高二英语下unit18 inventions1课件

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1、Unit 18InventionsWhat will you think of next?LindavvIt is very useful in our daily life, you can find it in almost all the rooms ;vvIt needs electricity to work ;Electric bulbvvThis invention can help people to keep seeing when its dark. electric bulbWas he born creative? Thomas Edison Thomas Alva E

2、dison Born in 1847, he couldnt speak until he was almost four years old. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. So he dropped out of school(退学退学) when he was very young. In fact he was a boy full of imagination. He made a great contribution to the world. In his lifetime, Edison

3、 patented 1,093 inventions.Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.Was he born creative? Although disabled, Although disabled, Stephen HawingStephen Hawing has has always been kept always been kept doing his doing his scientific scientific researchresearch. . Yuan LongpingYuan Longping has has

4、 been keeping improvingbeen keeping improvingrice to contribute to rice to contribute to agricultureagriculture. .Skim to find out the main idea of the passage.How to become more creative or different ways of thinkingFind out how to become more creativeThink outside the boxTake another look at itMak

5、e connectionsKeeping tryingWhat is creativity in the writers opinion?How do we think outside the box?How do we take another look at it? How do we make connections?What conclusion can we get from the last paragraph?Creative thinking, a matter of habitsFailure is the mother of success.Find out the ans

6、wers to the following questions.uRephrase a problem to allow for creative solutionsuTry “impossible” or “crazy” solutionsuFailure also helps move towards solutionsuBreak away from old thought patters and explore new possibilitiesTry new ways to solve a problem:2. Who never goes to see a doctor,even

7、when he is ill ?1. Mikes father is a policeman. Why did Mike recognize him among his workmates though they were all in uniform?3. It is leaking( 漏水漏水 ) everywhere in the office on a rainy day, why nobody has got wet?A blind man.The workmates are policewomen.Nobody is in. 4. A plane crashed. Why was

8、nobody in the plane injured?All the people in the plane died.5. Why can a frog jump higher than a tree?A tree cant jump.vLooking in as many ways as possiblevFrom invisible to visiblevTry different attempts even false starts to understandingA change in perception:A romantic story from the rubbishlTry

9、 to connect new and old ideas in as many different ways as possiblelCompare and connect ideas and objects in new wayslThink of new applications and solutionsNew idea is always connected to what we already know:creative thinkingthink outside the boxtake another look at itmake connectionskeep tryingtr

10、y a new way to in as many ways as bine new and old ideasA long process of trial and error.? ?What will you think of next? Tell the True or False. Tell the True or False. 1 ( ) Most inventors have a high IQ.2 ( ) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand new ideas.3

11、 ( ) It is impossible to learn how to be creative.4 ( ) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer.5 ( ) Inventors try to avoid failure.6 ( ) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.7 ( ) Most good ideas are the result

12、 of a long process of trial and error.Not all inventorsNot all inventorspossiblepossibleas many answers as possibleas many answers as possibleknow that failure is a necessary know that failure is a necessary part of the thinking processpart of the thinking process1. What does the underlined part “Th

13、ink outside the box” refer to? A. “ impossible” or “ crazy” B. a complete answer C. the old thought patterns D. partial solutions and failures2. If we connect new information only with whats “logical” or “ normal”, we_? A. limit our creativity B. discover new possibilities C. have good thinking stra

14、tegies D. come up with ideas for new inventionCAChoose the best answer 1.What word is used the most frequently? newsolutionsinventionsidea(s)way(s)possibilitiesapplicationsthought 2. What do you think of “Good ideas are no accident”?A). According to Leonardo da Vinci, there are no problems with only

15、 one solution. He tried many crazy ideas so that he achieved a lot in many fields besides painting.B). Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.C). Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.D). Einstein, who changed the world of Physics forever with his Theor

16、y of Relativity, preferred pictures to numbers.E). Samuel Morse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.The examples have been mixed up. Please put them in the right paragraph.255341.Retell the text.2.Find out the useful expressions and good sentences from the text.



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