - - - 色散色散色散色散补偿补偿补偿补偿器器器器- - - - 光开关光开关光开关光开关( ( ( (机械式机械式机械式机械式) ) ) ) - - - - 光隔离器和光环行器器件光隔离器和光环行器器件光隔离器和光环行器器件光隔离器和光环行器器件S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271818 19981998年世界元器件市场年世界元器件市场 Optics Optic

28、s $12Billion$12BillionSemiconductorsSemiconductors $125Billion $125BillionOptoelectronicsOptoelectronics $38Billion $38BillionS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271919 19981998年世界光电子产品年世界光电子产品单位:单位:亿美元亿美元总计:总计:19981998年年 1406 1406亿美元,北美约占:亿美元,北美约占:428428亿美元亿美元 1997 1997年年 为为1150 1150 亿美元亿美元 年增长率约年增长率约年增长率约年增长率

29、约 20% 20% 20% 20%30.3%29.9%23.2%0.6%15.7%0.3%S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272020 Source/detector 7%Source/detector 7%Modules 10%Modules 10%Fiber/cab 21%Fiber/cab 21%Comm.Comm.EqEq 62%62%1997 Communication Market $ 30 B.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272121 Communications Market ForecastYearYear$ $ BillionsBilli

30、onsS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272222宽带光通信网络的发展对宽带光通信网络的发展对宽带光通信网络的发展对宽带光通信网络的发展对光电子器件的需求和推动光电子器件的需求和推动光电子器件的需求和推动光电子器件的需求和推动二、宽带传输媒质二、宽带传输媒质 光纤光纤、同轴线、双绞铜线、微波、无线、同轴线、双绞铜线、微波、无线 . 光纤的发展:光纤的发展: G.652 G.653 G.654 G.655: Truewave, LEAF, AllWave . 特种光纤:特种光纤:DCF,高光敏度光纤,高光敏度光纤, 高非线性系数光纤高非线性系数光纤S.Xie00.11.27S.X

31、ie00.11.272323第三传输窗口第三传输窗口第三传输窗口第三传输窗口第二传输窗口第二传输窗口第二传输窗口第二传输窗口第一传输窗口第一传输窗口第一传输窗口第一传输窗口13001550850紫外吸收紫外吸收紫外吸收紫外吸收红外吸收红外吸收红外吸收红外吸收瑞利散射瑞利散射瑞利散射瑞利散射0.22.5损损 耗耗 (dB/km)波波 长长 (nm) OHOH离子吸收峰离子吸收峰离子吸收峰离子吸收峰光光 纤纤 损损 耗耗 谱谱 特特 性性S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272424Optical Fiber System BandsNeeds for increasing capa

32、city require usingNeeds for increasing capacity require usingadditional wavelength bandsadditional wavelength bands S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272525二、宽带传输媒质二、宽带传输媒质二、宽带传输媒质二、宽带传输媒质 宽带光纤网络对光纤的要求宽带光纤网络对光纤的要求 具有具有传输太比速率的能力传输太比速率的能力 提供提供 40Gb/s 传输的解决方案传输的解决方案 适合长距离及跨洋应用适合长距离及跨洋应用 低价、实用的塑料光纤低价、实用的塑料光纤S.Xie

33、00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272626宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展 1010Gb/s Gb/s , 40Gb/s 40Gb/s 速率的发射、接收速率的发射、接收速率的发射、接收速率的发射、接收 、调制器、调制器、调制器、调制器: : EA EA 调制器,调制器,调制器,调制器,DFB LD + EA ModDFB LD + EA Mod, LN LN 调制器调制器调制器调制器. Gb/s Gb/s 以太网以太网以太网以太网 和和和和 10 10Gb/s Gb/s

34、以太网以太网以太网以太网 器件器件器件器件 波长稳定化的波长稳定化的波长稳定化的波长稳定化的CW LDCW LD 配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272727 Product Road Map Product Road Map SpeedSpeed2.5Gb/sTransponder10Gb/sTransponder10Gb/s EML40Gb/sLN Mod80Gb/sLN Mod2.5Gb/slaser40Gb/s EML10Gb/sTx40Gb/sTx2.5Gb/sTx10Gb/sLN Mod+CW

35、laser10GbDetectorsEDFA10Gb/s Rx40Gb/s RxRaman Amps(10Gb/s)SourcesSources2.5Gb/s RxDetectorsDetectorsAmplificationAmplification19991999200020002001200120022002S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272828$1.45 $1.45 billionbillion$1.86 $1.86 billionbillionS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.272929WWD DMM C CH HA AN NN NE EL LS

36、 SCHANNEL BITRATE CHANNEL BITRATE 密集波分复用系统速率的发展趋势密集波分复用系统速率的发展趋势S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273030三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展 10Gb/s , 40Gb/s 的发射、接收的发射、接收 、调制器、调制器: EA 调制器,调制器, DFB 激光器激光器 + EA 调制器,调制器, LN 调制器调制器. Gb/s Gb/s 以太网以太网以太网以太网 和和和和 10 10Gb/s Gb/s 以太网以太网以太网以太网 器件器件器件器件 波长稳定化的波长稳定化的波长稳定化

37、的波长稳定化的CW LDCW LD 配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273131 4040Gb/s EA ModulatorGb/s EA Modulator Research Goals Research Goals Provide devices for system evaluationProvide devices for system evaluation - - Understand merits of NRZ Understand merits of NRZ vsvs. tandem. tan

38、dem modulatormodulator RZ RZ transmitterstransmitters EvaluateEvaluate/develop technology and device design/develop technology and device design compatible with future OE device manufacturing platformscompatible with future OE device manufacturing platforms - Understand fundamental trade-off between

39、 MQW active - Understand fundamental trade-off between MQW active design,capacitance,extinction,design,capacitance,extinction, insertion loss, etc.insertion loss, etc. - Preliminary exploration of fabrication- Preliminary exploration of fabrication alternativesalternatives Preliminary exploration of

40、 packagingPreliminary exploration of packaging P Primary design selection for joint Research/OErimary design selection for joint Research/OE development programdevelopment program Joint Research/OE platform development forJoint Research/OE platform development for epiepi, , waveguidewaveguide fabric

41、ation fabrication S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273232S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.2733334040Gb/s EA ModulatorGb/s EA ModulatorPackage ConfigurationPackage Configuration Prototype package with Prototype package with WiltronWiltron-k RF Connector-k RF Connector Chip Chip BeO submount BeO submount with coplanar

42、with coplanar waveguide waveguide and 50 and 50 resistor resistorS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273434S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273535 4040GbGb/s EA Modulator Summary/s EA Modulator Summary Demonstrated EA Modulator: Demonstrated EA Modulator: f f3db 3db 40GHz, ER = 6dB, S11 10dB 40GHz, ER = 6dB, S11 10dB Fu

43、ture workFuture work - - Develop 40Gb/s packaging platformDevelop 40Gb/s packaging platform - Optimize Standalone Modulator - Optimize Standalone Modulator Active layer design for increased extinction ratioActive layer design for increased extinction ratio Beam-expander Beam-expander optimization to

44、 reduce insertion lossoptimization to reduce insertion loss - - Develop/evaluate devices with new functionalityDevelop/evaluate devices with new functionality Tandem EA w/XB extensionsTandem EA w/XB extensions Tandem EA with SOA and XB extensionsTandem EA with SOA and XB extensions Semi insulating d

45、evice with coplanar contactsSemi insulating device with coplanar contacts 40Gb/s EML40Gb/s EML Tandem EA modulators integrated with laserTandem EA modulators integrated with laserS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.2736361998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 VISION VISION LiNboLiNbo3 3 Product Roadm

46、ap Product RoadmapSingle driveSingle driveModulatorModulator& &AttenuatorAttenuatorBW=10GHzBW=10GHzLower VoltageLower VoltageModulatorModulatorDual driveDual driveW/W/AttenuatorAttenuatorL-BandL-BandModulatorsModulatorsModulatorModulatorBW=12.5GHzBW=12.5GHzModulator &Modulator &Phase ModulatorPhase

47、ModulatorBW=12.5GHzBW=12.5GHzModulator Modulator BW=40BW=40GHzGHzModulator &Modulator &AttenuatorAttenuatorBWBW=40GHZ=40GHZPolarizationPolarizationControllersControllersOptical Cross-Optical Cross-ConnectsConnectsModulator &Modulator &AttenuatorAttenuatorBWBW 80GHz80GHzPhasePhaseModulatorsModulators

48、SwitchsSwitchsS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273737S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273838S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.273939 InPInP Electro-Absorption Modulators Electro-Absorption Modulators Advantages of EA vs. LiNbO Advantages of EA vs. LiNbO3 3 Small Size Low Drive Voltage Integration with InP Devices - DFB,DBR las

49、ers - SOA - Power monitor diode - Mode size converter Package and chip compatible with InP laser Manufacturing PlatformsS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27404010 10 GbGb/s Receiver/s Receiver Functionality - PIN and APD offerings - 2R to be offered in 1H2000 Target Specifications - BW 9 GHz - Group delay dev

50、iation 20ps - Sensitivity 18 dBm for PIN 23 dBm for APDS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274141S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274242Design Advantages Design Advantages DisadvantagesDisadvantagesPlanar PIN polarization independent Planar PIN polarization independent ResponsivityResponsivity/BW tradeoff/BW tradeoff Si

51、mple optical coupling Simple optical coupling - max BW*- max BW* :15 :15 GHzGHz-single pass-single pass Simple design Simple design 27GHZ-double pass 27GHZ-double pass Planar Planar PmaxPmax1dbm-space charge effects 1dbm-space charge effects No internal No internal amplificatioamplificatioWG PINWG P

52、IN High High responsivity responsivity Design polarization insensitivity Design polarization insensitivity BW and BW and independent independent More More complx complx optics -XB?optics -XB? Enables WG device integration Needs Enables WG device integration Needs planarizationplanarization Compatibl

53、e with laser packaging Compatible with laser packaging Compatible with 40G EAM Compatible with 40G EAM Scalable to higher bandwidth Scalable to higher bandwidth WG APDWG APD AmplificationAmplification Complex design +aboveComplex design +above 40 Gb/s DetectorDesign AlternativesS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.

54、11.274343 4040GbGb/s Receiver Development/s Receiver Development Looking for customer input - Timeframe for samples? Production - Timeframe for samples? Production - RZ/NRZ - RZ/NRZ - Level of Integration? - Level of Integration? PIN only PIN only PIN +AGC Gain Block PIN +AGC Gain Block PIN +AGC Gai

55、n Block+CDR with 4:1 DEMUX PIN +AGC Gain Block+CDR with 4:1 DEMUX Will match the Will match the XmitterXmitter as far as level of integration as far as level of integration Dependent on IC Developments, Power Dissipation, Dependent on IC Developments, Power Dissipation, and Packaging technology and

56、Packaging technology - Additional Capabilities - Additional Capabilities APD APD SOA SOAS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274444S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274545 4040GbGb/s Receiver and Detector/s Receiver and Detector Summary Summary We are simultaneously developing receiver, detector, and packaging platform fo

57、r high volume manufacturing First photo detector will be PIN ,planar or waveguide, determined by package platform and performance 12/99 40Gb/s APD under investigation in Research Plan to have PIN + AGC Gain Block Samples by EOY2000 S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274646 40 40GbGb/s Suite Product Roadmap/s S

58、uite Product Roadmap199920002001200240Gb/sLN Modulator Production40Gb/s1.5m EMLTunable DfBs Production Production40Gb/sEA Modulator-Discrete Production40Gb/sDetector ProductionS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274747三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展三、高速器件的发展 10Gb/s , 40Gb/s 的发射、接收的发射、接收 、调制器、调制器: EA 调制器,调制器, DFB 激光

59、器激光器 + EA 调制器,调制器, LN 调制器调制器. Gb/s 以太网以太网 和和 10Gb/s 以太网以太网 器件器件 波长稳定化的波长稳定化的CW LD 配套的高速电子器件配套的高速电子器件S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274848S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.274949S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275050 High Speed physical High Speed physical LayserLayser Ic Ic Product Plan Product Plan2.52.5Gb/sGb/sOptoOpto/IC

60、/ICModuleModule1010Gb/sGb/sOptoOpto/IC/ICModuleModule4040Gb/sGb/sOptoOpto/IC/ICModuleModule2.52.5Gb/sGb/sClk SynClk Syn/ /MuxMux1010Gb/sGb/sClk SynClk Syn/ /MuxMux4040Gb/sGb/sClk SynClk Syn/ /MuxMux2.52.5Gb/sGb/sLimiting AmpLimiting Amp&CDR&CDR2.52.5Gb/sGb/sLA/CDR/LA/CDR/DeMuxDeMux1010Gb/sGb/sCDR/CD

61、R/DeMuxDeMux4040Gb/sGb/sCDR/CDR/DeMuxDeMux2.52.5Gb/sGb/sDrives &Drives &Transimp Transimp AmpAmp4040Gb/sGb/sDrives &Drives &TransimpTransimp Amp Amp1010Gb/sGb/sDrives, LA & Drives, LA & TransimpTransimp Amp AmpGaAsGaAsSiSiSiGeSiGeInPInPTTRN012G5TTRN012G5TTRN0110GTTRN0110GTTRN0140GTTRN0140GLG16xxLG16

62、xxTRCV012G5TRCV012G5TRCV0110GTRCV0110GTRCV0140GTRCV0140GLG16xxLG16xxTMOD,TLAD,TLMA,TTITMOD,TLAD,TLMA,TTITMOD,TTIATMOD,TTIAS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275151S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275252宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展四、波长资源的利用和管理四、波长资源的利用和管理 MUX/DMUX , OADM, 光开关光开关 多波长光源多波长光源 可调

63、谐光源可调谐光源 宽带、大功率光放大器宽带、大功率光放大器 C -band, L-band EDFA, RAMAN Amp. SOA 光波长转换器光波长转换器S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275353METRO Product Roadmap-Wavelength ManagementProduct Roadmap-Wavelength ManagementIs WaveguideMux/DemuxOptical AddDrop MuxAcive GainEqualizers2nd GenerationOptical SwitchOpticalSwitch4-8 channe

64、lTunable TxDiscreteC-bandsources40-channelTunable20-channelTunable TxC-band20-channelTunable CW SourceHigh-PowerC-bandL-bandAmplifiersC+L-BandAmplifiersS-BandAmplifiers19991999200020002001200120022002VISIONVISIONDiscreteL-band SourcespassivespassivesSourcesSourcesAmplifiersAmplifiersBACKBONES.Xie00.

65、11.27S.Xie00.11.275454S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275555宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展四、波长资源的利用和管理四、波长资源的利用和管理 MUX/DMUX , OADM, 光开关光开关 多波长光源多波长光源 可调谐光源可调谐光源 宽带、大功率光放大器宽带、大功率光放大器 C -band, L-band EDFA, RAMAN Amp. SOA 光波长转换器光波长转换器S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275656Market PlaceMarket Pl

66、ace The Global Market for DWDM Components $ 2.2 Billion - 1998 TX & TRTX & TR14%14%MUX&MUX&DMUXDMUX 11% 11%AmplificationAmplification Devices Devices 15% 15%Other Other ComponentsComponents 60% 60%Other Components:Other Components:attenuatorsattenuators, connectors, connectors,couplers,dispersion co

67、ntrolcouplers,dispersion controlcomponents ,components ,software, network software, network management, installation,management, installation,vendors margin cost .vendors margin cost .S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275757Optical Add-Drop Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer Multiplexer By 2008, an OADM mayBy 2008,

68、 an OADM mayhave 128 dense have 128 dense s on thes on theincoming fiber, with full re-incoming fiber, with full re-configurability configurability for droppingfor droppingany selection of any selection of s. The s. The drop-versus passthrough drop-versus passthrough connections are connections are

69、reconfigureconfigu- -rablerable in in S.S. Current Current OADMsOADMs typically typically demux demux 8 8 from transmission from transmissionfiber: 4 go directly on outputfiber: 4 go directly on outputfibers, 4 are dropped. At Add fibers, 4 are dropped. At Add end 2fibers on fixed end 2fibers on fix

70、ed s comes comedirect to direct to combinercombiner, 2 from the , 2 from the electronic ADM.electronic ADM.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275858 Optical Add-Drop MultiplexerS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.275959S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276060S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276161Comparison of FBG, AWG & TFFComparison of FB

71、G, AWG & TFF PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCES FBG FBG AWG AWG TFF TFFChCh. Spacing (. Spacing (GHzGHz) ) low to 50 low to 50 low to 25low to 25 100 100ChCh. . OK OK need controlneed control OK OKinsertion loss (insertion loss (dbdb) ) ununiform ununiform uniform uniform ununiformununiformadjadj. . ChCh. .

72、Xtalk Xtalk ( (dbdb) ) 30 - 35 30 - 35 25 - 3525 - 35 25 - 33 25 - 33nonadjnonadj. . Ch Ch. . XtalkXtalk 40 40 25 - 3525 - 35 40 40 long term stabilitylong term stability possibly a possibly a possibly apossibly a Good but Good but problem due problem due problem due toproblem due to issue of issue

73、of to to tuning tuning Temp. ControlTemp. Control Epoxy Epoxypolarization char.polarization char. Excellent Excellent OK but needOK but need very good very good compensation compensation (0.25 (0.25 dbdb) )power consumptionpower consumption none need none need none nonecostcost high high low if in m

74、ass-prod.low if in mass-prod. fair fairS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276262MUXES and DEMUXESMUXES and DEMUXES Each of the main multiplexing/Each of the main multiplexing/demultiplexingdemultiplexing filter filter technologies provides capabilities best suited to different technologies provides capabilitie

75、s best suited to different numbers of channels and different channel numbers of channels and different channel spacingsspacings. .S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276363与光纤光栅有关的论文的数量与光纤光栅有关的论文的数量 S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276464 Lucent TechnologyLucent TechnologyLucent TechnologyLucent Technology: : : : 宣布宣布宣布

76、宣布2001200120012001年的光纤光栅的产量将年的光纤光栅的产量将年的光纤光栅的产量将年的光纤光栅的产量将是是是是1999199919991999年的年的年的年的16161616倍。倍。倍。倍。 Alcatel OptronicsAlcatel OptronicsAlcatel OptronicsAlcatel Optronics:AlcatelAlcatelAlcatelAlcatel SA SA SA SA 的一个部门,从的一个部门,从的一个部门,从的一个部门,从 Innovative Fibers Inc Innovative Fibers Inc Innovative Fib

77、ers Inc Innovative Fibers Inc 购买了购买了购买了购买了1 1 1 1亿亿亿亿7 7 7 7千千千千5 5 5 5百万美元的光纤百万美元的光纤百万美元的光纤百万美元的光纤光栅服务于海缆系统,在此基础上也正在将光纤光栅用于光栅服务于海缆系统,在此基础上也正在将光纤光栅用于光栅服务于海缆系统,在此基础上也正在将光纤光栅用于光栅服务于海缆系统,在此基础上也正在将光纤光栅用于陆上光通信系统,预计将赢得陆上光通信系统,预计将赢得陆上光通信系统,预计将赢得陆上光通信系统,预计将赢得18181818月到两年的发展时间。月到两年的发展时间。月到两年的发展时间。月到两年的发展时间。

78、CienaCienaCienaCiena Corp Corp Corp Corp.: .: .: .: 宣布将发展自己的光纤光栅部门。宣布将发展自己的光纤光栅部门。宣布将发展自己的光纤光栅部门。宣布将发展自己的光纤光栅部门。 NortelNortelNortelNortel Network Corp Network Corp Network Corp Network Corp.: .: .: .: 据报道,将通过以据报道,将通过以据报道,将通过以据报道,将通过以32323232亿亿亿亿5 5 5 5千万千万千万千万美元购买美元购买美元购买美元购买QetraQetraQetraQetra Cor

79、p. Corp. Corp. Corp.来加强光纤光栅器件的研究、制造来加强光纤光栅器件的研究、制造来加强光纤光栅器件的研究、制造来加强光纤光栅器件的研究、制造及其应用。及其应用。及其应用。及其应用。 Cisco system IncCisco system IncCisco system IncCisco system Inc.: .: .: .: 在在在在Pirelli Cables and Systems Pirelli Cables and Systems Pirelli Cables and Systems Pirelli Cables and Systems 公司的器件部门投入公司

80、的器件部门投入公司的器件部门投入公司的器件部门投入10%10%10%10%的资金确保在光纤光栅、包括产的资金确保在光纤光栅、包括产的资金确保在光纤光栅、包括产的资金确保在光纤光栅、包括产品和技术等方面得到支持。品和技术等方面得到支持。品和技术等方面得到支持。品和技术等方面得到支持。 光纤光栅产业化及应用的最新进展光纤光栅产业化及应用的最新进展S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276565Southampton Southampton Southampton Southampton PhotonicsPhotonicsPhotonicsPhotonics: : : : 一个一个一个

81、一个2000200020002000年年年年6 6 6 6月新成立的公月新成立的公月新成立的公月新成立的公司,公司的创始者和主席司,公司的创始者和主席司,公司的创始者和主席司,公司的创始者和主席, , , , David Payne, David Payne, David Payne, David Payne, 领导有着领导有着领导有着领导有着35353535年历史的英国南安普敦大学光电子研究,年历史的英国南安普敦大学光电子研究,年历史的英国南安普敦大学光电子研究,年历史的英国南安普敦大学光电子研究,Payne Payne Payne Payne 领导领导领导领导的团队的团队的团队的团队198

82、6198619861986年发明了掺铒光纤放大器。对年发明了掺铒光纤放大器。对年发明了掺铒光纤放大器。对年发明了掺铒光纤放大器。对SouthamptonSouthamptonSouthamptonSouthampton PhotonicsPhotonicsPhotonicsPhotonics的投资被宣称为英国最大的工业界私人投资,的投资被宣称为英国最大的工业界私人投资,的投资被宣称为英国最大的工业界私人投资,的投资被宣称为英国最大的工业界私人投资,第一轮吸引了第一轮吸引了第一轮吸引了第一轮吸引了5500550055005500万美元的投资。公司将以南安普敦万美元的投资。公司将以南安普敦万美元的



85、S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276666 增强性能的光滤波器的使用将使光纤频谱的资增强性能的光滤波器的使用将使光纤频谱的资源更充分地利用。这些产品将会与基于薄膜材料源更充分地利用。这些产品将会与基于薄膜材料的滤波器竞争,市场总价预计在的滤波器竞争,市场总价预计在4040亿美元。亿美元。 低成本的分布反馈光纤激光器阵列将提供针对低成本的分布反馈光纤激光器阵列将提供针对DWDMDWDM应用的比半导体激光器更稳定的密集波长。应用的比半导体激光器更稳定的密集波长。这种产品的市场总值估计会有这种产品的市场总值估计会有100100亿美元。亿美元。 宽带光放大器将会集成色散补偿,频道均衡

86、以宽带光放大器将会集成色散补偿,频道均衡以及增益平坦等特性。这些产品的市场总需求在及增益平坦等特性。这些产品的市场总需求在5050亿美元左右,市场同时要求更高的功率和更低的亿美元左右,市场同时要求更高的功率和更低的成本成本。主要光纤光栅产品的市场预测主要光纤光栅产品的市场预测S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276767 MUXES and DEMUXES MUXES and DEMUXES 43%43%38%38%19%19%113113MM47%47%6565MM27%27%6464MM26%26%AWG Arrayed Waveguide GratingFBG Fiber

87、Bragg GratingTFF Thin Film Filter1998 Total Unit: 16,300Total Unit: 16,300Value: Value: $ 240 M $ 240 MCAGA: CAGA: 51% 51% unit Cost: $15,000unit Cost: $15,000AAD of cost: AAD of cost: 12% 12%2004Total Unit: 192,600Total Unit: 192,600Value: $ 1.3 BValue: $ 1.3 BS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276868 为实现为实现为

88、实现为实现5050GHzGHz间隔的密集波分系统同时避免器件技间隔的密集波分系统同时避免器件技间隔的密集波分系统同时避免器件技间隔的密集波分系统同时避免器件技术的过分复杂和太高成本,术的过分复杂和太高成本,术的过分复杂和太高成本,术的过分复杂和太高成本,20002000年年年年3 3月的月的月的月的OFCOFC展览上,展览上,展览上,展览上,多家公司纷纷提出一种群组滤波器,多家公司纷纷提出一种群组滤波器,多家公司纷纷提出一种群组滤波器,多家公司纷纷提出一种群组滤波器,ChroumChroum公司称公司称公司称公司称之为之为之为之为SlicerSlicer, , , ,WavesplitterW

89、avesplitter, JDS, JDS Uniphase Uniphase等公司称之为等公司称之为等公司称之为等公司称之为InterleaverInterleaver。 这种器件通过两个分别频率间隔为目标间隔两倍的这种器件通过两个分别频率间隔为目标间隔两倍的这种器件通过两个分别频率间隔为目标间隔两倍的这种器件通过两个分别频率间隔为目标间隔两倍的普通复用普通复用普通复用普通复用/ / / /解复用器的组合使用,一个专门配合偶数的解复用器的组合使用,一个专门配合偶数的解复用器的组合使用,一个专门配合偶数的解复用器的组合使用,一个专门配合偶数的频道数,一个专门配合奇数频道数。再配合一个可以将频道

90、数,一个专门配合奇数频道数。再配合一个可以将频道数,一个专门配合奇数频道数。再配合一个可以将频道数,一个专门配合奇数频道数。再配合一个可以将信号按奇偶分开的信号按奇偶分开的信号按奇偶分开的信号按奇偶分开的InterleaverInterleaver,就可以实现就可以实现就可以实现就可以实现5050GHzGHz的频的频的频的频率间隔。率间隔。率间隔。率间隔。InterleaverInterleaverS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.276969InterleaverInterleaver TheThe interleaverinterleaver is a specialized

91、 is a specialized multiplexermultiplexer(MUX) and(MUX) and demultiplexer demultiplexer ( (DeMUXDeMUX). ). MUXMUX : : combines combines two two streams streams of of optical optical signals signals into a single, more densely spaced signal stream.into a single, more densely spaced signal stream. DeMU

92、XDeMUX , , a a denser denser signal signal stream stream is is separated separated into into two, wider spaced streams. two, wider spaced streams. For exampleFor example, the 100 GHz, the 100 GHz interleaverinterleaver combines two, combines two,200 GHz streams into one, denser, 100 GHz stream,200 G

93、Hz streams into one, denser, 100 GHz stream,thus doubling the capacity of the network.thus doubling the capacity of the network.InterleaversInterleavers can be multi-staged to increase the can be multi-staged to increase thecapacity of a system even further.capacity of a system even further. S.Xie00

94、.11.27S.Xie00.11.277070InterleaverInterleaver基本工作原理基本工作原理基本工作原理基本工作原理InterleaverInterleaver与其他与其他与其他与其他DWDMDWDM技技技技术的应用领域术的应用领域术的应用领域术的应用领域S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277171现有的技术现有的技术现有的技术现有的技术双折射晶体双折射晶体双折射晶体双折射晶体( ( ( (JDS JDS JDS JDS UniphaseUniphaseUniphaseUniphase Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc.), Mach-), Mach-

95、), Mach-), Mach-Zehnder Zehnder Zehnder Zehnder ( ( ( (WavesplitterWavesplitterWavesplitterWavesplitter Inc.Inc.Inc.Inc.), ), ), ), 液晶液晶液晶液晶 等干涉仪型等干涉仪型等干涉仪型等干涉仪型Interleaver Interleaver Interleaver Interleaver 通常需要特殊的顶部平坦通常需要特殊的顶部平坦通常需要特殊的顶部平坦通常需要特殊的顶部平坦平衡技术平衡技术平衡技术平衡技术 未使用顶部平坦平衡的未使用顶部平坦平衡的未使用顶部平坦平衡的

96、未使用顶部平坦平衡的InterleaverInterleaver( (C.H. Huang, H.C.H. Huang, H. Luo Luo, S., S. Xu Xu, and P. Chen, and P. Chen, , AFO Inc.AFO Inc. Conference on Optical Fiber Conference on Optical Fiber Communication 1999, TuH2, pp. 79-81.)Communication 1999, TuH2, pp. 79-81.) InterleaverInterleaverS.Xie00.11.27S.

97、Xie00.11.277272Title News: E-TEK Launches Title News: E-TEK Launches Components-InterleaverComponents-InterleaverE-TEK E-TEK Dynamics, Dynamics, Inc. Inc. ( (NasdaqNasdaq: : ETEK) ETEK) today today expanded expanded its its product product offering offering with with 100 100 GHz GHz and and 50 50 GH

98、zGHz interleaversinterleavers that that provide provide a a simple simple way way to to increase increase capacity capacity in in all all standard standard wavelength wavelength ranges. ranges. Since Since thethe interleaversinterleavers have have low low dispersion dispersion ( (the the lowest lowe

99、st availableavailable), ), they they are are ready ready for for 1010 GbGb/s /s and and 4040 GbGb/s /s systems. systems. They They can can be be used used with with existing existing DWDMDWDM multiplexersmultiplexers andand demultiplexersdemultiplexers for for next-generation next-generation terabit

100、 terabit works. (June, (June, 20002000) )S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277373Title News:Title News: Wavesplitter Wavesplitter Files for $155 Files for $155 Million IPOMillion IPOWavesplitterWavesplitter Technologies Technologies IncInc. . ( (NasdaqNasdaq: : WSVP), WSVP), an an optical optical component co

101、mponent vendor, vendor, filed filed for for a a 155 155 million million initial initial public public offering offering with with the the Securities Securities and and Exchange Exchange Commission Commission onon ednesdayednesday. . The The filing filing comes comes as as demand demand for for optic

102、al optical components components is is heating heating up. up. The The company company focuses focuses on on two two technology technology platforms, platforms, advanced advanced fused fused fiber fiber and and planarplanar lightguidelightguide circuits, circuits, which which are are used used in in

103、 long long haul haul and and metropolitan metropolitan area area optical optical system system level level products. products. With With four four products products in in the the pipeline pipeline - - WaveProcessor WaveProcessor interleaverinterleaver, , WavePumpWavePump pump pump combiner,combiner,

104、 WaveMetro WaveMetro multiplexermultiplexer, , andand WaveEssentialsWaveEssentials couplers couplers - - the the company company currently currently relies relies on on sales sales from from only only one, one, thethe WavePumpWavePump product. product. But But substantial substantial sales sales are

105、 are also also expected expected in in the the near near future future from from itsits WaveProcessorWaveProcessor products(products(interleaverinterleaver seriresserires) ), , also also used used in in DWDM DWDM systems, systems, says says the the S-1.S-1. Targeted Targeted customers customers are

106、are networking networking system system and and subsystem subsystem vendors, vendors, and and the the company company is is focusing focusing on on optical optical amplifier amplifier and and dense dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) system integrators.wavelength-division multiplexing (DWD

107、M) system integrators.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277474我们发明的新型我们发明的新型我们发明的新型我们发明的新型InterleaverInterleaverInterleaverInterleaver:分布反馈型(分布反馈型(分布反馈型(分布反馈型(DFB)DFB)DFB)DFB),全光纤,拥有自主产权全光纤,拥有自主产权全光纤,拥有自主产权全光纤,拥有自主产权BONR Labs BONR Labs InterleaverInterleaverS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277575 可以说可以说可以说可以说Interleav




111、Z干涉仪型的干涉仪型的干涉仪型的干涉仪型的InterleaverInterleaver。在这种设计中,在两个在这种设计中,在两个在这种设计中,在两个在这种设计中,在两个3 3dBdB耦合器中的两耦合器中的两耦合器中的两耦合器中的两段不等长的光纤就可以实现。通过精确控制长度差就可段不等长的光纤就可以实现。通过精确控制长度差就可段不等长的光纤就可以实现。通过精确控制长度差就可段不等长的光纤就可以实现。通过精确控制长度差就可以实现所需要的频率间隔。以实现所需要的频率间隔。以实现所需要的频率间隔。以实现所需要的频率间隔。 InterleaverInterleaverS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie

112、00.11.277676宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展四、波长资源的利用和管理四、波长资源的利用和管理 MUX/DMUX , OADM, 光开关光开关 多波长光源多波长光源 可调谐光源可调谐光源 宽带、大功率光放大器宽带、大功率光放大器 C -band, L-band EDFA, RAMAN Amp. SOA 光波长转换器光波长转换器S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277777S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277878S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.277979S

113、.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278080宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展四、波长资源的利用和管理四、波长资源的利用和管理 MUX/DMUX , OADM, 光开关光开关 多波长光源多波长光源 可调谐光源可调谐光源 宽带、大功率光放大器宽带、大功率光放大器 C -band, L-band EDFA, RAMAN Amp. SOA 光波长转换器光波长转换器S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278181 OptoelectronicsOptoelectronics C-Band & L-

114、C-Band & L-band Product Roadmapband Product Roadmap1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 vision1.5m2.5Gb/s EMLC-band1.5m2.5Gb/s EMLL-band1.5 m2.5Gb/s EMLNBWSL Tx C& L-ban1.5m2.5Gb/s EMLWBWSL Tx C &L-band1.5m10Gb/s EMLWBWSL Tx C &L-band1.5m10Gb/s EML w & w/odrive L-band1.5m40Gb/s EMLC & L-band1.5m2.5Gb/s DFBDWDM

115、(90ch) L-band1.5m2.5Gb/s DFBDWDM (45ch) C-band1.5m10Gb/s EML w & w/odrive C-bandWavelength Stabilized(180ch) C & L-band1.5mCW DFBDWDM (45ch) C-band10Gb/s and 12.5Gb/sLN ModulatorsL-band1.5mCW DFBDWDM (90ch) L-bandWavelength Stabilized(180ch) C & L-band12.5Gb/sLN ModulatorC-band10Gb/sSingle drive LN

116、Modulator& attenuatorC-band10Gb/sLN ModulatorC& L-bandAmplifierL-band DWDMAmplifierC-band DWDMAmplifierC+L-band DWDMS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278282Gain Flattened Broadband Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278383A Comparison of C-Band & L-Band TechnologyS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278484Ultra

117、 Broadband Fiber AmplifierS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278585L-Band Amplifier PerformanceS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278686 L-Band EDFA CharacteristicL-Band EDFA Characteristic In Comparison to that of C-band In Comparison to that of C-band Lower absorption and Lower absorption and emissiion emissiion coeffi

118、cients coefficients (3-4 times lower) (3-4 times lower) Lower population inversion levelsLower population inversion levels ( ( 40%40%vsvs-60%-65%)-60%-65%) Lower gain/unit length Lower gain/unit length -Longer -Longer Er Er fiber coils(fiber coils( 5-10 times longer)5-10 times longer) - -ErEr fiber

119、background loss in important fiber background loss in important -Stronger accumulated ASE -Stronger accumulated ASE Lower power conversion efficiency(PCE)and Lower power conversion efficiency(PCE)and worse noise figure worse noise figure Smaller gain ripple Smaller gain ripple G or better gain G or

120、better gain flatness( flatness( and order of magnitude)and order of magnitude)S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278787 Low cost Fiber amplifiersLow cost Fiber amplifiers Market opportunity - Preamplifiers for improved receiver sensitivities in high bit rate systems - Amplifiers as loss compensators in distrib

121、uted systems - Customers require a low cost solutionS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278888Low-cost amplifier TracksLow-cost amplifier Tracks FY2000 FY2001 FY2002S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.278989Raman AmplifiersS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279090Properties of Raman Scattering in Fibers PropertiesProperties Coupling

122、to optical phonons in the glass Coupling to optical phonons in the glass Present in all fibers Present in all fibers Fast response time Fast response time Max gain at frequency shift of 13 Max gain at frequency shift of 13 THz THz in silicon(60-100nm)in silicon(60-100nm) Gain at any wavelength Gain

123、at any wavelength Polarization-dependent gain Polarization-dependent gain Broad (but not particularly flat) gain spectrum Broad (but not particularly flat) gain spectrumS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279191Raman AmplificationRaman Amplification Advantages - Gain at any wavelength (if you can generate the r

124、equired pump) - Discrete or distributed amplification - Uses silica fiber (no additional unpumped loss, and can use transmission fiber) - Low noise figure frame signal-spontaneous beating Disadvantages - Requires high pump powers (500mW)S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279292 Raman Pump Source(500mW)Raman Pu

125、mp Source(500mW) Today - Fiber laser with up-converter to 1.45/1.48 m range Tomorrow - WDM combined standar1.45/1.48 m semiconductor pumps(4 150mW) Near future - Single chip high power ( 500mW) 1.45/1.48 m semiconductor pump S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279393Raman Amplifier Final ProductS.Xie00.11.27S.X

126、ie00.11.279494S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279595 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 VISION VISION Optical Amplifier Product RoadmapOptical Amplifier Product RoadmapC-BandC-BandDWDMDWDMC-Band MetroC-Band MetroDWDMDWDMHigh-PowerHigh-PowerC-Band DWDMC-Band DWDML-BandL-BandDWDMDWDMWDM C-BandW

127、DM C-BandVideoVideoHigh-PowerHigh-PowerVideoVideoDistributedDistributedRamanRamanLow-costLow-costPreampPreampSingleSingleChannelChannelC+L-BandC+L-BandDWDMDWDMDiscrete RamanDiscrete RamanIntegratedIntegratedAmP AmP W/PumpW/PumpPreampPreampw/ Receiverw/ ReceiverDWDM w/ActiveDWDM w/ActiveGain Equaliza

128、tionGain EqualizationHight integreatedHight integreatedamps with activeamps with activeadd/dropsadd/drops WidebandWideband Raman Raman amplifiers(S-Band, amplifiers(S-Band,C-Band,L-band)C-Band,L-band)Erbium-dopedErbium-dopedwaveguideswaveguides for for“ “fiberlessfiberless”amps”ampsS.Xie00.11.27S.Xi

129、e00.11.279696Investment in optical AmplifiersInvestment in optical Amplifiers Dedicated facility,“Fiber Amplifier Center of Excellence”Dedicated facility,“Fiber Amplifier Center of Excellence”announced on April 21,1999,as a part of $30M expansionannounced on April 21,1999,as a part of $30M expansion

130、 Investing heavily in Research and Development Investing heavily in Research and Development - Developing integrated passive components - Developing integrated passive components - Improving pump laser capabilities - Improving pump laser capabilities - Researching new amplifier technologies such as

131、- Researching new amplifier technologies such as Raman amplificationRaman amplification Established three new amplifier development groups Established three new amplifier development groups - Forward looking technology Group - Forward looking technology Group - Current Design development Group - Cur

132、rent Design development Group - Manufacturing Process Development Group - Manufacturing Process Development GroupS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279797宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展四、波长资源的利用和管理四、波长资源的利用和管理 MUX/DMUX , OADM, 光开关光开关 多波长光源多波长光源 可调谐光源可调谐光源 宽带、大功率光放大器宽带、大功率光放大器 C -band,

133、L-band EDFA, RAMAN Amp. SOA 光波长转换器光波长转换器S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279898光光波长转换技术波长转换技术基于光门控技术的光波长转换器基于光门控技术的光波长转换器 XPM-SOA波长转换器的结构波长转换器的结构S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.279999宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展五、集成度的提高五、集成度的提高 多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod DFB L

134、D + EA/M-Z Mod TRANSPONDER TRANSPONDER 光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块 (包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等) MEMS/MOEMS MEMS/MOEMS 可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、 可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光ADMADM 开关阵开关阵开关阵开关阵- - OXC.OXC.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27100100 Product Road Map -Product Ro

135、ad Map - Integration IntegrationUncooled/cooledTransponderTunable TxSmall-formfactor Txcvr Ampw/DiscretesAmps w/Int. PassivesL-bandAmplifiersAmplifiers w/Active Gain EqIntegrated Ampw/pump19991999200020002001200120022002VISIONVISIONUncooled TxSources/Sources/ Detectors Detectors AmplifiersAmplifiers

136、Small-FormTransponderCooledTransponderLaser/EMLsTxcvrRxCooled TxPreamp/TransponderMETROBACKBONES.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27101101S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27102102S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27103103宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展五、集成度的提高五、集成度的提高 多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,

137、DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod TRANSPONDERTRANSPONDER 光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块 (包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等) MEMS/MOEMS MEMS/MOEMS 可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、 可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光ADMADM 开关阵开关阵开关阵开关阵- - OXC.OXC.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27104104Trans

138、pondersTranspondersCurrent Product OfferingCurrent Product Offering OC-48: SONET/SDH compliant; 16:1 OC-48: SONET/SDH compliant; 16:1 MuxMux/ /DemuxDemux: : Wavelength Translator Wavelength Translator application; DWDM; SR/IR/LRapplication; DWDM; SR/IR/LR OC-192:SONET/SDH compliant;16:1 OC-192:SONET

139、/SDH compliant;16:1 MuxMux/ /DemuxDemux;10Gb Ethernet;SR/IR/LR;10Gb Ethernet;SR/IR/LRUnder DevelopmentUnder Development ODTODT (Optical Data Terminator): Incorporates (Optical Data Terminator): Incorporates photonic layser photonic layser of of OC-48/STS-48/STM-16 SONET/SDHOC-48/STS-48/STM-16 SONET/

140、SDH, including optical receiving /transmission, , including optical receiving /transmission, framing, section/line/path termination, with UTOPIA cell/packet data interface, framing, section/line/path termination, with UTOPIA cell/packet data interface, complete encapsulation/complete encapsulation/d

141、ecapsulation decapsulation for ATM cells or HDLC framed packet for ATM cells or HDLC framed packet (PPP or SDL), into and out of SONET/SDH payloads or direct cell/packet over (PPP or SDL), into and out of SONET/SDH payloads or direct cell/packet over fiber.fiber. OADMOADM(Optical Add-Drop (Optical A

142、dd-Drop MultiplexerMultiplexer):In addition to OTDAT function,provides):In addition to OTDAT function,provides cross-connect switching between optical line interface,two-port STM cross-connect switching between optical line interface,two-port STM interface,mate interface and UTOPIA interface interfa

143、ce,mate interface and UTOPIA interface PROTPCOL INDEPENDENTPROTPCOL INDEPENDENT:Transponder with the ability to recognize/process :Transponder with the ability to recognize/process various protocols,such as ATM,ESCOM,SONET,SDH,etc;data rate independent various protocols,such as ATM,ESCOM,SONET,SDH,e

144、tc;data rate independent from 155Mbfrom 155Mb 2.5Gb;translates WDM wavelengths2.5Gb;translates WDM wavelengthsS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27105105S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27106106 3 3 Module FamiliesModule Families 2.5 2.5 Gb/s Multiplexing TransponderGb/s Multiplexing Transponder - Optical - Optical TxT

145、x w/ clock synthesis +16:1 w/ clock synthesis +16:1 MultiplexerMultiplexer - Optical 3R RX +1:16 - Optical 3R RX +1:16 DeMultiplexerDeMultiplexer - - UncooledUncooled and cooled versions and cooled versions 2.5 2.5 Gb Gb/s Wavelength Translating Transponder/s Wavelength Translating Transponder - - M

146、uxMux/ /DemuxDemux Transponder + Overhead Transponder + Overhead ProcessorProcessor 2.5 2.5 Gb Gb/s Network Interfacing Transponder/s Network Interfacing Transponder - - MuxMux/ /DemuxDemux Transponder + Data Engine Transponder + Data EngineS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27107107S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271

147、08108S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27109109Multiplexing Transponder Block DiagramMultiplexing Transponder Block Diagram 2.52.5Gb/sGb/sOptical Optical TxTx1:161:16MultiplexerMultiplexer2.52.5GHzGHzPLLPLLClock Clock SynSyn1:161:16DeMultiplexerDeMultiplexer2.5Gb/s2.5Gb/sOptical RxOptical Rx+3.3+3.3V DC TO DC

148、V DC TO DCConventerConventerLaser Laser DisableaDisableaLaser Laser BissBiss MonMon2.5 G Data2.5 G Data2.5GHZ2.5GHZ2.5Gb/s2.5Gb/s Optical Output Optical Output2.5Gb/s2.5Gb/s Optical Output Optical OutputDO INDO IN2.5 G Data2.5 G Data2.5 G Clock2.5 G ClockLOS/LOFLOS/LOFD15 IND15 IN155 Mb/s155 Mb/sRef

149、 ClockRef ClockLOOP Back(2)LOOP Back(2)DO OutDO OutD15 OutD15 Out155 M Clock Out155 M Clock OutFrame PulseFrame PulseLineLineLoop BackLoop BackLocalLocalLoop BackLoop Back+5v+5v-5.2v-5.2v+3.3+3.3S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27110110 Multiplexing Transponder Multiplexing Transponder Features Features 2.52

150、.5Gb/s Optical Transmitter and Receiver + ChannelGb/s Optical Transmitter and Receiver + Channel frame-synchronous frame-synchronous multiplexermultiplexer/ /demultiplexerdemultiplexer 2.5GHz clock synthesis from 155MHz reference2.5GHz clock synthesis from 155MHz reference Compact Pigtailed or Recep

151、tacle (only 2 Km) Compact Pigtailed or Receptacle (only 2 Km) Low profile package Low profile package LVPECL Data and Clock Interfaces LVPECL Data and Clock Interfaces Alarms/Monitors:LOS, LOF, Laser Bias Monitor, Alarms/Monitors:LOS, LOF, Laser Bias Monitor, Photodiode Photodiode Supervisory:Line L

152、oop Back, Diagnostic Loop Supervisory:Line Loop Back, Diagnostic Loop Back, Laser shut down. Back, Laser shut down. Co and Contra Direction MUX clocking available Co and Contra Direction MUX clocking available Compliant to GR-253 and ITU-T G.957 & G.958 Compliant to GR-253 and ITU-T G.957 & G.958S.X

153、ie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27111111 Section Termination Transponder Section Termination Transponder Block DiagramBlock Diagram ReceiverReceiver&CDRCDRControlControland Alarmand AlarmDetectionDetection1 : 81 : 8DemuxDemuxDecramblerDecramblerFramingFramingOverheadOverheadLatchLatchClock Clock Multiplication

154、MultiplicationB1 MonitorB1 MonitorAssemblerAssemblerOverheadOverheadInput &Input &ControlControlMemoryMemoryAISAISGenerationGenerationScrambler &Scrambler &B1 CalculationB1 Calculation8 :18 :1MuxMuxTransmitterTransmitterMuxMux 1 1loslosPCLKINPCLKINLOFLOFCPECPERXFPOUTRXFPOUTOHCLKOHCLKReferenceReferen


156、PM 2 2S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27112112 Features of Section Features of Section Termination TransponderTermination Transponder Full compliant physical layer SONET regeneratorFull compliant physical layer SONET regenerator Available with: Available with: - - 1.31.3 mm Fabry Fabry- -PerotPerot laser tr

157、ansmitter & PIN receiver laser transmitter & PIN receiver ( short reach application ) ( short reach application ) - 1.3 - 1.3 m or 1.55 m or 1.55 m DFB laser transmitter & PIN or APD receiverm DFB laser transmitter & PIN or APD receiver ( intermediate to long reach application ) ( intermediate to lo

158、ng reach application ) - 1.529 - 1.529 m to 1.564 m to 1.564 m DFB laser transmitter with 100GHz m DFB laser transmitter with 100GHz spacing ITU grid spacing ITU grid Physical size: Physical size: - 2.6” - 2.6” 3.6”3.6” 0.5”(with0.5”(with uncooled uncooled laser) laser) - 3.5” - 3.5” 4”4” 0.5”(with

159、cooled laser)0.5”(with cooled laser) Section and Line overhead Monitoring and Insertion Section and Line overhead Monitoring and Insertion (27 bytes) including BIP- 8detection,re-calculation and (27 bytes) including BIP- 8detection,re-calculation and modification modification Section and Line Alarm

160、Section and Line Alarm Inhibt Inhibt Signal(AIS)generation Signal(AIS)generation FPGA user interface FPGA user interface S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27113113S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27114114S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27115115宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展五、集成度的提高五、集成度的提高 多波长激光器列阵,多

161、波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod. DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod. TRANSPONDER TRANSPONDER 光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块 (包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等) MEMS/MOEMS MEMS/MOEMS 可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、 可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光ADMADM 开关阵开关阵开关阵开关阵- - OXC.OXC.S.Xie00.

162、11.27S.Xie00.11.27116116Passive Building BlocksS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27117117S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27118118宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展五、集成度的提高五、集成度的提高 多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,多波长激光器列阵,DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod DFB LD + EA/M-Z Mod TRANSPONDER TRANSPONDER 光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需

163、要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块光放大器需要的集成模块 (包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等)(包括无源器件和泵浦源等) MEMS/MOEMS MEMS/MOEMS 可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、可调谐光滤波器、 可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光可调谐光ADMADM 开关阵开关阵开关阵开关阵- - OXC.OXC.S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27119119MEMS Application - Narrow Band Optical FilterS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27120120(4)(4)(

164、4)(4)微反射镜移动或转动微反射镜移动或转动微反射镜移动或转动微反射镜移动或转动 MirrorS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27121121Detailed View of Mode - Eclipsing Detailed View of Mode - Eclipsing Optical SwitchOptical Switch -Lucent.-Lucent.-Lucent. S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.271221221 1 N MEMS SwitchN MEMS Switch S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27123123MEM

165、S Wavelength-SelectableMEMS Wavelength-Selectable ADD/DROP ADD/DROP S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27124124MEMS Switches for Optical Cross-Connect S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27125125Optical Switching ArchitecturesS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27126126Performance of the 8 8 SwitchS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27127127MOEM

166、S ProductsSIEMENSLUCENTFrom OADM to OXCP: 8 8 D: 128 128R:1000 1000S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27128128 S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27129129六、总六、总六、总六、总 结结结结 宽带宽带传输媒质传输媒质 高速高速器件的发展器件的发展 波长波长资源的利用和管理资源的利用和管理 集成集成度的提高度的提高 S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27130130六、总六、总六、总六、总 结结结结 S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27131131六、总六、总

167、 结结S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27132132 30ps/div(a)20mv/div(b)清华大学电子工程系清华大学电子工程系清华大学电子工程系清华大学电子工程系 10 10Gb/s Gb/s 传输试验结果传输试验结果传输试验结果传输试验结果: :S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27133133 清华大学清华大学清华大学清华大学 8 8 10 10 Gb/s 80Km G.652Gb/s 80Km G.652光纤传输实验光纤传输实验光纤传输实验光纤传输实验图3 系统传输误码率曲线S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27134134 DWDM

168、 Experiment system at THUS.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27135135路由器路由器清清 华华路由器路由器路由器路由器路由器路由器基金委基金委北航北航北邮北邮2.5Gb/sInternet2路由器路由器路由器路由器中科中科院院北北 大大5Gb/s说明:说明:NSFCnet 由六个节点组成,以清华由六个节点组成,以清华为汇接点构成两个环行拓扑结构,清华、为汇接点构成两个环行拓扑结构,清华、北大和中科院三点构成二纤双向自愈环采北大和中科院三点构成二纤双向自愈环采用用WDM传输技术,在清华和北大之间通传输技术,在清华和北大之间通过在实验室中加光纤进行过在实验

169、室中加光纤进行400公里广域网公里广域网模拟试验;在其它节点构成的环中采用单模拟试验;在其它节点构成的环中采用单路路SDH/SONET传输技术。传输技术。网络拓扑结构网络拓扑结构S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27136136中国高速互连试验网中国高速互连试验网 (NSFCNet)S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27137137S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27138138已研制的已研制的 OADM、OXC 设备设备大唐电信、电信科研院和清华大学联合承担的任务将大唐电信、电信科研院和清华大学联合承担的任务将: 完成两套光分插复用设备完成两套光分插复用设备( (OADM)OADM)的研制的研制 完成三套光交叉连接完成三套光交叉连接( (OXC)OXC)设备的研制设备的研制S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27139139S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27140140宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中宽带光网络中光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展光电子器件的发展 谢谢 谢谢 !S.Xie00.11.27S.Xie00.11.27141141



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