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2、ina is goodlooking.塞莉娜很漂亮。主语不及物动词The two brothers study hard.这兄弟俩学习很努力。主语及物动词宾语 I bought a computer.我买了一台电脑。主语及物动词间接宾语直接宾语He lent me his bike.他把自行车借给了我。主语及物动词宾语宾补The boy made us laugh.这个男孩使我们大笑起来。基本句型一、简单句的五个基本句型A.用简单句翻译下列句子1.这是我的爷爷。_.2.我的爷爷是位退休教师。_.3.现在爷爷和我们住在一起。_.4.爷爷在阳台上种了各种各样的花。_.This is my gran

3、dfatherMy grandfather is a retired teacherMy grandfather is living with us nowGrandfather plants all kinds of flowers on our balcony5.爷爷很爱他的花儿。_.6.花儿使我们的家变得更加漂亮。_.7.爷爷给我们带来了更多的欢乐。_.B.适当添加细节和关联词,将上面的句子合并成 5 句话的连贯的短文。范文诵读:My grandfather is a retired teacher.He is living with usnow.He plants all kinds

4、of flowers on our balcony which he lovesvery much.The flowers make our house more beautiful.We arehappier since Grandfather came to live with us.Grandfather loves his flowers very muchThe flowers make our house more beautifulGrandfather brings us more happiness二、There be 句型此句型是由“therebe主语状语”构成,用以表达“

5、某地有某物”。there be 句型其实是倒装的一种情况,主语位于谓语动词 be 之后,there 仅为引导词,并无实际意义。be 动词与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致,有时态的变化。如:现在有 there is/are.过去有 there was/were.将来有 there will be./there is/are going to be.现在已经有 there has/have been.可能有 there might be.肯定有 there must be./there must have been.过去一直有 there used to be.似乎有 there seems/se

6、em/seemed to be.碰巧有 there happen/happens/happened to be.另外,此句型有时可用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain,exist, arrive 等词代替 be 动词。如:There lived an old man at the foot of the mountain.山脚下住着一位老人。There came a shout for “help”有人喊救命。There goes the bell.铃响了。There lies a book on the desk.课桌上放着一本书。翻译下列句子1.灯亮着,

7、办公室里肯定有人。_.2.战前这儿一直有家电影院。_.3.恰好那时房里没人。_.4.我家门前有一条河。_.5.广州是一座有着 2200 多年文明历史的古城,而且发展很快。_.The light is on.There must be someone in the officeThere used to be a cinema here before the warThere happened to be nobody in the room at that timeThere lies/is a river in front of my houseThere lies/is a river i

8、n front of my houseis developing rapidly toothan 2,200 years,简单句的高级句式简单句的高级句式简单句其实也可以不简单,若将简单句与非谓语动词短语、形容词短语、介词短语、同位语、独立主格结构等巧妙地结合在一起,不但可以表达更丰富的内容,而且也使句子变得更精彩,充分显示考生在英语表达上的实力。如:1.同位语I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her earlytwenties and with interests similar to mine.我想有一个笔友, 希望是一个二十

9、出头且兴趣相投的女孩子。(同位语中又有两个并列的介词短语修饰)2.形容词短语Afraid of difficulty, he prefers to do the easy math problem.他害怕困难,宁愿做容易的数学题。3.不定式短语In order to study well, we need to do sports.为了学习好,我们需要做体育运动。4.现在分词短语In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big tree,watching her babies flying away.在这幅图中,一只鸟妈妈待在一

10、棵大树的鸟巢里,看着她的鸟仔飞走了。5.过去分词短语Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phonesand the Internet are faster and much more convenient.与信件和公用电话相比,手机和网络更快也更方便。6.介词短语Instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages usto think by ourselves.他鼓励我们独立思考,而不是马上告诉我们答案。一、完成句子1.我是李华,一名四川学生。(用同位语)Im Li Hua,

11、 _.2.与其他老师相比,摩尔先生更注意教学方法。(用过去分词短语)_,Mr. Moore pays more attentionto his way of teaching.3.北京动物园,建于 1906 年,有 100 多年的历史了。(用过去分词短语)The Beijing Zoo, _,has a history of morethan 100 years.a student in Sichuan Compared with other teachersbuilt in 19064.李华在公交车站等 601 路公交车去上学。(用现在分词短语)Li Hua was at the bus s

12、top, _.5.我们学生应当通过努力学习而不是考试作弊来获得好成绩。(用介词短语)We students should try to get good results by studying hard,_.waiting for Bus No.601 to go toschoolinstead of cheating in examinations 二、合并句子1.The moon travels round the earth once every month.Themoon is a natural satellite of the earth.(用现在分词短语合并句子)_.2.He w

13、as wellknown for his expert advice.He was able tohelp a great number of people with their personal affairs.(用形容词短语合并句子)_.The moon, traveling round the earth once every month,is anatural satellite of the earthWellknown for his expert advice, he was able to help a great number of people with their per

14、sonal affairs篇章连贯篇章连贯在英语写作中,要做到篇章结构连贯,除在内容的组织安排上要注意前后的逻辑性外,有时还需恰当使用能承上启下的关联词语。最常用的词有:类别关联词举例 for example, take.for example, for instance, such as, like列举in the first place/to begin with/to start with/first of all/first and foremost/firstfirst(ly), second(ly), third(ly), in addition/besides/whatsmore

15、/furthermore/moreover, finally, last but not leastfor one thing.(and) for another.on the one hand.on the other hand.转折 but, however, while, on the contrary, in contrast, otherwise, in spite of因果 because, since, as, for, due to, for this reason, so, therefore, so.that.比较 similarly, compared with/to,

16、just like, just as时间at first/to start with/in the beginning, then, next, later, afterwards, (soon) afterthat, after a while, finally, now, at present, in the past, recently, immediately,soon, suddenly, at that moment, as soon as, the moment, from now on, from thenon, at the same time, meanwhile, not

17、.until, after, before, when, while, during目的 for this purpose, with/for the purpose of, so that, in order to, in order that, so as to让步 although, even if, even though, no matter how, whether.or.条件 as/so long as, on condition that, if, unless, in case of并列 not only.but also, both.and, either.or, neit

18、her.nor, as well as强调 without any doubt, obviously, above all概括 in a word, in short, in brief, generally speaking, in conclusion观点in my opinion, in my view, in my point of view, as far as Im concerned, as forme, personally, I think.1.用 at first, then, after that, finally 填空I had a bad cold last week

19、._,I had a running nose,but I did not take it seriously. _I began to cough. _, I had afever and felt weak._,I was sent to hospital and had to liein bed for three days.2.用 then, later, after that 填空I bought a mobile phone on 20th Apr.2011.Ten days _,itdidnt ring or send short messages._ I took it to

20、the seller, butwas told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at leastthree months for a new one._I went to the repairman.At firstThenAfter thatFinallylaterThenAfter that图表作文图表作文图表包括表示数量大小或数量之间差异的条形或柱状图(bar chart),显示数据变化的曲线图(graph),以及以圆内扇形的大小表示各部分所占比例的饼形图(pie chart)。图表作文实际上是要求考生将图表中的数据、

21、图形转换成文字,并就图表中所反映的情况作出分析或发表议论。【技巧点拨】1.读取信息。写作前我们必须仔细读图,掌握图表上提供的信息及每一栏上面的小标题的标注,由此弄清楚设计者想通过图表反映出的信息、问题或现象。2.处理信息。在掌握全部信息的基础上对信息进行分析与对比,同时考虑文章的布局、段落的划分以及上下文的连贯等。3.文章结构。文章一般应包括:Part 1:General idea (conclusion/tendency) (图表反映的问题或总体趋势)Part 2:Facts (to support the idea) (具体数据或事实)Part 3:Reason (原因分析)Part 4

22、:Solutions/Suggestions ( 解决问题的办法或建议 )在写作时,这四个部分不一定全部被包括在内,应根据写作要求或具体情况而定。4.列举数据时要避免过多地重复使用百分比,可以用约数、倍数等来表达。强调“少”可用 only ( 只有) 等,强调“多”可用 asmany/much as (多达)等。【必备词汇】1. 上 升 : rise, go up, climb, rocket ( 迅 速 上 升 ), soar ( 猛 增 ),increase2.下降:go down, fall, drop, decline, decrease3.起始:from.to., to4.程度:by

23、.5. 急 缓 : slow, slowly; slight, slightly; quick, quickly; steady,steadily; sharp ( 急 剧 的 ), sharply ( 急 剧 地 ); dramatically ( 显 著 地 );remarkably (显著地)6.趋势:upward trend (上涨趋势), downward trend (下跌趋势)7.不变:stay, remain (依然是)8.其他:account for 30% of the total (占总量的 30%), at the samerate (以相同的速率), average

24、(平均的), annual (每年的), figure/number(数字), amount (数量), percentage (百分比)【实用套语】1开头(1)From the graph/table/chart above, we can see that.从上表我们可以看出(2)As can be seen from the table ( As we can see clearlyfrom the table).正如从图表中所看到的(3)As is shown by the graph, there had been a rapid increasein.正如曲线所示,飞速增长。(4)

25、From the statistics given in the table, it can be seen that.从表中所给的统计数字可以看出(5)It can be concluded from the graph that there has been agreat decline in.从曲线图可以得出结论,下降了很多。(6)The graph shows/includes that.图表显示/表明2原因说明(1)There are two reasons that account for this phenomenon.有两个原因可以解释这种现象。(2)A number of f

26、actors could account for/contribute to/leadto/result in the change/success/increase.许多因素可以说明/导致/引起这个变化/成功/增长。(3)The reason for.is that.的原因是3结尾(1)We can draw the conclusion that.我们可以得出(2)From the changes in the charts, we can predict that. 从图表的变化来看,我们可以预计(2012 届梅州中学第二次月考)假设你于 4 月 23 日的“世界读书日”(World R

27、eading Day)在你所在的学校进行了一项阅读习惯调查,以下是其中的一项调查结果。请用英语写一篇短文,说明相关内容及结果等。A买书阅读B网上下载或在线阅读C从朋友处或图书馆借阅 D学校阅览室阅读写作内容1.调查内容及时间;2.调查结果;3.问题:阅览室的使用率(use rate)不高;4.建议:(1)延长阅览室的开放时间;(2)书店送书到校,方便学生购买。写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。范文诵读范文诵读:On World Reading Day, we carried out a survey about thereading habits of high school stude

28、nts.According to the survey,45.75% of the students read books they buy and 8.5% of themdownload ebooks or read online.35.75% of the students borrowbooks from friends or the library and 11% of them read in theschool readingroom.From the survey we can see that the use rateof the school readingroom is

29、not high enough.We suggest that itsopening hours be extended and meanwhile bookstores be invitedinto the school to make it convenient for students to buy books.表格类作文表格类作文是将要表达的主要信息置于表格中,要点明确,范围具体,使考生对所提供的信息一目了然。【技巧点拨】写这类作文时,考生要注意以下几点:1注意文体结构,切忌写成“填表题”。表格类基础写作题虽然以表格作为提示,但一定要用短文的形式来表达。2灵活转换信息,切忌“一对一直译

30、”。表格中的中文提示有些概括性强、比较简洁,有些较为抽象、复杂,所以表达时切忌逐字逐句机械地直译、硬译。要灵活调整信息,适当补充成分、采用意译法等写出符合英语表达习惯的文章。3善用表格上下、左右关系,巧妙组合信息。基础写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容,所以考生要通过适当的逻辑关系整合要点。如表达果因关系,就可以考虑用 for, because, therefore 等来组合信息。4采用多种表达法,避免句式单一。表格里每一栏或列的内容一般用来表达同类信息,如建议、方法等。为了避免句式重复、单调、呆板,考生要学会用不同的表达方式表达同类的信息。5形成全局观念,防止遗漏“间接要点”。在表达完表

31、格里的信息外,也应注意表格前的情景说明,还应考虑文意及文章结构是否完整。位置深圳市南山中心区东北角,毗邻香港开工竣工时间2008 年 10 月2010 年底结构建筑面积约 32.6 万平方米,包括体育场、体育馆、游泳馆(natatorium)和星级酒店用途第 26 届大运会(the 26th Universiade)开幕式和足球赛、乒乓球赛、游泳比赛和训练场地。大运会后免费向市民开放特点深圳的新地标(landmark),代表了深圳市的城市形象“春茧”的寓意优秀青年运动员冲向世界“破茧而出”(2012 届广东六校联合体 11 月联考)假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 Bob 即将来深圳旅游,应他的要求

32、,请你写一封 email,介绍深圳湾体育中心(Shenzhen Bay Sports Center)“春茧”(the Spring Cocoon)。写作内容写作要求1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Dear Bob,I was so glad to hear that you are coming to Shenzhen for atravel.Sincerely yours,Li Hua范文诵读:Dear Bob,I was so glad to hear that you are coming to Shenzhen for a travel.S

33、henzhen Bay Sports Center, nicknamed as the “Spring Cocoon” because of its shape of a cocoon, is located at the northeast corner of the center of Nanshan District, Shenzhen and next to Hong Kong.Covering an area of 326,000 square metres, it includes a stadium, a gym, a natatorium and some star hotel

34、s.Its construction work started in October 2008 and came to an end at the end of 2010.It was in the Spring Cocoon that the opening ceremony of 26th Universiade was held as well as the training and competitions for football, pingpong ball, swimming and so on and after the Universiade it is open to th

35、e public for free.As a new landmark representing the image of Shenzhen City, it means that excellent young athletes rush out of the cocoon and into the world.Sincerely yours,Li Hua采访类作文【谋篇布局】1.交待采访的时间、对象、主题等。2.描述数据和信息呈现出的问题所在,并分析原因。3.被采访人提出个人观点或对解决该问题提出建议。【实用套语】1.交待采访的时间、对象和主题Last weekend, I had an

36、interview with Professor Wang, aneyedoctor, concerning about the issue of shortsightedness ofschool children in China.上周末,我就全国学生的近视问题采访了眼科医生王教授。(2009 年广东)2.采访对象所述的问题与原因分析(1)According to Professor Wang, slightly more than half ofthe school children in our country are shortsighted, ranking thefirst in

37、 the world.据王教授所说,我国略多于一半的学生都是近视,居世界首位。(2009 年广东)(2)He also pointed out that the causes for shortsightednessare so complicated that no medicine can cure shortsightedness.他还指出说,导致近视的原因很复杂,没有药物能治愈近视。(2009 年广东)3.陈述专家的个人观点或建议(1)He suggested that school children avoid overuse of theireyes and do more out

38、door activities.他建议学生应避免过度使用眼睛并且多做户外活动。(2009年广东)(2)He particularly reminded us that how to hold a pen isalso related to shortsightedness.他特别提醒我们如何握笔也和近视有关。(2009 年广东)假设你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访,以下是这次采访的情况:1时间:上周末2对象:营养专家王教授3主题:我国中学生的早餐问题4基本信息:(1)90%的调查对象吃早餐(2)早餐营养不均衡5专家解读:(1)原因:学生睡眠不足导致早上起床匆忙,早餐来不及吃。(2)建议:让学

39、生认识到早餐的重要性,一定要吃早餐。(3)特别提示:家长应抽出时间给学生准备营养丰富的早餐。写作内容请根据以上情况用英语写一篇采访报道,并包括以下内容:1.采访的时间、对象和主题;2.中学生吃早餐的现状;3.专家解读。写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。范文诵读: (交待采访时间、对象和主题) Last week I had an interview with Professor Wang, a nutritionist, concerning about the problem of Chinese students breakfast.(交待问题) The research I did

40、 before shows that ninety percent of interviewees eat breakfast but are on an imbalanced diet.(陈述原因) According to Professor Wang, lacking of sleep causes students hurry getting up and having little time for breakfast.(专家建议) He suggested that students should realize the significance of breakfast and

41、be sure to eat breakfast every single day.He particularly suggested that parents make time preparing nourishing breakfast for their children.调查类作文调查的结果往往会用表格或图表的形式来表述,因此高考中调查类作文常用“少量文字表格或图表”的形式来命题。【谋篇布局】1.写作时,第一句开门见山地交待调查的基本情况,即阐述调查的时间、对象、主题等情况。(1 句)2.阐述调查结果,描述表格中的数据所反映的情况、数据间的主要差异或趋势,或有的还要求谈谈数据所反映出

42、来的问题,并分析原因。(3 句)3.提出个人观点或对解决该问题提出建议。(1 句)【实用套语】1.交待调查的时间、对象和主题(1)Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on“who is your idol”上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在 2600 名学生中进行了一次调查。(2)I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30girls in my class about their purpose of surfing the Internet.最近我对我班的 60 名同学进行

43、了调查,看他们上网做什么。(3)Last week, we did/conducted/carried out a surveyamong all the students in our school on the time they spent insleeping every day.上周,我们就每天的睡眠时间对全校学生进行了调查。(4)Recently, a survey has been done to find out how middleschool students spend their pocket money.日前,针对中学生零用钱的消费方向,对某中学学生进行了问卷调查。2

44、.阐述调查结果(1)From the table, we can conclude (that) over 20% of theteenagers are addicted to smoking.根据上表,我们可以得出如下结论:超过 20%的青少年吸烟上了瘾。(2)As is shown in the above table, Senior Three studentsspend the least time in sleeping.如上表所示,高三学生睡眠时间最少。(3)As can be seen from the table above, more than 70% ofthe stud

45、ents have formed a very good habit of study.从上表可以看出,70%以上的学生已经形成了良好的学习习惯。3.描述数据所反映的问题在描述调查结果所反映出来的问题时,考生可以用非限制性定语从句或分词短语来表达。如:(1)30% of the students questioned say they think it better notto have physical exercise, which shows/mirrors/reflects/revealsthat these students lack the awareness of keeping

46、 healthy.在被调查的学生中,有 30%的人说,他们认为最好不要进行体育锻炼。这表明,这些学生缺乏保持健康的意识。(2)Only seven percent of the students are interested in lookingup new words in the dictionary, showing/mirroring/reflectingthat owing to their laziness, these students would rather be giveneverything by their teachers.只有 7%的学生喜欢利用词典查生词,这表明这

47、些学生由于太懒,宁愿老师包办一切。4.阐述个人观点或建议(1)As far as I am concerned, effective measures should beinstantly taken to help students to spare time for sleeping.在我看来,应该立即采取有效措施来帮助学生获得休息时间。(2)From my own perspective, we should take action to helpstudents to make good use of study time.在我看来,我们应当采取措施帮助学生好好利用学习时间。假如你是李

48、明,某报社委托你在就读的中学生进行关于午睡情况的问卷调查。请根据下表中的内容(打的选项为大多数人的选择),用英语写一封信,简要向报社介绍调查的结果。午睡情况调查表1你有午睡的习惯吗?A.有B. 没有2你大约何时开始午睡?A.12:00B.12:30C.13:003你通常午睡多长时间?C.约 50 分钟A. 约 15 分钟 B. 约 30 分钟4你通常在什么地方午睡?C.宿舍A. 教室 B. 家中5你认为午睡有好处吗?A.有B. 没有 C. 不确定写作内容请根据以上调查的结果写一篇调查总结,并简要谈谈你对午睡的好处的看法。写作要求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2调查的开头和结尾已经给出,不计

49、入总句数;3参考词汇:午睡 take a nap after lunch; 宿舍 dormitoryDear Editor,Recently I have conducted a survey on taking a nap afterlunch in my school.Yours,Li Ming范文诵读:Dear Editor, Recently I have conducted a survey on taking a nap after lunch in my school.Most of the students have the habit of sleeping for a wh

50、ile at noon.The majority prefers to take a nap around 13:00 and it usually lasts for about 50 minutes.They often choose to sleep in the dormitory instead of at home or in the classroom.When it comes to the benefits of taking a nap, they all agree that it does some good to their health.As we know, wi

51、th a nap after noon, one can feel refreshed and energetic enough to study more efficiently in the afternoon.Yours,Li Ming讨论辩论类作文【谋篇布局】1.开头:提出问题或引出讨论或辩论的主题Recentlywehavehadadiscussion/debateon/about(whether).2.主体:陈述不同观点及其理由表示赞同:agree with, favour the idea, be for the idea, be infavour of, approve of表

52、示反对:dont agree with, be against the idea, disagree理由:because, for, they say, saying that, for the reason that3.结尾:表明个人观点Personally, I think.As for me.In my opinion.【实用套语】1.开头:提出问题或引出讨论或辩论的主题(1)We had a discussion about whether it is the only way outfor senior students to go to college.我们就上大学是否是高中生的唯

53、一出路进行了讨论。(2)Recently our class have held a discussion on how to carryout the Citizens Basic Moral Standards and become a successfulyoung man.最近我班就如何实施公民的基本道德规范和做一个有为青年进行了讨论。(3)Recently, in our class there has been a heated discussionabout whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city.最近我班就

54、北京动物园是否应迁出市区进行了讨论。(4)Im writing to tell you about a recent discussion our classhave had on whether or not university students should befinancially independent.我写信是要告诉你我班最近就大学生是否应该经济独立进行讨论的情况。注意:有时还会用“Opinions are divided on the question.”之类的过渡句,然后再引出不同观点。2.表示赞同及理由(1)Some of my classmates are in favo

55、ur of the move.Theysay large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in trafficjams.They also say.有的同学赞同迁出。他们认为参观动物园的游客太多会造成交通拥挤。他们还说(2)The minority of the students hold the opinion thatpunishing the passengers helps to reduce traffic accidents andincrease traffic safety.大多数学生持这种观点:惩罚(乘坐酒醉驾车的)乘客有助

56、于减少交通事故和提高交通安全。3表示反对及理由由正及反常用 however, on the other hand 等过渡词。如:(1)60% of the students are against the idea of entrancefee.They believe.有 60%的人反对公园收费,他们认为(2)Nearly 70% of us disagree since it makes us fall into thehabit of dependence, so that we wont form the good habit ofstudying.我们中将近有 70%的人不同意(父母

57、陪读),因为这会让我们养成依赖习惯,结果将不会形成良好的学习习惯。4.结尾:表明个人观点(1)In my opinion, we can receive a better education at collegeso that we can serve our motherland better.依我看,我们上大学可以接受更好的教育,我们也因此能更好地服务祖国。(2)Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me achance to learn how to get along with others and to share

58、myexperiences with them.就我而言,我宁愿合作学习,因为这会使我有机会学会如何与他人相处和与人分享自己的经历。55%的网民合理,乘车时主动为老、弱、病、残、孕等乘客让座体现了我国的传统美德,需要继承发扬光大。45%的网民你的观点北京将每月的 22 日定为“让座日(Seatgiving Day)”,并规定在公交车上经常让座的乘客将有机会获得奖励。对此,网民在网上进行了激烈的讨论,大家看法不一。写作内容请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。不合理,是否让座是个人自愿的行为,不应该强迫。写作要求1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2.短文的开头已经给出,不计入总句数。Beij

59、ing named the 22nd of every month as “SeatgivingDay” to encourage passengers on public transport to give theirseats to those in greater need, and those commuters who often doso will get rewarded.This activity arouses different opinions amongnetizens (网民).范文诵读:Beijing amed the 22nd of every month as

60、“Seatgiving Day”to encourage passengers on public transport to give their seats tothose in greater need, and those commuters who often do so willget rewarded.This activity arouses different opinions amongnetizens.( 表示赞同及理由 ) 55% of the netizens are for the activitybecause they think, for one thing,

61、it is one of Chinas traditionalvirtues to offer seats to the aged, pregnant women, children anddisabled.For another thing, as the capital of China, morepassengers offering seats can leave a good impression on visitorsboth at home and abroad.( 表示反对及理由) 45% of the netizens, however, object tothe activ

62、ity, claiming that giving up seats is a matter of willingness,and passengers should not be forced to do so.( 表 明 个 人 观 点 ) As far as Im concerned, this activity issurely of great help to set a better image of Beijing.Through suchan activity, Beijing will see an increasing number of people willingto

63、do so and an improvement of peoples behavior.如何写发言稿【谋篇布局】发言稿包括开幕词、闭幕词、欢迎词、欢送词、告别词等。一般结构为:称呼语正文结束语【实用套语】1. 称呼语:Dear friends/Dear fellow students/Good morning,ladies and gentlemen/Good afternoon everyone 等,其后用逗号“,”。2.正文(1)有时用一句客套话。如:It is a great honor for me to stand here and give myspeech.我很荣幸站在这里发表

64、演讲。Im very happy to stand here and give my speech.我很高兴站在这里发言。(2)一般开门见山直奔主题。如:Welcome to our school.Now please allow me to introduceyou to some of our school rules here.欢迎你们来到我们学校,请让我向你们介绍一下我校的一些规章制度。The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts on becominga grownup”我今天发言的主题是“关于如何成为成年人的思考”。Welcome to thi

65、s years English speech competition.Im LiHua.I feel greatly honoured to host the contest, which issponsored by the Students Union.欢迎参加今年的英语演讲比赛,我是李华,非常荣幸主持由学生会发起的这次比赛。(3)列举讲话要点。常用 first of all, secondly, finally 等。如:As high school students, firstly, we are expected to beneatly dressed when at school.

66、作为高中生,我们首先应做到在校时穿戴整洁。Secondly, it must be made clear that we should never belate for class or leave school before it is over.其次,我们应该牢记不能上课迟到或早退。Lastly, when you are walking on the road, please rememberto keep to the right.最后,当你走在路上,请记得要靠右。(4)一般用一句话来总结讲话的内容。如:I hope that the friendship between you an

67、d us will existforever.我希望你和我们之间的友谊永存。In a word, good listening can really enable you to getcloser to each other.总之,好好倾听会让你们能够彼此靠近。Only in this way can we become a good listener.只有这样,我们才可以成为良好的倾听者。3.结束语Thats all.Thank you (for listening)!就这样,谢谢!注意:高考一般只要求考生写正文部分,开头和结尾等涉及格式的通常不要求考生写。现状 教辅书深受学生欢迎,在学生学

68、习中扮演重要角色。优点能帮助学生复习、总结、巩固,并能指导我们如何学习。好的教辅书犹如老师一样有帮助。建议不能依赖教辅书,因为学习主要靠自己,而且也有质量低劣的教辅书。假设你们班在举行英文辩论会,讨论教辅书的问题。请根据以下提示,写一篇发言稿。写作内容写作要求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2发言稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Dear friends,.Thats all.Thank you!范文诵读:Dear friends,Coaching books are now very popular among middle schoolstudents, and they are p

69、laying an important role in our study.Coaching books can help us review, summarize andconsolidate what we have learned, and they can also guide us howto learn in future.Good coaching books are just like good teachers,which are a great help to us learning.However, we cannot depend too much on coachin

70、g books,because the best way of learning is to learn by ourselves.Whatsmore, some coaching books are of poor quality, so we need tochoose and judge by ourselves.Thats all.Thank you!如何写通知通知是一种安排活动或布置工作时使用的文体,包括了口头通知和书面通知。口头通知是当面向有关人员口授有关活动的信息,而书面通知是以布告的形式把事情通知给有关人员。通知的要素是时间、地点、对象、事件、注意事项等。书面通知还应写明通知时

71、间和组织者。【实用套语】1.口头通知要有称呼语,如:Ladies and gentlemen; Boys andgirls。2.口头通知常用开头语:(1)May I have your attention, please?请大家注意了。(2)I have something important to tell you.我有一些重要的事情要告诉你们。3.口头通知常用结束语:Thats all.Thank you.4.其他套语:(1)Everyone is asked to be there on time.要求大家按时到那里。(2)Be sure not to be late.一定不要迟到。(3

72、)Please take your notebooks with you and be sure on time.请带上笔记本,按时到达。(4)Those who are interested in it are warmly welcome.欢迎对此有兴趣的人参加。注意:通知中常用将来时态。你校学生会将为来访的美国朋友举办一个晚会,要在学校广播中宣布此事,并欢迎大家参加。为使美国朋友能听懂,请你用英语写一篇广播通知。写作内容1.宗旨:欢迎来访的美国朋友2.组织者:学生会3.时间:7 月 13 日(星期六)晚 7:304地点:主楼的屋顶花园(roof garden)5活动内容:音乐,跳舞,唱歌

73、,游戏,交换小礼品(请包装好,签名并在包装外面写上几个祝愿词)写作要求1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2.短文开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Boys and girls,May I have your attention, please?.Everybody is welcome.Thats all.Thank you!范文诵读:Boys and girls,May I have your attention, please? The Students Union isgoing to hold a party on Saturday evening, July 13, to welc

74、omeour friends from the United States.The party will be held in the roofgarden of the Main Building and begin at 7:30 p.m.There will bemusic, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts.You maybring along a small gift for this purpose.Remember to wrap it up,sign your name and write a few words of

75、good wishes.Everybody is welcome.Thats all.Thank you!如何写招领启事如何写招领启事招领启事属于公告性应用文,是拾到物品的个人或集体用书面形式请失主前来认领而使用的一种应用文样式。【谋篇布局】招领启事通常以 Found 作为标题放在启事的正上方,其正文包括以下几部分:1.拾到物品的时间、地点及当时的情况;2.描述拾到物品的特征及数量(但不必特别详细具体);3.表明要为拾到的物品寻找主人的意图;4.提供详细且准确的联系方式或联系地址。【实用套语】1.介绍拾到物品的时间、地点及当时的情况:On the afternoon of January 3r

76、d, 2012, I found a. at/in.when I.在2012年1月3号下午,当我时,我在发现了一个2.描述拾到物品的特征及数量:(1)More specially, it is a pair of white sports shoes, whoseband is Nike.确切地说,它是一双白色的耐克牌运动鞋。(2)Inside the basket made of plastic, there is a bag of riceand ten apples.在塑料篮子里有一袋大米和十个苹果。(3)To be specific, the box is made of paper,

77、 inside whichyou can find a notebook, two English books, an EnglishChinesedictionary and a pencilbox.具体来说,盒子是纸制的,在里面找到一个笔记本、两本英语书、一本英汉字典和一个文具盒。3.表明要寻找主人的意图及提供具体的联系方式:(1)I/We hope to find the owner as soon as possible, so if youare the very one I/we are looking for, please call me/us at.我/我们希望尽快找到失主,

78、所以如果你就是我/我们要找的人,请拨打我的电话号码(2)I/We will be available at 9 am. or after 8 pm. every day,or you can also contact me/us by emailing me/us at.我/我们每天上午九点或晚上八点以后有时间,或者你也可以发邮件到联系我/我们。假设你是高三(4)班的李明,你在学校的英语阅览室捡到一个电子词典。请你根据下表内容写一则招领启事。发现时间 2012 年 1 月 8 号晚上发现地点 学校新图书馆三楼的英语阅览室物品 一个电子词典特征 新的,金属灰色(metallic gray);大小

79、相当于一 块蛋糕,厚度相当于一本普通的杂志联系电话 02062043340, 13801106414注意 请提前预约写作内容写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。范文诵读:FoundOn the evening of January 8th, 2012, I found an electronicdictionary in the English readingroom on the 3rd floor of the newlibrary in our school.The electronic dictionary is new and metallic gray incolor.What

80、s more, it is as big as a piece of cake and as thin as aregular magazine.I hope to find the owner as soon as possible, so if you arethe very one I am looking for, you can call me at 02062043340or 13801106414.Please make appointment in advance.Class 4, Senior 3Li Ming人物简介人物简介【谋篇布局】人物简介一般为记叙文体裁,其正文主要包

81、括:1.人物概况(age, sex, birth place and family background)2.人物外貌、性格(appearance, character)3.教育背景(education)4.经历、生平(big events in his or her life)5.对人物的评价(evaluation)【实用套语】1.职位头衔:用同位语,年龄、性别与家境也可用同位语。如:(1)Bruce, our English teacher, is from England and is about40 years old.布鲁斯是我们的英语老师,他来自英国,大约四十岁。(2)She is

82、 Li Na, a girl of twenty.她是李娜,一个 20 岁的女孩。2.介绍出生:用分词结构,使文章简洁。如:Born in a poor clerks family, Charles Dickens had littleschooling.出生在一个贫困的小职员家庭中,查尔斯狄更斯接受的学校教育不多。3.描写外貌:巧用 with 短语。如:He is tall and thin with a pair of glasses on his nose.他又高又瘦,鼻子上总是架着一副眼镜。4.生平事迹:尽量用复合句、并列句、非谓语动词短语和倒装句等高级句型。如:(1)He wrote

83、 a famous book “Ben Cao Gang Mu”, which isa collection of Chinese herbs and includes 2,000 Chinese herbswith millions of characters.(定语从句)他写了一本著名的书本草纲目,它是一本中草药总集,收录了近 2,000 种中草药,字数多达百万。(2)He died in 1875, leaving the world more than 160stories.(非谓语动词短语)他于 1875 年去世,为世人留下了 160 个故事。5.对人物的评价:尽量运用短语。如:(1

84、)The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader.人们爱戴他,把他作为一位精神领袖。(2)Lei Feng has been praised for his communist spirit.雷锋因他的共产主义精神而受到赞扬。此外,还有一些常用的短语需要熟记:with the help of. 在的帮助下be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求spend his childhood in. 在度过他的童年live a happy/hard life 过着幸福/艰苦的生活graduate from 毕业于major in

85、主修receive a doctors degree 获得博士学位go abroad for further studies 出国深造devote his lifetime to. 把他毕生的时间都奉献给do sth. with great determination and perseverance以极大的决心和毅力做某事win a prize in. competition 在比赛中获奖make rapid progress in.在取得快速进步set sb. a good example 为某人树立一个好榜样speak (think) highly of. 高度赞扬请用英语为该某报社写一

86、篇人物介绍,介绍前世界跳水冠军孙淑伟。写作内容1.简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei),男,广东人;2.训练项目:跳水(diving);3取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军(Swimming Championships);4.其他情况:从小就喜欢游泳,8 岁进广东省跳水队;在学校里认真学习,在跳水队时认真训练,13 岁进入国家队,14 岁夺得十一届亚运会金牌,15 岁成为第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军,26 岁成为国家队教练。5.对其评价:他为我们树立了好榜样,我们以他为豪。写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。参考范文:Sun Shuwei , a former world

87、champion in diving , is fromGuangdong.He loved swimming when he was a small boy and atthe age of eight he became a member of the diving team inGuangdong Province, where he studied hard at school and trainedhard for five years before he came to the national team.A yearlater, he won a gold medal at th

88、e 11th Asia Games and became aworld champion at the 6th world Swimming Championships whenhe was only 15.He became the national teams coach at the age of26.He set a good example to us and we were all proud of him.地点简介地点简介介绍一个国家、地区或城市,一般应包括其地理位置、首都或政府所在地、人口、气候、环境、物产及历史等。【实用套语】1地理位置lie in/be located in

89、/be situated in 位于,坐落于in the center of/in the east of 在中心/在东部2人口It has a population of./With the population of.人口是The population has reached. 人口达到3历史It has a history of./With the history of.有的历史4占地面积It covers/has an area of.square meters.占地平方米5环境with green hills and beautiful rivers 有着青山绿水6气候neither

90、 too cold nor too hot 既不太冷也不太热the climate varies from place to place 气候因地而异7物产be rich in/be high in 盛产a city with much industry 一个工业城市8风景名胜place of interest 风景名胜区sth. attract/appeal to sb.某物吸引某人sth. be so attractive/wonderful/appealing that.某物是如此的吸引人,以至于It is famous for/as.因为/作为而著名a place with many

91、tourist attractions一个有着很多名胜的地方Located in the middle of Shandong Peninsula, Weifangcovers an area of 15.9 square kilometers with a population of8.63 million.潍坊位于山东半岛中部,总面积达 1.59 万平方公里,人口为 836 万。As an outstanding tourist city with a long history in China,the city is rich in both mineral resources and

92、seafood products.作为中国有着悠久历史的优秀旅游城市,它有着富饶的矿产和水产资源。概况中国第三大城市;别称:五羊城、花城等;广东省省会; 全市面积 7434 平方公里;人口 1000 多万历史 2200 多年历史的文化名城,历史上海上丝绸之路的始发港地理 珠江从市中心穿过 气候 温暖湿润旅游 风光旖旎,旅游资源丰富请根据下表内容,写一篇介绍广州的英语短文。写作内容写作要求1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2.短文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Let me tell you something about Guangzhou.I hope you will have a

93、good time in Guangzhou.Thank you.范文背诵:Let me tell you something about Guangzhou.Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, also known asFivelamb City, Flower City and so on, serves as the capital cityof Guangdong Province.This city covers a total area of 7,434square kilometers with a population of

94、more than tenmillion.Guangzhou, a famous city with a history of more than2,200 years, is a starting port of the Silk Road on the sea inhistory.Guangzhou enjoys a warm and wet climate.The beautifulcity, well-known for its beautiful scenery, is also abundant intraveling resources.I hope you will have

95、a good time in Guangzhou.Thank you.节日简介节日简介节日的介绍一般应包括过节的时间、方式,有时还会说到节日的历史和意义。因传统节日是年年过的,所以用一般现在时。【实用套语】1Tomb Sweeping Day usually falls on April 46 every year.清明节通常是每年的 4 月 4 号到 6 号之间。2.The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of theChinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February.中国的春节是农历

96、年的第 1 天,通常在 2 月份。3 Its in this special day that people mourn over theirancestors and remember their great contribution to the developmentof our society.就是在这个特别的日子,人们悼念他们的祖先并纪念他们为社会的发展所做的贡献。中国的传统节日中秋节马上就要到了,你的美国笔 友Mike 请你在他们的校报上介绍一下中秋节的情况,请你根据下表写一篇短文。时间 每年阴历八月十五,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。范围中国及亚洲其他一些国家都会庆祝。象征人们认为

97、满月是团圆、运气、财富的象征,在那天会 互相表达祝福。方式在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,共聚晚餐。人们还会吃月饼,那是一种圆形的饼,里面有肉、果仁、 鸡蛋等。写作内容中秋节简介写作要求1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。2.参考词汇:阴历 the lunar calendar, 果仁 nut范文诵读:The Midautumn Festival,which is one of the most importanttraditional festivals in China , falls on August 15th of the Lunarcalendar every year.Not

98、only is it popular in China but it is alsocelebrated in many other Asian countries.People believe that fullmoon is a symbol of reunion,luck and fortune,and it is a customto express best wishes to the beloved ones at this particular time.Onthat day people usually go back home to have family reunion ,

99、enjoying a large meal with their family.They will also eat mooncakes,which are round cakes with meat,eggs,nuts and other thingsinside.报道灾难事件报道灾难事件我们所说的灾难性事件,主要指 fire (火灾), flood (洪灾),drought ( 干旱), landslide ( 山崩), earthquake ( 地震), tsunami ( 海啸), typhoon (台风), hurricane (飓风), tornado (龙卷风), volcani

100、ceruption (火山爆发), snowstorm (暴风雪)等。【谋篇布局】报道这类事件,一般应包括事件发生的时间、地点、灾情、损失,以及救援情况等。因报道的事件已经发生,故常用一般过去时。【必备词汇】1何事何地an earthquake happened in/hit/struck.2造成后果(1)失踪:missing(2)受伤:get/be injured(3)死亡:be killed/lose ones life/cause sb.s death(4)电力中断:the electricity was cut off(5)房屋倒塌:house collapse/fall down(6

101、)冲走房屋:wash away buildings(7)成为废墟:be in ruins; fall into ruins(8)造成经济损失:cause economic losses3救援捐赠(1)受灾地区:stricken district/area(2)救灾工作:rescue work(3)恢复正常:return to normal(4)地震灾民:the victims of the earthquake(5)被困人员:trapped people(6)拯救:rescue. from(7)呼吁人们捐赠:call on people to make donations时间 2011 年 3

102、 月 11 日 13 时震中 日本本州岛(Honshu Island)东北 130 公里处影响1.截止至 3 月 16 日,死亡人数已超过 4000 人, 有 8000 人失踪; 2强海啸和核电站反应堆(reactor)爆炸。各界反应 1.国际社会积极提供援助; 2世界卫生组织(WHO)表示到目前为止未发现核 辐射对其他国家的影响。2011 年 3 月 11 日,日本发生了大地震并引发了海啸,引起了全世界人民的关注。以下是这一灾难事件的基本情况。写作内容请你根据以上内容给学校广播站写一篇英语简讯,内容包括:1.地震发生的时间、震中地点;2.地震的影响和各界对此次地震的反应;3.你的态度。写作要

103、求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。范文诵读:A big earthquake hit Japan 130 kilometers off the northeastcoast of Honshu Island at 1 p m.on March 11, 2011.The strongtsunami along with it had caused more than 4,000 deaths and8,000 people missing by March 16.After the quake, a lot ofcountries have promised to provide with re

104、lief support.Thoughthe reactors in the nuclear power station continued to explode, therehave been no other countries influenced by nuclear radiation bynow, according to the WHO.I think we all should put down the prejudice between Chinaand Japan and be united to reduce the damage.兴趣爱好兴趣爱好本话题主要指对音乐、舞蹈

105、、表演、体育运动、游戏(包括网络游戏)、集邮、阅读、烹饪、看电影、看电视、听收音机、欣赏戏剧、音乐会、观光旅行、访问博物馆、饲养宠物等非常感兴趣。【必备词汇】surf the Internet 上网chat online 在线聊天enjoy popular music 喜欢流行音乐be fond of/be keen on/go in for 喜欢/爱好have some hobbies 有一些爱好be interested in/show interest in/take an interest in 对感兴趣be crazy about 对着迷develop a great liking

106、for 渐渐爱上prefer.to.宁愿而不愿阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Good hobbies can bring a lot of pleasure to kids and theirparents.Hobbies are things that a person likes to do in his sparetime.Some kids like swimming or playing sports, while others maylike quieter hobbies such as reading, music, cooking, comput

107、ergames or board games (棋类游戏)Older kids who can read mightenjoy the guitar or the piano, while younger ones might enjoyplaying the toy drums and singing along.Good hobbies for kids can be any type of activity that isbeneficial for their overall growth and has been proven to helpthem later in life, i

108、ncluding selfconfidence and any skills that theymight learn.When choosing hobbies, parents should remember notto push kids too hard, otherwise they might give up before theyreally try the hobbies.Also you should give your kids the right tochoose hobbies by themselves.Good hobbies are something that

109、will grow with your kids,stretching (使发挥全部本领) and challenging them enough to keepthem interested, but do not take them away from their schoolwork.Instead, good hobbies can help to improve their homework.写作内容假设你要给某周报的英语写作栏投稿,请你就“My hobby”这一话题准备你的稿件。请认真阅读上面的材料,然后完成以下任务。1.以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约 120 词就“M

110、y hobby”这个主题发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)简单介绍你的业余爱好;(2)你的业余爱好是怎样发展起来的;(3)你的爱好对你的学习、生活和未来等有什么影响。写作要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:My HobbyGood hobbies, which are activities a person likes to do in hisspare time can benefit his growth and amuse him.Meanwhile goodhobbies will

111、 be accompanied with the growth of kids.As for me, what I like most is singing.I began to sing songswhen I was very young.I showed great interest in music then,because my uncle often taught me some songs, which were good tolisten to and easy to sing.As I grew up, my music teacher found that I had a

112、good voice,so she advised me to study vocal music in the ChildrensPalace.From then on, I began my vocal music training.I practicedhow to produce sounds and how to make our expressions morenatural and more pleasing.I won one award after another in severalcompetitions.As time went by, I still take sin

113、ging as my hobby since Ifind music is the interest that is missing in the exams.When I amstressful and bored, it is music that helps me live through thesetough hours.Enjoying music, I live a happy life.说明计划说明计划【技巧点拨】1.当计划或打算要做的有几件事情时,为使前后衔接得更加紧密,可用 first, then, next, finally 等表示时间先后的词;若不体现动作先后,只是说明计

114、划要做些什么事,也可用first of all,to begin with, whats more, in addition, lastly 等表示列举的关联词。2.因为是计划或打算,故要用一般将来时。阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。China news, Shanghai, October 8According to a randomsurvey covering 3,800 elementary and secondary school students inShanghai, the two groups of students have very diffe

115、rent careeroutlooks.Most pupils dream of starting their own business aftergraduation, while high school students long for freelancing (自由职业)“Its so cool to be your own boss, and you can decide whento start a days work ,” said Jay (not his real name), a fifth gradepupil.The hottest topic between him

116、and his classmates is usuallyabout their future careers, and many of them have already had athorough plan for the future.Jay says that he will start his businesswith his friends in a few years after graduating from college, whenhe will have already accumulated some money.High school students choices

117、 tend to be more reasonable.Someof them say they will take an ordinary fulltime job, while many ofthem also appreciate the freedom of freelancing; however, most ofthem will think twice before starting their own businesses, as it isextremely difficult to start a career from scratch (忙乱)写作内容上面这篇文章来自中国

118、新闻网,请你读后以一名学生的身份在中国新闻网发表意见栏上写一篇文章,要包含以下要点:1.以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约 120 词谈谈你将来的就业意向,内容包括:(1)你打算以后干什么?说出你选择的理由;(2)为了将来的事业,你现在应该怎么做。写作要求1.作文中可使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:According to a survey,some elementary and secondary schoolstudents in Shanghai hope to start their

119、 own business in the futurewhile others , especially high school students , prefer to take anordinary job.I dream of being an excellent doctor after I graduate fromuniversity.First, I am told that to be a doctor, I can have a verygood income.We have to admit that money is important.With it, Ican liv

120、e more comfortably and provide my child with a betterenvironment.If I have enough money ,I can also help thepoor.More importantly, doctors are angels to the patients, whocan help the sick get rid of pain and suffering or even give a secondlife to the dying.I cant imagine how great I will feel when s

121、eeing apatient recover from the illness and live happily again because ofmy help.Now what I should do is to study hard to make sure I can entera famous medicine university , where I can learn the requiredknowledge and skills to be a good doctor.叙述事件或活动【技巧点拨】叙述活动或事件的过程属于记叙文,包括日记和游记。写作时应注意以下几点:1.一般应包括

122、记叙文的六要素。如游记,一般包括旅游的时间(when)、地点(where)、参加的人员(who)、交通工具(how)、所见所闻(what)以及感受和体会(feeling)。2.一般用过去时,但也要灵活使用其他时态。如描写景色和议论时,可用一般现在时;表示个人感想、打算或决心时,可用一般将来时。3.以时间或地点为线索,描述事件或活动过程。【实用套语】1Today I paid a visit to.with my.今天我和我的一起参观了2Time passed before we knew it, so we had to.时间不知不觉就过去了,我们不得不3How happy/glad/exci

123、ted I feel today!今天我是多么高兴啊!活动项目与同学去东水山野餐。时间安排 9 月 20 日星期三早上在校门口集合,7 点出发。活动过程 骑车到达山脚,一小时后爬上山顶,领略美景。活动项目 与同学去东水山野餐。活动内容照相、唱歌、做游戏、下棋等,玩得很开心。3 点午餐后觉得很累,就下山回家了。写作内容请根据以下内容提示,写一篇英文日记(题头已写好)。写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。September 20th, Wednesday范文诵读:September 20th, WednesdayCloudyCloudyToday my classmates and I wen

124、t to East Water Mountain andhad a picnic.All of us set off at seven from our school gate and rode to thefoot of the mountain.After an hours climbing,we reached the top ofthe mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.Running,jumping ,singing,playing chess and taking photos,we had a wonderful timethe

125、re.After the picnic lunch at three,we felt very tired,so we wentdown the mountain and came home.发表看法发表看法读写任务常常在概括上文内容要点后,要求考生对作者的某一观点发表看法。考生对此观点既可以表示赞成,也可以表示反对,但不论赞成或反对都应简单说明理由,最后还可重申主题或得出结论。【实用套语】1.表示赞同(1)I firmly support the view that. There are two factorscontributing to this point.In the first p

126、lace, .In the secondplace, .Therefore, theres no doubt that.我坚决支持这个观点有两个因素让我支持这个观点。第一第二因此,毫无疑问(2)As far as I am concerned, I cant agree more with.I holdmy view for the reason.So it goes without saying that.就我而言,我完全同意其理由是因此,不用说(3)I fully agree with his statement that. mainly because. 我完全赞同他的说法,主要是因为(

127、4)From my point of view, I am in favor of the idea that.依我之见,我赞成(5)What the writer said sounds reasonable.作者所说的听起来很合理。(6)Im for the writers idea that.我支持作者的观点2.表示不赞同:(1)Personally speaking, I strongly argue against the idea that.It is not only because.but also because.就本人而言,我强烈反对不但因为而且因为(2)To be fra

128、nk, I can not support the opinion.My argument forthis view goes as follows.For one thing. For another.坦率地说,我不支持这一观点。其理由如下:一是二是(3)From my point of view, I oppose the idea/statement that.For one thing.For another.依我看,我反对一是二是阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Teenagers secrets should be kept to themselves a

129、nd no oneelse, their parents included, has the right to stick their nose intotheir private life.As we know, teenagers are going through a special period ofdevelopment both physically and psychologically.They are curiousabout and puzzled by the unexpected changes in their body andmind.Whats more, exp

130、osed to a world of adults, it is only toonatural for them to begin imitating adults behaviors in secret.Boysbegin to smoke and girls begin to spend time doing their hair andcare more about what to wear.Some even begin to date with agirlfriend or boyfriend without letting their parents know.They ared

131、oing all this in secret because they are still unsure whether it isright to do so and afraid that, if found out by their parent, they willget misunderstood and even punished.In fact, in many cases,parents can not deal with such matters well but hurt their childrensfeelings badly, making children unw

132、illing to communicate withthem any more.When this happens, it hurts terribly feelings of thefamily as well.Therefore, it sounds reasonable and acceptable thatteenagers should keep their secrets to themselves instead of sharingthem with their parents, who should give them the freedom indealing with s

133、ecrets.写作内容1.以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约 120 词就“青少年的秘密该不该与父母分享”这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)你是支持还是反对与父母分享秘密?(2)你支持或反对的理由是什么?(3)结合你的实际, 谈谈你是具体怎么做的。写作要求1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:Teenagers Secrets Should be Shared with Their ParentsMany teenagers have their own secrets but t

134、heir parentsalways want to know them, which will probably hurt childrensfeelings.As a result, they wont like to share their secrets with theirparents.Oppositely, I insist that teenagers secrets should be sharedby their parents.For one thing, parents are the closest relatives inthe world, who trying

135、every possible means to do good to theirchildren, should be respected and trusted.For another, lack ofexperience, teenagers need some help and support in makingdecisions or solving problems.If many of the secrets are kept tochildren themselves, they may do unimaginable harm in the long run.Speaking

136、from my experience, I always let my parents knowmy secrets, like a close friend.In return they appreciate my attitudeso much that they are always ready to offer me valuable advice,which benefits me a lot in this special time of development.赞成反对型【谋篇布局】提出问题赞成及理由反对及理由你的看法【实用套语】1The topic of. (主题) is be

137、coming more and more popularrecently.There are two sides of opinions about it.Some people say Ais their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of.(支持 A 的理由一) What is more, .(理由二) Moreover, .(理由三)近来话题变得越来越流行。关于这个话题有两方观点。一些人倾向于 A,他们认为其次然后2While others think that B is a better choice in the follo

138、wingthree reasons. Firstly, . (支持 B 的理由一) Secondly/Besides, .(理由二) Thirdly/Finally, . (理由三)而另一些人认为 B 更好。理由有三:首先其次最后3From my point of view, I think. (我的观点) The reason isthat. ( 原因) As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons toexplain my choice.依我看来,我认为原因是事实上,还有其他一些原因让我支持这个观点。赞成的理由反对的理由你的看法1 广交

139、朋友 2可自由表达思想3利于外语学习1 浪费时间2影响学习 3可能上当受骗12 点人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。写作内容写作要求1.只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。2. 参考词汇:网络朋友 online friend(s); 上当受骗 be/getcheated范文诵读:There are different opinions about/Different people havedifferent opinions on whether the students should make friendsonline

140、.Some people hold the opinion that the Internet helps tomake friends and by chatting online, students can more freelyexpress their feelings and opinions.Whats more/Besides/Inaddition, they can help them with their foreign languagestudies.However, other people hold the opposite opinion that itwill ta

141、ke students a lot of time to make friends online, so it willhave a negative influence on their study and whats worse, theymay get cheated by online friends.As for me, I think that students should be allowed to makefriends online but should also continue to concentrate on theirstudies./As far as I am

142、 concerned, students can make friendsonline by making a good balance between study and relaxation./Itis my opinion that students should place their studies, health andsafety before other things and if they desire to find good friends,they can make friends with those people around them.说明重要性说明重要性【技巧点

143、拨】说明某事物的重要性是读写任务常考的写作要点。写作时,首先指出该事物非常重要,然后紧接着说明其之所以重要的原因,也可通过举实例来说明其重要性。可以只从正面进行论证,也可以正反两方面论证;最后,可以用一两句话来总结。【实用套语】1.I do think handwriting is still important today.我的确认为书法在今天依然重要。2.Modesty is of great significance in our life.谦虚在我们的生活中很重要。3.Hobbies and interests play an important role in onesgrowing

144、.兴趣和爱好在一个人的成长过程中起着重要的作用。4.I think it is very important for parents to cultivate theirchildrens independence. Firstly, . (理由一) Secondly, .(理由二)Finally, .(理由三)我认为,对家长来说培养孩子的独立性非常重要。首先其次最后5.Protecting water is of great importance to the life in thefuture. First and foremost, . (理由一) Secondly, . (理由二) O

145、nlyby protecting our valuable water resource, can we. (总结)保护水资源对未来生活非常重要。首先其次只有保护我们珍贵的水资源,我们才能阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。I have a friend Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch ( 牧马场) in San Yoshiro.When he was a senior, he was asked to write apaper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

146、Thenext day he handed it in to the teacher.On the front was a large redFThe boy with the dream asked, “Why did I receive an F?”The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic dream for a youngboy like you.You have no money.You come from an itinerant (四处奔 波 的 ) family.You have no resources.Owning a horse r

147、anchrequires a lot of money.You have to buy the land.You have to payfor the original breeding stock and later youll have to pay largestud fees.Theres no way you could ever do it.”He stated, “You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream.”The best part of the story is that two summers ago that sameschoolt

148、eacher brought 30 kids to camp out on his ranch for aweek.When the teacher was leaving, he said, “Look, Monty, I cantell you this now.When I was your teacher, I was something of adream stealer.During those years I stole a lot of kidsdreams.Fortunately you had enough belief not to give up on yours.”写

149、作内容学校最近组织了一次中美学生交流活动,你参加其中的“坚守信念”的讨论。读完 Monty Roberts 的故事之后,你准备写一份发言稿,题目是 “Belief can change ones fate”,内容要点包括:1.以约 30 词概括 Monty Roberts 的成长故事;2.以约 120 词谈谈你对信念的看法,内容包括:(1)坚守信念对一个人成长的重要性;(2)举一两个例子去论证“坚守信念能改变人的命运”;(3)你的感想。写作要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:This

150、passage tells us that Monty Roberts, who had such strongbelief that he didnt give up his dream all the time, eventuallysucceeded in owning a horse ranch.For a person, belief always plays an important role in hislife.As a saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”Anyone who has strong beli

151、ef can enjoy a colorful life.Otherwise,he will lose himself in his way of life.Belief is so important that it can change ones fate. As adeaf man, Beethoven went on working with his strong belief in thelast year of his life, though he was not able to hear his own finemusic.Marie Curie, a famous scien

152、tist, also had set a goodexample.In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende.Inorder to improve her discovery, Marie and her husband workedhard.At last they saw the dim blue light of new elementradium.Herdream had come true.From my personal point of view, it can be seen that one withfirmly

153、held belief is likely to get successful and master his ownlife.分析原因分析原因分析原因就是解释现象,即在指出一种社会现象后,逐条分析产生这种现象的原因。另外,在论证观点时,其表述形式也与此相似,即在提出一种观点后,往往需要一条一条地列出具体的理由,以证明自己的观点。【实用套语】1.The reason why.is that.的原因是2.There are three reasons for. 有三个原因。3.There are several reasons that contribute to.有几个原因促成4.My view

154、s are based on the following reasons. First ofall, .Secondly .Finally, .我的观点是基于以下几个理由。首先其次最后5.Reasons for this are varied. Some people think.Others think.产生这种现象的原因是多种多样的。一些人认为而另一些人认为6.I firmly support the view that.because.In addition, .我坚决支持观点,因为另外阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Drunk driving has bee

155、n written into a new draft law to ChinasCriminal Law as a crime, as part of the countrys efforts to make itsroads safer.The draft law states that drunk driving is against the CriminalLaw and drunk drivers would be detained (拘留) and fined.Currently, those suspected of drunk driving, if no seriouscons

156、equences such as road accidents are caused, are not chargedwith criminal offences ( 刑事犯罪) According to the road trafficsafety law, drunk drivers will face up to 15 days in detention andtheir driving licenses will be suspended from one to sixmonths.Meanwhile, drivers will have to pay a fine ranging f

157、rom200 yuan (30 US.dollars) to 2,000 yuan.On the other hand, whendrunk driving has become vital or has caused “seriousconsequences”, drivers are ruled to be committing traffic crimesor crimes against public security and receive jail terms rangingfrom no more than three years detention or more than s

158、even yearsimprisonment.The latest law emphasizes that drunk driving, even if it hascaused no road accidents or other serious consequences, would becharged with a criminal offence.Drunk driving has been heavily criticized by the public.Thelaw is a response to increase calls for more severe punishment

159、 ofdangerous driving on Chinese roads.写作内容1.以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约 120 词就“Say Goodbye to Drunk Driving”这一主题写一篇短文,内容包括:(1)酒后驾驶现象普遍的原因;(2)酒后驾驶产生的后果;(3)你对防治酒后驾驶的建议。写作要求1.作文中可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:Say Goodbye to Drunk DrivingDrunk driving will be charged as

160、 a crime in the new lawthough no road accidents or other serious consequences have beencaused.According to the law, drunk drivers will receive much moresevere punishment than present.With the rapid development of economic society,private carshave already been popular and important vehicles.The popul

161、arizationof private cars ,however ,has brought about more and more caraccidents , most of which are caused by drunk driving.Chinastraditional wine culture contributes to this.Moreover,the lack of thesafety awareness is the direct reason why there exists too muchillegal drunk driving.Drunk driving is

162、 one of the most terrible things for thepedestrians and other vehicles.Traffic accidents from drunk drivingare the dual tragedies,which lead to the legal penalty to the driversand cause great harm to our society,families and individuals.From my point of view ,it is necessary that the governmentshoul

163、d schedule some educational programs to strengthen theawareness of public traffic safety.Whats more , strict regulationsand laws should be made to offer more severe punishment on drunkdrivers.提出建议【谋篇布局】引出建议列举建议和理由(希望)【实用套语】1.引出建议可用:(1)Here are my suggestions on how to.这是我的关于如何的建议。(2)Suggestions on.c

164、an be listed as follows.关于的建议可列举如下。(3)The ways for you to.can be suggested as follows. 你做的方法可参照下面的建议。2.列举建议可用:(1)first of all/first/to begin with; second(ly)/then/besides/inaddition/whats more; finally/lastly/last but not least 首先/其次/最后(2)for one thing.and for another (thing)一方面另一方面3.在列举的建议后常常会用起补充说

165、明作用的分词短语、定语从句等说明提出此建议的理由或原因。假如你是李明,你跟你的朋友 Paul 聊天,他表示学习压力很大,请你给他写封信,给他提一些建议。写作内容1将自己的问题告诉老师和同学,请求得到他们的帮助;2不要总想着考试成绩,要多想想自己在哪些方面进步了,这样就会给自己自信;3多做运动,运动可以帮助自己缓解压力,并且有助于睡眠;4你对他的祝福。写作要求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Dear Paul,I quite sympathize with you and understand the great troubleyou are suffe

166、ring from.Yours sincerely,Li Ming范文诵读:Dear Paul,I quite sympathize with you and understand the great trouble you are suffering from.I suggest you communicate yourtrouble to your teachers and classmates so as to get help fromthem.You are not supposed to think about your exams all the time,which only

167、makes you more stressed out.Instead, you should thinkabout the progress you have made in your study, which will surelyincrease your own confidence.In addition, I advise you to do moreexercise in your spare time to relieve your stress, because sportswill also help you sleep better at night.I hope you

168、 will get out of your trouble sooner and live happily.Yours sincerely,Li Ming问题解决问题解决【技巧点拨】问题解决型写作要点通常是针对某一社会问题,要求考生提出解决方案或应对措施。这类作文给出的问题通常是当今社会的热点话题。我们可以采用“综述问题提出解决办法结论”的结构。【实用套语】1综述问题In recent days, we have to face a problem that.近来,我们面临这样一个问题2解决办法With the help of., we now have many means to solve

169、 it.Bydoing., we can.Whats the most important is that.在的帮助下,我们现在有很多办法来解决。通过我们可以最重要的是3结论In a word, it is clear/obvious that.Only when.can we.总之,很明显只有才能4解决交通堵塞To solve the problem of heavy traffic, effective measuresshould be taken.( 修路拓宽) First of all, more new roads shouldbe constructed, and the old

170、 and narrow streets should be widenedand expanded.( 改 善 公 交 ) Moreover, our government shouldincrease public vehicles.More bus routes should be opened upbecause buses can carry more passengers.(鼓励骑车) Lastly, ridingbicycles should be encouraged.Only when the traffic problem issolved can we lead an ea

171、sy life.5.解决年轻人沉溺于电脑游戏Therefore, it is time we took effective measures to solve thisproblem.( 年 轻 人 方 面 ) On one hand, young people should befully aware of the danger of indugence of computer games.( 游戏室方面) On the other hand, illegal computer game houses shouldbe banned.主题保护环境,节约资源,人人有责措施1.节约用水,尽量重复

172、利用水资源;2节约用电,做到人走灯灭;3冬季尽量不使用冰箱,减少二氧化碳的排放;4保护好手中的教材,留给下一年级的学生使用;5植树,垃圾分类以便循环利用。假设你班墙报开设了“保护环境,节约资源,人人有责”的栏目,请你为该专栏写一篇介绍日常生活中保护环境的方法的短文。写作内容写作要求只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。范文诵读:We all live on the earth;however,human activities are seriouslydamaging it, so we must take measures to protect it in no time.Firstly,we c

173、an save water by trying to use the water again and save electricityby turning lights off when we dont use them.Secondly,we should trynot to use the refrigerator especially in winter in order to reduce theemission of carbon dioxide.Thirdly , we should try to keep thetextbooks we use well and give the

174、m to the students next year.Finally,we can also do many other things such as planting trees ,and sortingour rubbish for recycling.观点论证观点论证【技巧点拨】观点论证也就是议论文的主要内容,作者提出某个观点,然后通过摆事实、讲道理等方式阐明理由,证明自己的观点,最后得出结论。即:论点论证结论。观点论证常用一般现在时,但论述过去的事实时,可用过去时态;预测将来时,可用将来时态,有时也会使用被动语态;若假设一种虚拟情况时,还需用到虚拟语气。【实用套语】1.提出论点(1)

175、In my opinion, no.is more important than.在我看来,没有比更重要。(2)It is, of course, not right for.to do.当然,对来说,做是不正确的。2.得出结论(1)And only.can we.只有我们才能(2)So if possible, Ill.所以如果可能的话,我会(3)All in all.总之阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Newspapers and the InternetSince the arrival of newspapers the world has greatlyc

176、hanged in many ways.With a sheet of newspaper in hand, one isable to keep up with the latest news around the world without evenhaving to leave his house.Nowadays, however, the newspaper ismore and more in the danger of being replaced by the rising ITindustry or World Wide Web, and for many young peo

177、ple,newspapers have become a thing of the past.It seems the function of newspaper cannot be compared tothose of the Internet in at least three ways.First, the newspaper is no match for the Internet inspeed.Information of any kind can travel through the Internet at aspeed of up to 300,000,000 meters

178、per second.In a world wheretime means money, the newspaper is sure to lose for this reasonalone.Second, information carried by the Internet can take the formof sound, live show, and even interaction between the program andthe audience.In a newspaper, only few photographs could be seenin news stories

179、 surrounded by black words.As you can see, theInternet gives us a much more colorful description of the worldthan the newspaper.Last but not least, the technology used in the Internet makesit possible for us to get a more objective and matteroffact point ofview.On the Internet, we can read details o

180、f news that are absent inthe newspaper.In a word, though the newspaper is still used by many as amain provider of news, it will give way to the Internet sooner orlater.写作内容1.以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约 120 词就“我喜欢的获取信息的途径”这一主题发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)表明你的观点,你宁愿选择报纸还是互联网来获取信息?(2)至少用三个理由说明你为什么选择这种获取信息的途径。写作要求1.作文中可以使用

181、亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.标题自拟。范文诵读:I Prefer Newspapers to the InternetThe writer thinks newspapers will be replaced by the Internetas the main provider of information and gives three reasons or factsto support his/her opinion.Yes, the Internet does have the advantag

182、es mentioned, butthat is just one side.Like many students, I still prefer newspapersto the Internet.Why? First, articles and reports in newspapers aregenerally better written, more serious, and more reliable than thoseon the Internet.Se-cond, we feel it safer to read newspapers.Inreading a newspaper

183、 we can keep away from information notintended for children, while it is hardly possible on the Internet,where unhealthy information or pictures simply “jump out” tocatch your attention.Finally, love of newspapers makes you aknowledgeable student, while love of the Internet often makes youan addicte

184、d and lazy student.So I am sure to choose newspapers.列举个例【概括方法】这里说的“列举个例”是指在一类、一些事物中举出其中的一个或几个例子,即通常在一个复数名词后用介词such as (诸如之类的,例如), like (例如)等列出其中的具体个例(名词或动名词)。这里的“like/such as名词或动名词”可以理解为在句中作定语。注意:虽然 for example 有时也引出表示具体个例的名词,但多用来引出句子、段落或动词不定式等,相当于“举证”,即举个事例来证明前面所陈述的观点。关于“举例证明”以后再进行讲练。【实用套语】1 Nowad

185、ays, energy can be obtained through varioussources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind andocean tides.现在,能源可以从多种资源中获取,如石油、煤、天然气、太阳能、风能和海洋潮汐。2 After class we enjoy all kinds of activities, such asdoing sport, doing experiments or surfing the Internet.课后我们有各种各样的活动,如做运动,做实验,或者上网。3 Besi

186、des running, we can do many sports such asmorning exercises, playing pingpong ball and playingbasketball, but it shouldnt take up too much time.除了跑步,我们还可以做许多运动,如早操、打乒乓球、打篮球,但不要占用太多时间。4This program will cover topics like history, education,scenic sports, foods and famous people of Foshan.这个节目将涵盖像佛山历史

187、、教育、风景名胜、饮食和名人这些话题。5 Middle school students from all over Guangzhouperformed all kinds of programs, like English songs, Englishshort plays and English stories.来自整个广州的中学生表演了各种各样的节目,如英语歌曲、英语短剧和英语故事。6 Students in China should make better use of theirholiday.Apart from reading, they may spare some time

188、to getclose to nature and learn through experience, for example,visiting museums.中国学生应当更好地利用他们的假期。除了阅读,他们可以花些时间去亲近大自然并且通过实践来学习,如参观博物馆。假如你是李华,现在就读于英国一所高中,是一名交流学生。你要回信告诉你中国同学贾奇有关英国高中生课余时间打工的情况,并谈谈你对高中生课余时间打工的看法。年龄规定 15 岁以上的高中生时间限制 每天不超过 3 个小时,每周 18 小时以 内;晚上工作不得迟于 7 点你的看法 1.可获得一些基本的工作技能,如填表、 应对面试和与人交往

189、2.学会如何理财,增强自信心和独立性 3.有利于积累工作经验和提高责任感写作内容写作要求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Dear Jia Qi,Very glad to have received your letter.Now Ill tell yousomething about senior high school students taking theparttime jobs in Britain.Looking forward to your letter.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua范文诵读:Dear Jia Qi,V

190、ery glad to have received your letter.Now Ill tell youSomething about senior high school students taking theparttime jobs in Britain.In the UK, any high school studentover 15 can get a parttime job in his spare time.But they canwork no more than three hours a day or 18 hours a week, andthey are not

191、allowed to work after 7 pm.In my opinion, taking a parttime job is beneficial, forteenagers can gain some basic working skills such as how tofill in an application form, how to do well in an interview andhow to get along well with their coworkers and bosses.Whatsmore, students are provided with a ch

192、ance to learn to dealwith their money properly, helping them build up theirconfidence and solve problems more independently whenfaced with difficulties.Above all, taking a parttime job canhelp them accumulate working experience as well as cultivatea sense of responsibility.Looking forward to your le

193、tter.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua举例说明【技巧点拨】举例说明就是通过举例子来证明某种观点,阐明某种道理。例子不必长篇大论,但一定要与主题相吻合。写例子之前可用一句话过渡,写完例子后用一两句话重申主题。【实用套语】1However,there are other ways to make students workhard.For example,teachers can reward us with small gifts ifwe do a good job.然而,有其他方法让学生们努力学习。例如,老师可以在我们取得成绩的时候给我们一些小礼物作为奖励。2 A goo

194、d parent should possess some good qualities,especially when facing her children.Take my mother,a modelparent, as an example.一位好的家长应该具备一些好的品质,特别是面对孩子的时候。以我的母亲一位典型的家长来做典例。3There is no denying that confidence plays an importantrole in our life. A convincing example that jumps into mymind is about speak

195、ing English.不可否认的是,自信在我们的生活中扮演着一个重要的角色。我脑子里涌现的一个很有说服力的例子就是关于说英语的。4Such examples can be seen easily in our daily life.Agood case in point is.这样的例子在我们日常生活中很容易见到。一个典型的例子就是阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。When a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running upand down beside him and made some noise. This s

196、oon wokethe lion.Losing his temper, he caught the mouse in his pawsand was about to kill it.The mouse, terrified, pleaded to thelion to spare its life.“Please let me go, ” It cried, “ and one day I will repay youfor your kindness.” This idea of so small a creature ever being ableto do anything for h

197、im amused the lion so much that he laughedaloud.He thought, “How could this little mouse help me ? ”However, he lifted his paws and let it go.But the mouses chance came after all.A few days later, whenthe lion was wandering in the forest, he was caught in a trap.The hunters wanted to take him alive

198、to the king, so they tiedhim to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon.Just then the little mouse passed by, and saw the sad lion. Itwent up to him and soon gnawed away ( 啃断) the ropes. “ Was Iright ? ” asked the little mouse. This lion nodded his head andthanked the little mouse.写作内容1以约 30 词概括上文

199、的主要内容;2以约 120 词就“勿以善小而不为”的主题发表看法,内容包括:(1)该故事给你什么启示?(2)你认为生活中的小善能带来大作用吗?(3)请举例说明。写作要求1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:A mouse begged an lion, who was woken up by him,to spare his life.Later, the mouse helped the lion by gnawingthe ropes.After reading this story , I

200、 came to realize that peopleshould never ignore the deed of small kindness.Small gooddeeds sometimes may get big return or make a greatdifference!( 要证明的观点)I fully agree that trivial things play animportant part in our life.( 引出例子)Such examples can beseen easily in our daily life.A good case in point

201、 is, as wecan see , a word of encouragement from a sincere teacheroftenchanges adownheartedstudentsideaandbehavior.Another example is that a warm smile to someonewho loses courage and wants to commit suicide may comforthim, cheer him up through the darkest night in his life.In a word , it is the tri

202、vial things in daily life thatcount.Just as the famous saying goes, do not think any virtuetrivial, and so neglect it; do not think any vice trivial, andso practice it.今昔对比【谋篇布局】1开门见山地交待什么事情在什么时候发生了什么样的变化。2用具体的事例进行对比阐述今昔变化。3总结变化结果,或对不利的变化结果提出解决建议。今昔对比类作文尤应注意时态的正确使用。一般说来,描述过去的情况应用过去式;而描述现在的情况则应用现在时。写

203、作方法既可采用集中比较,也可采用逐点比较。【实用套语】1总述何时何地发生了变化多以 changes 作主语,用 take place 的现在完成时态。(1)Great changes have taken place in my hometown inthe last five years.近五年来,我的家乡发生了巨变。(2)Over the past twenty years or so, great changes havetaken place in our life.在过去约 20 年的时间里,我们的生活发生了巨变。(3)Things have begun to improve sin

204、ce schools werecalled on to reduce learning load.自从号召学校减负以来,情况有了好转。2通过今昔对比描述具体变化(1).used to., but now.曾经,但现在(2).in the past, but now.过去,但现在(3)Once., but now.曾经,但现在(4)Things are different now.现在情况不同了。(5)But now, everything has changed.但现在,一切都改变了。有时在指出变化的同时,还需简单分析变化原因。如:The reasons for these changes a

205、re that peoples livingstandard has been improved greatly and they prefer ahighquality and colorful life.这些改变的原因是人们的生活水平大幅提高,而且人们追求多彩的高质量的生活。3结尾常用句型最后,总结变化结果,或对不利的变化结果提出解决建议。如:(1)In short, changes in our life in the past twenty yearshave brought us comfort and convenience.总之,过去 20 年里我们生活的变化给我们带来了便利和舒

206、适。(2)In a word, people now have an easier life today.总之,人们今天的生活比以前便利了。(3)I suggest the government take immediate measures tosolve the problem of pollution to improve the environment.我建议政府马上采取措施解决污染问题,改善环境。请按照以下 6 幅图的提示,写一篇题为“Changes in OurLife”的英语短文。写作内容1通讯方式的变化;2获取新闻信息方式的变化;3住房条件的变化;4变化结果所带来的影响。写作要

207、求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2短文的开头已经给出,不计入总句数。Changes in Our LifeOver the past twenty years or so, great changes havetaken place in our life.Take my family for example.范文诵读:Changes in Our Life( 总述变化 )Over the past twenty years or so, great changes havetaken place in our life.Take my family for example.(事例对比)M

208、yparents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past, butnow we make long distance calls at home.And once my parents listened tothe radio for news and other information, but now we watch news andother programs on TV or on the Internet. Another big change is in thehousing conditions.W

209、hen they got married about twenty years ago, myparents lived in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we havemoved into a big new threeroom apartment.(结尾:影响)In short, changesin our life in the past twenty years have bought us comfort andconvenience.利弊对比【实用套语】1Evidently, .have both negative an

210、d positive aspects.On one hand, .On the other hand, .显然,都有正反两面。一方面,另一方面,2Its advantage can be listed as follows.For one thing, .For another, .However, just as a popular saying goes, “everycoin has two sides”, .is no exception, and in other words, itstill has its negative aspects.To begin with, .In a

211、ddition, .它的优点可以列举如下:一方面,另一方面,然而,正如一句流行语所说的:每个硬币都有两面,也不例外,换句话说,它仍有它不好的方面。首先,另外,3Just as the old saying goes, there is no garden withoutweeds, and so does . On the one hand , .On the otherhand, .Through the above analysis, I believe that the positiveaspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore, I wo

212、uld liketo.正如古语说的,没有一个花园没有杂草,也是这样。一方面,另一方面,通过上面的分析,我相信积极的方面超过消极的方面,因此,我愿意4Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows.First.Second.But every coin has two sides.Obviously, ithas some disadvantages, one of which is that.To makethings worse, .For the comparison between these positiveand negative e

213、ffects of.we know that its advantages faroutweigh its disadvantages.Therefore, we should.大体来说,它的优点如下:首先,第二,但是任何事物都有两面。明显地,它有一些缺点,其中一个就是更糟糕的是,从这些正反两面的比较,我们知道它的优点远远超过它的缺点。因此,我们应该阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Human life can not continue without science andtechnology.For many years, human society has de

214、velopedwith the advance of science and technology while thedevelopment of science and technology has in turn broughtthe progress to mankind.So the life we are living now is morecivilized than that of our forefathers.Science is important to most people living in the modernworld.Scienceisimportanttowo

215、rldpeace,totheunderstanding of technology, and to our understanding of thenatural world.Some areas of science are especially interestingbecause they deal with questions all men and women askthemselves.Science tries to provide some explanations forwhat happens to people.Science is hard to study.One o

216、f the reasons is that thereare so many questions without answers.Much science involvesasking questions, and then studying and doing research to tryto find the answers.Some questions have been studied byresearch scientists for many years, and the answers are stillnot known.However, scientists are slo

217、wly but surely able toanswer more and more questions about life, and these answerschange our lives and also explain them.All of the many different kinds of science are importantand interesting.Scientists are asking and answering manyinteresting and important questions about people and theirlives.A b

218、asic knowledge of science can help you to understandboth the questions and the answers.In the modern world, thisability is essential to everyone.写作内容1以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2以约 120 词就“科技给人们生活带来了什么”的主题发表看法,内容包括:(1)科技给人们带来许多好处;(2)科技也给人们带来诸多麻烦;(3)你的看法。写作要求1作文中可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2作

219、文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:The author puts stress on the importance of science andtechnology in this passage.Though they are difficult to study,many scientists devote themselves to the research of scienceand technology.On one hand, the development of science andtechnology has brought about many changes in

220、 peopleslife.For example, we now live comfortably and convenientlyin houses furnished with air conditioners, washing machinesand televisions etc.And we can travel long distances withinhours by plane, train or car.Owing to the invention ofspaceship and rocket, the dream of mans landing on the moonhas

221、 now come true.On the other hand, science and technology have alsobrought us much trouble.For example, because of thedevelopment of industry, lots of the wastes from factoriespour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of all kinds.In my opinion, its advantages far outweigh itsdisadvantages.As l

222、ong as we use science and technology in aproper way and avoid some problems, they may bring us evenmore benefits.观点对比【实用套语】1 Different people have different opinions on.Somepeople think.because.However, others think for reasonthat.不同的人对有不太的看法。有些人认为因为然而,其他人认为2Opinions are various for this.Some believ

223、e that whileothers argue that.Still others maintain that.对于此事有不同的看法。有些人相信,但另外一些人对此有争论,认为还有些人认为3There are different opinions on how to.Many peopletake.seriously, while few treat as.对于有不同的意见。许多人重视,然而也有少数人不同的人有不同的看法。大多数人都赞成剩下的人反对4Opinions vary from person to person.The majority ofthe people are in favo

224、ur of.The rest of them are against.5 When it comes to.some people think that.On theother hand, others argue that.但谈及一些人认为另一方面,其他人对此有异议,认为阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Health or Wealth?Which is more important, health or wealth? When given thisquestion, different people have varied answers.Some insist

225、 that healthplays a more important role in our life, while others see moreadvantages arising from wealth.The first group of people quote the old saying “Health is abovewealth” to prove their idea.They argue that, on the one hand, a strongperson can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard.On

226、theother hand, however, rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth iftheir days are numbered.In contrast, the supporters of wealth have such arguments asfollows.For one thing, wealthy people will be able to buy morehealthful foods.For another, they can enjoy better facilities to improvetheir h

227、ealth.Take my neighbor, Lao Wang, as an example.He had aheart attack and is in hospital.However, he cannot afford the expensiveoperation, which costs as much as 100,000 yuan.Therefore, he has tolie in bed hopelessly.If he were a rich man, his life could be saved.As far as I am concerned, both health

228、 and wealth are importantto our life.We should try to strike a balance between them and gainwealth with a healthy body.写作内容1以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2以约 120 词就“健康或财富”的主题发表看法,内容包括:(1)你身边的人对健康或财富的态度;(2)你的看法。写作要求1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。Wealth or Health?Different people h

229、ave different opinions about which ismore important, wealth or health.Some people treasure healthbecause of being strong to do almost anything, while othersspeak highly of wealth due to its effect on life.People around me have different opinions on it.Somepeople prefer wealth, holding that money can

230、 not bringeverything, but without it, one can do nothing.In order toaccumulate more money they can do anything.However,【答案解析】范文诵读:other people regard health as more important.Once health islost, it is no use having a lot of money.As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I valuehealth more.Everyb

231、ody wants to live a happy life.So they trytheir best to earn money which they can ensure they lead acomfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved atthe cost of their health, how can they be happy ? Withouthealth, money becomes meaningless.In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy per

232、sonwithout good health can be happy.So, just do our best andkeep fit.说明异同【实用套语】1 There are some similarities between A andB.However, there are also some evident differences.A 与 B 有一些相似点然而,也有一些明显的区别2There are some similarities between A and BBoth ofthem.However, some differences are also obvious.A 与

233、B 有一些相似点,他们都然而,一些差异也很明显。3 There are many differences in.Apart from thedifferences, there are also some similarities between.A 与 B 有一些相似点,他们都然而,一些差异也很明显。阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Honesty is one of the most treasured traditional values inChina.Children are taught to be honest when they are veryyou

234、ng.At schools the students are also instructed to be honest.However, with the development of society, we often hearcomplaints about dishonesty.Reports with the theme ofdishonesty often appear in the media.For example, somepeople try to get rich and live a comfortable life by cheatingothers.They sell

235、 things quite ordinary at a very highprice.Some peoples delaying paying back the loan is anotherexample.Some people, including some college students getloan from the bank, and fail to pay back.The dishonest people sometimes can get benefit fromtheir behaviors.So some people assert that dishonesty ca

236、nbring people benefit, while honesty only makes peoplesuffer.Is that so? Definitely not.It is always true that honesty isthe best policy.It pays to be honest.The cheater mentioned willsurely be disclosed and punished one day.On the contrary, if he had been honest, neither the buyernor he himself wou

237、ld have suffered.The people who do notreturn money in time will sooner or later become notorious,and will not get the money from others again.If he had acteddifferently, he would have earned respect and trust.Meanwhile,the bank would not have suffered from loss.写作内容1以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2以约 120 词就“hones

238、ty and dishonesty”的主题发表看法,内容包括:(1)你对不诚实现象的看法;(2)不诚实与善意谎言的异同;(3)作为中学生,应该如何做一个诚实的人。写作要求1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:The passage tells us that honest people will get benefitfrom their behavior while dishonest people will be disclosedand punished one day , though

239、sometimes dishonesty bringspeople benefit while honesty makes people suffer.Dishonesty does great harm to our society.It can destroyour good relationship with others , bringing lots of unstablefactors to the society.Many people consider that telling white lies is anotherkind of dishonesty ; both of

240、them cheat others in the sameway.However,some differences are also obvious; dishonestymay cause bad effect on others and destroy the relationshipwith their parents and classmates and even lose the trust fromothers.Telling white lies sometimes can do good to peoplebecause people do this to hide the f

241、actors that may hurt others.As students , we should act honestly and never cheatothers,including cheating in exams.Only in this way can wewin respect from others.假设处境【实用套语】1假如你在河边发现有人溺水,你会怎样做?If I had been on the spot, I would have jumped into theriver to rescue the child on the condition that I cou

242、ld swim.Ifnot, I would have first called the police and then persuadedthe people on the boat and the swimmers nearby to help.如果我在现场,我会跳进河里去救那个小孩,前提是我会游泳。如果我不会,我首先会报警,然后劝说在船上的人和附近游泳的人去救人。2假如你将来做老师,你会怎样对待教学和你的学生?Were I to be a teacher, first of all, I would try my best to givestudents lessons, guiding

243、 them into a correct direction and arousingtheir interest in the subjects.Whats more, I would dive intoteaching with great passion, smiling to the students and being theirfriends after class.Last but not least, I would treat every studentequally, no matter how they are.如果我是一位老师,首先,我会尽力给学生上好课,把他们引向正确

244、的方向,激发他们的学习兴趣。而且,我会以极大的热情投身到教学中,对学生微笑以对,课后成为他们的朋友。最后,我会公平对待每一个学生,不管他们是谁。阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。I will never forget the lesson which Mr.Li gave us.One dayMr.Li was speaking to us in our school meeting room.He began hisspeech by holding up a ¥ 100 bill.He asked, “Who would likethis ¥100 bill ?”

245、 Most of us put up our hands quickly.Then hesaid, “I am going to give this ¥100 to one of you, but first let medo this.” He then made the bill into a ball and said, “Who wantsit now ? ” We raised our hands again.But he said, “Wait amoment.” He then dropped it on the floor and stepped on it.Afterthat

246、, he picked up the dirty bill and said, “Who still wants it ?”Many hands were still up.“My friends , ” he said, “you havelearned a valuable lesson today.No matter what I did to the money,you still wanted it because it did not go down in value.It was stillworth ¥100.”“We sometimes lose confidence in

247、ourselves.” he went onspeaking.“We feel as if we are worth nothing.But remember, nomatter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value:you are always valuable to those people who love you.Your valuedoesnt come from what you do or who you know, but WHO YOUARE.You are special and valuable.

248、Dont ever forget it!”写作内容1.以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2.以约 120 词谈谈你的感想,内容包括:(1)通过阅读这篇短文,你有哪些收获?(2)如果你是老师,你的一个学生某次考试成绩很差,你想跟他/她说些什么?写作要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:Mr.Li gave us a lesson by showing us a ¥ 100 bill ,which still has its value no matter what we do to it.S

249、o iseverybody, who is always valuable.I learned a lot from the lesson.First , I have come toknow that everybody is special and valuable, and wont losehis value no matter what happens.Second, the lesson tells methat confidence is important in doing things, and I shouldntlose confidence in myself even

250、 though I meet withfailure.Failure does not mean I am of no value; I can still dowhat I want and I will try harder.If I were a teacher and one of my students fails in anexam , I would say to him , “you are still yourself andshouldnt be hopeless.” I would also tell him he can take thisexam as a good

251、lesson and try to find out the causes that madehim fail so that he can do well in the future.心得体会【实用套语】1After reading.I feel.读完后,我觉得2After reading the story, I realize that.读完这个故事,我认识到3After reading this story, I was lost in thought.I came torealize that.读完这个故事后,我陷入了沉思。我逐渐认识到4From the story, I learn

252、/know that.从这个故事,我学会/懂得了5 Having finished reading the story, I was deeplytouched.I am aware of.读完这个故事,我被深深地打动了。我意识到6 I am so touched/inspired/encouraged/impressed by.我被如此地打动/鼓舞/激励/感动了。7The story teaches us that.这个故事告诉我们8I was so astonished when I knew that.当我知道我是如此地惊讶。9From the story I have learned

253、that the trails of life areof great importance in our growth. As the saying goes, “ Nocross, no crown.” Only by overcoming difficulties in our lifecan we grow up happily and healthily.从这个故事我懂得了,生活的经历对我们的成长很重要。就如俗语所说的: “ 没有苦难就没有成功。 ” 只有克服我们生命中的困难我们才能健康快乐地长大。阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。Good morning,

254、 ladies and gentlemen.This is Li Hua fromSenior Three.Im here today to share with you a good lessonfrom an overseas Chinese student living in Germany.It is atrue story.After years of hard work, this Chinese student graduatedwith amazing academic achievements.Everyone thought hewas going to get a goo

255、d job easily and have a brightfuture.But to his disappointment, he was not even allowed thechance for an interview! The third time he was turned down,he couldnt help telephoning the company to ask why theydidnt want him.The answer was simple, “We dont hiredishonest people in Germany.”What was wrong

256、you might wonder? The truth is, shortlyafter he arrived in Germany, this clever student found that itwas easy to skip buying subway tickets.So, to save money, heoften went without a ticket.As a result, he had been caughtwithout a ticket in the subway three times.From this story, we learn that we may

257、 get shorttermbenefits by dishonest means, but the truth will come outsooner or later and the cost is high.So remember: honesty isthe best policy.Thats all for my speech.Thank you!写作内容1以约 30 词概括上文的主要内容;2以约 120 词写一篇读后感,说明“诚信的重要性”,内容包括:(1)你读后的感受;(2)以你或他人的经历说明诚信的重要性;(3)谈谈你从中悟出的道理。写作要求1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事

258、,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:Today I read an instructive speech, in which the speakerargues honesty is the best policy by telling the story of anoverseas Chinese student who couldnt find a job because ofhis dishonesty.After reading this speech , I felt really sorry for thestude

259、nt who had ruined his own future due to gaining extraadvantages.On the other hand , I also thought it correct todishonest people.My classmate Wang Tao once made a similarmistake.During a math quiz ,he was having trouble workingout a problem.When the teacher looked away, he peeked andcopied the answe

260、r from his classmate.He was glad that hehad got a high mark in the quiz.But when he came across asimilar question in the final exam , he didnt know how tosolve it and eventually failed the test.Remember: honesty is the best policy.经历感受【技巧点拨】经历感受通常只需包含 “ 谁?干了什么事?结果如何?”等,然后再谈谈本人对此次经历的看法及感受,或是从这次经历中得出了

261、什么经验教训。写经历时,可借鉴原文。因为写经历就是写记叙文,将记叙文的几个要素替换就行了,但一定要注意主题与原文故事一致。如:原材料是一个女孩因牙齿太大被别人嘲笑,但她通过努力最终取得了成功。我们就可以说张三因为身材矮小被人瞧不起,但他通过努力取得了成功。【实用套语】1引出经历(1)The story reminds me of my experience.这个故事让我想起了我自己的经历(2)This story reminds me of a similar experience of myfriend.这个故事让我想起我朋友的一次相似的经历。(3)I also had an unforge

262、ttable experience.我也曾有一次难忘的经历(4)Take my personal experience in learning English forexample.Three years ago, I.就以我学英语的亲身经历为例,三年前,我(5)After reading Alans story, I recall the experience ofmy friend.看了艾伦的故事后,我回想起我朋友的那段经历2感受启示(1)From this experience I realize that its not easy butmeaningful to be a journ

263、alist.通过这次经历,我意识到做记者是不容易但又有意义的。(2)Only by learning step by step can we achievesomething.只有通过循序渐进的学习,我们才能有所成就。(3)I benefit a lot from this experience and realizedthat it is honesty that wins us the respect from others andbrings us real happiness.这次经历让我受益匪浅,我意识到正是诚实才让我们赢得他人的尊重,也给我们带来快乐。(4)Therefore, I

264、 learned to cultivate myself to bestrongminded.因此,我学会了要将自己培养成意志坚强的人(2011 年广东高考)阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。When Sam first got to his boarding school with hisparents, he was very happy.He thought he would be able togo home every weekend.When he was told he would not, hestarted crying because the tho

265、ught of not seeing his parentswas driving him crazy.He was given uniforms and all other things that hewould need for the term.He started crying when it was timefor his parents to leave.He was then taken to the dorm, wherehe saw other children happy.He tried as much as he could tofit in but could not

266、 because his mind was at home.He startedfeeling homesick ( 想 家 ) and wanted to go home as soon aspossible.He got sick soon because he could not eat the schoolfood.He could not concentrate in the classroom.All he couldthink of was being at home with his family.He had no mobilephone or other means to

267、get in touch with his parents.He wasangry and felt lonely.He thought his parents hated him andthat was why they left him in a boarding school.写作内容1.以约 30 个词概括上文的主要内容;2. 以约 120 个词讲述一次你( 或你的朋友) 想家的经历,内容包括:(1)时间、地点和起因;(2)想家给学习和生活带来的影响;(3)你(或你的朋友)是如何应对的。写作要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子

268、;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。范文诵读:The story is about what Sam felt when he was sent to aboarding school,where he became homesick,often felt lonelyand was even angry with his parents for their sending himthere.Once I had a similar experience.I finished my juniormiddle school in a boarding school.At the age of

269、 13,I neverdealt with the daily things ,such as washing clothes ,takingcare of money etc. especially I felt lonely because I hardlyknew any people.At first , I could not get on well with myclassmates and I always looked forward to being on holiday tomeet my parents.I could not concentrate on my subj

270、ects.Astime went by I gradually adapted myself to the school life.Imade several friends,and often took part in the activities,inwhich I improved my communicating skills.As I had a lot ofinteresting things to do , I finally began to enjoy my schoollife.Now,whenever I think of my first boarding school

271、 life,I think it instructive and unforgettable.概括记叙文的要点【概括方法】我们应首先找出这篇材料中故事的主角,然后找出该主角(何时何地因何原因或出于何种目的)做了何事,再弄清结果如何,以及该故事说明了一个什么道理或给人有什么启示。在写作过程中还要注意以下几点:1由于限制为大约 30 词,我们不一定要使用 the storytell us 或者 the author/the passages shows us that 等开头套语。2时态应与原文时态一致。3 一般以第三人称的形式来表述。如 I 要变成 thewriter,he/she 等。4可选用

272、以下句式开头:The passage/story is about.The author tells us a story about a.The passage is a story about.【实用套语】1In order to.sb.did sth./sth.happened.As a result./Therefore, .2sb.did sth./sth.happened, which shows.due to/thanksto/because (of).which shows.阅读下面短文,然后分别以约 30 词概括这两篇记叙文的主要内容。(1)Some years ago, l

273、eaving the farm to work in the city,three brothers were employed by the same company and onthe same pay.But three years later, they received differentwages.So their father was confused and decided to pay a visitto the boss, who told him that he would let his sons explainfor themselves.The three brot

274、hers were asked by the supervisor to go tothe airport to get a cargo inventory at different times.Jim, whoreceived 500 dollars a month, got the information on thephone instead of going to the airport himself.Frank, the1000dollaramonth brother returned with a list of morecargoes.George, the 1500dolla

275、ramonth brother came backwith detailed information and also did something extrawithout being told.(某人做了某事)Three brothers, who worked for thesame company, received different wages(原因)due to theirdifferent attitudes towards their work,(意义)which shows afight attitude is of great help to ones life.(2)Ev

276、eryonehasanexperiencetheywouldratherforget.Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and someteach us a lesson.Here is a story of mine.Last Sunday I went fishing.After setting up my fishingrod with bait ( 诱饵), I sat down on the bank of the lake.Buttwo hours later, I didnt catch any fish.I got very ang

277、ry andbegan to pack up my stuff, preparing to go back home.Just then, I saw an old man sitting near me.To mysurprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him,wanting to know why.“Excuse me, but how long have yousat here ? ” I asked.“About four hours , ” heanswered.“Four hours ? ” I couldn

278、t believe myears.“Yes.Its very important to be patient , ” the old mansaid.“Dont consider fishing a tiring sport.Just enjoy it.”Suddenly, I understood what he said.I must learn to bepatient.Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently.I felt afish touch the bait, but I didnt move and waited for th

279、e rightmoment to reel it in.At last, I caught it.This made me veryhappy.In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish.On my way home, I thought what had happened on thebank.I gradually realized that the secret of success waspatience.The story is about an unforgettable lesson of the writerfrom an

280、 old man while fishing ,(启示)through which thewriter realized patience was very important and that it was thesecret of success.概括说明文的要点【概括方法】如果所给出的材料是一篇说明一种社会现象的文章,考生应该先找出文章说明了一种什么现象,分析产生这种现象的原因,结果如何,或者针对这种现象提出解决措施或建议。即:现象原因结果(措施或建议)。阅读下面短文,然后分别以约 30 词概括这两篇说明文的主要内容。(1)While income worry is a rather c

281、ommon problem of theaged, loneliness is another problem they may face.Of all thereasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographicaldistance between parents and their children is the majorone.This phenomenon is commonly known as “Empty NestSyndrome (综合症)”In order to seek better chances outsid

282、e their countries,many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parentsbehind with no clear idea of when they will return home.Theirparents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care ofthemselves, in the hope that some day their children will comeback to stay with them.The fact that mos

283、t of these youngpeople have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societiesmakes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value ofduty as they would have if they had not left theircountries.Whatever the case, it has been noted that the valuesthey hold do not necessarily match what they actua

284、lly do.Thisgeographical and cultural distance also prevents the grownupchildren from providing response in time for their agedparents living by themselves.The situation in which grownup children live far awayfrom their aged parents has been described as “distantparent phenomenon”, which is common bo

285、th in developedcountries and in developing countries.Our society has not yetbeen well prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”(现象)Nowadays many aged parents live alone inloneliness(原因)because young people leave home to seektheir future far away in a more developed place ,(结 果)which causing a new social pr

286、oblem around the world.(2)Years ago it was very difficult to travel from one place toanother.The journeys were often long, tiring and dangerous.Butnow people travel frequently and easily.Science has improvedtransportation and communication facilities a great deal.Travelinghas become safer, more enjo

287、yable and above all, more economical.Travelingwhether within ones country or abroadbrings many invaluable benefits.People travel for pleasure,business or for education and knowledge.In the world ofyesterday most people were only able to read about strangeand fascinating places across the mountains a

288、nd seas.Later,with the coming of the cinema and television, mans curiosityabout faraway places with strange sounding names wasfurther stirred up.Today mans curiosity can be satisfied inluxurious comfort.There are firstclass ships and airplanes totake him where his dreams lie.We travel to increase ou

289、r knowledge of the world inwhich we live.Knowledge obtained from books alone is notenough.New knowledge of different lands and people enrichesour mind and soul.Books generally do not give us a very truepicture of lands beyond our shores.Some of them are evenmisleading.(原因) With the development of sc

290、ience, (现象)transportation makes people travel a lot with comfort, (结果)which brings lots of benefits like satisfying mans curiosityand increasing mans knowledge of the world.概括议论文的要点【概括方法】概括议论文的内容要点就是要找出议论文的三个要素,其中最重要的是找出论点。论点就是作者要表明的观点,也就是主题句。而主题句往往在文章的首段或尾段,且在段落的首句或尾句。主题句有时也可能在文中或段落中,此时主题句前常常有 howe

291、ver, but 等表示转折的关联词。【实用套语】1The author holds the view that.作者认为2The author thinks that.作者认为3The passage/author highlights the importance of.文章/作者强调了的重要性。4The passage/author argues.文章/作者认为5The passage/author compares.with.文章/作者比较了和阅读下面短文,然后分别以约 30 词概括这两篇议论文的主要内容。(1)For traditional readers like me, news

292、papers still hold animportantpositioninourheart.Somepeopleregardnewspapers as a medium of the past and predict that they willbe replaced by TV and the Internet in the near future.As far asIm concerned, however, newspapers may provide the readerswith factual reports as well as certain viewpoint.Where

293、ver one wants to know whats happening in theworld, he no longer needs to bother searching for abookstore.Instead, he would surf online and find exactly whathe wants on a website.However, more people, me included,firmly hold the opinion that newspapers are still indispensable(不可替代)First of all, newsp

294、apers gain us a deeper insightsinto the events.While TV feasts our eyes with flash pictures,newspapers enrich our minds with sparkling wits.Secondly,though with great potential, the new media are not as popularas newspapers.A retired worker would rather buy an eveningpaper on his way home, instead o

295、f taking pains to learn howto operate a PC.Finally, people want to see words in black andwhite, if necessary.Considering the fact, I would draw the conclusion thatdespite the increasing popularity of new media, newspapersstill play an important role in peoples life.The author holds the view that(论点)

296、newspapers stillplay an important part in our lives ,and (论据)lists someadvantages of newspapers ,although the new media like TVand the Internet are becoming more and more popular.(2)Hardworking people live longer than average men andwomen.Career women are healthier than housewives.Evidenceshows that

297、 the jobless are in poorer health than jobholders.Astudy shows that whenever the employment rate increases by1%, the death rate decreases by 2%.All this comes down toone point: work is helpful to health.Why is work good for health? It is because work keepspeople busy away from loneliness.Researches

298、show thatpeople feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they havenothing to do.Instead, the happiest are those who arebusy.Work serves as a bridge between man and reality.Bywork people come into contact with each other.By collective(集体的) activity they find friendship and warmth.This ishelpful to healt

299、h.The loss of work means the loss ofeverything.It affects man spiritually and makes him ill.Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and asense of achievement.Work makes one feel his value andstatus in society.When a writer finishes his writing or ateacher sees his students grow, they are happ

300、y beyond words.(论点)Work is helpful to peoples health ,(论据)because it can rid one of loneliness as well as make one feelfruitful and proud of himself , which always contributes tophysical and mental health.段落主题句的模式【技巧点拨】高考读写任务的“发表看法”部分,通常包括三个要点,此时建议考生将三个要点依次设为三段,每段写一个主题句,放在段首,然后再围绕主题句进行展开。这样既可使写作内容一目

301、了然,避免出现走题或偏题,又方便改卷老师落实要点是否齐全。写主题句的主要方法有:一、具体回答对含有特殊问句性质的要点,问什么答什么。如:1假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应?If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I could feelannoyed when people keep photographing with me.如果我是野生动物园里的动物,要是人们一直和我拍照,我会觉得很困扰。2你认为好老师应该具有什么样的好品质?In my eyes, a good teacher should treat his studentsfairl

302、y as well as make the class lively and interesting.依我看,好老师应该公平对待他的学生,同时使课堂生动有趣。二、肯否明确对含有一般问句性质、要求考生作出肯定或否定回答的要点,考生要明确表示支持还是反对、赞同还是不赞同、应该还是不应该等,或表明会不会做某事。如:1你是否赞成(熄灯一小时活动)这种做法并说明理由。Im strong for this activity, which is really meaningful andhelpful.我非常赞成这种活动,它很有意义,也很有用。2你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。I believe that

303、 taking photos with animals should be banned.我认为应该禁止游客和动物拍照。三、直接翻译对不含提问性质的要点,一般将其译成英语即可。必要时,可增加关联词。如:1督促学生认真学习的办法。However, there are other ways to make students workhard.然而,也有其他方法督促学生努力学习。2中学生活和大学生活的差别。From my point of view, college life will be differentfrom the life in high school.依照我的观点,大学生活和高中生活

304、将会不同。四、表明看法对“你对的看法/态度”之类的要点,考生可用 inmy opinion/view, personally, as far as, Im concerned 等开头,直接表明自己的看法。如:1你对留堂制度的看法。In my opinion, detention has its advantages in educatingmisbehaved students.依我看,留堂对于教育品行不良的学生有好处。2你对大学扩招的看法。In my point of view, this tendency should be continued,as we need more capabl

305、e people to contribute to thefastgrowing economy.在我看来,这种趋势应该持续下去,因为我们需要更多有能力的人来为快速增长的经济做出贡献。五、表示重要对 “谈谈的重要性/必要性/意义”就直接说“很重要/很有必要/有重要意义”。如:1谈谈安全教育的重要性。In my opinion, no lesson is more important than theone on personal safety.在我看来,没有课程比安全教育课更重要。2谈谈建设绿色校园的重要性。It is of great importance to build a green

306、campus.建设绿色校园非常重要。六、引出经历引出你的朋友过去的经历。This reminds me of my friend Li Huas experience inprimary school.这使想起我朋友李华在小学时的经历。请根据下列各个写作要点,写出各段的主题句。(1)It is an indepth relationship combining trust, support ,communication, loyalty, understanding, sympathy and intimacy.Theseare certainly aspects of life that a

307、ll of us desire.Being able totrust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.Rememberwhen you were young you went with a friend to her grandmasfor the weekend.It was fun but when you got home, home waswonderful.Your feeling was “I am at home.I can relax now.”Thats what a friendship shou

308、ld be.You go out into the worldand do your best.You have your ups and downs, yourproblems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations.You charmand perform.Then you come “home” to a friend.You can relax,put up your feet; you are relieved.If you still have to becharming and/or performing, its not a relief

309、.Friendship is acomfortable situation like home.You get home, kick off yourshoes, relax and sigh, “Ahh, home.”But no one can form a friendship until he/she realizesthat the basis of being friends is meeting the needs of the otherperson.One must be a friend to have a friend.Never forget that friends

310、relate.Relating is the basis offriendship.写作内容写出以下要点的主题句:(1)根据你的亲身经历,你觉得朋友给你的生活带来了什么?(具体回答)(2)你对友谊的理解是什么?(具体回答)(3)你觉得如何才能建立起真正的友谊?(表明看法)(1)According to my experience,I think friends bringme not only trust,understanding but also warmth.(2 )I think friendship is a relationship which requiresboth hones

311、ty with each other and sharing.(3)To my mind,to build up real friendship,we shouldmake friends with those who we can trust ,then take seriousconcerns on our friendship and always get ready to help eachother.(2)Let children learn to judge their own work.A childlearning to talk does not learn by being

312、 corrected all the time;if corrected too much, he will stop talking.He notices athousand times a day the difference between his language andothers language.Bit by bit, he makes the right changes tomake his language like other peoples.In the same way,children learn to talk, run, climb, ride a bicycle

313、 by comparingtheir own behaviors with those of more skilled people, andslowly make the needed changes.But in school teachers nevergive a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, evenfewer chances for him to correct himself.They do it all forhim.Teachers act as if the student would never

314、notice amistake if they did not point out it to him.They act as if thestudent would never correct it unless he was made to.Soon hebecomes dependent on the teachers.Let the student do ithimself.Let him work out, with the help of other children if hewants it, what this word means and what the answer i

315、s to thatproblem.写作内容写出以下要点的主题句:(1)你觉得老师是否应该及时纠正学生的学习错误。(表示应该及时纠正)(2)老师是如何对待你的错误的?(具体回答)(3)你对老师的做法的看法及理由。(具体回答) ()This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical so Iholds that mistakes should be corrected by teachers in time.(2)My teacher point out my mistakes immediately withpatience.( 3 ) Teach

316、ers should be encouraged to correct theirstudents mistakes as soon as possible.Only in this way canthe students study more effectively and make greaterprogress.主题句展开的模式【技巧点拨】在根据要点写好段落主题句后,就要围绕主题句展开,大体相当于为论点提供论据。拓展主题句主要有以下几种模式:一、正反式如谈论“诚信与人生的关系”这个话题,可以利用正反式的逻辑组织材料:诚信对人生的重要性;没有诚信的人会怎样。Its obvious that

317、 an honest person will definitely win therespect from others, which is of great importance in our studyand daily life, let alone in the business world.However, adishonest person will lose his fame and trust from otherssooner or later.No matter how intelligent he is, dishonesty willruin his future.二、

318、递进式如谈论“儿童肥胖的不良影响”,可以从身体上进而到精神上谈论肥胖对儿童造成的不良影响。As far as we know, obese children tend to eat a lot butthey take little exercise, as a result they often fall illeasily.Besides, because of their appearance, they have lessconfidence in themselves, which leads to isolation anddepression.三、列举式如谈论个人对网上购物的看法

319、,一方面可以利用正反式谈论其优点和缺点,另一方面也可以利用列举式分别谈其优点和缺点。例如详写其优点:On one hand, online shopping has its advantages.Firstly,it is much cheaper.As far as Im concerned, online stores offerlower prices to the customers and some dont charge deliveryfee if we buy more than one.Secondly, it is more convenientas customers n

320、eednt walk store to store for what theylike.And its easier for them to compare products online.四、相关式指围绕对事物起决定作用的相关因素来谈论问题。如就“如何减少交通事故”的主题谈论人们应该如何避免交通事故,考生就可以围绕造成交通事故的相关因素,如司机和行人来谈论如何避免。What can we do to avoid traffic accidents?1 As to drivers: keep their emotions under control;respect others2As to w

321、alkers/pedestrians and cyclists: strictly obeythe traffic rules; value their own lives.五、细化主题句如就“压力对学生的影响”这个话题发表自己的看法。It is obvious that too much pressure is harmful to usstudents.As we know, pressure not only destroys ourmotivation for study but also ruins our health.六、说明结果或后果如对国家“禁止商场免费提供塑料袋”发表自己的

322、看法。It is necessary for the government to forbid shops fromoffering free plastic bags.With this ban, shopping customerswould gradually form a habit of bringing environmentallyfriendlybags with them so that the consumption of plastic bags would begradually reduced.请根据给出的文章的主题句进行展开。写作内容请就“阅读”的主题发表看法,内容

323、包括:(1)介绍一本你最喜欢的书及对其的体会;(2)你认为阅读的意义是什么。范文(概括) Reading is important for Americans.More and morepeople are joining book clubs which are formed by different peopleor organizations and for specific groups of readers.(介绍自己喜欢的书) Reading is also my favorite activity.Myfavorite novel is “Gone with the Wind”

324、It tells us a story about awoman, Scarlet, who is very brave and goes through a lot ofdifficulties but still faces life with courage.I always remember afamous sentence in this book “Tomorrow is another day.” Thisbook encourages me to be brave.Whenever I am in trouble I willthink of this sentence.(阅读

325、的意义) Personally, I think reading can really bring usbenefits.Personally, I think reading can really bring us benefits.(细化主题句)It can enlarge our knowledge and make usmore intelligent.Besides , it is helpful for our learning ,especially for writing good compositions.文章结束语的模式【技巧点拨】尽管写作中没有明确要求考生写总结,但一篇带

326、总结的文章会使结构更显完整,在阅卷时能够争取更好的印象分。因此,建议考生用简短的语言总结全文。总 结 时 常 用 to sum up, to conclude, to summarize, inbrief, in conclusion, all in all 等表总结性的词语。此外,总结应简洁,建议只用一句话。总结的方式有:一、重申主题In a word, in order to face the hard work, I thinkstudents should have suitable relaxation at weekends.总之,为了面对艰苦的学习,我认为学生在周末应该适当放松。

327、二、得出结论We can draw a conclusion that our society isprogressing and people are living a better life than everbefore.我们可以得出一个结论,我们的社会在进步,人民的生活比以往任何时候更加美好。三、提出建议Therefore, it is suggested that you should make friendswith people having different genders, characteristics orbackgrounds.因为,建议你应当与不同性别、性格以及背景

328、的人交朋友。四、强调重要To sum up, environmental protection is of greatimportance, which can make us live more comfortable andhealthier.总之,环境保护非常重要,这会使我们生活得更舒适更健康。五、表明决心I am confident that I can make every effort to satisfyyour demandbeing brave and successful.我相信我一定会竭尽全力达到你的要求:勇敢和成功。六、进行呼吁It is high time that

329、we should be aware of theimportance of selfprotection.And only with a good sense ofselfprotection can we live a safe and happy life.是我们应该意识到自我保护的重要性的时候了。只有具有自我保护意识,我们才能平安幸福地生活。七、强调观点Only when the traffic problem is solved can we lead aneasy life.只有当交通问题得到解决时我们才能过上舒适的生活。请根据给出的文章写出结束语。写作内容请以“骑自行车的好处”为

330、主题进行议论,内容包括:(1)说说你或家人常用的交通方式;(2)骑自行车有什么好处;(3)呼吁政府为骑自行车提供便利。范文(概括) The number of cyclists has been decreasing sinceits peak around 1986 while cars have been decreasing.Nowadayscyclists find it more difficult to ride a bike and they are oftenlooked upon by car drivers.(自己和家人常用的交通方式) My parents used to

331、 ride amotorbike, but after buying a private car, they have used thecar as their major means of transport.As for me I usually go toschool on my bike.(骑自行车的好处) Compared with cars, riding bicycleshas several advantages.On one hand, it is beneficial topeoples health by giving them due physical exercise.On theother hand, bicycles dont need gas, which can not only savemoney but also cause no pollution.(总结).(总结)In view of this, I appeal to the government totake measures to make bicycle riding more convenient, suchas building more bicycle lanes and bicycle parking lots.



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