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1、 Lesson 26 The best art critics Lead in1 、How is your room at home decorated? What do you have on your walls?2、Name some modern painters. Explain why you like or dislike their work.3、Do you think artists should try to please other people? Why or why not?【New words and expressions】art n. 艺术 critic n.

2、 评论家 paint v. 画 pretend v. 假装 pattern n. 图案 curtain n. 窗帘,幕布 material n. 材料 appreciate v. 鉴赏 notice v. 注意到 whether conj. 是否 hang v. 悬挂,吊 critically adv. 批评地 upside down 上下颠倒地 Language pointart n. 艺术 art student 艺术系的学生 I am an art student. English student 学英语的学生 art gallery 艺术画廊 (gallery n. 长廊, 游廊;画廊

3、) artist n. 艺术家 artiste n. 艺人 critic n. 评论家 criticise v. 批评, 批判(主要指批判, 但不完全是责备的意思) He criticised my painting. criticism n. 批评, 批判 critical adj. 挑剔的 You are critical. critically adv. 爱挑剔的 paint v. 画 draw a picture 用线条画 paint a picture 强调油画 painting n. 画 oil painting 油画 ;Chinese painting 中国国画 Beijing

4、opera 国戏, 京剧 pretend v. 假装 pretend to do sth. 假装 When his mother came in, the baby pretended to go to sleep. pretend that +从句 假装 pattern n. 图案 n. 图案 pattern drills n. 模式, 典范 material n. 材料 listening material 听力材料 appreciate v. 鉴赏 understand and enjoy appreciate sth. 感激 I appreciate your help. apprec

5、iate doing sth. enjoy v. 欣赏,得到享受,乐趣 notice v. 注意到 vt. 注意到,察觉到(不用进行时)注意到,察觉到(不用进行时) You never notice whats going on around you. notice 细节上的注意, 往往是别人没注意的东西, 你注意到了, 细节上的东西 I notice the beauty spot.(美人痣) pay attention to 思想上的注意 n. 注意,察觉注意,察觉 The girl in red caught his notice. n.(书面的)通知,布告,海报(书面的)通知,布告,海

6、报 I know theres a meeting, because someone put up a notice outside the Town Hall. whether conj. 是否 if在表示“是否”的时候可以被whether所取代;if在表示“如果”的时候不可以用whether取代 whetheror not =if If it will rain (不是条件状语从句, 故可以用将来时 will) =Whether it will rain/Whether it will rain or not(可以加 “not” ) I wondered if it will rain.(

7、不加 “not” ) hang v. 悬挂, 吊 vt.&vi(将(将)悬挂,吊)悬挂,吊 A pretty curtain hangs over the window. hang hung hung v. 悬挂 The coat was hung. hang hanged hanged v. 绞死, 吊死 The thief was hanged. vt.&vi 垂下垂下 John was very tired. He sat in a chair and hung (down) his head. vt.&vi安装安装使能转动使能转动/摆动摆动 Have you hung the door

8、? 你把门装上了吗? upside down 上下颠倒地上下颠倒地 上下颠倒上下颠倒 When he stands on his head, everything appears upside down to him. 乱七八糟,混乱不堪乱七八糟,混乱不堪 My little boy always makes the room upside down. These men have made the whole country upside down. Questions on the text:1.What do you do?I am an art student.2. What do m

9、any people pretend to understand?Modern art.3. What do they always tell you?What a picture is about.4.What are many pictures?Just pretty patterns.5. How old is your sister?Seven.6. What does she always tell you?Whether my pictures are good or bad.Text Explanation1、They are just pretty patterns. just

10、在此处指“只是,仅仅(是)” It was just a wrong number. just另一个意思是“刚才,正好,正是” Its just six oclock. Ive just heard the news. 2、We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. pretty curtain material 漂亮的窗帘布 in the same way that =as 正如一样 The son walked in the same way that/as his father walked. I

11、love you in the same way that I love my father. I love you just in the same way that I love money. in a way 以某种方式 3、I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. else 跟在 anyone, anything 等不定代词的后面,表示“另外/加、其它/他的、不同的”,else 也可跟疑问代词连用,如 who else,what else I can fin

12、d nothing else here except an old dictionary. They can appreciate modern arts best. better than anyone else 比其他任何人(表示最高级的含义) 用比较级表示最高级: The teacher is the tallest. The teacher is taller than anyone else. (“else”不能少, 把主语从“anyone”中排除) The book is more expensive than anything else. 4、My sister is only

13、seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. 连接词whetheror not可以表示选择: I dont know whether you are interested (in it) or not. You must help him, whether you like him or not. 5、Its all right, she said, but isnt it upside down? Isnt it upside down? Its upside down. 否定疑问句,没有否定的意思,起

14、肯定作用,起强调作用,表达一种情绪 Arent you lucky? 你真幸运 Isnt it a boy? 【Key structures】 一般现在时 一般现在时可以用于表述现在的特征或状态,也经常用于表述经常性的或习惯性的动作,或带有普遍性的情况,频度副词可有可无,一般现在时还用于表示普遍性真理。和人的情绪相连, 跟人的状态相连, 跟人的思维活动相连的动词都不用进行时态,而用于一般现在时,这些动词是:appear,appreciate,be,believe,feel,find,forget,hear,know,like,look like,notice,remember,resemble

15、,see,think,understand 等等 【Special Difficulties】 Speech marks 引号 在书面语会话中,用引号(单引号或双引号)把实际的对话括起来。引号在英文当中第一次出现是单引号, 第二次出现是双引号, 英文当中的书名号用引号来替代 注意事项 : 引号位于一行之上, 它们应在句尾其他标点符号如逗号、句号、问号之外. 引语的第一个词以大写字母开头. 在said, asked等词后面用逗号, 只有当它们位于句尾时, 才在它们的后面用句号. 当said, asked等词置于引语之间时, 句子的后半部分以小写字母开始. 当一个新的说话人开始讲话时, 要另起一个

16、段落. Multiple choices1.There is a sign on the bench which says “ Wet _ !” A. pictureB. words C. boardD. paint2. He shouted at the boy and the boy _ not to hear. A. presidedB. attended C. pretendedD. intended3. Few of us can understand his _ music. A. modernB. modernise C. modernisationD. model4.Im _

17、the old picture from the wall. A. taking backB. taking down C. taking outD. taking off5. I am going to _ a new picture on this wall. A. hangB. take C. suspendD. do6. The criminal was _ for the crimes he had committed. A. hangedB. hung C. droppedD. suspended7. The little girl said that my picture was

18、_. A. inside outB. outside in C. downside upD. upside down8. What kind of _ is it made of? A. materialB. matter C. thingD. case9. He was fined by the police for _. A. excessB. exceeding C. speedingD. faster10. I can _ some modern art, but not all of it. A. likeB. pretend C. appreciateD. wonderText t

19、ranslation我是个学艺术的学生, 画了很多画. 有很多人装成很懂现代艺术的样子, 总是告诉你一幅画的 “意思” 是什么. 当然, 有很多画是什么 “意思” 也没有的. I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is about. Of course, many pictures are not about anything. 它们就是些好看的图案, 我

20、们喜爱它们就像我们喜欢漂亮的窗帘布一样. 我觉得小孩子们往往比任何人都更能欣赏现代绘画, 他们观察到的东西更多. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. 我的妹妹只有7岁, 但她总能说出我的画是好还是坏. 昨天她到我房里来了. “你在干

21、什么呢?” 她问。My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday. What are you doing?“我正把这幅画挂在墙上去。”我回答说,“这是幅新画,你喜欢吗?” 她用挑剔的目光看了一会儿。“还可以吧!”她说,“不过,是不是倒挂了?”Im hanging this picture on the wall, I answered. Its a new one. Do you like it? She l

22、ooked at it critically for a moment. Its all right, she said, but isnt it upside down? I looked at it again. She was right! It was! Retell the story1、Paulart studentpaint pictures2、peoplepretendunderstandmodern arttelloftennot about anything3、pretty patternsin the same waycurtain material4、thinkyoung childrenappreciatebetteranyone elsenotice more5、Pauls sistersevenjudge pictures6、yesterdaywent into7、asked“what doing?”8、“hanging picture on the wall”9、looked atcriticallyfor a moment“upside down”- right



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