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1、第一部分第一部分 系统复习系统复习 成绩基石成绩基石八年级上册八年级上册第第 9 9 讲讲Unit 5Unit 5Unit 6Unit 6要点梳理要点梳理过关过关 重点词汇过关重点词汇过关用所给词的适当形式填空1Dont ask him anything about his personal(person) life.Its impolite.22017盐城中考At the beginning(begin) of the concert,Tan Dun played a piece of music with water.3You cant say that these sounds have

2、 no meaning(mean)4Yang Zongwei worked hard and at last he became successful(success)52017龙东中考Unluckily(luck),this man lost his wife and two children in the earthquake.62017扬州中考You can enjoy water sports,or simply(simple) lie on the beach.7Hangzhou is famous(fame) for the West Lake.8Lets discuss(disc

3、ussion) the question in groups.9Now Mom feels much better after taking the medicine(medical)10In general,Chopin is a pianist(piano) of great ability.高频考点高频考点精讲精讲考点考点1 1 mindmind的用法的用法I dont mind them.我不介意它们。 Unit 5 P33【透析】 (1)mind意为“介意”,通常用于疑问句和否定句中。可单独使用,也可接名词、代词或动词ing形式。(2)构成句型Do / Would you mind物

4、主代词/代词的宾格doing sth.?意为“你介意某人做某事吗?”其答语常用:【拓展】 mind作名词时意为“思想,想法,头脑,智力”,常见的短语有:change ones mind改变主意;make up ones mind to do sth.某人下定决心做某事;keep.in mind牢记。 考点考点2 2 expectexpect的用法的用法They may not be very exciting,but you can expect to learn a lot from them.它们可能不是很精彩,但是你可以期待从它们中学到许多知识。 Unit 5 P34expectexpe

5、ct名名词词/ /代词代词期待某人或某事,预计可能发生Im expecting Jims letter.我正期待着吉姆的信。expect to expect to do sth.do sth.预料做某事Lily expects to come back next week.莉莉预计下周回来。expect sb. expect sb. to do sth.to do sth.期望某人做某事I expect my mother to come back early.我盼望妈妈早点回来。expectexpectthatthat从句从句期待/预计I expect that Ill be back ne

6、xt Monday.我预计下周一回来。 考点考点3 3 hopehope的用法,辨析的用法,辨析find outfind out,findfind,look forlook for与与discoverdiscoverBecause I hope to find out whats going on around the word.因为我希望了解世界上正在发生什么事。 Unit 5 P34【透析】 (1)hope既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“希望”。常用的搭配有:(2)辨析find out,find,look for与discoverfind outfind out“查明,弄清”,通常指通过调查

7、、询问、研究后搞清楚通常指查明某抽象的事物Please find out when the train leaves.请查明火车什么时候离开。findfind“找到,发现”,通常表示找到具体的东西,也可以指偶然发现某事物;强调找的结果I hope you can find your lost watch soon.我希望你能尽快找到你丢失的手表。look forlook for“寻找”,表示有目的地找,强调找的动作My grandpa is looking for his glasses everyhere.我爷爷正在到处找他的眼镜。discoverdiscover“发现”,某种本来存在而以前

8、未被发现的事物或为人所知的东西I discovered that Mr.Smith was a good cook.我发现史密斯先生是一个好厨师。考点考点4 4 辨析辨析happenhappen与与take placetake placeI like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜欢随着故事看看接下来发生什么。 Unit 5 P34happenhappen多指偶然发生的或未能预见的事情;还可表示“碰巧”,常用于“sb.happen(s) to do sth.”和“It happensthat”从句这两种结构二者都属于不及物动词,

9、不能用于被动语态;且都是非延续性动词,不能与表示时间段的时间状语连用 What happened to him?他怎么了?I happened to know his brother.It happened that I knew his brother.我碰巧认识他弟弟。take take placeplace多指事先安排好的事情,用来表示“举行”;也可指事件“发生”Great changes have taken place in my hometown.我的家乡发生了很大的变化。考点考点5 5 suresure的用法的用法My parents want me to be a doctor

10、,but Im not sure about that.我的父母想让我成为一名医生,但是我不确定。 Unit 6 P42be sure be sure of / of / aboutabout“确信,对有把握”Are you sure of passing the exam?你有把握通过考试吗?Im not sure about English grammar.我对英语语法没有把握。be sure be sure to doto do“一定,肯定”,表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断;若用在祈使句中,意为“务必要,一定要”Be sure to telephone me and give me al

11、l the news.请一定要给我打电话,让我知道所有的消息。be surebe sure从句从句“肯定,确信”,主语是人Im not sure that he will come.我不确定他会来。【拓展】 make sure的三种常见结构:make sure to do sth.“务必做某事,一定要做某事”;make sure of“确保,确定,弄清”;make sure(that)从句“确保,确信”。考点考点6 6 promisepromise的用法的用法Mom,I promise Im going to tidy my room when I get back from school.妈

12、妈,我保证从学校回来后就整理我的房间。 Unit 6 P45promise to do sth.许诺做某事I promise not to be late for school again.我承诺上学不再迟到。promise sb. sth.许诺某人某事He promised me the book.他答应给我这本书。promise that答应She promised me that she would come home early to night.她曾向我保证今晚会早点回家。【拓展】 作名词时,意为“允诺,诺言”。如:Once you make a promise,you should

13、 keep it.一旦许诺,你就应该遵守它。关联语法链接关联语法链接语法1:不定式作宾语 见P141语法2:一般将来时 见P143考点即时考点即时运用运用单项填空1语法22017渝北中考改编Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday.Agives Bgave Cwill give2考点2I expect _ my son soon because I havent see him for a long time.Asee Bto see Cseeing3考点3I hope _Aher to come to my homeBshe come to

14、 my homeCshe can come to my home4语法12017成都中考Our English teacher wants us _ English stories out of class.Aread Breading Cto readCBCC5考点3Will it be fine tomorrow?_Were going to have a picnic.AI hope not BI think not CI hope so6考点6My father promised _ a computer for me if I got a good grade in the fina

15、l exam.Abuy Bbuying Cto buy7考点5You can only be sure _ you have at present.But you cant be sure of something you might get in the future.Aof that Babout which Cof what8考点1He has made up his mind _ the hiphop,because he likes it so much.Alearn Blearning Cto learn9考点4The opening ceremony of sports meet

16、ing _ on Thursday if it doesnt rain.Awill happen Btakes placeCwill take placeCCCCC10考点3Jack,could you please help me _ when the plane will take off on the Internet?Im sorry.My computer doesnt work. Alook out Bfind out Cgo out11考点5Be sure _ the windows and doors when you leave.Ato close Bclosing Cclo

17、sed12考点3I have been _ the keys for a long time,but I still cant find it.Alooking at Blooking upClooking for13考点5_ you have enough sleep.ABe sure to BMake sureCMake sure ofBACB14考点4What _ to Jim?He fell off his bike and hurt one of his legs.Atook place BhappeningChappened15考点1Would you mind my _ the

18、window?We need more fresh air to get in.Aopening Bopen Cto open16考点6To be an honest person,the first thing we should do is never _ our own promises.Abreaking Bfailing CmakingCAA话题写作指导话题写作指导话题 4:娱乐考情分析分析近几年中考中有关娱乐相关话题的书面表达可看出,本话题主要从以下三个方面进行设题:说明娱乐活动的具体内容,比如参加社团、俱乐部或校园运动会等;分析不同的人对参加娱乐活动的看法(有人认为它丰富课余生活

19、,提高交际能力,放松身心锻炼身体,提高学习效率,但也有人觉得它浪费时间等);结合热点信息,对时下比较流行的热点活动进行介绍,此话题主要以社会热点话题为出发点,具体可能涉及娱乐活动,假期活动等话题,从不同角度设题,如咨询建议类、事物介绍类、观点看法类等。常用短语句型常用短语句型【积累背诵】1want to do sth.想要做某事2advantages and disadvantages利与弊3make use of利用4in order to为了5make宾语adj.使6It isadj.(for sb.) to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是7in my opinion在我看来8thi

20、nk about考虑9more and more popular越来越流行【基础写作运用】1一些人认为它是帮助老人享受生活的有效方式。Some think _ the old _ 2跳广场舞是放松和保持健康的好方法。_ is a good way _ its a useful way to help to enjoy the lifeDoing square dancingto relax and keep healthy经典亮句积累经典亮句积累开头句1Have you heard of.?你听说过吗?2As we all know,.is necessary in our daily lif

21、e.众所周知,在我们的日常生活中是必须的。3Id like to introduce.to you.我想向你介绍中间句1I think it has more advantages than disadvantages.我认为利大于弊。2The most important reason is that I can have a lot of things to do.最重要的理由是我可以有许多事情去做。3I like / love.because it can bring.to me.我喜欢是因为它能为我带来结尾句1In my opinion,its important to.在我看来,是重

22、要的。2Keep learning,and youll.一直学习,你将谚语俗语1All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。2Every coin has two sides.凡事都有两面性。典例运用典例运用【例】 目前,有越来越多像Running Man这样的明星真人秀节目(true man shows)在电视上热播,对此同学们众说纷纭。请根据如下提示,以“Different Ideas on True Man Shows”为题,写一篇英语短文并发表自己的观点。most studentsmost studentsa f

23、ew studentsa few studentsmy my ideasideasrelaxing,funny,a lot of starsknow more about stars daily lifelearn many cool games from themspend too much time watching TVtoo many ads(广告) in shows写作要求1语言准确,行文连贯,层次清晰,书写规范;2作文应包括上述所有相关信息,可做适当发挥;3开头已给出,不计入总词数。文中不能出现真实的人名和地名。【审题指导】1要求写一篇议论文,文中以关键词和短语形式给出了正反两方面

24、观点,写作时需将正反方所有观点涵盖,然后简单阐述自己的看法。2写对应双方的观点时运用第三人称;阐述自己的看法,应用第一人称,时态用一般现在时。【拟定提纲】【我的作品】Different Ideas on True Man ShowsDifferent Ideas on True Man Shows Different students have different ideas on true man shows.Different Ideas on True Man ShowsDifferent Ideas on True Man Shows Different students have d

25、ifferent ideas on true Different students have different ideas on true man shows.man shows.Most of them think the shows are relaxing,funny and have a lot of stars.They can not onlynot only know more about stars daily life but alsobut also learn many cool games throughthrough the shows. HoweverHoweve

26、r,a few students hold the opposite viewhold the opposite viewThey think its not good forits not good for our study and health to spendspend too much time watching TVwatching TVBesidesBesides,therere too many ads in shows,which is a waste of time. In my opinionIn my opinion,we can choose to watch som

27、e good and healthy true man shows,whichwhich can make us relaxed and learn something from them,such assuch as teamwork spirit. 范文借鉴范文借鉴作文开篇叙述大多数学生的观点,其中not only.but also.,through等词的使用都是一大亮点。中间部分陈述了其他学生的观点,其中,however,besides,its not good for,spend.doing sth.等短语及句型的运用都使文章增色不少。结尾表述自己的观点,其中短语in my opinion,such as,which引导的定语从句的使用,都恰到好处,是一篇不错的文章。借鉴点借鉴点



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