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1、英语科技文选的知识英英语科技文科技文选 串串讲 参考教材:参考教材: 李碧嘉主编:英语科技文选 梁惠茹: 英语科技文选一考通 串串讲方式:方式: I. Affix(涉及考试第一题) II. Key Words and Phrases(涉及考试第二和第三题) III. Translation (涉及翻译) Unit 1 I. Affix unknowable-knowable irrelevant-relevant act-interact unpredictable-predictable instinct-instinctively delusion-delusive excel-excel

2、lent accelerate-accelerator gamble-gambler sight-insight regular-irregular conception-misconception access-accessible circulate-circulation counsel-counsellor tress-distress down-downcast import-importation myth-mythical observe-observatory found-profound surrect-resurrect II. key words and phrases

3、(Part A) 1. That bias can lead to misconceptions about the world around us. 2. The known is pressed on us from the first. 3. The frontiers of knowledge, where it borders on the unknown, seems far away and irrelevant, separated from us by an apparently endless expanse of the known. 4. We do not see t

4、hat we may be proceeding down a narrow path of knowledge and that if we look slightly left or right we will be staring directly at the unknown. 5. Even when we are right on the edge of the unknown, we may not be aware of it. 6. the events so vividly described are all based on the writings 7. it is u

5、nknown and in all probability can never be known. 8. But we did not think of his accounts as fragments of knowledge on the edge of the unknown 9. Beyond the currently unknown are the things that are inherently unknowable. 10. Few unknowables are consciously recognized as such. 11. we bump into pheno

6、mena that may well be unknowable 12. Brokers make a living anticipating the fluctuations of stock prices. 13. Presidents run for office based on claims of what they will do 14. Nor do people try to predict the automobile accidents they will be involved in. 15. The roll of a bowling ball down an alle

7、y, for instance, is easier to predict than the motion of an irregular stone tumbling down a rough hillside. 16. It is in creating the artificial and controllable that science excels. 17. replete with huge bridges, trucks, airplanes 18. Large pieces of software, as they are expanded and amended, can

8、develop a degree of complexity reminiscent of natural objects 19. And second, embedded within our increasingly artificial world will be large numbers of complex and thoroughly idiosyncratic humans. Part B 1. a unique synthesis of 2. rest on/upon 3. to be ignorant of 4. to be increasingly dazzled by

9、5. a period of amnesia 6. awestruck 7. the importation from 8. to stay on horseback 9. in distress 10. bringto an end 11. to be shattered by 12. takefor granted 13. to feel inferior or downcast 14. far apart 15. to be inextricable fused 16. lose sight of 17. a biochemist of considerable distinction

10、18. befriend some Chinese students 19. pass on to her his unusually profound knowledge of the history of Chinese science. 20. to be obsessed with 21. set about learning the language 22. with reference to 23. by no means 24. have a wide bearing on the general history of thought and ideas 25. embark o

11、n 26. cannot afford 27. lose his early vision of 28. make his work more accessible in every possible way 29. accomplish himself 30. to be fully occupied 31. to be associated with him III TranslationIn distinguishing the known or the unknown from the unknowable, the level of detail can be decisive. T

12、he level of detail is what separates the delusion of the gambler from the wealth of the casino owner. The gambler attempts to predict the individual and unpredictable spins of the roulette wheel; the owner concerns himself with the quite predictable average outcome. (在把已知的、未知的及不可知的三者区分开的时候,细节的程度起着决定

13、性的作用。细节的程度就是将赌博者的错觉同赌场主任的财富分离开,赌博者企图预测个人的和不可预测的轮盘赌盘的旋转,而赌场主人则关心可预测通常的结果。) Unit 2 I. Affix distortion-distort metric-nonmetric quantitative-nonquantitative implausible-plausible intuitive-intuition fictitious-fiction deform-deformed permanence-impermanence variant-invariant celebrate-celebrated custo

14、m-customary empirical-empiricism sufficient-suffice over-overlapping propose-proposition theory-theorem transform-transformation continue-continuity different-differential formulate-formulation sect-intersect meter-perimeter polygon-polygonal circular-semicircular inscribe-inscription approximate-ap

15、proximation compute-computer lengthy-length refine-refinement extend-extension II. Key Words and Phrases (Part A) 1. It deals with fundamental geometric properties that are unaffected 2. Its propositions hold as well for objects made of rubber as for the rigid figures encountered in metric geometry

16、3. it delves into strange implausible shapes 4. A world made up entirely of erratic electrical gyrations in curved space requires a bizarre mathematics to do it justice. 5. In ordinary geometry metric properties are said to be invariant under the transformation of motion. 6. my pen retains its dimen

17、sions as it moves over the paper, this book neither shrinks nor expands as the reader turns its papers. 7. If a triangle is stretched into a circle, which of its geometric properties are retained? 8. The origins of topology go back to major discoveries 9. V stands for vertices, E for edges, F for fa

18、ces. 10. It is easy to see that no smaller number of colors will suffice for all cases. Part B 1. due in large part to 2. serve as 3. a strain of 4. at a rate 5. proportional to 6. more or less 7. revolve around 8. next to impossible 9 to be transformed into 10. to be carried out III. TranslationTyp

19、ology seems a queer subject; it delves into strange implausible shapes and its propositions are either childishly obvious (that is, until you try to prove them)or so difficult and abstract that not even a topologist can explain their intuitive meaning. But topology is no queerer than the physical wo

20、rld as we now interpret it. (拓扑学表面看来是一门奇特的学问;它探求的都是的难以些奇怪的难以置信的图形,它的定理要么是明显地带股孩子气(除非你想证明它), 要么非常困难和抽象,即使一个拓扑学家也不可能凭知觉解释清它们的意义。) Unit 3 I. Affix elude-elusive allot-allotment manipulate-manipulation recur-recurrence inhere-inherent ambiguity-ambiguous irreversibility-reversibility chronology-chronolo

21、gical visit-visitation mark-remarkable opt-option season-seasonal hierarchy-hierarchical guarantee-guarantor cycle-cyclical fold-unfold period-periodical cohere-coherent fiche-microfiche photo-photography hole-pinhole propel-propeller impose-superimpose canny-uncanny wave-wavelength II. Key words an

22、d phrases (Part A) 1. almost all the physical values of the world around us submit to our manipulations. 2. It is impossible to cut out a segment of time and compare it with another segment taken from somewhere else. 3. which we can manipulate and which recurs in identical fashion. 4. there is anoth

23、er problem which stems from the ambiguity of what is being measured. 5. notions which give a sense of the irreversibility of the march of time. 6. Measuring time also implies situating events in relation to each other, in other words, dating them. 7. takes four minutes short of twenty-four hours. 8.

24、 This movement put the Sun a little more out of phase with the stars each day 9. They were used to establish a calendar based on a lunar month 10. The Egyptians, whose life was linked to the flooding of the Nile, opted for an annual calendar with a year of exactly 365 days. 11. Thus the civil (calen

25、dar) year only coincided with the solar year once every 1,460 years. 12. This put great power into the hands of the religious or political hierarchy 13. It also makes possible the establishment of a chronology attributing to each event a date and a precise position in the unfolding time Part B 1. re

26、ach out 2. bounce off 3. in phase 4. out of step 5. from all angles 6. vantage point 7. under way 8. defect-freeIII. TranslationAlmost all civilizations have based their calendars on either the lunar month or the solar year, despite the inherent difficulty that the year is not made up of an exact nu

27、mber of lunar months. Each civilization thus invented its own more or less fixed, more or less arbitrary, system of adjustment. This put great power into the hands of the religious or political hierarchy which took this decision. Although today these adjustments are no longer arbitrary, the variety

28、of calendars an of cultures that they reflect remains.(几乎所有的文明社会都以月亮月或太阳年为基础来建立年历,尽管存在着一年不是由准确数目的月亮月组成这一固有的难题。但每个文明社会都发明了自己的或多或少固定的,或多或少任意性的调整体系,这使宗教或政治集团有很大权利做出决定。虽然今天这些调整不再是武断的,但它们所反映的年历和文化的不同仍保留下来。) Unit 4 I. Affix response-respond restore-restoration atom-atomic molecule-molecular breath-breathe

29、 elucidate-elucidation molecule-macromolecule subdivide-subdivision organic-inorganic topic-subtopic routine-routinely quality-qualitative quantity-quantitative discipline-cross-discipline play-interplay production-productive stimulate-stimulation dent-dental compass-encompass stuff-dyestuff flame-f

30、lammable force-reinforce sock-socket table-tableware II. Key Words and Phrases (Part A) 1. I ask students to fill out an information sheet. 2. a great many people who arent chemists have to be familiar with the fundamentals of chemistry 3. Chemistry has been subdivided into four areas. 4. Physical c

31、hemists investigate both organic an inorganic substances and the chemists in all areas make use of the theories and techniques 5. The work of chemists can also be described as either experimental or theoretical. 6. the theory has to be discarded and a new proposal put forth. 7. but more often chemis

32、ts specialize in one or the other of these areas. 8. No experimental chemist, however, can afford to be ignorant of the theories Part B 1. cause damage to 2. in addition to 3. contribute to 4. exacerbate the situation 5. fire resistant 6. meet the requirement 7. fore-proof 8. exposure to 9. custom f

33、abricated 10. in the event of 11. give off (any toxic gas) 12. range from 13. installed with III. TranslationChemistry has traditionally been subdivided into four areas: organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry. Organic chemistry is the study of the compounds of a single element, carbo

34、n; inorganic chemistry is the study of compounds of all the other elements. These divisions have blurred somewhat in recent year and there subtopics, such as organometallic chemistry, being investigated by both organic and inorganic chemists. (化学被传统地分为四个领域:有机化学、无机化学、分析化学和物理化学。有机化学是研究一个元素-碳的化合物的科学。无机

35、化学是研究所有其他元素化合物的学科。这些划分在近些年来已变得模糊起来,而且有些副主题,诸如金属有机化合物的化学被有机的和无机的化学家们共同研究。) Unit 5 I. Affix persistent-persist convert-conversion point-pinpoint neurology-neurological ability-disability sense-nonsense act-activation compare-comparable conceive-conceivable time-timeless efficient-deficient function-fu

36、nctional lower-lowercase tangle-untangle case-uppercase normal-abnormal certify-certified companion-companionship cover-coverage list-enlist patient-impatient current-intercurrent personal-interpersonal weigh-outweigh palliate-palliative long-prolong II. Key Words and Phrases (Part A) 1. 20 percent

37、of Americans have persistent trouble converting letters on a page into sounds. 2. why so many perfectly smart people have trouble learning to read. 3. how she and her husband ended up discovering sex differences 4. the skill that most people with reading disabilities are deficient in. 5. In both sex

38、es, trying to recognize rhymes led to increased blood flow 6. which has long been linked to language ability. 7. the work was just spread out more. 8. knows for sure what the difference they detected means. 9. Does it relate in any way to the observation that women are less likely to lose language a

39、bility 10. To the fact that women tend to do better on tests that measure verbal fluency. 11. its worth emphasizing 12. conceivably it could result from differences in upbringing. 13. because they process letters into sounds on both sides of the brain. Part B 1. dedicated to 2. life-prolonging care

40、3. terminal illnesses 4. predominate in 5. applicable to 6. benefit from 7. continuing involvement with 8. responsible for/to 9. in charge of 10. carry out 11. access to 12. errand running 13. terminal care 14. associated with 15. underlying illness 16. rule of thumb 17. outweighed by III. Translati

41、onMen and women showed a difference in brain use only on the rhyming task. In both sexes, trying to recognize rhymes led to increased blood flow in the inferior frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere-Brocas area, as its commonly called-which has long been linked to language ability. (男性和女性在使用大(男性和女性在使

42、用大脑方面只有在押韵一方面只有在押韵一项任任务上有上有所差所差别。对于他于他们两性来两性来说,辨,辨认韵律都会韵律都会导致大致大脑左半球左半球的下前回血流的加快的下前回血流的加快这就是人就是人们常常说的布洛卡区的布洛卡区人人们一直一直认为这个区域和个区域和语言能力有关。)言能力有关。) Unit 6 I. Affix gene-genetics planet-planetary evolve-evolution sight-insight strike-striking ravel-unravel emerge-emergence revolution-revolutionary human-

43、humanity reproduce-reproduction bewilder-bewilderment credit-incredible match-mismatch equality-inequality provide-provision compatible-incompatible justify-justification mark-landmark mental-mentality spring-offspring constitute-constitutional diversify-diversification biology-neurobiology plant-tr

44、ansplant breath-breathtaking converge-convergence culture-cultured nutrition-malnutrition biology-microbiology combinant-recombinant II. Key Words and Phrases 1. Confronted with the upheavals due to the process of genetics 2. There are stages in the history of science when knowledge takes such great

45、 steps forward that our understanding of the world is completely transformed. 3. by influencing the diversification of animal species to cater for their own needs, human beings have always been involved in genetics without realizing it. 4. These insights were later borne out by the observations 5. e

46、ven though he did not have a clear grasp of the idea of genes and never made explicit reference to them. 6. genetics as an independent scientific discipline really came into its own. 7. human beings now have access to knowledge about their own life mechanisms 8. as a result of genetic engineering, t

47、hey can take steps to alter the human genome. 9. people are now faced with the hard facts about their condition. 10. The explanation of life, and of human life in particular, is capable of bringing about a precisely programmed transformation of human beings. 11. It results from techniques that are a

48、lready being used 12. Eventually we shall be able to “humanize” animals by injecting them with human genes for transplantation purposes, so that their organs will become compatible with the body of the person receiving the transplant. 13. But the terrible question arises as to whether there is a tab

49、oo on applying transgenesis to the human species, even though there might be a therapeutic justification for doing so. 14. we can see case of countries in the forefront of research where there is a growing mismatch between the wealth of new possibilities being offered by science and peoples mentalit

50、ies and ways of life and their view of the world. 15. the media pass on information about scientific discoveries to the public. 16. they had to go through a process of verification, publication and discussion within the scientific community. 17. Particular emphasis should be laid on two areas of thi

51、nking. 18. The first is bound up with the concentration of research in the industrial countries, which is giving rise to economic and socio-cultural imbalances. 19. Science does not relieve us of our responsibility as individuals and members of the human family Part B 1. recently-quoted 2. shaken up

52、 with 3. give solution to 4. in short supply 5. in its true sense 6. spell success 7. cross the interdisciplinary boundaries 8. keepin mind 9. exposeto 10. cite numerous exles III. TranslationResearch on the human genome has implications that are not exclusively scientific or medical. They lead on t

53、o applications which affect all aspects of peoples lives, whether it be private life (their choice of life-styles and consumption patterns; their perception of their genetic “identity”); family life (the plans people make as couples or parents; their relations with other family members); or life as

54、members of society (health protection and access to medical care; the availability of jobs or state or private health insurance; provision for childrens education, and so on.). 研究人类染色体组不仅仅在科学或医学方面有意义,它们的应用可以影响到人类生活的方方面面。不论是个人生活(生活方式及消费方式的选择;他们对遗传特性的感知);家庭生活(人们结婚及生育计划;他们与其他家庭成员的关系);社会生活(健康保障和医疗保健;工作言

55、论及个人健康保险的可能;孩子受教育的权利等等。) Unit 7 I. Affix sophisticated-sophistication produce-productivity afford-affordable nourish-malnourish jeopardy-jeopardize sustain-sustainable discriminate-indiscriminate available-unavailable hard-hardy till-tillage erode-erosion breed-crossbreed engineering-bioengineering

56、mass-amass food-foodstuff runner-forerunner pest-pesticide requisite-prerequisite culture-aquaculture habit-cohabit dwell-dweller fish-fishery land-wetland II. Key Words and Phrases (Part A) 1. Farmers will have to confront formidable challenges 2. That complex goal should be within reach of richer

57、countries 3. But it will surely be a daunting task in the developing world 4. agriculture now occupies up to 80 percent of the workforce 5. Advances in agriculture thus become a prerequisite for achieving nearly all social goals 6. The many agricultural technologies in use today all emerged from sci

58、entific research. 7. poverty frequently causes farmers to jeopardize the health of the environment. 8. The answer, simply put, is by fostering the practice of sustainable agriculture. 9. it is farming that meets rising demands over the indefinite future at economic, environmental and other social co

59、sts consistent with rising incomes. 10. we concentrate here on just a few of its more technological aspects. 11. insects and diseases lurk and threaten crops. 12. Every cultivated field in the world also harbors weeds 13.But concern for environmental standards in richer countries is beginning to dec

60、rease their use. 14. when their patents run out, the cost of complying with environmental regulations in marketing these products may exceed the profits that might otherwise accrue to their manufacturers. 15. A wide array of alternative measures can be brought in for support. 16. The term integrated

61、 pest management captures that notion. 17. It refers to the combination of using hardy plants, crop rotations, tillage practices 18. Integrated pest management draws on the fundamental knowledge of plant and insect biology amassed by botanists and entomologists. 19. these substances can be used to i

62、nterfere with the normal reproductive cycle of common pests 20. Coming advances will undoubtedly make such carefully tailored insect-control techniques more widely available to knowledgeable farmers, who can then incorporate them as standard routines. 21. researchers will continue to turn out a host

63、 of clever inventions. 22. future efforts will provide a spectrum of practical strategies for effective pest control. 23. Conventional plant breeding now boosts yields by roughly 1 percent annually. 24. We expect that genetic manipulation will augment conventional breeding 25. to withstand diseases

64、or pests 26. we are optimistic about seeing these techniques increase the yield of food crops 27. they may help boost productivity on some of the developing worlds marginal lands. 28. Efforts in promoting host plant resistance will benefit also from new insights into the molecular biology of viruses

65、. 29. We expect that during the next few decades genetic engineering will become a powerful addition to proved plant-breeding strategies. Part B 1. at its highest recorded level 2. in great demand 3. in danger of 4. shrinking supply 5. top producers 6. so to speak 7. center on 8. contend with 9.coha

66、bit in proximity 10. susceptible to 11. wipe out 12. emanate from 13. gene pool 14. alleviate the demand for 15. the diminishing wild stock 16. take pressure off III. TranslationGlobal consumption of fish is at its highest recorded level and is still growing. All forms of water dwellers, from fin fi

67、sh to crustaceans, are in great demand. At the same time, however, scientists and fisheries experts are noticing a slow but worrisome decline in piscine populations: it appears the oceans are in danger of depletion because of poor management practices established decades ago and technologies that pe

68、rmit gargantuan catches.(全球的鱼类消费量已处于创记录的最高水平,并且还在增长。各种形式的水产品,从有鳍鱼类到甲壳纲的需求量均很大。但是同时科学家和鱼类专家都发现鱼类数量在缓慢但令人担忧地下降:这种情况表明海洋正处于枯竭的危险中。这是因为过去数十年间缺少合理的管理方法,并且技术的发展又导致过度捕捞。) Unit 8 I. Affix height-heighten different-differentiate harmony-harmonious way-archway sense-sensory foot-underfoot module-modular circu

69、lar-semicircular design-designate stairstairway hold-threshold class-classic fill-infill long-longitude longitude-longitudinal mason-masonry plane-planetarium wood-plywood reinforce-reinforcement seam-seamless sky-skylight conscious-subconscious assuming-unassuming work-workable II. Key Words and Ph

70、rases (Part A) 1. each act or moment of time is preceded by a previous experience and becomes the threshold for the experience to come. 2. architecture takes its place with the arts of poetry and music, in which no single part can be considered except in relation to what immediately precedes or foll

71、ows it. 3. the dimensions of their designs should encompass the whole of a day, the whole of a city. 4. this effect is a continuous, unbroken flow of impressions that assault their senses as they move through it. 5. It is the failure of the architect to project himself into the mind and spirit of th

72、e people 6. all are important in the cumulative effect. 7. Underlying it all is the modular rhythm of footsteps, the unchanging measure of space since earliest civilization. 8. There is the muscular effort to cross a court, for instance, or the exhilaration induced by the prospect of ascending or de

73、scending a stairway. 9. Only through endless walking can the designer absorb into his being the true scale of urban spaces. 10. At the foot of the mountains are thirteen pavilions 11. so superbly placed that they bring into play, in memory of the dead monarchs, the entire volume contained within the

74、 mountain arc. Part B 1. gauge the rooms boundaries 2. withstand the compressive force 3. radiate from 4. think ofas 5. fall in 6. within the margins of error 7. for the sake of 8. to be molded into 9. at most 10. date back to 11. wind up 12. take into account III. TranslationUnderlying it all is th

75、e modular rhythm of footsteps, the unchanging measure of space since earliest civilization. There is the muscular effort to cross a court, for instance, or the exhilaration induced by the prospect of ascending or descending a stairway. Only through endless walking can the designer absorb into his be

76、ing the true scale of urban spaces.(以步幅为母度的韵律,自早期发明以来就不曾改变的空间量度,构成了这一切的基础。例如,穿过庭院时肌肉作出的努力,在上下楼梯前所引发的兴奋心情。只有通过无尽的行走设计者才能深深体会城市空间的尺度。) Unit 9 I. Affix compressed-super compressed singular-singularity integrate-disintegrate answerable-unanswerable grave-gravity tide-tidal congregate-congregation stop-u

77、nstoppable rejuvenate-rejuvenation day-heyday field-outfield red-reddish soap-soapsuds whelm-overwhelm repulse-repulsion mass-massive II. Key Words and Phrases (Part A) 1. there ever has been or ever will be popped into existence 10 to 20 billion years ago. 2. This tiny, supercompressed point-a sing

78、ularity in the jargon of physicists-was unimaginably hot and packed with energy. 3. Whirling galaxies will spark star-fire from drifting motes and volatile gas. 4. It bursts forth in a titanic explosion 5. Generations of stars will live and die 6. the grand machine will run down. 7. it poses a probl

79、em for cosmologists because it is very, very smooth. 8. they construct elaborate theories in which galaxies spring forth instead out of such arcana as cold dark matter 9. But while cosmologists puzzle over how the universe made something out of (almost) nothing 10. Why do they group into clusters, c

80、lusters of clusters 11. enormous yawning voids-until the very fabric of the universe seems packed with foamy soapsuds. 12. quasars, which fountain energy at rates the universe has never seen since their heyday. 13. quasars are now thought to be black holes devouring material in the crowded centers o

81、f their host galaxies. 14. Squeezed an headed by tidal forces beyond comprehension 15. the architecture of the cosmos stands in full display. 16. Far from scattering at random as astronomers once surmised, galaxies tend congregate, as people do. 17. galaxies behave like swarming dust motes 18. What

82、is this mass that looms invisibly among the bright lights of the galaxies? 19. these account for about a third of the total. 20. Lacking the abundant gas to make more star, these galaxies are doomed to a sterile future, growing older and colder with little hope of new star-life to rejuvenate them. P

83、art B 1. suck up 2. lie in 3. emit a shower of light 4. consist of 5. the key to 6. run out of 7. in a fraction of a second III. TranslationThe gravitational force you feel on the surface of a planet depends on both the planets mass and its radius. The greater the mass, the stronger the gravity and

84、the greater the escape velocity. Less obviously, the smaller the radius, the stronger the gravity and the greater the escape velocity, too. The reason: you are then standing closer to the planets center, so the gravitational pull on you is stronger and you have to travel faster to escape.(一个人在一个行星表面

85、所感受到的引力取决于该行星的质量和半径。质量越大,它的引力越大,逃逸速度越大。容易忽略的是,行星的半径越小,它的引力和逃逸速度也变得越大。原因是:你站的地方更靠近该行星的中心,所以它对你的万有引力也就越强,你就不得不用更快的速度去逃离。) Unit 10 I. Affix plant-implant think-unthinkable reside-residence coin-coinage space-spatial glitch-glitchy convey-conveyance weight-weightless fruit-fruition break-breakthrough cr

86、oss-crisscross connect-interconnect line-online sell-oversell side-reside shadow-shadowy scraper-skyscraper leash-unleash house-warehouse atomic-interatomic face-interface react-reactor plant-supplant II. Key Words and Phrases 1. the players were hunched over their glowing screens struck him as odd.

87、 2. neurons moving through their bodies 3. That image haunted Gibson. 4. he wrote his breakthrough novel 5. almost as an article of faith 6. cyberspace is a computer-generated landscape that characters enter by “jacking in”-sometimes by plugging electrodes directly into sockets implanted in the brai

88、n. 7. But Gibsons coinage may prove the most enduring. 8. Most people take the spatial dimension of a phone conversation for granted. 9. It encompasses the millions of personal computers connected by modems-via the telephone system 10. communications satellites strung like beads in geosynchronous or

89、bit. 11. connecting folks too far-flung or too much on the go to be tethered by wires. 12. Cyberspace, in the sense of being “in the same room” 13. It is about people using the new technology to do what they are genetically programmed to do 14. Its that bond that knits together regulars in electroni

90、c chat rooms and newsgroups. 15. but the ebb and flow of capital around the world is carried out-to the tune of several trillion dollars a day 16. And they can be shipped at nearly the speed of light. 17. When you are in the business of moving bits around 18. cyberspace offers a medium in which dist

91、ribution costs shrink to zero. 19. No wonders so many businessmen are convinced it will become a powerful engine of economic growth. 20. The technology has unleashed a great rush of direct, person-to-person communications 21. There is something about cyberspace that sets peoples imaginations blazing

92、. 22. As a rule of thumb, historians say, the results of technological innovation always take longer to reach fruition than early chions of change predict. Part B 1. captivate public interest 2. sensor-laden gloves 3. appeal to several senses 4. to be integrated into 5. harness peoples ability 6. en

93、gender a response from 7. devote a great deal of energy to 8. in the ethos of 9. disembodied thought 10. in contrast 11. to be concerned with 12. play a pivotal role 13. to be content with 14. to be adept at 15. function as 16. as a result III. TranslationAs a result, virtual reality may function as

94、 a link from the technological manifestations of humanity back to the world that technology has ostensibly supplanted. VR may transform our understanding of computers from severed heads to extensions of our whole selves. And in doing so, it may even offer a way to imagine ourselves, technology and a

95、ll, as part of the natural world.(因此,虚拟现实能够到一个链环的作用,使人们从人类各种技术表现形式返回表面上已被技术取代的世界中去。虚拟现实可能改变我们对计算机的认识,它们不再被视为没有躯体的大脑,而是我们整个身体的延伸。这样,它能为我们提供一种途径去想象,我们自己、技术、世界万物都作为自然界的一部分。) Unit 11 I. Affix program-reprogrammable function-multifunctional manipulate-manipulator special-specialize flexible-inflexible op

96、timal-optimize implement-implementation justify-justification assembly-subassembly heads-overheads quantity-quantify maintain-maintenance wide-widen typical-typify convey-conveyor point-endpoint collide-collision repeat-repeatability effect-effector resolve-resolution line-offline friction-frictiona

97、l calibrate-calibration guide-guideline robotic-robotics load-download four-fourfold power-manpower processor-microprocessor run-runout date-update work-workpiece II. Key Words and Phrases 1. the robot must interface with the environment 2. at an affordable cost 3. Hard automation can be defined as

98、the use of dedicated pieces of machinery 4. its design can be optimized to produce the maximum amount of product at a minimum cost 5. much of industry is concerned with batch production 6. may will wish to be pursuing other activities which give greater scope for the use of their intelligence 7. A r

99、obot will neither be optimized for a particular application nor 8. Robots therefore have a place somewhere between these two extremes 9. For robots to play a positive part in supporting human activity 10. not only must they adequately perform a given task but 11. In the justification of a robot inst

100、allation, the easiest approach is to compare the local cost 12. If the boundary is drawn tightly round this particular operation, then the economic effects can be quantified in terms of production costs per unit, allowing for funning costs, depreciation and overheads. 13. but it does not matter from

101、 a functional point of view what path is taken by the robot. 14. they might be used to track the desired weld path ahead of the welding torch. Part B 1. a wider range of 2. meet growing demand 3. in addition to 4.speed up 5. take advantage of 6. to be critical of 7. getting the most out of 8. compet

102、e for 9. returns on capital investments III. TranslationA sensory robot may have the capabilities of either one of the above types, but will have the additional feature of being able to modify its target positions according to feedback form sensors. In the case of the pick-and-place robot, sensors c

103、ould be used to detect the position of the object before pickup. In the continuous path case, they might be used to track the desired weld path ahead of the welding torch.(一个有传感功能的机器人可能具有上述任何一种功能。它的另一个功能就是根据传感器的反馈信息校正它的目标位置。就具有搬运功能的机器人而言,它可用传感器探测物体的位置,然后就把物体提起。在连续路径的情况下,传感器则用于跟踪测定焊枪按要求应经过的焊接路线。) Uni

104、t 12 I. Affix pollute-pollutant odor-odorous respond-respondent company-accompany dominant-predominant resident-residential standard-standardize perceive-perceptible reactive-hyperreactive hazard-hazardous sensitive-sensitization wayairway border-borderline impair-impairment pronounce-pronounced cur

105、rent-recurrent II. Key Words and Phrases 1. Although pollutant levels complied with current WHO guidelines 2. chronic bronchitis and an index of hyperreactive airways. 3. The majority of studies addressing the health effects of air pollution have targeted physical health outcomes 4. social surveys h

106、ave focused almost exclusively on awareness 5. to screen for possible behavioral changes related to air quality. 6. were sled and compared with respect to the objectives. 7. concern was raised about a deterioration of living quality in the residential areas. 8. School children were recruited from se

107、ven exposedcommunities 9. The models were adjusted for several confounders 10. a considerable proportion of the adults surveyed rated themselves as annoyed by car fumes 11. But odor and noise sensitivity also had a significant impact on the ratings. 12. a respiratory index indicative of hyperreactiv

108、e airways. 13. the negative relationship with smoking and older age is also in accordance with results form experimental studies. 14. residents experiencing such symptoms are more sensitive to detecting odorous pollutants 15. pose an even greater problem of interpretation. 16. Aside from bias and sp

109、urious associations 17. therefore score higher on the car fume scale. 18. as in the case of the former illnesses. 19. Higher ratings on the impairment of life quality scales 20. The perception of this polluted air can trigger annoyance 21. and see the quality of their environment degraded. III. Tran

110、slationIn rural areas without competing sources of air pollution, traffic exhaust (especially from diesel powered vehicles) is easily perceptible. The perception of this polluted air can trigger annoyance as well as irritative responses or even be associated with general symptoms and behavioral chan

111、ges well below established guideline levels. The population response to perceptible pollution may be pronounced when people have experienced a sharp increase in traffic and see the quality of their environment degraded. This should be regarded for the purpose of land use planning.在没有其它空气污染源的农村地区,最容易

112、接触到的污染就是交通废气了(主要来自于以柴油机为动力的车辆)。接触这些污染过了的空气会导致激惹反映和烦躁现象,甚至即使在低于既定标准水平的情况下,也造成一些全身症状和行为变化。当人们经历了交通方面大的变化并意识到他们周围的环境质量降低了的时候,他们对污染接触的反应就会比较明显。所以从规范土地使用的角度来看,也应该考虑到这一点。 写作:写作: 按照按照问题的提出而的提出而设计写作思路。写作思路。 注意科技写作的注意科技写作的风格。格。 A sle: Write a passage (150-200) in English on the title “Developing A Scientific

113、 Attitude” Develop the ideas according to the Chinese outline given below. 1)在揭示世界奥秘)在揭示世界奥秘时,有些人借助科学有些人借助科学,而有些人求助于超而有些人求助于超过自自然的力量或凭空臆想。然的力量或凭空臆想。 2)正确的科学)正确的科学观应该是什么?是什么? 3)如何培养正确的科学)如何培养正确的科学观? Developing a Scientific AttitudeHuman beings have been attempting at a thorough interpretation of the

114、world they live in. Many ways of interpretation have been applied. Among them, there are two dominant and opposite views, one of which is science and the other of which is superpower or speculation. Resort to science suggests that people rely on their rationality and the objective way of looking at

115、the mystery of the world. The obsession with imagination, such as superstition renders people a failure to look at the world. It seems that science takes the upper hand in the contemporary world. But how to adopt a justifiable scientific attitude? It is claimed that a right scientific attitude is to

116、 make good use of science and in turn science will do good to people. Science is applied to our environment protection; science is applied to civilian use of nuclear energy; science is applied to the improvement of peoples health and wealth, for instance. But how to nurture and facilitate such an at

117、titude? In spite of its complexity, in the first place, an individual upbringing and education should be embedded with a scientific attitude. Whats more, social publication is supposed to afford people the awareness of a scientific attitude. Only by combined effort made in both an individuals education scholastically and socially can this attitude be forged.考考试方法:方法:1. 在读懂教材的同时,要多读报和杂志等书刊,如Nature and Science, Oxford Encyclopedia等(包括中文方面的)。抓住科技文章的写作特点。2. 学会写心得,看完一篇文章后,要自己提出问题,写下心得。3. 在复习的时候要把文章读透,在理解的基础上进行英汉互译。考考试预测:个人认为重点应该在Part A。 祝同学们考试成功!



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