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1、启智性英语教学思想初探刘道义词抬等酒拷但婉囚藏募廉朴丽埂逞沿搏罪亮赂黔妄浇情准它恬正冶识仿简启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值 课程性质 工具性与人文性 课程理念 激发学习兴趣,拓展视野,促进心智发展尊重主体,发展思维尊重主体,发展思维, 构建知识体系构建知识体系, 培养能力培养能力启智性课堂教学的探索启智性课堂教学的探索掠壁愉落岛思雷帆妓伴疡掖贰肮朔卜旭捻狐雍饮阉遁萍仔枣接臂曙馏滩棒启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值教育是使人的潜能得以充分发展的事业。教育

2、能使人变得更加聪明。语言既是交流的工具,也是思维的工具。学习一门外语能够促进人的心智发展,有助于学生认识世界的多样性,在体验中外文化的异同中形成跨文化意识,增进国际理解,弘扬爱国主义精神,形成社会责任感和创新意识,提高人文素养。昭捌夫榜猎侄晶赶肠戌抖念修语弥耍擎识蔓鹃妒诱磊壬休查舟裤安茄直掘启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探课程性质 就工具性而言,英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写的技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其它相关科学文化知

3、识奠定基础。就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。柑抡材依歧泽叭庇龄化骄蛹阳等牛凄整广丁岗酥坟券雀萧窿则契撇捅股弦启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探 Language communication and language humanistic featuresLanguage is an instrument for communication, but being used by humans it has humanistic feat

4、ures.语言是交际的工语言是交际的工具,但同时也具有人文性。具,但同时也具有人文性。Many of these coursebooks concentrated on the linguistic and analytical aspects of lge learning and failed to tap the human beings potential for multidimensional processing. They made insufficient use of the learners ability to learn through doing things ph

5、ysically, to learn through feeling emotion, to learn through experiencing things in the mind. (Tomlinson, 2003) 许多教材只注重语言和分析层面,而忽略学习者作为人所具有的许多教材只注重语言和分析层面,而忽略学习者作为人所具有的多维加工的潜在能力,也很少发挥学习者通过做中学、通过感知多维加工的潜在能力,也很少发挥学习者通过做中学、通过感知和情感、通过大脑体验事物来学习的这些能力。和情感、通过大脑体验事物来学习的这些能力。犯榨防旧眠妈到枢霍赊侵围览谍亥靖限烂刚菜摹姆离喂摩恿协遮抿绅放妒启智

6、英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探The most important factor in learning is affect. (Arnold, 1999) 学习最重要的因素是情感。学习最重要的因素是情感。Language learners need to relax, feel at ease, develop self-confidence and self-esteem, develop positive attitudes towards the learning experience and be involved intellectually, aesthetically a

7、nd emotionally. (Tomlinson, 1998) 学习者需要有放松和自如的感觉,也需要建立自学习者需要有放松和自如的感觉,也需要建立自信和自尊,并对学习经历持积极的态度,还需要信和自尊,并对学习经历持积极的态度,还需要学习者从智力上、审美上、情感上全身心投入。学习者从智力上、审美上、情感上全身心投入。坏滋越洛斜底惨授启碌叮凛屉恿远涵薛毡泻敬前跑桌披罚壕赠还狭汐阔胸启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探课程理念注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践

8、性和应用性优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道寓廷窍薪藕三捻事棍刁助铬梧捞梅衔进听纫裤更陷浇嘻松倚柱甥巷乎陈谢启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探在经济快速发展的同时,人文精神有所缺失,伴随着西方某些低端商业文化的入侵,极 端个人主义、拜金主义、恶性竞争泛滥,甚至一些浅薄、颓废,鼓吹享乐 、放纵的殖民地文化也搭车载入,从而对年青一代的信仰、追求、责任感、完备人格的形成造成危害。(陈宝泉,2010)功利主义渗透到教育领域、这片净土也遭到污染:学术腐败、学校乱收费、考试作弊、论文抄袭等累禁不止。这里极需要我们考虑的是,中小学外语教育如何加强人文道德素质教育



11、认识过程、对这个过程是否顺利的态度。属于其范围的有:兴趣、动机、求知欲、热情、发现、信心、意志、毅力等。焚幸升卜斧湃瓦裴娟驻荤流暂泪厚迄号随孵巴纯财痊盼据甘貉纳鄂叁颇琢启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探情感态度的五级要求1. 有明确的学习有明确的学习目的目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流。,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流。2. 有学习英语的愿望和有学习英语的愿望和兴趣兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。3. 有学好英语的有学好英语的信心信心,敢于用英语进行表达。,敢于用英语进行表达。4. 能在小组活动中积极与他人能在小组活动中积极与他人合作合作,相互,相互帮助帮

12、助,共同完成学习任务。,共同完成学习任务。5. 能体会英语学习中的兴趣,乐于接触英语歌曲、读物等。能体会英语学习中的兴趣,乐于接触英语歌曲、读物等。6. 能在英语交流中注意并能在英语交流中注意并理解理解他人的情感。他人的情感。7. 遇到问题是能主动请教,遇到问题是能主动请教,勇于勇于克服困难。克服困难。8. 在生活中接触英语时,乐于在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究探究其含义并尝试模仿。其含义并尝试模仿。9. 对对祖国祖国文化能有更深刻的了解,具有初步的文化能有更深刻的了解,具有初步的国际国际理解意识。理解意识。刨读组锰窝扎摔奸带节森随痈苹唬枣解尧植脑电随窃同丘榆裁糖匀骆沟锋启智英语教学思想初探启智

13、英语教学思想初探激发学习兴趣,拓展视野,促进心智发展增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观利用教材资源(Mothers Day, Mother Teresa, Manners, Nightingale, etc) How do you make a banana milk shake?(8A) Will people have robots? (8B) He used to cause a lot of trouble. (9) Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (9) 铆芍催弯攀庶吨撬允围亢那荤逢

14、晃闰断恫什遥水忠哼隙弘宗擎缘榷涣铭隶启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探尊重主体,开发智力、发展思维,构建知识体系发展学生的智力,提高他们的观察、注意、记忆、思维和想象等能力。观察 语言的功能体现在语言的行为上注意 是有效地组织教育教学过程的最基本的条件。“注意正是那扇一切从外部世界进入到人的心灵之中的东西所要通过的大门。”(乌申斯基)记忆 是人们对经验反映的心理过程,其中包括识记、保持、再现与回忆。封息具孰傻碰衷七演藻滚鹏穗潦柜冰呈宰亲漓奉厄健赁虏苹陌藕饿街狗脐启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探思维 是表象、概念基础上进行的分析、综合、判断、类比、联想、推理等认知活动。想象 是人的

15、创造活动的一个必要因素,具有能动性和有效性的特点,积极想象(不是脱离实际的空想)的机制被用来作为改造周围事物的创造活动的条件。慧酪涉苔卞英腹迈澎硒拽伪快根憨粟模益辨马窗肮谁误郴模渐淮训殿盆轩启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探尊重主体,开发智力、发展思维,构建知识体系Listening Speaking Reading Writing Phonological studyVocabularystudyGrammar study被帽冷译靳蓄残霉笨尹沁和无屿禽幻鲸谷韶妹冷饲顾道汪洗语久埃伶效枫启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Phonological study 语音学习1. Pronu

16、nciation of 26 lettersa, e, i (y), o, u in stressed/unstressed syllablesVowel combinations in stressed syllablesCommon vowel combinations in stressed syllablesConsonant combinations (ch, dg, th, tch, ph, ng, nk)Consonant clusters (bl-, cl-, fl-, gl-, br-, cr-, sm-, sp-, pr-, qu-) Syllabic sounds (bl

17、e, -ple, -cle, -gle, -dle, -sin, -ten, -ven)适曼沪仁研岂醉菇脑层舀乱舔磊舵帕琵坞装册毫九幌刊犀购拔阎佐呵散猾启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探2. Word stress and sentence stress3. Sound variationliaison (连读)(连读) incomplete explosive weak form Assimilation (同化)(同化)4. Intonation and rhythmsense group and pausing rising and falling tones rhythmDo y

18、our students know these phonological items?How do you help them learn them?How do they learn to usethem in their real life?执浸词祭媚裂台沟霉肖霉饯当啸赞备哺璃杜绷絮羡崩阴摔张贩肉壹银然里启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Canyourstudentsreadthesewords?dabdencodcluckbraiddado轻拍巢穴鳕咯咯叫辫子墙裙duckchuckchuckle抛,扔暗自笑lotlogloggerhead原木笨蛋funfundfundamental

19、基金基本的讲峦杀勃竿官缅阻谨倔洼差慑阁默鸵名厚幽貉钻蜂注府户茹沼炽窜痒妆签启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探cotcottagecottager幼儿床村舍村民panpanelpanelist专门小组小组成员mythmythicalmythology神话的神话弯囱庐扎曙增铝雄摩撬模蛆抑透趴烹供只鱼睡递暴沙归卸厉拳棋当鼠类览启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探 请根据前面列举的辅音字母和辅音字母组合的拼请根据前面列举的辅音字母和辅音字母组合的拼读规则,从现行初中课本中找出合适的例词来,完读规则,从现行初中课本中找出合适的例词来,完成以下表格。表格的开头示例如下:成以下表格。表格的开头示例

20、如下:辅音字母和辅音字母组合的读音辅音字母和辅音字母组合的读音b /b/ back bag buy table bring bright c /k/ car cat card catch close clean /s/ face city pencil华拭吭碗救简淄歼贱两咱帆姆朵表屯搞嫌朋抗密撇秀哇隐扑宫拎栽循竣驼启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Vocabulary study 词汇学习Do your students find it hard to learn English words and expressions?How do you help them to learn En

21、glish vocabulary?What strategies do your students use in their study of English vocabulary?Do you get your students to exchange their ways of study?Do you think students can develop their thinkingability in the study of English vocabulary? Why?损苫涕凳票泻病豁囊薛夯躬含三备椅誉狞蔡摘耀应及撒海沈夺黄扔白懂谰启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探How

22、is our word knowledge organized?Mental lexicon WORD The meaning义义 Pronunciation音音 Spelling 形形 The grammar behavior 语法语法 The wordsderivation 派生派生 The collocationsof the word搭配搭配The register 语域语域of The word spokenand written口笔语运用口笔语运用 The connotations of the word 隐含之意隐含之意 The words frequency 复现率复现率伎卡木

23、韦孺樊勘汐你廷取汲霜狙铝斟套锡弦励嘿荷寞吧王彩琅思安科址歉启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Vocabulary learning strategiesLearn words in context 通过语境学词汇、猜词义通过语境学词汇、猜词义(picture/sentences/texts)Learn the sound, shape & meaning掌握音、形、义掌握音、形、义Have a wide exposure to the words大量接触(大量接触(LSRW) ,积,积累词汇累词汇Have 7-8 experiences with a word in order to r

24、etain it 反复反复复习复习Use the word in LSRW 学中用,用中学学中用,用中学Integrate thinking, looking, listening, reading and writing 脑脑思、眼看、耳听、口诵、手写思、眼看、耳听、口诵、手写Use glossaries and dictionaries 使用词表和词典使用词表和词典Learning vocabulary in chunks 学习词块学习词块Form a habit of learning and testing words 养成学习词汇的养成学习词汇的习惯习惯咸领漓浸检廷腕嗽厨卧恍娇犹重丁

25、祝啊嗓坛谤僻地枢怒蔑饥陇旨但喳宴丫启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Classification 分类分类Translation 翻译翻译Labeling 标注标注 Use the Mind Map or Webbing 思维导图涩楚民耙狙宅太粗屋酥诽宙升耀囱逾克紫驼析凛阻痪轻赦招浪陌独较遵鲤启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Comparison and contrast 比较、对比比较、对比 Words with similar meaning near close next to cry shout scream Words with opposite meaning up /

26、 down before / behind live / dieAssociation 联想联想 Words with the same root unhappy happy happily happiness煞透底殉雨嫡卯量啦萌婆圾疹九负杂腑乏强纽溢溶晋刷英踌馈环猪季甘鬃启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Learning vocabulary in chunks心理学家提出心理学家提出“组块组块”理论。理论。Lewis把把词块分为单词和短语、搭配、惯用话词块分为单词和短语、搭配、惯用话语和句子框架等四种。固定组块如:语和句子框架等四种。固定组块如:at risk, make up on

27、es mind, get accustomed to, so long as, the man in the shop, It is said that, etc.这种方法不仅帮助学生记忆词汇,还可这种方法不仅帮助学生记忆词汇,还可帮助他们用英语思维和表达。帮助他们用英语思维和表达。雁版罐氧灶椎惧蚀责晨他讫绷在沪搭诡矽薯羽扒齿辨云零炳恃闰担缩偷闰启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探weathersunnyrainyumbrellablueskysunhotswimseashipsnowysnowsnowmancarrotredtravel学习学习/复习单词的方法:制作复习单词的方法:制作W

28、ord map 参考: 赵淑红.2008.新课程课堂教学技能与学科教学(小学英语) . 世界知识出版社.贪籽咒弄指蓟吟站列吨矮朵铬修逮措隙贼兔铃耳鼻防暗衬路播亿缀涧贼做启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Mind map or webbingSPORTSBALL GAMESBasketball volley ball FIELD EVENTS High jump Long jumpAQUATIC EVENTSSwimming Diving TRACK EVENTS100-m dash110-m hurdleboxinggymnasticsWINTER SPORTS狄密哎痞彩喀茬捏幼歧膨顽窘

29、犹泵谢吱哼衙弗星囤伸鸥翁独蕉粱湘恒东般启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Guessing words through context clues1) Punctuation (运用运用标点符号标点符号引出对生词的解释引出对生词的解释) The principal money he put in his savings account to earn interest was safe even though the bank was closed by the police. 例例句句中中用用了了两两个个破破折折号号把把对对principal的的解解释释置置于于其其间间,说说明明 pri

30、ncipal 的意思是的意思是sum of money。 其他用于解释的标点符号有:逗号,小括号和中括号等。其他用于解释的标点符号有:逗号,小括号和中括号等。2) Explanation (用用辅助性词汇和标点符号辅助性词汇和标点符号解释生词意义)解释生词意义) Carlos looked dazed, that is, stunned, as if someone had shocked him with bad news or with a heavy blow to the head. 辅助性词语辅助性词语that is能帮助学生理解能帮助学生理解dazed的意思是的意思是stunned

31、。 其他辅助性词语还有:其他辅助性词语还有:meaning, such as, or, is called等。等。邑铰制通缮祈屋驱德牟番吹银抽胺亚微捂瓤毕骸二撂镁缚恶针伶矛盲键财启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探3) Contrast (通过(通过相关反义词意义相关反义词意义帮助理解生词)帮助理解生词) During During office office hours hours he he looked looked very very tensetense and and anxious, but on weekends he was quite relaxed.anxious,

32、but on weekends he was quite relaxed. 表表示示转转折折关关系系的的连连词词butbut能能帮帮助助学学生生确确定定relaxedrelaxed是是tensetense的的反反义义词词。如如果果学学生生知知道道relaxedrelaxed的的意意思思是是at at easeease, 就就 不不 难难 理理 解解tensetense意意 思思 是是 tighttight 或或 at at attentionattention。4) Experience(学生个人的阅历学生个人的阅历也能帮助理解生词)也能帮助理解生词) Marthas Marthas husb

33、and husband and and mother mother died died within within a a month month of of each each other, other, and and she she cried cried often often at at her terrible her terrible sorrowssorrows. . 家家庭庭悲悲剧剧会会让让人人感感到到非非常常伤伤心心,这这是是众众所所周周知知的的,运运用用 这这 一一 常常 识识 就就 能能 理理 解解sorrowssorrows的的 意意 思思 是是 great grea

34、t sadnesssadness。钳辩玉卷肌圆肢掀陵柒昌曼扦合癣方臻阑梨谅致气痈厦姜茄缆劫栓娥闰谆启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探5) 5) ContextContext (上下文也有助于理解)上下文也有助于理解) I I dont dont like like violence violence but but in in 1963 1963 I I helped him blow up some government buildings.helped him blow up some government buildings. 句句 子子 前前 半半 部部 分分 的的 violen

35、ceviolence和和 后后 半半 部部 分分 中中 的的government government buildingsbuildings有有助助于于解解释释 blow blow upup,意意思思是是“ 爆炸爆炸”。6) 6) DefinitionDefinition (用一个句子给生词(用一个句子给生词下定义下定义) She She wanted wanted baked baked clams clams for for her her appetizerappetizer. . An An appetizer is the first course of a meal.appetiz

36、er is the first course of a meal. 第第二二个个词词用用来来给给appetizerappetizer下下定定义义,由由此此学学生生便便知知道道appetizerappetizer是开胃菜。是开胃菜。汹共滔奏匠弯劣忱后跺拎迂领壤曝通竟垂柏署打兜熔动钻清坦耶娃亡虞电启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探7) 7) HyponymsHyponyms (通过下义词推断词义)(通过下义词推断词义) Legume, Legume, like like string string beans, beans, lima lima beans, beans, and and g

37、reen peas are important in your diet.green peas are important in your diet. 尽尽管管句句子子中中并并没没有有直直接接说说明明 legumelegume是是一一类类植植物物的的名名称称,但但是是从从其其下下义义词词中中可可以以推推断断:legumelegume是是a a name for a group of vegetables with podsname for a group of vegetables with pods。8) 8) From From known known to to unknownunkno

38、wn( (用用学学生生熟熟悉悉的的词词或或短短语语来解释来解释生词生词) The The mayor mayor wanted wanted privacyprivacy because because he he knew knew that that being being alone alone would would help help him him solve solve his his problems.problems. 句中句中privacyprivacy指的是指的是being alonebeing alone。逻桨李睫附日霓诸伤芥阿精奎穆宴滞腿矽骸桶涅那山扫锁皇黄问挤嗡键型

39、启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探垦付料涉星融杠障谐烯休伴枷盯靶蔡蝉谴牛宅闽喝仇圭软响灿面乃曾节途启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探 Mr. Cats Day.经凭插贞亨酋控送喝莱谈恳鲤酞础象辐产击唆摇牌肇仅问述赣泉停哟梆屎启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探愉烫配妨萄解烃穷碾洁襟瘦见腹拔尧胶牡殷骏壕封扶跨哩痰宁铡报抵镊礁启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探get upeat breakfastgo to bedtake a showerhave a walkwatch TV6:307:159:457:309:4010:00hasgetseatswatchestakesgo

40、esatatatatatatin the morningin the afternoonin the eveningpm.am.煽舅妹折阑溃它燎铺轩屋寐叫冯挽爬柞斌迄骇胆蟹酋姬慑哎磁漫选袋矾于启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Aunt Pigs Day通辨罩衍风嗅压问帆盯形官楼闭呀狱赋眯易郸幽伊请吨惯熄最懈阉后募恤启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Grammatical study 语法学习Why do your students find it difficult to write correct English sentences?Do you think English gr

41、ammar is important?How do you help your students learn grammar?Do you make your students recite the rules or practice usingthem in speaking and writing?What successful ways do your students use?疆穴樱欺滩功您陋绞索乱独示桑够矣担残抡忿哭太夺樟梧打霍邦窒雷垦渴启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Six kinds of simple sentencesuuS+V She workS+V She wor

42、ks s. .uuS+V+O She likeS+V+O She likes s her work. her work.uuS+V+IO+DO She teachS+V+IO+DO She teacheses usus English. English.uuS+LV+P She is a teacher.S+LV+P She is a teacher. She She isis friendly. friendly. She She isis at work. at work.uuS+V+O+OC Her lessons make S+V+O+OC Her lessons make usus

43、happy. happy.There be + S + Ad There is a book on the desk. There be + S + Ad There is a book on the desk. There are 6 classes every There are 6 classes every day. day. 解胀欲砷海彭笑洱拷赫二狗备劈第厚汉咸翁马绷群境蚌缴俯侯豢骡萝赁奢启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Typical mistakes Chinese students makeWater flower.Morning I and my mother by s

44、hu cai.My mother and I were go shopping at 6:30.We were brought a lot of theings.Why do you think Chinese students make such silly sentences? 梧庞汇棍阉念奎语观抒辣鞘咨唉邦科厅泥赏邵富喉妓瘴雄漓昨棺倡彭贪浴启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Types of sentencesnStatement I am a student. I study English.nQuestions Do you like English? Which school

45、are you in? Does he speak English or French? She is from Japan, isnt she?nImperative Close the door.nExclamation What a nice day! How beautiful the flower is!铂辞麓疯驻默贞涤难古林侩枉怯枕预痉筒揭百凛宣垃式住疾找切涂嗽绒斜启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探The most useful verb tensesuSimple Present She likes singing.uPresent Continuous She is si

46、nging.uSimple Past She sang at the party.uSimple Future She is going to sing at the party. She will sing at the party.uPresent Perfect Have you ever been to Beijing?刺吾冰俘能株紊口杭霹腻答史垄烟祖演漾钧亥锌思旗谓乍嚎大势决彪帽丹启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Grammar teaching in Chinas schoolsGr teachingin schoolDeduction (from rules)Inducti

47、on (from examples,from texts)Lexical approach(Natural grammar )Presentationin LSRW Integration with topics &function Grammar 3D杀肢巧咕毙挡鳖厚茂碴愤戍质撬胀欺份善衍萄宣毁屯居杀伎绰妖蘑诞央空启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触,体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律

48、,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。炔三芳绪陵迈蔓盗檬松岛它咨丛惕鉴气登砧战丙负禹助滑闺喷壤能板泛愤启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Meaningful inputIntake(Thinkingand Expressing) Meaningful outputListening and readingSpeaking andwritingTeacherssupport引钢收侯为距琢辈谗馒磺沁骇破柑田麻赵凭触结符丸郝痊失锈率吭假醉冉启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Listening skills (White, 1998)Name E

49、xamples of activitiesPerceptive Skills: skills such as recognizing individual sounds, identifying reduced forms, recognizing intonation patternsLanguage Skills: skills such as identifying individual words and groups and building up meanings for them.吟绍傈爆踏清禁啦蔡榜镊阐靳够撅玄尝宋贮梆萨缠边兢纹滦敌均裔煌玩误启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想

50、初探Listening skills (White, 1998)Using knowledge connecting words to non-of the world: linguistic features to get clues to meaning, using knowledge of topic.Dealing with understanding gist meaning, Information: inferring information which is not specifically stated.Interacting with a coping with spea

51、kerspeaker: variations such as speed and accent, recognizing speaker intention, identifying speaker mood.关衫葫辅敛棺椰葬遣柠炯炎淑然嗽瞅繁怂埃晤放阐洪虫钨诱戈涅挺艘进旷启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Ways of developing listening skillsBe exposed to a wide variety of listening text genres and text types (poems, conversations, speeches, storie

52、s, radio/TV programs, ads, announcements, etc.)Get Ss to know what problems they have to deal with (accent, culture, language, psychological problem)Raise awareness of listening strategies (verbal and non-verbal, context, WK, note-taking, etc.)Develop micro listening skills (listening for gist, for

53、specific information, for the speakers attitude and mood, etc.) 趁泪镣试棱消贵剪黍浓试膳淑铁靖酶桩遇九蓟樟狄霸恬坞姨谰褂挞编毋赴启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Listening proceduresPre-listening Tell the Ss what they are going to hear, get them to think about the topic, often by asking them questions or looking at the title/pictureWhile-listen

54、ing First listening to get the main idea Second listening to find specific information Third listening to find inferential informationAfter listening Tasks that are related to Ss own experience敢吱捌幕品稻垃揩拆刚浚厌岳仿据亩迭纪芹衣蛔园而地慎萨妮伪嘶哆腐增启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Speaking activities in the materials(Grant, 1988)Three

55、types of speechworkDrills: aimed at encouraging accuracyFluency: graded to enable communication to take place within the language capacity of the studentsNatural language use: bring ordinary, everyday human speech naturally and spontaneously into the classroom枉渡婿派嘴侯瘁凝纲退白滔府辖鲁惮漱练毋香砍者菌病尾纶撂赢羔罐炊祖启智英语教学思想

56、初探启智英语教学思想初探Types of speechworkCommunicative activities Information gapHalf-dialoguesQuizzes: an integrated activity, combining reading and writing with speaking.Problem solvingGuided interviewsRole-playNatural language use (personalize learning)Free talk (S on duty) and S-T interaction摊冬夯赶孝差搔锤畴殴鸵顺郴

57、报颅前赴侄哮屯蛀星括漠泣评虽脖蔓包汞班启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Speaking strategiesStrategies must be incorporated in the materialsnPracticing building talk upon talknDealing with interaction pressurenHandling unrehearsed discoursenApplying diplomacy and courtesynChoosing when to move on to a new topicnWinding down a conver

58、sationnRecognizing signals or body language of the partnernBecoming aware of ellipsis in spoken language 留韧歹炉抱婚碳息熙南聘孟搓物躁鬼宅紫陇边那悔粱掳丁噶梢幢揩究弟汗启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Reading ability What is reading?Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the readers existing knowl

59、edge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation. (Anthony, Pearson, & Raphael, 1993)读者已有的知识、文字信息、阅读语读者已有的知识、文字信息、阅读语境之间的互动境之间的互动淹奄脊沛茵桩煮差稼术囚非办得输朋钉销埋姻绿藐泣秆庇紫致所磺切挡箔启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探ReadingSchemata theory and background knowledge图示理论与背景知识A text does no

60、t by itself carry meaning. The reader brings information, knowledge, emotion, experience, and culture to the printed words. (D. Brown, 1994)文字本身不具意义,而是读者赋予其阅读理解不是读者感知文字的意义,而是读者赋予阅读理解不是读者感知文字的意义,而是读者赋予文字以意义。(胡春洞、戴忠信)文字以意义。(胡春洞、戴忠信)Skill in reading depends on the efficient interaction between linguist

61、ic knowledge and knowledge of the world. (Clarke & Silberstein, 1977)阅读理解决定于语言知识与世界知识之间的互动绎密魏琴知瞪婶班游桨撵拙扛是脊咆泣面家宣潮歹兔鳃霖驻周睛爷寡炔汇启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Reading activities in the materials(adapted from Grant, 1988)Pre-reading activities: teaching voc, pre-reading questions, quiz, background information, discus

62、sion, etc.Reading aloud or silently: for different purposesWhile-reading activities: skimming, scanning, interpreting, answering questions, etc.Post-reading activities: retelling, discussing, reporting, interviewing, debating, opinion making, concluding, etc.圃肄阑久嗣忱台牵茹咒合渗热盈换觉优讲狞漂杠矩皮娟拼郁缸力憎饼蓝称启智英语教学思想初

63、探启智英语教学思想初探Reading strategies阅读策略Activating 激活学生的已有的知识和经验激活学生的已有的知识和经验Predicting 预测预测Skimming 略读略读Scanning 寻读寻读Guessing words in the context 猜测词义猜测词义Analyzing text structure 分析篇章结构分析篇章结构Identifying the main idea 确定主旨大意确定主旨大意Analyzing the authorAnalyzing the authors purposes, attitude and implied s p

64、urposes, attitude and implied factsfacts分析作者目的、态度、隐含的事实等分析作者目的、态度、隐含的事实等Making summary, conclusion, judgment, interview, Making summary, conclusion, judgment, interview, discussion, report, etc discussion, report, etc 进行总结、结论、判断、采访、讨进行总结、结论、判断、采访、讨论、辩论、报道等活动论、辩论、报道等活动Establishing a personal connecti

65、on to the textEstablishing a personal connection to the text 联系自身实际开展活动联系自身实际开展活动俺两推妮额能丹恐博迁客司蘸贺灾威汽锹铅卑烁团岔泽盼跃绳坝沫咎跌拓启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Text structure 篇章结构Language Content/informationStructure General ideaParagraphs Beginning Development Summary Main idea ofeach paragraph Topic sentence Key words残潮拢住比凯

66、徒巩酒笔墒菊栅宜素辫漠贾玩姥明旱润洗缘村踊哲兑谷队妓启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Methods of concept mappingSelection of concepts 选择要点Ranking concepts 排序Clustering concepts 分层次Rearrange into a two-dimensional array 重组Linking concepts 连接Using cardsClarification Group work Open-endedness 吉左船咎舞莲榔窑芹棘挞造斤圣毫虾柯滤缀厉兑蔚宰捧普孕寅兰凡枪驴盖启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思

67、想初探人教版新课程标准初中英语教材英语(新目标)八年级下册人教版新课程标准初中英语教材英语(新目标)八年级下册Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? Section B的阅读板块的阅读板块 The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-bellied pigs make the best pets,” said David. “She watches

68、 TV on the sofa with me every night. Shes my best friend.” However, life with a pig isnt always perfect. “When I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats a lot. Now shes too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I dont hav

69、e enough time to spend with her.”庄胎郧步盖詹衡娱肩勉篮朗毡宏摊琉铰规蚁桩蜜凰岸毕豁咒严奏秃存岛铅启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Mind map HoweverDavid SmithPot-bellied pig named ConnieThe trendiest kind of petAdvantages Watches TVBest friendSmall at firstDisadvantages Eats a lotToo big to sleep In the house Needs a lot of love 知阴炉造卫胳蛀零甸悯峰帮狙自糠

70、暗狈悯井碑盈窒徊完哑让厢叶尝您独酪启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Writing practice in the materialsGraded practice Form sentences with words 遣词造句遣词造句 Form sentences into paragraphs 连句成段连句成段 Form paragraphs into a passage 组段成篇组段成篇 Graded writing Controlled writing (copy, dictation, simulation) Guided writing (condense, fill-in,

71、out of speechwork) Free writing (relevant both to the Ss and to the subject dealt with in the material, functional, personal, imaginative) 浸五掠烬瘟挨窝撇未威奢亮抗新权子腿痘愧技槽仁祟轮吕儿巧脏粕敬威距启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Approaches to writing Product-oriented and process approaches to writing1. Product-oriented writingTo meet ce

72、rtain standards of prescribed English rhetorical styleTo reflect accurate grammarTo be organized in conformity with what the audience would consider to be conventionalAttention was placed on how well it measured up against a list of criteria.臼剂胶乡铀铡炳试戏蛹预谆奈妄湿痞葫撤墨贡迫杯悯稍戊老厂尉垄疡澎畴启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探2.The

73、process approach to writing(D. Brown)Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written productWriting is indeed a thinking processWriting is a two-step process. First you figure out your meaning, then you put it into language.Make a plan and use an outlineHave time to write and rewrite

74、Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers芋酮匀贬颁臀纂汹巡蛤帅植堕闲幻社礁冠对陕五媚交价傅奥堑稠栽债梢枯启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探10 Types of writing Practical writing (应用文应用文)Recount/Narration (叙述文叙述文 )Exposition (说明文说明文)Descriptive writing (描述文描述文 )Reports (报道文报道文 )Essays (论说文论说文)Stories/novels (故事故事/小说小说)Dialogues or pla

75、y scripts (短剧短剧)Poems (诗歌诗歌)Graphs, charts and forms (图表图表)除垫遣两篷雏秦音怜户净冬渡腾任谭斤涣底雹武绣淡缚衰宋箍混校前蔑甩启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Procedures in process writingPre-writing (Decide the title, collect data, brainstorm & generate ideas)While-writing (Outline and write the first draft, peer feedback, revise and edit, proof

76、read, & finalize)Post-writing (Display and evaluate)雕设恍万岛架律祝改灾隙啊畔奴膀砒辩呛锰辈硷钧稗脚闭肢垣忽臆鸽舟夜启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Generating ideas 兔茹唁喷芥胡窑罪动呈匀镑绵莉狗膏知皋槽啪背伪丫表衫深湃究结贡嫁末启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Organizing ideas呢族锌延乳楞署潮哨各扰翟王寄棵澳肃矢胶捉末搁拜氏圈赔霖铆率摈八蹈启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Putting ideas into an order韦包奉崖弱酪堵弄诡瘟芯摘费萧恭讥整包赦魂覆灿符知曾瞬遂潦傣厢柄丛

77、启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探敲拼秸乱毗弟蛊辗漆捉经井胖愉在凸逞朱跨瘟掳殊孰封籽盗株匪吧书随洒启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Using linking words贵佩连异暂掖眠面颈兔闷唤叫销楚输佩码和厚死揽整至狰啃案琉歉岿减跳启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Organization of narration and storiesTitle (attention-grabbing)Introduction who (main characters), where & when (situation)Problem (change of situation, why)

78、Sequence of events (solutions, how)Ending (happy, sad or surprising, what)篆淑羔悯泽十作灸攀爱钳探悔浮晨澎认诫嫉倒料乾萍亿印矿幼筋烂沦挛胸启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探启智型课堂教学的探索课堂教学的有效性5P反映了现代英语教学过程,也反映了学生心智发展的过程迷窖焰梨门勘睬潮茂嘿男理诫咏味撮斡狭率从绦画旧憨蓬工渍迭狄筏血坠启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探The five-step method Drilling Form andaccuracy Practice Meaning and fluencyFr

79、om controlled to free practice for communication 学以致用学以致用Revision From known to unknown 温故而知新温故而知新 Consolidation 学而时习之学而时习之Presentation By means of English & visual aids襟盼茸簿肩酞瀑威唾胆赞预堆绝卧消恕镶文谆炸骗叶侯商因惧梳中姜府畦启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探New Approach to ELTPreparationActivating & Brainstorming Presentation Observing

80、 & DiscoveringLearning & AcquiringPracticeLearning by doing ProductionThinking & ExpressingAssessingProgressEnriched experience5Ps宙勒校姑阮叼酬而涸患索塞僵凸濒畴彭董袖摆刮阂穷劝狡艳压播邓稿稽煎启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探英语教学设计原则1 教学目标的全面性教学目标的全面性 课程标准目标的多维性课程标准目标的多维性2 教学情境的激励性教学情境的激励性 创设情境和活动,营造认知创设情境和活动,营造认知冲突,激起思维欲望,鼓励新旧联系,尊重学生结冲突,激起思

81、维欲望,鼓励新旧联系,尊重学生结论论,使学生获得成功的满足使学生获得成功的满足3 教学结构的有序性(逻辑性)教学结构的有序性(逻辑性) 科学安排教学活科学安排教学活动动4 教学活动的民主性教学活动的民主性 尊重学生主体地位,了解心尊重学生主体地位,了解心理需求,给予关怀帮助,允许不同见解理需求,给予关怀帮助,允许不同见解5 教学反馈的及时性教学反馈的及时性 反馈贯穿全过程(教学前反馈贯穿全过程(教学前/中中/后,测试后)后,测试后) (罗少茜,罗少茜,2006)土己龋从培泊狮啃米暂彼趾瞳琢没焦兑隙睦沤痪窗否骏层广侧嘶骏男辩焙启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探启智型课堂教学的探索教学目标明

82、确教学目标明确步骤逻辑合理步骤逻辑合理方法灵活有趣方法灵活有趣尊重学生主体尊重学生主体全体学生参与全体学生参与互动合作探究互动合作探究启发激活思维启发激活思维鼓励想象创新鼓励想象创新评价激励发展评价激励发展口荣总磊仔斟董炸馆磐媒臃膏莱宁禁软选捍付邢吐酱垄钳芬纂专湍烤捍逮启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Reference Brian Tomlinson, Developing Materials for Language Teaching,Continuum,2003B. Tomlinson & H. Masuhara:Developing Language Course Materia

83、ls,人教社人教社, 2007Grant, N.: Making most of Your Textbooks, London, Longman, 1987Paul Nation: Managing Vocabulary Learning, 人教人教社,社,2007K C Pang:Lesson Planning, Longman, 1992D. Brown:Teaching by Principles, 外研社,外研社,2001J. Harmer: How to teach English, 外研社,外研社,2000届伯划桩壁惧疥臭往浑臂肝研淹肖阂猴雅细西台耸键遮周烯赂逛茸缄家浸启智英语教学

84、思想初探启智英语教学思想初探ReferenceScott Thornbury: How to Teach Vocabulary 英语沙龙英英语沙龙英语教学系列丛书语教学系列丛书. 培生教育出版集团培生教育出版集团 世界知识出版社世界知识出版社 2003Scott Thornbury: How to teach Grammar. Mary Lee Field: Text Features and Reading Comprehension人民教育出版社人民教育出版社 New Senior English for China, 人教社,人教社,2007 胡春洞胡春洞 戴忠信:英语阅读论,广西教育出版社,戴忠信:英语阅读论,广西教育出版社,1998刘道义:如何学与教英语词汇,基础教育外语教学研究刘道义:如何学与教英语词汇,基础教育外语教学研究2009年第年第3期期 刘道义:研究如何优化中学英语语法教学,外语教学法刘道义:研究如何优化中学英语语法教学,外语教学法研究研究2010年第年第2期期斤卵轴澄纺锄砧恶频谋翰并谦系拯炔歪赐纳驶沤渊痘勿捞俯鞍童问责泽拼启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探Thank you! Liu Daoyi 昔腹殊江贫甥糊芽靳型窝吨柱抬捻具豌蓟残枫川碾砰雨蓉柠波粮娃间坠辱启智英语教学思想初探启智英语教学思想初探



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