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1、外贸函电自考题真题外贸函电自考题真题 20172017 年年 0404 月月( (总分总分 100,100,考试时间考试时间 9090 分钟分钟) )第部分 选择题一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的)1. As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement as _.A. followsB. followC. followingD. followed2. Although the quality of these goods is _ usual standard, we are prepar

2、ed to accept thegoods if you will reduce the price, say, by 20%.A. not in line withB. not conform toC. not up toD. not in conformity to3. As you failed to make delivery in time, we have no choice _ our order with you.A. but to cancelB. but cancelC. cancelingD. hut cancelled4. Please indicate on the

3、enclosed copy of your order form _ you want to place a cash ordernow.A. whenB. whetherC. untilD. unless5. May I suggest that we send a technician to inspect the equipment and make the necessaryrepairs at a _ cost?A. reasonedB. realisticC. realizableD. reasonable6. An exporter cannot receive payment

4、until the goods on consignment _ sometime in thefuture.A. have offered for saleB. are quotedC. arrived at destinationD. have been sold7. You may contact the Bank of China for any information concerning our credit _.A. standB. standingC. understandD. understanding8. We wish to introduce _ the largest

5、 exporter of fabrics of high quality in China.A. that we areB. in that we areC. ourselves asD. ourselves being9. Our payment terms are _ letter of credit for the full invoice value.A. confirmedB. combinedC. committedD. completed10. Fresh supplies are _ early next month.A. due to arrivingB. due arriv

6、ingC. due arriveD. due to arrive11. As our stocks are rapidly _, the maximum quantity we can supply is 100 tons.A. runningB. diminishingC. shortageD. stopping12. We assure you of our full _ in executing the contract.A. cautionB. attentionC. intentionD. appreciation13. After the contract is signed, w

7、e shall open _ the Bank of China here an L/C at sight inyour favor.A. withB. atC. byD. in14. We are disappointed to note that so far we have not received your L/C which _ us beforeApril 1st.A. shall reachB. must have reachedC. should have reachedD. is reaching15. _ we would like to close the busines

8、s with you, we find your bid unacceptable.A. MuchB. However muchC. Much asD. Despite16. As this model was so popular with our customers, we would like to know whether it is still_.A. respectableB. availableC. acceptableD. reasonable17. We thank you for your letter of May 5th _ your purchase from us

9、of 5,000 tons of greenbeans.A. confirmB. to confirmC. confirmingD. confirmed18. _ you probably know, a routine credit investigation is the usual procedure before newaccounts are opened.A. BecauseB. SinceC. AsD. While19. We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still _.A. payingB. ow

10、ningC. outstandingD. understanding20. We have received your letter of September 12, _ we are glad to know that you areinterested in our electric heaters.A. whichB. at whichC. with whichD. from which第部分 非选择题二、填空题1. It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we accept your counter _

11、.2. Enclosed is our Sales Contract No.HN768 _ duplicate.3. If you insist _ your price, we will have no way but turn _ other sources for supply.4. We have issued a L/C through Bank of China London in your _ for USD500,000.5. We hope that youll pay more attention _ the quality of your goods _ the futu

12、re.6. As you will note in our catalog, our kitchenware is superior _ any *peting products inthe market.7. If you are interested in dealing _ us in other products, please inform us _ yourrequirements.8. We look forward to receiving your order at an early _.9. Our manufacturers are doubling their effo

13、rts to keep _ with the demand.10. Shipment will be effected _ 30 days after receipt of the relevant sight L/C issued by abank acceptable to us.11. Enclosed is our general terms and _ for our international trade. It is adapted from themodel contract for the International Sale of Goods.12. We would as

14、k you to change the _ of payment to D/A 60 days.13. The relative L/C should be _ by a bank acceptable to us one month before the shipment.14. You may _ assured that we will ship the goods by the end of next month.15. We are sorry _ the trouble the printer has caused you, but we are confident that it

15、 can befixed _ *plete satisfaction.16. Our sewing machine are selling fast, and there have been numerous enquiries _ them.17. We shall make a reduction of our price _ 5% if you increase the quantity 6,000 _metric tons.18. Please _ L/C No. 357 to read The L/C will expire on May 28, 2015 in China.19.

16、The users are in urgent _ of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for anearly delivery.20. Your claim on the shortage of _ that amounts to 1.5 tons in all.三、英汉翻译(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)1. We should be glad if you would send us patterns and prices of quality cotton piece goodsavailable from st

17、ock.2. We can say for sure that our prices are quite reasonable. Other suppliers cannot possiblyunder-quote us if their goods are as good as ours in quality.3. If you find our offer acceptable, please send us an email for our final confirmation.4. We would like to have you offer for 100 metric tons,

18、 quality the same as last consignment.5. We are enclosing our pro-forma invoice in triplicate for your application for import license.6. If you can reduce your price further by 3%, we are likely to increase the market share.7. The amounts paid under this credit are again available to you automatical

19、ly until the total of thepayments reaches US $100,000.8. Im sorry to tell you that we are unable to giveyou a definite date of shipment for the timebeing.9. The *panies are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover.10. We are lodging a claim on the shipment ex East Wind for

20、 short delivery.四、汉英翻译(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)1. 这笔交易的达成当然不是结束,它仅仅是一个我们之间长期友好业务关系的开端。2. 在谈判过程中,我们相互增强了了解,这对我们今后的业务很有意义。3. 订货时我们已强调任何延误将无疑增加货物的成本,故此我们不能同意信用证展期。4. 由于目的地是内陆城市,我们只好安排海陆多式联运。5. 由于订单源源而来,存货即将售完,订购请从速。五、撰写英文书信(本大题共 20 分)1. 尊敬的先生:我们在仔细地检查了你方4 月 15 日发运给我们的布料(dress materials)后,对其品质非常惊讶,也非常失望,与你方提供的样品完全不符。这批布料根本不符合我们客户的需求, 因此我们别无他法,只得请你们收回这批货, 换成与我们订单要求的品质相符的布料。 如果不行的话,我们就只好取消订货了。我们不想难为你方, 倘若你方能在 5 月 15 日前把合格布料运抵我处的话, 我们将非常感激你方的合作,以后也将继续向你方订货。谨上



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