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1、物流与供应链管理物流与供应链管理-6 战略联盟战略联盟2 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University战略联盟v战略联盟的概念v战略联盟选择的框架v战略联盟的三种型式第三方物流零售商-供应商伙伴关系经销一体化3 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University获取供应链能力的四种基本方式v内部活动使用企业内部资源与know-how如果是企业的核心能力,这使最佳选择v收购收购、兼并来拥有自己不具备的能力成功的风险大,成本高v正常交易短期或暂时的需求无战略优势而言v战略联盟风险与收益共享多方位、目标导向的长期合作关系有长期的战略利益4 Dr Houcai

2、 SHEN, Nanjing University选择战略联盟的框架v增加产品的价值v改善营销运作v强化经营管理v增强技术力量v促进战略成长v增进组织能力v加强财务实力5 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University增加产品的价值v例子改善上市时间缩短提前期增加分销次数互补产品线有利増强产品的品牌超级商店里的外来服务6 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University改善营销运作v例子利用新的营销渠道提高促销效率供应商销售增加大量的订单零售商销量增加缺货减少7 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University强化经营管理v例子降低

3、系统成本双赢减小提前期(周期)提高资源利用率共享季节性互补产品,提高仓库、运输资源利用率8 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University增强技术力量v例子技能互补微软与Sybase在数据库上的合作获取新技术中国保险公司的产品扩张9 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University促进战略成长v例子集中资源进入新市场新的市场机遇有较高的进入壁垒合作降低了进入的风险和难度微软与Sybase在数据库上的合作10 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University增进组织能力v学习机会了解自己获取新能力v例子中国保险业的业务扩张11 Dr

4、Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University加强财务实力v降低总系统成本v让利取双赢v扩大销售量v共担风险一起投资汽车工业的海外扩张12 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University战略联盟的劣势v核心能力可被削弱v资源从核心能力上分散开来v共享关键技术导致竞争者进入13 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University战略联盟的核心问题v认清自己的核心能力v保护自己的核心能力v例子IBM个人电脑的发展14 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University供应链战略联盟的三种形式v第三方物流 (3PL) Thir

5、d Party Logistics v零售商供应商伙伴 (RSP)Retailer-Supplier Partnershipv经销商一体化 (DI)Distribution Integration15 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University第三方物流的概念v利用一家外部的公司来提供企业全部或部分物流需要物料、库存管理配送职能v特征建立在合同基础上长期的协议合作承诺多功能的参入业务流程大公司使用的比较多大多数由运输公司发展而来16 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University第三方物流的优劣势v优势使公司集中资源于核心能力提供企业所需的灵活性

6、技术的灵活性地理的灵活性服务的灵活性资源规模的灵活性v劣势外购特定职能失去了内在的控制物流公司直接与你的客户接触更多了有核心能力被蚕食的危险17 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University使用第三方物流的考虑v了解自己的成本v第三方物流的客户化认同公司的需求和制定相应的服务v第三方物流的专业化技能和信任是基础v自拥有资产与非自拥有资产的自有者:规模大,客户基础雄厚,到位的服务,但不灵活,决策期长非自有者:灵活,成本低,但资源有限,价格谈判力低v其它重要因素(从大到小)可靠性灵活性及反应能力成本18 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University第

7、三方物流的实施考虑v对前6-12月的磨合期有足够的认识战略合作需要了解自己,了解伙伴困难最多出现在这个时期容易打退堂鼓v诚实,多沟通v从共同利益出发v其它重要问题数据的保密性绩效衡量的标准附属合同的特定条款解决争议的仲裁机制合同中的风险保护条款定期报告机制19 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University零售商供应商伙伴关系(RSP)的概念v零售商与供应商建立的互利合作关系,使供应链的成本降低,共同获益v特点类型繁多信息共享战略快速反应战略关系连续补充战略(快速补充战略)卖方管理的库存供方完全管理库存,直到销售完为止20 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing

8、University信息共享战略v简单的RSPv供应商从零售商处获取销售数据,帮助供应商更有效地作计划21 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityQuick Response:vVendors receive POS data from retailers, and use this information to synchronize production and inventory activities at the supplier. In this strategy, the retailer still prepares individual order

9、s, but the POS data is used by the supplier to improve forecasting and scheduling.Milliken and Company: The lead time from order receipt at Millikens textile plants to final clothing receipt at several of the department stores involved was reduced from eighteen weeks down to three weeks.22 Dr Houcai

10、 SHEN, Nanjing University快速反应战略关系v供应商近可能的从零售商处获取实时销售数据利用这些信息,制定补充库存,计划生产,安排配送日程v零售商根据供应商的配送日程,制定定单v利益零售商降低库存供应商提前期缩短降低库存反应速度增大23 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University快速反应带来的结果快速反应快速反应提前期缩短提前期缩短管道中库存减少管道中库存减少预测误差减少预测误差减少安全库存减少安全库存减少所需库存减少所需库存减少24 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityvContinuous Replenishme

11、nt: Vendors receive POS data and use it prepare shipments at previously agreed upon intervals to maintain agreed to levels of inventory.Wal-Mart, Kmart25 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University连续补充战略v零售商拥有库存,但交给供应商自动补充货物将销售信息交给供应商制定所需服务水平和库存水平v供应商根据实际销售数据制定生产计划根据所需库存水平,自动配送不用顾客下订单v利益零售商低库存无管理成本供应商有效的生产低库

12、存竞争者难进入26 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University卖方管理的库存v寄售战略买方不在拥有库存,只制定服务水平卖方完全控制库存,直到销售完为止v利益买方无库存卖方无牛鞭效应(低库存)长期而稳定的定单27 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University零售商供应商伙伴关系的要求v管理层的战略参入决定数据保密程度成本分配组织结构的变化v信任度供应商能使零售商的库存降低下来零售商保证库存下降后,供应商的竞争对手不能从中获利v信息技术的支持电子商务的手段信息系统数据采集技术28 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University

13、RSP的实施问题vInventory ownership:Supplier owns the goods until they are soldRetailer owns the goodsvPerformance measures: Fill rate, inventory level, inventory turns财务指标非财务指标数据准确性,库存准确性,提前期,客户供应率v数据保密性v沟通磨合v应急能力29 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversitySteps in SP ImplementationvContractual negotiationsOwner

14、shipCredit termsOrdering decisionsPerformance measuresvDevelop or integrate information systemsvDevelop effective forecasting techniquesvDevelop a tactical decision support tool to assist in coordinating inventory management and transportation policies30 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityMain Charac

15、teristics of SP31 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityAdvantages and Disadvantages of SPAdvantagesvFully utilize system knowledgeConsider the partnership between White-Hall Robbins (W-R), who makes over-the-counter drugs such as Advil, and Kmart. W-R initially disagreed with Kmart about forecasts, and

16、 in this case, it turned out that W-R forecasts were more accurate because they have a much more extensive knowledge of their products than Kmart does.32 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityAdvantages and Disadvantages of SPAdvantages (continued)vDecrease required inventory levelsvImprove service leve

17、lsvDecrease work duplicationvImprove forecasts33 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityAdvantages and Disadvantages of SPDisadvantagesvExpensive advanced technology is requiredvSupplier/retailer trust must be developed.vSupplier responsibility increases.vExpenses at the supplier often increase.34 Dr Hou

18、cai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityExamples of SP Successes and FailuresvWestern Publishing-Golden Books:Western Publishing is using VMI for its Golden Books line of childrens books at several retailers.POS data automatically triggers re-orders when inventory falls below a reorder point.This inventory is d

19、elivered either to a distribution center, or in many cases, directly to the store.Ownership of the books shifts to the retailer once deliveries have been made.In the case of Toys R Us, the company has even managed the entire book section for the retailer, including inventory from suppliers other tha

20、n Western Publishing.35 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityExamples of SP Successes and FailuresvVF Corporations Market Response System:The VF Corporation, which has many well known brand names (including Wrangler, Lee, Girbaud, and many others), began its VMI program in 1989.Currently, about 40 perc

21、ent of its production is handled using some type of automatic replenishment scheme.This is particularly notable because the program encompasses 350 different retailers, 40,000 store locations, and more than 15 million replenishment levels.VFs program is considered one of the most successful in the a

22、pparel industry.36 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityExamples of SP Successes and FailuresvSpartan StoresSpartan Stores, a grocery chain, shut down its VMI effort about one year after its inceptionOne problem was that buyers were not spending any less time on reorders than they did beforeThis was be

23、cause they didnt trust the suppliers enough to be able to stop carefully monitoring the inventories and deliveries of the VMI items, and intervening at the slightest hint of trouble.37 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing UniversityExamples of SP Successes and FailuresvSpartan Stores (continued)Furthermore, the

24、suppliers didnt do much to allay these fears. The problems were not with the suppliers forecasts; instead, they were due to the suppliers inability to deal with promotions, which are a key part of the grocery business.Since they were unable to appropriately account for promotions, delivery levels were often unacceptably low during these periods of peak demand.38 Dr Houcai SHEN, Nanjing University小结v战略联盟是解决供应链内利益冲突的重要方法v战略联盟有三种形式第三方物流(3PL)零售商供应商伙伴关系经销一体化v战略联盟需要长时间发展管理层的大力领导和支持沟通是必需的投资是巨大的



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