高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension课件 新人教版选修6.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension课件 新人教版选修6.ppt(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5The power of nature 第一学时第一学时Reading and Reading and ComprehensionComprehensionTask 1快速阅读课文快速阅读课文“An Exciting Job”,用大约,用大约30词写出词写出课文的概要课文的概要。温馨提示:温馨提示:本文属记叙文,写概要时要紧扣人物、本文属记叙文,写概要时要紧扣人物、事件等要素事件等要素。_Having worked in Hawaii for over 20 years,the author still loved his job,as a volcanologist,becaus

2、e he could gain unusual experiences thinking it was exciting and important.(29 words)Task 2仔细阅读仔细阅读“An Exciting Job”,选择正确答案。,选择正确答案。1In the third sentence of Paragraph 1,why do you think the writer used “sometimes” four times?ATo show he is busy.BTo say his job is not boring.CTo prove his job is the

3、 greatest.DThey are just used for connection.B2The writer and other scientists saved many lives by _.Apredicting the time of earthquakeBpredicting the time of volcanoCpredicting the path and speed of lavaDpersuading people to leave their homes3The writer never minds the occasional danger of his job

4、because_.CDAhe travels to unusual places and meets interesting people world wide Bhe likes the different ways of workingChe thinks it the most importantDhe is excited about dangers and feels alive4 We can know from the passage that_. DAafter studying volcanoes for 20 years,the writer finds it very b

5、oringBnobody dare get close to the volcano after it eruptedCit was easy for the writer to get close to the craterDthe writer likes his job because it is challenging5Whats the main idea of the passage?AAn eruption occurred in Hawaii.CBA volcanologists exciting job and his first sight of an eruption i

6、n the flesh.CA volcanologists job is really exciting.DA sight of an eruption is horrible.Task 3再次阅读课文再次阅读课文“An Exciting Job”,完成下面的表格。,完成下面的表格。The writerProfession1._JobHe travels to 2._ places and works alongside people from all over the world. He helps to protect people from 3._. He was 4._ to work

7、 in Hawaii 20 years ago and is now just as 5._ about his job as the day he first startedVolcanologistunusualvolcanoesappointedenthusiasticThe first experienceThe day of the6._He was 7._ when suddenly the bed began shaking. He saw red hot lava 8._ hundreds of meters into the airThe day after the erup

8、tionTogether with other scientists,he 9._ to the edge of the crater,thus was lucky enough to have a much 10._ look at iteruptionfast asleepfountainingmade his waycloserTask 4根据课文根据课文“An Exciting Job”,完成下列短文。,完成下列短文。Mounk Kiauea is one of the most active 1._(volcano) in Hawaii. The eruptoon of it is

9、always taking people 2. _ surprise. It is so quick and severe that the places where it flows are ruined and many houses 3._(burn)to the ground.It is an adsolute disaster for people 4 ._live in the paths of the lava . Theyoften get into a panic when they arevolcanoesbyare burntwho/thatwarned of it. 5

10、 . _ many people who are 6._ (enthusiasm) about it would like to watch it with their own eyes.Unfortunately,7. _ they are amazed at the fantastic sight of it,they always fail 8. _ ( notice) the coming boiling lava.So after that,they must make 9. _ effort to escape from it.Is it necessary to 10. _ risks?Butenthusiasticwhento noticeantake



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