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1、Unit4 郧阳师专英语系商务英语精读课程组郧阳师专英语系商务英语精读课程组Text: BargainsTeaching Aim 1. Learn something about bargains; 2. Talk something about bargains.Important Points1. Comprehend the meaning of the text 2. Get familiar with the key words or phrases extort 勒索 innocent 头脑简单的 board 董事会, decent公平的 novelty 新奇事物, fade褪色

2、whereupon 因此 breathtaking令人吃惊的 impertinence 不适当 pensioner 领取养老金者 accuse 指控,outrage 激怒 defense 辩护 circular 圆的, saw 锯 seemingly 似乎, sane 心智健全的 Persian 波斯的 trifle少量, 有点 extravagant 奢侈的chop 排骨 tremendous 巨大的 pile堆 quest 探寻 sticky粘性的 prohibit 禁止 to start with 首先;起初 might 还是(做)的好for the sake of 为的缘故, in o

3、nes defense 为褚护 as though 似乎 for ones lifetime 一生 pile up 堆积 serve sb. right 活该 all the same 尽管如此 fall for 上的当. Difficult Points1. Answer the questions about bargains; 2. There are many new words in the text;3. Translate some difficult sentences of the text into English. Teaching Methods1. Discussin

4、g and summarizing the main idea about the text; 2. Memorizing the new words;3. Explaining the difficult words or sentences and making some examplesProcedure: 1. Warm-up; 2. Text diving3. Language focus; 4. Sum up and assign homework.Homework1. On Exercise-Book: 2. Read the new words correctly and re

5、ad the text fluently;3. Do the exercisesTime 90 minutes Part One: 15 minutesI. Warming-up 1. What does the word “bargain” mean to you? Work with your partner and find the possible definitions of this word and write them down here. Bargain means -1)an effective sales technique to encourage customers

6、to purchase. 有效的销售技术,以鼓励顾客购买。 2)something offered, sold or bought cheap. 提供一些出售或购买的优惠。 3)an opportunity not to be missed to buy something at a price lower than usual. 不要错过购买一些低于平常价格的机会。 4)a trick to make you buy something that you dont really need. 用技巧使你买不真正需要的东西。 5) to negotiate over the terms of a

7、n agreement or contract. 谈成一项条款或合同的协议。 6) to negotiate with the seller for the purpose of bringing the price down. 进行谈判的目是,使卖方价格下降。 7) a good way to save money. 一个可以省钱的好方法。 8) an unusual way of “making” money. 一个不寻常的“挣钱”方式。 9) a way of making expensive products appear cheap. 是一种使贵的产品看起来很便宜的方式。2. Wor

8、k with your partner and write out words about places where people go for bargains. discount store折扣商garage sale现场旧货出售chain store连锁商店 five and ten cent storedime store廉价商店grocery store杂货店 e-business in the Internet网上交易supermarket超级市场 auction market拍卖市场sky market露天市场flea market跳蚤市场(旧货和廉价商品市场)night mar

9、ket夜市 public produce market农产品零售市场street market路摊secondhand market旧货市场II. Pair works: 1. Do you often bargain with shop assistants when you buy things?2. Do you often look around the shops for bargains?3. Where or when are you most likely to find a bargain?4. Have you ever bought anything that you d

10、idnt need just because you thought it was a bargain?5. What was the best bargain you have found? Describe it to your classmates.Part Two: 10 minutesStructure of Reading IPart I (Paragraph 1)Introduction: the recent definition of a bargain.A bargain is a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets o

11、f silly and innocent people.Part II (Paragraph 2)Explanation of how a new product is sold.Part III (Paragraph 3-6)Explanation of peoples reactions to bargains.1) People react in the same way to small price reduction as they do to big ones.2) People often buy things they dont want just because they a

12、re bargains.3) Some people seem to believe that they can make money when they buy a bargain.4) Some people think buying in bulk is a cheap way of buying.Part IV (Paragraph 7)Conclusion: To offer bargains is a commercial trick to make the poor poorer. When greedy fools fall for this trick, it serves

13、them right.1.bargain1) bargain n. something bought cheaply or for less than its than its usual price 便宜货;廉价货e.g. I might buy a TV, if I can find a bargain in the sales. The shoes are a bargain at $22.2) n. an agreement 协议;交易Part Three: 30 . Key Language Points相关搭配make/strike a bargain 达成协议e.g. We ha

14、ve made a bargain that hell do the shopping and Ill cook.drive a hard bargain 达成非常有利于自己的协议3) vi. to discuss the conditions of a sale, agreement, etc.讲价钱;讨价还价e.g. The worker bargained for better pay.2.trick 1) n. something one does in order to deceive someone else 骗局;花招;诡计e.g. He pretended to be ill,

15、 but it was just a trick.相关搭配dirty/mean/rotten trick 下流的/无耻的/卑鄙的诡计2) n. something one does to surprise someone else or make other people laugh 恶作剧相关搭配play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人e.g. The girls were always playing tricks on their teachers.3) n. a clever way of doing something that works very well 诀窍;技巧e.

16、g. A salesman should know all the tricks of the trade.4) vt. To deceive someone in order to get something from them or to make them do something.欺骗;诱骗;哄骗3.extort: vt. to illegally force someone to give one money by threatening them 敲诈;勒索相关搭配extort sth. from /out of sb. 勒索;强抢e.g.Landlords tried to co

17、ver their losses by extorting high rents from tenants.相关词extortion n. 敲诈;勒索e.g. He faces charges of kidnapping and extortion. 他面临诱拐和敲诈的指控。4. innocent 1) adj. not having much experience of life, so that one is easily deceived; native 天真无邪的;涉世不深的e.g. Hes so innocent that anyone can take advantage of h

18、im.2) adj. not guilty of a crime无罪的e.g. Nobody would believe that I was innocent.相关搭配innocent victims/bystanders/people 无辜的受害者/旁观者/人们相关词innocence n. 清白无罪;单纯;天真e.g. In our innocence we believed everything we were told.5.novelty1) n. the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting 新颖;新奇性e.g. I enjo

19、yed living in Paris at first but the novelty soon wore off.2) n. something new and unusual which attracts peoples attention and interest 新奇的事物e.g. Cars were still something of a novelty at the beginning of last centaury.相关词novel adj. 新颖的;新奇的e.g. Thats a novel idea-opening an English restaurant in Fr

20、ance.6.turn sth. into sth.: to change from one thing into another (usu. by magic)e.g. The witch had turned them all into stone.rush to do sth.: to do something very quickly and without delay 匆匆做(某事)e.g. I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back.breathtaking: adj. very impressive, exciting or

21、 surprising 使人兴奋的;惊险的e.g. The guest house was on the side of the cliff, with breathtaking views of the ocean below.7. impertinence: n. the state of being rude or not respectful 不礼貌; 莽撞无礼e.g. His superiors were outraged by his impertinence in suggesting a solution they hadnt considered.相关词impertinent

22、 adj. 不礼貌的; 莽撞无礼的e.g. The question about her age is very impertinent.8.for the sake of : in order to help, please, improve someone or something 为了的缘故e.g. He moved to the seaside for the sake of his heath.9.plead 1) vi./vt. to state in a court of law whether one is guilty of a crime (在法庭上)承认(有罪);申辩相关

23、搭配plead guilty /not guilty /innocente.g. Henry pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder.2) vi. to ask for in a sincere and emotional way 恳求; 央求e.g. The hostages families pleaded for their safe return.10. outrage:1) vt. to make someone feel very angry and shocked 使某人震怒;激起某人的义愤e.g. People were outra

24、ged at the idea of releasing the mass murderer.2 ) n. a feeling of great anger and shock 愤慨; 义愤; 震怒e.g. The injustice of the situation filled him with a sense of outrage.outrageous: adj. Very shocking and extremely unfair or offensive 骇人的; 蛮横的e.g. I cant believe hes been allowed to spread such outra

25、geous lies!11.in ones defense: to protect against attacks 为辩护/答辩e.g. The man has been fierce in defense of the present system.12.sane: adj. Able to think in a normal and reasonable way 心智健全的;神智正常的e.g. This is a risk no sane person will take.Antonym: insane13.trifle1) n. slightly; rather 少量; 有点e.g. I

26、ts a full life, if a trifle boring.2) n. something unimportant or not valuable 琐事; 无价值的东西e.g. I dont know why you waste your money on such trifles.相关搭配trifle with 轻视; 小看; 随便对待e.g. The boss is not a man to be trifled with.14.extravagant:1) adj. spending a lot of money on things that are not necessary

27、 浪费的; 没必要的e.g. It was very extravagant of you to spend 500 yuan on a bag.2) adj. very impressive because of being very expensive, beautiful, etc. 铺张的; 豪华的e.g. They decided to give an extravagant dinner party.15.pile up: to become much larger in quantity or amount; accumulate (使)堆积;(使)积累e.g. Work is

28、really piling up.16.sticky:adj. made of or covered with a substance that sticks to surfaces 黏的e.g. The surface of the desk is dirty and sticky.adj. difficult ;hard to handle 困难的;棘手的e.g. Race problems in the US remain sticky.相关搭配sticky label/tape 黏胶带have sticky fingers有偷窃习惯17.fall for:1) to be tricke

29、d into believing something that is not true 上的当;受的骗e.g. Dont fall for the fair words of the door-to-door businessmen.2) to start to love someone 爱上(某人)e.g. That was the summer I worked at the fairground and met and fell for Lucy.18.Serve sb. right: to be a good punishment for sb. 活该e.g. You have mis

30、sed so good a chance. It served you right to suffer the consequence now. Review by asking some questions: 1). How does the author define the word “bargain” in the text?The key comes from Paragraph 1:Bargain is something offered at a low and advantageous price.A more recent definition is: a bargain i

31、s a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets of silly and innocent people.2). What does the author mean by saying “but the attraction of novelty soon fades”?The key comes from Paragraph 2:People soon lose interest in the new things. They will not attract people any more.3). Why does the author s

32、ay it is “breathtaking impertinence” for sellers to advertise “1p off”?The key comes from Paragraph 3:The poorest old-age pensioner ought to regard this as an insult.4). How do people react to small price reductions,say 5p or even lp off ?The key comes from Paragraph 2:People will rush to buy it eve

33、n though it still costs about fortythree percent more than its fair price.5). When does the real danger of bargain starts?The key comes from Paragraph 4:The real danger starts when utterly unnecessary things become “ bargains”.6). What is the danger caused by bargains?The key comes from Paragraph 5:

34、There is a huge number of people who just cannot resist bargains and sales.7). What does “ buying in bulk ” mean?The key comes from Paragraph 6:Buying a lot 大批量地购买.8). What can we learn from that old couple who could not resist buying sugar in bulk?The key comes from Paragraph 6:They bought enough s

35、ugar for their lifetime and the lifetime of their children and grandchildren. Sometimes bargains are not really advantageous to your life.9). The author creates a humorous effect by the use of exaggeration. For example: “Old ladies will buy rollerskates . . .” Can you give more examples of exaggerat

36、ion in the passage?The key comes from Paragraph 4:Non-smokers will buy pipe-cleaners.A man bought an electric circular saw as a bargain and cut off two of his fingers the next day. But he had no regrets: the saw had been truly cheap. Part Four: 5 minutes1. Sum up the general meaning about the text and review the new words 2. Order homework: 1) On Exercise-Book: 2) Read the new words correctly and read the text fluently;3) Do the exercises.



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