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1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSE12Unit 4 Love and Marriage 2Love and Loving RelationshipsReading FocusReading Focus3Reading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding1(Paras. 1-3)2(Paras. 4-7)3(Paras. 8-12)Love is essential for human survival.What is love?What brings people together? 4Discu

2、ss in groups to identify the missing information.Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart IMain idea: Love is essential for human survival.Arguments:A._ _B._ _C._ _The family is the earliest and most important source of love and emotional support.Children deprived of love have been known to develop a va

3、riety of problems.Research shows the quality of care infants received affects how they later get along with friends.5Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart ID._ _E._ _F._ _ _Love for oneself, or self-love, is also essential for our social and emotional development.Social scientists describe self-love

4、as important for self-esteem.People who dont like themselves may not be able to return love but may constantly seek love relationships to bolster their own poor self-images.6Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart IIMain idea: What is love?Arguments: A. Love is an _Supporting evidence: a. _ _ b. _ c. _

5、 _ _ d. _ _elusive concept People give a variety of answers when asked what love is. Love has many dimensions.It can be romantic, exciting, obsessive, and irrational, platonic, calming, altruistic, and sensible.It varies in degree and intensity and across social contexts.7Reading MoreGlobal Understa

6、ndingPart IIB. Three elements are necessary for a love relationship:Supporting evidence: a. _ b. _ _ c. _ _C. _ _ _ Supporting evidence: _ _a willingness to please and accommodate the other.an acceptance of the other persons faults and shortcomings.as much concern about the loved ones welfare as one

7、s own.Love, especially longterm love, has nothing in common with the images of love or frenzied sex that we get from Hollywood, television, and romance novels.“Real” love is closer to what one author called “stirring-the-oatmeal love”.8Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart IIIMain idea: _Arguments:A.

8、_ _B._ _C._ _What brings people together? And is there a person out there that one is meant for?Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together.Criticism and approval teach us what is acceptable romantic behavior and with whom.Lust and desire are different from

9、 loveespecially romantic love.9Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart IIID. _ _ _E. _ _ _One should not conclude that desire always culminates in physical intimacy or that desire is the same as romantic love.Healthy love relationships, whether physical or not (such as love for family members), reflect

10、 a balance of caring, intimacy, and commitment.10Task 2Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (P105)Key:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10BABCDBCDCBReading FocusReading Focus Detailed Information111.Babies and children deprived of love have known to develop a wide varie

11、ty of problemfor example, depression, headaches, physiological impairments, and neurotic and psychosomatic difficultiesthat sometimes last a lifetime. (Para. 1)Reading FocusReading Focus Language Pointdeprived of: e.g. Hewasdeprivedofhisrightstoeducation.impairment: the fact that a part of your body

12、 is unable to do something fully e.g. ahearingimpairmentneurotic: extremely worried about something in an unreasonable way psychosomatic: of or relating to a physical disorder or illness that is caused or seems to be influenced by emotional factors122.Among other things, people who like themselves a

13、re more open to criticism and less demanding of others. (Para. 3)Reading FocusReading Focus Language Pointamong other things: e.g. 1) Shesverykeenonsport:amongotherthings,sheplaystennistwiceaweek.2)Atthemeetingtheydiscussed,amongotherthings,recenteventsinJapan.demanding: e.g. Childrenaresodemanding:

14、theyneedconstantattention.133. Love has many dimensions. (Para. 5)dimension: an aspect of a situation that influences the way that you think about the situation e.g. 1) Thereisadimensiontotheproblemthatwehavenotdiscussed.2)Thereisapoliticaldimensiontotheaccusations.Reading FocusReading Focus Languag

15、e Point144. Although love may involve passionate yearning, respect is a more important quality. (Para. 6)Reading FocusReading Focus Language Pointyearning: n. a strong desire or feeling of wanting something e.g. 1) Hehadadeepyearningtoreturntohishometown.2)IsupposeitsbecauseIliveinacrowdedcitythatIh

16、avethisyearningforopenspaces.155. Even during the preteen years, romantic experiences are cultured in the sense that societal and group practices and expectations shape romantic experience. (Para. 10) preteen: of, relating to, characteristic of, or designed for preteens e.g. preteenfashionssocietal:

17、 relating to a particular society, or the way society is organized e.g. societalchangessocietalforcesReading FocusReading Focus Language Point166. Regan and Berscheid (1999) differentiate between lust, desire, and romantic love. (Para. 11)differentiate: to see or show a difference between things= di

18、stinguish e.g. 1)Neiliscolor-blindandcannotdifferentiatebetweenredandgreen.2)Itssometimeshardtodifferentiateonesamplefromanother. Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point176. Once desire diminishes, disappointed lovers may wonder where the “spark” in their relationship has gone and may reminisce re

19、gretfully (and longingly) about “the good old days”. (Para. 11)Reading FocusReading Focus Language Pointdiminish: to become less, or to make something become less (使) e.g. Suddenlythewinddiminishedandtheseasgrewcalmagain.reminisce: v. to recall or talk about past experiences, events, etc. e.g. Wespe

20、nttheeveningreminiscingaboutouruniversitydays.18Exercise: Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank, change the form when necessary. Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point diminish decrease reduce1)Our water supply _ as a result of the drought. 2)There has been a steady _ in population in

21、this city.3)The helmet law should _ injuries in motorcycle accidents.has diminisheddecreasereduce19Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-Task 1Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. (P107)AACBBCDCReading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in ActionAC20T

22、ask 21. The two countries have always _ close relations.2. When were together, all he talks about is business. I wish he were more _.3. The museum is closed while _ repairs are being carried out.4. She had packed two cases with clothes, towels and other _.5. His coaching has added another _ to my ga

23、me.Read the words and their explanations in the box. Choose a word to complete each of the sentences below and explain its meaning. Change the form if necessary. (P107)maintained (a)romantic (a)Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Actionmaintain, intimate, essential, defy, dimension, romanticess

24、ential (a)essentials (c)dimension (c)216. Were not on _ terms with our neighbours.7. He _ that the money was donated for international purposes.8. The beauty of the scene _ description.9. He _ his wishes with a slight nod of his head.10. Computers design tools that work in three _.intimate (a)mainta

25、ins (c)defies (b)intimated (d)Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Actiondimensions (a)2211. This was the first time that I dared to _ my mother.12. The castle is set in one of Englands most _ landscapes.13. I did not realize the _ of the problem.14. Her income was barely enough to _ one child,

26、let alone three.15. He surprised me with his _ knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.defy (a)romantic (b)dimensions (b)Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Actionmaintain (d)intimate (c)231.Their loving reassurances were sweet, touchingand surprising. (Para. 3)Reading More Reading More Langu

27、age Pointreassurance: something that is said or done which makes someone feel calmer and less worried or frightened about a probleme.g. 1) Parentsarelookingforreassuranceabouttheirchildrenssafety.2)TheAdministrationgaverepeatedreassurancesthattherewasabsolutelynodangertothepublic.242. He was a Repub

28、lican; she an ardent Democrat. (Para. 5)Reading More Reading More Language Pointardent: showing strong positive feelings about an activity and determination to succeed at ite.g. 1) Hesbeenoneofthemostardentsupportersoftheadministrationspolicy.2)anardentbaseballfan 253. There was a hope that they wou

29、ld change once they retired, and the furious winds did calm somewhat, but what remained steeled itself into bright, hard bitterness. (Para. 6)Reading More Reading More Language Pointfurious: only before noun done with a lot of energy, effort, or anger e.g. afuriousstormafuriousargumentsteel yourself

30、: to prepare yourself to do something that you know will be unpleasant or upsetting e.g. Asshewaited,shesteeledherselffordisappointment.264. Wed provide the cake, the balloons, the toasts, and theyd abide by one rule: no fighting. (Para. 7)Reading More Reading More Language Pointabide by: to accept

31、and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with ite.g. Youhavetoabidebytherefereesdecision.27Task 1 1. doubtFill in each of the blanks with an appropriate form of the word given and explains its meaning. Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in ActionA. Whether he will con

32、tinue to be successful in the future is open to _.B. I _if that was what he wanted.C. Im still _ whether I should accept this job.doubtdoubtdoubtful282. sproutA. Hundreds of mushrooms had _ up overnight.B. Add bean _ and cook another half minute.3. lavishA. It was one of the most _ weddings Ive ever

33、 been to.B. He thought he would win her by _ her with expensive gifts.sproutedsproutslavishlavishingReading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action294. shareA. Sue _ a house with three other students.B. Would you like to _ your experience with the rest of the group?C. Hed had more than his fair _ of a

34、dventure.5. betA. I wouldnt _ on them winning the next election.B. Bookmakers are already taking _ on the outcome.C. Our best _ would be to take the train.sharesshareshareReading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Actionbetbetsbet30 6. separateA. Raw meat must be kept _ from cooked meat.B. He _ from his

35、 wife after 20 years of marriage.C. He said he understood her doubts and perhaps a trial _ might be the answer.7. respectiveA. They are each recognized specialists in their _ fields.B. In terms of population, California and New York rank first and second _.C. In this _, we are no different from othe

36、r people.separateseparatesseparationrespectiveReading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Actionrespectivelyrespect31Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action8. roostA. Today the countrys nationalists rule the _ and hand out the jobs.B. After years of overspending, the chickens have come home to _.9.

37、 increaseA. The government is alarmed by the dramatic _ in violent crime.B. _, people are realizing that our basic problems are not economic ones.C. High alcohol consumption _ the risk of liver disease.roostroostincreaseIncreasinglyincreases32Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action10. huntA. W

38、hales are still being _ and killed in the Arctic.B. There are several different _ in the area.C. The couple had helped in the _ for the toddlers.D. Job _ takes a lot of effort and can be a long, depressing process.11. raiseA. Somehow we managed to _ her to her feet.B. Library employees have not rece

39、ived a _ for six years.C. There was a _ platform and a blackboard at the far end of the room.huntedhuntshunthuntingraiseraiseraised33Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action12. cryA. Dont _ down her real achievements.B. Her answer was greeted with _ of outrage.C. There is a _ need for a place w

40、here our young people can meet.crycriescrying34Task 21.When she left me, _ (我的世界就跨了).2. I was in a mess and there was no one to help me, _ (所以我只好做得尽量好).3. Shed married some American and _ (在那里安家了).Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English. Try to use the ex

41、pressions you have learned from the text. my world just fell apartso I just had to make the best of it settled downover thereReading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action35 4. They are not divorced but _ (他们过着完全分开的生活).5. _ (我正准备打电话过去) when Simon arrived.6. _ (人们常常会有沮丧感) that they are not being promo

42、ted quickly enough.7. _ (有了后见之明的好处), its easy to say it was the wrong decision. they lead completely separated livesI was steeling myself to call round People often feel a sense of frustration With the benefit of hindsightReading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action36 8. _ (我们今天在这里向的男男女女致敬) who gav

43、e their lives for their country. 9. _ (她自我安慰说) that no one else had done well in the exam either.10. _ (很多妇女都面临这样的窘境) of choosing between work and family commitments.We are here today to honor the men and womenShe consoled herself with the factMany women are faced with the dilemmaReading MoreReading

44、 More Vocabulary in Action37Practical TranslationPractical Translation38 被动语态是一种表明句子的谓语和主语间关系的语法手段。在翻译时要根据英汉语言的特点,从句式和辅助词语两个方面进行语态转换。被动句的翻译被动句的翻译1按原句式翻译按原句式翻译英语被动句是由“助动词 be+过去分词”构成,在译成汉语时,可以用“被”、“受”、 “遭”、“让”、“给”、“由”、“把”、“为所”、“加以”、“予以”等词来表达。392 2译成主动句译成主动句 英译汉时,不少英语的被动句被译成汉语的主动句,使句子更符合汉语的习惯。3 3译成判断句译

45、成判断句 有些英语被动句并不突出强调被动动作,而着重对事物的状态、过程和性质加以描述,其作用与系表结构类似。此类句式可翻译成中文的判断句。4 4It + be +past participle + that It + be +past participle + that 引导的从句的翻译英语中这样的句子在汉语中可以译成不带主语或带主语的句。5 5某些表示被动含义的句型的翻译。某些表示被动含义的句型的翻译。40e.g. 1)The house needed painting.2) The possibility of employing more staff is still under dis

46、cussion.解析:英语句子虽然看上去是主动语态,含义却是被动的,翻译成中文通常也用主动形式。41Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. Pay particular attention to the adverbial clauses.Paragraph OneMuch research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along with friends, how well they do in school, ho

47、w they react to new and possibly stressful situations, and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons that peoples early intimate relationships within their family of origin are so critical. Children who are raised in impersonal environments (orphanages, some

48、foster homes, or unloving families) show emotional and social underdevelopment, language and motor skills retardation, and mental health problems.42Translation for Reference:Paragraph One很多研究发现婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响到他们以后的交友,在学校的表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况,以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系情感连系。正是因为这些原因,人们与家庭成员的早期亲密关系才如此至关重要。在人情冷漠的环境中(

49、如孤儿院,某些寄养家庭,缺乏关爱的家庭)长大的孩子会出现情感和社会性发育不良,语言和运动技能迟缓,以及精神健康问题。43Paragraph Two What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? Many people believe that “theres one person out there that one is meant for” and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are romantic but unrealistic. Emp

50、irical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together. We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are “filtered out” by formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due to factors such as age, race, distance, social class, religion, sexual orientati

51、on, health, or physical appearance.44Translation for Reference: 一开始让人相互吸引的是什么?许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起。这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起。我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层、宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表。45Expository Essays (1)Focused WritingFocused Writing46Expository

52、 Essays An expository essay is an explanatory essay. It explains the topic to the reader and shows that the writer understands the topic. It explains complicated ideas through reasoning, examples, description, statistics and definition. That is, it “posits” information by supporting an idea or argum

53、ent with clear evidence. It should be well-structured with a clearly stated thesis. The thesis should be clearly and objectively analyzed and states the writers main argument. The rest of the essay then supports or substantiates the thesis with clear reasoning.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing

54、 SkillWriting Skill47Strategies to develop an expository essay: exemplification, definition, classification, comparison and contrast, and cause-and-effect.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting Skill 1. Exemplification Examples in an essay function to support, clarify, interest, and pe

55、rsuade. 2. Definition To write a successful definition you must share all the knowledge you have obtained on the subject.48 3. Classification A classification has three principles: consistency, exclusiveness and completeness.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting SkillConsistency means

56、 the parts or members of the classification must be based on the same principle of division.Exclusiveness requires that the parts or members should not overlap. Completeness in classification lays emphasis on the fact that no part or member can be omitted in a classification. However, this does not mean that a complete list of all members is necessary in an essay. 49Thank You!50



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