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1、SimplePresentTense现在进行时Howdowemakesimplepresenttense(构成)nsubject+auxiliaryverb+mainverb主语+情态动词+主动词ndobasenForpositivesentences,we do not normally use the auxiliary.nForthe3rdpersonsingular(he,she,it),weaddstothemainverborestotheauxiliary.(does)nIftheverbendsin-ss, -sh, -ch, -xor-o,add-estothebasefor

2、m:kiss-kisses,finish-finishes,watch-watches,mix-mixes,gogoesIftheverbendsinconsonant+ychangeytoiandadd-es:study-studies,copy-copies,try-tries,carry-carriesnFortheverbto be,wedonotuseanauxiliary,evenforquestionsandnegatives.(seetable2)nAuxiliaryverbsdo,have,whichcanalsobeusedasmainverbs, nto do to ha

3、veI/you/we/they do I/you/we/they havehe/she/it does he/she/it hasSubject Auxiliary verb Main verb +I,you,we,theyplayfootball.He,she,itplaysfootball.-I,you,we,theydonotplayfootball.He,she,itdoesnotplayfootball. ? DoI,you,we,theyplayfootball?Doeshe,she,itplayfootball?Look at these examples with the ma

4、in verb like: Look at these examples with the main verb be. Notice that there is no auxiliary: SubjectMain verb+IamChinese.You,we,theyareChinese.He, she, itisChinese.-IamnotChinese.You,we,theyarenotChinese.He, she, itisnotChinese.?AmIlate?Areyou,we,theylate?Ishe,she,itlate?Whendoweusesimplepresentte

5、nse(何时使用)nFacts, generalizations and universal truths (事实,结论,普遍真理)nHabits and routines (习惯和日常活动)nPermanent situations (不变的情况)nEvents that are certain to happen (一定要发生的事件)nArrangements that we cant change (e.g. timetables, official meetings) (不能改变的安排)nState verbs (e.g. be, have, suppose, know) (静态动词)

6、nNarrations, instructions or commentaries (叙述,说明或评论解说) Use 1: Facts, Generalizations and Univeral TruthsnWe use the Present Simple to talk about universal truths (for example, laws of nature) or things we believe are, or are not, true. Its also used to generalize about something or somebody. nWater

7、boils at 100 degrees Celcius. Universal Truth nIt is a big house. Fact nThe Earth goes around the Sun. Universal Truth, Fact nDogs are better than cats. Generalization nThe Elephant doesnt fly. Fact nLondon is the capital city of France. Fact (Remember: the sentence does not have to be true) Use 2:

8、Habits and RoutinesnWe also use this tense to describe actions that happen frequently. For example: habits, routines. nWe leave for work at 7:30 AM every morning. Routine nMy husband watches the TV in the evening. Habit, Routine nSusan often meets with her friends after school. Habit, Routine nThey

9、usually play football on Sunday. Habit, Routine Adverbs of Frequency The Present Simple is oftenused with the frequency adverbs: nalways nfrequently/often nusually nseldom/rarely nnowadays nnever nevery week/year nsometimes/occasionally nfrom time to time nevery now and then A few examples how to us

10、e them in sentences: nI always go to church on Sundays. nI never eat anything after 10 PM. Use 3: Pernament SituationsnUse the Present Simple to talk about situations in life that last a relatively long time. nI live in Boston nHe works as a fireman. nMargaret drives a Volkswagen. nJerry doesnt teac

11、h maths at highschool. Use 4: Events Certain to HappennUse the Present Simple when an event is certain to happen in the future. nMy grandmother turns 100 this July. nWinter starts on December 21. Use 5: Future ArrangementsnUse the Present Simple to talk about events that we cant change (for example,

12、 an official meeting or a train departure). nThe meeting starts at 4 PM. nThe train leaves at the noon. nWhen does the plane take off? nJerry doesnt teach maths at high school. Use 6: Narrations, Instructions or commentariesThe Present Simple is also used in narrations (e.g. to tell astory or a joke), instructions (e.g. cooking) or commentaries(especially sport commentaries). nA man goes to visit a friend and is amazed to find him playing chess with his dog. He watches the game in astonishment for a while .



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