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1、Unit 2 FriendshipText A All the Cabbie Had Was a LetterText B Never Let a Friend Down1What does friendship mean to you? 2If you have friends, you will /can3Stay together and be happy4Blow bubbles in the sun and have fun5Have a company and will not be alone, and will not be lonely6Share with each oth

2、er 7Have common activities and share beautiful memories8Even the most common things can be wonderful and beautiful9Pure delight, pure smile10Laugh with open-hearted enjoyment11Smile and be happy from the bottom of your heart12When you have worries13When you are upset14When you are sad, 15Friends can

3、 16Give you comfort17Offer you help and encouragement18Have shoulders for you to rest on19Moments with friends are Meaningful Andmemorable20If you do not have friends, you will be21Lonely and unattractive22So, make more friends!Friends are perfectly important to us!2324I want to thank you for being

4、a part of my life.25I know I can count on you in difficult times.26I know that I can share with you happy moments. And I also know that our friendship is based on mutual love.27Your friendship is a very special gift,I wont be able to thank you enough for it.28Thanks for filling my life with so much

5、happiness.29Remember that I am always here to listen to you, to comfort you, to share your sorrow,and to celebrate your success.30I hope that today and every day brings you love & happiness.-Donna Levine 31A faithful friend is the medicine of life. - William Shakespeare32A friend is, as it were, a s

6、econd self. - Cicero33friendssupportencouragementcomforthappinesswarmthlovepowerwisdom34What qualities are important while choosing a friend?35Unit 2 All the Cabbie Had Was a LetterFoster Furcolo36Part One (paras.1-20)ReadthispartattentivelyReadthispartattentivelyandandunderlineunderlineeverythingyo

7、ueverythingyoudontunderstand.dontunderstand.(6minutes)(6minutes)37Part One (paras.1-20)GroupworkGroupwork 38Make the following sentences complete:Make the following sentences complete:1.Fromachildormaybeagrandchild?1.Fromachildormaybeagrandchild?(5)(5)2.Wenttoschooltogether?2.Wenttoschooltogether?(9

8、)(9)3.Diedacoupleofweeksago.3.Diedacoupleofweeksago.(14)(14)Is this letter from a child or .You went to school together?Did you go to school togetherHe died a couple of weeks ago.39Find out the expressions below:Find out the expressions below:完全沉浸于完全沉浸于完全沉浸于完全沉浸于引起某人的注意引起某人的注意引起某人的注意引起某人的注意坐进后座坐进后座坐

9、进后座坐进后座得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的不着急不着急不着急不着急家书抵万金家书抵万金家书抵万金家书抵万金保持通信往来保持通信往来保持通信往来保持通信往来小学到高中小学到高中小学到高中小学到高中老街坊老街坊老街坊老街坊有点儿失去联系有点儿失去联系有点儿失去联系有点儿失去联系与老朋友保持联系与老朋友保持联系与老朋友保持联系与老朋友保持联系总有事情冒出来总有事情冒出来总有事情冒出来总有事情冒出来40Find out the expressions below:Find out the expressions below:完全沉浸于完全沉浸于完全沉浸于完全沉浸于引起某人的

10、注意引起某人的注意引起某人的注意引起某人的注意坐进后座坐进后座坐进后座坐进后座得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的不着急不着急不着急不着急家书抵万金家书抵万金家书抵万金家书抵万金be completely lost inget sbs attentionsettle into the back seathave a cold or somethingbe in no hurryL Letters from home always mean a lot.etters from home always mean a lot.41保持通信往来保持通信往来保持通信往来保持通信往来小

11、学到高中小学到高中小学到高中小学到高中老街坊老街坊老街坊老街坊有点儿失去联系有点儿失去联系有点儿失去联系有点儿失去联系和老朋友保持联系和老朋友保持联系和老朋友保持联系和老朋友保持联系总有事情冒出来总有事情冒出来总有事情冒出来总有事情冒出来keep up correspondencethe old neighborhoodkind of lose touchkeep in touch with old friendsthings come upthrough both grade and high school42Find out sentences similar in meaning Fin

12、d out sentences similar in meaning to those given below:to those given below:1.Atleastlettersfromhomemeana1.AtleastlettersfromhomemeanalottomebecauseItravelalot.lottomebecauseItravelalot.2.2.Imnotgoodatwriting.Imnotgoodatwriting.3.ButIexpectthatheissomeone3.ButIexpectthatheissomeoneyouveknownquiteaw

13、hile?youveknownquiteawhile?43Find out sentences similar in meaning Find out sentences similar in meaning to those given below:to those given below:4.Wewerefriendssinceourchildhood,so4.Wewerefriendssinceourchildhood,so4.Wewerefriendssinceourchildhood,so4.Wewerefriendssinceourchildhood,soourfriendship

14、hasalonghistory.ourfriendshiphasalonghistory.ourfriendshiphasalonghistory.ourfriendshiphasalonghistory. Itispainfultoloseanyfriend.Itispainfultoloseanyfriend.Itispainfultoloseanyfriend.Itispainfultoloseanyfriend.6.ButIrealizedthatthetaxidriverwas6.ButIrealizedthatthetaxidriverwas6.ButIrealiz


16、retohimselfthantome.himselfthantome.himselfthantome.himselfthantome.44Translate the following 2 paragraphs:Translate the following 2 paragraphs:Paragraph6Paragraph6Paragraph 12:45New WordsBe lost in /lose oneself inBe lost in /lose oneself inAvailableAvailableOr somethingOr somethingGo aheadGo ahead

17、Know / learn by heartKnow / learn by heartMight/ may (just)as well+do sthMight/ may (just)as well+do sthEstimateEstimateGo way backGo way backAll the wayAll the wayCome upCome upurgeurgeurgeurge46Be lost in / lose oneself in专心致志于,沉迷于Henry was lost in playing computer games so he was not aware of my

18、entering the room.She was lost in her novel.I had lost myself in thought.47availableavailable(东西)可获得的;可用的;可找到的(东西)可获得的;可用的;可找到的(东西)可获得的;可用的;可找到的(东西)可获得的;可用的;可找到的- This is the only room available. available facilities/resources(可利用设施/资源)(人)有空的(人)有空的(人)有空的(人)有空的- Will your boss be available this after

19、noon?- The President is not available now.48Or something(infml) (used when you are not very sure about what you have just said诸如此类的事It was in 1997 or something.His major is math or something.The number of students in that class is 54 or something.Here is some money. Get yourself a sandwich or someth

20、ing.49Go ahead (with sth):继续继续They are not sure about whether to go ahead with the plan or not.Henry will be late but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway.Go ahead and finish your letter.50Know /learn by heartMemorize, remember exactly记住,背出The students are required to learn one English passage b

21、y heart every week.学生要求每星期背一篇英语文章大声朗读第五第六段直到你能把它们背出来 Read aloud paragraphs 5 and 6 until you can learn them by heart.P44 translate 251Might /may (just) as well+do sth: 不妨,也无妨If you say that you might /may (just) as well do sth, you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to

22、 do it and may even feel slightly reluctant about it.Anyway, youre here; you might as well stay.既来之,则安之52Might /may (just) as well+do sth: 不妨,也无妨There are so many people in the canteen. We might as well go and buy some fruits first.The movie ticket has been sold out. We might just as well go shoppin

23、g.P44 Translation 353estimate:估计Form a judgment about (a quantity or value): 估计I estimate that the total cost for treatment of the disease will go from $5,000 to $ 8,000.Bills personal riches were estimated at $368 million.It is estimated that more than one third students will further their study ab

24、road when graduate. 据估计54Go way back:老相识,老朋友,很有交情My friend Amy and I go way back. Weve been friends since elementary school.我和Amy是老朋友了,我们从小学就是朋友。55All the way:自始至终,一直Look at the examples from childrens story books.565758So, Little Bear climbed up and up to Squirrels house. He stretched even more, bu

25、t still he couldnt reach the star. “Twit-twoo!” hooted Owl at the top of a rock. “Climb up here, Little Bear. Then you might catch the star.”59So, Little Bear climbed all the way up to Owl. He stretched and stretched, but the shiny star was still out of reach. “Oh, dear,” said Little Bear, Sadly. 60

26、And so the boy and his friend went home together, talking of wonderful things all the way. 61All the way:自始至终,一直She has walked all the way from the train station to school.她一直从火车站走到了学校。P44 Translation 4He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through World War II.62Come up: 出现,发生It means

27、happen, occur, esp. unexpectedly.(尤指意想不到地)(尤指意想不到地)发生,出现Sorry, I am late. Something came up at home.But things come up and we just dont seem to find the time.63urgeurge urgesbtodosth.urgesbtodosth.- He urged his cousin to take a year off to study drawing.urgethat.(should)urgethat.(should)- Sir Fred

28、urged that Britain (should)(should) join the European Monetary System.64Part One (Paras. 1-20):FromaconversationwiththecabFromaconversationwiththecabdrivertheauthorlearnedhowmuchdrivertheauthorlearnedhowmuchthedriverregrettedfailingtothedriverregrettedfailingtokeepupcorrespondencewithhisoldkeepupcor

29、respondencewithhisoldfriendEd.friendEd.65Part Two (paras.21-35)ReadthispartattentivelyReadthispartattentivelyandandunderlineunderlineeverythingyoueverythingyoudontunderstand.dontunderstand.(6minutes)(6minutes)66Part Two (paras.21-35)GroupworkGroupwork 67Find out the expressions below:Find out the ex

30、pressions below:使我想起我自己使我想起我自己使我想起我自己使我想起我自己住在同一个街区(坊)住在同一个街区(坊)住在同一个街区(坊)住在同一个街区(坊)同学聚会同学聚会同学聚会同学聚会时间不饶人时间不饶人时间不饶人时间不饶人总在一起闲晃总在一起闲晃总在一起闲晃总在一起闲晃时不时相互串门时不时相互串门时不时相互串门时不时相互串门点头称是点头称是点头称是点头称是完全哽咽完全哽咽完全哽咽完全哽咽快到目的地快到目的地快到目的地快到目的地跳到最后一段跳到最后一段跳到最后一段跳到最后一段把信递回去把信递回去把信递回去把信递回去68Find out the following express

31、ions:Find out the following expressions:使我想起我使我想起我使我想起我使我想起我自己自己自己自己住在同一个街区(坊)住在同一个街区(坊)住在同一个街区(坊)住在同一个街区(坊)同学聚会同学聚会同学聚会同学聚会时间不饶人时间不饶人时间不饶人时间不饶人总在一起闲总在一起闲总在一起闲总在一起闲晃晃晃晃时不时相互串门时不时相互串门时不时相互串门时不时相互串门点头称是点头称是点头称是点头称是完全完全完全完全哽咽哽咽哽咽哽咽remind me of myselfa class reunionTime goes byhang out on the same corne

32、rnod in agreementbe all choked uplive in the same neighborhoodgo to each others house every now and then69Find out the following expressions:Find out the following expressions:快到目的地快到目的地跳跳到最后到最后一段一段把信递回去把信递回去神情有点悲伤神情有点悲伤远处某个东西远处某个东西get close to the destinationhand back the lettersomething in the dis

33、tanceskip to the last paragraphlook sort of sorrowful70Find out sentences similar in meaning Find out sentences similar in meaning to those given below:to those given below:1.Asthelettersays,thoughwe1.Asthelettersays,thoughwedidnthavemuchmoneywehadalotdidnthavemuchmoneywehadalotoffreetimeinthosedays

34、.offreetimeinthosedays.2.2.fewerandfewerofusareleftfewerandfewerofusareleftalive.alive.71Find out sentences similar in meaning Find out sentences similar in meaning to those given below:to those given below:3.Yourfriendshipovertheyearshasbeen3.Yourfriendshipovertheyearshasbeen3.Yourfriendshipoverthe


36、eelings.expressingmyfeelings.expressingmyfeelings.expressingmyfeelings.72ReadandTranslatetheReadandTranslatetheitalicitalic(斜体的)(斜体的)parts:parts:73New Words & Phrasespostponepostponereferencegobygobychoke 74postponepostpone postponesthuntilpostponesthuntilpostponesthuntilpostponesthuntil- Were postp

37、oning our holiday until we have some more money.- The match had to be postponed.postponedoingsthpostponedoingsthpostponedoingsthpostponedoingsth- It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital.75reference:提及,谈到提及,谈到Make / have reference to sth: mention 谈到,提及Make / have no referen

38、ce to sth:没提及奇怪的是他在他的简历中没有提及任何工作经历。It was strange that he made no reference to any work experience in his resume.This book is full of references to places I know.这本书里提到许多我熟悉的地方Avoid (making) any reference to his illness.千万别提起他的病。76reference:参考,查阅参考,查阅reference book: 参考书The original text is here for

39、ease of reference.谨附原文以便查考。bear / have no some / no reference to sth: (not) be connected with sth与无关This has no reference to what we were discussing.这与我们讨论的问题无关。In / with reference to sb /sth: about or concerning sb /sth关于某人或某物77gobygoby (oftime)topass(oftime)topass- The weeks went slowly by.- Thing

40、s will get easier as time goes by.- Her daughter was becoming more and more beautiful as the years went by.-with time going by, I gradually realize the importance of health.随着时间的流逝,我逐渐意识到健康的重要性。78choke: v窒息,堵塞窒息,堵塞She choked (to death) on a one dollar coin.一美元的硬币把她卡住而窒息(致死)Dont talk and eat. Its eas

41、y to be choked.choke with sth:使某人说不出话来She was choking with emotion.她激动得说不出话来。Anger choked his words.他气得说不出话来。79choke up:(因激动等)哽得说不出话;(因激动等)哽得说不出话;堵塞堵塞 (P33a听写句子)听写句子)Losing my job left me completely choked up; I was so upset that I didnt know what to say.When he heard the news of his friends sudden

42、death, he was so choked up he couldnt say a thing.80HalloweenHalloween(万圣节)(万圣节)October31October3181trick-or-treattrick-or-treat(不给糖就捣蛋)(不给糖就捣蛋)82Jack-o-lanternsJack-o-lanterns(杰克南瓜灯(杰克南瓜灯)pumpkinspumpkins(南瓜)(南瓜)83costumepartycostumeparty(化妆舞会)(化妆舞会)84visitinghauntedvisitinghauntedhousehouses s(鬼屋)

43、(鬼屋)tellingscarystoriestellingscarystories(恐怖故事)(恐怖故事)watchinghorrorfilmswatchinghorrorfilms(恐怖电影)(恐怖电影)85Part Two (Paras. 21-35):ReadingtheletterbyhimselfReadingtheletterbyhimselftheauthorlearnedmoreabouttheauthorlearnedmoreaboutthelifelongfriendshipbetweenthelifelongfriendshipbetweenthedriverandOl

44、dEdthedriverandOldEd86PartThree(para.36)PartThree(para.36)A surprising endingOHenrysOHenrysTheLastLeafTheLastLeafMaupassantsMaupassantsNecklaceNecklace87Part Three (Para. 36):ThedriversexperienceurgedThedriversexperienceurgedtheauthortoreachforhistheauthortoreachforhispen.pen.88Proverbs and Quotatio

45、ns 1. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.与其囊中有钱, 不如朝中有人。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交, 才是真朋友。A friend to all is a friend to none滥交者无友。89Proverbs and Quotations 4. Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。5. False friends are worse than open enemies虚伪的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。6. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.- Benjamin Franklin, American statesman选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。-美国政治家美国政治家 B. 富兰克林富兰克林90WrittenAssignmentWrittenAssignmentWrite a letter to the person you really cherish and email it.批改网作文号:批改网作文号:76690111月月30号之前提交号之前提交91



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