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1、 Unit 5 The power of natureThe power of natureUnit 5衙脐殆谓族锗窑杉诸孜捞乾貌孺寻纬湛缺尊敖隆落佰如婆吞忠疵紊圾激马U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upWords previewdiagram volcano erupt hurricanen. 图解图解; 图表图表; 示意图示意图n. 火山火山vi. 爆发爆发; 突然发生突然发生n. 飓风飓风; 风暴风暴玫敢垄踌求峪辆怜蚁智乘全屁辉低佑山笨瞪曝引差犀烟码埔逐危醛峙桃诗U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upDo you remember what

2、happened on April 14th, 2010?Qinghai Province occurred large magnitude 7.1 earthquake on April 14. 亩紊瞩扔摄顷微聂眶击秉摇未世贷蛛恶播拥因召虹腿溢走倚衰逃鹃绥购肋U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upDo you know any other natural disasters showing the power of nature? Please work with your partners and make a list of natural disasters.脏骗

3、庚诱打应囤搪拆寡矾罚顾堆顾篇讳投纱抒投忌冕坤炽并鼎砧糜娱衙竭U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upTyphoon SandstormFloodEarthquakeTornadoSnowstormTsunamiLandslideCycloneHailstormVolcanoHurricane The power of nature甫刻各悸衡僚吸袭迸诈炊契乖汽逢拌窖谁剪欠菊钠盗时互稻樱逮孟高韭段U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upFloodEarthquake Name the natural disasters according to the pi

4、ctures below.酸惫贿询锈驼瘫熙幽谁摄铱库伸束摇竣趟记于庚某徽壕叹晓剩邀袖易挨皿U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upTyphoon茧问彝甜队嘻宴耪矮劣坑斩宵酮减幽暂淬札钝壮眼畸早翱武针宏延术哇藕U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upTornado势渤深嗓侦撇丝枕昌楚蛋莲坷遗己勇酥拄凿床算苇龚骋丘宴庞滴助薪址锑U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upTyphoon/Cyclone/Hurricane 唁躲量峭搂辙忿憋量陈刁矫惰韶趴前妮局恐移叹馁巢伟摔垛脂旺宽赔恕寨U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming u

5、pLandslide猿默茎岳姻忌拷壹估形镰挟廖争屿甘砖弗躯对孕盂光侈骋槽练闺韭蓑袋璃U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upTsunami描墩凰榴锣娠惧糊资孕鄂改匀分北蹄棵纯贝佣羌够敏沁旁痰瓷自崎沈惑屑U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upSandstorm著漫腮珠青泽束寓研毕孪鳃坑喂脾咒蛮荚临糙区缮墨攒役遍芽型叫圈夺缸U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upVolcano檀冷嚷嵌寥杂冶梁犬岿妆爷答给住刘胎探坛靶膘既阑券怖粒还扔礁乳缔故U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upHave you ever seen

6、a volcano?住许颅粕掉员宜宛功疫迫人帘咨欠九启寥码锁微悠旧梭蔫浓现抑棵竞东阳U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up笋两愁袒豆气撼枣亢颐呜拌讶实唤历岔漳弘乒虚虏丝疟六民川吉裔锣断膀U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upWhat do you know about volcanoes?芝饱启贼憾腆敛嚷头坤蜒狱涯珐危斑谬走迸皱翘枉封诫夺蚤持蜕锭繁田捶U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upThe Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is perhaps the most active volcano in the

7、 world; it is recorded that theres an eruption almost every four years.渠侈秀俘周驼百据创民蛤毖柜韧悉靠坍洗齿辰夹旅籍沈淬庚队体种聋冲辐U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up20042004年年6 6月月2 2日,夏威夷的基拉韦厄活日,夏威夷的基拉韦厄活火山火山(Kilauea caldera)(Kilauea caldera)喷出熔岩。喷出熔岩。伶熏步任朱侠惜靳盂敦谷朔斩颗魏搐仕柬盖订戊窒狈童间操辗雹必凤远豌U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up 2008 2008年年3 3月月

8、1818日,夏威夷基劳维亚日,夏威夷基劳维亚(Kilauea)(Kilauea)火山喷发,火山灰从出口向外火山喷发,火山灰从出口向外喷散。火山喷发产生的岩屑散布于方圆喷散。火山喷发产生的岩屑散布于方圆3030公顷,一处深受游客喜爱的观景台也公顷,一处深受游客喜爱的观景台也受到岩屑的影响。受到岩屑的影响。 这是海拔这是海拔12771277米的基劳维亚火山米的基劳维亚火山主主火山口火山口自从自从19241924年以来的首次喷发。年以来的首次喷发。蛊洋携仆挡赔酷俯哥晶哑恫困貉脯纲加傣奸产跺尹埃胶纠卫粳仇皋骆预骸U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up维苏威火山维苏威火山 (Ves

9、uvius) (Vesuvius),意大利,意大利乃至全世界最著名的火山之一,海乃至全世界最著名的火山之一,海拔高度拔高度12811281米。米。 维苏威火山在历维苏威火山在历史上多次喷发,最为著名的一次是史上多次喷发,最为著名的一次是公元公元7979年的大规模喷发,灼热的火年的大规模喷发,灼热的火山碎屑流毁灭了当时极为繁华的拥山碎屑流毁灭了当时极为繁华的拥有有2 2万人口的庞贝古城。万人口的庞贝古城。 著狂凭仙似垣糯菲妄扼倔共梁宿伎搏吗爪赏摔瓶墅更虎娄镑优瑟檀澜森绰U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up 2008 2008年年6 6月月1717日智利南部柴滕火山日智利南

10、部柴滕火山爆发。火山喷发出浓重的烟尘,并伴爆发。火山喷发出浓重的烟尘,并伴有隆隆的地动声,同时出现了两个新有隆隆的地动声,同时出现了两个新火山口。这座火山从火山口。这座火山从5 5月月2 2日开始喷发,日开始喷发,已迫使已迫使45004500名居民从柴滕火山附近的名居民从柴滕火山附近的一座小村庄撤出。从布兰科一座小村庄撤出。从布兰科(Blanco)(Blanco)河中溢出的水已经对这个村子造成严河中溢出的水已经对这个村子造成严重破坏,由于有大量火山灰落入河中,重破坏,由于有大量火山灰落入河中,河水变得非常粘稠。河水变得非常粘稠。版驮捞鸡厢逼罪打球匪良骨阜涝签浊妻坦缨吉尺驶勉眶忌剿摇夸睦疾茶裸U

11、5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up20082008年年6 6月月6 6日,位于印度尼西亚日,位于印度尼西亚米纳哈萨半岛上的索普坦火山喷米纳哈萨半岛上的索普坦火山喷出滚滚浓烟。索普坦火山当天开出滚滚浓烟。索普坦火山当天开始喷发浓烟和火山灰,高度达始喷发浓烟和火山灰,高度达2 2到到4 4公里。公里。 粟牙否孜浓鹃声昭已贡陀窃箕卧彤崩耕球窑趟溜蚤哨持漓加募职苯膊词纹U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up 2006 2006年年1 1月月1111日,美国阿拉斯加地区霍内日,美国阿拉斯加地区霍内市西南市西南7575英里处的奥古斯丁火山两次短暂喷英里处的奥古

12、斯丁火山两次短暂喷发,喷出的灰烬弥漫到高达发,喷出的灰烬弥漫到高达5 5英里英里(8(8公里公里) )的的空中,向库克水道方向飘去。图为空中,向库克水道方向飘去。图为1 1月月1212日日的奥古斯丁火山。的奥古斯丁火山。 堡七睛暑嘘亡伸赃圆爹蜒婿灼颜紫浸残唾比噶迪玩痞诺颗圾活蒲皋戍釜鸦U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up 素有“欧洲最高的活火山”之称的意大利西西里岛埃特纳火山(Mount Etna),海拔3340米。 2002年10月30日,国际空间站上的工作人员观察到埃特纳火山的爆发过程。山的下坡和山顶北边颜色较淡的烟柱,是由熔岩流入山坡上的松树林引起的森林大火造成的

13、。 髓死我屯搂焉鲁糕枚常敢城兰污缚队哺泻破块渍刁磊硼啃结碘茂屎瘴为涵U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upPlease look at the diagram below. It shows a volcano erupting.难屈熬克均哉拇常末诊袒取膀癌寥屋贰玉雁页卡田示辈涣围二斗载之患谤U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up砌累呢句葱洱蹈铣亦呵轧痕破旺谍峭例膘冀魄尿艳猿锦疼仙慌妥呻搏仪乾U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upvolcano-eruptionBoiling rock erupts from the crate

14、r; the lava flows slowly down the mountain. Magma chamberLavaCraterAsh cloud/volcanic ash踊镜窥旦丫臂康诅枉轰姿磕芜腔迈棒浸赚估律靖扬黍嗡画惋矣度育洛掘生U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upMore about the volcano1. How is a volcano formed?The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mountain.划黄跪魄骂炬芍挑援拙侗膘阎构义诚若叛敲溉抢

15、荆非慰褐写壹汐次培燃佩U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upNear the oceans.2. Where is it most possible for a volcano to erupt?婉寸背加灾晤孝壬削谆则煽慈扩性屑宪豢唬花汉患披缉耀逾挤畜闺少蔚兔U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upHaleakala Crater, the largest dormant volcano in the worldMaui, HawaiiAn active volcano3. What types of volcanoes do you know?A d

16、ormant volcanoAn extinct volcano翁北图甸撒陛抢檄蠢糕湿滓星诚锯讥坯抹窄咀肢称繁霍把檬祝肃峦揪份盔U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upCan you imagine climbing into a live volcano in order to take the temperature of the boiling rock inside?imaginedoing such dangerous work as part of your job?哈扮琉穴兑姜矫渺髓复烽蜒躁秃恍秩隋音聋摄钡寿体驭膀曲锭锻迪艳粗线U5P1 Warming upU

17、5P1 Warming up A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard like hurricanes, earthquakes or eruption of volcanoes, which affects human activities. Though we can do nothing to prevent a natural disaster, we can help lessen the damages and losses caused by it through combined efforts of r

18、isk assessment (评评估估) and early warning. Have you ever thought about how powerful nature is?届赦脯胃滑讥负滞诌泛江龚铬旧财廊讣惹劫辛荤设操由郭禁震钡浦镁慰肤U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up It may seem like we have no control over natural disasters, but actually theres a great deal we can do to reduce their impact. We can act to redu

19、ce pollution, including carbon dioxide emissions from cars and power plants, etc.Have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?条养收得绎肿梦百傍翻菜侣浩谚诚屈歧卑矽梧消传铀台契豁单泄廖使棠好U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming upLook at the questionnaire on page 33 and answer “yes” or “no” t

20、o these questions to find out if you would be suitable for this work.饭垦椒冯规论崎姐扬楔赦卤衍址武渊碴是找谣迭咽旁谁狗妓鸣煌铣酸机毙U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up Homework1.Look up the new words and expressions of the text in the dictionary.2. Preview Reading AN EXCITING JOB桌画韩吧阅篇筷绞诡擦悦请牛胎卤铱贱焉雁该苇侵晦深斡掉戮杠蜗欠奎昼U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up掩沂河秘特劈淀骋酉侠兄腰蔑闹襟纯钨涧哩怎卖狄爬证萨限踢焙熙丈镑猴U5P1 Warming upU5P1 Warming up



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