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1、 第三讲第三讲 词语的翻译词语的翻译1词语指词和短语,是积句成章的基本语言单位。汉英翻译中,词语的处理应从汉英词语间的差异研究入手,透过语言现象,进而讨论支配语言现象差异的文化特征来探讨翻译对策。 多义词、歧义词、双关语2一、多义词的处理。一、多义词的处理。任何一个词,用在新的上下文中就有了一个新义。要确定多义词在特定语境中的涵义,就必须着重考虑两个方面的因素:一一) )、上下文;、上下文; 二二) )、搭配、搭配。3一)、上下文 所谓上下文,即词、短语、语句和篇章的前后关系。狭义的上下文指特定语境中的前言后语。广义的上下文则指外部经验世界。 对上下文的推敲是词语翻译的重要基础,是词义选择,辨

2、析褒贬的前提。1)上下文与词义选择。)上下文与词义选择。 “书”这个词在汉语中是一个十分常用的词,在不同的语境里它有不同的意义,因此英语里应选择不同的词语来翻译。4申请书 Letter of Application协议书 Agreement家书 a letter from home(使用)说明书 Directions成交确认书 Sales Confirmation情书 a love letter 国书 credentials议定书 protocol 证书 certificate书报亭news-stand 书生 intellectual参考书目bibliography 奋笔疾书wield one

3、s writing brush energetically51. 两位领导人就双边关系及共同关心的问题 交换了意见意见。 The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern.2. 党员应该虚心倾听群众的意见意见。 A party member should listen carefully to the opinions of the masses.3. 人们对你有意见意见。 People have a lot of complaints about you.65. 他们就推举谁

4、做下一界总统候选人取得了一致意见意见。 They have reached unanimity on who will be the presidential candidate for the next general election.6. 他们在会上闹起了意见意见。 They got into disputes at the meetings.72)上下文与词义的褒贬。)上下文与词义的褒贬。 译词必须分析词的褒贬。而在现代汉语中,词的褒贬很大程度上取决于上下文的语境。81. 他热衷热衷于个人名利。He is always hankering after personal fame and

5、 gains.2. 她热衷热衷于花样滑冰。She is fond of figure skating.93. 臭名昭著的希特勒终于一命呜呼一命呜呼了。 Notorious Hitler did kick the bucket at long last.4. 他那九十岁高龄的父亲已于上周去世去世了。His father passed away at an advanced age of ninety last week.105. 金钱,美女,城市的繁华生活,都没有使他动心动心,他仍旧埋头科学研究。 Neither money nor pretty women, still less the pl

6、easures of city life, lured him away from immerging himself in scientific studies.6. 他们讲讲唯心论,我们讲讲唯物论。 They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.113)上下文与词义的广狭)上下文与词义的广狭英汉相比,汉语注重整体思维,命名重统一,故多类名词,而英语刚好相反。而且,英语中有不少同义词的词义有广狭之分,运用范畴也就不同,因此在翻译时要多加注意。121. 出入下车车 No cycling at the gate. Cyclists pl

7、ease dismount.2. 兔兔死狐悲 The fox mourns the death of the harelike grieves for like.133.农业农业是国民经济的基础。Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.4.农农林牧副渔互相结合的方针。The principle of combining farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-occupations and fishery.145.西方文化 western culture (civilization)

8、文化界 cultural circle文化人 intellectuals文化程度 schooling文化用品 stationery154)上下文与词语的语体色彩)上下文与词语的语体色彩 词的语体色彩是人们长期使用语言的过程中所形成的,它主要包括口头语和书面语色彩。口头语时人们在日常生活中口语交际时所使用的语言,口头语中常使用具有明显口语体色彩的词语、时髦词及现时俚语;而书面语多用于科技、政治等文体中,句式完整,语言严谨、紧凑,多使用正式文体的词语。翻译时要根据不同的文体来选择不同的词语。161. 以其人之道,还治其人之身。 A. Pay him in his own coin. B. Do u

9、nto them what they do unto us. 两种译文都译出了原文的含义,但译文两种译文都译出了原文的含义,但译文 A A在语体上较为随便,有口语色彩,而在语体上较为随便,有口语色彩,而B B 句中的句中的unto unto 以及以及whatwhat的用法等带有古雅的意味,在语的用法等带有古雅的意味,在语体色彩上更接近原文,即反映出了原文所包含体色彩上更接近原文,即反映出了原文所包含的针锋相对,毫不退缩的语气和书面语中的对的针锋相对,毫不退缩的语气和书面语中的对称。称。172.禁止禁止赌博。 Gambling is prohibited. cf: not allowed3.这小

10、伙子干活真冲冲! This young fellow does his work with vim and vigor.185)上下文与词的政治含义)上下文与词的政治含义1. 香港特别行政区将保持自由和独立关税地区 的地位地位。The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will retain the status of a free port and a separate customs territory. 2. 中国的经济是一个大问题问题。Chinas economy is a major question.19 二) 、搭配 汉英两中语言在长

11、期使用过程中形成了各自的固定词组和搭配方式,翻译时必须注意两者的不同,不能把汉语词语的搭配方法生搬硬套到英语译文中去。201)定语和中心词的搭配)定语和中心词的搭配1. 浓茶 strong tea 浓墨 thick (dark) ink 浓烟 dense smoke 2. 青天 blue sky 青山 green hill 青布 black cloth213.老 妪 老毛病 老部下 老工人 老式样 老规矩 老菠菜 old womana chronic ailmenta former subordinatea veteran workerold-fashionedtraditional rule

12、sovergrown spinach222)动词和宾语的搭配)动词和宾语的搭配 1. 我看出看出了他的心事 I could read his mind. 2. 他看出看出了她的破绽。 He spotted her weak point. 3. 他把他的全部书籍都献给献给了图书馆。 He presented all his books to the library. 234. 教师应当献身献身于教育事业。 A teacher should devote himself to the cause of education.5. 谨以此书献给献给许教授以表敬慕和感激之情。 To Prof Xu I

13、dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.24 练习 一、翻译下列词组一、翻译下列词组 商品经济 市场经济 国有经济 国营经济 个体经济 外向型经济 进口创汇企业 劳动密集型企业 合资企业 独资企业25二、翻译下列句子。二、翻译下列句子。1、你们不要兔死狗烹嘛。2、他们讲索取,我们讲奉献。3、她追求的是真理,而她追求却是荣华富贵.4、他弄得家里鸡犬不宁。5、为取信于民,乃立三丈之木于国都南门。26二、歧义词的处理二、歧义词的处理 歧义词指同时具有两种或两种以上解释的词,这些词的实际意义与其字面意义不同,容易引起误解和误译。

14、一)古今含义不同的词271、贾政笑道:“不当过奖他。他年纪小,不过以 一知充十用,取笑取笑罢了。”(1) “No exaggerated praise, if you please, or the boy will get notions about his bit of knowledge. Better laugh at him, it would be more beneficial to him,” objected Chia Cheng, smiling .(2) “You mustnt flatter the boy”, protested Chia Cheng with a sm

15、ile. “Hes simply making a ridiculous parade of his very limited knowledge.”28 2. 女子要求男的具有男子气概,而男子要求女方贤惠贤惠,温柔,善于操持家务。(1)Women expect manly men, and men look for virtuous, warm and tender-hearted women, capable of housekeeping.(2)Women favor manly men, and men expect the kind of women who are consider

16、ate and broad-minded, gentle and soft, and capable of housekeeping.29 二)同形异义词 古汉语中多单音节词,这些单音节词后来逐渐向双音节发展。因此,在翻译古汉语的同形异义词时要特别注意。30 1.操曰“汝既为水军都督,可便便宜宜从事,何必禀我?” (三国演义三国演义) “As naval commanders, you do what you see fit,” retorted Cao Cao. “what is the use of telling me this?”31 2. 却看妻子妻子何愁在,漫卷诗书喜若狂。I ga

17、ze at my wife and children: old sorrow are found no more, rolling up verse books we are wild with joy in roar.32 3. 鳏寡孤独孤独废疾者皆有所养。(1) Helpless widows and widowers, the lonely, as well as the sick and disabled, are well cared for.(2) Widowers, widows, orphans, childless old people, the physically han

18、dicapped and the sick should all be properly taken care of .33 三)俗语、称谓 俗语、称谓语用法不依常规,若按字面意思翻译,很容易走入误区。34 1. 自从嫁得你哥哥,吃吃他忒善了,被人欺负。(水浒传水浒传)(1) Ever since I was wed to your brother I have suffered too much from him and people have deceived me and.(2) Ever since I married your brother, people have taken a

19、dvantage of his excessive meekness and never ceased to insult us. 352.若得一人到颖州取得小弟小弟家眷上山,实拜成全之福。 (水浒传水浒传)(1) If there are those who go into the soldiers camp to find my brothers household and bring them here, the whole city will know of it.(2) If someone could go to Yingzhou to fetch my family member

20、s to the mountain, I should be very grateful for our reunion.363. 兄弟兄弟我虽不才,但还晓得“不以言举人,不以人废言”。Ignorant as I am, I know not to promote a person for what he says nor to undervalue what is said because of the person who says it.37练习翻译下列句子,注意歧义词的处理。翻译下列句子,注意歧义词的处理。1、故将军起江东,刘豫州收众汉南,与曹操并争天下。2、王者重言,伯者重信,不可以女子微躯,而负民于天下,国之祸也。3、(精卫)是炎帝之少女名曰女娃。4、君子成人之美。38



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