选修6.Unit2 虚拟语气市级公开课

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《选修6.Unit2 虚拟语气市级公开课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修6.Unit2 虚拟语气市级公开课(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、选修选修6 Unit 2Learning about languageStep 1 Warming up gamesdiamond cottagesparrowbranchpoemforeverpatterntranslationteaseconveyexchangerun out oftake it easy in particularStep 2 Discovering Useful structuresActivity 1 If I were a boyBeyonceIf I _ a boy Even just for a dayId roll out of bed in the mor

2、ningAnd throw on what I wanted and goDrink beer with the guysAnd chase after girlsId kick it with who I wantedAnd Id never get confronted for itBecause theyd stick up for mewere_ I were a boyI think that I could understandhow it feels to love a girlI swear Id be a better manI_ listen to hercause I k

3、now how it hurtswhen you loose the one you wantedcause hes taken you for grantedand everything you had got destroyed!IfwouldBut youre just a boyYou dont understand (and you dont understand)How it feels to love a girlSomeday youll _you _ a better manYou dont listen to herYou dont care how it hurtsUnt

4、il you lose the one you wantedCause you taken her for grantedAnd everything that you had got destroyedBut youre just a boywishwereActivity 1 Questions1. What is the probable relationship between “I” and “you”?_2. If she were a boy, what would she do?_ _ _3. What will he wish someday?_They are girlfr

5、iend and boyfriend.He will wish he were a better man.If she were a boy, she would roll out of bed.If she , she would throw on what she wanted.If she were a boy, she would drink beer.If she were a boy, she would chase after girls.Activity 2 Pair work: translation 如果我有一千万,我就能买一栋房子。如果我有一千万,我就能买一栋房子。我有一

6、千万吗?没有。所以我仍然没有房我有一千万吗?没有。所以我仍然没有房子。如果我有翅膀,我就能飞。我有翅膀子。如果我有翅膀,我就能飞。我有翅膀吗?没有。所以我也没办法飞。如果把整吗?没有。所以我也没办法飞。如果把整个太平洋的水倒出,也浇不熄我对你爱情个太平洋的水倒出,也浇不熄我对你爱情的火。整个太平洋的水全部倒得出吗?不的火。整个太平洋的水全部倒得出吗?不行。所以我并不爱你。行。所以我并不爱你。 痞子蔡痞子蔡第一次亲密接触第一次亲密接触 If I _(have) ten million yuan, I _(buy) a house. Do I _(have) ten million yuan? N

7、o. Therefore, I still have no house. If I _ (have) wings, I _ (fly). Do I _(have) wings? No. Therefore, I can not fly. If all the water of the Pacific Ocean _(can) be poured out, it _ not extinguish my love for you. Can it be? No. Therefore, I dont love you. hadwould buyhavehadwould flyhavecouldwoul

8、dSubjunctive moodStructures(sentence patterns)Functions(功能)(功能)Summary 11._2._3. _PresentPastRealNot realIf I were, I would doIf I did, I would doHe wishes he were/didActivity 3: Our first football matchWe would have wonif Jack had scored that goal,if wed had just a few more minutes,if we _if Ben _

9、to Joe,if wed had thousands of fans screaming,if I hadnt taken my eye off the ball,if we hadnt stayed up so late the night before,if we _if we _We would have wonif wed been better! had trained harderhad passed the ballhadnt taken it easyhadnt run out of energyOral practiceA: Did Jack score that goal

10、?B: No, he didnt score that goal. A: What would have happened if he had?B: We would have won if he had scored that goal.Activity 4 Write a list poem我宁愿自己没有遇见他。要是当年我遇见我宁愿自己没有遇见他。要是当年我遇见的人是你,我肯定活得幸福得多。的人是你,我肯定活得幸福得多。”-非诚勿扰非诚勿扰 女主角笑女主角笑笑笑I wish/would rather I _him. If I _you that year, I _a much happie

11、r life. hadnt methad metwould have livedWrite a poemI would have lived a much happier lifeIf I had met you at that time, I would have lived a much happier life.If I had listened to my mother, I would have lived a much happier life.If I hadnt accepted his flower, I would have lived a much happier lif

12、e.Subjunctive moodStructures(sentence patterns)Functions(功能功能)Summary 11. If I were, I would do2. If I did, I would do 3. He wish he were/didPresentNot realSummary 24. _5. _PresentPastTruthRegretIf I had done, I would have doneShe wishes she had doneActivity 5 Watch a skit: 101st Proposal1. 是我们离开小木屋

13、的时候了。是我们离开小木屋的时候了。(It is high time that)It is high time that we left the cottage.2. 你要是一滴泪,我就永远不哭。你要是一滴泪,我就永远不哭。(were)Were you a teardrop, I would not cry forever.3. 祝你成功!祝你成功!(May)May you succeed!4. 我们建议我们建议Peter送一枚钻戒。送一枚钻戒。(suggest /recommend )We suggest that Peter (should) send a diamond ring.5.

14、要是那只麻雀没有摔下树枝就好了。要是那只麻雀没有摔下树枝就好了。(if only)If only that sparrow hadnt fallen off the branch.Have a try!Task: Group work Make up a story夜深了。夜深了。“该走了该走了。” John想。可是他不能想。可是他不能离开,因为他的好朋友离开,因为他的好朋友Peter很悲伤。很悲伤。如果他走了,如果他走了,Peter不会高兴的不会高兴的。 Peter非常爱非常爱Jane。Peter多希望多希望Jane 能答应他能答应他的求婚的求婚(proposal)啊啊。没有她,没有她,Pe

15、ter没法活没法活。 Jane 拒绝了拒绝了Peter 第一百次求婚,第一百次求婚,John感到很奇感到很奇怪。他想,怪。他想,“要是我是要是我是Jane,我一定很高兴嫁给,我一定很高兴嫁给 Peter。” 他建议他建议Peter再试一次再试一次。“即使你失败即使你失败了,也不应该放弃了,也不应该放弃。祝你成功祝你成功!”Peter 很受鼓舞。但当他再一次遭到拒绝的时很受鼓舞。但当他再一次遭到拒绝的时候,候,他静静地躺在床上好像死了一样他静静地躺在床上好像死了一样。可怜的。可怜的Peter! 要是他没有爱上要是他没有爱上Jane就好了就好了! (hint: without, suggest,

16、may, as if, if only) It was late in the evening. “Its high time that I left.” John thought. But he couldnt, because his friend Peter was upset. If he left, Peter wouldnt be delighted. Peter was in loved with Jane. How Peter wished Jane could accept his proposal. He couldnt live without her. Jane had

17、 refused Peters 100th proposal. John was confused and thought, “Were I Jane, I would be very pleased to marry Peter.” He suggested that Peter should try again. “Even if you failed, you shouldnt give up. May you succeed!” Peter was inspired. But after he was refused once again, he lay in bed still as if he were dead. Poor Peter! If only he hadnt fallen in love with Jane! HomeworkFinish the exercise.



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