M8 U3 Warming up & Reading mhy

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1、1._isntThomasEdisonsinvention.LightbulbRecordplayer“Rocket”A quiz2.Paper,printing,gunpowderand_are4greatinventionsinancientChina.abacusbalancecompass3._madethefirsttrainusingasteamenginein1825.A.AlexanderBellB.HenryFordC.GeorgeStephenson4._inventedthefirstairplane.A.WrightBrothersB.HenryFordC.Benjam

2、inFranklin5._iscalled“FatherofDynamite(炸药)(炸药)”.A.AlfredNobelB.AlbertEinsteinC.AlexanderBellHow can you divide 13 orangesbetween 9 children fairly?Make orange juice.creativeWHAT IF SOME SNAKES ARE IN YOUR YARD?ReadingThe problem of the snakesStep 2: Skimming 1. What was the mother upset about? 2. Di

3、d the author succeed at last? Step 3: Scanning-Details 1. Why was the writer happy to help her mother? 2. Why didnt the writer use the powders? 3. What were three possible approaches? Which one did the writer choose? 4. How many attempts did she make in order to make her solution efficient? Applying

4、forapatentFindingaproblemDoingresearchTestingthesolutionThinkingofacreativesolutionDecidingontheinvention1._2._3._4._5._6._ 1.Thereare6stagesinproducinganinvention.Putthemintorightorder:Scanning-How the text is organized 2. How the text is organized: Divide the text into 5 parts according to the ord

5、er. StagesParagraphs1.Findaproblem2.Doresearch3.Thinkofacreativesolution1234,5,67,84.Testthesolution5.ApplyforapatentThetexttellsthep_ofthesnakesandpresentsthep_ofcatchingthemandapplyingforap_.roblemroceduresatent3. Whats the text mainly about?4.Whatarethetwofactorsthathelpedthewritersolvetheproblem

6、successfully?A.hercreativityandintelligence.B.herknowledgeaboutsnakesandeffortstoimprovethesolution.C.theice-creammakerandthesmallfishingnet.D.hercarefulnessandthedesiretodistinguishherself.Snakes came near my mothers house _ _, which u_ my mother much, and shewanted me to _ _ _them. So I _ _researc

7、hing the _ of snakes to find the easiestway to _ them. I thought of three possiblea_. Firstly, removing their h_;secondly,attractingthemintoa_(陷陷阱阱);andthirdly cooling them so that they would becomes_andcouldbeeasilycaught.Imadeupmymindtousethethirdone.Itriedthreetimesandthethird_wasfinallysuccessfu

8、l._bymyfriends and relations, I decided to _ theopportunity, hoping to get a _ with myinvention.getabouthabitstrapsetapproachesattemptPressedpatentridofpsetnowandthenStep 4: Review seizeabitatleepytrapQ 1: What are the requirements of getting a patent?1.Thecriteriaaresostrictthatitisdifficulttogetne

9、wideasacceptedunlesstheyaretrulynovel.2.Inaddition,noinventionwillgetapatentifitisStep 5: Application Thenewideasmustbetrulynovel.Yourinventionmustntbeadiscovery,4.Therearealargenumberofpatentexaminers,too,whoseonlyjobistoexaminewhetheryourclaimis5.Ifitpassesallthetexts,yourapplicationforapatentwill

10、bepublished18monthsfromthedateyouapply.validornot.Yourclaimmustbevalid.Youhavetowait18months.3.Norwillyoureceiveapatentuntilasearchhasbeenmadetofindoutthatyourproductreallyisdifferentfromeveryoneelses.Yourproductmustbedifferentfromothers.Q 2: According to the requirements, which of the following do

11、you think can be given a patent? A. A new novel written by Yao Ming. B. A new star discovered by a scientist. C. A new way to make dirty water clean. D. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine.novel1.n.小说小说eg.apopularnovel2.adj.新奇的新奇的;新颖的新颖的;新的新的eg.anovelideaQ3: DISCU

12、SS IN PAIRS WHAT THE ADVANTAGES ARE OF GETTING A PATENT. Advantages:You are recognized as a real inventor.You can make money if you sell your invention to others.You will become famous. You are able to prove that you were the first person to make the invention.Homework:You received a letter from you

13、r friend, who asked you for some advice. After reading the letter, write a letter back to show your ideas. How are you getting on? I am writing to ask for your advice. Recently, I have invented a new way to make the dirty water clean. It is really amazing! So my classmates encouraged me to apply for

14、 a patent for it. But my parents think its too difficult and its only a waste of time. I really dont know what to do. Can you give me Dear Steven, some advice?Yours Henry1.Finding the problem2.Solving the problem3.Deciding on the solutionHenryiswonderingwhetherheshouldapplyforapatentornot.advantages

15、Writebacktoshowyourideas.difficultiesvsDear Henry, _ Yours StevenIf you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. - Thomas Alva Edison如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。-爱迪生爱迪生



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