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1、New words:1.自行车自行车2.满的满的,充满的充满的3.人群人群4.旅游旅游;观光观光5.空间空间;空地空地6.推推7.方向方位方向方位8.踩踩;走走;跨步跨步;台阶;台阶;阶梯阶梯;脚步脚步9.缓慢地缓慢地;慢速地慢速地10.在在旁边旁边11.悲伤地悲伤地,伤心地伤心地12.一一就就13.经历经历;经验经验bicyclebe full ofcrowdtourspacepushdirectionstepslowlybesidesadlyas soon asexperienceKey points:1.一个半小时一个半小时2.一个停车处一个停车处3.寻找空间来停放自行车寻找空间来停放自

2、行车4.对对感到惊奇感到惊奇5.取出取出, ,拿出拿出6.四面八方四面八方7.挤出来挤出来8.踩某人的脚踩某人的脚9.抬起某人的头抬起某人的头10.忍不住做某事,忍不住做某事, 情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事one and a half hours = one hour and a half a parking lot look for space to park bicycles be surprised at sth. take out in all directions push ones way out step on ones feet raise ones head cant /co

3、uldnt help doing sth.New words:1.自行车自行车2.满的满的,充满的充满的3.人群人群4.旅游旅游;观光观光5.空间空间;空地空地6.推推7.方向方位方向方位8.踩踩;走走;跨步跨步;台阶;台阶;阶梯阶梯;脚步脚步9.缓慢地缓慢地;慢速地慢速地10.在在旁边旁边11.悲伤地悲伤地,伤心地伤心地12.一一就就13.经历经历;经验经验bicyclebe full ofcrowdtourspacepushdirectionstepslowlybesidesadlyas soon asexperienceLearning aims:1.掌握单词:掌握单词: bicycle

4、, be full of; crowd, tour, space, push, direction, step, slowly, beside, sadly, as soon as, experience ; 2.掌握句子:掌握句子:1 ) They had to look for space to park their bicycles.2) His heart was beating fast.3) We couldnt help watching them.3.复习巩固时间状语的用法。复习巩固时间状语的用法。Read 1a quickly and number the pictures.

5、 1b1 12 23 34 4引导自学引导自学Read again and mark T (True) or F (False). 1c1. The children got to Tiananmen Square after an hours ride. ( )2. The parking lot was too crowded to park their bikes. ( )3. Someone stepped on Michaels feet. ( )4. Darren was lost but, at last, Kangkang and Michael found him. ( )F

6、FFT1aRead and understand. Read 1a again. Find out and learn the adverbial clauses of time. After they rode their bikes for one and a half hours, After parking As they While When not until As soon as 展示交流展示交流Kangkang, Michael and Darren rode to Tiananmen Square together. _ they parked their bikes, th

7、ey walked to Tiananmen Square. _ they were enjoying exploring, the crowd of people became larger and larger. _ the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet. _ Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldnt find his two friends. He was frightened and sat down on a step.

8、He didnt raise his head _ Kangkang called his name. _ they saw each other, they all jumped around happily. Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions in the box based on 1a. 2after, as, until,when, while ,as soon as AfterAsWhile/WhenWhenuntilAs soon asKey points:1.一个半小时一个半小时2.一个停车处一个停车处3.寻找空间来停放自行车寻找空

9、间来停放自行车4.对对感到惊奇感到惊奇5.取出取出, ,拿出拿出6.四面八方挤某人四面八方挤某人7.挤出来挤出来8.踩某人的脚踩某人的脚9.抬起某人的头抬起某人的头10.忍不住做某事,忍不住做某事, 情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事one and a half hours = one hour and a half a parking lot look for space to park bicycles be surprised at sth. take out push sb. in all directions push ones way out step on ones feet rais

10、e ones head cant /couldnt help doing sth.精讲点拨精讲点拨1.space1.space空间空间, ,空地空地, , = =room 不可数名词不可数名词 room 房间,房间,可数名词可数名词 eg: There isnt enough _ for the bed . I have to find some _ to park my bike. The building has ten _.2. direction 方向方向 in ones direction 朝某人的方向朝某人的方向 in the direction of.朝朝的方向的方向 in al

11、l directions 四面八方四面八方3.step v. 踩踩,踏踏. step on sth.踩踏某物踩踏某物 stepped n. 脚步脚步, ,台阶台阶 eg: Dont _ on the grass. He walked a few _ and then stopped.4. as soon as 一一就就 (主主将将从从现现,主,主过过从从过过 )eg: He _ (call) you as soon as he_ tomorrow.( arrive) They _ ( go ) home as soon as the school _ over yesterday. ( be

12、)space/roomspace/roomroomsstepstepswill callarriveswentwas It _ Kangkang, Michael and Darren one and a half hours to get to Tiananmen Square _ _. They found the parking lot _ _ _ tour buses, cars and bikes. They had to look for _ to park their bikes. After that, they walked to the square. They felt

13、very _ to see the square. More and more people came to the square and they _ Darren in all _. Someone _him on his feet then. Darren had _ looking for his friends and he _ _ because of the crowd of people. He was so worried that he didnt know what to do. So he sat on a step _ a tree sadly. But luckil

14、y, Kangkang and Michael found him at last. _ _ _ they saw each other, they jumped happily. tookby bikewas full ofspacesurprisedpusheddirectionssteppedtroublewas lostbesideAs soon asas soon as, by bike, be full of, take, step, trouble, beside, direction, push, space, surprise, be lost学效学效检测检测Dear Dar

15、ren, How are you? Id like to tell you about my travel experiences. Last month, I went to Jiuzhaigou for my vacation with my parents. Jiuzhaigou is in Sichuan, in the southwest part of China. Its famous for its beautiful mountains, forests and lakes. Many people go there to enjoy their vacation every

16、 year. My father booked the room before we arrived. We had a two-day trip and took a lot of photos. We saw pandas and monkeys. They were very cute and we couldnt help watching them. We had an exciting trip! I felt tired but happy. Please e-mail me soon and tell me about your vacation. Yours, BillDar

17、ren received an email from his pen pal, Bill. Read it and help Darren reply to him. 3九寨沟九寨沟u.n. u.n. 经验经验, ,体验体验;c.n.;c.n.经历经历, ,阅历阅历1.What did Bill do last month? 2. Where is Jiuzhaigou?3. What is Jiuzhaigou famous for? 4. What did Bills father do before their trip?5. What did Bill think of the mon

18、keys and pandas there?6. How was their trip?7. How did Bill feel?8.What is Bills email about?Fill in the blanks according to 3. Bill told Darren about his _ _ in his email. He went to Jiuzhaigou for his _ with his parents last month. Jiuzhaigou is in Sichuan, in the _ part of China. Its _ for its be

19、autiful mountains, _ and lakes. Many people go there to _ their vacation every year. Bills father booked the rooms _ they arrived. They had a two-day _ and took a lot of photos. They saw some pandas and monkeys. They were so cute that people _ _ watching them. How _ their trip was!vacation forestsfa

20、mousenjoyexcitingcouldnt help southwesttravel experiencesbeforetrip5. experience 经历经历, ,阅历阅历可数名词可数名词 经验经验, ,体验体验不可数名词不可数名词 eg: I want to tell you my travel _. _ is the best teacher. He has five years teaching _.6.忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事 cant /couldnt help doing sth.eg: The story is so funny tha

21、t I _.(忍不住笑了忍不住笑了)The man was so sad that he _. (忍不住哭了忍不住哭了)精讲点拨精讲点拨experiencesExperienceexperiencecant help laughingcouldnt help cryingWe learn: New words and expressions: be full of, tour, space, push, direction, step, beside, experience Adverbial clauses of time: After parking their bikes, they w

22、alked to the Tiananmen Square.We can : Write about our own travel experience. Tell stories by using adverbial clauses of time.梳理归整梳理归整Dear Bill, Im glad to receive your e-mail and learn that you had a wonderful vacation. I had a nice vacation, too. _Yours, DarrenSuppose you are Darren, complete the

23、email to Bill. 学效检测学效检测Dear Bill, Im glad to receive your e-mail and learn that you had a wonderful vacation. I had a nice vacation, too. Yesterday Michael, Kangkang and I went to Tiananmen Square. On the way to Tiananmen Square, I saw many people. As soon as we arrived, we were surprised at the gra

24、ndness( 宏伟宏伟) of Tiananmen Square . We took many pictures. There were so many people that I couldnt find my friends. I was so frightened. A few minutes later, we met again. Tomorrow we plan to visit the Great Wall. I think it will be an exciting place, too. please e-mail me soon.Yours, Darren美文赏析美文赏析A: -;-; B: -.-.



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