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1、For unit 5【展示】【展示】1.The pillars have to support the weight of the roof. 这些柱子须承受屋顶的重量。这些柱子须承受屋顶的重量。2.The doctor weighs the baby every month. 医生每个月都给这个婴儿称体重。医生每个月都给这个婴儿称体重。3.This marble ramp weighs 260 tons. 这个大理石台阶重这个大理石台阶重260吨。吨。【总结总结】 weight是是名词名词,意为,意为“重量重量”,如例,如例1; weigh 是是weight的的动词形式动词形式,意为,意为“

2、称重量称重量”,如例如例2; weigh也有也有“重重”的意思,如例的意思,如例3。 常用的短语有常用的短语有:put on weight 增肥增肥 / 重;重;lose weight 减肥。减肥。weight 词汇讲解词汇讲解【运用运用】根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 我国第一颗人造卫星重我国第一颗人造卫星重173公斤。公斤。 The first man-made satellite of our country _ 173 kilograms.2. 近来,他变重了。近来,他变重了。 He _ _ _ recently.3. 那个杂货商经常用磅秤称饼千。

3、那个杂货商经常用磅秤称饼千。 The grocer often _ the biscuits on his scales. weighsput on weight weighs【展示】【展示】1.Tom and Mary congratulated us on the birth of our daughter. 汤姆和玛丽为我们女儿的出生向我们表示祝贺。汤姆和玛丽为我们女儿的出生向我们表示祝贺。2.The baby can cry as soon as he is born. 婴儿生下来就会哭。婴儿生下来就会哭。【总结总结】 birth是是名词名词,意为,意为“出生;诞生出生;诞生”,如例,

4、如例 1; born是是动词动词,意为,意为“出生出生”,如例,如例2。 birth【运用运用】根据句意,选择根据句意,选择birth或或born填空。填空。4.She was _ into a rich family.5.The _ of my little sister made all my family members happy. born birth 【展示】【展示】1.The head office is in the central part of the city. 总公司位于市中心。总公司位于市中心。2.The centre provides facilities for

5、a whole range of leisure activities. 这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设斧。这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设斧。【总结总结】central意为意为“在中心的;中央的在中心的;中央的”,如例,如例 1。centre是是central的名词形式,意为的名词形式,意为“中心;中心中心;中心点,如例点,如例2。 central 【运用运用】根据根据汉语汉语意思完成句子,每空一意思完成句子,每空一词词。6.他把桌子移到房他把桌子移到房间间中心。中心。 He moved the table over to the _ of the room.7.在在伦伦敦市中心区再也不可能找到租金低

6、廉的公寓敦市中心区再也不可能找到租金低廉的公寓了。了。 Its no longer possible to find a cheap flat in _ London.centre central长难句解析长难句解析1.They are strong enough to protect themselves. 它它们们十分十分强强壮,足以保壮,足以保护护它它们们自己。自己。【解析】【解析】 本句中,本句中,形容形容词词/副副词词+ enough to do sth意意为为“足足够够做某事做某事”。例如:例如:The box is big enough to contain all the bo

7、oks. 这这个盒子非常大,足以装下所有的个盒子非常大,足以装下所有的书书。2.Although they are big and heavy, it is not difficult for them to climb trees. 尽管它尽管它们们大而重,但是爬大而重,但是爬树对树对它它们们来来说说不是不是问题问题【解析】【解析】 本句是本句是although引引导导的的让让步状步状语语从句。从句。 although意意为为“虽虽然然;尽管尽管;即使即使”,但是不能与,但是不能与but 连连用用例如:例如: Although our car is old,it still runs wel

8、l.尽管我尽管我们们的的车车旧了,但是它仍然运旧了,但是它仍然运转转良好。良好。句式仿写句式仿写 1.They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating. 它它们们需要吃很多来保持健康,所以它需要吃很多来保持健康,所以它们们一天花一天花12个多小个多小时时吃吃东东西。西。【解析】【解析】 本句中,本句中,stay healthy意意为为“保持健康保持健康”, 用的是用的是“stay +形容形容词词”的的结结构,意构,意为为“保持保持,例如:例如: I stayed awake

9、 all the night through. 我整夜都未合眼。我整夜都未合眼。 2. It is cruel of them to do so. 他他们这样们这样做是十分残忍的。做是十分残忍的。【解析】【解析】 句型句型It+ is + of sb.+ to do,意意为为“做某事某人是做某事某人是.的的”。 句中的形容句中的形容词词一般用一般用表示人物的性格和品格表示人物的性格和品格的的词词,如,如kind, nice, foolish,clever 等。等。 例如:例如:It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不你不该该欺侮那个孩子。欺侮那个孩子。

10、句式仿写句式仿写【跟踪练习跟踪练习】根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1.他很聪明,不用绳子就能下来。他很聪明,不用绳子就能下来。_ _ _ _ _ to come down without a rope.2.我希望你永远保持健康和快乐。我希望你永远保持健康和快乐。I hope you will _ _ _ _ forever.It is clever of him stay healthy and happy走进课文根据根据Reading的内容,判断下列句子正(的内容,判断下列句子正(T)误误(F)。( )1. A giant panda is a kind o

11、f cat.( )2. Giant pandas eat nothing except bamboo.( )3. Giant pandas like to be taken care of by people.( )4. It is not hard for giant pandas to climb trees.( )5. Giant pandas in zoos live longer than giant pandas in the wild.FFFTT 短语聚会(短语聚会(For Reading For Reading ListeningListening)1.endangered a

12、nimal 2.fact file3.in the wild4.at birth5.black and white6.on ones own濒濒危危动动物物小档案小档案在野生在野生环环境中境中出生出生时时黑白的黑白的独自独自 短语聚会(短语聚会(For Reading For Reading ListeningListening)7. stay healthy8. give birth to9. close to10. high up in the mountains 11. the rest of保持健康保持健康生育生育几乎;接近几乎;接近在深山里在深山里剩下的剩下的;剩余的剩余的【操练场操

13、练场】 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。补全句子。1. The baby weighed seven pounds _.2. The boy is too young to live _. He cannot take care of himself well.3. She lives _, so it takes her a long time to go to school.4. Do the animals live in the zoo or _? I have never seen them before. a

14、t birth high up in the mountainson his ownin the wild【操练场操练场】5.We should try to save those _, or we will never see them again.6.One of the two cats is _, while the other is gray.7.In order to _, we should do exercise and eat healthily.8.You can know how much the giant panda weighs after you see its

15、_.endangered animalsstay healthy black and whitefact file【操练场操练场】9.My aunta little _ baby yesterday, so we come to her home to congratulate (祝祝贺贺)her.10.There were _ 30 people on the little bus. Its so crowded that I couldnt breathe when I took it. gave birth to close toI. 按要求写出相应的单词。按要求写出相应的单词。1.we

16、igh (名名词词) _2.behave (名名词词)_3.born (名名词词)_4.centre (形容形容词词)_5.kind (反反义词义词)_6.organize (名名词词)_7.dangerous (名名词词)_8.face (现现在分在分词词) _9.Asia (形容形容词词)_10. adult (复数复数) _第一课时第一课时(Words & Phrases) weight behaviour birth central cruel organization danger facing Asian adultsII. 词组汉译英。词组汉译英。11. 在野生在野生环环境中境中

17、 _12. 在深山里在深山里 _13. 出生出生时时_14. 独自独自_15. 保持健康保持健康 _16. 生育生育_17. 几乎几乎;接近接近 _18. 对对表表现现出极大的出极大的爱爱 _19. 失踪失踪;走走丢丢_20. 纪纪念念_ in the wild high up in the mountains at birthon ones own stay healthy give birth to close to show a great love for go missing in memory ofIII. 词汇测试:从下面每小题的词汇测试:从下面每小题的A、B和和C项中,选项中,

18、选出最佳选项。出最佳选项。( )21. Whats the population of this city? Its 40,000. And its a little crowded in this city. A. number of people B. the space C. the length( )22. What did the baby look like at birth? She looked beautiful then. A. when she left the hospital B. when she was born C. when she was ill( )23.

19、 Who is the man in the central crowd? He is a famous star. A. left of the crowd B. right of the crowd C. middle of the crowd( )24. Dad, can you help me work out this problem? I cant do it on my own. OK. Im coming soon. A. by myself B. in public C. all the time( )25. It is cruel of him to kill the sh

20、eep. I agree with you. A. not clever B. not kind C. not lazyIV. 根据句意,从方框中选出合适的词组并用其适根据句意,从方框中选出合适的词组并用其适当形式填空。当形式填空。26.Can you tell me how many giant pandas are _?27.The people in this village can live for _ 110 years.on ones own ,fact file, up to,in the wild , give birth to in the wild up to28.My s

21、ister _ a pair of twins yesterday.29.In the _ you can know everything about giant pandas.30.The old man has lived _ for forty years. gave birth tofact fileon his own1. May I have a look at the m_? I would like to order something to eat.2. I believe (相信)相信)every mother is happy about the b_ of their

22、babies.3. Tigers have orange f_ with black stripes (条纹条纹).4. He used to live in the c_ city, but he moved to the countryside later because it was much quieter. enuirthur第二课时(第二课时(Reading)I. 根据所给提示填写单词。根据所给提示填写单词。entral5.Animals can live happily in the w_.6.These _ (大熊猫)大熊猫)are very cute. I like them

23、 very much.7.These apples are one and a half _(千克千克).8. I think that lions are _ (残忍的)残忍的)than wolves.9.That bird _ (有有重)重)about 20 grams. It looks cute.10.Tim looked relaxed when he _ (面对)面对)his trouble.ildgiant pandaskilogramscruellerweighsfaced Pandas are black and white. They have black ears, sh

24、oulders and legs. (11) _ their bodies are white. They live (12) _ of Central and Western China. Pandas (13) _ usually eat bamboo, but in zoos, their (14) _ includes bamboo, apples and carrots. They need to eat a lot to (15) _ so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating. Its not hard for them to cl

25、imb trees, and they are strong enough to protect themselves. The rest ofhigh up in the mountainsII. 根据根据Reading的内容,补全下面短文。的内容,补全下面短文。in the wildmenustay health Though pandas can live for (16) _ 35 years in zoos, they can only live for about 20 years in the wild. Pandas are (17) _. People are (18) _

26、forests, so they are losing their homes. Some people are even killing them for their (19) _. Its (20) _ of them to do so. Pandas in the wild are getting fewer and fewer. Therefore, its important for us to protect them.up toendangered animals cutting downfurcruelI. 词汇测试:从下面每小题的词汇测试:从下面每小题的A、B和和C项中,选出

27、最佳选项中,选出最佳选项。项。( )1. How many students are going to the park? The number of the students is close to fifty. Why dont you join us? A. over B. up to C. nearly ( )2. Can you help me complete the report? I dont have enough time to do it. No problem. A. control B. finish C. record第三课时(第三课时(Listening & Sp

28、eaking)( )3. A(n) _ is a group of people who form a business or club together in order to achieve a particular aim (目标目标). A. organization B. army C. family( )4. Many wild animals are _ because people are catching them. We should do something to help them. A. endangered B. safe C. ill( )5. There are

29、 lots of difficulties on the way to success. But you must _ them. A. see B. face C. keep ( )6. She was hurt seriously in a car accident and her life is _ now. Im sorry to hear that. A. in the hospital B. in danger C. in the wayII.根据各题的语境和给出的首字母,完成对话。根据各题的语境和给出的首字母,完成对话。A: Hi,Doris. You look upset. W

30、hats the matter?B: I listened to a speech about (7) e_ animals. Its (8) c_ of people to kill them for meat and (9) f_.A: Yes. Many animals are in (10) d_ because of peoples bad behaviour.B: What can we do to (11) s_those animals?ndangeredruelurangeraveA: Its best to make people know more about the f

31、act.B: Youre right. We should also protect forests and make animals stay healthy in the (12) w_A: Exactly right. Maybe we can join some (13) o_ to protect the animals.B: I agree with you.ildrganizations词汇讲解词汇讲解 1.weighs 2. put on weight 3. weighs 4. born 5. birth 6. centre 7. central句式仿写句式仿写 1. It i

32、s clever of him2. stay healthy and happyN2 keys走进课文走进课文 1-5 FFFTT短语聚会短语聚会 1.at birth 2. on his own 3. high up in the mountains 4. in the wild 5. endangered animals 6. black and white 7. stay healthy 8. fact file 9. gave birth to 10. close toN2 keys第一课时第一课时I. 1. weight 2. behaviour 3. birth 4. centra

33、l 5. cruel 6. organization 7. danger 8. facing 9. Asian 10. adultsII.11. in the wild 12. high up in the mountains 13. at birth 14. on ones own 15. stay healthy 16. give birth to 17. close to 18. show a great love for 19. go missing 20. in memory ofIII. 21-25 ABCABIV. 26. in the wild27. up to28. gave

34、 birth to 29. fact file30. on his ownN3 keys第二课时第二课时I. 1. menu 2. birth3. fur4. central 5. wild 6. giant pandas 7. kilograms 8. crueller9. weighs 10. facedII. 11. The rest of12. high up in the mountains 13. in the wild14. menu 15. stay health 16. up to17. endangered animals 18. cutting down 19. fur20. cruelN3 keys第三课时第三课时I. 1-6 CBAABBII. 7. endangered8. cruel9. fur 10. danger 11. save12. wild 13. organizationsN3 keys课本链接课本链接 1-5 ADDBD主题漫步主题漫步 1-5 FFTFTN4 keys



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