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1、B2U2P1-VocabularyB2U2P1-Vocabulary Step1 Leading-in (7mins)Read and try to memorizethe important words.It takes sb. to do sth.sb spend time/ money in doing sth./ on sth.sth. cost sb. moneysb. pay money for sth.1)It _ them three years to build this road.2)Repairing this car _ him the whole afternoon.

2、3)Ive _ a high price for it.4)Did your plan _ off?tooktookpaidpay成功成功5)The suit _ me over $600.6)He saved the baby at the _of his life.7)He _ a lot of money entertaining friends.8)The wound _ a long time to heal.spenttookcostcost以以为代价为代价2 or rather 更确切地说 other than 除了之外 prefer doing .to doing prefer

3、 to do rather than do would rather do sth. than do sth. =would do sth. rather than do sth. would rather (not) do sth. 宁愿 would rather sb. did /had done(rather than/other than/or rather) I met him very late on Friday night,_ , early on Saturday morning. Does anybody_ yourself know this? I decided to

4、send an e-mail _telephone. or ratherother thanrather than我宁愿他明天来。我宁愿他昨天来。I would rather he cametomorrow.I would rather he had comeyesterday.3.1)Who will you have type the letter? 2) 你让谁打这封信? I will have Tom type the letter. (have sb. do sth.)2) I was so angry that I had the naughty boy standing ther

5、e. .一直站在那儿。 (have sb. doing sth.)3) I had my new room decorated with beautiful paintings. ( have sth. done)4) Everybody has a place to go, people to meet and appointmets to keep. 每个人都有个地方要去,有人要见,有约定要遵守。 (have.to do 有有.要做要做)I _ my computer _ last week. (repair)The computer I had _ (repair) went wrong

6、 again.hadrepairedhad repaired1)Who would you rather have _( write) this report?2)2)She had her money _. (steal)3)I have the car_ for twenty minutes. (wait)writestolenwaiting4)We cant have that sort of thing _. ( happen)5)I have a lot of things_.(do) 6)Ill go to the post office; Do you have any lett

7、ers_.(mailhappeningto do to be mailed4. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. doubt n./vt.怀疑,疑问怀疑,疑问There is no doubt that 毫无疑问have no doubt that对于没有疑问dont doubt that 确信/不怀疑5. There is no point (in) doing sth

8、. There is no need to do sth There is a/no possibility that There is a chance that There is no hurry to do sth. It is no use/no good doing sth. 1)There is little doubt _ he will come to help us .2)_is no need to worry at all3)_is no point in going on.4)_is a possibility that the train may be late.th

9、atThereThereThere是没有意义的是没有意义的5)_is no use going further.6)_is useless arguing with him; he is very stubborn.7)_ is no wonder you cant sleep when you eat so much.8)_is a pity that he didnt finish college.ItItItIt很遗憾很遗憾9)_is possible/ probable/likely that the train may be late.It是可能的是可能的competevolunte

10、eradmithostreplace chargefinevi.比赛;竞争比赛;竞争 n.志愿者志愿者adj.志愿的志愿的v.自愿自愿vt.&vi.容许;承认;接纳容许;承认;接纳vt.做东;主办;招待做东;主办;招待n.主人主人vt. 取代;替换;代替取代;替换;代替vt.罚款罚款vt.&vi.收费;控诉收费;控诉n.费用;主管费用;主管 book2 unit 2advertisebargaindeserveancientmagicalregularswiftphysicalvt.&vi.做广告;登广告做广告;登广告vi.讨价还价;讲条件讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货便宜货vt.&vi.应受;值

11、得应受;值得adj.古老的;古代的古老的;古代的adj.魔术的;有魔力的魔术的;有魔力的adj.规则的;定期的规则的;定期的adj.快的;迅速的快的;迅速的adj.物理的;身体的物理的;身体的hopelessfoolishnowadaysbasisresponsibilitypaintake part instand foradj.没有希望的;绝望的没有希望的;绝望的adj.愚蠢的;傻的愚蠢的;傻的adv.现今;现在现今;现在n.基础;根据基础;根据n.责任;职责责任;职责n.疼痛;痛苦疼痛;痛苦参加;参与参加;参与代表;象征;表示代表;象征;表示as well in charge one a

12、fter another也;又;还也;又;还主管;看管主管;看管陆续地;一个接一个地陆续地;一个接一个地1. _vi.比赛;竞争比赛;竞争 _ n.竞争竞争 _ n.竞争者竞争者 _adj.竞争的竞争的2. _adj.魔术的魔术的_adv.魔法似地魔法似地_n.魔法;魔术魔法;魔术_n.魔术师魔术师 3. _ adj.规则的;定期的规则的;定期的 _ adv.定期地定期地 _ adj.无规则的;不定期的无规则的;不定期的competecompetitioncompetitorcompetitivemagicalmagicallymagicregularregularlyirregularmag

13、ician 4. _n.基础;根据基础;根据_(复数复数) _vt.以以为基础为基础_adj.基础的基础的5. _n.运动员运动员 _adj. 竞赛的;体育的;像运动员的竞赛的;体育的;像运动员的6. _n.奴隶奴隶 _n.奴隶制度奴隶制度basisbasesbasebasicathleteathleticslaveslavery7. _n.责任;职责责任;职责 _ adj.有责任的有责任的8. _ vt.&vi.做广告做广告/登广告登广告_ n.广告;宣传广告;宣传(ad)9. _adj.没有希望的没有希望的 _ adv.失望地失望地 _ n.&vt.希望希望_adj.充满希望的充满希望的_

14、 adv.有希望地有希望地responsibilityresponsibleadvertiseadvertisementhopelesshopelesslyhopehopefulhopefully10._adj.愚蠢的;傻的愚蠢的;傻的 _adv.愚蠢地愚蠢地_n.傻瓜;呆子傻瓜;呆子_vt.愚弄;欺骗愚弄;欺骗11._ n.疼痛;痛苦疼痛;痛苦 _ adj.疼痛的;痛苦的疼痛的;痛苦的 _ adv.疼痛地;痛苦地疼痛地;痛苦地12._ n.希腊希腊 _ adj.&n. 希腊人(的);希腊语(的)希腊人(的);希腊语(的)foolishfoolishlyfoolfoolpainpainfulp

15、ainfullyGreeceGreek13._ vt.做东;主办做东;主办 _ n.主人主人 _ n.女主人女主人hostesshosthostStep2 Thinking (15mins)1. Read and complete the language points by yourself.2. Try your best to memorize the usage of key sentence patterns .Step3 Discussing(6mins)1.Check the reciting work in pairs.2. Discuss the language point

16、s that you cant understand. Step4. Presenting( 5mins) 1.Write the answers on the black- board as quickly and beautifully as you can. 2.Recite the text. (loudly, clearly and quickly) Step5 Analyzing (10mins)1.Evaluate the performance of each group.2.Explain the key pionts. .词汇短语过关词汇短语过关1. compete vi.

17、 比赛;竞争比赛;竞争 _ n. 竞争竞争 _ n. 参赛者参赛者 _ adj. 竞争的;有竞竞争的;有竞 争性的争性的 compete in 参加比赛参加比赛 compete to do sth. 竞争做某事竞争做某事32competition competitivecompetitorcompete with/against 与与竞争竞争compete for 为为而竞争而竞争attend a competition 参加竞赛参加竞赛33(1)Over 1 000 athletes will _ the race.将有将有1 000多多名运动员名运动员参加参加赛跑。赛跑。(2)The tw

18、o teams _ each other _ the championship. 这两个队这两个队竞争冠军竞争冠军。(3)Several advertising agencies are _ the contract. 几家广几家广告公司在告公司在竞争竞争这份合同。这份合同。34compete incompeted againstforcompeting to get【高考链接高考链接】(2012天津高考天津高考)Like many young athletes,she had Olympic dreams,but a serious illness kept her from competi

19、ng _ the Games像很多的年轻运动员一样,她有着同样像很多的年轻运动员一样,她有着同样的奥运梦想,但是一场严重的疾病阻止的奥运梦想,但是一场严重的疾病阻止了她在奥运会上参加比赛。了她在奥运会上参加比赛。in【巧学助记巧学助记】As the youngest _ , I had to _ the _ 20 other top students for the annual writing award. 1 must _ be the winner作为最年轻的作为最年轻的比赛者比赛者,我必须,我必须参加参加比赛和比赛和另外另外20名顶尖的学生竞争以取得该年度够名顶尖的学生竞争以取得该年度

20、够写作奖;要成为获胜者,我必须写作奖;要成为获胜者,我必须有很强的有很强的竞争力竞争力。competitorcompete in competition againstwithbe very competitive to 2admit vt.&vi. (admitted; admitted) 容许;承认;接纳容许;承认;接纳admitn./doing(having done)/that 承认某事承认某事/(已经已经)做了某事做了某事admit sb./sth. to be 承认承认某人某人/某物某物是是admit sb. to/into. 准许准许某人某人进入进入(或或加入加入)It is a

21、dmitted that. 人们人们公认公认37 (1)You must _ the task _ difficult.你必须你必须承认承认这项任务这项任务是是艰巨的。艰巨的。(2)He _ the bicycle. 他他承认偷了承认偷了自行车。自行车。(3)The ticket will _ three persons _ the concert.这张票可这张票可允许允许三个人三个人参加参加音乐会。音乐会。(4)_ the plan is unreasonable.普遍认为普遍认为这个计划不合理。这个计划不合理。38admitto beadmitted stealing/ having st

22、olen admitto/intoIts admitted that3replace vt. 取代;替换;把取代;替换;把放回原处放回原处replace(take the place of) sb./sth. 取代取代某人某人/某物某物replace sth. with/by sth. 用用换换in place ofin ones place 代替代替(介词短语)介词短语)take ones placetake the place of 代替(动词短语)代替(动词短语)391)_ the book on the shelf. 把书把书放回放回书架上。书架上。(2)I _ the old tyr

23、es _ new ones.我我用用新轮胎替新轮胎替换换了旧轮胎。了旧轮胎。(3)Can anything _ a mothers love and care?有什么东西能有什么东西能代替代替母亲的爱和关吗?母亲的爱和关吗?40Replacereplacedwithreplace4. _ vt. & vi.收费;控诉;充电收费;控诉;充电 n费用;主管费用;主管 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告控告 charge sb. money for (doing) sth. 向某人向某人索价索价多少钱做什么多少钱做什么 charge a battery 给电池给电池充电充

24、电 free of charge 免费免费 41charge (sb.) take charge of sth. 某人某人主管主管/掌管掌管(动词短语)(动词短语) (sb.) be in charge of sth. 某人某人主管主管/掌管掌管(介词短语)(介词短语) sth. be in (under) ones charge be in (under) the charge of sb. 某事某事由某人由某人负责负责/掌管掌管(介词短语)(介词短语)421)How much do you _ mending a pair of shoes?你补一双鞋?你补一双鞋要多少钱要多少钱?(2)W

25、ill you be _ the company when I am away?我不在的?我不在的时候你时候你负责负责公司事务好吗?公司事务好吗?(3)The company is _ Tom when the boss is away. 老板不在的时候老板不在的时候由汤姆负责由汤姆负责公司业务。公司业务。43charge forin charge ofin the charge of(4)My MP3 cant be used now, for it is _.我的我的MP3现在不能用,现在不能用,正在充电正在充电。(5)He _ murder.他被他被指控指控犯谋杀罪。犯谋杀罪。44bei

26、ng chargedwas charged with5_ vi. 议价;讨价还价;谈判议价;讨价还价;谈判 n. 成交的商品;廉价货成交的商品;廉价货 make a bargain with sb. 与某人与某人达成协议达成协议 bargain with sb. about sth. 与某人与某人协商协商某事某事 Its a bargain. 这可是这可是便宜货便宜货。 45bargain (1)These shoes are _ at such a low price. 这些鞋子价格这样低,真是这些鞋子价格这样低,真是便宜货便宜货。(2)He _ his wife,“You do the s

27、hopping and I will cook.” 他和妻子他和妻子达成协议达成协议:“你去买东西,我你去买东西,我 做饭。做饭。”(3)We _ her _ the price. 我们我们跟她议价跟她议价。46 real bargainsmade a bargain withbargained withabout6. _ vi.&vt. 应受应受(报答或惩罚报答或惩罚); 值得值得 _ 应该得到;值得应该得到;值得 _ 值得做某事值得做某事 _= _ 值得被做值得被做 deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑值得考虑/注意注意47deserve to be d

28、onedeserve doingdeserve deserve sth. deserve to do sth. Guilin deserves _. Guilin deserves _. 桂林桂林值得值得一游。一游。48a visitto be visited /visitingdeserve后后跟跟v. -ing的的主主动动形形式式表表示示被被动动意意义义,相相当当于于接接动动词词不不定定式式的的被动形式,即被动形式,即 有同样用法的动词还有:有同样用法的动词还有:need,want,requiredeserve + doing = deserve + to be done提示:提示:(1)

29、deserve 不不用于用于进行时态进行时态。(2) deserved adj. 应得的。如:应得的。如: deserved punishment/reward/praise 应得的应得的惩罚报酬惩罚报酬/赞美。赞美。(3)deserving adj. 有功的,值得的。有功的,值得的。如:如:be deserving of sympathy 值得同情值得同情 49辨析:辨析:1. allow/permit/let/admit(1) allow强调强调“默许默许”。用法:。用法: allow sb. to do/allow doing sth.。(2) permit有时可与有时可与allow通用

30、,不过它通用,不过它的语气更的语气更强强,也,也更正式更正式,可表示,可表示“明文明文规定规定允许或不允许允许或不允许”,其用法为:,其用法为:permit sb. doing/permit sb. to do sth.。50(3) let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语化,而且用法不同,其用法为:化,而且用法不同,其用法为: let sb. do sth.。(4) admit其实只是表示其实只是表示“允许进入,接收允许进入,接收(入学,入会等入学,入会等)”,其用法为:,其用法为:admit sb. to/into.,这里,这里to是介词。除此之外,是介词。除此之

31、外,admit还可以解释为还可以解释为“承认承认”。 51(1) The policeman _ him to park here.(2) We cant stand by and _ such a thing.(3) Women were only _ into the club last year.(4) _ me have a look ,will you?52permittedallowadmittedLet.单词拼写单词拼写1. China h_the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.2. More than 10 000 a_ took part in the

32、 Games.3. Since youre not in good health, its quite necessary for you to pay attention to p_ exercise.4. How can you do such a f_ thing to tell him all?5. He a_ having killed his wife. So he was sentenced to death.53ostedthletes hysicaloolishdmitted6. The _ (古古代代的的) Olympic Games began around 776 BC

33、.7. The Chinese team won the first gold _(奖牌奖牌) in the game.8. Many people served as _ (志志愿者愿者) in the Beijing Olympic Games.9. There are plenty of _ (广广告告), which help to cut the cost of making the newspaper.10. Many _ (体体育育场场) were built for the 2008 Olympic Games.54ancientmedalvolunteersadvertise

34、mentsstadiums .单项选择单项选择1.How can we get to the airport? Its too far and too expensive to take a taxi. Dont worry. There is a _ bus service to the airport. Aregular Bgeneral Cnormal Dusual解析:解析:regular bus定时的班车。定时的班车。general普普遍的,常规的;遍的,常规的;normal正常的;正常的;usual通常通常的。的。55A2. How much did the guy _ you t

35、o fix your 3G mobile phone? (2010安徽皖南八校二联安徽皖南八校二联) I dont remember, but it was quite a lot. Acost Bspend Ccharge Dtake解析:考查动词辨析。解析:考查动词辨析。charge在此作动词用,在此作动词用,是是“索价索价”的意思。的意思。charge sb some money to do sth“为做某事向某人索价为做某事向某人索价”。56C3_more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves wi

36、th a higher education. ATo compete BBeing competed CCompeting DCompeted解析:考查非谓语动词。解析:考查非谓语动词。A项不定式项不定式做状语,表示目的做状语,表示目的“为了为了”。57A4Many people expect that credit cards will eventually _ paper money for almost every purchase. Atrade Bexchange Creplace Dreduce解析:句意为解析:句意为“很多人期望在买卖中很多人期望在买卖中信用卡将最终取代纸币信用卡

37、将最终取代纸币”。58C5After much_, the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 20%. A. debating B. talking C. discussing D. bargaining解析:由后半句解析:由后半句 agreed to cut down the price by 20%可知,空白处应填入可知,空白处应填入 bargaining nU“讨价还价;洽谈成讨价还价;洽谈成交条件交条件”的意思。的意思。59D6He certainly deserves _ to prison. Ato send Bto be sen

38、t Csending Dbeing sent解析:解析:deserve “值得值得”,后接不定,后接不定式式 to do做宾语,且表被动,选做宾语,且表被动,选B。60B7Children under six are not _ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence. Apermitted Badmitted Caccepted Dreceived解析:解析:be admitted to “允许进入允许进入”合题合题意。意。permit表示表示“允许允许”的意思,但无的意思,但无此搭配。此搭配。accept 接受;接受;rec

39、eive 收到。收到。61BStep 6 Checking(3mins)621. competition;competitors; competitive;2. magically;magician3. volunteers 4. admitted;admission5. responsible ;responsibility63改错改错 1. 【解析】第二句的askingasked。ask和主句的主语I之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词。2. 【解析】第三句的BesidesHowever。此处表示转折关系。3. 【解析】第四句的why去掉。因为后面有because, 故不能用why。4. 【解析

40、】第四句的beautifulbeautifully。修饰动词write用副词。5. 【解析】第五句的SoSuch。修饰名词stories用such。6. 【解析】第五句在find后加them。代指前面的stories, 作find的宾语。7. 【解析】第六句的workworks。此处works表示“作品”, 相当于前面提到的stories, 且谓语动词是复数形式。8. 【解析】第七句的recentlyrecent。修饰名词years用形容词形式。9. 【解析】第八句的InOn。具体到某一天的上、下午用on。10. 【解析】第八句的becomesbecame。从时间状语April 4可知用一般过去时。结束结束



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