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1、话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v 文前导读:你可能曾经去过很多名胜古迹,欣赏过那里的风景。 可是你知道有一个特殊的水下奇观在等着你吗? 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏vThe Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁)v v Some people call it an underwater call it the most magical place on our are talking about one of the great wonders (奇观) of our natural worldthe beautiful and amazing Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁)

2、located off the east coast of Australia.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v The Great Barrier Reef is not just one reef but actually a series of over 2,000 reefs stretching (延伸)for more than 2,300 is the worlds largest coral (珊瑚) coral reef is a natural barrier made up of the bodies of living and dead reefs exist in warm

3、 climates with clear salt water and lots of since coral reefs are also in shallow water,you can actually see them from above the water! All along the Great Barrier Reef,the color of the coral reef changes as does the color of the water,which varies from a green to a blue color.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v The best

4、 way to experience the magic and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef is to experience it up close and personal, who have dived and explored in the Great Barrier Reef claim that it is an underwater wonderland filled with amazing creatures and beautiful sights.v This Great Barrier Reef,although beautiful

5、 and amazing,is very sensitive to outside forces such as climate change,changes in the patterns of water movement and global are also responsible for damaging the Great Barrier Reef and thus endangering the lives of the animals that live there.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v If you are one of the lucky people that ge

6、t the chance to explore this underwater wonderland,be sure to leave everything just the way you find it.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【佳句仿写】v1The Great Barrier Reef is not just one reef but actually a vseries of over 2,000 reefs stretching (延伸)for more than 2,300 kilometers.v仿写:我想要的不是牛奶而是咖啡。v _What I want is not mil

7、k but coffee.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v2The best way to experience the magic and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef is to experience it up close and personal,underwater.v仿写: 减肥的最好方法是每天锻炼。v_ v3This Great Barrier Reef,although beautiful and amazing,is very sensitive to outside forces.v仿写: 尽管昨天雨下得很大,我们仍然在操场踢球。v_ The

8、best way to lose weight is to exercise every day.Although it rained hard yesterday, we still played football on the playground. 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏Unit 7 The Sea Period One Warmup and Lesson 1 课件北师大版必修课件北师大版必修3,广东专用,广东专用v.单词识记v1_adj.令人惊恐的,骇人的v2_adj.在水下,供水下用的v3_n探险家v4_n. 航海,航空v5_v. 说服v6_adj.不知道的frightening

9、underwater explorer voyage persuade unknown 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v7_adv. 最终v8_v. 抱歉v9_n. 讲授,演讲v10_n祖先eventually apologizelecture ancestor 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v.短语天地v1_sail启航v2according_根据,依据v3get_trouble陷入麻烦,陷入困境v4make it_到达v5in_of寻找,寻求v6_sb to do sth说服某人做某事v7_before很久以前v8be known_作为而知名,被称为set to into to search pers

10、uade long as 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v.预读理解v1Which of the following people do you think arrived in America first?vAChristopher Columbus. BAncient Romans.vCChinese. DVikings.v答案Dv2Find Chinese names for these places on Page 110.v_Scandinavia,Iceland,Norway,Greenland,Newfoundland话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v.判断正(T)误(F)v1Eric the

11、 Red forced people to go to Greenland with him together.()v2Biarni set sail from Iceland in order to join Leifs getting to Greenland.()v3For some reason,all ships Eric the Red brought didnt get to Greenland.()v4The Vikings were stronger in Northern Europe from the 8th to 10th century.()v5According t

12、o official records Europeans reached America long before Columbus ever set sail.()FFTTF话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v.句型搜索v1They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail.v信息提取long before 早在之前就v例句仿写早在妈妈回来之前,我就完成作业了。vI finished my homework_.long before Mother came back话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v2Leif followed Biarnis direct

13、ions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of presentday Canada.v信息提取what is believed to.被认为是v例句仿写昨天我们去了被认为是我市最美的地方。vYesterday we went to_vthe most beautiful place in our city.what is believed to be话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v3The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America.v信息提取 the first to.第一个v例句

14、仿写我总是第一个到班里的学生。vI am always_come to the classroom.the first student to话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v1frightening adj.令人惊恐的,骇人的vThe crash is the most frightening experience in my life.v那次撞机是这一生中令我最害怕的经历。v【拓展】vfrightened adj.感到惊恐的;受惊的vJane was frightened when she was brought into the small,dark room.v当简被带进那间又小又黑的屋子时,她

15、吓坏了。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【辨析】 frightening/frightenedv(1)frightening:令人惊恐的。v(2)frightened:感到惊恐的。vher frightening look她那可怕的样子(其长相使人害怕)vher frightened look她那惊恐的样子(自己内心害怕所显露出的表情)话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【单项填空】vClimbing is very exciting,but many people feel_at it.vAfrightening BfrightenedvCfrighten Dafraidv解析句意:攀登很刺激,但许多人对它

16、感到恐惧。frightened(人)对感到恐惧的。B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【辨析】 persuade/advisev(1)persuade指劝服对方并且被对方接受了,强调结果。v(2)advise表示劝了未必被接受,强调动作。v【完成句子】v(1)While shopping people sometimes cant help_ vinto buying something they dont really need.v(2)How did you manage to_him_smoking?being persuaded persuade out of话题美文

17、欣赏话题美文欣赏v3journey n旅行,旅程v【搭配】vbe(away)on a journey在旅行中vgo on a journey去旅行vhave a good/pleasant journey一路顺风vmake a journey(to)到旅行话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【辨析】 journey/voyage/travel/tripv(1)journey常指远距离的陆地旅行(可数名词)。v(2)voyage主要指海上的旅行,有时也用于太空的旅行。v(3)travel常指长距离旅行或国外旅行(可数或不可数名词)v(4)trip指从一个地方到另一个地方所花的时间和所走的路程。话题美文欣赏

18、话题美文欣赏vColumbus succeeded in making a voyage to America in 1942.哥伦布于1942年成功地航行到美洲。vI go to work by train,and the trip takes 40 minutes.v我坐火车上班,路上花了40分钟。vHe came home after years of foreign travel.v他在国外旅行了多年后回家了。vAfter a long journey,we finally reached our destination.v经过长途跋涉,我们终于到达了目的地。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v

19、【单项填空】vThe nature of my work requires me to make daily to the city.vAtrip Bjourney vCvoyage Dtravelv解析句意:我工作的性质要求我每天都必须进城。A话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v4apologise vi.抱歉(apologize)v【搭配】vapologise to sb for (doing) sth因(做)某事向某人抱歉vTom apologised to his teacher for his being late this morning.今天上午汤姆为迟到向老师抱歉。v【拓展】vapolo

20、gy n抱歉vI made an apology to the girl for stepping on her dress.v我因踩了女孩的礼服而向她抱歉。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【搭配】vmake/offer/give an apology to sb for (doing) sthv因(做)某事向某人抱歉vaccept/refuse sbs apology 接受/拒绝某人的抱歉v【完成句子】v(1)Did you ?v因为打破窗户你向他抱歉了吗?v(2) (我深表歉意)taking so long to answer your letter.apologise to him for b

21、reaking the windowI do apologise for话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v1get into trouble陷入困难;惹麻烦vHe is always getting into trouble when he is out.v他出门总会碰到麻烦。v【拓展】v(be)in trouble有麻烦,有困难,出事vask/look for trouble自找麻烦vmake trouble for sb 给某人制造麻烦/捣乱vget sb out of trouble使某人摆脱困境vget sb into trouble使某人陷入困境vhave trouble in doing

22、sth做某事有困难话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏vArent you looking for trouble?v难道你不是在自寻烦恼吗?vHe had trouble in finishing the task on time.v他按时完成这项工作有困难。v【单项填空】vPerhaps I shouldnt say thatI might_trouble.vAget inBget onvCget withDget intov解析句意:也许我不该说那件事我可能陷入麻烦。get into trouble“陷入麻烦,陷入困境。v答案D话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v2make it to到达vI made it

23、 to the classroom before seven oclock.v七点前我到达了教室。vShes very ambitious but I doubt shell ever make it to the top.她很有野心但是我疑心她是否能爬到最高层。v【拓展】vmake it成功;出席;到场vmake ones way去,前往vmake the most of sth充分利用某物话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏vmake out(免费地)看出,理解vmake up编造,虚构;给化装vmake up for补偿;弥补vmake the best of it 随遇而安v【完成句子】v(1)H

24、e set sail once again and finally (到达)Greenland.v(2)Can we (赶得上)the train?vI hope we can (来得及)made it to make it to make it 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【感悟高考】vSarah made _to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.(2021全国)vAherselfBthis CthatDitv解析句意:今天早上萨拉及时到达了机场,正好赶上飞机。make it to“到达。D话题美文欣赏话题美文欣

25、赏v3in search of寻找,寻求vThese birds fly south in search of winter sun every year.v这些鸟每年都飞往南方去寻找冬日的阳光。v【拓展】vsearch sb/sp搜查某人/某地方vsearch for sb/sth寻找某人/某物话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v search/search for/in search ofv(1)search表示“搜索,搜寻,其宾语是搜查范围概念,一般是被搜查的人或场所,而不是要找的东西。v(2)search for相当于look for,其宾语一般为要找的东西。v(3)in search of表示

26、“寻找,在句中作状语或表语,其中search是名词。【辨析】【辨析】 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏vThe party searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything.v探测队把山洞彻底地搜寻了一遍,但是什么也没找到。vI searched for the book everywhere.我到处找这本书。vMichel went away in search of water to drink.v迈克尔离开找水喝去了。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【单项填空】v(1)The policemen set out street by

27、 street for the lost girl.vAsearching for Bto searchvCto search in Din search ofv解析句意:警察们都出去一条街一条街地搜寻那个迷路的女孩。search指“搜索;搜寻;查找;search for指“搜寻某人或某物。B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v(2)The little boy was lost,so many people in the village went out him.vAto search Bin ones search forvCin search of Din the search ofv解析句意:

28、这个小男孩走丢了,村子里很多人出来找他。search指“搜索,搜寻,其宾语一般是搜查的范围,而不是要找的东西,in search of表示“寻找,在句中作状语。C话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v4according to根据,依据vAccording to the weather report,there will be a heavy rain this afternoon.v根据天气预报,今天下午将会有一场大雨。vAccording to my watch,its four oclock.v我的表,现在是4点。v注意:according to后不能接view,opinion等词作宾语,accor

29、ding to是指按照他人的意见或其他事物,因此不能说according to me,短语中to是介词,后面接短语,不能接句子。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【拓展】vaccording as依据而vYou may go or stay according as you decide.v走还是留由你决定。v【句型转换】vAccording to John,a true friend is a person whom you can trust.v ,a true friend is a person whom you can trust.In Johns opinion话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【

30、单项填空】v his grades,he is a hardworking student.vAJudged from BJudged byvCAccording to DAccording asv解析according to根据,依据;judging from/by根据判断;according as依据而,后接从句。C话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v1(课文重现)Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder,for which he got into trouble.埃里克雷德因一起谋杀案而惹上

31、麻烦,被迫离开冰岛。v【句式分析】v本句是一个复合句。在because引导的原因状语从句中,for which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰名词murder。vcommit vt.犯 (错误,罪行);干 (坏事,傻事);委托;对作处理等,常用结构为commit sth/sb/oneself to sth/doing sth。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏vPeter decided to commit the matter to the committee.v彼特决定把这件事提交给委员会。vShe committed the letter to fire.她把这封信付之一炬。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【

32、完成句子】v(1)你如果犯了法,就逃脱不了制裁。vIf you a crime,you cant escape punished.v(2)这个女孩交给她的姑姑照顾了。vThe girl was to the care of her mit being committed话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v2(课文重现)Leif followed Briarnis directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of presentday Canada.利夫依照比阿尼的指点,航行到被认为是现在的加拿大海岸所在地。v【句式分析】v本句含有一

33、个由what引导的名词性从句,在句中作介词to的宾语;followed和sailed为主句的并列谓语。vwhat引导的名词性从句在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、同位语等。根据这些功能,名词性从句可分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句等。例如:话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏vWhat hung on the wall drew our attention immediately.v挂在墙上的东西立刻引起了我们的注意。(主语从句)vI have no idea what we should do next.v我不知道我们下一步该做什么。(同位语从句)vAlice is no longer what

34、 she was ten years ago.v爱丽丝不再是十年前的样子了。(表语从句)vThese photographs will show you what our village looks like.这些照片将向你展示我们村庄的样子。(宾语从句)话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【感悟高考】v(1)Weve only got this small that do?vNo,_I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.(2021上海)vAwhoBthatCwhat Dwhichv解析考查主语从句。空格处引导的是主语从句,从句中缺

35、少look for的宾语,且指物。故C项正确。C话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v(2)The shocking news made me realize_terrible problems we would face.(2021北京)vAwhatBhowvCthatDwhyv解析句意:那那么令人震惊的消息使我意识到我们面临的是什么严重的问题。what 引导宾语从句。A 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v(3)The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of _ others actually underst

36、and. v(2021上海)vAwhyBthatCwhichDwhatv解析句意:你想通过文字所表达的意思可能正与别人所理解的相反。 what 引导从句作介词of的宾语。D话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v3(课文重现)They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail.早在哥伦布启航之前,他们就已经到达那里了。v【句式分析】vlong before表示“在以前很久;很久以前,可用于过去时或过去完成时的句子中。long before可用作连词、副词、介词等。vHer grandmother died long before she was bor

37、n.v她出生的时候,祖母早已去世了。 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【拓展】v在“It is/was not long before从句结构中,not long before意为“不久。vIt wasnt long before he told me about the affair.v过了不多久他就把这件事告诉我了。v【辨析】 long before/before longv(1)long before意为“在以前很久;很久以前。v(2)before long意为“不久(之后),相当于soon,可用于过去时,将来时和现在时的句子中。vBefore long he had to return to

38、 the village where he once lived long before.v不久以后,他只得回到他很久以前住过的那个村子去了。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【单项填空】vThe field research will take John and Parl about five months.vIt will be long we meet them again.vAafter Bbefore vCsince Dwhenv解析句意:要很长时间我们才能再见到他们。B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v4. (课文重现)Biarni was hoping to join his father w

39、ho was with Eric,but he was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land,.比阿尼希望参加跟Eric一起的他爸爸的行列,但他被吹离了航线,他发现自己到了一个未知的土地v【句式分析】vfind sb/sth介词短语的结构,属于find sb/sth宾补的句式,其中宾补可用介词短语,现在分词、过去分词、形容词、名词等充当。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v(1)findsb(sth)prep.phrase(adv.)vShe found herself in a different world.v她发现自己来到了一个

40、不同的世界。v(2)findsbdoingvHe found a number of people already working there.v他发现许多人已经在那里干活了。v(3)findsb(sth)donevHe found the place much changed.v他发现这地方有了巨大的变化。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v(4)findsb(sth)adj.vWe found the rules easy to understand.v我们发现这些规那么很好理解。v(5)findsb(it)n.vYou will find it a difficult book.v你会发现这是一本

41、很难的书。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏v【感悟高考】vEven the best writers sometimes find themselves for words.(2021浙江)vAlose BlostvCto lose Dhaving lostv解析句意:即使是最优秀的作家有时也会发现自己说不出话来。 固定短语:be lost for words 说不出话来。B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。郭沫假设学习必须与实干相结合。泰戈尔学而时习之,不亦说乎?孔子鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。李苦禅求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。加菲劳学习从来无捷径,循序渐进登顶峰。高永祚活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。培根立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。阮元读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。富兰克林 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏精品课件精品课件!



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