九年级(全)Units13-14环境保护和学校生活 (2)

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1、u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ 第三部分第三部分 高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导九年九年级(全)级(全)Units 13-14u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/环境保护环境保护写作导图写作导图 分析湖南近分析湖南近3年年42套中考真题可知湖南各地市套中考真题可知湖南各地市对对“环境保护环境保护”的话题考查较多,主要分为以下的话题考查较多,主要分为以下两个命题角度:两个命题角度:u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ 1. 记记叙叙你你参参加加过过的的一一次次环环保保活活动动。如如2014邵邵阳阳为为了了响响应应“垃垃圾圾不不落落地地

2、,校校园园更更美美丽丽”的的口口号号,上周我和几位同学到火车站进行志愿者活动。上周我和几位同学到火车站进行志愿者活动。 2. 我我们们能能为为创创建建“文文明明城城市市”或或“国国家家卫卫生生城城市市”做做些些什什么么?如如:2014永永州州要要求求以以“How to set up a national healthy city?”为为题题写写一一篇篇作作文文;2013娄娄底底要要求求写写出出“我我们们能能为为创创建建文文明明城城市市做做什什么么”。 下面以下面以2014邵阳真题为例分析此话题:邵阳真题为例分析此话题:u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/Protectenvi

3、ron-ment: a voluntaryactivitywhen and wherethe progressfeelingsabout thisactivityat 8 oclock onSaturday morninglast week;train stationclean the benches;pick up the rubbish;advise others not tothrow rubbish;sweep the groundtired; happy; wishmore people protectthe environmentu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:

4、/亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常用句型:常用句型:Everyone should protect the environment. And the world will become much more beautiful.推推荐荐句句型型:If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/常常用用句句型型:We should plant more trees, and we can li

5、ve better and more healthily.推荐句型推荐句型: We are supposed to plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthily in the future. If we plant more and more trees, we will live better and more healthily in the future.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/开头句开头句:1. Its important to protect our enviro

6、nment. 2. As the pollution is becoming worse and worse, we should pay more attention to the environment protection. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/中间句中间句: 1. We should not throw litter onto the ground. 2. We should not spit in the public place / cut down the trees. 3. We are supposed to plant more flowe

7、rs and trees. 4. We must pick up the rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结尾句:结尾句:1. Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment. 2. I hope everyone will make a contribution to improving the environment of our city.3. If all of us can do a little thing to protect

8、 the environment, Im sure it will make a big difference.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/(常用词汇见本书(常用词汇见本书“28天词汇分类速记表天词汇分类速记表”话题话题 (二十)世界与环境(二十)世界与环境 ) u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/典例剖析典例剖析(14邵阳)邵阳) 假设你叫王磊,目前,我市正在开展创建假设你叫王磊,目前,我市正在开展创建“文明卫生城市文明卫生城市”,学校也提出了,学校也提出了“垃圾不落地,垃圾不落地,校园更美丽校园更美丽”的口号,为了积极响应学校号召,的口号,为了积

9、极响应学校号召,上周你和几位同学到火车站进行志愿者活动,贡上周你和几位同学到火车站进行志愿者活动,贡献自己的一份力量。请把你所做的事写一封电子献自己的一份力量。请把你所做的事写一封电子邮件告诉你的好朋友邮件告诉你的好朋友Bob。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/PlaceTrain stationTimeFrom 8:00 to 12:00 on Saturday morningPeopleYou and some classmatesActivitiesClean the benches, pick up the rubbish, sweep the groundFeel

10、ingA little tired but happyu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【审审题题指指导导】细细读读所所给给的的文文字字提提示示,可可以以提提取取以以下下信息:信息: 1. 文文章章为为电电子子邮邮件件,要要求求向向朋朋友友讲讲述述在在响响“文文明明卫生城市卫生城市”“垃圾不落地,校园更美丽垃圾不落地,校园更美丽”的的活活动动中中, 我我和和同同学学们们一一起起到到火火车车站站进进行行志志愿愿者者活活动动(包括时间、地点、人物、(包括时间、地点、人物、 活动、感受)。活动、感受)。2. 本本文文描描述述自自己己的的经经历历,写写作作时时用用第第一一人人称称,

11、其其 他人用第三人称。他人用第三人称。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/3. 回回忆忆事事件件通通常常用用一一般般过过去去时时,抒抒发发个个人人情情感感及及感感悟用一般现在时。语句通顺,书写规悟用一般现在时。语句通顺,书写规 范范,卷卷面面整整洁,语法正确。洁,语法正确。4. 词数应不少于词数应不少于80词,不得出现真实姓名、校名。词,不得出现真实姓名、校名。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【高分范文高分范文】Bob, Im writing to tell you about a voluntary activity last week. We got

12、 to the train station at 8 oclock on Saturday morning. My classmates and I decided to do something to make it cleaner andu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/tidier. First, we cleaned the benches, and then we picked up the rubbish and advised others not to throw rubbish here and there. At noon, we swept the g

13、round together and then we left. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ We were a little tired after long hours of hard work, but we were still very happy. I hope everyone will make a contribution to improving the environment of our city. Hope to write soon. Best wishes! Yours, Wang Lei u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/ht

14、tp:/【检测菜单】【检测菜单】1. 捡起,拾起捡起,拾起 _2. 到处到处 _3. 对对做出贡献做出贡献 _here and theremake a contribution topick upu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/学校生活学校生活写作导图写作导图 分析湖南近分析湖南近3年年42套中考真题可知湖南各地市对套中考真题可知湖南各地市对“学生生活学生生活“考查频率很高,主要从以下三个角度考查频率很高,主要从以下三个角度来考查:来考查: 1. 学生的学习与生活。如:学生的学习与生活。如:2014张家界要求根张家界要求根据给出的邮件告知笔友自己的学校生活;据给出的邮件告

15、知笔友自己的学校生活;2014常德常德中考要求描述初中生活中最值得感谢的人;中考要求描述初中生活中最值得感谢的人;2013益益阳要求以阳要求以“My middle school life”为题描述自己的中为题描述自己的中学生活;学生活;2013永州中考要求描述自己一天的生活和永州中考要求描述自己一天的生活和学习。学习。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ 2. 描描述述学学生生学学习习和和生生活活的的地地点点。如如:2014株株洲洲中中考考真真题题要要求求考考生生描描述述自自己己的的教教室室,并并谈谈论论自自己即将离开教室的感受。己即将离开教室的感受。 下面以下面以2014常

16、德中考真题为例分析此话题:常德中考真题为例分析此话题:u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/School DaysStudy LifeSchoolActivitiesSchoolLifeLearning problemsExamination pressureBoarding/Day schoolSchool sportsClass activitiesAfter-school activities Things between you and classmates or friendsThings between you and your teachersStudy meth

17、odsu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常常用用句句型型:My school life is coming to an end in one month. 推推荐荐句句型型:How time flies! It will be an ending of my school life in one month. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/常常用用句句型型:The homework is very difficult, but we must finish it.推荐句型:推荐句型: The homework is so di

18、fficult. But we must try to do it by ourselves and finish it on time. No matter how difficult the homework is, we must try to do it by ourselves and finish it on time.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/常用句型:常用句型:I like playing football.推荐句型推荐句型:I like playing football on the playground.I like playing footba

19、ll on the playground with great interest.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/开头句:开头句:1. My favorite subject is physics.2. I will never forget such a knowledgeable teacher in my life. 3. Its always busy during the school days, but its also happy and interesting. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/中间句:中间句:1. She is a

20、beautiful woman with long hair. 2. We arent allowed to run in the hallways.3. I take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes.4. The early bus takes him to school. 5. Wed better take notes while listening to the teacher in class. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结尾句:结尾句:1. You have given me so much he

21、lp that I will never forget you in my life. 2. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as. 3. Our teachers have taught us a lot. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/典例剖

22、析典例剖析 (2014常德)常德)初初中中生生活活即即将将圆圆满满结结束束,至至此此,你你一一定定有有值值得得感感恩恩的的人人,请请以以 “I Love You, My. !” 为为题题写写一篇英文短文。一篇英文短文。要要求求:1. 内内容容包包括括该该人人物物的的外外貌貌、性性格格、爱爱好好和使你难忘的事等;和使你难忘的事等;2. 短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;3. 词数词数80以上。以上。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【审题指导审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:1. 记叙三年的校园生活中值得感恩的

23、人(建议学记叙三年的校园生活中值得感恩的人(建议学生先回忆印象深刻的那些点点滴滴)。生先回忆印象深刻的那些点点滴滴)。2. 第一条要求写出人物的外貌、性格、爱好,这第一条要求写出人物的外貌、性格、爱好,这些可以略写,写那些难忘的记忆要详写,多列举些可以略写,写那些难忘的记忆要详写,多列举实例。写作时用第二人称,时态为一般现在时。实例。写作时用第二人称,时态为一般现在时。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/3. 文章最后还要有个人的感受、体悟、观点等文章最后还要有个人的感受、体悟、观点等信息,避免单纯的记叙事件,没有个人感触。信息,避免单纯的记叙事件,没有个人感触。4. 词数应

24、不少于词数应不少于80个,不得出现真实姓名、校个,不得出现真实姓名、校名。名。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【高分范文高分范文】I Love You, My English Teacher! I love you, my English teacher. Youre a tall man with thick glasses. You like sports and often play football and basketball with us. Youre humorous and always make your classes lively and inte

25、resting. Youre kind but strict with us. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/You often teach us that its no use memorizing new words without under-standing. I have greatly improved my English with your help. I think youre the best in my mind. I will always remember you, my dear teacher.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【检测菜单检测菜单】1. 对某人严肃对某人严肃 _2. 做某事没有用做某事没有用 _3. 在你的帮助下在你的帮助下 _its no use doing sth.with your helpbe strict with sb.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/



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