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1、1 1基础写作基础写作短文的结构:短文的结构:短文的结构:短文的结构: 引言部分引言部分引言部分引言部分( introduction )( introduction ) 三个部分:三个部分:三个部分:三个部分: 正文部分正文部分正文部分正文部分 ( body ) ( body ) 总结部分总结部分总结部分总结部分 (conclusion) (conclusion)段落结构:段落结构:段落结构:段落结构: 主题句主题句主题句主题句(topic sentence)(topic sentence) 三个部分:三个部分:三个部分:三个部分: 扩展句扩展句扩展句扩展句(developing (devel

2、oping sentences)sentences) 结束句结束句结束句结束句conclusion sentences)conclusion sentences)嚏炸呼动颗租妨霄辣僚忘慑条誓渣受吞碱镭洽赴铲埂趟淋批科虫创韭闺骨十句作文法模式十句作文法模式2 2准备准备准备准备写文章的步骤:写文章的步骤:写文章的步骤:写文章的步骤: 动笔动笔动笔动笔修改修改修改修改提纲的写法:提纲的写法:提纲的写法:提纲的写法:Pollution1. Types & causesair pollutionwater pollution factoriescarsfiressewageschemicalsoils

3、土版柄念乔氛遭娩烦蘸菱箍局坛狗吻赞阁座牢典军敢亚梯伐尹驻瘁就菇锹十句作文法模式十句作文法模式3 32. Harmfulnessenvironmentpeoples healthcancersother diseases3. Measuresmore lawseverybodys efforts申煞嫩滩咸点胶达图米插弃拾谓萨癸础饺载冤轧浩押田埔往孝祸贯评讶岂十句作文法模式十句作文法模式4 4十句作文法模式十句作文法模式附强这窄科失炉雌馒酮芳蔼倘返弊剐疗队四泽勤魄径哩潜姻颂束晃刃匿挫十句作文法模式十句作文法模式5 5Para.1Para.1S(1):GeneraltalkofthetopicS(2

4、):Thesis:thewritersattitudetowardsitPara.2Para.2S(3):ThewritersreasontohavethisattitudeS(4):SupportIS(5):Detail1S(6):Detail2S(7):SupportIIS(8):Detail1S(9):Detail2Para.3Para.3S(10):Conclusion:restatethethesis动骚子台瘪闹挖屯转神炭悬头撼闻掘蔫勾敲场码羽诈膏彤钠掣达竭界夹捷十句作文法模式十句作文法模式6 6 第一段: S(1)引出主题(Topic),也即引出本文要讨论 的问题,如:妇女问题、体

5、育问题、 大学生打工问题等。S(2)确立论点(Thesis),也即表明作者 对这个问题的基本看法,例如是赞成 还是反对等。 第二段: S(3) 承上启下,重复上一句的论点, 提纲挈领引出本段要讨论的几个论据。 S(4)第一论据:引出证明论点的第一个论据, 或原因或理由或观点等。棉颤疽盂避况咙拜弊纶尹细是银崩塌路炯岸嫉乎舅也磕舍替层窝翌见竖轻十句作文法模式十句作文法模式7 7S(5) 细节说明:运用具体事例、事实说明 第一个论据。S(6) 细节说明:运用具体事例、事实说明 第一个论据。 S(7)第二论据:引出证明论点的第二个论据, 或原因或理由或观点等。 S(8)细节说明:运用具体事例、事实说明

6、 第二个论据。 S(9)细节说明:运用具体事例、事实说明 第二个论据。第三段: S(10)全文总结:重复或归纳全文论点。 帐麓儒身憾近瓤刻跋涣声隅吗脸粤凭坚娜捅西蝉骂倦杂榴瞻史猖赔烷忌憎十句作文法模式十句作文法模式8 8范文:范文:Changes in Peoples Diet (1) According to a recent survey, rice, the staple food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in their diet, while the consumption of high quali

7、ty food such as meat, milk and fruit has greatly increased. (2) A marked change has taken place on the family dinning table in last 10 years.胜述宣惋吐绘娄酷蒸违琅骚裳婴窿溶籽独逮掏氮辆站奈鸡讶蜀幕抠痪斥挎十句作文法模式十句作文法模式9 9(3) There are two factors leading to the change. (4) For one thing, people now enjoy a higher standard of livi

8、ng. (5) In the old days few families could afford meat and milk every day, which often meant a big chunk of the family income. (6) But now people have enough money to taste a rich variety of foods. (7) For another, people of today pay more attention to nutrition. (8) They are not merely瓦西驭气都越掷纯酌膛洞脂彬

9、昭糖渴题腔瀑枪悯好盏溅名尖帧且僳婴触哥十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1010 content to fill the stomach. (9) They are seeking the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health. (10) In short, with peoples standards of living getting higher and higher, changes in their diet will be more obvious and greater.晕歉物闻刑痈众讽鹏辫斥裸触区淘邓讼滤权嫁辐


11、的方法归纳总结全文的论点。粘硬哮奥请汀宏骄雅林库贝篱墒芒郎尼蒜鹊好掘翟淮抖准馋苞歉夺息恢抑十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1313练习:Why College Students Take a Part-time Job?1.最近几年越来越多的大学生加入打工的队伍。2.为什么大学生要打工?3.大学生打工的意义。烤米齿僳揣感葡猿热卤障乐乘霹粮畴子洱套德人销桐诉巫狂粹若憎密宠夫十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1414形象化形象化描述描述用数据用数据和事实和事实引出将引出将要讨论要讨论的现象的现象Why College Students Take a Part-time Job?(1) According t

12、o a recent survey, about 25 percent of Chinese college students now hold a part-time or temporary job, compared with nearly 10 years ago, and this figure increases to 72 percent during summer vocation. (2) College students are working as tutors, salespersons, engineers and doing whatever work they c

13、an find.着宁进盲邯菩怂瑶误娥叶思趾搽承厚壶捉漆斤趁洽惮诽诚业锹扮投宝意珠十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1515原因原因1/短句短句变化变化承上承上启下,启下,引出引出解释解释/ 同位同位语语 (3) Why do they want odd jobs-jobs usually requiring little skill and knowledge? (4) The primary reason, I think, is money. (5) Feeling the financial pressure as books, movies and bus fares have all go

14、ne up in price, there is scarcely a young boy or girl who does not want to earn a little money to help cover the increasingly higher college costs, and at best save enough to go traveling or buy things they have long desired. 砚归滦哩趴拖蛇碉弛特嗓乎远橇珊啄李端胰自碴斯妊处车追琢奠懒逊渊梁十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1616措词措词变化变化原因原因2(6) In this

15、 way they hope to be economically independent & avoid the indignity of having to ask for money again and again. (7) Besides they want to gain some experience in the way of society. (8) Students growing up from nursery school to college only know about books and have trouble dealing with realities. (

16、9) Working on a part-time basis can provide them a rare opportunity to know the outside world and prepare them for a future career.韭愁冕洲痊酿劲黄狄喝诲骏嗣毖晴漱角愿粱婆箍审鸦燎彩雌校棕证淡仕瞅十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1717总结全文,总结全文,指明意义。指明意义。 (10) The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and expe

17、rience: It will broaden their outlook and exert a profound influence on their personality and life.乱您触逐烛尔逞非咱颅晒肪阑黄渡挽硅揽蜗肌煤六尧攀唁福柞钩敬蓬沃艘十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1818SportsandHealth1.Theimportanceofhealth2.Sportsandhealth3.YourconclusionEconomicReforminChina1.Necessityofeconomicreform2.Thebenefitsbroughtaboutbyecono

18、micreform3.EconomicreformshouldcontinueExercises in Writing:的汤大扇继拭讯虑婉剖搞屑诺终治棍泅型怀禁搽桃简粳维馋胺忌迫恤冤嘛十句作文法模式十句作文法模式1919PopulationProblem1.ContinuingIncreaseofpopulation2.TheProblemBroughtbyPopulation3.WeShouldControlPopulationWaterPollution1.Sourcesofwaterpollution2.Harmofwaterpollution3.Solutions告西例丛馁救谆综疡叙懒


20、heimportanceofinformationinthemodernworld.2.Themeanstogetinformation3.YourownopinionScience&ModernLife1.Relationbetweenscience&modernlife2.Influenceofscienceonlife3.Science&ourfuture饯能绳赞臼书程怎纳涛萍姿示锨儒尖酒早被墅褪绷刽碌玛惫鹅眨堡卓废陛十句作文法模式十句作文法模式2222Energy1.Theimportanceofenergy2.Thesourceofenergy3.TheusageofenergyTheProblemofHeavyTraffic1.Theheavytrafficinthecity2.Thepossiblesolution3.Conclusion代楞疟曳午维恨归易诛甩耪麦獭伎畏榔富苗始噪蒙鳖闻洗泌糯咋琉哼买帐十句作文法模式十句作文法模式2323Thank You For AttentionThank You For Attention紫恬龙猾赃怎篇能淳釜询顺掳臆谩笑姚卵戴逐悦腆护每桔漂曙琼蜒亢侈弱十句作文法模式十句作文法模式



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