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1、英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练.单项填空()1. Tomorrow is _. The students want to buy some flowers for their teachers. ATeacher Day BTeachers Day CTeachers Day Dthe Teachers DayC能力提升训练英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )2. I think Cindy is certainly the No. 1 in the English speech contest. _. Her spoken

2、 English is not as good as Tinas. AI agree BSo she is CI dont mind DI dont think so( )3. Beijing, the capital of China, is one of _ cities in the world. Athe biggest Bbigger Cmuch bigger Dbig( )4. John is my _ friend of all the classmates. Agood Bbetter Cbest Dthe bestACD英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练

3、( )5. Ben is a foreign teacher. So far, he _ in Shiyan for five years. Awas teaching Bhas taught Cwill teach Dtaught( )6. May I borrow your dictionary, Sandy? _. But you have to return it this afternoon. ANo problem BIm sorry CI hope not DIm not sureAB英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )7. I saw Li Ming

4、_ near the river on my way home. Aplays Bplaying Cto play Dplayed( )8. Do you know that there are many different _ animals in the zoo? Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _ scaring. Akinds of; kind of Bkinds of; kinds of Ckind of; kinds of Dkind of; kind ofAB英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练

5、. 完形填空 What do you think _1_ the clothes store in our city?We did a survey _2_ our students.All of the students _3_ Xinshi Clothes Store.The things there arent _4_ and they arent _5_.It _6_ the best things,and it doesnt have _7_.It has the _8_ service.The clothes arent the most fashionable,but they

6、are more fashionable_9_the clothes at the other three stores, and they are very beautiful.I want to buy the clothes at Xinshi Clothes Store, _10_.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )1. A. of Bto Cin Dat( )2. A. to Babout Cof Dat( )3. A. like Blikes Cliking Dto like( )4. A. cheapest Bthe cheapest Cthe mos

7、t cheap Dthe cheappest( )5. A. the expensivest Bthe most expensivest Cmost expensive Dthe most expensiveABACD英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )6. A. not have Bdoesnt have Cdoesnt has Ddont have( )7. A. the badest Bworst Cthe worst Dbadest( )8. A. friend Bfriendest Cmost friendly Dfriendliest( )9. A. th

8、an Bof Cin Dto( )10. A. also Btoo Ceither DtoBADCB英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练. 阅读理解A boy had a place at the best school in town. In the morning, Grandfather took his grandson to the school. When the boy and his grandfather went into the playground the children came up.“What a funny old man,” one bo

9、y said, making a face.“Hey, fatty (胖子),” another one shouted. The children jeered at the two and jumped up and down. 英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练Without saying a word, the old man took his grandson out of that school gate.“Wonderful, I dont have to go to school!” the boy said. “You do, but not this

10、one,” his grandfather replied. “Ill find you a school myself.” Grandfather took his grandson back to his own house, asked Grandmother to look after him, and then off to look for a school himself. 英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练Every time he got to a school, the old man went into a playground, and waite

11、d for the children to come out at break time. In some schools the children completely ignored (不理会) the old man.And in others, they made fun of him. When this happened, he would turn sadly and go home. Finally, he went into the very small playground of a very small school, and stood tiredly against

12、the wall. The bell rang, and the children got out into the playground. 英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练“Sir, are you all right? Shall I bring you something to drink?” a voice said.“Weve got a bench in the playgroundcome and sit down,” came another voice. Soon a young teacher came out into the playground

13、. The old man greeted him and said, “Finally, Ive found my grandson the best school in town.”英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练()1. The underlined phrase “jeered at” probably means “_”. Alistened toBlaughed at Ccheered up Dfought against()2. The grandson felt _ when his grandfather took him out of the sch

14、ool gate. Aworried Bhappy Cbored DproudBB英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练()3. When the old man stood on the very small school playground, the children _. Ashouted at him Bmade fun of him Cwere polite to him Dignored him()4. We can see the old man judges (判断) a school by its _. Astudents Bteachers Cbuild

15、ings DplaygroundCA英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练. 词汇(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1I felt very c_when I sat comfortably in that chair. 2Please come in and take a s_.3The post office is c_ to the bookshop.Lets walk there.4I want a train t_ to Shanghai.5That hotel is famous for its good s_.omfortableicketloseeaterv

16、ice英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练(B)用所给词的适当形式填空。6The Yellow River is the second _(long) river in China.7My mother is the _(busy) of my family members.8Its up to you _(decide) what to do next.9Thank you for _ (give) me so big an apple.10I am very _ (interest) in the talent show.longestgivingto decidebu

17、siestinterested英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话A: 1. _B: I want to buy a pair of shoes. 2. _A: I think Jiapeng Shoe Store has the best quality shoes.B: 3. _A: Yes,the shoes there are the most comfortable.B: I dont have much money. 4. _A: It has the cheapest shoes in our town.B: 5. _A: Y

18、es. Its not far from our home.It only takes about five minutes by bus. CE BAD英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练A.A. Which shop has the best quality sports shoes?Which shop has the best quality sports shoes?B BDoes it have the most comfortable shoes?Does it have the most comfortable shoes?C CWhat do you wa

19、nt to do on Saturday?What do you want to do on Saturday?D DIs it close to our home?Is it close to our home?E EI want to buy cheap shoes.I want to buy cheap shoes.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子1上海是中国最大的城市之一。 Shanghai is one of _ _ _in China.2这件事应该由学生来决定。 The thing _ _ _the students _ _.3分

20、数在考试中占据着重要作用。 Grades _ _ _ _ _the exam.4实际上,汤姆是一个诚实的孩子。_ _, Tom is an honest boy.5你觉得那部电影怎么样? _ do you _ _ the film?Whatis up tothe biggest citiesto decideplay an important role in In factthink of/about英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练. 任务型阅读 Which is the biggest country in the world?Well,look at the map

21、 and youll know it is Russia.Then the following are Canada, China, the USA and Brazil.Among them, China has the largest number of people, with the population reaching about 1.3 billion.Canada has the longest coastline.The total length of the coastline is about 202,080 kilometers.It is long enough to

22、 go around the earth five times. 英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练Which is the largest island in the world,do you know?Is it Hawaii?No, it is much smaller than the largest island in the worldGreenland.Greenland is to the northeast of Canada.8l% of its land is covered with ice.It is very cold there. So th

23、ere are only about 56,000 people living on the island.根据短文内容回答问题。1Whats the largest country of the world? _2Which country has the largest population? _Russia.China.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练3Whats the total length of Canadas coastline?_4Whats the largest island in the world?_5Whats the population

24、of Greenland?_About 202,080 kilometers.Greenland.About 56,000.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练. 书面表达假如你是李明,你们班来自美国的交换生Danny给你写了封电子邮件,向你询问你们学校附近的餐馆情况。请你根据下面表格中的信息,给他写一封回信向他介绍一下。要求:1.语言通顺、流畅,可以适当发挥; 26070词。邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练NameNameCommentCommentShandong Shandong RestaurantRe

25、staurantthe best food, but a the best food, but a little expensivelittle expensiveChinese Noodle Chinese Noodle RestaurantRestaurantthe cheapest, but the the cheapest, but the worst serviceworst serviceFood CubeFood Cubethe friendliest service, the friendliest service, cheap and nicecheap and niceDe

26、ar Danny, Dear Danny, I am writing to tell you about the restaurants I am writing to tell you about the restaurants near our school.near our school._ _ YoursYours, LiLi MingMing英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 能力提升训练能力提升训练One possible versionOne possible version:Dear DannyDear Danny,I am writing to tell you about th

27、e restaurants I am writing to tell you about the restaurants near our school. There are three restaurants near our near our school. There are three restaurants near our school. Shandong Restaurant has the best food, but it school. Shandong Restaurant has the best food, but it is a little expensive.

28、The Chinese Noodle Restaurant is a little expensive. The Chinese Noodle Restaurant is the cheapest, but it has the worst service. Food is the cheapest, but it has the worst service. Food Cube has the friendliest service. It is cheap and the Cube has the friendliest service. It is cheap and the food

29、is very nice there. I think it is the best of food is very nice there. I think it is the best of the three restaurants. Our classmates all like to eat the three restaurants. Our classmates all like to eat there.there. YoursYours, Li MingLi Ming英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( ( )1.)1. My _ skirt is o

30、n the chair. My _ skirt is on the chair. A AsisterssistersB Bsistersister C Csisters sisters D Dsisterssisters( ( )2. Shanghai is larger than _ in China.)2. Shanghai is larger than _ in China. A. any cityA. any city B. all the citiesB. all the cities C. any other cityC. any other city D. all citiesD

31、. all cities( ( )3.)3. Do you know the girl _ is talking to Do you know the girl _ is talking to the headmaster over there?the headmaster over there? Of course. She is my sister.Of course. She is my sister. A Awho who B Bwhomwhom C Cwhich which D DwhatwhatDAC易错点针对训练英语新课标(RJ)Unit 4 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( (

32、)4. I think English is _ language in the )4. I think English is _ language in the world.world. A. more importantA. more important B. the more importantB. the more important C. the most importantC. the most important D. most important D. most important ( ( )5.)5. What a nice watch it is! What a nice watch it is! Yes. Its _ one of all.Yes. Its _ one of all. A Aexpensiveexpensive B Bmore expensivemore expensive C Cthe most expensivethe most expensive D Dmuch more expensivemuch more expensiveCC



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