高三英语一轮复习 Unit 18 NewZealand课件 大纲人教版

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1、栏目导引栏目导引Unit 18New Zealand栏目导引栏目导引.重要单词聚焦重要单词聚焦1 vt.& vi.包围;围绕包围;围绕2 vt. 使定居;解决;使平静使定居;解决;使平静 vi. 安家;定居;停留安家;定居;停留3 adj. 令人惊奇的;使人吃惊的令人惊奇的;使人吃惊的4 n. 百分比;百分数百分比;百分数5 n. 会议;讨论会会议;讨论会6 adj. 农业的;农艺的农业的;农艺的surroundsettlesurprisingpercentconferenceagricultural 栏目导引栏目导引7 n. 输出;出口输出;出口( (商品商品) )vt. 输出输出8 n.

2、海岸海岸9 adj. 温和的;不严厉的温和的;不严厉的10 n. 拥有;占有;财产拥有;占有;财产( (常用复数常用复数) )11 adj. 多山的;如山的;巨大的多山的;如山的;巨大的12 n. 秘书;书记;文书秘书;书记;文书13 n. 婚礼;婚宴婚礼;婚宴14 n. 亲属;亲戚;关系;联系亲属;亲戚;关系;联系15 n. 牛;家养牲畜牛;家养牲畜16 vt.& vi. 用船运;装运;乘船用船运;装运;乘船exportcoast mildpossessionmountainoussecretaryweddingrelation cattleship 栏目导引栏目导引.重点短语扫描重点短语扫

3、描1 与与相关相关2 因因而闻名而闻名3 组成;构成组成;构成4 大多数大多数5 保持自己的生活方式保持自己的生活方式6 占有;占领占有;占领in relation to be famous for make up the majority of keep ones way of life take possession of 栏目导引栏目导引7 开始干;求助于;转向开始干;求助于;转向8 和和签定协议签定协议9 提到;谈到;查阅提到;谈到;查阅10 质量高质量高turn to sign an agreement with refer to be of high quality 栏目导引栏目导

4、引.课文原句突破课文原句突破1新西兰属于温和的海洋性气候,北部是亚热带气候。新西兰属于温和的海洋性气候,北部是亚热带气候。New Zealand has a mild sea climate,_the north is subtropical.答案答案:while2新西兰的葡萄酒质量很高,行销全世界。新西兰的葡萄酒质量很高,行销全世界。New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold_ _the world.答案答案:all over栏目导引栏目导引3面积跟菲律宾差不多。面积跟菲律宾差不多。It is about _ _size_the Phili

5、ppines.答案答案:the same;as4新西兰是一个重要的农业国家,在北岛上养牛,而多山的南岛则有较多新西兰是一个重要的农业国家,在北岛上养牛,而多山的南岛则有较多的绵羊农场。的绵羊农场。New Zealand is an important agricultural country,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms.答案答案:with cattle farming on the North Island栏目导引栏目导引surround vt.包围;围绕包围;围绕教材原句教材原句P38:New

6、 Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east,and the Tasman Sea to the south and west.栏目导引栏目导引( (1) )be surrounded with/by.被被环绕环绕/包围包围( (2) )surrounding adj.周围的周围的in a surrounding area在周围地区在周围地区( (3) )surroundings n( (pl.) )环境环境栏目导引栏目导引He lives in a village with green trees surr

7、ounding it.他住在一个绿树合抱的村子里。他住在一个绿树合抱的村子里。As a child I was surrounded by love and care.儿时的我备受关爱。儿时的我备受关爱。Several children from the surrounding villages were finally admitted to the school.来自于附近村庄的几个孩子最后被录取到这所学校。来自于附近村庄的几个孩子最后被录取到这所学校。The beneficial surroundings where the children grow up will have a po

8、sitive influence on their future.有益的成长环境对孩子的未来有积极的作用。有益的成长环境对孩子的未来有积极的作用。栏目导引栏目导引 1.用用surround的适当形式填空:的适当形式填空:( (1) )When I returned home,I found my little son sitting on the floor_by all kinds of toys.( (2) )Id like to bring up my son in healthy_.答案答案:( (1) )surrounded( (2) )surroundings栏目导引栏目导引set

9、tle vt.使定居;解决;使平静;使定居;解决;使平静;vi.安家;定居;停留安家;定居;停留教材原句教材原句P39:They brought dogs,rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer.栏目导引栏目导引Many foreigners have settled in China in recent years.很多外国人现在已经在中国定居了。很多外国人现在已经在中国定居了。I try to settle these excited chil

10、dren,but in vain.我试着让这些兴奋的孩子们安静下来,但根本就没有用。我试着让这些兴奋的孩子们安静下来,但根本就没有用。With his help,weve learned how to analyze and settle problems.在他的帮在他的帮助下,我们学会了如何分析和解决问题。助下,我们学会了如何分析和解决问题。When are you going to get married and settle down?你打算什么时候结婚定居下来?你打算什么时候结婚定居下来?The children had settled down before the teacher

11、started his lesson.孩子们孩子们安静下来,老师开始上课。安静下来,老师开始上课。栏目导引栏目导引 2.With a lot of problems _,the boss couldnt sleep well at night.Asettled BsettlingCto settle Dsettle解析解析:考查考查withwith名词宾补的句型。根据名词宾补的句型。根据couldncouldnt sleep wellt sleep well可知,可知,问题未得到解决,因此应选表示将来的选项。问题未得到解决,因此应选表示将来的选项。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引3With so

12、many noises from the busy traffic in the street,I couldnt_and do my research work.Aput down Bsettle downCgot down Dset down解析解析:句意为:繁忙的交通使街上太嘈杂了,我不能静下心来搞研究句意为:繁忙的交通使街上太嘈杂了,我不能静下心来搞研究工作。工作。put downput down放下,写下;放下,写下;settle downsettle down定居,平静下来,专心于;定居,平静下来,专心于;get get downdown下来;下来;set downset down

13、记下;放下。记下;放下。答案答案:B栏目导引栏目导引possession n拥有;占有;财产拥有;占有;财产( (常用复数常用复数) )教材原句教材原句P39:More than 120 years later,Captain James Cook took possession of the islands in 1769 and from that time British people started to settle in New Zealand.栏目导引栏目导引( (1) )be in possession of sth.拥有某物拥有某物( (主语是人主语是人) )be in th

14、e possession of sb.( (be in sb.s possession) )被被/为某人所有为某人所有( (主语为物主语为物) )( (2) )come into the possession of sb.落入某人手中落入某人手中win possession of赢得赢得have/take possession of拥有;占有拥有;占有栏目导引栏目导引They lost their home and all their possessions in the storm.他们在暴风雨中失去了家和所有财产。他们在暴风雨中失去了家和所有财产。Foreign visitors are

15、required to be in possession of a passport.外国游客必须持有护照。外国游客必须持有护照。The rare stamp is now in the possession of an unknown collector.那珍奇的那珍奇的邮票现在为一位不知名的收藏家所有。邮票现在为一位不知名的收藏家所有。We dont take possession of the house till next month.要到下个月我们才能拥有这座房子。要到下个月我们才能拥有这座房子。栏目导引栏目导引 4.My grandparents had to gather up

16、their_and leave their hometown.Alittle possession Blittle possessionsCfew possession Dfew possessions解析解析:possessionpossession在此意为在此意为“财物财物”,为可数名词,应用,为可数名词,应用fewfew修饰修饰。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引5Does the young man standing there_the company?No.The company is_his father.Ain possession of;in the possession ofBta

17、ke possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in possession ofDhave possession of;in possession of解析解析:sb.take possession of sth.sb.take possession of sth.某人占有某物;某人占有某物;sth.be in the sth.be in the possession of sb.possession of sb.某物在某人的控制之下。某物在某人的控制之下。答案答案:B栏目导引栏目导引make up组成;构成;编造;布置组成;构

18、成;编造;布置教材原句教材原句P38:It is made up of two large islands:North Island and South Island.栏目导引栏目导引Peasants make up the majority of the population of our country.我们国家我们国家农民占人口的大部分。农民占人口的大部分。Dont make up an excuse.You are to blame for the car crash.不要编造什么借口。你必须为这个撞车事故负责。不要编造什么借口。你必须为这个撞车事故负责。They have quarr

19、eled seriously three times but each time they have made up and become best friends again.她们之间发生过三次大的争吵,但每次都重归于好。她们之间发生过三次大的争吵,但每次都重归于好。I have to make up the lessons I missed.我得把缺的课补上。我得把缺的课补上。栏目导引栏目导引The flight leaves in twenty minuteswell never make it.再过再过20分钟飞机就要起飞了,我们无论如何也赶不上了。分钟飞机就要起飞了,我们无论如何也赶

20、不上了。It was quite hard to make out what they contained.很难弄清里面都装着什么东西很难弄清里面都装着什么东西.栏目导引栏目导引 6.( (浙江高考浙江高考) )American Indians_about five percent of the US population.Afill up Bbring upCmake up Dset up解析解析:句意为:美国印第安人大约占美国人口总数的句意为:美国印第安人大约占美国人口总数的5%5%。fill upfill up装满,装满,填满;填满;bring upbring up教育,培养;提出,呕吐

21、;教育,培养;提出,呕吐;make upmake up组成,构成;编造,虚构,组成,构成;编造,虚构,化妆,补足;化妆,补足;set upset up竖立起来,建立,成立。竖立起来,建立,成立。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引7Mary had to_the time she missed in school when she was sick,by studying very hard.Akeep up with Bhold on toCmake up for Ddo away with解析解析:make up formake up for意为意为“弥补弥补”,keep up withkeep

22、up with跟上,跟上,hold on tohold on to坚坚持,根据题意持,根据题意“玛丽要通过努力学习来弥补她生病期间所缺功课玛丽要通过努力学习来弥补她生病期间所缺功课”,所以选,所以选C C。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引turn to开始干;求助于;转向开始干;求助于;转向教材原句教材原句P42:Some farmers have turned to keeping deer,and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.Their talk turned to the change that had taken

23、place in the city.他们的话题转到了城市发生的变化。他们的话题转到了城市发生的变化。 Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.有困难请向警察求助。有困难请向警察求助。 栏目导引栏目导引She turned down the job offer because she wanted more money.她拒绝了她拒绝了那份工作因为她想要更高的工资。那份工作因为她想要更高的工资。Unexpectedly the weather turned out pretty nice that day.出乎意料之外

24、,那天天气特别好。出乎意料之外,那天天气特别好。栏目导引栏目导引 8.用用turn的相关短语填空:的相关短语填空:( (1) )She didnt_at the party as she had promised to.( (2) )It_that the job was much harder than we had thought.( (3) )Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesnt know whom to _.( (4) )He did not fall asleep,_in bed from

25、time to time.答案答案:( (1) )turn up( (2) )turned out( (3) )turn to( (4) )turning over栏目导引栏目导引( (P36) )Look at the map of China and the names of countries,islands and seas beyond China.看看中国地图和中国以外的国家、岛屿和海洋的名称。看看中国地图和中国以外的国家、岛屿和海洋的名称。介词介词beyond既可用于实指,意为既可用于实指,意为“在在的那边的那边”,也可用于虚指,意为,也可用于虚指,意为“超越超越”。习惯搭配有:

26、。习惯搭配有:beyond ones power ( (control,imagination,description等等) )超越某人的能力超越某人的能力( (控制、想像、形容等控制、想像、形容等) )。He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control.他是个顽皮的孩子,我实在无法管教。他是个顽皮的孩子,我实在无法管教。It is beyond my power to understand how the computer works.我不懂电脑的运作。我不懂电脑的运作。栏目导引栏目导引 9.( (陕西高考陕西高考) )Elizabeth h

27、as already achieved success_her wildest dreams.Aat BbeyondCwithin Dupon解析解析:句意为:伊丽莎白取得了巨大的成功,远远超出了她所料。句意为:伊丽莎白取得了巨大的成功,远远超出了她所料。beyond onebeyond ones wildest dreamss wildest dreams,意为,意为“做梦都没想到;远远出乎意料;大大做梦都没想到;远远出乎意料;大大超出希望超出希望”。答案答案:B栏目导引栏目导引10( (江苏高考江苏高考) )Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?B

28、ecause the old one has been damaged_.Abeyond reach Bbeyond repairCbeyond control Dbeyond description解析解析:句意为:句意为:你为什么建议我们买一台新的机器?你为什么建议我们买一台新的机器?因为那台旧因为那台旧机器已经彻底坏了。机器已经彻底坏了。beyond reachbeyond reach够不着;够不着;beyond repairbeyond repair无法修理;无法修理;beyond beyond controlcontrol无法控制;无法控制;beyond descriptionbey

29、ond description无法形容,难以描绘。无法形容,难以描绘。答案答案:B栏目导引栏目导引11( (安徽高考安徽高考) )Its quite_me why such things have been allowed to happen.Afor BbehindCagainst Dbeyond解析解析:句意为:我无法理解为什么允许这样的事情发生。句意为:我无法理解为什么允许这样的事情发生。be beyond sb.be beyond sb.为习语:使人无法想像为习语:使人无法想像( (或理解、做等或理解、做等) )。答案答案:D栏目导引栏目导引12( (四川高考四川高考) )Can he

30、 take charge of the computer company?Im afraid its_his ability.Abeyond BwithinCof Dto解析解析:beyond onebeyond ones abilitys ability超出某人的能力超出某人的能力。答案答案:A栏目导引栏目导引( (P38) ) New Zealand is an important agricultrual country,with cattle farming on the North Island,while the hilly South Island has more sheep

31、farms.新西兰是一个重要的农业国,北岛有养牛业,多山的南岛则有较多的牧羊新西兰是一个重要的农业国,北岛有养牛业,多山的南岛则有较多的牧羊场。场。while用作连词,意为用作连词,意为“然而,另一方面然而,另一方面”,表示一种强烈的对比关系。,表示一种强烈的对比关系。We know usually women stay at home and do all the houses while men go out to work.我们知道,通常妇女在家里做家务,而男人则外出工作。我们知道,通常妇女在家里做家务,而男人则外出工作。栏目导引栏目导引While there is life,there

32、 is hope.只要有生命就有希望。只要有生命就有希望。He fell asleep while ( (he was) ) watching TV.他在看电视的时候睡着了。他在看电视的时候睡着了。While I understand what you say,I cant agree with you.尽管我明白你的话,但我还是不同意。尽管我明白你的话,但我还是不同意。栏目导引栏目导引 13.( (2010新课标全国卷新课标全国卷) )Mary made coffee_her guests were finishing their meal.Aso that BalthoughCwhile

33、Das if解析解析:句意为:客人们就要吃完饭的时候,玛丽去煮咖啡了。本题考查句意为:客人们就要吃完饭的时候,玛丽去煮咖啡了。本题考查连词。连词。so thatso that以便,为了,用来引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句。以便,为了,用来引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句。althoughalthough虽然,尽管,用来引导让步状语从句。虽然,尽管,用来引导让步状语从句。whilewhile在在期间,当期间,当的时候,用来引导时间状语从句;的时候,用来引导时间状语从句;然而,而然而,而( (but)but),表示对比。,表示对比。as if (as if (as though)as though)

34、仿佛,好像,用来引导方式状语从句。从句意可知仿佛,好像,用来引导方式状语从句。从句意可知C C项正确。项正确。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引.品句填词品句填词1The coastal areas have mild winters,but by contrast the_( (中心中心) ) plains become extremely cold.答案答案:central栏目导引栏目导引2The house was_( (围绕围绕) ) by high walls,which looked like a prison.答案答案:surrounded3Beneath her selfconfid

35、ent_( (表面表面) ),shes quite unsure of herself.答案答案:surface4Its said that the ship called Titanic sank on her first_( (航行航行) )答案答案:voyage栏目导引栏目导引5The people had to gather up their few_( (财产财产) ) and escaped abroad.答案答案:possessions6Did you know that Jack ended up marrying his_( (秘书秘书) )?答案答案:secretary栏目

36、导引栏目导引.巧思妙解巧思妙解1( (四川高考四川高考) )In some places women are expected to earn money_men work at home and raise their children.Abut BwhileCbecause Dthough解析解析:句意为:在一些地方,人们期待妇女去挣更多的钱,而男人却在家句意为:在一些地方,人们期待妇女去挣更多的钱,而男人却在家做事,带孩子。做事,带孩子。whilewhile表示对比,有表示对比,有“而,然而而,然而”的意思,符合语境要求;的意思,符合语境要求;butbut表表转折,但无对比的含义;转折,

37、但无对比的含义;becausebecause因为,因为,thoughthough虽然,都不符合句子意思。虽然,都不符合句子意思。答案答案:B栏目导引栏目导引2( (上海高考上海高考) )Are you ready for Spain?Yes,I want the girls to experience that_they are young.AWhile BuntilCif Dbefore解析解析:句意为:句意为:你准备好去西班牙了吗?你准备好去西班牙了吗?是的。我想让这些女孩是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。答案答案:A栏目导引栏目导引3

38、_I accept that he is not perfect,I do actually like the person.AWhile BSinceCBefore DUnless解析解析:whilewhile在此相当于在此相当于althoughalthough,引导一个让步状语从句,其他三个选,引导一个让步状语从句,其他三个选项不符合题的要求。该句意为项不符合题的要求。该句意为“尽管我承认他不十全十美,但是我确实喜欢他尽管我承认他不十全十美,但是我确实喜欢他”。答案答案:A栏目导引栏目导引4We thought there were 35 students in the dining ha

39、ll,_,in fact,there were 40.Awhile BwhetherCwhat Dwhich解析解析:whilewhile此处表转折,意为此处表转折,意为“但是,然而但是,然而”。答案答案:A栏目导引栏目导引.语法专练语法专练本单元语法本单元语法itit用法用法()()1The doctor advised him to take more exercise,but_didnt help.Ait BwhatCwhich Done解析解析:句意为:医生建议他多锻炼,但这没有奏效。根据并列连词句意为:医生建议他多锻炼,但这没有奏效。根据并列连词butbut可可知应选择知应选择iti

40、t,itit代指前面的代指前面的The doctor advised him to take more The doctor advised him to take more exerciseexercise。本题如果没有并列连词。本题如果没有并列连词butbut,则此句为定语从句,应选择关系代词,则此句为定语从句,应选择关系代词whichwhich,引导,引导非限定性定语从句。非限定性定语从句。答案答案:A栏目导引栏目导引2He didnt make_clear when and where the meeting would be held.Athese BthisCit Dthat解析解

41、析:句意为:他没有搞清楚何时何地开这次会议。这里句意为:他没有搞清楚何时何地开这次会议。这里itit作形式宾语,作形式宾语,真正的宾语是真正的宾语是when and where the meeting would be heldwhen and where the meeting would be held。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引3Weve made_clear the world that our policy of opening to the outside world wont change.Athis BthatCit Done解析解析:itit作形式宾语,真正的宾语是作形式宾

42、语,真正的宾语是thatthat从句。从句。答案答案:C栏目导引栏目导引4Who is knocking at the door?_must be the postman.AHe BTheyCThat DIt解析解析:itit指代不知道姓名或身份的人。指代不知道姓名或身份的人。答案答案:D栏目导引栏目导引5( (山东高考山东高考) )_worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.AThis BThatCWhat DIt解析解析:考查考查itit的用法。的用法。itit作形式主语,真正的主语是作形式主语,真正的主语是the way he keeps the way he keeps changing his mindchanging his mind。答案答案:D练规范、练技能、练速度



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