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1、Review动词的种类:动词的种类:1.实意动词实意动词 play get put walk take run go come do 2.情态动词情态动词 can could must need may might would should have to ought to had better 3.连系动词连系动词 be become keep get turn look sound smell feel taste seem stay go 4.助动词助动词 do does did will have /has had be (am is are was were ) would shal

2、l should注有些单词可能有两种。如有些单词可能有两种。如 look get turn feel have has had 等。但他们在不同的句子中的意思是不一样的。动词的六种基本形式:动词的六种基本形式:1. do (1. do (动词原形)动词原形)2. does (2. does (动词的单数三人称)动词的单数三人称)3. did (3. did (动词的过去式)动词的过去式)4. doing (4. doing (现在分词)现在分词)5. done (5. done (过去分词)过去分词) 6. to do (6. to do (不定式不定式) )谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词及物动

3、词和不及物动词: 及物动词后面能直接带宾语及物动词后面能直接带宾语,而不及物动词后面不能直接而不及物动词后面不能直接 带宾语带宾语.英语中还有些动词既可用作用及物动词英语中还有些动词既可用作用及物动词,又可用作又可用作 不及物动词不及物动词. 如如 1. I study painting at school. 2. I dont know the answer. 3. He is reading a book. 4. He is reading . 5. I saw her dancing. 6. Lily is singing. 7. The boy laughed at last. ( 及

4、物 )( 及物 )( 及物 )(不及物)( 及物 )(不及物)(不及物)持续性动词和终止性动词持续性动词和终止性动词: 持续性动词是能持续发生一段时间的动作持续性动词是能持续发生一段时间的动作. 终止性动词是不能持续发生一段时间的动作终止性动词是不能持续发生一段时间的动作,瞬间发生瞬间发生 瞬间结束的动作。瞬间结束的动作。1.Her grandfather has been dead for ten years. ( )2.Her grandfather has died for ten years. ( )3.How long can I borrow the book? ( )4.His

5、mother has been away since last Tuesday. ( )YYNNdie _ borrow _jion _ _open _leave _close _buy _begin _come _be deadbe away (from)keepbe closedbe in be a member ofhavebe on be openbe here/stay/live句子的成分句子的成分: 由不同的词类的单词,按照一定的语法规则组合在一起,能表达一个完整意思的语言单位叫做句子. 一个句子由各个功能不同的部分构成,这些部分叫做句子成分.英语的句子成分有八种: 主语主语 He

6、 will take you to the hospital.谓语动词谓语动词 Tom was very sick at heart.表语表语 The match became very exciting.宾语宾语 We havent seen her for a long time.定语定语 China is a developing country.状语状语 These products are selling quickly .宾语补足语宾语补足语 I found watching movies frustrating.主语补足语主语补足语简单简单句句由一由一个个主主语语(或或并并列主列

7、主语语)和一和一个个谓语谓语(或或并并列列谓语谓语)构构成的句子叫成的句子叫简单简单句句简单句的五种基本句型:简单句的五种基本句型:1主语主语+谓语(不及物动词)谓语(不及物动词) My leg hurts. He has got up. They set off early.3主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语 She likes English. They want to go home.2 主语主语+系动词系动词+表语(谓语动词为系动词)表语(谓语动词为系动词) His face turned red. My father is at home.4主语主语+谓语谓语+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语

8、直接宾语 He gave Tom a present. He gave a present to Tom He bought it for his mother.5主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语 I found it very interesting.6There be 句型句型 表示存在有表示存在有 There will be a sports meeting in our school next week . there be 结构有各种时态,be 动词应遵循就近原则判断下列各句中属于简单句的哪种基本句型1.It rained very heavily last nig

9、ht.2.Please pass me the sugar.3.Michael found Chinese interesting.4.I like apples a lot.5.You look smart today.6.We always work hard at English.7.They love each other.8.She watched her daughter playing the piano.9. Your job today is to help the old .10.The children bought their parents a car.翻译下列句子1

10、明天上午四节课,它们是语文、数学、英语和体育。2康康每天骑自行车上学。3我昨晚做家庭作业和看电视。4请你给我一本有趣的书,好吗?5穿红衣服的那个女孩认识名叫王海的男孩。6游泳是一项很好的运动。7他棋下得很好。8我经常听他唱英语歌曲。9你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?10 我有重要的事告诉你。There will be four classes tomorrow morning.Theyer Chinese ,math,English and P.E.KangKang goes to school by bike every day.I did my homework and watched Tv ye

11、sterday evening.Could you give me an interesting book?The girl in red knows the boy named Wang Hai.Swimming is a kind of good sport.He plays chess very well./He is good at playing chess.I often hear him sing English songs.Could you tell me the way to the post office?I have something important to tel

12、l you.Lets check up the answers.1. to save2. climbing3. to learn4. is reported5. is 6. was ; thinking; to help7. be done ; happening 8. spoken ; speaking9. to stay ; go10. to send1. exactly2. deeply3. inventor4. frightened5. natural6. pointing7. receiving8. preferred9. discussion10. excitedSample :B

13、oys and girls, Good afternoon. Today lets talk about getting on-line. Many students like getting on-line very much. They canlearn how to use the modern machine computer. They can learnsome more knowledge. It can make them clever to play differentkinds of games. But some students spend too much time

14、in playing games.Some even make friends on-line though they are young. Theywrite too many letters to each other. It takes them too much time. So they do worse and worse in their lessons. I think they mustnt get on-line when they are studying at school. They can do it in summer or winter holidays.例如:

15、 1. He lives in New York. 2. I met an old friend of mine in the street this morning. 3. I help her and she helps me. 4. Mr. Wang and I often work together and help each other. 5. He said nothing to his parents.例如: 1. She can speak English , but I cant. 2. Can I use your dictionary? 3. He could swim

16、when he was seven. 4. May I borrow your pen ? 5. we must finish our homework today. 6. My father is not here. He might be working in the garden. 7. You shouldnt eat between meals. It will make you fat. 8. You neednt write to him , for he will be here tomorrow.注:注:need 既可以作情态动词也可以作实意动词。既可以作情态动词也可以作实意

17、动词。例如: 1. She is a teacher. 2. I became a teacher when I grew up. 3. Keep still while I am taking a picture of you . 4. This bar often stays open till twelve at night. 5. Silk feels soft. 6. The flowers smell very sweet. 7. I t tastes fine. 8. The idea sounds quite all right. 9. Though it is spring

18、now, it remains cold in this city. 10. The days are getting shorter and shorter.例如: 1. He is singing. 2. He has finished his homework. 3. Do you like school life? 4. Did you study English before you came here? 5. He doesnt like plalying football. 6. They didnt come here this morning. 7. The train ha

19、d left before he got to the station. 8. There will be a sports meeting next week in our school.助动词是帮助完成时态、语态、句式的,不需要翻译助动词是帮助完成时态、语态、句式的,不需要翻译例如: 1.He looks very tired. (系动词,看起来) 2.She is looking after her son. (实意动词,看) 3.Please turn off the lights when you leave the room. (实意动词,关掉) 4.Her face turned

20、 red when she realized she made a mistake. ( 系动词 , 变得)主语主语是句子所要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体.可以充当主语的有: 名词名词,代词代词,数词数词,动词不定式动词不定式,动名词和主语从句动名词和主语从句.1.Beijing is a beautiful city.2.The first is Li Lei.3.Three of us qre going there by boat.4.We are proud of our country.5.What makes you so happy?6.Surfing is one of rhe

21、 most popular sports in the world.7.To give is better than to receive.8.What he said made me angry.9.Does your father like swimming?(名词)(代词)(代词)(数词)(动名词)(不定式)(句子)(代词)(名词)谓语谓语是表达主语动作或状态的成分是表达主语动作或状态的成分,通常位于主语之后通常位于主语之后.行为动词行为动词可以直接用作谓语可以直接用作谓语;连系动词必须和表语一起构成谓语连系动词必须和表语一起构成谓语;助动词和助动词和情态动词必须和其他动词一起构成复合谓

22、语情态动词必须和其他动词一起构成复合谓语.1.Time flies!2.He has worked in this school for twenty years.3.The flowers have come out.4.The school sports meeting will be put off because of the bad weather.5.She can speak not only French but also English.6.You neednt worry about her study.7.Her mother looks young.8.its beco

23、ming a serious problem.注注: 谓语动词一定要反映该句的谓语动词一定要反映该句的时态时态和和语态语态. 并且要和主语在人称和数上并且要和主语在人称和数上一致一致表语表语是用来说明主语的身份.特征或状态.它们于连系动词之后.名词.代词,形容词,副词,数词,分词,动名词,不定式,介词短语和从名等都可作表语.1.It is a lovely house.2.Money isnt everything.3.She looked very young.4.Is the doctor in ?5.The old man is eighty-two.6.The first thing

24、is to greet the teacher.7.The door remained closed.8.Seeing is believing.9.When someone is in trouble, we should help him.10.The question is what you want to do .(名词)(代词)(形容词)(副词)(数词)(不定式)(分词)(动名词)(介词短语)(从句)宾语宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者.宾语一般放在及物动词之后.英语介词也会跟宾语.可作宾语的有名词,数词,代词,动名词等.不定式也可作及物动词的宾语.还有句子,也就是宾语从句.1.W

25、e all like English.2.Please help me.3.How many books do you want ? I want four.4.He enjoys swimming.5.He hoped to arrive there on time.6.I dont think that he is right.7.She covered her face with her hands.8.What about going swimming?9.Mother bought me a new skirt.(名词)(代词)(数词)(动名词)(不定式)(从句)(名词作介词宾语)(

26、动名词作介词宾语)(双宾语)此句有两个宾语此句有两个宾语me 和和a new skirt, me 是间接宾语是间接宾语, a new skirt是直接宾语是直接宾语.也可写成也可写成Mother bought a new skirt for me.像这样像这样的动词有的动词有:show pass send teach tell write take lend等等.直接宾直接宾语和间接宾语可交换位置语和间接宾语可交换位置,但要加但要加 to 或或 for.定语定语是修饰名词或代词的成分.形容词,代词,数词,名词,不定式动名词,分词,介词短语和从句等可用作定语.1.She is a beautif

27、ul girl.2.Whose English book is it ?3.A few pictures fell off the wall .4.Our office is on the third floor.5.There are a lot of banana trees in that village.6.In the end we found a way to solve the problem.7.Can you tell me the way to the nearest post office?8.Everybody here has read Harry Poter.9.T

28、he book which was written by Lu Xun sells well.形容词作定语一般前置形容词作定语一般前置,但修饰复合不定代词后置但修饰复合不定代词后置名词作定语可构成复合名词 ,如 music lesson,boy student 等副词作定语放在后面状语状语是修饰动词,形容词,副词或者全句的成分.副词,名词短语,介词短语,不定式,分记和从句都可作状语。1. They quickly passed the stick on to Jim.2. I dont like coffee very much.3. The next day they arrived hom

29、e.4.The plane takes off at 10:30.5.They stopped to listen to their teacher carefully.6.I will tell him the news as soon as he arrives. 宾语补足足语:有些及物动词除了带宾语外,还必须加上宾语补足语句子的意思才完整。宾语补足语用来进一步说明前面的宾语。形容词,名词,副词,介词短语,不定式以及分词等可作宾语补足语。1.We all call him Xiao Hua for short.The news made her happy.3.He opened the windows to let fresh air in .4.I found the old lady in good health.5.She asked me to help her.6.Just now I saw him playing basketball on the playground.7.The radio doesnt work, Ill get it repaired tomorrow



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