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1、SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON1阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Oct.19-22,20152阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质President Xi jin ping and Madame Peng li yuan attended the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday .President Xi and Queen Elizabeth II made a toast at the banquet , both highlighting the China UK strategic partnership. P

2、resident Xi visit marks milestone in the friendship between the China and UK. 3阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Xi,awellknownsoccerfan,visitedManchesterCityFootballAcademywithCameron.XicalledformoreexchangesandcooperationbetweenChinaandBritainonsocceraswellasothersports.4阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质1 . What is the relations

3、hip between China and UK infer from the short passage?A.Friends B. Enemies C. Teacher and student2. Whats the purpose of President Xi visit to UK?A.To have fun B. To travel C. To make two countries have a better understanding 3. Whats president Xi attitude towards the football?A. positive B. indiffe

4、rent C. Ironic推理判断题推理判断题5阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Following President Xi step , lets travel to London .6阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Fast readingGothroughthepassagequicklyandanswerthefollowingquestions.2. How many places of interest will we visit during the four-day- trip?3. What are they?the Tower of London; St Paul

5、s Cathedral; Westminster Abbey; Big Ben; Buckingham Palace; Greenwich; Karl Marx s statue; the British Museum; Windsor Castle Nine.1.HowmanydayswillwevisitLondon?3days7阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质PlanofthetravelDayoneDaytwoDaythreePara1-2Para3Para48阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质the Tower of LondonTask 1 read the first pa

6、ragraphItwasbuilt_.Thissolidstone,squaretowerhadremainedstandingfor_.Specialroyalsoldiersstillwore_uniformofthetimeofQueenElizabethI.Which word can describe The Tower of London from paragraph 1 ?A.modernB.royalC.historicalD.ordinaryCareful Reading longagobytheNormaninvaderofAD1066Onethousandyears400

7、-yearold9阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质St Pauls Cathedral10阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Westminster Abbey11阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Big Ben12阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Task2readtheseconddayandfindoutsomesentencetoexpressthewritersfeeling?WhatinterestedhermostGreenwich13阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质HowdoesPingyufeelaboutvisitingthelongitudeline?(att

8、itude)A.ShesworriedB.ShessurprisedC.ShesexcitedD.Shesbored14阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Where did Karl Marx live and die? A.in GermanyB.in LondonC.in RussiaD.in ChinaTask three read the third day 15阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质ThewritergivestheexampleofKarlMaxtoshowLondon_.A.haslotsoffamousplaceB.haslotsoffamouspeopleC.

9、attractsmanypeoplefromdifferentculturesD.iswellworthvisiting16阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Discussion : Group 1 Which word can describe The Tower of London from paragraph 1 ?InferGroup 2Howdoespingyufeelaboutvisitingthelongitudeline?AttitudeGroup 3ThewritergivestheexampleofKarlMaxtoshowLondon_.purpose17阅读理解推理判

10、断专项训练省级公开优质推推断断题题18阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质段段落落推推断断题题19阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质 1.问题形式问题形式:Itcanbeinferredfromthetextthat.Fromthetextweknowthatismostlikely.Whenthewritertalksabout,whatthewriterreallymeansis.Thewritersuggeststhat.Thestoryimplies/indicatesthat.Wecaninfer/concludefromthepassagethat.这类题干中通常含有这类题干中通

11、常含有infer, suggest, imply, conclude indicate(暗示暗示)等标志性词语。等标志性词语。20阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质1.Did you ever hear a strange sound coming from the wall? Did it sound like a clock? If so, it may have been made by a beetle. Long ago people thought the ticking meant that someone was about to die. Thus the beetle i

12、s called the deathwatch beetle. It can be inferred from the text that the sound of this beetle _.A. pleased people. B. surprised people. C. frightened people. D. excited people.21阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质 2.技巧点拨技巧点拨:(1)针对细节推断)针对细节推断查读细节理论依据查读细节理论依据分析评价分析评价推理判断推理判断22阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质2. It is fun to turn ov

13、er a big rock on the beach. Make sure you turn the rock back to the position it was in after you moved it. If you dont turn it back over, all the sea animals under it or clinging to(依附)(依附)the underside will die. The passage implies that rocks _.A. hurt sea animals B. protect sea animalsC. wont be f

14、ound on beaches D. cant be found on beaches23阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the apartment, it was _. A. very clean B. just cleaned by the landlord C. tidy and comfortable D. dirty and full of insects One day a man walked a pet shop and said to the shopassistan

15、t,“I need two small mice and about five dozenroaches(蟑螂)(蟑螂) and two spiders(蜘蛛)(蜘蛛).”“What do youneed these things for?” the shop assistant was verysurprised.“Well,”replied the man,“Im moving out ofmy apartment and the landlord insists that I should leavethe house in exactly the same condition as I

16、 found it.”24阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质 5. What can we know from the last paragraph? A. Mary feels pity for herself. B. Mary has recovered from her disease. C. Mary wants to help others as much as possible. DMary determines to go back to the dance floor.Although her disease has affected her eyesight and for

17、cedher to the sidelines of the dance floor,she refuses to fallinto selfpity.“Everybody on earth can ask,whyme?about something or other,”she insists.“It doesntdo any good.No one is immune (免疫的免疫的) to heartachepain,and disappointments.Sometimes we can makethings better by helping others.Ive come to re

18、alize theimportance of that as Ive grown up this second time.Iwant to speak out and be as helpful as I can be.”高考链接-425阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质 2.技巧点拨技巧点拨:(1)针对细节推断)针对细节推断 (2) 针对主题思想针对主题思想查读细节理论依据查读细节理论依据分析评价分析评价推理判断推理判断以主题为核心以主题为核心分析逻辑关系分析逻辑关系借助常识借助常识26阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质What can we infer from the last se

19、ntence of the text ?A. Happiness comes from peaceful life in the countryB.Health is more important than moneyC.The harmony between man and nature is important D. Good old days will never be forgottenThen the people realized what was happening. It was thefrog. They hadnt been useless.They had been do

20、ing animportant jobeating insects. Now with so many frogskilled, the insects were increasing more rapidly. They weredamaging the crops and spreading diseases. Now, the peaple are still poor.But in the evenings they sitin the village square and listen to sounds of insects andfrogs.These sounds of the

21、 night now have a much deepermeaning . 高考链接-辽宁卷5topic sentence27阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质1. 问题形式问题形式:Thewritersattitudetowardis_.Thewriterthoughtthat_.Accordingtotheauthor_.2.技巧点拨技巧点拨注意作者表达感情色彩的形容词、副词、形容词、副词、动词及所举的例子动词及所举的例子,推断出作者的弦外之音。28阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质attitude/feeling29阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质说明文中作者的态度:objec

22、tiveneutral在议论文中,有:(1)positive(2)negative(3)neutral(4)approval(5)disapproval(6)indifferent(7)ironic(8)critical(9)optimistic(10)pessimistic(11)cautious(12)admiring客观的客观的消极的消极的漠不关心的漠不关心的赞成的赞成的不赞成的不赞成的乐观的乐观的悲观的悲观的中立的中立的积极的积极的讽刺的讽刺的批评的批评的中立的中立的谨慎的谨慎的崇拜的崇拜的30阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质What is the authors attitude

23、 towards the moderntechnology? A. Critical B. Objective. C. Optimistic. D. Negative.There was a time when some peoples lives were devotedsimply to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle.No multitasking there; their lives went on at a muchgentler pace, and in a familiar pattern. There is m

24、uch thatwe might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before wedo so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faced;they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger,and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modernmachinery has freed people from that primitive existence. 高考链接-201

25、0江西卷631阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质1. Question forms:(1) 考查整篇文章的写作目的考查整篇文章的写作目的A. The writers purpose of writing this passage is to _.B. What is the purpose of writing this article?C. In writing the passage, the author intends to _.(2) 考查某处细节的写作意图考查某处细节的写作意图A. The writer uses the example ofto show that _.B. T

26、he writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _.C. are mentioned in the first paragraph to _. 32阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质To introduce sthTo sell a product or serviceTo arract readers attentionTo attract readers to pay fora trip to some attractionpurposeTo call onTo resist sthTo amuse

27、readersTo argue against and support ones own idea33阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _. A. test the readers knowledge about waves B. draw the readers attention to the topic C. show Jamie Taylors importance D. invite the readers to answer them“Have

28、 you ever been out on a boat and felt it liftedup by a wave? Or have you jumped in the waterand felt the rush of energy as waves came overyou?” asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave EnergyGroup at the University of Edinburgh. “There iscertainly a lot of energy in waves,” he said. 高考链接-湖南卷734阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公

29、开优质 The Cost of Higher EducationMany people believe that higher education should be freebecause it is good for the economy (经济经济). Many graduatesclearly do contribute to national wealth, but so do all thebusinesses that invest (投资投资)and create jobs. If you believethat the government should pay for h

30、igher educationbecause graduates are economically productive, youshould also believe that the government should pay part ofbusiness costs. Anyone promising to create jobs shouldreceive a gift of capital from the government to invest. Therefore, it is the individual, not the government, whoshould pay

31、 for their university education. 高考链接-北京卷The author mentions businesses in Paragraph 5 in order to _. Aargue against free university education Bcall on them to finance students studies Cencourage graduates to go into business Dshow their contribution to higher education835阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质36阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质HomeworkPractisesomereadingmaterials37阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质Thank you for attending!38阅读理解推理判断专项训练省级公开优质



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