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1、新思维综合英语(2)课程辅unit14(89-95)巴州电大冯晓梅Unit 14(89-95) Learning Objectives vHow To State a possibility in the past 猜测过去可能发生的事State a conclusion about the past 推断过去发生的事的结果 React to a situation 对一件事情做出反应 Give an excuse 给出借口Report a conversation 转述会话 Lesson 89vFocus questions1.Who is late for the appointment?

2、2.When should the man who is late have come and when did he come at last?3.Why was he late?Answers to the Focus Questionsv1. Who is late for the appointment?Sam.2.When should the man who is late have come and when did he come at last?Two oclock sharp. Ten to three. 3.Why was he late?The bus broke do

3、wn, and he couldnt get another one or a taxi. Language points in the dialogue vA:George: Did you tell him I had to be back by three thirty?Judy: Yes, I told him that you had an appointment that you couldnt be late for. He said hed be here at two oclock sharp. 这三个句子都有间接引语从句。间接引语从句。我们看看直接引语变间接引语时,有哪些变

4、化。 1. 人称变化 2. 时间状语变化 last nightthe night before; nowthen two days agotwo days before; tomorrowthe next day3. 地点状语的变化 herethere? there-there/herev4. 时态的变化 主句:现在时态引语:不变 过去时态引语: 向后(过去)推一格 特例:如果引语内容描述的是客观真理,不受时间的影响,则引语内的时态不变。 v5.句式的变化 直接引语-间接引语: 一般疑问句-whether / if+陈述语序 特殊疑问句-疑问词+陈述语序 v6.标点符号的变化 直接引语里可以用

5、句号、问号、感叹号等。间接引语里要将感叹号、问号都变为句号。v那么,我们将这三个有间接引语从句还原。将这三个有间接引语从句还原。 “George has to be back by three thirty.” “George has an appointment that he cant be late for. ” “I will be there at two oclock sharp.” vDo you think he might have gotten lost? Might:“可能”(用于表示一种可行性或可能性,比may 的语气弱)。eg. We might discover a

6、 pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 我们可能在彩虹的末端发现一罐金子。vHe may not have understood your directions. may not:“可能不”;cannot:“不可能”。directions:因为指路要先东后西然后左右等等,所以用了复数。 He said he knew where the place was. 间接引语还原成直接引语。eg. He said, “I know where the place is.”vHe must not have written down the time.must n

7、ot have done sth: “不可能已经/曾经做过/发生过某事”。 vIt just isnt like him to be late, though. It is not like sb. to do sth.:“某人做某事,不象他的一贯作某人做某事,不象他的一贯作风风”。veg. It isnt like him to be impatient.Well, it makes no sense for me to wait any longer. make sense:“有意义”。makes no sense for sb to sth:“某人做某事情没意义”。 vI think I

8、ll just grab a bite to eat and get back. grab a bite to eat:“抓口东西吃,随便吃点”。vB: There you are! 你可来了!你终于来了!你可来了!你终于来了! The bus broke down. break down:“出故障”。 I couldnt get another one or a taxi, so I had to walk. another one or a taxi= another bus or a taxi。注意代词的使用。 He had an appointment to go to. 介词to不能

9、省略。 vOh, Im really sorry. Ill have to apologize to George when I see him. Apologize比sorry更郑重。Lesson 93vFocus questions1. Who took the mask?2. Why couldnt Kate work?3. What will Kate do? vAnswers to focus questions1. Who took the mask?The Riceras niece.2. Why couldnt Kate work?She had an audition in

10、New York.3. What will Kate do?She will be a dancer in a Broadway show.Language points in the dialogue vAs it turns outFinally! 你终于来了! John and I have been trying to get hold of you since Sunday. get hold of:“抓住”,“寻找寻找”,该句用了现在完成进行时。veg. Peter is always very busy, and very difficult to get hold of whe

11、n needed.Yes, youre not the only ones. Youre not the only ones +省略了的定语从句(who have been trying to find me these days).“这两天并不只你们找我。” vI just had it fixed this afternoon. have sth. done:“让某事被做”。“我的电话好象出故障了,我已经找人去修了。” vI wonder how many other calls I missed. wonder how many:“不知道,想知道有多少”. “我不知道我还误了多少人。”v

12、Well, we were a little worried because you said you would call on Sunday afternoon, and when we didnt hear from you其中,you said you would call on Sunday afternoon:是间接引语,变为直接引语:“I will call you on Sunday afternoon.” on Sunday afternoon-in the afternoon-on Sunday.-on a cold night-on a winter day.v另外,另外

13、,hear from : “收到的来信、电话或传达来的信息”。hear of/ about : “听人说起过某人某物”; “知道有这样一个人一件事”。vI was supposed to call you about the concert, wasnt I ? 反意疑问句: You hardly know her, do you?I suppose/think/ believe.: I suppose youre not serious, are you?I dont think hes serious, is he?There is something strange, isnt ther

14、e?I am the first one to come here, arent I ?Listen, Im really sorry, but as you know, Ive had a lot of things on my mind lately. Have a lot of things on ones mind:“脑子里事情太多”。 vLook, someones at the door. at the door:“在敲门”。Can I get back to you? get back to sb.= call back:“回头再给你打电话”. vIve been worried

15、 sick.= Ive been worried to death. 我都急死了。形容词sick作句子里的(主语主语)补足语。补足语。veg. The room was found empty. 人们发现房间是空的veg. Dont marry young. 不要早婚。 vMy phone was out of order. = My phone wasnt working properly./ wasnt in service.So is anything new? So 加强语气“原来, 那么”, eg. So here you are. 原来你在这儿啊! veg. So you have

16、 come back at last.那么你终于回来了。 vQuite a bit, in fact! Quite a bit: 口语“不少,很多,相当多”。 Well, as it turns out, the Riveras niece took the mask. as it turns out, 类似于插入语,“事情是这样的”,注意它的时态一般都用一般现在时,不受后面句子一般过去时的影响。vWith me disappearing, they must have wondered if Id taken it. With me disappearing是介宾短语作时间状语,也有解释原因

17、的意思。注意现在分词短语作状语的内容: v现在分词短语作状语,可以表示时间、原因、时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。 其动作可能发生在谓语动词之前或之后,也可能与谓语动词的动作同时发生。 表示表示位置位置例句例句时间句首 句末 句中 Walking down the street, I ran into Sue.我沿着街道走的时候碰到了苏。 He went out shutting the door behind him. 原因句首 句末 Being sick I stayed at home.He waited at the school gate

18、 at 5, knowing that Mary usually passes there at that time.Robert used the phone to cancel his lunch date with Tom, having suddenly remembered a previous engagement. Robert打电话取消了他与Tom的午餐约会,因为他突然记起来跟别人早已有约。 vIm dying of curiosity. Dying:口“渴望; 极想; 切盼”,be dying for/ of sth./ to do sth.:“对想得要死”。veg. She

19、 is dying to leave.她很想离开。 vListen, I apologize, Lou. I apologize与Im sorry相比,是更郑重其事的道歉。 The truth is that I couldnt work because I had an audition in New York. The truth is that= Actually,= to tell the truth,“说实在话, 老实说”。 I thought it might be bad luck to talk about it beforehand. Beforehand= in advan

20、ce.I was supposed to be through by Saturday. be through= be finished:“完成, 做完”。 vbe through with:“做好, 结束(工作等)”。 vI was supposed to call you about the concert, wasnt I ? 反意疑问句: You hardly know her, do you?I suppose/think/ believe.: I suppose youre not serious, are you?I dont think hes serious, is he?T

21、here is something strange, isnt there?I am the first one to come here, arent I ?vListen, Im really sorry, but as you know, Ive had a lot of things on my mind lately. Have a lot of things on ones mind:“脑子里事情太多”。 Look, someones at the door. at the door:“在敲门”。Can I get back to you? get back to sb.= cal

22、l back:“回头再给你打电话”. vIve been worried sick.= Ive been worried to death. 我都急死了。形容词sick作句子里的(主语主语)补足语。补足语。eg. The room was found empty. 人们发现房间是空的。eg. Dont marry young. 不要早婚。 vMy phone was out of order. = My phone wasnt working properly./ wasnt in service.So is anything new? So 加强语气“原来, 那么”, veg. So her

23、e you are. 原来你在这儿啊! veg. So you have come back at last.那么你终于回来了。 Quite a bit, in fact! Quite a bit: 口语“不少,很多,相当多”。 Well, as it turns out, the Riveras niece took the mask. as it turns out, 类似于插入语,“事情是这样的”,注意它的时态一般都用一般现在时,不受后面句子一般过去时的影响。vWith me disappearing, they must have wondered if Id taken it. Wi

24、th me disappearing是介宾短语作时间状语,也有解释原因的意思。 v注意现在分词短语作状语的内容: 现在分词短语作状语,可以表示时间、时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。 其动作可能发生在谓语动词之前或之后,也可能与谓语动词的动作同时发生。 表示表示位置位置例句例句时间句首 句末 句中Walking down the street, I ran into Sue.我沿着街道走的时候碰到了苏。 He went out shutting the door behind him.原因句首 句末Being sick I stayed at

25、home.He waited at the school gate at 5, knowing that Mary usually passes there at that time.Robert used the phone to cancel his lunch date with Tom, having suddenly remembered a previous engagement. Robert打电话取消了他与Tom的午餐约会,因为他突然记起来跟别人早已有约。 vIm dying of curiosity. Dying:口“渴望; 极想; 切盼”,be dying for/ of

26、sth./ to do sth.:“对想得要死”。veg. She is dying to leave.她很想离开。 Listen, I apologize, Lou. I apologize与Im sorry相比,是更郑重其事的道歉。 The truth is that I couldnt work because I had an audition in New York. The truth is that= Actually,= to tell the truth,“说实在话, 老实说”。 vI thought it might be bad luck to talk about it

27、 beforehand. Beforehand= in advance.I was supposed to be through by Saturday. be through= be finished:“完成, 做完”。 be through with:“做好, 结束(工作等)”。vI guess that means Im without a partner, then. without a partner:“没有搭档”。v eg. Please dont leave without me.请让我和你一起去。 But I wish you the best of luck. wish sb

28、. sth.:“祝某人某事”。veg. Wish you success.祝你们成功。He wished me good morning / good-bye.他向我道早安/告别。 This is something Ive always wanted. 这一直是我梦寐以这一直是我梦寐以求的事情。求的事情。 vI still cant get over it. = I still cant believe it.vThese past few weeks have been full of surprises.Surprise C“令人吃惊的事情”, veg. What a surprise!

29、 多么令人吃惊的事!vt. surprise /astonish/ amaze 都含“使人感到惊奇”的意思。1. surprise:“由于出乎意外出乎意外而惊异或诧异”, eg. His coming surprised me. 他的到来使我感到惊奇。 2. astonish :“由于出乎意料而又不能理解出乎意料而又不能理解而感到吃惊”, 语意较强, veg.I was astonished to see he got up so early. 见他起得这么早我感到惊讶。v3. amaze :“由于认为似乎不可能或极少可能发生似乎不可能或极少可能发生的事出现的事出现而感到大为诧异、迷惑不解”,

30、 语意较强, eg. I was amazed at his impudence.他竟然无耻到这种地步使我感到惊愕。 And I bet your father was a cabinetmaker. Bet:“敢肯定;敢打赌”,veg. I bet they were surprised by the news. 我确信这个消息会使他们大吃一惊 How did you ever guess? Guess:“(猜测);猜中:得出关于的正确估计或猜想”,veg. He guessed the answer. 他猜出了答案。Lesson 95 vFocus questions 1. What ar

31、e the reasons of chronic lateness?2. What will lateness lead to? vAnswers to focus questions 1. What are the reasons of chronic lateness? A. One doesnt want to be where he is supposed to be.? B. Masochistic tendencies. C. Sadistic motive. D. A habit learned in childhood from a parent or an older bro

32、ther or sister who also ran late. 2. What will chronic lateness lead to? A. Spoil friendships. B. Cause people to lose their jobs. C. Followed by children or younger brother or sister. Language points in the dialogue vChronic LatenessLearning to Leave it Behind1. Chronic:“(慢性的; 缓慢的; 长期的); 积习成癖的”。eg.

33、 a chronic disease:慢性病, 痼疾;a chronic war:持久战;a chronic liar:说谎成癖的人。 2. Learn to do sth.: “学会做某事情”;Leave sth. Behind? adv.:“把抛在脑后”。At the theater, she disrupts the first act as she climbs over your knees toward her seat. 在看戏的时候,她总是从你的膝盖边上蹭到她的座位那儿去而影响你观看第一幕的演出。 v3. Disrupt:“使中断;干扰”,veg. The communicat

34、ion was disrupted by the storm.暴风雨使交通中断。区别:interrupt“中断”,通常说“对不起,我插一句话”时,要用interrupt,如果我不想让某会议或事情继续进行下去,就用噪音或某种手段使得会议受到干扰而无法进行。 v4. Climb over:“跳过”,“越过”。veg. a jump over the fence. 跳过这个篱笆。vWhen your doorbell rings on a Saturday night, long after your other guests have begun eating, you know he has a

35、rrived for dinner. 星期六晚上,客人们早已经开始用餐了,这时,门铃响了,你知道这一定又是他姗姗来迟。v该句的时间状语是【When your doorbell begun eating】, 主句是you know he has arrived for dinner. 同时,时间状语从句本身里面也有一个时间状语从句,从句部分是long after your other guests have begun eating,主句部分是your doorbell rings on a Saturday night。vAt work, you dont expect her at your

36、 9:00 A.M. meeting. 上班时,你不可能期望她按时参加九点的会议的。expect:“指望”。veg. You cant expect me to approve of it. 你别指望我赞成。vThey are the latecomers, and it doesnt matter if they wear a watch or use an alarm clock. latecomers:“迟到者,新来者”;我们学过newcomer:“新来的人”。It does not matter (if .) :“(即使.也)不要紧”。It doesnt matter about th

37、e price; buy it, whatever it costs.价钱没什么关系; 不论多少钱都买。 而在我们文章中,意思是说“无论带手表还是用闹钟对他们都不起作用”。v“Not arriving on time can be a form of avoidance. Not arriving on time can be a form of avoidance. 动名词短语作主语。“不按时到达可能是一种逃避方式。”vYoure late for a party, maybe, or coming home from work, because you dont want to be wh

38、ere youre supposed to be.” Youre late for a party, maybe, or coming home from work,你可能在晚会上迟到,或者下班回家迟到,a party和coming home from work都是be late for的宾语。v受虐倾向:masochistic tendencies. 施虐倾向:a sadistic motive.vserves their deep need to be punished. Serve:“(招待,供应,服务)在这里”= To meet the needs or requirements of

39、; satisfy:“满足;符合需要或要求”。their deep need (to be punished)动词不定式作need的后置定语。For them, forcing someone to wait is a way of expressing anger or resentment.这里也是动名词短语作主语。vDr. Herbert Fensterheim agrees that lateness can be used as a weapon with which to strike out at someone. 定语从句: strike out at someone with

40、 a weapon“用一种武器伤害他人”。Agree that ,类似的还有下一句add that vHowever, he adds that for some people lateness is nothing more than a habit(过去分词短语作后置定语(过去分词短语作后置定语learned in childhood from a parent or an older brother or sister(定语从句(定语从句who also ran late). 对于有些人来说,迟到不过是童年时代从经常世道的父母或各个姐姐那儿学到的一种习惯而已。nothing more t

41、han:“仅仅, 只不过”;nothing less than:“完全是; 简直是.”。该句是套了定语从句的过去分词短语做后置定语。v“lose track” of time:“失去(时间的)线索,忘了时间” 。keep on schedule:“按时完成工作”。vAs for those of us who wait, we can set limits as to how long we will stay before leaving.vAs for:“至于”;“就.方面说来”。一般是在上文中已经提到其他方面,比如“你,他,至于我”。而for:“对于”,可以在没有上下文关联的时候来用。v

42、as to = With regard to:“关于”。veg. We are puzzled as to how it happened.关于它是如何发生的,我们很迷惑vas to = According to:“按照”。veg. candidates who were chosen as to ability.候选者是根据能力选出的vset limits as to how long we will stay before leaving:确定等候一定时间便可离开。vAs for those of us who wait, we can set limits as to how long

43、we will When appropriate, we can make our anger known. 在适当的时候,我们可以把我们的气愤表露出来。 vAnd though it is true that being prompt can be as compulsive as being late, Shakespeare advised this: “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”尽管有时候过于仓促和迟到一样都带有强制性的影响,还是别忘了莎士比亚的建议:“宁可提前三个小时,也别迟到一分钟。”being prom

44、pt can be as compulsive as: being late:as as句型。Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.=would rather thanWrap-up tipsvHow to State a possibility in the past猜测过去可能发生的事 State a conclusion about the past推断过去发生的事的结果 React to a situation对一件事情做出反应 Give an excuse给出借口 Report a conversation转述会话 va

45、t two oclock sharp:两点整vIt isnt like him to do sth:某人做某事,不象其风格/为人 vmakes no sense for sb. to do sth.:某人做某事没有意义vgrab a bite to eat:随便吃一口 vThere you are!:你终于来了!你可算是来了!vbreak down: 出故障get hold of:寻找vhear from :听说vHave a lot of things on ones mind:某人有心事 vat the door:敲门 vget back to sb.: 给某人打(电话)回去vbe worried sick:担心得要命vout of order:出现故障 vQuite a bit:相当



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