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1、Period 3What sign do you know? What does it mean?signsDanger!四人一组,选一个你喜欢的场景,尝试表演。四人一组,选一个你喜欢的场景,尝试表演。 (可以加入自己的语言哦!)(可以加入自己的语言哦!)Lets act!outing 外出游玩、外出游玩、远足足on an outing 在在远足足Look and askWho?Where?What?Watch and answer a 1、What time is it now?2、Where does Bobby have for lunch?3、Does Bobby have a goo

2、d lunch?We dont know. It is time for lunch.He has some bananas.No, he doesnt.Why didnt Bobby have a good lunch?Lets read.Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest. It is time for lunch. Bobby feels tired and hungry. What are you doing, Bobby? Im looking for my bananas. I brought some for lunch.Bo

3、bby gives Sam a banana.Do you want one, Sam? Its sweet.Thanks, Bobby.Lets read.Bobby and Sam walk on. They find a sign on a tree.What does it mean?Look, Bobby. Theres a sign.It means we cant eat bananas here.Why?Lets read.Then , they see a lot of monkeys around them. They are looking at Bobbys banan

4、as.I know why we shouldnt eat bananas here.Lets read.Why didnt Bobby have a good lunch?Read after one.(跟一个人跟一个人读读)Read together.(一起读一起读)Read one by one.(一个接着一个接着一个读一个读)四人一组,任选一种方式,四人一组,任选一种方式,看看哪一组读得最好。看看哪一组读得最好。Lets read.正确正确.()正确,正确,语音语调语音语调.( )正确,正确,语音语调,语音语调,表演表演.( )Lets actLets fillBobby and Sa

5、m are _ an _in the forest. It is time for_. Bobby_ tired and _. Bobby _ for his bananas. Then he _ Sam a banana. They walk on and find a _on a tree. It _ we cant _ bananas there. Then they see a lot of _ around them. They are _ at Bobbys bananas. At last ,they _ why they _ eat bananas there.onoutinglunchishungrylooksgivessignmeanseatmonkeyslookingknowshouldntHomework:1.听读课文。听读课文。2.表演对话或者复述课文。表演对话或者复述课文。



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