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1、I.I. 会话技能会话技能 1515 道道 1515 分分 1515 分钟分钟II.II.阅读理解阅读理解 2020 道道 4040 分分 4040 分钟分钟III.III.词汇和语法词汇和语法 4040 道道 2020 分分 2525 分钟分钟IV.IV.完形填空完形填空 1010 道道 1010 分分 1010 分钟分钟V .V . 短文写作短文写作 100100120120 个词个词 1515 分分 3030 分钟分钟考试总时间:考试总时间:120120 分钟分钟20112011 年广东学位英语考试试题及答案年广东学位英语考试试题及答案PartPartVocabulary and Str

2、ucture (25 points, 30 minutes)Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, 30 minutes)Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For eachsentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONEanswer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the correspondingletter on the

3、Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _ children as Coca Cola.A) forB) withB) withC) toD) in2. When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the _ fromthe shop.A)A)receiptreceiptB)trustC)renderD) tale3. The financial support is decided

4、not only according to your GRE score,but also according to your _ in college.A) intelligenceB) policyC)C) performanceperformanceD)statement4. Professor Smith is also the _ of the international program office.If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help.A)detectiveB)preside

5、ntC)managerD) directorD) director5. We do not have a _ school in our institute. The highest degree weprovide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .A)A)graduategraduateB)highC)gradeD) continue6. Paper clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were _ all over the floor.A)separatedB)sprayedC)spilledD) sca

6、tteredD) scattered7. I am writing _ my mother to express her thanks for your gift.A)inmemoryofB)B)ononbehalfbehalfofofC)withrespecttoD) on account of8. In considering men for jobs in our firm, we give _ to those withsome experience.A)privilegeB)adviceC)prizeD)D)preferencepreference9. She is _ a musi

7、cian than her brother.A) much ofB) much asC) more ofC) more ofD)more as10.The assignments are too hard. I cant _ the work.A)A)keepkeepupupwithwithB)catchupwithC)comeupwithD) put up with11. Robert Spring, a 19th century forger, was so good at his professionthat he was able to make his living for 15 y

8、ears by selling _ signaturesof famous Americans.A) artificialB) genuineC)C) falsefalseD)natural12.In 1890 there were many American cities and towns where part of a daysschool instruction was conducted in language _ English.A) more thanB)B) otherother thanthanC) except thatD)except for13.The problem

9、will be discussed at length in the _ Chapter.A)consequentB)latterC)lateD)D)subsequentsubsequent14.They are members of the club by _ of their great wealth.A) virtueA) virtueB) wayC) meansD) word15.The value of the industrial _ dropped from about 70 billion dollarsto slightly more than 31 billion.A) o

10、utcomeB) outlookC) outputC) outputD) outset16.Scientists believe that color blindness is a(n) _ defect, and thereis no cure for it.A)retainedB)B)inheritedinheritedC)receivedD)infected17.She was glad that her success would _ for the women who would follow.A)beeasiertomakeB)makeiteasierC)beeasierD) ma

11、ke things easierD) make things easier18.Fred says that his present job does not provide him with enough _for his organizing ability.A) scopeA) scopeB) spaceC) capacityD) extent19.San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _.A) is rarelyB) hardly isC) rarely isC) rarely isD) isscarc

12、elly20.Youve been overworking recently, and would find a holiday _.A)fortunateB)essentialC)profitableD) beneficialD) beneficial21._ you are familiar with the authors ideas, try reading all thesections as quickly as you possibly can.A) Ever sinceB)B) NowNow thatthatC) So thatD) Aslong as22.The people

13、 didnt trust Senator Maxwell , otherwise he _.A) would have re-electedB) would have been re-electedB) would have been re-electedC) must have been re-electedD) were to be re-elected23.Go straight into the cave and find out whats in there, _?A) will youA) will youB) dont you C) do youD) can you24.The

14、old man was shocked to learn that his illness could result in deathif _ untreated.A) to leave B) to be left C) leavingD)D) leftleft25.Our teacher recommend that we _ as attentive as possible when wevisit the museum.A) areB) beB) beC) were D) shall be26.The old man came upstairs with great strength ,

15、 his right hand _a stick for support.A) heldB)B) holdingholdingC) being holdingD) washolding27.My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from yousometime.A) hearingA) hearingB) to hearC) having heardD)to have heard28.It _ around nine oclock when I drove back home because it wasalready d

16、ark.A) had to beB) was to be C) must beD)D) mustmusthave beenhave been29.If you act _ the doctors advice ,you wont get well again.A)asidefromB)B)contrarycontrarytotoC)capableofD) prior to30.Visitors coming for short periods of time do not always experience _intense emotions _ visitors who live in fo

17、reign countries for longerterms.A)A)thethesamesameasasB)bothandC)either.or D) so that31.Urban mothers had difficulty _ their children intochild carefacilities.A) get B) to getC)C) inin gettinggetting D) for getting32.If it _ too much trouble, Id love a cup of tea.A)A) isntisntB) wasnt C) werent D) h

18、adnt been33.The population of many Alaskan cities has _ doubled in the past threeyears.A)larger than B)as great asC)more thanC)more than D)asmany as34.All that can be done _.A)havebeendoneB)havedoneC)hasdoneD)has been doneD)has been done35.A person beating adrum or blowinga trumpet causesvibrations

19、in theair _ sound waves.A) callsB)B) calledcalledC) is called D) are called36.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals,who would _ run the risk of becoming extinct.A)A) otherwiseotherwiseB) nevertheless C) therefore D)instead37.They had an accident on the road and didnt _

20、at their hotel untilafter midnight.A) show offB)B) checkcheck inin C) check out D) drop out38.After his leave Tom went back on duty to _ his soldiers.A) put in charge of B) be charged with C) be taken incharge byD) take charge ofD) take charge of39.The three rows at the front are _ for guests.A)cons

21、ervedB)depositedC)C)reservedreservedD)stored40.One thing its safe to say about robots is that anything you can writeabout them will already be _ by the time its read. Thats how fastrobot technology is developing.A)outoforderB)B)outoutofofdatedateC)outofcontrol D) out of sight41.The autumn air felt _

22、 so he went to fetch a coat.A) cool B) severe C) harshD) chillyD) chilly42.A managing directorcannot expect to have much time to _to purelypersonal matters.A) reserve B) spare C) concentrateD) devoteD) devote43.His enthusiasm for the plan seems to have _, for he never speaksabout it any more.A)A) wo

23、rnworn offoffB) got down C) fallen out D) usedup44.With the spring here you can _ these ski boots till you need themagain next winter.A)put awayA)put away B)get rid of C) give away D)do awaywith45.No artistic creation can achieve greatness if _ from life.A)resultedB)escapedC)C)divorceddivorcedD)shie

24、lded46.The Petersons have a very _ daughter. She is always running andjumping.A)quietB)B)vigorousvigorousC)naughtyD)mischievous47.If you like a large print of your photograph we can blow it _ foryou.A) upA) upB) through C) out D) over48.The speaker agreedto _ from the position that hehad just stated

25、.A) return B) jumpC) withdrawC) withdrawD) retreat49.Some hobbies can only be _ by rich people.A) taken in B) taken onC) taken upC) taken up D) takenover50.I think it is only by a _ of imagination that you say you have seena ghost.A) pinch B) lack C) shortageD) stretchD) stretchPartPartReading Compr

26、ehension (45 points, 50 minutes)Reading Comprehension (45 points, 50 minutes)Directions: There are 6 passages in this part. Each passage is followedby some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there arefour choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choiceand mar

27、k the correspondingletter on theAnswer Sheet witha single linethrough the centre.Passage 1Passage 1Question 51 to 55 are based on thefollowing passage:Censorship (审查制度) is for the good of society as a whole. Imagine whatchaos there would be if we lived in a society without laws. Like the law,censors

28、hip contributes to the common good.Some people think that it is disgraceful that a censor should interferewith works of art. Who is this person, they say, to ban this great bookor cut that great film? No one can set himself up as a superior being.But we must remember twothings. Firstly, where genuin

29、e works ofart areconcerned, modern censors are extremely liberal in their views-oftenfar more liberal than a large section of the public. Artistic merit issomething which censors clearly recognize. And secondly, we must bear inmind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come befor

30、ethe censor are very far from being works of art.Whendiscussingcensorship,therefore,weshouldnotconfineourattention to great masterpieces, but should consider the vast numbers ofpublications and films which make up the bulk ( 大 部 分 ) of theentertainment industry. When censorship laws are relaxed, dis

31、honestpeople are given a licence to produce virtually anything in the name ofart. There is an increasing tendency to equate artistic withpornographic (色情的).So one of the great things that censorship doesis to prevent certain people from making fat profits by corrupting theminds of others. Societywou

32、ld really bepoorer if itdeprived itself ofthe wise counsel and the restraining influence which a censor provides.51.A censors duty is _.A) to see there is no filthy content in publications or filmsA) to see there is no filthy content in publications or filmsB) to ban books and cut filmsC) to disting

33、uish works of art from othersD) to make sure that no licence is given to dishonest people52.Some people are against censorship for the reason that _.A) censorship is not consistent with the ideals of democracyB) censors prevent people from making profitsC) censors are conservative and cannot appreci

34、ate artistic meritC) censors are conservative and cannot appreciate artistic meritD) censorship limits the way people feel and think53.When the writer says to equate artistic which pornographic, hemeans _.A) there is no clear distinction between what is artistic and what ispornographicB) masterpiece

35、s are sometimes offensive to decencyC) many pornographic works will be published in the name of artC) many pornographic works will be published in the name of artD) artistic works and pornographic works have the same market value54.According to the writer, a society free from censorship _.A) would b

36、e poor materiallyB) would expose its people to dangers of being corruptedB) would expose its people to dangers of being corruptedC) could not develop its entertainment industryD) would allow only a small section of people to make profits55.All the following are the writers views except that _.A) cen

37、sors are fully qualified for their jobB) masterpieces even with pornographic content are still masterpiecesB) masterpieces even with pornographic content are still masterpiecesC) society will not do without censorshipD) many books, plays and films are not works of artPassage 2Passage 2Question 56 to

38、 60 are based on the following passage:A few weeks ago I was talking to a school inspector in one of the morefashionable districts of Paris. She astonished me by saying that if shehad young children today, shed probably send them to a private school.She had devoted 25 years of her life to the ideal

39、of free public education,she said, but the truth was the state system was in a mess.There are two main problems: State schools in France have to acceptwhatever teachers are assigned to them by the Ministry of Education. Asmy school inspector friend put it, one year a school may be excellent;three or

40、 four years later, half the teachers may be incapable! That isnot very reassuring if youre a parent. Private schools can choose theirown teachers.The other problem is discipline or, rather, the lack of it. Not long agoa school in Birmingham made headlines in Britain because the teachers werebeing te

41、rrorized by their pupils. In the desolate suburbs of low-costapartment blocks, thrown together in the 1960s on the outskirts of mostbig French cities, such stories are commonplace. Vandalism(破坏他人财产的行为), drug-taking and extortion arent limited to schools in poorareas either. A recent poll found that

42、88 per cent of French children rateas the biggest problem of their school lives the prevalence (流行, 猖獗)of factions and gangs which spend all their time fighting one another.Small wonder, then, that the private schools, with their emphasis ontraditional values, are undergoing a new surge of popularit

43、y (despitedisapproval from Frances new socialist leaders), and competition to getinto the best of them has now become intense.56.The French school inspector has long been a supporter of _.A) compulsory educationB) free private educationC) private schoolsD) the state schoolD) the state schoolsystemsy

44、stem57.The French state education system _.A)A) doesdoes notnot guaranteeguarantee thethe competencecompetence ofof teachersteachersB) seems to haveno serious difficultiesC)isrunningsmoothlyD)promises to maintain high standards58.Private schools in France today _.A) are generally undergoing changes

45、for the worseB)B) enjoyenjoy thethe prestige(prestige(声望声望) ) ofof becomingbecoming thethe placeplace toto sendsend onesones childrenchildrentotoC) have become victims of vandalismD) never hire teachers who stress traditional values59.Lack of discipline among students is rampant in state schools _.A

46、) in the Paris slums, but not in other areasB) noticeably and solely in the poorer areas in French citiesC) almost everywhere in FranceC) almost everywhere in FranceD) rather restricted to Birmingham60.France children who wish to go to the best private schools can do soby _.A) taking highly competit

47、ive examinationsA) taking highly competitive examinationsB) simply sendingin applicationsC) joining factions and gangsD)drawing lotsPartPartCloze ( 10 points, 15 minutes )Cloze ( 10 points, 15 minutes )Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blankthere are four choices mar

48、ked A), B), C) and D). You should choose theOne that thebest fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cettre.Today vegetables, fish, fruit, meat and beer are canned in enormousquantities. Within three generations the 81 habits of mil

49、lions have beenrevolutionized. Foods that were previously 82 may now be eaten at any time,and strange foods are 83 far from the countries where they are 84 . Thecrops many farmers nowproduce often dependon the nearnessof a canningfactory.The first stage in the canning 85 is the preparation of the ra

50、w food.Diseased and waste portions are thrown 86 ; meat and fish are cleaned andtrimmed; fruit and vegetables washed and graded for 87 . The jobs areprincipally 88 by machine.The next stage, for vegetables only, is soak in very 89 or boiling waterfor a short time to remove air and 90 the vegetable.

51、This makes 91 easierto pack into cans for sterilization (free from living germs).Some packingmachines fill 92 to 400 cans a minute. Fruit, fish and meat are packedraw and cold into cans, and then all the air is removed. 93 the cans aresealed, the pressure inside each can is only about half the press

52、ure ofthe outside air.The sterilization process which follows the cans are subjected 94 steamor boiling water, withthe temperature andtime 95 according to thetypeof food. Cans of fruit, for example, 96 only 5-10 minutes in boiling water,97 meat and fish are cooked at higher temperatures for 98 perio

53、d. Aftersterilization, the cans are cooled quickly to 32 degree to prevent thecontents 99 becoming too soft.The final stage before sending off to the grocer is labeling, and packingthe tins into boxes. Nowadays, however, labeling is often printed on in100 by the can-maker and no paper labels are the

54、n required.81.A) eatB) eatableC) eatenD) eatingD) eating82.A) monthlyB) year-roundC) seasonalC) seasonalD) quarterly83.A) accessible B) obtainedC) availableC) available D) usable84.A) plantingB) grownB) grownC) growingD) producing85.A) processA) processB) reactionC) processionD) program86.A) aboutB)

55、 awayB) awayC) downD) up87.A)A) sizesizeB) lengthC) heightD)breadth88.A) hadB) fulfilled C) pockedD) doneD) done89.A) chillyB) coldC)C) hothotD)freezing90.A)A) softensoftenB) cookC) steamD) harden91.A) themB) itB) itC) usD)that92.A) upA) upB) downC) inD) on93.A) WhenA) WhenB) If C) AlthoughD)Before9

56、4.A) onB)B) totoC) inD)at95.A) variesB) varyC) variedD)D)varyingvarying96.A) cost B) spendC)C) taketakeD)consume97.A) asB) becauseC)C) whilewhileD)for98.A)lessB)B)longerlongerC)shorter D) more99.A)offB)throughC)byD) fromD) from100. A) fashionB) before handC) advanceC) advanceD)practicePart IV Englis

57、h-Chinese Translation (20 points, 15 minutes)Part IV English-Chinese Translation (20 points, 15 minutes)Directions: In this part, there are six items which you should translateinto Chinese, each item consisting one or more sentences. They are alltaken from the reading passage you have just read. (li

58、ne 1-3, para. 3, passage 1 ) When discussing censorship, therefore,we should not confine our attention to great masterpieces, but shouldconsider the vast numbers of publications and films which make up the bulk(大部分) of the entertainment industry. (line 2-3, para. 2, passage 2 ) As my school inspecto

59、r friend put it,one year a school may be excellent; three or four years later, half theteachers may be incapable! (line 5-7, para. 2, passage 3 ) He must serve as a man responsible forthe fortune he has earned and use that fortune to provide greateropportunity for all and to increase man s knowledge

60、 of himself and ofhis universe. (line 2-4, para. 2, Passage 4 ) It is just one of several techniquesbeing tried at U.S. medical schools and hospitals in an attempt to dealwith the most universal complaint about doctors: lack of sympathy. (line 6-9, para. 1, Passage 5 ) Differentials(差异)in infant mor

61、talitywere very large-75 per cent higher in poverty than in nonpoverty areas.In both cases, the differences between white and nonwhite were even moresubstantial than between poverty and nonpoverty areas. (line 3-4, para. 4, passage 6) Monitoring by computer has proven tobe very accurate and increase

62、s early discovery of life threatening events.Part V &n, bsp; Writing (20 points, 35 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 35 minutes to write acomposition on the topic Diligence is the Father of Success. You shouldwrite at least 120words and base your composition on the outline (givenin

63、 Chinese) below.20102010 年广东省学士学位英语学位统考真题年广东省学士学位英语学位统考真题Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, eachDirections: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, eachfollowed by 4 choices marke

64、d A, B, C and D. Choose the one that bestfollowed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that bestcompletes the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.completes the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.1. What day is it today? _.A. Monday B. Its fine C. June 14 D.

65、Nine oclock2. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please? _.A. Sure, please B. Thank you so much C. Its six oclock D. Yes, I can3. May I use the telephone? _.A. Go ahead B. Thank you so much C. Dont worry D. You are welcome4. Would you like to come to the party Friday evening? _.A. Thats right B. Y

66、es, I d like to C. I ll be late D. No, never mind5. Im sorry I cant give you any help. Thats OK. _.A. What a pity B. I dont careC. Thank you all the same D. Dont mention it6. How did you find your visit to the museum, Eddie? _.A. I went there all by myself B. Oh, wonderful, indeedC. My friend showed

67、 me there D. By taking a No. 2 bus.7. I didnt know this was a one-way street, sir. _A. Its different. B. How do you do?C. How dare you say that? D. Sorry, but thats no excuse.8. I dont want to eat anything. Im not feeling well today. _, Carlos. I hope youll be better soon.A. It doesnt matter B. Dont

68、 botherC. Im better now D. Im sorry to hear that9. Are you going to take part in the English contest to be held atthe end of this term? _.A. Im afraid B. I do C. It depends D. Its a pleasure10. Todays Sunday. What about going to the Science Museum? _.A. Take it easy B. Lets call it a dayC. Thats a g

69、ood idea D. Its kind of you to say so11. I have just passed my exam. I feel so relieved now. _!A. Thank you B. Well done C. Cheer up D. My pleasure12. Dont forget to pass on the message to my teacher. _.A. Yes, I don t B. Idont think so C. No, I won t D. Sorry, I wouldn t13. How could you say that?

70、_. I didnt mean to hurt you.A. It doesnt matter B. Thats all rightC. I am really sorry D. None of your business14. You have given us a wonderful party, Mrs. Johnson. _.A. Dont say to B. Im glad you enjoyed itC. It is interesting for you to say so D. Oh, Im afraid I didnt organizeit well15. Whats the

71、 matter? You really look upset. _. Well, better luck next time.A. I have won a prize B. I failed an important testC. Why, I always look up to you D. Me? I never look down upon anybodyPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages isfollow

72、ed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them thereare 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answeron the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneWe are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of usknow the history of the Internet?Many people are surpri

73、sed when they find that the Internet was set up asrecently as the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive.Computer networks didnt work well. If one computer in the network brokedown, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to beset up. It should be good enough to

74、be used by many different computers.If part of thenetwork was not working, information could be sen throughanother part. In this way the computer network system would keep on workingall the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the 1970s,universities, hospitals and banks

75、 began to use it, too. However, computerswere still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. At thebeginning of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Andscientists developed software that made Internet “ surfing ”moreconvenient.Today it is easy to get online and it is s

76、aid that millions of people usethe Internet every day.16. The Internet was set up in _.A. 1960 B. the 1960s C. 1970 D. the 1970s17. Computer networks didnt work well at first because _.A. computers were large and expensiveB. computers couldnt send information fastC. computers didnt fit into the same

77、 networkD. if one computer failed, the whole network stopped18. Which of the following was the first to use the Internet?A. Governments. B. Universities. C. Banks. D. Hospitals.19. Which of the following statements is true?A. People use the internet mainly to send emails.B. Computers are now more co

78、stly then ever before.C. Computers were costly and hard to use until the early 1990s.D. In the 1970s the Internet was easy to use but computers were costly.20. The best title for the passage is _.A. The Future of the Internet B. The History of ComputersC. The history of the Internet D. Convenient In

79、ternet SurfingPassage TwoAlan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners.One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment.He did not wantto be early or late. He hadforgotten to put on his watchso he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi.“Excuse me, sir,” he said, ve

80、ry politely, “but could you tell me thetime?”The man, who was very well-dressed and looked quite rich, said nothing.He did not even look at Alan. Alan spoke to him again. “Excuse me, sir,”he said, “but could you please tell me what time it is?”This time the man looked at him, but he did not speak an

81、d looked quicklyaway. Alan thought to himself: well, he can hear me; he must be just rude.So Alan asked again, “Why wouldnt you tell me the time, sir?”The man turned towards him and said, “Put yourself in my shoes. I amstanding here waiting for a taxi. You come up to me and ask me for thetime. If I

82、tell it to you, you will thank me. I will sayThats allright. You may then say Its a beautiful day, to which I may replyYes, I like these sunny winter days. Before we know what is happeningwe have a friendly conversation. You are a pleasant, polite yo7ung man,so when my taxi comes, I offer you a ride

83、. You accept. We talk. I likeyou. You like me. I invite you to my home. You meet my daughter. She isa very pretty girl. You are a good-looking man. You like each other. Soonyou fall in love. You want to marry. Now do you understand my problem?”Alan shook his head. “No, sir, Im sorry, I dont. Everyth

84、ing you havesaid seems very natural to me.”“Exactly,” the man said, “and I do not want my daughter to marry a manwho is too poor to buy a watch. Good morning to you.” And with these wordshe hurried away.21. Why did Alan ask the man what time it was?A. He was too late. B. He was very early.C. He had

85、left his watch home. D. He wanted to meet the mans daughter.22. What did Alan think of the man when he would not tell him the time?A. He was impolite. B. He was deaf.C. He was stupid. D. He spoke no English.23. What did the man mean by the underlined part“Put yourself in my shoes” ?A. Dont interrupt

86、 me. B. My shoes hurt me.C. Come and try my shoes. D. Try to understand me.24. What kind of a man was Alan Change in the mans opinion?A. thief. B. A poor man. C. A cheat. D. A rich man.25. The story is mainly about _.A. how rude a person can be B. how one thing leads to anotherC. where a person cant

87、 tell the time D. why you shouldnt speak tostrangersPassage ThreeWhat are the beauties of Hawaii? Lets start with four.The beach, famous for its water temperature, air temperature and waves,is the first beauty. There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twentyislands of Hawaii. They are thought t

88、o be among the finest beaches in theworld.Then, what do you think would be the second beautiful thing? It isvolcanoes (火山), of course. These volcanoes are not just a part of theislands; they made the islands in the first place. Because of them theislands are still growing.What would be the third thi

89、ng of beauty that the first visitor to Hawaiiwould notice? It probably wouldn t be just one thing, but many things:all the wonderful fruits and flowers of the islands. Sugar cane, bananasand pineapples are Hawaiis biggest exports. Sugar cane has been growingin Hawaii for a thousand years. As for pin

90、eapples, the islands producemore than any other places in the world, which has made Dole Company thebiggest fruit-packing company in the world.The fourth and most beautiful thing about Hawaii is the people who livethere. The Hawaiians never rush, and perhaps this is because they caremore for human l

91、ife than they care for the machine. There is an old Hawaiianlaw that a man can go to sleep in the middle of the road if he wants to.What makes the people of Hawaii so beautiful is their feeling about people.There are 64 different combinations of races on the islands, and they alllive in peace. They

92、believe “Above all nations is humanity.” That isthe most beautiful thing of all.26. According to the passage, Hawaii is made up of _.A. one island B. twenty islands C. sixty-four islands D. hundreds ofislands27. Why are the volcanoes so special to the islands?A. They are not a part of the islands. B

93、. They actually made the islands.C. They are the first in the world. D. They are growing.28. What has made Dole Company the biggest fruit-packing company in theworld?A. Sugar. B. Sugar cane. C. Bananas. D. Pineapples.29. The people in Hawaii are the most beautiful thing because _.A. they had a peace

94、ful history B. they can sleep in the middle of the roadC. there are 64 different races on the islands D. they care more for peoplethan anything else30. According to the passage, “above all nations is humanity” might mean_.A. not all nations have humanity B. humanity is as important as a nationC. hum

95、anity has no national boundaries D. all human beings should livein peacePassage FourThere is a measurable relation between how much a person learns and hisattitude toward the subject to be learned. When faced with a difficultlearning task, one path to success is to concentrate on the positiveaspects

96、 of the subject matter. If a student has a boring teacher, onesolution is to look for the positive aspects of completing the course,regardless of how boring the teacher happens to be. To accomplish thismight require a private tutor or some independent reading, but with theright attitude, success is

97、possible.Over-achievers students who do betterthan their test scores showusually have a positive interest toward learning. They may learn somethings more slowly, and they may make more efforts, but, to compensate(补偿), they are often better at applying what they have learned. As longas they do not ha

98、ve emotional problems, they are successful.Under-achievers those who function below their ability shown by testscored often tend to allow a few negative factors to affect them.Because of their negative attitudes, they sometimes become unfairlycritical of teachers. They allow themselves to get bored

99、when it is notnecessary. In short, their attitudes often cause them to learn less thanover-achievers.If you learn to replace a negative attitude toward learning with somethingmore positive, you are on the road to achieving almost any goal you desire.For example, if you realize a personal computer wi

100、th a word processor wouldimprove your performance, but have an attitude that keeps telling you thata computer is difficult to operate, you tend to make all kinds of excuses.In short, you resist making full use of a terrific tool, simply becauseyour negative attitude prevents you from learning.31. Wh

101、at does the author think a student should do if he has a boringteacher?A. Look for a new course. B. Be critical of the teacher.C. Complete the course with a good score. D. Have a right attitude towardthe teacher.32. The writer thinks that over-achievers and under-achievers mainlydiffer in _.A. their

102、 test scores B. their judgment of othersC. their attitudes toward learning D. their skills in using computers33. The underlined phrase function below their ability shown by testscores means the under-achievers _.A. often get low scores in testsB. do worse in actual learning than in testsC. usually d

103、o better in tests than the over-achieversD. are always slow in learning and have to make more efforts34. The example of the personal computer shows that _.A. finding excuses helps in learning B. to react negatively can be harmfulC. hard-working is the key to success D. making use of the computer isi

104、mportant35. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Attitudes play an important role in learning.B. Students should learn how to use personal computers.C. Teachers are not so important in the learning process.D. There are many differences between over-and under-achievers.Part III Vocabulary and Stru

105、cture (20 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For eachsentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one thatbest completes the sentence, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.36. This photo _ me of the days when I worked on the farm manyyears ago.A. remi

106、nds B. recalls C. retells D. remembers37. I cant get online because my _ broke down.A. camera B. watch C. computer D. recorder38. Would you please _ the TV a little? The children are doingtheir homework.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down39. Few houses in this district _ the terrible eart

107、hquake andmany people were killed.A. lasted B. survived C. deserved D. passed40. We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all _.A. given away B. kept away C. taken up D. used up41. We are at your service. Don t _ to turn to us if you haveany problems.A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek42.

108、My boss did not _ from his desk when I entered his office.A. look out B. look around C. look down D. look up43. I love thinking of new designs. It keeps my mind clear and active andfills my retired life with _.A. joy B. anxiety C. sorrow D. anger44. The company is starting a new advertising campaign

109、 to _ morecustomers.A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer45. Where is the new camera I borrowed last week? It is on the top shelf, out of the _ of our little kid.A. order B. sight C. reach D. touch46. Hermans success is _ his hard work and his academic ability.A. used to B. equal to C. due to D. c

110、lose to47. The bookseller cannot get enough books to _ the needs of theircustomers.A. make B. please C. fill D. meet48. He looks so young? I agree with you. He looks 30, but he is _ 45.A. actually B. basically C. accordingly D. entirely49. Parents have _ their concern about violence in some children

111、s shows.A. expressed B. accepted C. complained D. expected50. It was Thomas Edison that _ the electric lamp.A. invented B. discovered C. designed D. developed51. The doctors successfully completed a 20-hour operation to _the one-year-old twins at the head.A. isolate B. separate C. divide D. remove52

112、. In _ Chinese culture, children s marriage decisions wereoften made by parents.A. traditional B. historic C. remote D. initial53. We decided to leave the waitress a big _ because her servicewas excellent.A. bill B. money C. fare D. tip54.Experimentsshowthatdifferenttemperatureshavedifferent_ on hum

113、an feelings.A. results B. troubles C. endings D. effects55. The cost of the products _ to 56,000 Yuan.A. reaches B. numbers C. amounts D. counts56. The mother asked the boys to put _ everything in _order before they left the room.A. the; a B. an; the C. /; a D. /; /57. Do you like pop music or count

114、ry music? _. I only like sports.A. Each B. Either C. Neither D. Both58. It was not known _ he had said during the interview.A. whether B. where C. that D. what59. Dont get off the bus _ it has stopped completely.A. until B. when C. if D. since60. _ does it take you to wash all the dishes?A. How ofte

115、n B. How much C. How long D. How fast61. _ all her friends and money gone, Kate felt totally hopeless.A. Because B. Owing to C. With D. But for62. _ bad news it is! We must try our best to help them out ofthe difficulty.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a63. I dont think _ possible to finish the work

116、in time withouthis help.A. what B. this C. that D. it64. It is _ from my school to the railway station.A. two-hours walk B. two-hours walk C. two-hour walk D. a two-hour walk65. Its not a good habit to leave your work _.A. done half B. half done C. a half done D. done a half66. We like our English t

117、eacher because she often tells _ funnystories in class.A. us B. our C. we D. ours67. His little car isnt _ for five people.A. enough big B. big enough C. as enough big D. so big enough68. When and where to hold the meeting _ not decided yet.A. is B. are C. has D. have69. A new house will have been b

118、uilt here _.A. in this year B. for one yearC. by the end of the year D. during the last year70. It was already ten o clock in the evening _ we arrived atthe hotel.A. since B. while C. that D. when71. _, we will review all the lessons before the final exam.A. If time will permit B. Time permitting C.

119、 If time permitted D. Timepermits72. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, _effects can still be felt now.A. which B. whose C. what D. that73. _ you do, you should put your heart into it.A. No matter how B. Whenever C. No matter what D. Wherever74. _ has already been pointed out b

120、efore, English grammar is nota set of dead rules.A. This B. That C. It D. As75. These university students are looking for a cheap hotel _.A. to stay in B. to be staying C. which to stay D. where to stay inPart IV Cloze Test (10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For eac

121、hnumbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the bestone and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.Mr Smith gave his wife fifty pounds for her birthday. The day after herbirthday, Mrs Smith 76 shopping. She queued 77 a bus, got on and sat downnext to an old lady. After a while, s

122、he noticed that the old ladys handbagwas 78 . Inside it, she saw some pound notes exactly like the ones herhusband had given her. So she quickly looked into her own bag the noteshad 79 ! Mrs Smith was sure the old lady who was sitting next to her had80 them. She thought she would have to call 81 ; b

123、ut as she disliked makinga fuss and making people into trouble, she decided to take back the moneyfrom the old ladys bag and say 82 more about it. She looked round thebus to make sure nobody was watching; then she carefully put her hand intothe old ladys bag, took the notes and 83 them in her own ba

124、g.When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful dressshe had bought.“ 84 did you pay for it?” he asked.“With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course, ” she replied.“Oh? Whats that, then?” he asked, as he pointed to the 85 on the table.76. A. made B. went C. took D. de

125、cided77. A. in B. on C. for D. to78. A. open B. closed C. old D. empty79. A. dropped B. missed C. lost D. gone80. A. stolen B. kept C. found D. mistaken81. A. herself B. her C. the lady D. the police82. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything83. A. took B. put C. left D. saved84. A. How B.

126、 How much C. What D. For what85. A. bag B. money C. dress D. gift 2009 2009 年广东省学位英语统考真题年广东省学位英语统考真题Paper OnPaper On 试卷一(试卷一(90 minutes90 minutes)Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, eachDirectio

127、ns: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, eachfollowedfollowed byby 4 4 choiceschoices markedmarked A,A, B,B, C C andand D.D. ChooseChoose thethe bestbest oneone toto completecompletethethe dialogue anddialogue and markmark youryour answeranswer onon thethe ANSWER SHEETANSWER SHEET w

128、ithwith a a singlesingle linelinethrough the center.through the center.1. Jenny: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal?Jackie: _.A. Yes, you go B. Yes, go C. Yes, lets D. Yes, please2. Mori: Its a pleasure to meet you here.Kaco: _.A. Pleased to meet you, too B. Thank you so muchC. I d

129、idnt expect to see you here D. Youre too hospitable3. Williams: Excuse me. I m looking for a present for my son. I have noidea what to get him, Can you help me?Sales girl: _.A. Of course I canB. No, I cant actuallyC. You must buy him a T-shirtD. Yes, I think a T-shirt would be a good idea4. Tim: I h

130、ear youve been to the book fair. How was it?Susan: _.A. Absolutely marvelous B. Very much indeedC. Not necessarily D. Quite disappointed5. Ed: How do you get along with your new music teacher?Maggie: Ms. Davis? _, but I like her a lot.A. Shes humorous B. Shes nice to meC. Shes a bit strange D. Shes

131、good at dancing6. David: Charles, could you drive me to the railway station?Charles: _A. No, thanks. B. Ill be there on time.C. Sure, why not? D. Never mind.7. Max: My son has been admitted by Beijing University.Walt: Congratulations! He is such a smart boy.Max: _.A. Yes, he is B. You are rightC. Th

132、ank you very much D. Dont mention it8. Student: Do you mind our performing rock n roll in the hall?Teacher: _.A. No, youd better not B. Of course, its allowed hereC. Oh, I d rather you didn t actually D. I d prefer to listen to rocka roll9. Clerk: Excuse me, this a non-smoking place.Customer: _A. Oh

133、, Im sorry. B. How can you say that?C. Thats all right. D. Thats impossible.10. Waiter: How would you like your coffee?Customer: _.A. Its well done B. Very nice, thanksC. With sugar, please D. Only one cup11. Virginia: What about going to do some shopping this afternoon?Rena: _.A. Go ahead, please.

134、B. Good idea!C. Me, too. D. Help yourself.12. Carlos: Thank you very much, Miss James. That helped me a lot.Miss James: _, Carlos.A. Dont thank me B. Dont mention itC. Im fine D. Im sorry13. Susan: Im worried. My son doesnt like to talk with me.Tracy: _. We were all like that at his age.A. Take it e

135、asy B. Change his mindC. Dont quarrel with him D. Dont refuse him14. Nicolas: Id like to donate money to help poor children at school.To whom shall I give my share?Li Ming: _ Ill ask about that and let you know.A. Very well. B. Who knows?C. Thank you all the same. D. It all depends.15. Kelvin: We re

136、 almost finished with the project now. _.Teresa: Actually, I prefer to keep going.A. Lets hurry up B. Weve too tired nowC. Well be on time D. Lets stop for a breakPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages isfollowed by 5 questions or

137、 unfinished statements. For each of them thereare 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answeron the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneJack Billabong is a stockman. One Friday afternoon he was riding alongthe track towards the Henderson farm. H

138、e was looking for a prize bull whichhad escaped from the Borrogee paddock. He reached the hills and saw atonce that he could not go further.There had been a fire in the forest which had gone out. But the air wasstill full of smoke and fallen trees had blocked the track. Jack was justgoing to turn ba

139、ck when he saw something moving in the smoke. He waited.It was a girl on a horse, and she was riding towards him.“Theres abadly burnt man on the farm,” the girl shouted. “He saved my life. Pleasehelp me to save him.”The girl was Cathy Henderson. She had been on horseback for two hours.She had to jum

140、p over fallen trees that were still burning. Her pony hadfallen with her twice. She was thirsty and almost dead from want of sleep.But she rode back to the farm with Jack immediately.Joe Brook was unconscious when they reached him. They lifted him onto Jacks horse. The ride back to Borrogee was terr

141、ible. Cathy was so tired thatJack had to tie her to her pony. The pony was tired too, but its couragewas astonishing. It followed Jack right to Borrogee Hospital. Nobody sawthem arrive because it was night.“Ive never seen a horse like that pony,” Jack said. Cathy praised JackBillabong, but she refus

142、ed to say anything about the pony, “Joe will writeabout her in his story,” she said.But she did say one thing:“If flame hadnt returned to the farm thatafternoon, Joe and I would have died.”16. Jack Billabong did not turn back because _.A. he hadnt found the bull yet B. he smelt a heavy smoke in the

143、forestC. he knew there was a burnt man there D. he saw something moving towardshim17. Why was the ride back to Borrogee terrible?A. Because Joe was tired out.B. Because the ride started late at night.C. Because they didnt have enough courage.D. Because both Cathy and her pony were exhausted.18. Cath

144、y refused to talk to reporters about the pony when she was inBorrogee Hospital because _.A. she didnt know what to say B. Jack asked her not to talk to themC. she was too weak to say anything D. Joe would write about it in hiswriting19. What does the word “flame” in the last paragraph refer to?A. Ja

145、ck. B. The pony. C. Jacks horse. D. The fire.20. Which of the following is the best title of the story?A. Rescue of Joe Brook. B. Courage of Jack Billabong.C. Love of a Young Girl. D. Heroism of a Lovely Pony.Passage TwoThe faces of elderly, happily-married people sometimes resemble eachother. Dr. A

146、iken studied a number of couples who had been married for atleast twenty-five years. Each couple provided four photographsone photoof each partner at the time of their marriage and another photo of eachpartner twenty-five or more years later. All background was cut from thephotos to remove any clues

147、. The photos were then displayed in groups: arandom grouping of thepersons at thetime of theirmarriage and anotherrandom grouping of the same persons who took photographs later. Sometestees were asked to pick out the partners. They failed totally with thefirst group. Their judgements were no better

148、than chance. But with thephotos taken twenty-five or more years after the marriage, the testeeswere quite successful with the most happily-married couples.Dr. Aiken believes there are several reasons why couples grow alike. Onereason has something to do with imitation. One person tends to copy ordo

149、the same as someone else without knowing it. He says human begins toimitate the expressions of the faces of their loved ones.“Anotherpossible reason,” he says, “is the common experience of the couples. ”There is a tendency for people who have the same life experience to changetheir faces in similarw

150、ays. For example, ifa couple havesuffered froma lot of sad experiences, their faces are likely to change in a similarway.21. Dr. Aiken cut the background from the photos for the purpose of_.A. imitating the couples life B. grouping the couples againC. leaving no trace for the testees D. giving the t

151、estees more chances22. The underlined sentence “Their judgements were no better than chance”implies that the testees _.A. did a good job in making their choices.B. had difficulty in picking out the partnersC. had no chance to make the right judgementsD. did better with the first group than with the

152、second23. The underlined word “imitate” (in Para. 2) has a similar meaningto _.A. copy B. change C. know D. suffer24. From the passage we can draw the conclusion that _.A. couples who look alike can live longerB. most partners have been proved to grow alikeC. the influence between partners can be qu

153、ite strongD. happily-married couples are often richer than others25. The main purpose of the passage is to _.A. explain why couples grow alike B. tell how couples like each otherC. discuss the function of marriage D. describe the life of happily marriedcouplesPassage ThreeThe three biggestlies in Am

154、erica are: (1) “The check is inthe mail”,(2) “Of course Ill respect you in the morning”, and (3) “It was acomputer error.”Of these three little white lies, the worst is the third. Its the onlyone that can never be true. Today, if a bank statement cheats you out of$ 900 that way, you know what the cl

155、erk is sure to say,” It was a computererror.” Nonsense. The computer is reporting nothing more than what theclerk typed into it.The most annoying case of all is when the computerized cashier in thegrocery store shows that an item costs more than it actually does. If theinnocent buyer points out the

156、mistake, the checker, bagger, and managerall come together and offer the familiar explanation: “It was a computeerror.”It wasnt, of course that computerized cashier is really nothing morethan an electric event. The eye reads the Universal Product Code chatbar of black and white lines in a corner of

157、the packageand then checksthe code against a price list stored in memory. If the price list is right,youll be charged accurately.Grocery stores update the price list each daythat is, somebody sits ata keyboard and types in the prices. If the price they type in is too high,there are only two explanat

158、ions: carelessness or dishonesty. But somehow“a computer error” is supposed to excuse everything.One reason we let people hide behind a computer is the common misperceptionthat huge, modern computers are electric brain with“ artificialintelligence.” At some point there might be a machine with intell

159、igencebut none exists today. The smartest computer on Earth right now is no moreintelligent than your average pen. At this point in the development ofcomputers, the only thing any machine can do is what a human has instructedit to do.26. Of the three lies, the one about computer is the worst because

160、 thecomputer itself _.A. says nonsense B. cheats customersC. cannot make the error D. does not admit its error27. According to the author, a computerized cashier is really just_.A. a machine to count money B. a machine to receive moneyC. an instrument to print codes D. an instrument to read codes28.

161、 Grocery store price lists are updated by _.A. a computer B. a keyboard C. an employee D. an electric brain29. The last paragraph of the passage implies that computers _.A. are very clever B. never make mistakesC. have a good memory D. are controlled by men30. Which of the following describes the ma

162、in idea of the passage?A. Computers are stupid and inefficient.B. Computer errors are due to its dishonesty.C. Computers help stores update the price list.D. Computer errors are actually human errors.Passage FourI came across an old country guidebook the other day. It listed all thetradesmen in each

163、 village, and it was impressive to see the pastvarietyof services which were available on one s own doorstep in the lateVictorian countryside.Nowadays a traveler in rural England might conclude that the only villagetradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to thevillagers or sellin

164、g antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this wouldreally be a false impression. On the surface, there has been a declineof village commerce, but its power is still remarkable.Our local grocers shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite ofthe competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Wo

165、men sensiblyprefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping,instead of queuing up at a supermarket. And the grocer knows well thatpersonal service has a considerable cash value.His prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliveranything at any time. H

166、is assistants think nothing of bicycling down thevillage street in their lunch hour to take a piece of cheese to an oldretired woman who sent her order by word of mouth with a friend who happenedto be passing. The richer customers telephone their shopping lists andthe goods are on their doorsteps wi

167、thin an hour. They have only to hintat a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer, ared faced-figure, instantly obtains it for them.31. Nowadays the commercial services in the village are _.A. still very active B. quickly decliningC. unable to flourish D. personal to visitors3

168、2. The local grocers shop is expanding because _.A. the competition there is weak B. it is a place for women to chatC. it provides good personal service D. the goods there are more valuable33. Which of the following is true about the supermarkets?A. Prices there are much higher B. Customers often ha

169、ve to queue up.C. Customers can order by telephone. D. Their personal services aresatisfactory.34. How do the village grocers assistants feel about giving extra service?A. They dont think it a trouble. B. They don t think it worthwhile.C. They don t consider it a good deal. D. They don t consider it

170、 a pleasantexperience.35. One special feature of the village shop is that _.A. there is a very wide range of goods availableB. customers can order goods by word of mouthC. customer have to order goods one hour earlierD. there is a list of goods to be delivered to doorstepsPart III Vocabulary and Str

171、ucture (20 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For eachsentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one thatbest completes the sentence, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET witha single line through the center.36. During the heavy storm last week, we

172、had to take _ under aflyover.A. shade B. shelter C. shadow D. shield37. The three men were assigned jobs according to their _abilities.A. respectful B. respectable C. respective D. respecting38. Scientists have discovered that many animals seem to be highly_ to various signals associated with earthq

173、uakes.A. sensible B. sensual C. sentimental D. sensitive39. The lost car of the Johnsons was found _ in the woods ofthe expressway.A. vanished B. scattered C. rejected D. abandoned40. Our guests will be guided to safety _ fire.A. as a result of B. in case of C. in the sense of D. for the sake of41.

174、If you want to ring her, you ll have to _ her number in thetelephone book.A. look at B. look to C. look through D. look up42. Under the financial crisis, more social problems in the world arecertain to _.A. raise B. arise C. be raised D. be arisen43. After his retirement,he lives partly onhis _ and

175、partly onthe interest on his post office savings account.A. wages B. salary C. earnings D. pension44. During the _, the audience strolled and chatted in the lobby.A. interval B. pause C. interruption D. gap45. Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving stateswhich accept the _ of t

176、he Charter.A. debt B. obligation C. credit D. reliance46. Table tennis used to be the most popular _ in China. But nowbasketball seems to be more attractive.A. game B. match C. play D. race47. As her husband is on a business trip and her son is at school, shefeels rather _.A. lonely B. alone C. sing

177、ular D. single48. We need to _ our camping things before we go away.A. choose from B. tell from C. sort out D. set out49. He _ very quickly from his illness.A. recovered B. discovered C. uncovered D. covered50. If the police had acted with more _, the disaster couldhave been prevented.A. solution B.

178、 determination C. decision D. hesitation51. He does not _ as a teacher of English, for his pronunciationis far from perfect.A. qualify B. equal C. match D. deserve52. His _ reply to the question showed that he had understoodit very well.A. proud B. important C. tense D. quick53. When he tried to mak

179、e a _, he found that the hotel was fullybooked.A. reservation B. demand C. claim D. policy54. I expect that she will be able to _ our particular needs.A. supply B. reach C. provide D. meet55. During July and August there was no rain for weeks _.A. on end B. in the end C. at last D. at length56. _ fo

180、r their support, he would have gone penniless.A. If it is not B. If it is C. Were it D. Were it not57. There _ in his room.A. are too many furnitures B. is too much furnitureC. are too much furniture D. is too many furnitures58. I miss the hillside _ we found a lot of wild flowers.A. on which B. by

181、which C. in which D. for which59. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill _ we all satdown to rest.A. when B. then C. than D. until60. By the time Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walked on the moon in 1969,there _ many space explorations.A. will have been B. had been C. have been D. must be61.

182、I regret _ hard at school, or I would have passed the exam.A. to have not worked B. having not workedC. not to have worked D. not having worked62. When the man with glasses came into the hotel, I noticed a _look come over the managers face.A. surprised B. surprising C. surprise D. surprisingly63. _

183、get a better score, he has been making great efforts inhis lessons.A. So as to B. In order to C. So that D In order that64. As far as I know, the production of this factory has doubled this year,and the quality of its products has been improved _.A. since then B. by then C. until now D. as well65 Al

184、l _ is an English-Chinese dictionary.A. that you need B. what you need C. which you need D. things you need66. _ its good performance, the machine is too expensive.A. Besides B. Except for C. In spite of D. Apart from67. He looks sleepy. He must _ to bed very late last night.A. be gone B. be going C

185、. go D. have gone68. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990. She _ for twenty yearsby next summer.A. will teach B. would have taught C. has been teaching D. will have taught69. She is _ a driver as any one else.A. as good as B. as a good C. so good a D. so a good70. You may write an e-mail to me or jus

186、t phone me. _ will do.A. Each B. Either C. Neither D. None71. Few people knew his reason for quitting his job was _ he wantedto go abroad.A. whether B. where C. why D. that72. The teacher asked me _ us to finish writing the composition.A. how long would it take B. how long it would takeC. how soon w

187、ould it take D. how soon it would take73. It was the third time the villagers _ interviewed by the radiostation.A. have been B. had been C. were D. are74. She came into the room quietly _ wake her friends.A. so as not to B. so as to not C. not so as to D. so she does not75. I arrived late; I _ the t

188、raffic to be so heavy this morning.A. wasnt expecting B. wouldnt expectC. havent expected D. hadnt expectedPart IV Cloze Test (10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For eachnumbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the bestone and mark your answer

189、 on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line throughthe center.A headache is one of mans most common enemies. Most people get headachesfrom time to time. Probably more than 90% percent of all headaches are76 by worry or tension. Modern living 77 tensions for everybody, at work,at school and 78 at home. T

190、hen, what can we do about tension and worryin our life? 79 , find out what is causing the tension. It may result fromfeelings or emotions. Do you 80 too much over what people think of you,over your clothes, or about 81 you did? Second, find a way of 82 tension.Gardening, walking, running swimming or

191、 any 83 suitable for your age willhelp. Then, look at your way of life. Ask yourself, where am I going? Andwhy? Learn the 84 of relaxation. Lie down in a dark quiet room and relax85 much as possibleby taking several slow breaths. Letall your musclesrelax.76. A. encouraged B. aroused C. caused D. pre

192、sented77. A. contains B. suffers C. relaxes D. owns78. A. especially B. even C. somehow D. generally79. A. Thus B. However C. First D. Besides80. A. consider B. worry C. care D. imagine81. A. what B. how C. when D. where82. A. improving B. activating C. suffering D. reducing83. A. solution B. activi

193、ty C. practice D. deed84. A. secret B. mystery C. usefulness D. function85. A. so B. very C. for D. asPaper Two 试卷二(30 minutes)Part V Writing (15 points)Directions: You are to write in 100 120 words on the topic “ChoosingCareers”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinesebelow

194、:1. 有些人认为家长应该为孩子安排未来的职业;2. 孩子认为应该由自己决定将来的工作;3. 谈谈你的看法。20092009 年广东省学士学位英语统考真题参考答案年广东省学士学位英语统考真题参考答案PartPart 1-5 D A D D C1-5 D A D D CPartPart 16-20 D D D D A16-20 D D D D A31-35 A C B A B31-35 A C B A BPartPart 36-40 B C D D B36-40 B C D D BB B51-55 A D A D A51-55 A D A D AA A66-70 C D D A B66-70 C

195、 D D A BPartPart 76-80 C A B C C76-80 C A B C C 6-10 C C C A C 6-10 C C C A C 11-15 B B A D D 11-15 B B A D D 21-25 C B A C A 21-25 C B A C A 26-30 C D C D D 26-30 C D C D D 41-45 D B D A B 41-45 D B D A B 46-50 A A C A 46-50 A A C A 56-60 D B A C B 56-60 D B A C B 61-65 D B B A 61-65 D B B A 71-75

196、D B C A D 71-75 D B C A D 81-85 A D B A D 81-85 A D B A D 2007 2007 年广东省学位英语真题年广东省学位英语真题Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)DirectionsDirections: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followedby 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the b

197、est one to complete thedialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single linethrough the center.1. Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right._ , please?Clerk: Its August, the thirteenth.A. What day is it todayB. Whats the numberC. Whats the date todayD. Whats the time now2. Spea

198、ker A: Can you tell me the way to the library?Speaker B: Sure. Turn left at the next crossing.Speaker A: Is it on King Street?Speaker B:_.A. Thats alrightB. Yes. You cant miss itC. Its obviousD. OK. Just do it3. Patient: Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Smith tomorrow morning?Nurse:_ . He wont

199、 be free until 12:00.A. You can call laterB. Youre unluckyC. I cant do thatD. Im afraid not4. Lisa: You look great. Any good news?Alex: I just came back from my vacation.Lisa: Wow, _! Maybe I should take a vacation, too.A. I didnt see itB. good for youC. I didnt find it D. hard to believe5.Waiter: H

200、ello, sir. _?Customer: Could you give us a second, please?Waiter: Sure.A. Are you ready to orderB. How can I help youC. Ready to take my orderD. Can I do you a favor6. Heather: Look, Ive got a problem here. Will you help me?Rebecca:_ , but Ill try.A. No, I wontB. Im really willing toC. Yes, Im gladD

201、. Im not sure if I can7. Conductor:Good morning,_ , please?Passenger: Here you are.A. can I have your ticketB. anything to declareC. can I help youD. anything special8. Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?Customer:_ , but this soup is too salty.Waitress: Im very sorry, sir. Ill change it for you

202、.A. I cant stand itB. Sorry to do itC. I hate to complainD. Sorry to bother you9. Student: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!Professor: _. Are you a student of biology?Student: No. I major in chemistry.A. I think soB. Im glad to hear thatC. It must beD. Its not so interest

203、ing10. Clerk: Central Ballet._?Customer: Yes, whats on tonight?Clerk: Sleeping Beauty.A. May I help youB. What do you wantC. Can you speak outD. Whats the matter11. Mary: Im sorry, but I cant seem to find that tape you lent me. I must have lostit.Susan: Oh no!_!Mary: But dont worry. Ill buy you a ne

204、w one.A. Dont do thatB. What a shameC. Dont say thatD. How pity it is12. Richard: _. My name is Richard Stewart. May I take a picture ofyou?Mrs. Vann: By all means. Im Mrs. Vann. Glad to meet you.A. Im sorryB. Excuse meC. Pardon meD. Attention, please13. Susan: Lets; go to the restaurant and have di

205、nner right now!Marilyn: OK. Lets get in.Susan: Thanks._.A. After youB. Yougo firstC. Ill follow youD. Have fun14. Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street?Policeman: Sure. You should take No. l Train to Van Cortland Park.Alexandra: Thank you.Policeman: Anytime._.A.

206、CongratulationsB. Pleasant journeyC. God bless youD. Good luck15. Richard: Oh, Ive got to go._.Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Bye-bye.A. It was nice of you to meet meB. It was nice to have met youC. It was nice meeting you hereD. It was nice for you to meet mePart II Reading Comprehensi

207、on (40 points)Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)DirectionsDirections: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choicesmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on theANSWER SHE

208、ET with a single line through the center.Passage OneIn your car you may have a cell phone, a telephone also known as a mobilephone that you can carry around and use anywhere. On your way, you may feelcoordinated and enjoy your hands-free phone talking while driving. But recentstudies suggest that it

209、 isnt the dialing or the arm waving that makes driving whiletalking on a cell phone dangerous. It is the yakking itself - or more precisely, thecontinuous conversation with someone who isnt present - that makes. DavidStrayer, a Utah psychologist, says “Your driving performance while talking on a cel

210、lphone is weakened at levels comparable to, or worse than, driving with a bloodalcohol level of 0.08,” which is the legal limit in most states of America.Using a driving-training simulator, Strayer and his colleagues compared theattention levels and response time of 110 drivers in various situations

211、. In densetraffic, cell phone users were about 20 percent slower to respond to suddenhazards than other drivers, and they were about twice as likely to drive into theback of a braking car in front of them. Cell phone drivers are obtaining less than50 percent of the visual information that non-cell d

212、rivers are getting, says Strayer.Looking and seeing are not one and the same. By contrast, the researchers foundthat listening to the radio or conversing with passengers is not as hazardous.When a dangerous situation arises, the driver and passengers put theirconversation on pause, Strayer says.Whet

213、her talking with a passenger or someone on a cell phone, however,people are less able to recall the details of a conversation carried on while driving.So it might not be good for your economic health to discuss investment strategieswith your agent while either of you is driving. Strayer adds lastly.

214、16. According to the recent studies, which of the following makes drivingdangerous?A. A cell phone dialing by the driver.B. The drivers endless arm waving.C. The drivers continuous cell phone talking.D. The absence of another phone speaker.17. Which of the following does Strayer want to stress most?

215、A. The driving performance may be weakened by a cell phone talking.B. The driving performance may be affected by a high blood alcohol level.C. Drivers are not to drive over the cell phone or after drinking.D. A cell phone talking is no less hazardous than alcohol in driving.18. The experiment shows

216、all the following EXCEPT that_.A. the cell phone drivers get less than half of the visual informationB. the cell phone drivers are twice as likely to hit the front carsC. the cell phone drivers response to sudden dangers is slowerD. the 110 drivers were reluctant to take part in the experiments19. S

217、trayer discourages drivers from talking, about business on cell phones whiledriving because_.A. they tend to forget the details of a conversationB. both the driver and his agent happen to be drivingC. it might not be good for the drivers memoryD. the other passengers would overhear the conversation2

218、0. It can be inferred that the authors attitude toward cell phone yakkingis_.A. approvingB. disapprovingC. encouragingD. indifferentPassage TwoIts no great surprise that Bill Gates has decided to walk away from hisday-to-day involvement with Microsoft, and use his full attention to oversee howthe Bi

219、ll Gates Foundation spends its $ 16 billion on philanthropy, or charity. ButGates is not the first one to follow the path. Ever since the industrial revolution,wealthy self-made businessmen and businesswomen have felt a calling to createa legacy that goes beyond a profit and loss sheet. The saying H

220、e who dies rich,dies disgraced runs deeply through the business community.But out of all the great philanthropists, Mr. Gates career path appears tobe closest to the oil millionaire John Rockefeller. Both were self-made men andboth became the richest men on the planet. Rockefeller was in his late fi

221、ftieswhen he turned his attention full time to philanthropy- creating vast charitablefoundations to promote health and education. Now Gates says he will do thesame in his early fifties. With great wealth comes great responsibility, he adds.Like Gates, many philanthropists do not want to pass on too

222、much wealth totheir children. They want them to be comfortable, with a nice house and somemoney in trust for their grandchildren. But they dont want to leave them millionsand millions because they know how important it is for them to make their own way.In Britain, for instance, the newspaper rich li

223、sts are increasingly dominated byself-made millionaires, rather than inherited wealth. New money is less likely to betied up in assets, making it ripe for philanthropyThe appearance of the welfare state also had a great impact on attitudes tophilanthropy. The state was saying it would take over much

224、 of the role of what wasonce regarded as the responsibility of private philanthropists.21. Bill Gates has done all the following EXCEPT_.A. abandoning his career with Microsofts daily businessB. devoting the rest of his life to philanthropic causesC. leaving his children enough money for a comfortab

225、le lifeD. defying John Rockefeller in creating charitable foundations22.ThesayingHewhodiesrich,diesdisgracedproperlymeansthat_.A. the wealthy people should give away their fortunes after deathB. the wealthy people should feel ashamed for-their assetsC. the wealthy people should abandon their careers

226、 for charitiesD. it is shameful for the wealthy people to keep their wealth till death23. Gates and Rockefeller are similar in that_.A. both of them inherited their wealthB. their career paths are exactly the sameC. both decided to devote to charity in their fiftiesD. both made their fortunes in the

227、 same way24. Many wealthy people dont want to leave too much behind mainlybecause_.A. it is not easy for them to make their fortunesB. they want their children to make their own wayC. they just wish their children to have a comfortable lifeD. they hope to gain reputation by donating their wealth25.

228、The chief reason why philanthropy has come into a good stage isthat_.A. the new money is less likely to be regarded as ones private wealthB. Gates will devote his full attention to philanthropyC. the welfare state would take over all the charity responsibilitiesD. many new millionaires are self-made

229、 rather than inheritedPassage ThreePassage ThreeIn 1991, when announced to be HIV positive, Magic Johnson becamethe face of a disease that the public still had a lot to learn about. Thebasketball star established the Magic Johnson Foundation that year and took aleading role on the public relations a

230、nd fund-raising fronts in the fight againstHIV and AIDS. Fifteen years later, there is still more work to do.“A lot of times, what happens is that the posters not enough,” Johnsonsays, motioning to his likeness on the blackboard behind him. “So I have to getout and tell them myself, like Im doing he

231、re today.” Johnson is now talking toan assembly at Boys and Girls High School in his neighborhood of Brooklyn,N.Y. The crowd is a few hundred students in a mostly black, working-classneighborhood. Thus event is the fourth of a 10-city speaking tour that isorganized for minority communities.According

232、 to drug maker Abbot, half of the more than I millionAmericans living with HIV are black. African-American men are beingdiagnosed with the disease at a rate 10 times as high as that of white men. Forwomen,thesituationisevenworse.TherateofdiagnosisforAfrican-American women is 23 times as high as that

233、 for their whitecounterparts.“Right now, we dont have a solution on how to combat it, so weretrying to do some different things than what has happened before,” Johnsonsays.Getting the word out is what draws Johnson to black neighborhood highschools such as this one, and the message he brings with hi

234、m is a practical one.“The safest sex is no sex,” he says. “But, in reality, we know only a certainnumber of people are going to hear that. Then I hit them withHey, if youregoing to do it, youve got to protect yourself and your partner.”Hopefully, by talking realistically instead of avoiding the issu

235、es, Johnsoncan help make the next generation of African-Americans less likely to haveHIV and AIDS. “just try to be real with them,” he says. “They appreciate that.”26. The phrase “disease that the public still had a lot to learn about here means adisease that_.A. was already well-known thenB. was to

236、o complicated for peopleC. was still too new to be understoodD. killed too many victims then27. According to the passage, the group with the Highest ASS rate is_.A. the white AmericansB.African-American menC. the American womenD. the black American women28.The speaker is named Magic Johnson because_

237、.A. he was once a famous basketball coachB. he was a happy survivor of the unhappy diseaseC. he was given chance to talk of his own experienceD. he was a very practical and realistic person in life29. The word combat (Paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to_.A. comebackB. combineC. fight againstD. avo

238、id30. What is the purpose of Johnsons speech tour?A. To take himself as an example in fighting the disease.B. To raise the awareness of young Americans against the disease.C. To provide a better cure for the black American HIV sufferers.D. To try some new medical solutions on the HIV and AIDS suffer

239、ers.Passage FourOnce upon a time all you needed for a camping trip was a sleeping bag, acompass and some common sense. Now, according to my local sporting goodsretailer, a lot more should be added. However, outdoor travel has become such atrend that urban people find themselves with some upscale ret

240、ailers to address theirevery desire.Eco and adventure are the latest fashionable words in destination travel;those n the industry know they can make serious cash off all the consumers. Theseare consumers who get outdoors not for natures sake, but to work out simply for asplendid cocktail party.As a

241、result of high-end demand, the great outdoors is becoming less affordableand accessible for ordinary people. Our national parks used to be vast acres ofwilderness where people could go and enjoy nature, for free. But over the past100-years, the government has been slowly selling or leasing off publi

242、clands-for-profit, and our current president is continuing the trend. Large skiresorts have swallowed up plenty of wilderness and small towns in the West byattracting more high-end businesses. Nature is now a commodity that can berepackaged and sold to the wealthy developers. As for the small amount

243、 ofpublic land Left, well, try to remember the last time you camped at a state parkfor free.The Joneses and everyone trying to keep up with them want a piece of theoutdoors, but only with creature comforts included. The rest of us are beingslowly priced out of nature. Pretty soon my tent and sleepin

244、g pack will be out ofdate; since camping will mean a luxury yurt with skylights for star-gazing. If this iswhat signifies experiencing nature in the new millennium, then Thoreau must berolling in his grave.31. According to the author, outdoor travel has now become_.A. less needed for the urban resid

245、entsB. an uncontrolled trend for city dwellersC. an ever more attractive interest for urban peopleD. so economical that most urban people can afford it32.The phrase make serious cash off all the consumers (Paragraph 2) means“_”A .make consumers deposit all their money into bankB. cause the consumers

246、 to use up all their moneyC.make all the consumers cash their money in the bankD.make a careful plan to attract as many consumers as possible33. Paragraph 2 is written to_.A. introduce the natures change of the outdoor travel todayB. criticize the outdoor campers for their waste of moneyD.describe t

247、he difference of outdoor camping today and what it wasbeforeD. imply the strong influence of the consuming society on the outdoortravel34. The author believes that_.A. the government is right to sell or lease public lands to wealthydevelopersB. public lands shouldnt have been sold or leased to indiv

248、iduals for profitsC: nature should be left for wide public. to enjoy rather than to rentD. the outdoor campers should be more clear-minded in spending money35. What can ordinary city dwellers do if the current outdoor travel trendcontinues?A. They cando nothing but give up their outdoor travel.B. Th

249、ey would feel angry and protest against the ill-trend.C. The government and the industry may change their attitude.D. Fewer and fewer urban people will make their seasonal outdoortravel.Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)DirectionsDirections: Th

250、ere are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentencethere are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completesthe sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single linethrough the center.36. Taxes provide most of the governments_.A. revenues B. expenses C. pro

251、fits D. rewards37. Finding an excuse for herself, she claimed that it was_outside her ofresponsibility.A. field B. range C. limit D. extent38. Gratitude is defined as the art of showing _for every kindness, greatand small.A. affectionB. appreciationC. motivationD. opposition39. My father seemed to b

252、e in no_ to look at my school report that day.A. feelingB. attitudeC. emotionD. mood40. It is not possible to_ exactly how our actions will affect the future.A. expect B. forbidC. foresee D. inspect41. People who cant _ between colors are said to be color-blind.A. separate B. splitC. distinguishD. d

253、ivide42. The twins are so much_ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A. Same B. likelyC. alike D. identical43. A pop star usually leads quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling _heavyschedules.A. with regard toB. as toC. in relation toD. owing to44. There are many inconveniences that ha

254、ve to be _when you are camping.A. put up with B. put down to C. put off D. put away45. This newspaper will not knowingly accept _for real estate which is inviolation of the law.A. publishing B. advertisingC. claiming D. discussing46. The film was picked up by a branch of 20th Century Fox and will be

255、_ in afew cities this fall.A. freed B. openedC. started D. released47. My experience_ me that a background in pure science is an idealpreparation for doing business.A. invitedB. persuadedC. advisedD. convinced48. E-commerce has increased the_ on customer satisfaction and deliveryfulfillment.A. cente

256、rB. focusC. workforce D. target49. I dont have much money, hed say. “I need to my school loans.A. pay outB. nay backC. pay for50. One hundred online courses make a Harvard education_ worldwide.A. valuableB. allowableC. accessibleD. knowledgeable51. Video games, hated by parents and teacher

257、s as the enemy of learning, may begoodfor kids _.A. in allB. after allC. for allD. by all52. Schools were created _to prepare children for socialization.A. in the partB. on the partC. in partD. as a part53. The: increased use of computers in business has been_ by a costlyincrease in computer crime.A

258、. accompaniedB. disappointedC. matchedD. witnessed54. The United States today is no longer considered a melting pot society by manyof its residents_ , many people prefer the term salad bowl.A. MoreoverB. More oftenC. Truly speakingD. Instead55. The students expected there_ more reviewing classes bef

259、ore the finalexams.A. isB. beingC. areD. to be56. I respect Oprahs opinion, but 1 would also like her to respect_.A. my ownB. minesC. mineD. me56. As a matter of fact, our life styles are changing and _our bodies.A. as suchB. so suchC. such areD. so are58. The computer, working very fast, _data at t

260、he speed of light.A.handlesB. handlingC. handledD. has handled59. I bought a new house last year, but I _my old house yet, so at themoment I have two houses.A.didnt sellB. have not soldC. had not soldD. dont sell60. John didnt want to risk_ wet as he had only one suit.A. gettingB. to getC. being got

261、D. to begotten61. Martha ran all the way up to the station _that her boyfriend had leftfifteen minutes before.A. in order to findB. so as to findC. only to findD. such as to find62. George went hunting for a room but he didnt find one_.A. to liveB, to live inC. for livingD. to be living in63. The ch

262、airman insists that there _ a meeting to be held within the shortestpossible time.A. isB. will beC. wasD. be64. _, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.A. In conclusionB. In contrastC. In additionD.In comparison65. With the guide_ the way, the rescue team set off on foo

263、t into the darknight.A.leadsB. ledC.leadingD. to lead66. The player asked he_ an opportunity to explain his case.A. givesB. be givenC. is givenD. should give67. We made this album for audience and critics; and haters were the last thing onour_.A. brain B. listC. imageD. mind68. _ faculty member at a

264、 university, one has to have a doctorate degree.A. To becomeB. BecomeC. One becomesD. One becoming69. With Switzerland-based World Wildlife Fund, China is making a devoted effort_the endangered pandas.A. savedB. savingC. saveD. to save70. Managing is the process of getting things_ by and through oth

265、ers.A.doneB. doC. doingD. did71. _is a great pity that there are some disagreements in the school boardmeeting.A. ThatB. ThisC. ItD. There72. As his advisor, I believe that Jack Smith is bound to accomplish much at youruniversity_ he be admitted.A. mightB. whetherC. hadD. should73. Skimming is one o

266、f the major types of selective reading. It differs from normalreading_ not all of the material is read.A. in thatB. in whichC. at thatD. by which74. When_ a hill, the driver should build up speed early in order to cut downgasoline consumption.A. approachedB. to approachC.approachD. approaching75. Dr

267、amatic changes in higher education are giving more people_ever thechance of studying for a degree.A. thatB. thanC. asD. whoPart IV Cloze Test (10 points)Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)DirectionsDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank,there are 4 choices marke

268、d A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answeron the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.For reasons of safety and ease of maintenance, Washington and dozens ofother communities are building rubber sidewalks made_ 76 ground-up tires ofcars and bikes. The rubber squares are

269、up to three times more expensive thanconcrete squares but _77 longer, because tree roots-and freezing weatherwont crack them. That,_78 , could reduce the number of slip-and-fall complaints made_ 79uneven pavements. The shock-absorbing surface also happens to be easier on thejoints of slow runners an

270、d more forgiving when someone slips or falls. And therubber sidewalks are considered more environmentally friendly. They_80 a wayto recycle some of the estimated 290 million tires _81 out each- year in theUnited States, and they do not restrict tree roots the way concrete squares_ 82 .Since 2001, a

271、company, Rubber sidewalks, has been grinding thousands of, old tiresinto small pieces, _83 sticky substances and baking the material into sidewalksections that weigh less than eleven pounds a square foot, or a quarter of the weightof concrete. The rubber squares are now _84 in two colors of gray and

272、 orange.The District of Columbia has spent about $60,000 to replace broken concrete withthe rubber squares here and there in a residential _85 northeast of the Capital.76. A. of B. on C. by D. for77. A. stay B. last C. exist D. survive78. A. by turns B. by return C. in turn D. in return79. A. for B.

273、 with C. to D. against80. A. furnish B. offer C. give D. refer81. A. thrown B. throwing C. threw D. throws82. A. doing B. done C. did D. do83. A. add B. added C. adding D. adds84. A. available B. accessible C. advisable D. achievable85. A. zone B. location C. position D.neighborhoodPaper TwoPaper Tw

274、o试卷二试卷二考生须知考生须知1试卷二满分 15 分,考试时间为 30 分钟,10:30 开始,11:00 结束。2.试卷二的答案一律用蓝色或黑色墨水笔写在试卷二答题卡指定区域内,未写在答题卡指定区域或写在试卷上的无效。3.宣布考试结束后, 请一律停笔, 将试卷二和试卷二答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,坐在原位,等待监考人员收试卷二和试卷二答题卡。待监考人员全部收齐点清无误,宣布可以离场后,方可离开考场。Part VPart VWriting (15 points)Writing (15 points)Directions:Directions: You are to write in no les

275、s than 120 words about the title“Whom Do YouLike Best, Movie Stars or Sports Stars?”Your composition should be based on theChinese outline given below:1影视明星和体育明星有何不同?2.你为什么喜欢影视明星(或体育明星)?3.明星偶像在学习中能起到什么积极作用?2007 年答案:15 CBDDA 6-10 DACBA 11-15 BBADC 16-20 CADAB 21-25 DDBBA 26-30 CDDCB 31-35 BDDCA 36-40

276、 ABBDC 41-45 CCDAB 46-50 DDBBC 51-55 CCADD 56-60 CDABA 61-65 CBDAC 66-70 BDADA 71-75 CDADB 76-80 ABDDB 81-85 ADAAA1.We are leaving at six oclock in the morning, and hope to _ most of the journeyby doingB.have doneBestAnswer:BestAnswer:B详解详解: :应选 B 项。不定式表示的动作do 在将来时刻 lunch time 前完成。2.T

277、here seemed little hope that the explorer, _ in the tropical forest, wouldfind his way through bedesertedBestAnswer:BestAnswer:D详解详解: :应选 D 项。现在分词作状语,句意为“一切准备就绪后,他们着手为新高速公路制订建筑计划”。3.They claim that _ 2435 factories closed down during the economic crisis.A.properlyBestAnswer:BestAnswer:B详解详解:

278、 :应选 B 项。approximately 相当于 about;properly 意为“适合地,恰当地”:sufficiently 意为“足够地”;distinct 意为“清楚地,明显地”。4.There are certain _ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle ofdoing have beenD.having beenB.having deserteddeserteddesertedC.have bee

279、n doneD.have been doingA.occasionBestAnswer:BestAnswer:AB.situationsC.conditionsD.environments详解详解: :应选 A 项。occasion 意为“场合, 时刻或重大活动” ;situation 意为“形式, 局面”;condition 意思为“状况,条件”;environment 意为“环境,周围状况”。5.I cannot help but _ a person who is reluctant to complain about his problem.A.admireBestAnswer:Bes

280、tAnswer:A详解详解: :应选 A 项。句意为:我不得不佩服不愿抱怨自己问题的人。cannot help but后面不定式省略 to。6.Spending on farm programs will _ $ 16.5 billion.A.reduce reduced reduced reducedBestAnswer:BestAnswer:c详解详解: :应选 C 项。be reduced by 意为“减少”by 不能省略。7.Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in

281、 price to, if not moreexpensive than, _ at the other store.A.anymoreBestAnswer:BestAnswer:D详解详解: :应选 D 项。the ones 与题中的 another one 一样都是泛指,the ones 代表上文提到的同类事物的“那一类”。8.She wants to serve some coffee to her guests however,_.B.there was not aA.she hadntC.she did notgreat amount of themany sugarhave muc

282、h sugarsugarBestAnswer:BestAnswer:C详解详解: :应选 C 项。sugar 为不可数名词。9.The reason why beer - drinking humans are likely to get a kind of cancer may be_ they eat unhealthy diets rather than drink beer.A.becauseBestAnswer:BestAnswer:d详解详解: :应选 D 项。that 引导的名词从句是表语从句又称“主补”, that 只起连词作用,不作

283、e was lacking inamount of the sugarB.the othersC.thatD.the admireC.admiringD.admired从句的成分,连词 that 不能省略。10._ she would not have been met with the accident.A.Mary hadbeen morecarefulBestAnswer:BestAnswer:B详解详解: :应选 B 项。虚拟句中条件句的倒装现象。1.Ihavecometothe_thatitwouldbeunwisetoaccepthisproposal.A.agr

284、eementBestAnswer:BestAnswer:B详解详解: :应选 B 项。come to/arrive at/reach the conclusion (that )“得出结论”,cometo the understanding (that)“达成的谅解是”。2.ApartfromthosetwoverycoldweeksinJanuary,ithasbeenavery_winter.A.plainBestAnswer:BestAnswer:C详解详解: :应选 C 项。mild“(气候)温暖的,暖和的”,因为前一句说了very cold weeks, 因此与之形成对照的是 mil

285、d winter,mild 还可表示“(动作或作用)和缓的”。3._thatmyheadachehadcleared,mybrainwasalsobeginningtoworkmuchbetter.A.ForBestAnswer:BestAnswer:D详解详解: :应选 D 项。now that 引导原因状语从句。4.Never_formultiple-choicegoodsasinthepastfewyears.A.has beensuch a demandthereBestAnswer:BestAnswer:CB.such a demandC.has there beenD.there

286、has beenthere has beensuch a demandsuch a demandB.DespiteC.SinceD.NowB.softC.calmD.mildB.conclusionC.statementD.understandingB.Had Mary beenC.If Mary wereD.Mary was moremore carefulmore carefulcareful详解详解: :应选 C 项。never 为否定副词,在句首时句子部分倒装。5.Assoonasallchairsarein_,wecanletthestudentsin.A.placeBestAnsw

287、er:BestAnswer:A详解详解: :应选 A 项。in place 固定词组,表示“在合适的位置”。6.IdontthinkJanewillbetakeninbyThomas.Shesfartoo_tobelieveThomasridiculouslies.A.sensibleBestAnswer:BestAnswer:A详解详解: :应选 A 项。 sensible 意为 “明智的, 明白事理的” , sensitive 意为 “敏感的” , sensuous意为“感官的”,senseless 意为“愚蠢的”。7.Manyhousewiveslookforwardto_fromthe

288、heavyhousework.A.relieve fromB.relieving fromBestAnswer:BestAnswer:D详解详解: :应选 D 项。look forward to 是固定词组,to 是介词,后面接名词或动名词。由于housewives 不是 relieve 的执行者,故用动名词的被动形式。8.Specialweaponsunitshandledangeroussituationinvolvingarmedcriminals.Membersofthemknowhowtosurroundand_criminalswiththeleastpossibledangert

289、oothers.A.captureBestAnswer:BestAnswer:a详解详解: :应选 A 项。此句的意思是“特别武装部队对涉及武装罪犯的危险情况,部队的每个成员都知道怎样以给别人带来最少危险的方法, 来包围、 抓获罪犯” 。 capture “捕获, 抓获” ,grab“抓住”,grasp“抓,抓住”指用手指、爪等紧紧抓住,arrest“逮捕”。9.AsmorepipelineswerebuiltintheUnitedStates,moreandmorecities_frommanufacturedgastothemuchcheapernaturalgas.A.alteredB.

290、 relievedfromD.being relievedfromB.sensitiveC.senselessD.sensuousB.pointC.sceneD.spotBestAnswer:BestAnswer:C详解详解: :应选 C 项。switch 转变,改变,后接 from to,alter 改变,改动(局部,表面的改变),vary 不同,变化(继续地),transform“改造,转变”。10.Ifyouread_thelines,youwillknowthattheydo

291、ntreallywelcomeustotheirparty.A.out ofBestAnswer:BestAnswer:C详解详解: :应选 C 项。read between the lines是固定用法,意为体会字里行间的言外之意。B.inC.betweenD.against20132013 年广东省学位英语考试试题及答案年广东省学位英语考试试题及答案Paper One 试卷一(90 minutes)Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this

292、 part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue andmark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. Jenny: Shall I go and tell Mr. Fairbanks about our proposal?Jackie: _.A. Yes, you goB. Yes, go C. Yes,lets D. Yes, ple

293、ase2. Mori: Its a pleasure to meet you here.Kaco: _.A. Pleased to meet you, tooB. Thank you so muchC. I didnt expect to see you hereD. Youre too hospitable3. Williams: Excuse me. Im looking for a present for my son. I have no idea what to get him, Can you help me?Sales girl: _.A. Of course I canB. N

294、o, I cant actuallyC. You must buy him a T-shirtD. Yes, I think a T-shirt would be a good idea4. Tim: I hear youve been to the book fair. How was it?Susan: _.A. Absolutely marvelousB. Very much indeedC. Not necessarilyD. Quite disappointed5. Ed: How do you get along with your new music teacher?Maggie

295、: Ms. Davis _, but I like her a lot.A. Shes humorousB. Shes nice to meC. Shes a bit strangeD. Shes good at dancing6. David: Charles, could you drive me to the railway station?Charles: _A. No, thanks.B. Ill be there on time.C. Sure, why not?D. Never mind.7. Max: My son has been admitted by Beijing Un

296、iversity.Walt: Congratulations! He is such a smart boy.Max: _.A. Yes, he isB. You are rightC. Thank you very much D. Dont mention it8. Student: Do you mind our performing rock n roll in the hall?Teacher: _.A. No, youd better notB. Of course,its allowed hereC. Oh, Id rather youdidnt actuallyD. Id pre

297、fer to listen to rocka roll9. Clerk: Excuse me, this a non-smoking place.Customer: _A. Oh, Im sorry.B. How can you say that?C. Thats all right. D. Thats impossible.10. Waiter: How would you like your coffee?Customer: _.A. Its well doneB. Very nice, thanksC. With sugar, pleaseD. Only one cup11. Virgi

298、nia: What about going to do some shopping this afternoon?Rena: _.A. Go ahead, please.B. Good idea!C. Me, too.D. Help yourself.12. Carlos: Thank you very much, Miss James. That helped me a lot.Miss James: _, Carlos.A. Dont thank meB. Dont mention itC. Im fineD. Im sorry13. Susan: Im worried. My son d

299、oesnt like to talk with me.Tracy: _. We were all like that at his age.A. Take it easyB. Change his mindC. Dont quarrel with himD.Dont refuse him14. Nicolas:Id like to donate money to help poor children at school.To whom shall I give my share?Li Ming: _ Ill ask about that and let you know.A. Very wel

300、l.B. Who knows?C. Thank you all the same. D. It all depends.15. Kelvin: Were almost finished with the project now. _.Teresa: Actually, I prefer to keep going.A. Lets hurry upB. Weve too tired nowC. Wellbe on timeD. Lets stop for a breakPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4

301、 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET witha single line through the center.Passage OneJack Billabong is a stockman. One F

302、riday afternoon he was riding along the tracktowards the Henderson farm. He was looking for a prize bull which had escaped from the Borrogee paddock. He reached the hills and saw at once that he could not go further.There had been a fire in the forest which had gone out. But the air was still full o

303、f smoke and fallen trees had blocked the track. Jack was just going to turn back whenhe saw something moving in the smoke. He waited. It was a girl on a horse, and shewas riding towards him.“Theres a badly burnt man on the farm,” the girl shouted. “He saved my life. Please help me to savehim.”The gi

304、rl was Cathy Henderson. She had been on horseback for two hours. She had to jump over fallen trees that were still burning. Her pony had fallen with her twice. She was thirsty and almost dead from want of sleep. But she rode back to the farmwith Jack immediately.Joe Brook was unconscious when they r

305、eached him. They lifted him ontoJackshorse. The ride back to Borrogee was terrible. Cathy was so tired that Jack had to tieher to her pony. The pony was tired too, but its courage was astonishing. It followed Jack right to Borrogee Hospital. Nobody saw them arrive because it was night.“Ive never see

306、n a horse like thatpony,” Jack said. Cathy praised Jack Billabong,but she refused to say anything about the pony,“Joe will write about her in his story,” she said.But she did say one thing: “If flame hadnt returned to the farm that afternoon, Joe and I would have died.”16. Jack Billabong did not tur

307、n back because _.A. he hadnt found the bull yetB. he smelt a heavy smoke in the forestC. he knew there was a burnt man thereD. he saw something moving towards him17. Why was the ride back to Borrogee terrible?A. Because Joe was tired out.B. Because the ride started late at night.C. Because they didn

308、t have enough courage.D. Because both Cathy and her pony were exhausted.18. Cathy refused to talk to reporters about the pony when she was in BorrogeeHospital because _.A. she didnt know what to sayB. Jack asked her not to talk to themC. she was too weak to say anythingD. Joe would write about it in

309、 his writing19. What does the word“flame” in the last paragraph refer to?A. Jack.B. The pony.C. Jacks horse.D. The fire.20. Which of the following is the best title of the story?A. Rescue of Joe Brook.B. Courage of Jack Billabong.C. Love of a Young Girl.D. Heroism of a Lovely Pony.Passage TwoThe fac

310、es of elderly, happily-married people sometimes resemble each other. Dr. Aiken studied a number of couples who had been married for at least twenty-five years. Each couple provided four photographsone photo of each partner at the timeof their marriage and another photo of each partner twenty-five or

311、 more years later.All background was cut from the photos to remove any clues. The photos were thendisplayed in groups: a random grouping of the persons at the time of their marriage and another random grouping of the same persons who took photographs later. Sometestees were asked to pick out the par

312、tners. They failed totally with the first group. Their judgements were no better than chance. But with the photos taken twenty-fiveor more years after the marriage, the testees were quite successful with the most happily-married couples.Dr. Aiken believes there are several reasons why couples grow a

313、like. One reasonhas something to do with imitation. One person tends to copy or do the same as someone else without knowing it. He says human begins to imitate the expressions of the faces of their loved ones.“Another possible reason,” he says, “is the common experience of the couples.” Thereis a te

314、ndency for people who have the same life experience to change their faces in similar ways. For example, if a couple have suffered from a lot of sad experiences, their faces are likely to change in a similar way.21. Dr. Aiken cut the background from the photos for the purpose of _.A. imitating the co

315、uples lifeB. grouping the couples againC. leaving no trace for the testeesD. giving the testees more chances22. The underlined sentence “Their judgements were no better thanchance” implies that the testees _.A. did a good job in making their choices.B. had difficulty in picking out the partnersC. ha

316、d no chance to make the right judgementsD. did better with the first group than with the second23. The underlined word “imitate” (in Para. 2) has a similar meaning to _.A. copyB. change C. know D. suffer24. From the passage we can draw the conclusion that _.A. couples who look alike can live longerB

317、. most partners have been proved to grow alikeC. the influence between partners can be quite strongD. happily-married couples are often richer than others25. The main purpose of the passage is to _.A. explain why couples grow alikeB. tell how couples like each otherC. discuss the function of marriag

318、eD. describe the life of happily married couplesPassage ThreeThe three biggest lies in America are: (1)“The check is in the mail”, (2) “Of course Ill respect you in the morning”, and (3) “It was a computererror.”Of these three little white lies, the worst is the third.Its the only one that can never

319、 be true. Today, if a bank statement cheats you out of $ 900 that way, you knowwhat the clerk is sure to say,” It was a computer error.” Nonsense. The computer is reporting nothing more than what the clerk typed into it.The most annoying case of all is when the computerized cashier in the grocery st

320、ore shows that an item costs more than it actually does. If the innocent buyer pointsout the mistake, the checker, bagger, and manager all come together and offer the familiar explanation: “It was a compute error.”It wasnt, of course that computerized cashier is really nothing more than an electric

321、event. The eye reads the Universal Product Codechat bar of black and white lines in a corner of the packageand then checks the code against a price list stored in memory. If the price list is right,youll be charged accurately.Grocery stores update the price list each daythat is, somebody sits at a k

322、eyboard and types in the prices. If the price they type in is too high, there are only two explanations: carelessness or dishonesty. But somehow“a computer error” is supposed to excuse everything.One reason we let people hide behind a computer is the common misperception that huge, modern computers

323、are electric brain with“artificial intelligence.” At some point there might be a machine with intelligence but none exists today. The smartest computer on Earth right now is no more intelligent than your average pen. At thispoint in the development of computers, the only thing any machine can do is

324、what ahuman has instructed it to do.26. Of the three lies, the one about computer is the worst because the computer itself _.A. says nonsense B. cheats customersC. cannot make the error D. does not admit its error27. According to the author, a computerized cashier is really just _.A. a machine to co

325、unt moneyB. a machine to receive moneyC. an instrument to print codesD. an instrument to read codes28. Grocery store price lists are updated by _.A. a computerB. a keyboard C. an employeeD. an electric brain29. The last paragraph of the passage implies that computers _.A. are very clever B. never ma

326、ke mistakesC. have a good memoryD. are controlled by men30. Which of the following describes the main idea of the passage?A. Computers are stupid and inefficient.B. Computer errors are due to its dishonesty.C. Computers help stores update the price list.D. Computer errors are actually human errors.P

327、assage FourI came across an old country guidebook the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village, and it was impressive to see the past variety of services which were available on ones own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside.Nowadays a traveler in rural England might conclude that

328、 the only village tradesmenstill flourishing were either selling frozen food to the villagers or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. On the surface, there has been a decline of village commerce, but its power is still remarkable.Our local grocers shop

329、, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuing up at a supermarket. And the grocer knows well that personal service has a considerable

330、 cash value.His prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time.His assistants think nothing of bicycling down the village street in their lunch hour totake a piece of cheese to an old retired woman who sent her order by word of mouth with a friend who hap

331、pened to be passing. The richer customers telephone their shopping lists and the goods are on their doorsteps within an hour. They have only to hint at a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer, a red faced-figure, instantly obtains it for them.31. Nowadays the commercial ser

332、vices in the village are _.A. still very active B. quickly decliningC. unable to flourishD. personal to visitors32. The local grocers shop is expanding because _.A. the competition there is weakB. it is a place for women to chatC. it provides good personal serviceD. the goods there are more valuable

333、33. Which of the following is true about the supermarkets?A. Prices there are much higher B. Customers often have to queue up.C. Customers can order by telephone.D. Their personal services are satisfactory.34. How do the village grocers assistants feel about giving extra service?A. They dont think i

334、t a trouble.B. They dont think it worthwhile.C. They dont consider it a good deal.D. They dont consider it a pleasant experience.35. One special feature of the village shop is that _.A. there is a very wide range of goods availableB. customers can order goods by word of mouthC. customer have to orde

335、r goods one hour earlierD. there is a list of goods to be delivered to doorstepsPart III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence,mark yo

336、ur answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.36. During the heavy storm last week, we had to take _ under a flyover.A. shadeB. shelter C. shadowD. shield37. The three men were assigned jobs according to their _ abilities.A. respectfulB. respectable C. respectiveD. respecting38

337、. Scientists have discovered that many animals seem to be highly _ to various signals associated with earthquakes.A. sensibleB. sensualC. sentimentalD. sensitive39. The lost car of the Johnsons was found _ in the woods of the expressway.A. vanishedB. scatteredC. rejectedD. abandoned40. Our guests wi

338、ll be guided to safety _ fire.A. as a result ofB. in case ofC. in the sense ofD. for the sake of41. If you want to ring her,youll have to _ her number in the telephonebook.A. look atB. look toC. look throughD. look up42. Under the financial crisis, more social problems in the world are certain to _.

339、A. raise B. ariseC. be raisedD. be arisen43. After his retirement, he lives partly on his _ and partly on the interest on his post office savings account.A. wages B. salary C. earnings D. pension44. During the _, the audience strolled and chatted in the lobby.A. interval B. pause C. interruption D.

340、gap45. Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states which accept the _ of the Charter.A. debt B. obligationC. creditD. reliance46. Table tennis used to be the most popular _ in China. But now basketball seems to be more attractive.A. game B. match C. playD. race47. As her husb

341、and is on a business trip and her son is at school, she feels rather _.A. lonely B. alone C. singularD. single48. We need to _ our camping things before we go away.A. choose from B. tell from C. sort outD. set out49. He _ very quickly from his illness.A. recoveredB. discoveredC. uncovered D. covered

342、50. If the police had acted with more _, the disaster could have been prevented.A. solutionB. determinationC. decisionD. hesitation51. He does not _ as a teacher of English, for his pronunciation is far fromperfect.A. qualify B. equal C. match D. deserve52. His _ reply to the question showed that he

343、 had understood it very well.A. proud B. important C. tense D. quick53. When he tried to make a _, he found that the hotel was fully booked.A. reservation B. demand C. claimD. policy54. I expect that she will be able to _ our particular needs.A. supply B. reachC. provideD. meet55. During July and Au

344、gust there was no rain for weeks _.A. on end B. in the end C. at lastD. at length56. _ for their support, he would have gone penniless.A. If it is notB. If it isC. Were itD. Were itnot57. There _ in his room.A. are too many furnituresB. is too much furnitureC. are too much furnitureD. is too many fu

345、rnitures58. I miss the hillside _ we found a lot of wild flowers.A. on which B. by whichC. in which D. forwhich59. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill _ we all sat down to rest.A. when B. thenC. thanD. until60. By the time Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walked on the moon in 1969, there_ m

346、any space explorations.A. will have beenB. had beenC. have beenD. must be61. I regret _ hard at school, or I would have passed the exam.A. to have not worked B. having not workedC. not to have workedD. not having worked62. When the man with glasses came into the hotel, I noticed a _ look come over t

347、he managers face.A. surprisedB. surprisingC. surpriseD. surprisingly63. _ get a better score, he has been making great efforts in his lessons.A. So as to B. In order to C. So thatD In order that64. As far as I know, the production of this factory has doubled this year, and the quality of its product

348、s has been improved _.A. since thenB. by thenC. until nowD. as well65 All _ is an English-Chinese dictionary.A. that you needB. what you needC. which you needD. things you need66. _ its good performance, the machine is too expensive.A. BesidesB. Except forC. In spite ofD.Apart from67. He looks sleep

349、y. He must _ to bed very late last night.A. be gone B. be goingC. goD. have gone68. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990. She _ for twenty years by next summer.A. will teach B. would have taught C. has been teachingD. will have taught69. She is _ a driver as any one else.A. as good asB. as a goodC. s

350、o good aD. so a good70. You may write an e-mail to me or just phone me. _ will do.A. EachB. EitherC. NeitherD. None71. Few people knew his reason for quitting his job was _ he wanted to goabroad.A. whetherB. where C. whyD. that72. The teacher asked me _ us to finish writing the composition.A. how lo

351、ng would it takeB. how long it would takeC. how soon would it take D. how soon it would take73. It was the third time the villagers _ interviewed by the radio station.A. have beenB. had beenC. were D. are74. She came into the room quietly _ wake her friends.A. so as not toB. so as to notC. not so as

352、 toD. soshe does not75. I arrived late; I _ the traffic to be so heavy this morning.A. wasnt expectingB. wouldnt expectC. havent expectedD. hadnt expectedPart IV Cloze Test (10 points)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B,

353、C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answeron the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.A headache is one of mans most common enemies. Most people get headaches from time to time. Probably more than 90% percent of all headaches are 76 by worry or tension. Modern living 77 tensions

354、 for everybody, at work, at school and 78 at home. Then, what can we do about tension and worry in our life? 79 , find out what is causing the tension. It may result from feelings or emotions. Do you 80 too much over what people think of you, over your clothes, or about 81 you did? Second, find a wa

355、y of 82 tension. Gardening, walking, running swimming or any 83 suitable for your age will help. Then, look at your way of life. Ask yourself, where am I going? And why? Learn the 84 of relaxation. Lie down in a dark quiet room and relax 85 much as possible by taking several slow breaths. Let all yo

356、ur muscles relax.76. A. encouragedB. aroused C. causedD. presented77. A. containsB. suffersC. relaxesD. owns78. A. especiallyB. evenC. somehowD. generally79. A. ThusB.HoweverC.FirstD. Besides80. A. considerB. worry C. careD. imagine81. A. whatB. how C. when D. where82. A. improving B. activatingC. s

357、uffering D. reducing83. A. solutionB. activityC. practiceD. deed84. A. secret B. mysteryC. usefulnessD. function85. A. soB. very C. for D. asPaper Two 试卷二(30 minutes)Part V Writing (15 points)Directions: You are to write in 100120 words on the topic “Choosing Careers”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 有些人认为家长应该为孩子安排未来的职业;2. 孩子认为应该由自己决定将来的工作;3. 谈谈你的看法。2013 年答案:1-5 DADDC6-10 CCCAC11-15 BBADD16-20 DDDDA21-25 CBACA26-30 CDCDD 31-35 ACBAB 36-40 BCDDB41-45 DBDAB46-50 AACAB 51-55 ADADA 56-60 DBACB61-65 DBBAA66-70 CDDAB71-75 DBCAD 76-80 CABCC81-85 ADBAD



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