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1、杭州新东方学校杭州新东方学校 罗琼罗琼大学英语六级考试 写作教程FF123456Fqiong_F15988850987大学英语六级考试写作介绍F分数权重: 15%F字数要求: 150+F时间要求: 30分钟应试写作的三个层次F写得出F写得对F写得炫应试写作难点F写作本身难度大, 是驾驭一门语言的最高境界,属于信息的输出,是逻辑、语法 、词汇 、文化等的综合统一应试写作难点F大脑一片空白 基本无话可说F绿叶对根的情意 F2009.6FOn the Importance of a NameF有人说名字或名称很重要F也有人觉得名字或名称无关紧要F我认为应试写作难点F表达漏洞百出 可读性相当差FIn

2、China, because its tradition, the old is most raised by their children.FIn China, because of its tradition, the old are mostly supported by their children.应试写作难点F中式英语泛滥 考官哭笑不得FPollution makes us cannot breathe fresh air.FPollution makes us unable to breathe fresh air.应试写作难点F口语痕迹明显 好似娓娓道来FI say its a

3、 good thing.FNow Ill tell you a story about myself.FPeople have many things to do.应试写作难点F表达捉襟见肘 词句鲜有亮点F越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难。FMore and more college graduates who have just graduated from university find that finding a good job is more and more difficult.F越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难FA growing numbe

4、r of fresh graduates find that obtaining a decent job is increasingly difficult.F越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难。FA growing number of fresh graduates find that being employed by a decent employer is increasingly difficult.F越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现找到好工作是越来越难。FThe difficulty of being employed by a decent employer is

5、 on the rise, as the number of fresh graduates grows.大学英语六级考试写作评分标准F14分切题,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。F11分切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 F8分 基本切题,有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。F5分 基本切题,表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。F2分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。大学英语六级考试写作要求F谋篇: 观点突出 结构合理F谋段: 论证充分 言之有物F谋句

6、: 正确 多变 关联F谋词: 准确 多变F重要结论: 语言内容形式大学英语六级考试写作题目分类 F观点选择型: 2009.12 / 2009.6 / 2008.6 / 2007.12 / 2007.6F阐述说明型: 2008.12 / 2006.12 / 2006.6 / 2005.6 / 2003.12 F信件类: 2005.12 / 2004.12 / 2004.6课程安排 F总体介绍大学英语六级考试写作F讲解观点选择型写作F讲解阐述说明型写作F讲解信件类写作大学英语六级考试写作的步骤F审题 观点选择型? 阐述说明型?F构思 头脑风暴F行文 三思而落笔F检查 The first draft

7、 of anything is SHIT. - By Hemmingway 观点选择型题目F2008.6FWill E-books Replace Traditional Books?F随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多F有人认为电子图书会取代传统图书,理由是F我的看法 F随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多FWith the development of information technology, there are more and more E-books.FE-books are more and more popular because of the development o

8、f information technology.F随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多FE-books enjoy greater popularity because of the advance of information technology.FE-books prevail in modern society because of the leap of information technology.F随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多FThe leap of information technology leads to the greater popularity / pre

9、valence of E-books.FThe number of E-books is on the rise with the leap of information technology.FNowadays, E-books can be downloaded from Internet, can be found in libraries, and can be bought in book stores.F有人认为电子图书会取代传统图书,理由是FSome people think E-books will replace traditional books, and the reas

10、ons are as follows.FThink claim / suggest / believe / advocate / maintain / argue / supposeThe alternative of “people”FSome people hold that eggs are delicious; other people deny the obvious fact. However, all people have to eat eggs, because no people has other suggestions.FSome hold that eggs are

11、delicious; others deny the obvious fact. However, all have to eat eggs, because none has other suggestions.The alternative of “people”FThe general publicFHuman beingsFSocial membersFIndividuals FCitizens / residents / city dwellers FSpecific words: viewers / readers / users / students F有人认为电子图书会取代传统

12、图书,理由是FThe idea that E-books will replace traditional books is held by some, with the following reasons.FThe subsequent reasons can justify the idea that E-books will replace traditional books.F1 E-books are convenient and efficientF2 E-books are environmentally friendlyF2 Being environmentally frie

13、ndly is another merit of E-books首先其次再次FTo begin with / Firstly / First and foremostFBesides / In addition / MoreoverFThirdly / Furthermore / Last but not leastF1 E-books are convenient and efficient.FFor example, if you type a few key words into search engine of E-books, you can see a great number o

14、f related information in a few seconds.FBy contrast, if you look for some information in traditional books, you have to turn page by page, until you find the information you need.F1 E-books are convenient and efficient.FFor example, after a few key words are typed into search engine of E-books, a gr

15、eat number of related information could be presented in a few seconds.FBy contrast, with traditional books, one has to turn page by page, until the needed information is found.F2. Being environmentally friendly is another merit of E-books.FPaper books consume excessive wood, which is of vital import

16、ance to the environment.FIn comparison, information is stored electronically and digitally in E-books,so wood resource is saved. F我的看法FAs for me FAs far as I am concerned FFrom my view FFrom a personal point of view FTraditional books can be replaced by E-books due to the above mentioned reasons.The

17、 alternative of “I”FI agree to this statement. FThis statement is right in my favor / wins my favor.FI consent to the argument.FThe argument has my consent.FI approve the argument.FMy approval is with the argument. FTraditional books can not be replaced by E-books completely despite the above mentio

18、ned reasons.FE-books are physically detrimental.FLong time exposure before screen will lead to nearsightedness.FBesides, radiation causes skin problem. FAll in all / To conclude / In conclusion / In general / To sum upFE-books and traditional books coexist in daily life.FBoth E-books and traditional

19、 books can be relied on in daily life.FBoth E-books and traditional books are indispensable in daily life.观点选择型题目F2007.12FDigital AgeF如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用,例如F数字化产品的使用对人们的工作、学习、生活产生的影响F如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用,例如FNowadays, digital products are more and more widely used, such as computer, mobile phone, MP4, dig

20、ital camera and digital video.FThe wide application of digital products, such as computer, mobile phone, MP4, digital camera and digital video, has witnessed the advent of digital age.F如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用,例如FThe wide application of digital products, such as computer, mobile phone, MP4, digital camera

21、and digital video, is the symbol of the advent of digital age.FIt is not uncommon that digital products, such as computer, mobile phone, MP4, digital camera and digital video, are widely available in daily life, which is the symbol of the advent of digital age.FOne student may make phone calls and s

22、end messages via mobile phone, use MP4 to watch Gossip Girl, and take photos by digital camera when sightseeing.F数字化产品的使用对人们的工作、学习、生活产生的影响F1 Digital products improve the efficiency of workF2 Digital products provide easily accessible academic resourcesF3 Digital products enrich lifestyleF数字化产品的使用对人们

23、的工作、学习、生活产生的影响F1 Digital products improve the efficiency of workF2 Easily accessible academic resources are availableF3 Lifestyle can be enriched by digital productsF1 Digital products improve the efficiency of work.FMobile phone and E-mail accelerate the delivery of information; Microsoft Office si

24、mplifies the workload of office workers.F2 Easily accessible academic resources are available.FBesides books, multimedia information is widely offered in classroom, such as audio, video, pictures, flash, and interactive games.F3 Lifestyle can be enriched by digital products.FOn-line games, on-line s

25、hopping, music, movies, live games and instant communication are all the ways for recreation.F数字化产品的使用对人们的工作、学习、生活产生的影响F1 Over-dependence on digital products may affect productivityF2 Students attention is distracted away from studyF3 Digital products are physically detrimentalF1 Over-dependence on

26、digital products may affect productivity.FIt is horrible to imagine that all documentation saved in flash disk is lost as a result of virus or misoperation.F2 Students attention is distracted away from study.FGames and movies in digital products are more attractive than boring content in textbooks,

27、so students can not concentrate.F3 Digital products are physically detrimental.FIt is reported that radiation is inevitable when digital products are being used. It will cause skin problem, and even brain damage, to some extent. 观点选择型题目F2009.12FShould parents send their kids to art classes? F现在有不少家长

28、送孩子参加各种艺术班F对这种做法有人表示支持F有人并不赞成F我认为观点选择型题目F2009.6FOn the Importance of a NameF有人说名字或名称很重要F也有人觉得名字或名称无关紧要F我认为F有人说名字或名称很重要FSome believe names are very important.FImportant vital / crucial / essential / indispensable / significant F有人说名字或名称很重要FA controversy on the significance of names has arisen and sto

29、od unsolved for a few years.FOne side of the debate deems that a unique and well-designed name can easily be remembered and widespread, such as the Chinese translation of “Coca Cola” and “TOEFL”. It is these Chinese names that promote foreign brands to be nationwide renowned.F也有人觉得名字或名称无关紧要FHowever,

30、 some others claim names are not important at all.FSome others, however, claim names bear little importance.FSome others, however, claim a name is nothing but a “code” to distinguish one from another.FA gorgeous name may leave a deep impression on others, but it is the products and services of brand

31、s that enable them to excel, and it is ones personality that finally wins friendship and respect in socializing.FIn other words, a name can be changed, but the nature or character can hardly be altered. FMy approval is with the argument that a name itself has nothing to do with ones fate or fortune,

32、 but it may stand for others best regards and wishes. Therefore, the love and hope in a name should be cherished, while its effect should not be exaggerated.观点选择型题目F2007.6FShould One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?F有人做好事期望得到回报F有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报F我的观点F有人做好事期望得到回报FA heated debate has lasted fo

33、r years regarding the expectancy of reward for a good deed. Some claim that one deserves some financial benefits if he has sacrificed some time and energy to help others or the whole community. As time and energy spent can be used to do other deeds, more profitable for himself.F有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报FSo

34、me others, however, believe that one should not anticipate anything if he does a good deed.FWhile the idea that one should anticipate nothing after being helpful is still held by some others.FThere are many examples to support this view.FExamples abound to support this view.FLei Feng was characteriz

35、ed as a selfless and modest person who was devoted to offering helping hands to others.FMother Teresa was remembered for humbly aiding the homeless and the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Though in 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, she did not intend to win such a prize w

36、hen doing her great business.FMy approval is with the argument that one can be mentally satisfied even though no material rewards are available and he is worth respect and honor.阐述说明型题目(原因 结果 对策)FThere are at least reasons for this phenomenon.FWhat may account for this social phenomenon?阐述说明型题目(原因 结

37、果 对策)FMany factors contribute to / lead to / bring about this problem. FA number of factors are responsible for this social phenomenon.FThe causes for the problem are complicated.阐述说明型题目(原因 结果 对策)FThe effects could be adverse / serious / negative / positive / decent / sound. FIt will have a negative

38、 / undesirable impact on FThis will bring some serious consequences. FThe negative consequences can be expected.阐述说明型题目(原因 结果 对策)FMy suggestion as to the best way to cope with the problem is as follows.FTo eradicate the problem, a few solutions should be provided. FNow I would like to present some c

39、ountermeasures to deal with the problem. 阐述说明型题目(原因 结果 对策)FIt is high time that we took effective measures to deal with the problem.FTherefore, it is imperative for us to take some countermeasures.FTo solve the problem, a combined effort is really necessary.阐述说明型题目F2006.6FTraveling AbroadF近十年来X市有越来越

40、多人选择出境旅游F出现这种现象的原因F这种现象可能产生的影响 Number of people in City X traveling abroad in 1995, 2000 and 2005F近十年来X市有越来越多人选择出境旅游FThere are more and more people in City X choosing to travel abroad in the past ten years.FThe column chart displays the past decade has witnessed the dramatic rise in the number of to

41、urists traveling abroad in City X.FFrom 2000 to 2005, it is obvious that the amount more than tripled, rocketing up from 40000 to over 120000.F出现这种现象的原因F1 The increase in income and the improvement in living standard enable citizens to have overseas traveling.F2 The decline in cost offers possibilit

42、y for ordinary residents to go abroad.F这种现象可能产生的影响 FPositively F1 Traveling widens horizon and visualizes what is learnt in books.F2 Overseas shopping enables consumers, especially girls, to buy fashionable dresses, cosmetics and jewelries at a lower price.F这种现象可能产生的影响 FNegatively F1 Domestic touris

43、t attractions have to face the loss in revenue.F2 The improper behaviors of some Chinese tourists, like littering and spitting, may have an adverse impact on the image of China.阐述说明型题目F2006.12FThe Importance of Reading ClassicsF阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要F现在愿意阅读经典书籍的人却越来越少,原因是F我们大学生应该怎么做F阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要FReading

44、 classics is of vital importance to the growth of people.FAs it is known to all, classic works carry accumulated wisdom, which can widen ones horizon and shape his character.FAs a consequence, the significance of classics is well recognized.F现在愿意阅读经典书籍的人却越来越少,原因是FNowadays, however, there are fewer a

45、nd fewer people who are willing to read classics.FNowadays, however, classics are preferred by less readers.FNowadays, however, an increasing number of readers resort to other media instead of classics.F现在愿意阅读经典书籍的人却越来越少,原因是F1 As pace of life accelerates, the general public do not have adequate time

46、 and patience to appreciate the wonderful words and brilliant ideas of great writers.F2 The rapid development of movie, TV and Internet offers the function of multimedia, more attractive and colorful to audience. F我们大学生应该怎么做FCollege students should be fully aware of the importance of reading classic

47、s and spare more time to read them as much as possible.FAlthough they can not guarantee short-term returns, they will bring far-reaching and profound rewards. The shock in mind lasts longer than that in impression.阐述说明型题目F2005. 6FSay No to Pirated ProductsF目前盗版的现象比较严重F造成这种现象的原因及危害F我们应该怎么做FUseful wor

48、ds and expressions:F盗版:piracy (n.)F盗版产品:pirated productsF知识产权:intellectual property rightsF侵犯版权:infringe sbs copyright; copyright infringement F目前盗版的现象比较严重FCurrently, the problem of piracy is very serious.FCurrently, the problem of piracy is too serious to be ignored.FCurrently, the problem of pirac

49、y is too serious to turn a blind eye to.FPirated products, such as books, softwares, albums, and even digital products, are everywhere. FIt is not uncommon that once a gorgeous movie is launched, or a well-sold book is published, the pirated copies will follow within the same day.F造成这种现象的原因及危害F1 For

50、 the sake of huge economic profits, pirates pursue their sole aim at any cost.F 2 Lacking the awareness of intellectual property rights, some customers are more willing to buy pirated products, as their price is merely the fraction of that of authentic ones.F造成这种现象的原因及危害FPirated products infringe th

51、e copyright of legitimate producers, inventors and authors, enabling them to suffer heavy losses.FGradually, their enthusiasm in creation and innovation will degrade and even be extinct.F我们应该怎么做F1 The awareness of intellectual property rights should be popularized and upgraded.F2 Government should e

52、nact and enforce more rigid laws and regulations to combat pirated products, such as severe penalty on pirates.阐述说明型题目F2008.12FHow to Improve Students Mental HealthF大学生的心理健康十分重要F因此,学校可以F我们自己应当F大学生的心理健康十分重要FMental health is of vital importance to college students.FCurrently, the problem of mental hea

53、lth is too serious to be ignored.FCurrently, the problem of mental health is too serious to turn a blind eye to.FIt is not uncommon that some will go to the extreme, such as committing murder or suicide, after being treated unequally.FBesides, some can not behave regularly under the great pressure o

54、f academics or competition.F因此,学校可以F1 Universities are supposed to strengthen psychological instruction and guidance for students. Some courses on mental health should be compulsory.F2 Psychological consultation is required to be provided for those who are having tough time, such as being depressed

55、and frustrated.F我们自己应当FCollege students should be more optimistic and open-minded, and are not allowed to bury themselves in sorrow. FOnce unhappy events happen, such as failure in examination or breaking up with lovers, they should divert their attention away from the sadness, or turn to profession

56、al guidance when necessary.阐述说明型题目F2003.12FReduce Waste on Campus F有些大学校园浪费现象日益严重 F浪费的危害 F杜绝浪费, 从我做起 F有些大学校园浪费现象日益严重FSome phenomena of waste on campus are increasingly serious.FNowadays, some phenomena of waste on campus are too serious to turn a blind eye to.FIt takes some students over one hour to

57、 take a shower; the water keeps dripping from tab; some bread, which is eaten by a tiny slice, is disposed; some brand new notebooks with merely a few pages being written, are lost and then found in the dustbin.F浪费的危害FCurrently, human beings worldwide are in the crisis of shortage of food, energy an

58、d resources.FIt is not uncommon that starvation still hits some regions, especially Africa. One disposed slice of bread may serve as one days food there.FBesides, energy and resource shortage may pose a potential threat to world peace and trigger conflict or even war.F杜绝浪费, 从我做起FThe awareness of thr

59、ift should be popularized and upgraded.FWhen one is ordering dishes in a restaurant, he should consider the proper amount instead of showing off wealth; a piece of paper should be used back and forth; all variety of home appliances should be switched off once one leaves room.信件写作要点F格式正确 F语言得体 F内容完整

60、F表达丰富 格式正确F称呼F公共信函 Dear Sir / Madam To whom it may concern Dear FriendsF私人信函 Dear *F落款FYours sincerely / truly / faithfully *语言得体FFormal FSemi-formalFInformal F公共信函F私人信函F内容完整F根据题目要求,切勿遗漏F表达丰富F注意遣词用句的多变性信件类题目F2005.12FA Letter Declining a Job OfferF对公司提供职位表示感谢F解释为何不能接受提供的职位F希望谅解,并表示对公司的良好祝愿 F对公司提供职位表示

61、感谢FI would like to express my deepest appreciation of your offering me the position of advertisement designer. FI would like to express my deepest appreciation that you have offered me the position of advertisement designer.FI feel honored to gain your trust. However, I am so sorry that I have to de

62、cline your offer with apology. F解释为何不能接受提供的职位FHere are the reasons for my refusal. FFirstly, originally, I intended to apply for the position of editor, instead of advertisement designer, which is not in line with my interest and expertise. FIn addition, the work place is so far away from my home th

63、at I have to spend a few hours in commuting each day. FFurthermore, the payment you offer is lower than that of my expectation. Even though money can not buy everything, it works in most fields of daily life. F希望谅解,并表示对公司的良好祝愿FI am sorry for the inconvenience caused, and I would appreciate your acce

64、ptance.FFinally, I wish your company will have great prospects and enjoy extensive prosperity in the future.信件类题目F2004.12FYour Help Needed F对病人的简单介绍:目前的病情和家庭情况F目前的困难:无法继续承担医疗费用,需要护理F希望捐助,联系方式 F对病人的简单介绍:目前的病情和家庭情况FWe are profoundly sorry to bring out this horrible news that one of our fellow students

65、, Tony, is suffering from heart attack. He is under intensive treatment in hospital now and in need of help desperately.F目前的困难:无法继续承担医疗费用,需要护理FHe has been in hospital for a few months. As we all know, such a serious disease need long-term and constant care and high medical cost, so a large amount of

66、 money is urgently needed for medication and nursing. FWhat is worse, his parents have been laid-off since last year and it is extremely difficult for them to burden the expenses. F希望捐助,联系方式FOur university has over 10000 students. If each one donates RMB10, the accumulated money will greatly relieve

67、 the financial burden of Tony and his family. FOn behalf of Student Union, we earnestly hope whoever reads this letter will contribute his share. FFor anyone who intends to donate or offer any kind of help, please contact us by mobile phone 13987654321. Your kindness will be highly appreciated.信件类题目

68、F2004.6FA Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper F设想你买了一本英文词典,发现有这样那样的质量问题,书店的服务态度又不好,因此给报社编辑写信。信中必须包括以下内容: F事情的起因 F与书店交涉的经过 F呼吁服务行业必须提高服务质量 F事情的起因FI am writing this letter to reflect some problems I came across recently and appeal to the improvement of the service industry. FThis weekend I bought an E

69、nglish-Chinese dictionary in a bookstore near my home since its cover is elaborately designed. But when I went home and read carefully, I found that the misprints spread everywhere in the dictionary and seriously affected my comprehension. F与书店交涉的经过FSince there were such mistakes in the dictionary,

70、I went to the bookstore to require for a new one. But to my surprise, the staff of the bookstore turned down my request rudely and even denied the poor quality of the dictionary. F呼吁服务行业必须提高服务质量FIt is undeniable that market-oriented economy calls for much higher standard for service industry. Howeve

71、r, to my regret, many of the commercials fail to achieve this standard and the quality of the staff needs to be improved. It is self-evident that the poor quality of practitioners in the service industry will not only deeply disappoint customers but also hamper the development of the whole industry.

72、 As a result, I expect your newspaper to appeal to the service industry to attach more importance to the service improvement. 中英文表达方式的几个差异FGames are more interesting than boring classes, students get addicted with them easily, it is not advisable.FGames are more interesting than boring classes, so s

73、tudents get addicted with the former easily, but it is not advisable.中英文表达方式的几个差异F中文“悟”性强,英文靠关联F枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家 FWithered cane, old branches, crow at dusk; bridge, creek, houseFBULLSHITF中文意合 英文形合中英文表达方式的几个差异FGames are more interesting than boring classes, students get addicted with them easily, it is

74、not advisable.FIt is not advisable for students to get addicted with games despite their attraction, which is greater than that of boring classes.F中文:长江流水 后浪推前浪F英文:参天大树 枝繁叶茂中英文表达方式的几个差异FIf you do not pay attention to environmental problems, you must suffer huge loss sooner or later.FIf we do not pay

75、 attention to environmental problems, we must suffer huge loss sooner or later.中英文表达方式的几个差异FIf environmental problems are not given enough attention, huge loss is inevitable.F中文弱主语 英文需主语F第三人称第一第二人称F事物人称F被动主动中英文表达方式的几个差异FCollege students grasping a foreign language and putting it into practice with f

76、oreigners is a must.FIt is a must for college students to grasp a foreign language and put it into practice with foreigners .F中文重头 英文重尾中英文表达方式的几个差异FWe must take active solutions to control environmental pollution.FActive solutions should be taken to control environmental pollution.F中文主观武断 英文客观委婉FSho

77、uld / would / could / may / might中英文表达方式的几个差异F政府应该对毒品严加监管,严厉打击毒品,严惩毒品犯罪。FThe government should have tight supervision on drug, fight against drug rigidly, and impose severe penalty on the crimes of drug.F中文求同 英文求异大学英语六级写作遣词用句常见错误F主谓不一致 / 数的错误F词性理解错误F句式结构问题主谓不一致 / 数的错误FOne can do shopping online when

78、ever they like because online shops open 24 hours a day. All one needs is a computer which is accessible to the internet. They can buy whatever they want from tonights dinner even to a new car. FOne can do shopping online whenever they like because online shops open 24 hours a day. All one needs is

79、a computer which is accessible to the internet. They can buy whatever they want from tonights dinner even to a new car.主谓不一致 / 数的错误FEveryone should have their own judgment and decision.FEveryone should have his / her own judgment and decision.主谓不一致 / 数的错误FIt is reported that drug abuse prevails amon

80、g the juvenile, which attract great public concern. FIt is reported that drug abuse prevails among the juvenile, which attracts great public concern. 主谓不一致 / 数的错误FThe number of students who study for interests increase. FThe number of students who study for interests increases.词性理解错误FLike every stor

81、y has two sides, the technology also brings inevitable harms to our life. FAs every story has two sides, the technology also brings inevitable harms to our life. 词性理解错误FAs the globalization of world economy FWith the globalization of world economy FAs world economy globalizes 词性理解错误FMany teenagers a

82、re unwilling to stop smoking despite they know it is physically detrimental.FMany teenagers are unwilling to stop smoking though they know it is physically detrimental.FMany teenagers are unwilling to stop smoking despite their knowledge of ill health effects.词性理解错误FEnvironmental pollution can lead

83、to damage a countrys economy.FEnvironmental pollution can lead to damaging a countrys economy.FEnvironmental pollution can lead to the damage of a countrys economy.FEnvironmental pollution can lead to a countrys economic crisis.词性理解错误FFast food is preferred as its convenience. FFast food is preferre

84、d as / because / since / for it is convenient. FFast food is preferred because of / due to / owing to / thanks to / for its convenience. 词性理解错误FFast food is convenient, therefore it is preferred by some.FFast food is convenient, so it is preferred by some.FFast food is convenient, and therefore / th

85、us / hence / thereby / consequently it is preferred by some.FFast food is convenient; therefore it is preferred by some.词性理解错误FThe problems will last for days, months, even years.FThe problems will last for days, months, and even years.词性理解错误FNew ways should be adopted to instead the original ones.F

86、New ways should be adopted to replace the original ones.词性理解错误FIn nowadays society / in nowadays FIn current society / nowadays 词性理解错误FOld employees lack of creativity.FOld employees lack creativity.FOld employees are lack of creativity.词性理解错误FInternet has some disadvantages, such as, physically det

87、rimental, negative impact on the youth and personal information disclosure.FInternet has some disadvantages, such as being physically detrimental, negative impact on the youth and personal information disclosure.FInternet has some disadvantages, such as physical detriment, negative impact on the you

88、th and personal information disclosure.词性理解错误FSome against this proposal.FSome are against this proposal.FSome oppose this proposal.句式结构问题FVia tele-education, the schedule is much more flexible, and relieves traffic pressure.FVia tele-education, the schedule is much more flexible, and traffic pressure can be relieved.大学英语六级写作注意事项F考试前F分类汇总列提纲F融会贯通最重要F中西差异记心间F勤于练习是王道F考试中F框架结构抓眼球F观点鲜明不含糊F准确表达奠基础F亮点词句添高分



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