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1、Company LogoCompany Logo1. 重点单词拼写1)She couldnt collect her graduation certificate at the ceremony because the building where it was held is not wheelchair a.2) When he moved to Canada, the children ato the change very well.3) China launched a manned space ship on 2005 to realize her aof becoming one

2、 of the worlds major space powers.4) An arms limitation agreement bto all countries was finally signed in this UN conference.【答案】accessible【答案】adapted【答案】ambition【答案】Company LogoCompany Logo5) The president wrote a letter to the flooded areas, expressing his deepest sto the victims.6) He gets a pens

3、ion from the Government because of his (残疾) in a fire accident.7) The authorities of the refugee camp have (放弃) any attempt to go to distribute food in order.8) All her friends called up(祝贺) her on her winning the first prize in the Globe Lady Competition.【答案】sympathy【答案】disabilities【答案】abandoned【答案

4、】congratulating9) The customers(逃离) from the band when the alarm Company LogoCompany Logo10) Shenzhen (目睹,经历) tremendous changes in the city since 1980.【答案】fled【答案】witnesses2. 重点词词形变换 1)We were allwhen we saw herlook, which showed she was really angry. (frighten)【答案】frightened, frightening2) Whatme

5、most was that my request was refused without any reason. When the news came. I felt sothat I just wanted to find a place to hide myself. (embarrass)【答案】Company LogoCompany Logo3) The school canmore than 3000 students. So every one of us can findhere. (accommodate)【答案】accommodate, accommodations4) Wi

6、nskey iswith bright blue eyes, fair hair and a slim body. Every one is attracted by her. (beauty)【答案】beautiful, beauty5) Miss Woods, the housekeeper,the attack. The police will take her to the court as a. (witness)【答案】witnessed, witness6) She wasto ride on the horse because once the horse kicked her

7、 and that gave her a. (scare)【答案】scared, Company LogoCompany Logo7) These shears arentenough to cut the grass. Please have them. (sharp)【答案】sharp, sharpened8) The West Lakethe young couple. They looked happily at thein the calm water. (reflect)【答案】reflected, reflection9) He has had five yearsin teac

8、hing. Now he is a veryteacher. (experience)【答案】experience, experienced10) He wasby the seafood which isif taken in large quantities. (poison)【答案】poisoned, poisonous 返回单元菜单Company LogoCompany Logo1.短语积累stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事prevent / keep sb. from doing sth.in the meantime与此同时help out 帮助摆脱困境

9、,协助help oneself to 自用help sb. down 搀扶某人下来help sb. into 搀扶某人进入help sb. over 帮助某人度过help sb. up 扶起某人help to 有助于,促进become aware of 明白,觉察到,意识到become aware of their limitations 认识到他们的局限性upside down 颠倒的,乱七八糟的inside out 彻底地,里面翻到外面Company LogoCompany Logo2.用方框中短语的正确形式填空ahead offeel at homedry upbecome adjust

10、ed tofit instick outdry outupside downcome acrosssettle inset asideset offallin allmake fun ofhelp outcall ontake onleave aloneturnaroundbe aware ofin particularin other wordsin the meantimering uptest out1) I saw a man in a blue jacket thirty meters me.【答案】ahead of2) The other day Ia letter from Br

11、unel written in the last year of his life. 【答案】ahead of3) Many rivers in ACompany LogoCompany Logo4) The cold windsyour skin very quickly.5) It was a few moments before his eyesthe bright glare of the sun.6) Choose an activity that reallywith your way of life.【答案】have dried up【答案】dry out【答案】became a

12、djusted to【答案】fits in7) When youyour new job, invite some of your old friends out to lunch.【答案】are settled in8) The snake picked up its head andits tongue which gave everyone a Company LogoCompany Logo9) Wewith her and were impressed with the depth of her knowledge.10) He felt too shocked to move. H

13、is world had been turned.【答案】stuck out【答案】felt at home【答案】upside down返回单元菜单Company LogoCompany Logo1.I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I grabbed my boots and raced after him.(P20)even though = even if 即使即时强化练习:翻译下面句子即使孩子们

14、的意见不同,也要给他们说话的空间。【答案】Allow children the space to voice their opinions, even if they are different from your own.2. George told me, pointing towards the hunt. pointing towards the hunt 表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作told同时发生。(P20)Company LogoCompany Logo即时强化练习:翻译下面句子爸爸不介意我们在做什么,只要我们大家在一起,快乐就行。【答案】Daddy didnt mind wh

15、at we were doing, as long as we were together, having fun.3. Im sitting in the warm night with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic!(P23)我坐在温暖的夜色中,手持一杯冷饮回忆着这一天这奇妙至极的一天!本句中,要注意with +宾语补足语这一结构,宾语补足语可由介词短语、不定式、现在分词、形容词、副词等充当。The lady came in with a baby in her arms. 女士抱着

16、孩子进来了。Company LogoCompany LogoWith a lot of problems to solve, the newly-elected president felt like a cat on hot bricks. 有很多问题急待处理,新当选的总统急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。With a local village guiding the way, we found his house very easily. 有当地村民带路,我们轻易地找到了他家。We went on smoothly with the problems settled. 问题解决了,我们进展很顺利。即时

17、强化练习:翻译下面句子1) 罗伯特喜欢开着书房的窗子看书。【答案】Robert likes to read with the window of the study room open2) 小女儿离家出走,她很担心。【答案】With her little daughter away from home, she felt worried.返回单元菜单Company LogoCompany Logo1. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water and t

18、hen crashing down again. (P20)throw oneself +介词,其中throw的用法比较灵活,根据不同的语境有不同的含义。例如: He threw cold water on her idea. 他向她的想法泼冷水。 She threw herself into chair and began to cry. 她倒在木椅上,开始哭泣起来。 His father has thrown himself into gardening. 他的爸爸全身心地投入园艺事业。【词汇网络】throw away 扔掉,抛弃 throw down 扔下 throw off 匆匆脱掉(

19、衣物)摆脱掉Company LogoCompany Logo throw at 向投掷,向扔 throw to 投给 = pass sth. to sb. You can help him to throw this book to him but its wrong to throw books at others. 你可以帮他把书传给他,但向别人投掷书本是不对的。【词语辨析】shore /seaside/ coast /beach/ bank shore 指海岸、湖岸,也指近海的一带,以水或海洋为中心而言, 同时可指海边休息的地方。 seaside 指近海边地区供游客休憩的地方。 coas

20、t通常指狭长的海岸,以陆地为中心而言,例如一个临海的城 市的海岸线就用此词。 beach指海洋或较大的湖泊在涨潮时被淹没而在退潮时又露出的斜 坡,上面多布满细少或卵石,常指人们玩乐或消遣的沙滩,海滩。Company LogoCompany Logo bank 指河流的堤、岸。 I like to lie on the beach with sunglasses and enjoy the sunshine. 我喜欢戴着太阳镜,躺在沙滩上,享受着阳光浴。 We often see many ships on the sea about several miles off the shore. 我

21、们经常在离岸几英里处的海面上看到很多船。 Its dangerous to leave the little children playing alone on the bank of this river. 让小孩独自在河堤上玩是很危险的。 Last summer we spent three weeks at the seaside. 去年夏天我们在海边呆了三个星期。 We could tell from his accent that he came from the East Coast. 人的口音可以知道他来自东海岸。2. George said as he ran ahead of

22、 me. (P20)Company LogoCompany Logo ahead of 既可指在空间上的之前,也可指在时间上的之 前,同时还可表示比强/好。 Ahead of us sat the leaders of our school. 坐在我们前面的是学校领导们。 He arrived there an hour ahead of the time they had fixed. 他比预定时间提早了一个小时到那里。 The little boy said,“I must try to get a geography book, otherwise others will be ahea

23、d of me.” 小男孩说,“我必须尽力得到一本地理书,否则,别人就会比我 好。”【词汇网络】ahead of 在前面,超过 go ahead = help oneself 请自便,开始吧 get ahead of 超过Company LogoCompany Logo look ahead 向前看,想未来3. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged by the killers down into the depths of the sea. (P20) depths在此处表示“底层,深处”depth作“底层,深处”解时可以用复数形式,又可用

24、单数形式。例如:the depth(s) of the ocean 海洋深处 the depth(s) of despair绝望的深渊The water deepened gradually. 水渐渐变深。(deepen v 加深)Because of drinking too much wine, now he is in a deep sleep. (deep adj 深的) She took a deep breath and then dived into the river. 她深深地吸了口气,然后潜入河里。 They sat and talked deep into the nig

25、ht. (deep adv 深的) 他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。Company LogoCompany Logo【词语辨析】deep与deeply作副词使用时均含由上到下或从外到里距离大的意思。deep只含此义,而且比deeply更通用,其后通常接into或below。deeply除了上述意义外,还有“非常”的意思,相当于“very much”。 1) We have decided to go deeper into the jungle. 我们决定继续深入丛林中。 2) They were deeply shocked at the bad news. 听到坏消息,他们大为震惊。4. In

26、 the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue. (P20) feed some animal / sb. on sth. feed sth. to some animal /sb 用,喂 feed .with ./ feed.into .给添加 Company LogoCompany Logo We always feed our dog on meat. = We feed meat to our dog. 我们总是喂肉给狗吃。 She fed the fire wit

27、h some coal = She fed some coal into the fire. 她往火中添了一些煤。【词语辨析】feed on 以为主食 通常是动物作主语。live on 以为主食 通常是人作主语。 1) Many animals feed on grass. 很多动物以草为主食。 2) Most Chinese live on rice. 大部分的中国人以大米为主食。5. I saw James being held up in the water by Old Tom. (P21) hold up 举起,使延误 I held up my hand to show that I

28、 had a Company LogoCompany Logo 我举手表示有问题。 We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam. 我们在前往机场的路上因为堵车而延误。【词汇网络】hold a meeting 举行会议catch hold of 抓住 hold on(电话)不挂断 hold on to 抓住不放 hold back = keep back 阻止,抑制(眼泪等) hold out 伸出例如: We thought of selling his old furniture. but weve decided t

29、o hold on to it. It might be valuable.6. What other animals help out humans in hunting? (P21) help out 帮助(摆脱困境或危险) I do not really work here; I am just helping out until the new Company LogoCompany Logoarrives. 【词汇网络】with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下 help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做 help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做 he

30、lp oneself to sth.请自便,请随便吃 Cant help to do sth.不能帮助做 Cant help doing sth.情不自禁做 cannot help but to do sth. 不得不7. The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colors surrounding me. (P23) be / become aware of 意识到,知道,明白,觉察到 be /become aware that 后面接句子。意识到 We should always be aware of what we are doing at any Company LogoCompany Logo 我们应该时刻知道自己在干什么。 Are you aware that they dont get along well with each other? 你知道他们相处不和睦吗?返回模块菜单返回单元菜单Company LogoCompany Logo



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