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1、描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译优秀范文 描写春天美景的英语日记带翻译优秀范文 春天来了,天气渐渐的暖和了。成群结队的大雁排着整齐的队伍从南方飞回来了。 Spring is ing, and the weather is getting warmer. Flocks of wild geese came back from the south in neat lines. 春风吹绿了大地,吹醒了小动物们。柳树阿姨摇着绿色的长辫子,在和春风哥哥快乐的翩翩起舞。解冻的小溪叮叮咚咚,在为柳树阿姨和春风哥哥奏乐呢! 果园那边可真热闹:粉红色的桃花开了,雪白的梨花也开了小蜜蜂飞来快乐的说:“桃花姐姐, 梨花

2、姐姐,我可以采点你们那香甜的花粉吗?”桃花和梨花异口同声的说:“小蜜蜂,你随便采吧! 没有你,我们还结不出果实呢!”草原那边更热闹:小草悄悄的从地下探出绿绿的 小脑袋,睁着大大的眼睛惊奇的看着这美丽的世界! 有几朵野花开了,没开的花骨朵看见了说:“瞧你那急性子,再过几天我就开放了,比你更美!” The spring wind has greened the earth and awakened the little animals. Aunt willow is waving green long braids, dancing happily with brother Chunfeng. T

3、he thawed stream is tinkling, playing music for Aunt willow and brother Chunfeng! The orchard is very lively: pink peach blossom and snow-white pear blossom The little bee came and said happily, sister peach blossom, Sister Lihua, can I pick some of your sweet pollen? Peach blossom and pear blossom

4、said in unison: little bee, pick it as you like! Without you, we cant bear fruit! The grassland was even more lively: the grass quietly peeped out the green little head from the ground, and looked at the beautiful world with wide eyes. There were several wild flowers in bloom, and the flowers could

5、not be seen He said, look at your impatience. Ill be open in a few days. Its more beautiful than you! 春天来了,农民伯伯在 田里播种 。瞧,那边还有几个小朋友在快乐的放风筝,还有几个小朋友 在抓蝴蝶。老师带着同学们去踏青。 Spring is ing, and the farmers are planting seeds in the fields. Look, there are some children flying kites happily and some children cat

6、ching butterflies. The teacher took the students for a walk. 我爱春天,春天太美了! 古人说:“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。我要抓住这个美好的季 节,好好学习,天天向上。” I love spring. Its so beautiful! The ancients said, the plan of a year is spring, and the plan of a day is in the morning. I want to seize this beautiful season, study hard and make progress day by day. 群结队的大雁排着整齐的队伍从南方飞回来了春风吹绿了大地吹醒了小动物们柳树阿姨摇着绿色的长辫子在和春风哥哥快乐的翩翩起舞解冻的小溪叮叮咚咚在为柳树阿姨和春风哥哥奏乐呢果园那边可真热闹粉红色的桃花开了雪白的蜂你随便采吧没有你我们还结不出果实呢草原那边更热闹小草悄悄的从地下探出绿绿的小袋睁着大大的眼睛惊奇的看着这美丽的世界有几朵野花开了没开的花骨朵看见了说瞧你那急性子再过几天我就开放了比你更美春天来了农民伯天太美了古人说一年之计在于春一日之计在于晨我要抓住这个美好的季节好好学习天天向上



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