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1、精选 doc 最新版Buried Treasure! An old captain and a young sailor are talking at a bar.Captain:Boy, do you like adventure and danger?Sailor:Yes, sir.Captain:our father was a good friend of mine. He even saved my life once. So, Imgoing to do you a favour. Come closer, boy. Take a look at this.Sailor:Capta

2、in:A treasure map!Keep quiet. Now, you listen closely. About 10 years ago, I sailed withmy crew to the Caribbean. We carried a chest full of gold, jewelstreasure enough for a king! But those were dangerous times. I had to burythe treasure on the island of Bara Julip.Sailor:Captain:Sailor:Captain:Did

3、 you look for it later?No, I never had the chance. No, Im too cold and want you to have themap.I dont know what to say. Thank you.you must be careful! There are mountains, lakes, forests, and rivers tocross. If the animals don t kill you, the hot weather might. Remember,theres only one mountain pass

4、. Cross the forest quickly. Be sure to crossthe river in the north.Sailor:Captain:Choose the best answer.Choose the best answer. 1. The old captain helps the sailor because _. A. hes kindB. he knew the sailors fatherD. he owes(欠)the sailor moneyB. It was a tradition(传统) C. he lost a bet(打赌) A. The a

5、rea wasnt safe C. It was funIll do my best.Good luck, boy. 2. Why did the captain bury the treasure?D. His crew tried to kill himB. Nobody knows its nameD. Its full of dangerB. catch an alien 3. What do we know about the island? A. Its near Singapore C. Its completely dry A. cross three rivers C. me

6、et with a king 4. To find the treasure, the young man must _.D. go through a forest 5. Which of the following is NOT true?.精选 doc 最新版 A. There are alligators (鳄鱼)in the south part of the river. B. the captain is too old to look for the treasure. C. The weather on the island is very nice. D. The sail

7、or must cross the forest before he crosses the riverThe fore babies Anna, Bernard, Carmen and Diana, three girls and a boy, were all born in the samehospital on the same day lastmonth. One day all oftheir four mothers asked a nurseto give them each a bath(洗澡), because their fathers were soon coming

8、to the hospitalto see theirbabies. But the nurse was new. She took offtheir name labels (标签)oneby one when she bathed them, but she forgot to put any of them on again. She knew only some things about each baby. Only two of the babies have some hair, but they arent Anna and Carmen. Only one of the ba

9、bies cries all the time but Anna is a happy baby. One baby always quietly sucks its thumbs(吮手指)but has no hair at all. Its nameis Anna. One baby always touches the right ear and cries a lot, but she isnt the smallestbaby. The fattest baby has no hair, and never cries. This baby doesnt suck the thumb

10、,too. One of the boys with the red hair never cries but moves here and there. Can the nurse work out which baby is which before the fathers arrive? Of courseshe can. How about you?Choose the best answer:Choose the best answer: 1. Why did the things become mixed (混乱的)? Because _. A. the babies father

11、s were coming B. the mothers were mixed C. the nurse was new D. the babies wanted to have a bath each 2. Diana is the girl. Diana_.A. is the smallest babyC. always criesB. always touches the left earD. like playing by herself.精选 doc 最新版 3. _ has hair and moves here and there. A. DianaB. BernardC. Ca

12、rmenD. Anna 4. Anna_.A. cries all the timeB. isnt the fattestC. doesnt such the thumbsD. has red hair 5. Which of the following sentences is right? A. The fathers will have a bath each B. Carmen has a lot of air C. Bernard cries all the time D. Diana is the smallestOld English Table Rules Years ago,

13、 in England, the children of lords and ladies were brought up by servantsin their own part of the house or castle. They only saw their parents at dinner time.There were many rules about howto behave at meal times. Everyonehad his orher ownknife, which was used for cutting food, spoons were setout on

14、 the table. Forks hadntbeen invented, so fingers were used to take food from dishes on the table. We allknow fingers were invented before forks! These are some of the rules:Dont clean your knife on the tablecloth. Dont carve the table with your knife. Dont spread the butter with your thumb. Dont dri

15、nk out of the bowl. Use a spoon. Wipe your spoon clean and take care it isnt stolen. Keep your hands from dirtying the tablecloth, and don t blow your nose onit. Dont put unwanted food back in the dish. Dont throw any bones on the floor. Dont blow crumbs out of your mouth. Dont grin, shout, or stuff

16、 your jaws with food.精选 doc 最新版True or False:True or False: 1. In old England, children were taught table manner by their parents. 2. Nowadays, we would find some of these rules still very popular. 3. People used their fingers because they didnt have forks. 4. Put chicken bones on your plate. 5. The

17、 tablecloth was for wiping handsOut of school There are many things we need to know that we do not learn at school. For example,if we want to use our allowance wisely, we need to shop carefully. We need know howto compare the prices of things in different shops. We need to be able to comparequality

18、of different designer names. We need to know how to make sensible choiceswhen we shop. Knowing how to make such choices is a “life skill”, and we need theseskills if we are to lead useful and happy lives. Some of these choices are small. For example, will I take an apple for lunch ora pear? Will I g

19、et the bus to school today or will I walk? Will I wear the red T-shirtor the blue one to the movies? Other choices are more important. For example, willI eat healthy food for lunch or will I eat junk food because it is tastier? Will Iwork hard in all my classes or will I only work hard in the classe

20、s which I enjoy?We make decisions like this every day. Making the wrong choices can result in unhappiness. We have to realize that thechoices we make can affect the rest of our lives. Just as importantly, our choicescan also affect other people. The next time you decide to waste time in class, playa

21、 joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies, consider this: Who else does my choiceaffect?Choose the best answerChoose the best answer 1. What helps us use more wisely? A. Comparing prices and designer names.B.Buyingthingsin精选 doc 最新版different shops C. Choosing different designer namesdesigner nam

22、es 2. Why do we need “life skills”? A. To know how to shop sensibly B. To compare designer names and price C. To compare designer names and price D. To learn things at school 3. Which of these choices is the most important? A. Which fruit to take for lunch B. How to get to school C. Which T-shirt to

23、 wear to the movies D. Which subjects to work hard in 4. Why is it important to make the right choices? A. Because they can affect the rest of our lives B. Because they can make us waste time C. Because they keep us from being happy D. Because we make choices most days 5. Who do your choices affect? A. You and your parents C. You and other peopleB. Lots of peopleD. Everybody except youD.Choosingsensible【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】.



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